It's Starfleet but with an elongated sperm chasing its tail.
— YYZedd (@Zeddary) January 24, 2020
There is nothing sacred any more.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 24, 2020
From the Washington Post, “The ‘Star Trek’ vision was hopeful. Trump’s is the mirror image”:
… I thought of [Star Trek episode] “Mirror, Mirror” after seeing the Trump administration’s new Space Force logo, which the president tweeted out Friday with a characteristically awkward nod to our “Great Military Leaders” of the “Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!” (caps and punctuation his). Within minutes, the logo was lampooned widely for appearing to rip off the logo for Starfleet Command from “Star Trek.” Indeed, with the two logos placed side by side, the resemblance is so remarkable that I had to wonder whether Melania Trump was part of the design committee…
This somewhat comical appropriation of “Star Trek” imagery carries a certain irony. The universe of “Star Trek” has always provided a hopeful, near-utopian vision for humanity, where we have finally learned to set aside things like racial prejudice and gender inequality, and we all work together toward a common purpose and quest. Money is a thing of the past because no one wants for any material need, and we have united much of the galaxy in a peaceful assembly of sovereign worlds.
Contrast that for a moment with the current administration’s values and practices: racial resentments and fear stoked for cynical political purposes, the wealthy made even more obscenely so through grift and political influence, coarse and bullying behavior masquerading as diplomacy, to name but a few. Even the notion of a “Space Force” seems patently absurd coming from an administration where science is mocked and disregarded…
If you steal the Star Trek IP, is it eminent domain or free Enterprise?
— Karthik Sankaran (@RajaKorman) January 24, 2020
They’re deliberately doing a half-arsed job because they know it’s nothing but ooh!shiny! distraction for an elderly kleptocrat — and they want the rest of us to know that they know it. Ma Bell’s bastard offspring: We don’t care. We don’t have to.
Last week’s Space Farce PR Disaster, ICYMI:
Trump’s Space Force troops wearing camo in space is perhaps the strongest evidence yet that Idiocracy is a documentary
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 18, 2020
Personally I think it’s great that they’re finally sending troops to the Predator homeworld
— pixelatedboat aka “mr tweets” (@pixelatedboat) January 18, 2020
Sure, laugh at the Space Force and their forest camouflage. But did you consider that they'll never go into Space, and so this is the best way to hide from ridicule here on Earth?
No, you were only thinking about yourself.
— Andy (@FrancisTheSailr) January 18, 2020
I didn’t make this.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) January 18, 2020
Cold truth:
This is a wise choice in the future when Space Force troops are deployed to Afghanistan
— Alex Horton (@AlexHortonTX) January 18, 2020
Can’t wait till Trump tells us the MM stands for Magnificent Military and the XIX means six.
Mike in NC
It would only be appropriate that wingnut Tim “Buzz Lightyear” Allen be given the honorary title of Space Marshall.
Is this true? I’m seeing it on RW sites like brightfart.
If only we could rid ourselves of Trump as easily as the method devised by Kirk and Spock.
Another Scott
It seems like the Pentagon is slow-walking this new command (as well they should since we are part of various treaties about not militarizing space).
As long as Donnie is happy…
There was a space force in 1961?
Another Scott
@Brachiator: I think it actually goes back to Valley Forge when the Minute Men were protecting the airports.
Hunter Gathers
The Final Frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Covfefe.
It’s mission: To destroy strange new worlds.
To seek out new life and exploit it.
To boldly grab ’em by the pussy where no pussy has been grabbed before.
I’ve never heard of such a thing. Off to google!
Quasi-obligatory, I guess.
ETA – In space, we will still know they’re Trump trash, but there’s no plan for space mail, so be stupid enough to forget to vote before launch.
@germy: Sort of. The Air Force Space Command logo looked very similar to the new logo, but the Air Force Space Command was created in 1982.
AFSC handles national security related launches – spy satellites and such.
So, it’s not a rip-off of the Federation logo, it’s a direct migration from the AFSC logo, which itself was probably a rip-off of the Federation logo.
@Hunter Gathers
In space no one can hear you squeam.
Okay, according to wiki:
Yes, the “meatball” logo is what I remember best. That was the logo in 1961 and had been since the Eisenhower administration. So no, wingnuts. They did copy the Star Fleet logo and not NASA’s. Jesus, these people.
Where’s the beef?
@Another Scott:
Can I suggest Space Oddity?
zhena gogolia
Another great piece by Jennifer Rubin.
Could the military have been trolling Trump re. the logo?
@Hunter Gathers: Ripley: Get away from her, you Trump trash!
@geg6: So, there have pretty much always been two space division in the US. NASA handled civilian matters and some portion of the Air Force handled military matters – such as spy satellites, and such.
NASA and the military space agencies are often at odds – military demands multiple launch platforms for redundancy and NASA can’t afford to prop up two competing launch platforms.
Space Command is a promotion of the Air Force division, possibly incorporating the Army space operations? Who knows. So NASA isn’t part of the pedigree, the Air Force is. Here’s their previous logo.
Clearly the new logo is derived from that. But that division only dates back to 1982 – it doesn’t predate Star Trek as is being claimed.
I think the Space Force ripped off both Star Trek and Pan Am.
Ohio Mom
Off this specific topic but still on the topic of Dump, I just read he really is cutting SS and Medicare in next year’s budget.
I know the saying is “It is not necessary to hope in order to persevere,” but I am so tired of this.
Jay Noble
@Another Scott: We know what the eventual college/academy and ROTC members will forever be known as . . . SPACE CADETS!!!
Another Scott
@Baud: Jonathan Hoffman at the Pentagon had to be trolling when he said that. Right? Right??
On the other hand, this is the Air Force after all… >;-p
hells littlest angel
@germy: The United Federation of planets won’t be founded until 2161, so obviously, they will be stealing Trump’s design.
Ben Cisco
He deserves to be shoved out an airlock for this foolishness.
End Transmission.
@hells littlest angel: Sorry Neil!
Attention all planets of the solar federation, Trump is the Kremlin’s bitch, Trump is the Kremlin’s bitch, Trump is the Kremlin’s bitch.
Just One More Canuck
@Baud: Space Cowboy?
@Ben Cisco: You have Stonekettle’s attention.
West of the Rockies
Using a CT Scan to peer into Trump’s brain, the astonished space physician murmured in wonder: “My, God! It’s full of shit.”
End transmission.
When Baud! Becomes President! SpaceFarce should be the first thing to go.
Daoud bin Daoud
The Air Force is doing its damnedest to troll The Malignant Mango Manbaby & His Minions. May the USAF live long and prosper!
West of the Rockies
Space Force will be there to protect us from any alien squirmish! — Sarah Palin
West of the Rockies
@Jay Noble:
Anne Laurie
His handlers would like him to propose those cuts, because they always do, and he might not be around to do it next year. But because it is an election year, the chances Trump will actually cooperate with those handlers are not large, IMO.
And if he does, the Democrats in the House will tell him to get bent — and then use his own words in election ads. So, yeah, it’s depressing, but not liable to amount to much this year.
Right after I use it to put some select passengers on a one way rocketship to the sun.
Isn’t that Biden’s message?
@West of the Rockies:
Sarah Palin can see space aliens from her house.
@Baud: I guess.
Ohio Mom
Thanks for that more balanced and hopeful view, Anne Laurie.
It’s been a hell of a week for me personally. I would like things in this country not to get any worse before I can regroup.
Of all the things Trump has done, the Space Force is comic relief.
@Brachiator: Those little green men aren’t space aliens.
I prefer the original version.
GRAMMYS tonight at the Staples Center.
Kinda need the distraction.
I’m rooting for Lizzo for all the things!
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@Baud: It’s definitely part of it. But there’s more to restoring the soul of America than not obnoxiously tweeting.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
I was responding to the tweet.
Ben Cisco
@mrmoshpotato: How so?
zhena gogolia
I pray to God that Sanders is not the nominee. But Trump has gotten to the point that — yes, if Sanders is the nominee I will work to elect him.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@lamh36: Give Lizzo ALL THE GRAMMYz!
@zhena gogolia:
It was Space Force that was the tipping point, wasn’t it?
Amir Khalid
A “Space Force” more likely modelled on Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers than on Starfleet. Forest camouflage uniforms. A logo copied off Star Trek. This whole business just keeps on getting goofier.
zhena gogolia
The threat to Schiff.
@zhena gogolia:
That’s a good reason.
zhena gogolia
Yeah, to quote Hot Fuzz quoting Bad Boys II, This Shit Just Got Real.
Shit, reports of rockets fired at and hitting the US embassy in Baghdad.
@zhena gogolia: I haven’t seen anyone here today talking about Adam Schiff on MTP.
The Toad: “Was what the president said about you today a threat?”
Adam Schiff: “It was intended as one.”
zhena gogolia
He is a stone hero.
zhena gogolia
Todd did a marvelous job of parroting Repub talking points. Schiff just sailed through it.
Omnes Omnibus
Not a phrase I ever expected to see from you.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
You’re kidding, right? I have Hot Fuzz memorized.
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: You have depths that were previously hidden from me.
Another Scott
@mrmoshpotato: Too long – I would go with “had enough?”
Honestly, a lot of this looks like the military is doing the very minimum necessary so it’ll be easy to turn this back into AFSPC when a sane president takes over again. Surplus Air Force camouflage, a logo that’s a trivial reworking of the AFSPC one, and so on.
@Baud: Tumbrels for the 21st century.
@zhena gogolia:
Thank you for evolving, you had me worried for a while.
A lot of AFSC officers were posted to NASA-JSC when I was there, in the late ’80s, at the tail end of military launches—spy satellites, maybe some SDI stuff—but were reassigned in the early ‘90s. One poor guy made the mistake of saying he didn’t plan to re-enlist, so they sent him to Alaska.
I only recently found out Harry Harrison was American, not British, as I’d always assumed, for posting Bill, The Galactic Hero on the space battle cruiser SS Christine Keeler.
As they will most assuredly be.
zhena gogolia
I just pray he’s an unwitting tool of the Russians, not a knowing one.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@germy: Star Trek was referencing the NASA logo. Seesh.
That’s been my impression. The Air Force has long had a Space Command, and Trump hasn’t articulated anything this force would do differently (in part because he knows nothing about how the military works and refuses to learn.) Everyone can see it’s just a random throwaway live at a rally that lodged in his brain, and all he wants is to brag about creating a new branch of the military.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The SS Bolton has sprung a leak.
Sloane Ranger
I don’t get it. The NY Times publishes eye witness evidence that the President of the United States hated Ukraine and held up aid for an investigation of a political rival and CNN interrupts its normal schedule to have a special breaking news programme on the death of a basketball player, said and tragic though that death is?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Sloane Ranger: in the next thirty minutes, we’ll probably have three or four different threads on it
@Sloane Ranger: well you have to admit, it’s not NEW news that Trump held up the Ukraine aid. I think the evidence is considered conclusive by most journalists and has been for at least a month. It’s been extensively covered to the point that it is olds not news.
Gin & Tonic
@chris: She may have gotten soft, but I have not.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: All the best topics are covered by 10 different front pagers over the course of 2-3 days.
@zhena gogolia: I hope so too. I really don’t want him to be the nominee but, you know, broken glass…
@Gin & Tonic: You’d rather have the shitgibbon? Odd choice.
Gin & Tonic
@chris: If Wilmer is the nominee, neither my efforts nor my vote will matter a whit, because Trump will get over 400 EV’s.
@Gin & Tonic: Eh, I keep forgetting about your quaint Electoral College. I don’t want Wilmer for all kinds of reasons but if it comes to that I really hope you’re wrong.
@chris: G & T could be wrong about Sanders but I doubt it. Too much risk he’ll blow it and voters will decide, “better the kook I know.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: Yup. The amount of self-indulgence and delusion among Dem primary voters (at least according to polls) is continuously shocking to me
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh, he’d lose the popular vote too.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
2 down
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I missed on the timing, but I’ll go double or nothing on a Cole thread in the next thirty
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m not that soft, I’m just in despair.
And to think we are ostensibly in a major trade war with China over theft of intellectual property.
Bill Arnold
Iain M. Banks, “State of the Art” novella, 1989, used that in a little joke/prank by the General Contact Unit Arbitrary:
BTW, it’s a “spermatozoon” in the logo, not “sperm”. The elongated head is suggestive…
How come the Space Farce uniform flag is not sown on backwards?
The Orange Lump of Poo really IS a d**k .