Steve King is on the floor of the House talking about how white nationalism isn’t real and the Democrats are funded by George Soros
— Alex Thomas (@AlexThomasDC) January 10, 2020
You don’t know when it will reoccur, but you can be sure it will…
This Jim Jones remix of the Reagan years, as someone had it…
— William Gibson (@GreatDismal) January 9, 2020
Professor @toddgitlin on what has been called the "diner safari" turn in political coverage.
— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) January 9, 2020
People have noticed.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) January 9, 2020
No comments by 5:15? Testing …
@Spanky: Hmmmmm.
Folks sleeping in? Cool.
Wake with with some birdies.
@Spanky: outrage fatigue.
Plus it’s stormy for much of the eastern U.S. perfect sleep in weather.
@NotMax: beautiful piece, very relaxing.
“Herpes” in the title may be a deterrent.
Glub glub glub
@OzarkHillbilly: Lots of rain over dere by youse?
We’re now under flood warnings, the St Joseph river is expected to start flooding nearby streets later today or tomorrow morning, potentially lasting until next Friday. Supposed to rain all day, then turn to snow overnight. I’m on the high side, but the market is on the lower bank.
Well , the Orange Balloon (being a D**khead) being surrounded by other D**kheads ………………………..
Stormy here in Memphis. Going to a dog adoption event today. Lost my Sophie last year. I am not adopting today, but I am going to get more info about this group. There are a lot more hoops to jump through, and it is significantly more expensive than the city shelter, which is where I got Sophie, my best friend. Does anyone have insight as to which is better?
And there go the tornado sirens. In January.
Looks like the risk is further east.
@eclare: a lot of rescues get their dogs from city or county shelters, we mostly do. Look at what immunizations and whether spay / neuter are included in the adoption fees. If the shelter includes most of the same for the same or less cost taking one from a municipal shelter essentially saves two dogs, because it buys time for them not to have to euthanize for lack of space.
@satby: Thank you, makes sense. I still remember seeing the stack of cards marked “euth” when I picked up Sophie. Although supposedly the shelter has been better lately.
We have a 12th Night party tonight and the hosts are puzzling. They have this incredible old house and their parties are wonderful. They are very involved in the local art scene, charity and immigration law. Did I mention that she is highly placed in the Federalist Society. I’ve asked many lawyers if people in that outfit can be decent people and they all say “hell no”! They have always been nice to us and I even drove the wife to her law firm in Atlanta when I was at Tech.
@satby: also, I had a fun day off yesterday. I mentioned on the morning thread I had gotten notified that we had been awarded a $2500.00 grant from a local organization, and just before I and the board president went to pick up the check we were notified we had won another one from a different proposal we submitted. So that was great, because we’re going to be able to spay/neuter several hundred pets / ferals as a result.
@satby: God has decided to drown us right out. I forgot to put my rain gauge out last night but according to the weatherman we got 3-4″ Thursday night thru Wednesday. It was supposed to turn to ice and light snow last night. Nope. Thunderstorms all night long and now they tell us we are getting another 2-3″ until sometime this AM when it turns to snow. Flood warnings everywhere. I need to go to town this AM to mail something but now I wonder if I’ll be able to. Thank dog I don’t need to go to STL because 44 is predicted to go under.
@Spanky: Also dark as fuck, also good for sleeping. :)
@raven: Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing… I know folks like that too. I wonder where exactly in their brains that they short circuit.
@satby: Yay! Great work!
@eclare: May you enjoy the masses of doggos.
@raven: How are they involved with immigration law? Seems like a Federalist Society member would be all in for closing the border to “undesirables.”
@eclare: you know, they really try not to have to euthanize most animals. But they have to take every animal brought or captured. Too many people still don’t get their pets fixed, or think they’ll just have one litter before they do and there are no homes for all these animals produced. And don’t get me started on the assholes who breed dogs for sale.
Plus people are under the impression that if they surrender their dog that municipal shelters will try hard to find them new homes. But surrendered animals are euthanized sooner, because the assumption is that the owner has lied about the dog’s behavior. And lots of people surrender non-aggressive animals by stating the dog nipped or bit someone when it may not have, just because they know the shelter people will take the dog no questions asked.
Typos fixed.
@OzarkHillbilly: Did I mention they have a transgender child?
XXXX is a graduate of Yale Law School and has been a member of the State Bar of Georgia since 1984. As a principal of x he has xxxx practiced immigration and nationality law exclusively since 2001. He has extensive legal and international experience gained in the U.S. Department of Justice, the White House, and the National Security Council. In government, he took an active role in immigration policy, especially with respect to refugee and asylum issues. He is admitted to practice in all U.S. immigration courts, in all Georgia courts, in the U.S. District Courts of the Northern and the Middle Districts of Georgia, and in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit. xxx also has extensive experience in state and Federal civil litigation, including under U.S. civil rights statutes, and as a criminal defense attorney. He received his Bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Georgia, where he graduated summa cum laude, and an MBA from the Yale School of Management. He was also a Fulbright Scholar at Eberhard-Karls Universitaet in Tuebingen, Germany. xxx speaks French and German. He is a member of the Western Circuit Bar Association.
@satby: And lots of people take them out to the country and dump them in a state forest, hold their fist to their ear and say, “SEP!” (somebody else’s problem)
Could be a networking thing to advance in legal circles in Georgia.
@OzarkHillbilly: That is really common in this college town.
@satby: The shelter here has had a lot of scandals, including abusing animals. Tons of turnover. When I picked up Sophie, the director who had been there about a month said, “see, we don’t starve all of our animals”. Employees have been indicted.
So that is why I say supposedly it has gotten better.
@Baud: She is listed on their website.
She received a B.A. magna cum laude from the University of Georgia in 1976, a license ès lettres from the Sorbonne in 1978, a J.D. from UGA’s Law School in 1981, and an LL.M. from Columbia in 1984. She clerked for the Hon. Ed Carnes on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and worked for the U.S. Departments of Justice and Commerce prior to joining the firm. xxx is a member of the State Bars of Georgia, Connecticut, and New York, and is admitted to practice in Federal District and Appellate Courts throughout the Southeast. Her practice concentrates in all aspects of employer defense, including but not limited to litigation the Fair Labor Standards Act, Title VII employment discrimination, and occupational safety and health. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Labor & Employment Practice Group of the Federalist Society, and serves on the Board of the Friends of the Georgia Museum of Art.
@OzarkHillbilly: yep. Or have been known to throw them over the fence at a rescue location so that the rescue has to take them. Lots of puppies and kittens have gotten broken legs and worse from that.
People can really suck.
@eclare: oy.
@raven: The kid is also gay, lesbian and bisexual.
@satby: There was a photo in the paper I will never unsee.
@raven: she sounds like the evil one. And as far as I’m concerned membership in the Federalist society does indicate a “not good” person. Some people can put on human skin and pass as decent, but aren’t at all.
@mrmoshpotato: Did I say it wrong?
Another Scott
@satby: Supposed to be 69F here in NoVA today. Some forecasts are saying 72F. :-\
I had to be at work at 0630 for a power outage to install some new equipment. Of course, the outage started at 0608, but I fortunately was here at 0610. No issues so far, but it’s annoying…
Have a good weekend, everyone.
@raven: Kemp hasn’t signaled support for continuation of refugee resettlement communities. I wonder how they feel about that.
@raven: Some people don’t realize that all politics are personal, until it is. That behind every fight in congress there are thousands of lives/livelihoods at stake. Instead it’s just numbers so they don’t have to feel anything.
Nice people, caring people, if there is a child/parent or sister/brother of someone they know needing an operation/cancer treatment they’ll be at every fund raiser helping out. But universal healthcare?
Brrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzttt!!! Fuck that shit.
@raven: I don’t understand. But also asexual, non-binary and gender-fluid. :)
@Another Scott: hope things go well!
Yeah, we’re going to pay for this weather. Australia already is ?
@OzarkHillbilly: Why belong to an organization that doesn’t support your family. Yup.. they seem like really nice people.
@satby: We already have high wind warnings. The storm is going to move through by 8 pm though.
@JPL: Numbers vs faces, if you don’t have to look at the faces, it’s just numbers. You know people like that, you may not know it but you do. We all do.
@JPL: I don’t see them very much and I guess it’s like my buddy I go see on Sunday mornings. It’s not what I talk to them about.
@JPL: well you know, I’m just stupid and shallow and just bumble along
@satby: Congratulations!
@raven: He doesn’t fit the profile of the average member of the Federalist Society but she is closer. Practicing as a private immigration attorney often means working with employers trying to sponsor or resolve issues for employees.
@Barbara: Hence the trepidation. One time, years ago, they were in a bar with a Vietnamese woman. We got to talking and I launched into my “how fucking stupid the war was”. It turned out she was the daughter of a high ranking South Vietnamese Army Officer and I’m sure she loved my perspective.
Lurker V
@eclare: I can recommend Streetdog Foundation, where I got my Flora. Everything taken care of before adoption, adaptable to circumstances, lifetime support, good people.
Steeplejack (phone)
I wonder if that’s the tell.
@Steeplejack (phone): I’m assuming is she is on their website she’s not just casual. I think Steve in the ATL knows them.
Steeplejack (phone)
I thought by “their website” you meant she and her husband’s practice. If she’s on the Federalist Society’s website, yeah, she’s big-time. Aren’t they usually pretty secretive about their membership?
Heh. I have learned to salt and pepper my feet when in mixed company. On the other hand, if they didn’t want to know what I think, they shouldn’t bring the subject up.
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
Not sure who is worse…The Federalist Society has been much more effective in influencing American legal policy, but I work not too far from Capital Hill and the guys who come and go from The Heritage Foundation are the frattiest fratboy entitled douchebag looking MFers in existence. They all look like the absolute worst people – like more entitled, more date rapey versions of Kavanaugh. One wouldn’t think that would be possible but I’ve seen it.
Soros must have my address wrong. I wait and wait for my payoff check; I’ll have to investigate.
@Steeplejack (phone): I thought.
@OzarkHillbilly: This is so exactly the philosophy and life practices of relatives around me. On a personal level they are generous and caring people. As card carrying conservatives, they are as cruel and unforgiving in their policies as can be. I asked a very close relative, who was ranting about the evils of Obama Care during its passage and implementation, why would you be opposed to making it easier for people to access health care. That this wasn’t socialism, then he ranted about the evils of socialism and how bad Canadian healthcare is.
More recently I got a first hand look at how the Republican base writ large just despises immigrants. One close relative said to me that it was wrong to come into the country illegally. When I pointed out that most of them are just plain desperate and we’d be better off figuring out ways to improve life in their own countries, he said all those countries need to fix their own problems. He grew up poor and working class like so many of us, (and benefited from the New Deal policies) yet he’s bought into the overwhelmingly cruel philosophy of the GOP.
Honestly, being inclusive and open to people less fortunate on the macro level is very hard policy wise. Conservatives only believe in the trickle down philosophy, even if it has never worked.
John Revolta
You can shine your shoes and wear a suit
You can comb your hair and look quite cute
You can hide your face behind a smile
One thing you can’t hide
Is when you’re crippled inside
@Baud: Don’t worry, you can’t get it from a blog.
@satby: Two grants? Wowser!
Mike G
The Trump Administration: it’s like being tied to a chair while a toddler in the room plays with a loaded gun.