Today in water is wet reporting:
U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are assessing whether Russia is trying to undermine Joe Biden in its ongoing disinformation efforts with the former vice president still the front-runner in the race to challenge President Donald Trump, according to two officials familiar with the matter.
The probe comes as senior U.S. officials are warning that Russia’s election interference in 2020 could be more brazen than in the 2016 presidential race or the 2018 midterm election.
Part of the inquiry is to determine whether Russia is trying to weaken Biden by promoting controversy over his past involvement in U.S. policy toward Ukraine while his son worked for an energy company there.
YA THINK?!?!?!?!
As I delineated way back in September when The New York Time‘s Ken Vogel was peddling his agitprop about Hunter Biden and Vice President Biden with a “I’m just asking questions here…” smirk, the Russians started this disinformation and agitprop based influence campaign against Vice President Biden in 2014. Because they thought that he was likely to run for president in 2016 and they were starting their campaign to dirty up every potential candidate tied to President Obama’s administration and that administration’s actions regarding Russia.
In 2014 Russian propaganda went off-the-rails demonizing Ukraine, w/ a blizzard of fake news to justify annexing Crimea & invading Ukraine after Ukrainians rose up to oust Putin's puppet. Russia's disinformation said Ukr's democracy movement was a US coup, invoking Hunter Biden.
— Paula Chertok? (@PaulaChertok) May 11, 2019
The RIA-Novosti, a Russian state backed news outlet, excerpt that Paula Chertok reported on back in May 2019 and posted above is from May 2014. It also includes allegations against Hunter Biden, Vice President Biden, and then Secretary of State Kerry’s step-son. There was informed speculation in 2014 that both Vice President Biden and Secretary Kerry were considering presidential runs in 2016. This initial piece of agitprop and disinformation, casually placed in a Russian state backed news media article, forms the basis for the Black PSYOP that I’ve delineated and written about here over the past several months. A disinformation and agitprop laundry that includes the Republican members of Congress, especially those involved in the impeachment hearings in the House of Representatives, members of the US Senate, and Rudy Giuliani’s OANN documentary.
There can be no doubt that Russia is not just continuing its political warfare campaign, as part of Putin’s undeclared war against the US, leveraging information warfare, cyber operations, and other active measures in 2020 to effect the 2020 campaign, but that the bullshit story about the Bidens and Ukraine is central to it. It is nice to see that both the news media and the US Intelligence Community are now focused on this reality, but it is unfortunate that they are late to the game.
Open thread!
Verify, verify, and oh yeah, VERIFY THAT SHIT NEWS PEOPLES!!!
Thanks for informative post. From examples you gave, Putin and his flunkies are much more sophisticated in how they catapult the propaganda than the Trumpsters.
I’d like a post from one of the foreign policy wonks on the reports that Trump admitted his assassination stunt was to please critical GOP supporters during the Senate trial. (I don’t specify whether from Adam or Cheryl in hopes of avoiding one of his ‘How dare you ask me to get you a sammich!” responses.)
And maybe this is an issue too speculative for a post, but why is the liar Pompeo waffling about what the imminent threat was that justified the assassination stunt, just as the liar Trump is issuing hilarious and implausible lies that there as an imminent threat against multiple embassies? There was an imminent threat to blow up, what, four or five US embassies? Really?
Have to wonder, with the news coming out if it’s a toss up in my mind whether Pelosi should send over impeachment or reopen hearings.
I hope law enforcement remembers to read Trump his Miranda rights before they interrogate him.
@Yutsano: Only quibble I have with this post is that corporate media will report it, or report it straight.
@jl: You know, it’s just possible that Pelosi decided to send over the impeachment charges only after the brouhaha over Iran died down a bit.
Adam L Silverman
I just wrote my paid weekly column on this. Here’s a relevant portion:
@Barbara: Causality is often a complex network. I agree that may be a factor too.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks, I’ll go find it and read it. Or maybe I did and am disoriented by all the crud and pus that is coming out of this administration.
I’m sure the story behind today’s odd contradictions will come out soon enough.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: It won’t post at the site that pays me to do these till tomorrow.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
And Moscow Mitch and the rest of the GOP thinks this is just fine. Jesus fucking Christ, Trump has the nuclear football! He could kill us all!
Don’t any these assholes have a sense of self-preservation!? Why won’t they act to remove him? He’s clearly unstable and a threat. I get that removing Trump would backfire politically on the GOP, but I have to think that their own lives and the lives of their friends and families (not to the mention the rest of the world) are worth more than that. What’s the point of being a Senator (or “rich” for that matter) if the world is in radioactive ruins?
I think reporters need to start asking pols like McConnell if they feel safe with Trump as president. To ask them what’s the guarantee that Trump’s not going to push the button and start a global nuclear war
BC in Illinois
A related (not too far off-topic) item of politics and technology.
Earlier today, I retweeted/commented on a tweet of Emmanuel Macron [“we will no longer sign agreements with powers that do not respect the Paris Climate Agreement”]. The instant I sent it, I was notified that I had a new follower (I have less than 200.) The new follower was from France; new to Twitter in January 2020; followed Macron, me, and four [!] others; and was represented by what seems to be a stock photo of “young attractive French woman.”
I am not surprised to have robotic followers on Twitter; there is no way to really avoid this. What surprised me was that it was instantaneous. There was no time for someone to see my retweet, consider it, and decide to follow me. It was done by a machine, obviously following Macron (perhaps on this particular issue or even on this particular tweet). The account has no followers, has sent no tweets, and now — an hour later — is following 11 people.
I would never have noticed it, if the notification hadn’t happened at the moment that I sent my retweet. The account is suspicious (it was too new and too small for Botometer to make any determination of its reality) and I don’t see it doing any harm.
Still, it is a bit disconcerting to see this kind of thing (whatever it is) happen in real time.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I don’t think he’s going to nuke Ohio – he needs the Electoral College votes to eke out a reelection. So you’re probably safe.
Jay C
And, no doubt contradict itself with some other, new storyline with about as much credibility as the previous ones….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
They honestly think nothing bad, I mean really bad, will ever happen to them. Maybe they’ll get caught with their hand in the cookie jar but they’ll get a slap on the wrist and then go back to business as usual.
Probably shouldn’t ask, but why is Bruce Willis shouting through a broken window while he’s peeing?
Commentor Daryl and his brother Darryl over at OTB said:
Friday, January 10, 2020 at 16:02
Made me laugh.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
What I meant, is that any use of nuclear weapons could lead to escalation, which could spiral into a global nuclear war. Like if, say, Trump nukes Iran. Even a limited nuclear exchange could have devastating worldwide effects, causing a mild nuclear winter that would destroy crops and leave millions, maybe billions, starving.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Aside from ol’ DC, where does a GOP politician live that is likely to be on a nuclear target list?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@OzarkHillbilly: I would not be surprised to hear tRump use that line as a “joke” at his next discount-Nuremburg rally, and then congratulate himself on his cleverness.
I’d love to hear Obama joke about this because it would drive the pusillanimous pamplemousse nuts: “The inside of Trump’s head is not a place I ever imagined spending my post-presidency, but at least I get the joint rent-free!”
The Dangerman
Ah, shit. Gotta go put on some Rush and crank it up.
RIP, Neil Peart. Not a huge Rush fan, but, damn, he could play. And he wasn’t THAT much older than I am. Fuck.
@The Dangerman: Saw them in concert a few times, they were huge when I was in high school. Brain cancer, damn.
@Adam L Silverman:
One thing that really bothers me about this is that, according to some accounts, the assassination of Soleimani was presented to Combover Caligula as a “nonserious” tactical option. Presumably, DoD would be presenting a set of tactical options as ways of implementing one or more strategies, e.g., “if you want to achieve x, then your tactical options include a, b, and c.” What strategy involves assassination of a general officer of a country with which you are not directly at war? The only strategy I can think of that would support that is you’ve already planned a major military action and you’re trying to conduct a quick decapitation of command to create momentary confusion that prevents an effective response. Otherwise, you’re actually creating more uncertainty for your own people, who probably have thoroughly studied Soleimani and have a good idea of what he’s up to and what his future plans might be.
You would think that professional military planners would not be presenting nonserious options, right? Has the disorganization of the White House thoroughly infected the Pentagon? Did they think this was some kind of joke? Or is there something bigger planned in the immediate future? Why are they sending additional troops?
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Nuclear winter should help with climate change.
Splitting Image
@The Dangerman:
Sad to hear it. He had a little flirtation with Ayn Rand back in the 1970s and has been apologizing for it ever since. Terrific player though.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
In a nuclear war, even in a limited one, the people who are vaporized in an explosion are the lucky ones. Sure, being high-level, elected government officals gives them some protection from something like this, but you have to come out of the bunker sometime and depending on how correct projections are, the Earth could be uninhabitable for humans for either several decades or centuries
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@The Dangerman:
Damn that’s sad. He was a talented drummer and lyricist. Power Windows is my favorite album of theirs and it really smacks
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Tch. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a proposed “solution” in a few decades by conservatives to climate change once it becomes undeniable even to them. A limited exchange in the ME should do it, preferably involving Iran. A future neo-Nazi GOP administration would probably be willing to sacrifice Israel or the KSA; after all the Israelis have nukes already, don’t they?
And there you go, peace in the middle east. For all time!
@Omnes Omnibus: Exactly, young Goku needs to think out of the box.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Now that’s the ‘out of the box’ thinking I was talking about. You’ll go far young Goku.
OT Hilarity.
Someone on anti-caste Twitter came up with this poll.
Which is the most persecuted community in India? (inspired by an earlier poll by
North Indian Brahmins 15.8%
Poor Brahmins 19.1%
Brahmins against chai tea 30.2%
Brahmin victims of quota 35%
692 votes · 1 day left
ETA: Despite being 3% of the population overall they rule the roost in India. Most of things you think as typically “Indian” are most likely typically Brahmin, like being vegetarian etc.
ETA2: Padma Laksmhmi’s NY Resolution for 2020 was no more Chai tea, for which she was flamed by many on activist/political Indian Twitter because she was largely silent about what was going on in India, despite being quite vocal about any perceived or real slight to Indians/Indian Americans
BTW Padma Lakshmi’s is Tamil Brahmin.
ETA3: I have quibbled about Chai Tea on here once but I give everyone the permission to say chai tea and naan bread and ghee butter if you amplify the horrors Modi and his cronies have unleashed in India.
Jay C
Well, I think that’s the thing: there’s a significant bloc of (what’s left of) our foreign-policy “establishment” who go on the bedrock assumption – and formulate US policy thereby – that we ARE “at war” with Iran. Maybe not a formal, declared, troop-movement/lines-of-battle war, but a “war” nonetheless. And a war against an Evil Empire. And that any and everything we can do to thwart any and every Iranian effort to do anything to extend its influence is both right and righteous. Justified by the Evil involved, of course.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Or just hit MA, NYC, CN, RI, etc.
Biden should have campaigned in Wisconsin
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@OzarkHillbilly: What you got against New England, dude?
Well folks, that’s all she wrote. It’s all over now. We are doomed.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: I’m trying to figure out where CN is. Unless that’s supposed to be CT. In which case yeah lay off the Eastern Seaboard plz!
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@Kent: Now that he’s achieved peace in the Middle East, he has to be looking for a way to keep busy.
@Kent: He’s going to have the most padded resumé in history.
@The Dangerman:
I am a huge huge fan, I grew up on this music. I always dreaded that this day would come when one of the band members would die. He was incredible lyricist and drummer. One of the greatest. While an early reader of Ayn Rand, he was never into it. His later lyrics were always humanistic. If you’re going to Rush make sure you listen to A farewell to kings
It’s crazy that it was brain cancer of all things. The thing he used the most. He had some sad things that happen in his life like losing both his wife and his daughter both within a few months of each other.
I will leave you this refrain from Farewell to Kings that I think most of us would appreciate:
Cities full of hatred, fear and lies
withered hearts and cruel tormented eyes
scheming demons dressed in kingly guise
beating down the multitudes and scoffing at the wise
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@Yutsano: I thought that was what he meant. Could be Canada, though.
@Kent: Yup, the Democrats should just give up at this point if Jared is running the Trump campaign.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: Patriots.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Can you imagine how many professional Republican campaign managers are just shitting themselves in fury right now!!!
All that grift is going to stay in-house, because of course! It’s Trump! Rather than spreading it around.
The Lodger
Aren’t all those phrases used by the hoi polloi?
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, and the Red Sox and Curt Schilling too.
@The Lodger: tea, bread and butter are superfluous and unnecessary chai, naan and ghee is enough. Many Indian-Americans spend a lot of time complaining about it when white people say chai tea etc, I have been guilty of some kvetching myself. But many of these same people who cash in on their Indian identities complain about these minor grievances were mum about the atrocities of the RW government in India has unleashed since mid December.
@Splitting Image: Lotta people dabbled in some weird shit in the Seventies.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, there’s never been a civil war in a state that has nuclear weapons before, so that could happen!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Not sure if I’ve said this before, but I’m sorry that Modi and the BJP have divided your family.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The GOP has a longstanding tradition of contractions. Didn’t Donald Rumsfeld provide four different reasons for invading Iraq in 2003?
J R in WV
The eternal question: “Why not both?!!”
@The Lodger: I expect that’s only the case if you didn’t grow up with it. Like mole poblano if you aren’t Mexican.
Texas gonna Texas.
You freedom-loving Texans will spend your money where Ken Paxton tells you to, and you will thank him for it.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Lodger: If it makes you feel any better, I understood and appreciated the joke.
Evening BJ.
In my ongoing effort to think about politics less as I go into my last grad school semester, I find myself looking for other things to entertain myself. Pop culture is of course my best bet.
So lets first talk movies…new trailers this week.
First up: New Mutants…
It’s being billed as a superhero “horror” film I guess. The trailer is def intriguing, but I am not as dialled into this X-Men universe as I am in the bigger franchises. Still, maybe I’ll give it a chance some random day when I want to at least attempt to continously use my AMC A-list subscriptio that I’m paying for.
Next up, Birds of Prey starring Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. Robbie’s Harley was one of the highlights of the original Suicide film, and Robbie has made A-List star status thx to S-Squad and her award worthy torn as Tonya Harding in “I, Tonya”. This film could prove if Robbie can be a blockbuster draw as the principle cast member.
Here’s the trailer: BIRDS OF PREY – Official Trailer 2
IMHO, Meh….am I wrong for being underwhelmed…meh..
J R in WV
@Jay C:
Yes, while in reality we are at war with Russia, and they are winning, while no one in the administration will admit that they have a dog in the chase at all. Sad!
@J R in WV: Jared will fix it AND run the re-election campaign from the White House*.
*Isn’t that a tad bit illegal?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Thanks.
Between that and O’Brien getting rid of most of the WH national security advisors, we are well beyond fucked.
J R in WV
Just a tad illegal. I recall members of White House staff going to rented facilities off the grounds of the Federal government to do campaign work. I suppose it’s legal for a sitting president to be in bed and think of options for his campaign to take advantage of, if he doesn’t get up and write them down…
So I missed the post the other day on Harry and Meg “stepping” back from being senior royals.
It’s be what 2 days and Lordt, them folks are mad mad! I’m just waiting for the conspiracy theory that Harry & Meghan gone move to the US and her baby Archie dual citizenship so that one day he can run for POTUS and then England will have the last laugh :-) ;-)
Cause we all kno there are fools who are thinking it
Your plan sounds better than my plan to binge watch The Handmaid’s Tale. Christ, it’s bleak.
The actor who plays the oldest son in Succession is in a new Guy Ritchie movie. He’s a decent actor, but he looks just like a grown up version of an especially bratty kid I used to babysit. It’s a remarkable likeness. Makes it hard to watch him in anything.
Also, too I got a lot of good gossip from my friend’s son last week (he is on the production side of several top HBO series), but I’m sworn to secrecy and his mom is a friend I cherish!!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
FUck running for anything, if the bad thing happens in November put me down for establishing the Windsor -Markel dynasty
Don’t do it!!! Nononononononono! Watch happy things.
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@Omnes Omnibus: Who?
@lamh36: Good luck as you finish up grad school.
@debbie: Not a good idea.. Those who know me are surprised that I’m following the Royals. Until the last few days, I had no idea the names of William’s children. Diversions are good.
Mallard Filmore
Trump only needs one cut-out connection to the Russian help he will get, and Jared is it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: First base.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Unless your knowledge gives you temerity to question mistermix for making an error in a post. Then he’ll act like a trollish dbag
So… from TPM: Iraq’s foreign minister has askd USG for a plan for withdrawing US forces. USG: we’re not going anywhere.
Thank dog for Tonald Drump’s steady leadership; this should be resolved by morning.
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: I am slowly working through the third season of Occupied which I would have binged in the past. I need palate cleansers of purely happy things now.
Too funny. I’m halfway through the second season. If I can get through that, I’ll stop. I also have Brideshead Revisited (the real one from 1980). It’s one of my all-time favorites and I’ve watched it countless times (literally). It will cheer me right back up.
I also follow them. I cannot believe the amount of Meghan-Hate in every damn post. They need to start moderating the comments. The Queen would not be amused.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: Have you by any chance checked in with the Thin Black Duke to see how he feels about another Duke (possibly) encroaching on his territory? :-)
@Omnes Omnibus:
The Norwegian series? I didn’t know they released a third season.
My kid and I have been watching concert videos and music documentaries. It’s all I can manage at the moment.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I was only 8-11 in 2003-2006 so I don’t know
@lamh36: I was going to reply that it seems like you just started grad school, but then thought better of it because it has surely been a long slog and you have been working your ass off all this time.
So I’ll just say good for you plugging away at it all this time. Grad school is never easy, but with a full time job? Yikes. Glad there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
@debbie: lol Rupert Murdoch will continue to have his hate on but apparently not in Canada. He doesn’t own any newspapers there.
@MomSense: It’s good. The politics get even more ambiguous in season 3.
Along those lines, a good series for politics in Colombia is Wild District. Especially season 2.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’ve been binge watching the X-Files recently. In the middle of season 4. Without spoilers, to anybody who’s watched, is the alien conspiracy main story arc ever resolved?
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: Third season came out NYE.
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@WaterGirl: This isn’t up to me. MM bestowed the title, I can’t abdicate.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Color me crazy, and this is just me speaking for myself, but for what it’s worth, I always feel like it’s kind of bad form to drag on a person on a thread when they’re not even there to defend themselves.
*trolls excluded.
Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): STFU.
@Gin & Tonic, Duke of Tanqueray: I love your new nym, even though normally I am not the biggest fan of all the nym changing.
I love your new nym, and definitely was not suggesting or even hinting that you should change it, Just wondering if you had made the courtesy call on the other Duke.
@p.a.: I heard a news report from reporter on the ground in Iraq. Says that there is near universal support for withdrawal of US troops. People there don’t want their country used as a base for a declared or undeclared US war against Iran. And maybe half of Iraq is sympathetic to Iran and Iranian influence on Iraq anyway.
I think the Iranian demand doesn’t include trainers and spotters, etc. But includes the other troops, including those the Trumpsters have sent to be human shields, sitting ducks, doorstops (because the assassination made things so very much safer for us there) /snark, whatever their plan is.
Maybe Iran doesn’t have to do much for Trump’s assassination stunt to cause prolonged trouble for US in Iraq.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
As I recall, the reason switched back and forth between oil, human rights, weapons of mass destruction, and 9/11. Followed by “Because I am the deciderer.”
Or, more succinctly, there were known knowns, known unknowns, and I don’t remember what the fuck else.
More here.
@Kent: I don’t see how the Dems stand a chance against Kushner’s might, after he created peace in the Middle East and all.
Dont have much hope for either movie. The 20 year X-Men movie franchise has produced way more bad films than good films.
Margot Robbie’s a good actress, but Hollywood has struggled to make a good all woman action movie.
I don’t know why
DC-movieverse doesn’t have a good track record, either
Aziz, light!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yes. No. Maybe. I could never tell. Note that the feature-length film that followed the TV run is all about the resolved/unresolved alien arc.
Roger Moore
I don’t know anyone who says naan bread or ghee butter, but I think chai tea is at least semi-legitimate. Whether you like it or not, American English has adopted chai to mean the spices that Indian people sometimes put in their tea (i.e. masala chai) rather than tea itself. It’s a mangling of the original meaning, but that’s what happens when English steals your words.
“We know where [the WMD] are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”
Good old days.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Sorry, I guess you’re right. MM just really pissed me off. It’s unbecoming of a FPer the way he acted
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): no
@debbie: I assumed you were replying to the question about the X-Files and whether the mystery of the smoking man was ever resolved.
So I clicked the link, because I don’t really understand it, either, and got the Iraq War. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! :-)
The Dangerman
Yeah, I read his book (Ghost Rider?); I would have found a bottle of something and never come out of it. Although, such a sad (on steroids) book, but with a happy ending in a way.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yes, it was all another of Bob Newhart’s dreams, sorry for the totally not made up spoiler.
A more upbeat show to watch is the Good Place. I don’t recommend binge watching it, though. It’s better to think about the plot twists or philosophy or character development that happens in each episode
@jl: Can’t remember the source, but there has been agitation in Iraq over Iranian influence. Those who held out under Saddam vs those who bugged out to Iran. Although given the convoluted social/religious/ethnic structure I’m sure this is a gross oversimplification, but it would follow from Trump’s Razor that any action he takes would destroy Iraqi movement away from Iran and drive them together.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It’s a good thing we have never had a front pager who ever pissed anyone off before. :-)
Seriously, though, I’m not suggesting that you not be mad at mistermix if you’re mad, just suggesting that cheap shots can feel kind of, well, cheap.
Not intended as a criticism of you, just wanted to throw that out there. Since we’re all pretty wound up these days, I figured it couldn’t hurt.
As a side job, someone should think about putting together a special Emily Post book of etiquette for Balloon Juice. I’m thinking that would be a really quick project! :-)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The good news there is that his owners include Saudi Arabia and Russia, neither of which want nukes going off next door.
Adam L Silverman
@Hoodie: My understanding is that 1) Pompeo has been working on the President to take out Suleimani for months and 2) the Interagency decision making process has completely broken down. Some of that is that Bolton was breaking it as it was in his way as National Security Advisor, some was Pompeo breaking it because it was in his way in trying to take over all bat-arc, defense, and foreign policy advising to the President, and some was because the President hated process.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I may have to watch an episode or two this weekend.
Did you ever check out Benjamin Beilman playing the Sibelius violin concerto? I think you will appreciate it. I saw him perform it last year and he was marvelous. It was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen.
Yep, that’s the one. There is of course a song too. It was a pretty dark period for the guy, I feel for him. How sad that he dies from cancer like his wife did.
VFX Lurker
I saw a snippet of the sheer awfulness directed at Meghan in the U.K., and I’m glad she’s escaping that toxic environment. Wishing her and her family well.
Also, wishing you well as you finish up grad school. May your last semester be distraction-free.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for your earlier post on disinformation and some interesting history. This later post really focused my thoughts.
@MomSense: I love Succession. Though I was “meh” at first I found myself binge watching the first season just as Season 2 started. While writing and acting are superb the best part for me is seeing how miserable and unhappy the uber rich and powerful right wing fascists are. I also enjoy how much they just make s**t up on the fly when they’re backed into a corner. They aren’t the all powerful efficient machines the culture wants us to believe.
I also enjoyed The Loudest Voice on Showtime for the same reasons.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks for your earlier post on disinformation and some interesting history. This later post really focused my thoughts.
@OzarkHillbilly: love it
@Roger Moore: I don’t really care call it what you want as long as you amplify the radio signal against Modi’s tyranny I am good. It was a minor peeve anyway. Nothing to get too worked up about.
BTW: The poll was supposed to be sarcastic, I think the sarcasm got lost in cultural translation and or my ability to explain stuff.
@p.a.: From what I have read and heard on the news, Iraqi government and society are deeply split on attitude towards Iranian influence on Iraq. I have no clue on whether that will change given recent Trumpster crimes and blunders there.
I think that Iraqis can continue to disagree on desirability of Iranian influence, but agree that is not good for the US to use Iraq as staging ground for BS wars on neighboring countries with complete indifference to what Iraqi government thinks about it, or problems it creates for Iraq and its people.
Edit: Unless Trumpsters decide to frankly and patently to try to rule and run Iraq directly, the presence of US troops won’t have decisive effect on elections results and domestic politicking and maneuvering that determines extent of Iranian influence in Iraqi government.
Adam L Silverman
Cheryl Rofer
@jl: @Adam L Silverman: I’m coming late to this conversation, but Emptywheel’s thread this morning is worth reading.
I added something to it when Laura Rozen retweeted it.
Trump is such a walking pile of pathologies, and he’s willing to say anything. I don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure out the reality behind what he says. I just assume he and Pompeo are lying all the time.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: From what I saw of the New Mutants trailer they got the characters and their power sets and depictions correct. Right down to Majik’s armor, sword, and teleportation powers through Limbo.
Harleu Quinn is so supposed to be slightly off as it is being told from Harley’s perspective and she’s nuts. So there’s no way to be sure of what you’re seeing is reality or Harley-ality.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Or, he’s throwing these “GOP Senators” under the bus.
@Cheryl Rofer: Everyone among Trumpsters, including Trump himself, wants and needs insurance.
Pompeo had his ear too, and Pompeo likely to say anything, including lies, to get what he wanted. Same with Graham.
Marcy is overthinking, assuming too much critical thinking, integrity, and rational decision making process among Trumpsters. She could be right, but I find your counter as convincing as her argument.
Omnes Omnibus
@MomSense: Yes I did.
Cheryl Rofer
@jl: And it could even be some measure of both, which I tried to imply in my tweet. Trump flits from one thing to another.
eddie blake
@gene108: both of the original charlie’s angel’s movies were entertaining. but that WAS a while ago. atomic blonde more recently was pretty amazing.
Adam L Silverman
@p.a.: I was the source.
eddie blake
@Adam L Silverman: that demon bear plot arc was pretty incredible and visually stunning. if they can replicate that , they’re gonna have a sweet movie.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: all of two words: “fuck em!”
Amir Khalid
@Roger Moore:
Don’t get me started on what you Americans did with my people’s word for soy sauce.
Adam L Silverman
@karensky: You’re welcome.
Adam L Silverman
@eddie blake: Yep.
Same here. The first time I heard A Farewell To Kings, my Kiss and Aerosmith addled head didn’t get it. I heard All The World’s A Stage a year or so later and proceeded to buy all of their albums.
I feel terrible for his family, but I guess we know now why he got completely out of the public eye. If you haven’t read Ghost Rider, which he wrote after the tragic losses of his daughter and first wife, I highly recommend it.
I’m finally getting around to watching “Schitt’s Creek.” It’s about annoying rich idiots, but it’s a Canadian show, so everyone slowly improves over the course of it.
Amir Khalid
@Aziz, light!:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The original alien conspiracy arc was resolved in season 6. The first movie Fight The Future, which lies between seasons 5 and 6 in the TV show’s timeline, shows the aliens suffering an unexpected defeat. In the two-episode Two Fathers/One Son, they purge the conspirators and their victims.
A second alien conspiracy arc was created in late season 7. This was done because the Fox Network wanted to keep the show on the air longer than David Duchovny wanted to be in it, and involved Mulder getting Scully pregnant.
Hey Adam, if you can–who are your top 5 (or so ) Twitter accounts you follow? Added Paula Chertok; anyone else you consider musts?
@WaterGirl: Didn’t Cole lay out some etiquette with the new site? Something about be nice or it’s out on your ear? Simplicity makes good etiquette.
@Amir Khalid:
I gave up on “The X-Files” around the third time they changed their minds about what had happened to Mulder’s sister.
I think that both Darin Morgan and Vince Gilligan were gone by then, anyway.
Adam L Silverman
@dimmsdale: Basically I spend a lot of time scanning social media looking for information on a variety of issues and subjects I’m tracking. So it depends.
Amir Khalid
Gillian Anderson gave up on The X-Files revival after they had Mulder and Scully’s son revealed as a fugitive serial killer, and Scully (in her mid-fifties at that point) telling Mulder that she was pregnant again.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Thanks, I didn’t take it that way and I completely understand what you were getting at
I had no idea there was an entire Wikipedia article about it. Thanks
Thanks : )
Yeah, but Trump is a loose cannon. Putin and Bonesaw are playing with fire
@Amir Khalid:
Dude, no spoilers! But thanks
@Amir Khalid:
She was being paid a nice salary to put up with it for that long. Sadly, I was not. Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.
Another Scott
This would be my bet. It’s usually a narcissist’s first move when it looks like they’re going to get busted for what they did: find someone else to blame, stat. Trump is too stupid to realize that his attempt to pass the blame is potentially another impeachable offense.
Amir Khalid
Fun fact: Anderson started that gig in 1992 on something like a quarter of Duchovny’s per-episode pay. She had to fight her way up to parity with him over the years. When they were planning the revival, the Fox Network tried to restore that pay differential, apparently unaware that for us X-Philes the show is and has always been (and indeed shall ever be) Mulder and Scully.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
Wait are you serious? That’s bullshit! Anderson should’ve been paid an equal amount per episode from the start, but even in 2016 with the revival? You’re absolutely right that it’s the characters that make X-Files.
This is also something Chris Carter apparently doesn’t understand about his own show either
Wasn’t Gilligan’s next series Millennium? I loved the first season.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Gilligan was only in his 20s too when he created that show and wrote some of the best episodes of the X-Files, not to mention creating Breaking Bad and co-creating Better Call Saul
Amir Khalid
Millennium, a production of Chris Carter’s Ten Thirteen company like The X-Files, lasted about a season, then Gilligan came back to The X-Files.
Amir Khalid
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
It wasn’t Chris Carter; it was the Fox Network, who funded the show and determined everyone’s pay.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Amir Khalid:
I…know. Sorry for the confusion, but I meant that CC didn’t understand what made the X-Files, the X-files, which is that Mulder and Scully are the heart of the show. He’s recently said he’s willing to continue the show without Scully which would be really stupid imo