I just realized my daughter, Grace got a Barbie Camper and a Barbie Science Lab for Christmas which is essentially a Barbie Breaking Bad starter kit. #BreakingBad @AMC_TV @aaronpaul_8 #barbie pic.twitter.com/bBUzgFepsb
— Greg Tindale (@gregtindale) January 5, 2020
Sharing is caring
pic.twitter.com/sWJtAMPtND— Akki (@akkitwts) January 9, 2020
(World’s most tolerant husky)
Getting British people to not talk about how completely fucked they are is what the monarchy exists for https://t.co/J46l9dTUIa
— Big Malarkey Lobbyist (@MenshevikM) January 8, 2020
It me, right now…
Deflated Hedgehog pic.twitter.com/44QNJMQ91W
— 41 Strange (@41Strange) January 3, 2020
Scorcese’s The Irishman is really overrated.
Good night!
Cancer succumbs to the might of the Notorious R.B.G.
She starts the new year cancer free and with an industrial sized can of Whoop-Ass!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Inventor: when I turn 85, I’m gonna start doing planks and push-ups too
Brexit is just the Trumpiest thing ever.
You have a passport that allows you unlimited opportunity to work, study, and live in 27 of the wealthiest and most developed countries in the history of the world.
You are going to tear that up and throw it away to “own” the Polish plumbers that come to do the work you don’t want to do. And because of the untapped economic opportunities in Birmingham, Leeds, and Liverpool.
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
Been very busy, but time for a nightcap at one of my favorite cocktail lounges, The Dearborn.
Nice to see that there IS such a thing as a Barbie Science Lab these days. Barbies weren’t allowed to do stuff like that when I was a kid.
@Inventor: I was watching the evening news earlier, and the anchor intoned in a serious voice “and after the break some news about Ruth Bader Ginsburg” and I started hyperventilating and thinking “ohshitohshitohshit.”
What a relief to know it’s good news.
Viva BrisVegas
It was very hush hush in those days, but how do you think she made Ken?
@Kent: The alternative would be to obey the new EU rules requiring financial disclosure, and no one wants to do that. Well, no one who donates large sums to the Tories.
John Revolta
@AliceBlue: Assholes do that on purpose. They know that no way are you changing the channel after that.
Also: that poor hedgehog looks just like I feel at the end of a typical news cycle nowdays. I wanna go back to No Drama!
@AliceBlue: Me, too!!! And, yes! Such wonderful news!♥️?
Poetic justice would be President Warren DEMANDING even stronger financial disclosure rules as part of any new US-UK trade agreement to save their economy from the ashes. And the EU doing the same. Heh….
” a Barbie Science Lab for Christmas which is essentially a Barbie Breaking Bad starter kit. ”
But where is the Ken and Barbie SWAT team?
Kay (not the front-pager)
I just love the large dog who gingerly finds an edge of the dog bed to lie on so as not to disturb the entitled cat sleeping dead center. It reminds me of the second heated dog bed my son bought for his hairless chihuahua. The idea was that the cat that likes to bully him can’t sleep in 2 beds at once, so he at least would have someplace warm to sleep. It works, but only if the cat thinks he’s sleeping in the bed the dog really wants to be in.
To be fair, the cats were very patient with the dog for a long time, thinking eventually he would grow up. They have decided that at 11 years old he is no longer a kitten (or dog equivalent) and they are no longer cutting him any slack.
Love the kitty and the husky, and the deflated hedgehog! Do we think the hedgehog is real?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
sad news, but he had a good run
I’d put in a word for To Die For, a darkly funny film and the best Nicole Kidman performance I’ve seen
This gave me a chuckle – too cute!
Because I rarely have a significant fever and I don’t have kids who would get them, I had forgotten that my thermometer makes a very concerned “chirp” when I have anything over a 100 degree fever.
So, yeah, Day 2 of the flu has been going swimmingly, and I’m still mad that the flu shot I got in October didn’t include this strain. ?
The Dangerman
This summer, Trump will probably be extolling the wonders of Brexit just about the time the riots start.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh no! For a long time, I only knew him from the OG SNL – then I read about him and learned more about his work in film
Amir Khalid
Last night (for me, anyway) I mentioned a favourite YouTuber, Dr Becky. Her videos are a delightful mix of astrophysics and girlish enthusiasm. Check her out.
World’s most tolerant *husky*?? That’s the world’s most tolerant cat!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You don’t normally see a snowman with this type of core strength!
Adam L Silverman
@Kent: Don’t forget Burnley!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I really hated “The Graduate” when I was younger, but now I see it as a tragedy about Mrs. Robinson, who allowed herself to be trapped into a bad marriage and takes her resentment out on everyone around her. That whole scene when Benjamin gets her to admit that she had to drop out of college because she got pregnant is … ooof. And Anne Bancroft carries it off like no one else could have.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Big fan of his film – “Day of the Dolphin”
This is good, about Australia. You’ll recognize all of it as also happening in the US. Different issues, same response:
Conservatives really believed it when they said that they could make their own reality, but some things are big enough to cut through the bullshit.
I hope the opposition parties in Australia are up to the challenge and don’t get caught up in petty bickering.
The Dangerman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
It has been decades since I have seen it, but I recall Buck Henry was hilarious in Eating Raoul (one of the funniest movies ever), too.
@Mnemosyne: Ugh, how frustrating. A cold is one thing, but nothing makes a difference with flu – it’s just feeling really shitty 24/7 for several days (although I find hot & sour or tom yum soup sometimes gives me a very brief respite). Hope it passes soon.
The patient husky and the cat remind me of my son’s pug and my late wonderful akbash (140 pounds) sharing a large bed, which they divided exactly in half. It never occurred to Emma that Teddi was somewhat larger than she was.
Another Scott
RGB!RBG!!RIP Buck. :-(
In other news…
Of course. It’s what FB does.
(via nycsouthpaw)
Biff Longbotham
What’s up with these people that leave a full car length (or more!) between their car and the one in front when stopped at a light! Is this just a Virginia thing? I never saw this back in Chi-Raq.
Patricia Kayden
I just want them to be infamous- loathed historical figures. Rupert Murdoch, blamed, not just short term but long after he dies. I feel they’ve earned that kind of place in history. “These are the people who destroyed their own countries during this period”:
@Kent: How can those countries be developed if they don’t even speak English? – Nigel Farage, probably
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t believe Russia, or anyone, has dirt on Lindsey Graham, but he seems to want to encourage those rumors
Amir Khalid
In my experience, educated people from the EU countries that are not Britain speak excellent English, or at least better English than Nigel Farage, and unlike him they generally don’t speak with a forked tongue.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think the Lee and Paul “opposition” to Trump’s briefing was orchestrated. It must be time for congressional Republicans to pretend to be a separate branch again. Trump probably gave them special permission to feign outrage. But not too much outrage. Not enough to actually do anything.
@Amir Khalid: Yes, but a lot of Brits don’t have much experience with Europe, besides going on cheap holidays in the Mediterranean in places where there’s mostly just other Brits.
Happy Birthday Shirley Bassey! Heard this a few minutes ago, streaming on The Current (Minneapolis NPR).
Amir Khalid
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Maybe Senator Graham is just a really bad judge of political speeches.
Splitting Image
RBG getting the all-clear has to be the greatest news of the year so far.
Sorry to hear about Buck Henry. I had totally forgotten he was in Eating Raoul. He was also the screenwriter for Mike Nichols’ Catch-22. He did a pretty good job helping to make that book filmable.
Get Smart was just a work of genius all around.
Eric S.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: In Chicago? I had lunch there a week ago. First time I went there even though I work down the street.
Eric S.
I arrived home about 1 hour ago. The corner I live on was populated by fire trucks and police vehicles. They were focused on house 3 doors down. Pretty scary fire based on pic I got from a neighbor. All is safe now but Ozzie the Cat is frazzled.
Jim Bunning gazes up from Hell, weeping.
Amir Khalid
@Biff Longbotham:
I think it has to do with local driving habits. In a place with a lot of wannabe drag racers, keeping a car’s length away from the vehicle in front of you at a traffic light might be prudent.
@Kay: I’m skeptical that Dump has the maturity to handle anything more than slavish praise.
But I don’t think Paul or Lee are anything he needs to worry his ugly, empty head about. He will, but he doesn’t need to.
I like how dad picked him up and just sort of reset him. Didn’t seem like the kid knew any different.
BBC The World played the clip of Morrison bringing in a lump of coal into the legislature and sneeringly telling the members not to be afraid of it.
They should be throwing that back in his face non-stop.
Mike in Pasadena
Serious question: why does nobody in the lame stream media discuss Trump’s slurring, sniffing, inability to pronounce easy words such as tolerated, his gasping for breath after walking ten feet, etc.?
Have the Republicans so cowed reporters and commentators that they are afraid? Is it off limits to ask whether the president is unwell? What?
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@Eric S.: Yes, indeed.
Some people were saying that Lee seemed to be genuinely pissed, like it honestly hadn’t occurred to him before that he was one of the rubes, not one of the insiders.
Paul is probably there to keep Lee from doing something rash, like declaring himself an independent and caucusing with the Democrats.
Isn’t that how change happens though? First one person sees something that they’ve overlooked for a long time and doesn’t say much in response. Then another, then a couple more then the tide shifts and someone sees the whole trail. And gets pissed. And then the avalanche begins. How many congressional republicans, haven’t said a word but are not running, a couple of them find their balls……
Eric S.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: I ws just down the street at Randolph Tavern tonight.
I’ve noticed “smug reassurances” are never followed by “quiet, concerted competence”. The smug reassurance phase seems to guarantee the blind panic phase that follows.
I saw that but I don’t buy it. Through this whole thing they’ve tried to have it both ways- they’re warmongers for the warmonger part of the base and non-interventionists for the other part. That’s Trump’s play. They’re just following Dear Leader, as per usual.
It’s absolutely incoherent but it doesn’t matter- none of them believe in anything anyway.
@Mike in Pasadena: Twitter seems to be having a field day with it, begging the national snooze media to start asking questions
Dear Quinerly:
I heard about Poco???
Of all the dogs here at BJ, I always thought that Poco was my thought of what I always wanted in a dog. Reading of your travels and adventures these past few years have been a joy.
Poco knows that he was loved. So very loved.
Poco and the member of his tribe that he’s met up with…. they are sending you love??????
Barbie has a dump truck. I know this, cause I just sent one to my niece in Minnesota
Every fucking one of them should be feeling a sense of panic. They’re just now realizing there could be consequences. I trust Australia to do the right thing, to show the United States how to deal with these pricks.
Patricia Kayden
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Kent: It’s really weird how they hate the Pols.
In an article during the Brexit vote some leave voters interviewed were spitting angry over understaffed nursing jobs going to immigrant Pols. They would rather suffer and have critical jobs go empty than have Caroline Wozniacki (photo) fill it.
@Amir Khalid: Thanks for the intro to Dr. Becky. I just watched two of her videos. Very interesting and delightful.
James E Powell
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Curious to know if there is a UK equivalent of Davis X Machina’s archetype – those who will volunteer to live in a cardboard box under an overpass and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, etc.
I recall some interviews right after the Brexit where if it weren’t for the accents they were indistinguishable from Trump supporters.
The Pale Scot
@Kent: To be fair, the Poles undercut Brit tradesman by a substantial amount. Unless people think everyone should be making no more than the minimum it’s a problem. On the other hand, there are EU laws and reg processes available to the UK to limit this, and if it weren’t for the Romanian etc migrant labour root vegetables would go unharvested. But the Tories and Tory light (Blair) have no interest in availing themselves of this, their so OK watching the race to the bottom of everyone that isn’t living off their assets. The outrageous price of a ploughman these days and all that, they should bloody well be happy with what’s offered
James E Powell
@Mike in Pasadena:
I could be way off here, but I believe that they all have so much invested in Trump as president, in his supporters as good-hearted RealAmericans®, and in the Republican Party as the strong and wise Daddy Party, that they cannot bring themselves to admit that everything they believe in and everything they’ve been telling the world is a lie and that they have done incalculable damage to the nation. They are never going to admit that their takedown of Hillary Clinton was a mistake. They are going to keep pretending Trump is fit for office until the day everyone agrees he isn’t after which they will never mention his name again.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Are you Yakko or Wakko?
On a serious note, Brexit is a slap in the face to the Poles for their country’s help in the war. Just utterly shameful.
Amir Khalid
Look for her video on Brian May’s doctoral thesis. That one’s way cool.
Mary G
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Just saw this. I loved Buck Henry.
Major Major Major Major
@The Pale Scot:
I’m guessing that there are also shenanigans like the ones on this side of the pond where people are being paid sub-minimum wage, having their wages stolen, etc. Those things are WAY easier to do when the people you hire don’t understand the language and/or the laws of their new country.
Amir Khalid
You are no doubt well aware of a known perpetrator, the property businessman and politician Donald J. … uh, something.
@James E Powell:
Damn good assessment all around. I think they’re not very invested in Trump personally, but that the Republican Party is the party of deranged, dumb-as-shit racists is unthinkable. There are so many side elements here, too, that all point in the same direction. Their status as savvy experts who know politics is a game. Their general love of Republican policies and attitudes, which might mean they themselves are racist. Not wanting to speak badly of their personal friends. And so on.
Something beautiful and wild,
41 Strange had the overview photo up today, but the headland photo matches as well.
Viva BrisVegas
The principal response is a concerted campaign on the part of talk radio, the Murdoch press, Facebook bots and the government itself, to fix the blame for the bushfire crisis firmly on “left wing greenies”.
The logic, such as it is, is that “greenies” have legislatively prevented the controlled burnoffs which would have reduced the fuel load in the forests and so saved the country from this crisis.
The fact that “greenies have never been in control of government anywhere doesn’t seem to register. That there is no such anti burnoff legislation is ignored. That the “greenies” actually support burnoffs is irrelevant.
As far as I can see the Murdoch spin is winning the argument. It is fast becoming perceived wisdom that the bushfire crisis has been caused by greens (with Labor thrown in as accomplices).
@Viva BrisVegas: don’t forget all the fires were started by arsonists! So there! No climate change at all! /s
joel hanes
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t believe Russia, or anyone, has dirt on Lindsey Graham
If that NRA money came originally from Russia (and IIRC, some of it did), you can bet that Putin has the receipts.
@Biff Longbotham: it’s a Virginia thing. People actually wait and do merges with a car from each lane taking turns. I remember driving down from Boston on a college road trip and realizing we were on the far side of the Beltway from our exit, which was coming up fast. The driver was panicking. “Just turn on your signal, they’ll let you across.” She did and they did. It was a major freak out for the New Yorkers and Bostonians in the car. Folks dined out on that story for years.
People will argue that this isn’t so, but they are wrong.
@Kay: The contrast between the firefighters and politicians couldn’t be greater. We are currently in the midst of an attempt by the Murdoch media to blame everyone except truly responsible. #scomoisacunt
@Amir Khalid: My Dutch friends often speak better English than I do. And most of them learned it on their own.
@Kay: @Viva BrisVegas: I heard a pretty good interview today with a novelist/activist named Richard Flanagan on the AU fires and the effects of a Murdoch controlled press:
From Ian Masters’ “Background Briefing” on KPFK. It’s about 20 minutes long.
TS (the original)
Not much bickering – but massive incompetence with the current opposition. They spend all their time acting like the government because they think that is what will get them elected. Useless.
Mike in Pasadena
@James E Powell: bingo
@FelonyGovt: “Math is hard!”
Sloane Ranger
To be fair, three years of gridlock and the main opposition party being “led” by a man who tried to triangulate between the leave and remain factions of his own party (while personally being sympathetic to leaving the EU) created a piss or get off the pot attitude among the electorate. This, allied with negative perceptions about the ideological positions being pushed by Corbyn’s Labour party led to people in even former safe Labour seats deciding that the Tories were the least worse of two bad choices. We now wait to see what actually happens post Brexit with a sort of grim determination, convinced that whatever happens, it’s got to be better than the last few years, since we will have the opportunity to evaluate the impact and make decisions on what we do then based on our experiences.
Harry and Meghan’s decision, on the other hand, will have an impact on the long term operational effectiveness of the Royal family. As Robert Sneddon explained in another thread last night, the Monarch relies on having a number of other royals available to assist with official duties. In her early years, the Queen had a mother, sister and a host of Aunts and cousins to help her out. Currently, with Andrew out of the picture, we have Charles, William, Harry, their wives, Anne and Edward.
I suspect that Charles’ plan to slim down the paid, active duty list was based on the assumption that Harry and Meghan would do their bit until William’s three reached an age where they could take over. Their loss, basically, will create a staffing problem, especially as Anne is nearly the same age as Charles and Edward has always been lower profile and it is clear that neither wants their children involved.