On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Good morning everyone,
I’m temporarily putting OTR on hiatus through next week, returning February 9. I’ve got a lot going on right now and don’t have spare mental CPU cycles, and I’m sorry about that!
Also, too, we’re running low on submissions, so please consider sharing your world. One side-effect of the new site is that the focus has shifted to more “travel pics” and while, yes, that’s part of it, OTR is also about seeing YOUR world. It may seem humdrum, everyday stuff to you but for for so many of us, your views, insights, stories, and humor enrich all of us.
As an example, I’m planning to take some pictures of a local cemetery or two. One is more scenic, one more poignant and tugs at my soul. More on that soon, but that’s just an example of me sharing something I find notable or moving in my local milieu.
On that note, with my schedule and upcoming birthday, I’m putting OTR on hiatus until February 9. Going though all this impeachment craziness, I’d prefer to keep running this for my and all our sanity, but I’m pulling myself too thin and this is a simple thing to put aside temporarily.
Don’t forget – please submit submit submit! We’re very low on stored submissions!
Have a great day, and days, we shall re-convene soon.
In two weeks we’re hitching up the trailer for a 4-month post-retirement road trip that includes half a dozen National Parks I’ve never seen. Plus I’ve got pix from earlier trips. And without a day job I’ll have time to organize them!
I’ll send something from one of last year’s trips soon.
How on earth did you end up in my pie filter? Thank Watergirl that I could toggle you out easily. Bon voyage and have a good trip. Take care also
But you did turn up as Catcake, who I love
Response to Frosty. Why in my piefilter? Who knows.
@Sab: Thanks for the prison break, and All Hail WaterGirl!!!
Just One More Canuck
Look after yourself, Alain
@Just One More Canuck: Yes!! A handful of people working hard to make site work. We do know you are there.
Happy Birthday
@frosty: I am jealous. Hopefully we get on road this year also. Love family, but ties.
I will mention that the blurb for On the Road says this right up front:
bolding is mine.
@Sab: Maybe you were testing the pie filter with a random commenter name(s), and you forgot to take all of them out when you were done?
But Catcake? I might have left him in for CatCake :-) just for a little while.
What a great trip! There’d better be tons of photos!
@WaterGirl: Something like that. Luddite here. I break everything. intentionally or not.
Auntie Anne
I’ve got yet more England pics, and I’ll try to dig out some of my happy spring pics from my backyard (literally!). I’ll work up a couple of submissions for you, Alain.
Have a great time.
I submitted a somewhat lengthy OTR a little while ago. Might that be in the bin, or did it go into the ether?
Happy birthday, Alain! Enjoy your break. I have more Newfoundland pics to submit, and always take lots of pictures at home in New York if anyone would find those interesting.
@Skepticat: Do you recall what the title might have been? I can check for you if I have an idea of what I am looking for.
The Republican lawyers are whorehouse piano players. What they play or how they play, with the exception loudness, is of no importance.
Argh, the memory, she is weak. I assume “Abaco” or “the Bahamas” would have been included. I sent it during our email exchanges. Thanks.
Anyone remember the “View From Your Window” from the Andrew Sullivan Blog? I know, I know, don’t yell at me but it was interesting and I got my view published. So when talking about our personal view, that was a good example.
@fmbjo: I do remember that and thought it an interesting and unique perspective.
@Skepticat: Did you submit it under your nym? I am not finding it.
I suppose Alain may have it tucked away somewhere that I can’t see, though I don’t know where that would be.
Maybe check with Alain after the hiatus?
edit: you would have received an email confirmation, maybe looking for that would be a good place to start? Then we would have a date.