On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Good morning, everyone,
Sorry this didn’t run yesterday, I apparently missed the “make Public” button. Grr
Today we’re off to faraway lands…
Very long time lurker here, starting around 2007. The spouse & I visit Europe every off-season because its more affordable. This year is Portugal, with a brief stop later in Morocco.

We’re about halfway through the trip, so may make another submission ina week. Palacio Nacional de Pena is an amazing place, though the fog make taking photos interesting. Cabo de Roca is the westernmost point on the European continent. Basilica Estrela & Jardin Estrela are both wonderful spots. Everyone suggests the tram; we do not. Nothing too charming about being smushed into a pinpoint during a boneshaking journey where they often will kick you off to wait for the next with no explanation. Cabs are cheap & plentiful. Use those or (if you must) Uber.
Mary G
Those are gorgeous, kmeyer. I especially like the one with the river. Thanks for letting me see them, and please do submit more. You have a wonderful eye.
@Mary G:
Agree. kmeyer has a good photographic eye.
I especially like the castles in the fog pictures. The moody atmosphere feels like you’ve time traveled.
Good morning !
People inscribing their names (?) on cactus leaves (?) – some special meaning to this ? Am wondering.
Wonderful pictures.
Dan B
@JAFD: Looks like Agaves. And the carving names on trees and boulders should translate to Agave as well.
Cactus generally have spines that break off into your skin so less likely, except for the truly foolish. Teenage boys in groups, for instance.
The castle guarding the river. No commanding heights, just a presence. Magnificent!
Great photos. The lady with the flowers in the garden I especially like.
Beautiful pictures. I love the moodiness of the fog.
Lovely, thanks!
Yes, good eye indeed. Thanks and looking forward to more being posted here.
Sister Golden Bear
Lisbon is lovely.
Depending on how many of my rights get taken away, and the outcome of next year’s election, it’s been on the top of list of countries I might need to exfil to.
Really good, atmospheric photos. More like this.
A Fellow Lurker
J R in WV
Wonderful pictures. Portugal is on the short list of great places to visit or remove to if necessary. Seems like a wonderful place with great common sense compared to many nations. Spain is beautiful also, and the roadside bar food in Spain is as good as the best urban restaurants in the US… or maybe we just stopped at really high end roadside bars?
That’s some fog!