He just can't help himself pic.twitter.com/iwpHHQ9eng
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) January 17, 2020
Even the three big dumb white dudes bro’ing each other are gonna end up with nightmares, remembering this.
— John T. Fox (@johntfox) January 17, 2020
Everyone’s mood… pic.twitter.com/MaXv2WdfXr
— Paul (@PaulS241) January 17, 2020
I am reminded of a friend who referred to ‘That childhood moment in the car when you realize Daddy cares more about his booze than he does about your safety… ‘
Why are there only 20 players at the White House? The LSU football team roster is like 60-70 deep. Did only a third of the team wanna go?
— Topher Thomas (@TopherThomas7) January 17, 2020
Heck, I’d go, just so that I could ‘take a knee’ when they played the National Anthem.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
they didn’t even get cold Whoppers and Chick-Fil-A
Mary G
One of my housemates is caregiving for an old Republican man who is outraged that some basketball team refused to visit the White House. “But they have some good boys on the football team.” Ugh.
The NCAA allows 85 scholarships for D-1A football. I don’t think LSU has been docked any for violations lately.
Add some walk-on players and it could be 90.
Not a lot of takers at the ersatz Trump rally.
Villago Delenda Est
Everything he touches turns to shit. He’s King Midas in Reverse
Did they get cold Big Macs or cold Whoppers?
Good god, what an armpit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
in an exhibit celebrating the centennial of women’s suffrage, pictures of the 2017 women’s march are blurred, so as to protect the feelings of all the people in “fuck your feelings” t-shirts flocking to see said exhibit
Ben Cisco
Everything Trump Touches Dies.
It’s little wonder most of them bailed.
joel hanes
I can’t listen to him.
What did he say?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: My first thought:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@joel hanes:
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Everyone at the National Archive should have resigned over this.
Adam L Silverman
@Kent: If they were lucky it was cold fried chicken, that is, at least, edible when cold.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: @sukabi: The real question is who at the National Archives was actually involved and who knew before this news reporting. Not arguing that there should be serious staff pushback, but I’m curious as to whether this was done at the political appointee level and the vast majority of the folks working there had no idea it had been done.
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah. Because those Louisiana boys never get to see fried chicken. There are only about 400 Popeyes in every corner of Louisiana.
Why do we even have a White House chef and culinary staff if they are just going to use GrubHub to McDonalds like a bunch of stoner frat boys?
Good on the 40-50 players who didn’t want cold McDonald’s with a Soviet shitpile.
@brantl: Why do you hate armpits? They’re great for stinking and making farts noises.
@Kent: Wait! You can have McDonald’s delivered? Hot! dog! (There’s one two blocks up the street, and I don’t remember the last time I ate that trash.)
ETA – Also, Popeyes new chicken sandwich – good spice but meh.
John Revolta
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @chris: The doublespeak, it burns:
@mrmoshpotato: I don’t think McDonalds has actual delivery. There are just these uber-type delivery services now that will basically deliver anything you want for a charge.
In Trump’s case he probably sends someone like Mulvaney or Pompeo on the chow runs to McDonalds personally just because it would be a macho dick move. He actually did that with Chris Christie during the 2016 campaign. For real. I’m not making it up: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/trump-chris-christie-manservant-mcdonalds
@Omnes Omnibus: This. Absolutely.
Unless they’d like to change their name to something less flattering.
Steeplejack (phone)
@John Revolta:
“Let’s keep the focus on the records, which we’ve falsified.”
@Steeplejack (phone): Well done.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I am so angry right now.
One of my favorite classes in library school was Archives and Manuscripts, in part because in addition to the practical projects we did on creating finding aids and working with documents, the professor had us do case studies each week, where he gave us an archiving-related scenario, usually one that raised an ethical issue, and asked us to think and write about how we’d handle it. Most of the answers were found in the Society of American Archivists Code of Ethics.
Said code states that “Archivists may not willfully alter, manipulate, or destroy data or records to conceal facts or distort evidence.” The Women’s March was an explicitly political protest about Trump and his misogyny; blurring the signs strips the march of its political context at the same time thate they’re trying to use it to promote the Suffragette exhibit–also an explicitly political moment.
Any comments on the National Archives of the United States altering an image of the 2017 Women’s March to remove content critical to the current President? This seems counter to the SAA Code principle of Authenticity
@Kent: I have yet to GrubHub, but the idea of paying a (small) cost to have McDonald’s delivered is like paying a corking fee to bring your own Natty Light* to a restaurant.
(*Per it’s reputaiton; I’ve never tried it.)
Chris Johnson
@Darkrose: It’s the boiling-a-frog problem. They keep that sort of thing going and people will ask ‘gosh golly gee, at some point that could become some totalitarian shit’ without properly registering that it already BECAME some totalitarian shit many years ago and is only accelerating.
My only consolation there is, it’s accelerating because they’re like a shark or the Third Reich: they have to keep doubling down or die, and desperation sets in. The most bonkers shit goes down as the regime is falling.
Uncle Cosmo
@Villago Delenda Est: Sadam Gnik. Sodamn Insane.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
They wisely scheduled it between mealtimes.