“Based on what I've seen in this impeachment trial so far, it's pretty clear that there are some Republicans who are challenged on the concept of conflict of interest.” Warren on GOP claims that she can’t sit on Trump’s impeachment trial while running for his seat. pic.twitter.com/kqtTJBU2uW
— Kadia Goba (@kadiagoba) January 23, 2020
"We see in the timeline laid out yesterday by Adam Schiff just evidence of mounting corruption within the Trump Administration. That's basically what this impeachment is all about." – Warren before going into Senate chambers on Day 3 of President Trump's impeachment trial.
— Kadia Goba (@kadiagoba) January 23, 2020
The “loyal” opposition:
Tried to ask Ted Cruz if he defends Trump conduct on Ukraine, and if Trump call with Zelensky was “perfect.” He said: “You asked a question last night let me let someone else ask a question.” Then @npfandos asked the same question, he ignored it. He took one other q, then split
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) January 24, 2020
Eastern and Byzantine despots in the Middle Ages liked to employ eunuchs who were not a threat to the dynasty and remained loyal to the master since they were viscerally despised outside the palace.
It's nice that modern medical technology has allowed them to grow facial hair. https://t.co/21AjBJ4mVs— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) January 23, 2020
Representing Indiana:
Wait, you’re tweeting this out yourself? You think this makes you look … good? https://t.co/aHB0R0Mb8W
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) January 23, 2020
The saying used to be "there is always a tweet"… now there is a the saying "there is always a photo with Lev for anyone defending Trump" pic.twitter.com/gwf4ARKhKw
— Grandpa Rufus ™ (@Grandpa_Rufus) January 23, 2020
There is no amount of swear words that could possibly describe how utterly shitty a human being this Tennessee Senator is. She has clearly chosen Vindman as her cause celebre because he is an immigrant and the red hat brigade in her state loves hearing immigrants being dunked on.
— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) January 23, 2020
Of course Vindman is not patriotic enough for this here "busy mama." All he did was shed blood for America, not even having the good sense to go the extra mile and get born here.
What a loser!
Now, Trump, who actually badmouthed this country constantly, there is a real patriot!— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) January 23, 2020
When they say things like this, that have been demonstrated to be false, press needs to push the harder:
Did you not listen to the House managers?
Did you listen but not understand them?
Do you simply not believe them?
Do you take this as seriously as you would jury duty? https://t.co/z5WWndxg2H— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) January 24, 2020
Lankford repeats something that has become true: Because Trump admits to crimes in public, Republicans are less likely to hold him accountable for the crimes. https://t.co/u0BaijYrhZ
— emptywheel (@emptywheel) January 23, 2020
Also, probably none of Doug Jones’ constituents will listen to this who weren’t voting for him anyway, but it’s still good:
I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I practiced law for over 40 years and I just can't understand why we shouldn't be able to access witnesses and documents that we know contain relevant information. pic.twitter.com/gV9wcvDiXg
— Doug Jones (@SenDougJones) January 23, 2020
In Alabama, they’re called black people.
so if warren doesn’t go to vote on impeachment she’s not doing her job, and if she does it’s a conflict of interest.
Fuck the Zergnet gossipy bullshit ads.
@chopper: Check and mate, loser libtard.
Mike Braun looks like Ned Ryerson. But, like, more like Ned Ryerson than Ned Ryerson. He is the meta-Ned Ryerson. What Ned Ryerson is to a normal person, Mike Braun is to Ned Ryerson.
a drinking game with milk? what kind of lame candy-ass shit is this?
Adam L Silverman
@chopper: The only drinks permitted in the Senate chamber are water and milk. That’s what he’s referring to.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: It’s not Parnas. It’s been debunked.
@Adam L Silverman: I had read on BJ earlier that that had been debunked. That it was some 19-year old somebody that the trumps knew. But I don’t have the source
never mind. scott beat me to it, and of course, he has the link. no surprise there :-)
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: I will delete the comment. Thank you.
@Adam L Silverman:
yeah but that ain’t true for those of us following at home.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Take all the joy out of my life.//
Adam L Silverman
@chopper: Canadian moose milk!
@Adam L Silverman: If only that weren’t true!
@Adam L Silverman: Any reports on pictures of Lev bounding around the Moon with Neil and Buzz, Lev debating Nixon and JFK, Lev aboard the Missouri, Lev being every one of the ironworkers having lunch on that I-beam well above New York City?
Adam L Silverman
Question for the group: has anyone seen Siubhanduinne in the comments lately?
Adam L Silverman
@mrmoshpotato: Only if elected or appointed Republican officials were there too.
“I don’t see an issue at this point, going through that and it just sounds like the president had a normal conversation that is no different than what he said in public places.”
Trump has clearly been setting this up. If he blabs about crimes in public, hey, why would he do that if it were a crime? It’s a juvenile stunt that impresses only fools and fellow crooks.
A substandard Costanza ‘Was that wrong? Is that frowned upon here. No one told me?’ move
He didn’t get impeached when he stood in front of cameras and asked China to investigate Biden and Warren for unspecified corruption, for which not a iota of evidence has ever been produced? Did he? No. Clearly, that was not wrong, then.
Lev has pix with everyone. We sinister Deep State coup plotters are hiding them in our sock drawers. A pic with Lev means nothing. Except, I didn’t get any stinking money out of it. I guess that is the difference between Trump and me.
@Adam L Silverman: Yes. Yesterday I believe.
@Adam L Silverman: yes! quite a bit, actually
@Adam L. Silverman
Yes indeedy.
@mrmoshpotato: I think he’s in some of my baby pictures. I’ll check and get back to you.
@jl: Oprah had some film stock to use up. “You Rethuglican Trump trash get a picture with Lev! You get a picture with Lev! All you Rethuglican Trump trash get a picture with Lev!”
Tough to decide which is the better composed shot, Lev posing with Amelia Earhart or Lev with Judge Crater.
@mrmoshpotato: Laundered foreign campaign money under every big shot’s seat…. democracy!
Lt Col Vindman’s name came up a lot today including just now in Schiff’s closer. A very good speech btw. Anyhow, when the shitgibbon is gone can Marsha Blackburn be next? And this other LT Col?
@NotMax: I’ve heard rumors that Lev is also every one of the seven dwarfs.
@jl: Broskovich, rubles much softer than US money. Good cushion.
Adam L Silverman
The fix, it is in.
There’s a competing theory that Giuliani is Dopey.
While we all figured Republicans will not vote to impeach, I wasn’t sure how the media would play that. Yea the Pravdas will toe the Trump line and proclaim Democrats traitors worthy of punishment how would the conventional media play it? I still think most of the MSM will move on to the next shiny object a week after the vote to acquit but the cracks in the ranks we are seeing is pleasing. Hell even Peggy Noonan is calling for witnesses (although she thinks calling the Bidens is kosher (it isn’t)). My real hope is that Republicans so overplay their hand that even center right folk are disgusted enough to vote them out. We can all dream, right?
Adam fucking schiff.
Damn, we actually have a man who has risen to the moment. Go find the last few minutes of his closing if you weren’t watching.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: @mrmoshpotato: Okay, I sent her an email over the weekend and haven’t heard back and was getting worried.
Cheryl Rofer
Thread of pieces of Schiff’s closing speech
@NotMax: I thought Ghouliani was the eighth dwarf Trashy?
Adam L Silverman
@chris: Hickman wasn’t Vindman’s commanding officer. He wasn’t even in Vindman’s chain of command. Hickman was an observer/controller at an exercise at the Joint Military Training Center (JMRC) at Hohenfells in Germany. He claims that he overhead Vindman, who was then a major, badmouthing America to non-American military personnel we were partnering with at the training exercise. There is nothing that validates or vindicates Hickman’s claims. And Vindman’s actual commanding officer at the time, a US Army general officer who was then the Senior Defense Official (SDO) at Embassy Moscow, has come out defending him.
I just like him. He seems so decent. Can we possibly save him from being defeated by some horrible sleazy Trumpster?
Dr. Ronnie James, D.O.
Blackburn blathering about the chain of command – completely ignorant – Vindman was in fact following the Chain of Command – the one spelled out in his oath of enlistment (and oath of office he swore when he was commissioned) when he pledged his allegiance first to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and *then* do what the CIC and his CO said.
@Adam L Silverman: I’d expect no less from someone who thinks that Qanon is interesting. Thanks for the info and I must say that I am shocked that US senator would tell such a blatant lie. No, not really.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: He is either going to wind up running against Judge Roy Moore, the last law west of the junior high or Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.
Adam L Silverman
@chris: Hickman is retired. And apparently a kook. He took a chance to grab some wing nut spotlight and did. I haven’t bothered to even ping my friends at US Army Europe about him because it just isn’t worth bothering them.
@Adam L Silverman: SD told me awhile back that she had been slow on email, so don’t take it personally.
@Adam L Silverman:
Well, we want Moore then right? I keep thinking I’ll adopt a less popular senator but I haven’t done it yet. It’s Doug Jones or Gary Peters.
J R in WV
@Adam L Silverman:
If not earlier today, then she (SiubhanDuinne) commented yesterday. She told us her arm/wrist was healed and she was back to work with both hands.
That photo of Braun between Rudy and Lev is what Speaker Boehner (ret.) might call a crap sandwich.
@J R in WV: Oh crap. Blog enforcer is back in full force.
@Adam L Silverman: That may be true, but Republican senators sure the hell sound drunk.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: You definitely don’t want me taking it professionally.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: I think Sessions is pretty damaged goods at this point too, but yes, I think Moore is an easier lift.
@Adam L Silverman: Nahh, Cruz is just voluntarily making a further namby-ass twerp of himself. “Bartender, another shot of warm milk before I go home and get ignored by my wife!”
Bill Arnold
Having fun playing spot-the-bots on the replies to Marsha Blackburn’s tweets today, by profile, with https://botsentinel.com and manual checks to confirm.
Sample profile. Bot or not?:
Every tweet supporter of Marsha Blackburn of the 6 that I’ve checked is at least a propaganda account. (She’s getting seriously ratio-d with negative replies.) (There was one that was a non-native speaker that at least had original tweets.)
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
He is a stone hero.
@Adam L Silverman: After General (!) Flynn what’s one more?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Claire McCaskill reporting that her sources, i.e., she strongly hints, sitting Senators, are telling her trump and McConnell want this over by next Friday. Because trump will be interviewed on SuperBowl Sunday, and wants to be able to gloat.
@Adam L Silverman:
Name recognition is everything. I’m always amazed at how many people just pick the familiar name. It’s disappointing. It’s why Mike DeWine is the governor of Ohio. There are no other reasons.
Cheryl Rofer
@Cheryl Rofer: Well, that gives me chills
TS (the original)
Anyone in the GOP said the same about Sanders? Anyone in the media reported this about Sanders?
@Bill Arnold: Wow, Marsha needs to have her head candled.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
McCaskill asks Schumer about “the phones”, what are constituents saying, Schumer says they’re “pretty good, not overwhelming” like with health care
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: So good to see someone standing up for the country that way.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
the bad-faith pose of “how dare you!” is astounding to me, even after the last three years
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: They also want it over with before the State of the Union so the President can use his address to rub it into Pelosi’s face on national television for an hour. And the State of the Union is the Tuesday after the Super Bowl.
Legal opinion, please.
mad citizen
@Dadadadadadada: You are spot on with this Ned Ryerson observation! Braun is my Senator. Self-made business guy from Southern Indiana. Has always struck me as quite dumb. Had more hair, or a better combover, in the 2018 campaign.
Cheryl Rofer
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The only reasonable reply to that is ef goldman’s FUCKEM
@TS (the original): ” Anyone in the GOP said the same about Sanders? Anyone in the media reported this about Sanders? ”
They’ll say it about each one of them, as soon as they make a statement that hits the news. Before this is over, there will be howls about the five (? I think 5) Dem Senators running for president and they all should recuse themselves for a conflict of interest. If they don’t they are more corrupt than poor innocent Trump could ever even dream.
Edit: has the advantage of getting bogus corruption smears at half the Democratic field ‘out there’ in one swoop, so that news media hacks can hound them about it, and wonder whether voters are ‘satisfied’ with their pathetic pleas that they are not corrupt, or not.. That will impress Trump mightily.
@TS (the original):
OMG, the ethical bankrupts are now weighing in on recusal? Why does she even have to respond to these people?
Warren has a cute ad at her old elementary school. Woodrow Wilson Elementary, home of the wildcats. That’s what I do instead of listening to Republicans- I watch Warren ads. In a bizarre coincidence Glen Beck once called her “the female Woodrow Wilson” so they invade even my ad watching.
@chris: I’d like one too. But since Trumps legal nightmare team is bald face lying its ass off, I don’t care whether it works in court or not. The managers need to do everything they can to get the fact that the depraved Trump team is nonstop lying, which I’ve read would result in disciplinary action in any other venue, the news.
mad citizen
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This is sickening. There had better be a votestorm of major proportions in November. Any normal citizen can see the con artist and his enablers from a mile away. Vote you assholes, vote! (Message aimed at all non voters)
@chris: Not a lawyer, but that letter is certainly a stinging rebuke of DOJ. Good, they deserve it.
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman:
She was around yesterday. I’ve not been on BJ much at all today but she was certainly commenting yesterday.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
watching Angus King to see if he takes a shot across the bow of the leaky SS Collins– the closest he comes is saying that he’s getting a lot of calls, and they’re 95% in favor of witnesses and documents
Another Scott
Via Popehat.
Steeplejack (phone)
Third-degree burn on Cruz:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I guess the closing arguments should’ve ended with talking about sexual assault and Dump lusting after one of his own daughters.
Just on Alabama, there is also a congressman and a football coach running in the Republican primary, and one of them could be the nominee. The coach was within the margin of error along with Sessions in polls, if I remember right and for whatever the individual polls are worth
@Steeplejack (phone): Possibly on Cruz’s nearly nonexistent balls.