He sells troops.
“We have a very good relationship with Saudi Arabia—I said, listen, you’re a very rich country. You want more troops? I’m going to send them to you, but you’ve got to pay us. They’re paying us. They’ve already deposited $1B in the bank.” pic.twitter.com/rc1f7heyCP
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) January 11, 2020
… which is the most generous possible framing here. Perhaps he hasn’t actually sold American soldiers’ lives to his Saudi bankers — yet. Trump says a lot of stuff that’s ‘just marketing’, after all. Maybe he’s just doing a little advertising, in case anybody in the area’s looking for some well-equipped military muscle…
Hey US troops at Al-Asad airbase, if you're wondering why you didn't have any Patriot launchers to stop those incoming Iranian missiles well… https://t.co/rd4eZeixaH
— YYZedd (@Zeddary) January 11, 2020
Just so we're clear, Trump is now openly flaunting that he's operating the military as a mercenary force and that he's hung a price tag on the lives of American soldiers.
I know so much of what Trump does is forgotten, but this is obscenely dangerous and troubling.
— Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) January 11, 2020
He's just a mobster. https://t.co/Kmpk7slI88
— Malarksist Revolutionary (@agraybee) January 11, 2020
1) This is grossly disrespectful to the 1% of Americans who serve in our military, and do not think they are for-hire Saudi etc mercenaries.https://t.co/cz2xGmewT5
2) Where is that 1.5 billion dollars? https://t.co/ZNlEnYHtD5
— James Fallows (@JamesFallows) January 11, 2020
After Pensacola Shooting: A Dozen Saudi Military Students Set To be Expelled In Wake Of Shooting https://t.co/84xkf5fotS pic.twitter.com/ol92ajyyEj
— 90.7 WMFE (@wmfeorlando) January 12, 2020
Dorothy A. Winsor
Which bank did the money go in?
Those troops are HIS and he can sell them as he likes.
ETA: I’m going to have wine and cheese with some of my women friends here. When I get back, will this thread have devolved into an argument? Let’s see
A troll derailed the prior thread. Please, everyone, do not feed, ignore!
West of the Rockies
Okay, maybe I’m naive, but I think even fat Sean Hannity and Toad Limbaugh are going to struggle defending this.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: The big questions are how the money was laundered and how much ended up in Fat Donnie’s pocket.
@West of the Rockies: No maybes about it.
If I was a troop or an ex-troop this would totally piss me off.
Damn right he should answer the question. What bank? Show me the money!
Y’all, the payment is safe and sound right next to the Soleimani imminent threat assessment.
What bank?
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Yeah, what bank? Can we see the deposit slip? Was it DB?
Reminds me of a joke:
Q: What’s the Saudi government’s favorite song?
A: “Onward Christian Soldiers…”
Cheryl Rofer
It’s entirely possible that Trump is lying about the whole thing, but it’s clear that this is how his mind works. He’s said it before. He’s fine with selling our military as mercenaries.
@Cheryl Rofer:
@Cheryl Rofer: I don’t believe SA gave “us” a billion dollars, nor is it in a bank… somewhere.
This is marketing for the Trump campaign. The rubes will be wowed and shout their approval.
Fantastic .. we aren’t defending Americans but just whoever will pay us. The Iranians could probably do the same thing just to fuck with Trump pay 2 billion.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: By doing this he increases the likelihood that someone will attempt to take an entire patrol or squad or platoon hostage and try to ransom them back. Because he’s already indicated they’re available for the right price.
Has the Senate confirmed Erik Prince as Sec Def recently?
I think it’s going to take them a day or two to realize what the problem is. Trump has always spoken about the military in mercenary terms. Starting with his complaints that NATO, Japan and South Korea “owe” billions of dollars for the protection they get from our alliance.
Trump wants to sell US protection for money. He thinks we’re suckers if we give it away for free. It’s what he campaigned on.
Trump’s plan to seize Iraq’s oil: ‘It’s not stealing, we’re reimbursing ourselves’
He justified abandoning the Kurds, because we had paid them, “The Kurds fought with us, but were paid massive amounts of money and equipment to do so”.
He excused the murder of Khasshoggi arguing that the billions of dollars the Saudi’s pay for military equipment were more important.
He has no concept that this is wrong.
I have it on good authority that our embassies in Latveria, Madripoor, Genosha, and Wakanda were under imminent threat from Iran (the Hellfire Club, and League of Evil Mutants).
Recruiting slogan fail: Saudi Strong
@trollhattan: Mr. East India Company would fit right in with the international grifting operation that Orange has in mind.
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
And the entire Republican portion of Congress is okay with it too. This is what really gets to me.
It’s possible Trump is just lying again. Then again, it’s also possible that when he says “us” he doesn’t mean US. Trump declared before he took office that he was quite happy to accept bribes.
That’s a pretty damn feudal move.
Isn’t that how so many Hessians fought for George III on these shores during the Thoroughly Polite Dustup of 1776-1781?
@zhena gogolia:
Republican cowardice is sad. The worst thing they have to lose is an elected office. They still get their Congressional pensions.
But I guess those elected offices are more important than any concept of patriotism, and moral conviction
zhena gogolia
Wow, Porky and Petunia have just departed from Gate 35 X at National:
@zhena gogolia:
@zhena gogolia: Impressive. I hadn’t realized that Fournier had jumped ship
I’m increasingly convinced that everything about the U.S. government is entirely transactional in Trump’s “mind.” Sell protection to foreign countries, sell favors to big donors, sell deregulation to industry CEOs. You want an executive action to gut the rules on air pollution? What’s in it for me?
zhena gogolia
I’ve never seen him write in such precise, vigorous language in his entire career (typo excepted).
Van Buren
I doubt this happened, because we would have heard the howls of outrage coming out of the Pentagon.
James E Powell
@West of the Rockies:
Not saying you’re naive, but no right-winger ever struggles to defend Trump.
@eclare: I just turned them into tasty PIE.
From Trump’s repeated insistence that these countries have paid huge sums I think we can safely conclude that no of them has paid anything.
@West of the Rockies:
Disagree. There will be no struggle. They’ll extoll the excellence of bottom-line efficiencies!
Sm*t Cl*de
You say “rent out”, I say “pimp out”.
How do the US armed forces feel about trump’s insistence that they’re his prostitutes?
Couldn’t see the date of the article before the paywall was raised. Was this said recently?
@zhena gogolia:
Another good response:
@debbie: January 11th, 2017. Just about a week before his inauguration.
I remembered being pretty shocked by this comment at the time. Back in those days, I assumed Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell would impeach him at the first opportunity and allow the reign of Reverend Pence to begin.
@jeffreyw: Remember how we paid the Korean government for the three divisions in the Nam?
Thanks. Sad that I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d said that earlier today.
Felanius Kootea
@cain: I was just going to say that Iran could solve its problems with Trump by offering him $3 billion. He’d change his tune so fast it’d be fun to watch the Fox newsbots try to catch up and state that the Ayatollah has always been America’s best friend.
ETA: Stupid autocorrect…
Sloane Ranger
@James E Powell: Just being pedantic but isn’t Justin Amash a right winger, albeit currently self identifying as an Independent?
Shoedinger’s(sp?) Cat is right. This is the East India Company of the 21st century.
@Sm*t Cl*de: I’m increasingly glad I retired last year, and I’m pressing my kid to separate at the end of his first enlistment. He’s excellent at his job, one of those troops that every supervisor dreams about, in a critically undermanned career field, and at this point I want him out. It doesn’t hurt that he’s seen the same things that I have (from a different perspective).
Every day I hate Trumpov and republicans more. It wasn’t the accident that is going to shorten my life, it’s these mf’ers and everything they do.
@raven: I see we continue to export the best American practices.
@Adam L Silverman: I was going to say this is horrifying, and then I read your comment…there is no bottom. Will this finally swing a few RWNJ’s who have family in the armed services? Gotta go catch up on some recent threads.
And of course Mark Esper did not see any intelligence about imminent threats to the US, and Trump said it wasn’t vengeance, it was to appease Republican Senators who were bugging him.
My freezer needs defrosting. I’m going to need ice cream to go with the pie from the last thread.
@opiejeanne: I don’t think any American, rube or not, will be wowed to have sons and daughters sold to fight Saudi Arabia’s battles.
Setting aside the ethical, tactical and strategic problems this practice poses, the price seems ridiculously low.
@Leto: We also had KATUSA’s, Korean Augmentation to the United States Army where Korean enlisted troops would fill emty slots in our TOE. It was much better for them to be in a American unit but they still had their own NCO’s and they beat the dog shit out of those poor fuckers.
Maybe his goal is for them to start a bidding war with the Saudis. That would be fun to watch play out on Hannity.
@tamiasmin: They’ll do what the fuck they are told and like it.
West of the Rockies
Has Trump proposed privatization of law enforcement and the fire department in America yet? “Nice little business ya got here… Be a shame if something happened to it.”
James E Powell
@Sloane Ranger:
No True Right-Winger!
Just received the email from the union about their Bernie endorsement. (Jim, Foolish Literalist was ahead of this in last thread!) I replied with my numerous issues with him and cancelled my membership. I cannot possibly work for that !##*. Sorry if this is divisive here. Told them I’d put my dues toward actual Democratic candidates.
joel hanes
when he says “us” he doesn’t mean US
This is a certainty.
Trump’s “we” is royal — when he says “we”, he means Donald J. Trump, and when he says “us”, he means the Trump Organization. In his eyes, the rest of us are either employees, marks, or enemies.
John Revolta
@West of the Rockies:
“He’s just running the government like a business! Businesses are supposed to make money, right? So what’s the problem?”
@gene108: Weird that Sokovia was spared.
@raven: from everything I’ve heard about the ROK Marines, thry were worth every cent.
@raven: would it surprise you this sounds like my experience with the Iraqi army? Of course it wouldn’t.
I know I’ve been lurking more, but I do hope you’re enjoying your retirement.
@Jinchi: What does those words in the quote box mean? I mean, what the hell is he saying?
What about Freedonia and Sylvania? What do those upstarts in Wakanda have that they don’t?
So ummm….”Nice country you got here. Be a shame if you didn’t pay me for troops to defend it.”?
Sounds like an impeachable offense to me.
joel hanes
The Duchy of Grand Fenwick demands equal dignitude
He’s saying that a foreigner offered him a $2 billion “deal” right after his election. And he’s saying that, unlike every other politician in the world, there would be nothing wrong if he accepted it. By his definition, the president is literally incapable of having a conflict of interest. In fact, since it was a personal business deal, he didn’t even think he was required to disclose it.
This is clearly a bribe. Trump was telling the world, not only that it’s perfectly okay to offer him bribes, he was putting a rough number ($2 billion) on what a reasonable bribe might be.
Mike G
By “the bank” of course Trump means his personal bank account.
Donald Trump, genius, has invented mercenaries. Amazing! No one believed it was possible.
This situation would not surprise me in the slightest .