Unreal. Friend of mine from high school just received nearly $1,000 as a part of a settlement because Donald Trump’s businesses stole tips from service workers. pic.twitter.com/pQKRhb31Uo
— Zach Wahls (@ZachWahls) January 5, 2020
And don’t let anyone ever tell you that wage theft isn’t a real problem. It’s a huge issue and it affects millions of people.
— Zach Wahls (@ZachWahls) January 5, 2020
Unclear but hopefully
— Zach Wahls (@ZachWahls) January 5, 2020
It posted in my account! Now we see if it actually clears the fed! ??
— Andrew Redlawsk (@AndrewRedlawsk) January 6, 2020
"How is it possible that you’re getting payouts from the president for stealing tips?
In 2011, @AndrewRedlawsk worked as a caterer for the Trump Soho, when the Trump Organization was pocketing a service fee that was disguised as a worker's gratuity. https://t.co/MFiArfJWpI
— Michelle Legro (@michellelegro) January 7, 2020
West of the Rockies
The Trump clan: greedy, dishonest money piglets all.
Such scumbags.
Was this lawsuit under way when he was campaigning? I realize that even the stories of him stiffing plumbers and carpenters didn’t make a dent, but jezus the Trumps are just ruthlessly crooked.
Omnes Omnibus
@West of the Rockies: I’ll just let you know that our porcine readers are really pissed right now.
If this story gets any traction in the MSM, cue the flying monkeys: counter top inspections of the principals in the lawsuit, slurs about moochers abusing tort law, and all the other RWNJ playbook.
And another day goes by with absolutely no evidence that the Trump is anything other than a complete scumbag. Not a single redeeming act.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
but her emails.
imagine the feeding frenzy if Obama or Clinton had stole a nickel from some working class white.
Yet Dump stole millions and corporate media yawned.
Omnes Omnibus
I wanted to be contrary and point out some little thing, but, nope, I got nothing. He is really that bad.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
NBC had this story on how Dump was sued for stiffing illegal polish laborers, who were being paid minimum wage. (imagine living on minimum wage in NYC)
They interviewed one of the immigrants who had become a citizen and he confirmed the story but said he was still going to vote for Dump.
he fucked these guys over, but they still wanted to vote for him because he promised them the elixir of white supremacy.
@David Merry Christmas Koch
And it’s not 68 stories, either.
Was watching a Warren event on YouTube and the algorithm recommended this obscure academic lecture from June 2007 on “The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class”:
Right before the recession started later that year…
Such a pile of shit crime family in so many ways. Thanks purity assholes.
Amir Khalid
My YouTube recs have been full of the lamentations of Everton fans, whose lost an FA Cup* match 1-0 on Sunday to Liverpool. The Merseyside derby loss was by itself not so bad, but what really stings is that Liverpool were resting most of their usual lineup; Everton’s Premier League squad, by definition the club’s very best team, lost to a Liverpool side consisting mostly of teenagers from its academy. (Think of an NFL side losing to a high school team. Yes, that bad.) Lots of “We’ve been beat by a bunch of fooking kids. The team are shit, fooking shit. They don’t fooking deserve to wear the shirt. [Everton manager Carlo] Ancelotti should sell the fooking lot of them.” It was sweet.
*England’s Football Association Cup is the oldest knockout (i.e. playoff) tournament in the world.
Keith P
Don’t blame me. I voted for Popeil.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
Given how they normally operate, it would have been surprising if the Trump Org weren’t doing this.
Tweet via Reddit sums it up pretty well.
Patricia Kayden
hells littlest angel
A stolen tip here, and a stolen tip there — next thing you know you’re talking about real money.
Talking about real money, as in pretending you’re a billionaire.
Amir Khalid
@hells littlest angel:
Without Fred Trump’s money, the Trumps would be a bunch of mere petty crooks.
@Amir Khalid:
Patricia Kayden
Isn’t it ironic?
Because of the possibility of war with Iran, it won’t be a blip on the news. Sure would be nice if this was the theme of the Bloomberg’s ad during the Super Bowl. Talking about someone shittin in a gold toilet.
@Baud: Yup.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Patricia Kayden: Iran probably copied the missile guidance system North sold them, updated it, and used it last night on the Americans.
I wish the asshole billionaires were buying Facebook ads daily highlighting all of the fraud cases that Trump has settled just since he became president. Just keep posting these.
I waitressed on and off for years–working evenings let me paint during the day. I liked helping people, and liked the fact that you are moving as opposed to sitting, but you work your ass off. Stealing tips is just beyond slimy. Nice photo showing the arrogant up-tilt of their collective heads.