Once again, to clarify, since this came up again this morning in a thread and was disruptive and a pain in the ass and has now taken another chunk of time from my evening- I make the final call on all commenter bannings. Fortunately they are few and far between, but it is me who makes the call. I alone. I am sure there are more than this, and I know there are more who have been automated bans from obvious spam accounts, but it would not surprise me if fewer than 25 people have been banned in the two decades this blog has been kicking.
But one more time- I make the final call. Me. It’s not me being manipulated or doing someone else’s bidding, it is me looking at what has happened and acting on it.
I try to be as lenient as possible, but some people just have way too much time on their hands and work overtime to make other people miserable or stir up shit for no reason. Sometimes I wonder if it was the right call, but then invariably the person banned sends me thirty sweaty emails or in one case about 150 fb messages (FROM TWO DIFFERENT FB ACCOUNTS) and the wisdom of my decision is confirmed. There are a whole lot of you and relatively few of us. When I am getting 100 emails about one person, it’s not ME who is the fucking problem.
Here is the policy again, btw.
This post will have no comments because there is nothing to fucking talk about. The end.