THIS SUNDAY ON #MTP: Exclusive interview with lead impeachment manager, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) following Week 1 of the Senate impeachment trial #IfItsSunday
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) January 25, 2020
… unfortunately, the interviewer will be (Up)Chuck Todd.
THIS SUNDAY: Exclusive interview with lead impeachment manager @RepAdamSchiff on #MeetThePress with @chucktodd.
PLUS: @SenatorBraun and Sen. @amyklobuchar join #MTP. #IfItsSunday
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) January 24, 2020
TONIGHT: People who always trash polls when their candidate isn't in the lead are going to become polling experts when they find out their favorite candidate is leading.
— Niles Francis (@NilesGApol) January 26, 2020
Chuckles’ opening question: Why is impeachment a total loser and both sides are equally as bad, SAD?!
Meanwhile, in non-political non-news, Michael Stack III, former Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania (defeated for reelection in the ’18 primary) has moved west to a new career as stand-up comic / actor / screenwriter
Poll is out – Biden still on top, Bernie behind by a little, and Warren has basically collapsed. I do not understand how a lifetime douchebag like Wilmer can be gaining support. Fuck that guy.
I hope Schiff just lets the dragonfire fly in basically all directions tomorrow. It is no time to be nice to Chuck Todd (okay, anyone who’s hosted MTP in the last third of a century).
@ThresherK: How dare you speak ill of Saint Timmy of Buffalo!
@JAFD: Isn’t this the standard career reboot for a losing R who is not young/blonde/attractive/female enough to land on the career ladder leading to the Fox Cooch Couch?
@mrmoshpotato: Isn’t it uncivil that you cited news reports that Trump threatened Senators that their heads would be on pikes if they crossed him, which are basically identical to previous threats he’s made? Why haven’t you apologized yet? Will you, on this show, apologize for not apologizing yet? After you make an apology have you prepared an apology for not making an apology that satisfies me, as a exemplar of all right thinking Americans? Aren’t you just as bad as Trump for making Mitch McConnell cry?
@PsiFighter37: Warren is apparently the designated Second Choice. From the Post’s writeup of that poll:
@jl: What kind of dressing can I get with that salad?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The ABC news headline says the race is “close”.
Since when is a 12 point lead among likely voters “close”.
James E Powell
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
When ABC says it is. If it wasn’t close, why would anyone watch ABC? That’s why they are all going to spend the rest of this year propping up Trump.
Mr. Kite
I still hold optimism for Warren. Something is going to happen. Right?
Biden vs Sanders primary would be the worst option. That’s what we’re going to get.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Mr. Kite: She got the endorsement of the Des Moines Register which is really nice.
Tis a wonder. Makes no sense unless there is some reason that people won’t vote for a woman. And it seems like a lot of people did last time. Maybe it’s because so many are in shock at how horribly bad trump has turned out to be. They will only look at the very safe vote this time. And that’s a guy with a known past. And the beat goes on, slow crappy rhythm and all.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
He got 43.1% of the vote 4 years ago and is currently polling at 22% nationally. If that happened to anyone else, it would be considered floundering. He may be off his intra-year low, when he had a massive heart attack, but he was at 24% last March when he started his campaign.
It may be noted that Mr. Stack was elected, and defeated in the primary, as a Democrat. Whether he has changed his official residence and/or party registration is not within my ken.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
A little tougher when you don’t get everyone else’s votes by default in a two candidate race.
Nope. Her decision to run as smart Bernie sealed her fate. There’s no such thing as smart Bernie.
so…. questions asked by Chuck Todd…
@piratedan: #10 is really good.
@piratedan: 11. When do you think, I, Chuckles Todd, last saw my credibility and integrity?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
11. wouldn’t you have more republican support if you had some drinks with McConnell, like Tip and the Gipper?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: these are Chuck Todd questions, not Tweety questions… :-)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: 12. Don’t you think you’d have more Republican support, if, ya know, you hadn’t impeached the motherfucker?
@mrmoshpotato: I believe the actual answer is when some idiot promoted this person into this unearned position of punditry/power and Chuck donated it with his old suits to the Salvation Army…
@piratedan: Agreed.
ETA – 13. Why do you hate the orange monkeymaker whose ass we all sucked because the outrageous, racist, sexist shit he said made our bosses tons of money?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
13. How’s Buffalo going to do in the Super Bowl?
James E Powell
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I’ve raised this point repeatedly with people I know who are Sanders fans (not Bernie Bros) and some Sanders curious. It doesn’t have the impact I’d expect.
I have never once in my life watched MTP but I’ll make an exception for tomorrow … if I can get out of bed in time.
Any douchebros who were in the Warren camp have decided that she’s just like their mom/ex-wife after all, so they went back to Bernie.
Poor Warren is now That Woman, as in I would love to vote for a woman, just not That Woman.
@Mnemosyne: Yup. (sigh)
OT – All of this excitement has made Shaggy hungry.
Schiff is a mensch.
I don’t care what Chuck Todd asks or doesn’t ask, Schiff has put on a stellar display of quality humanity for days on end, with little rest and in the face of indifference and/or contempt.
I’m watching.
I prefer the edited version.
@hitchhiker: Exactly right. And Schiff has the ability to make Chuckles look like an idiot, though he will probably stick to his points without blatantly pointing out his idiocy.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Someone needs to rim upChuck’s coffee cup with super glue right before Schiff comes on.the show. I hope Schiff is up to smacking down Todd’s inane bullshit.
Chuck Todd topped out reporting polling numbers on C-SPAN and he’s been all downhill ever since.
Slightly off topic. If you go to Sen Braun’s twitter, he has a tweet that he has proposed legislation to “save” (i.e. cut) Social Security.
ETA it’s not pinned, just a regular tweet.
Sloane Ranger
@Jay: It’s in line with the Trump Doctrine of cross my palm with silver- or else!
Also, possible pressure on France to support Trump’s attempt to negotiate a trade deal with the EU to improve the “totally totally unfair trade” where those effete, but devious Europeans have put one over previous administrations.
So, I enter PCH sweepstakes online, which usually deluges me in RW ads between entries. Junk like Judicial Watch and Trump superpacs. Now joined by an ad that’s a personal appeal from Wilmer to support his campaign. Lots of dark money and trolls need to be fed to keep the Wilmermentum going.
zhena gogolia
I have the same sense of foreboding about Wilmer getting the nomination that I did about Trump winning in 2016.
zhena gogolia
I have to be in church but I hope I can watch it somewhere later.
zhena gogolia
Biden is not a lifetime douchebag. That is simply not at all true.
Since Schiff used a CBS report for the senator heads on pikes statement, when Todd asks about that, Schiff should ask if NBC is officially denying that report. At any rate, I expect Schiff to handle Todd’s terrible questioning pretty well.
Does anyone else think the senators’ responses to that comment were coordinated? That would fall right into the GOP playbook of faux outrage, and it strikes me as odd that all of them were in the chamber after being out for so much of the democrats’ time. It would have been pretty easy for all to keep quiet and uncharacteristically feign rapt attention, and then all go “Harumph!” on someones cue.
Or he could have a top ten list of threats made by DT that were reported by NBC and ask Todd why the idea of the pike comment seems so outrageous to him. Schiff is good with A\V.
Chris Johnson
Looks like Russia is still attacking us in information wars. (and/or doctoring polls)
Looks like they would prefer to run against Biden, and failing that, Bernie Sanders.
Like a cat batting a ball of yarn back and forth, back and forth.
Anne Laurie, thanks for the heads up on Adam Schiff. In spite of the damage to my reputation with my Tivo, which will know that I have recorded this piece of shit show, I feel that it’s worth it.