Someone worked their magic on Wikipedia:
Link if you can’t see the photo well here
At about the same time the GOP was flushing their party and the Constitution down the toilet, Great Britain was working to put a strike-through on the Great part.
BREAKING: The United Kingdom has left the European Union.
— Ali Velshi (@AliVelshi) January 31, 2020
Weird, sad day. We must do everything in our power to make them pay in November.
Open thread
Final vote on impeachment is not happening until Wednesday, apparently. Strange that McConnell isn’t giving Trump the ability to take a victory lap during the SOTU the night before.
zhena gogolia
Today is the 40th anniversary of an event in my life that was too terrible for me to speak of here. I am not happy.
TaMara (HFG)
For whatever reason, this tweet would not embed in the post:
A Ghost To Most
Enjoy the Super Bowl. We will be pursuing outside options, for the first time.
No way we give Fox our eyeballs now, especially given the likelihood of Prez Mushmelon popping in to gloat and spout revenge.
zhena gogolia
Since the only thing that makes me feel the slightest bit better these days is throwing money at Democrats, I just sent some to Mark Kelly (challenging Martha McSally). He joins McGrath, Gideon, Ditch Mitch, Hickenlooper, and Biden on my list of recipients.
zhena gogolia
@A Ghost To Most:
I wish I could say I’d be making that sacrifice, but I haven’t watched the Super Bowl in my life (maybe once but I tried to concentrate on guacamole).
Chyron HR
Well, Bernie has announced to the stupid little children who worship him as their god that the DNC is RIGGING THE SUPERDELEGATES, so the human race is officially fucked.
Why in heaven’s name are people freaking out about this witnesses vote? Trump wasn’t going to be convicted in the Senate, and the people beating their chest now mostly never thought he would be. Witnesses would have been nice because we could flog Trump and Mitch more, but we’ve already gotten more embarrassment of both than we could reasonably expect. We are where we were last week – we have to be pissed off, keep our allies pissed off, and vote them out in November the way we have the last three years.
Schumer gets a lot of grief, some of it justified, but he’s acquitted himself pretty well durong the trial. It should be acknowledged.
On another note, what’s in Corbyn’s future? Last I heard, he was going to step down from Labour at some indeterminate time.
@Chyron HR:
Please post link.
There are many people who could have done that edit on Wiki.
Myself included as I’m still an editor, as most anyone can be. I’ve never edited anything on there but it’s not difficult to become an editor. Or at least it didn’t use to be.
@zhena gogolia:
Sending a hug, ZG.
Apparently they fucked up the language of the impeachment resolution which left an opening for the Dems to quasi-filibuster the final stages with endless amendments and debate. McConnell is a master at obstruction. He isn’t that great at actual legislation because he basically has no practice.
@zhena gogolia: You’re good people.
@Frankensteinbeck: People always freak out. It’s how we live now.
Chyron HR
Ugh like I want to wade back into that swamp?
Wiki’s now on my FB page. Hope it ticks off my family.
I actually think it plays to the Dems advantage. They are basically giving license to the House to continue investigating and demanding all the testimony and evidence they refused to collect or hear. Had they opened up the floor in a limited an controlled way they could have argued that they issue was truly dead and buried and it is just sour grapes for the Dems to bring stuff back up. Now they can’t do that so much.
Bolton Hearings in the House the 4th week of August during the GOP Convention sounds about right to me.
@zhena gogolia:
Aw, I’m sorry.
@Chyron HR:
Thanks. The Politico article was bullshit. Do we know anything about the reporter?
Nadler too has been impressive. Actually, all of them deserve our gratitude.
I thought Bolton refused to testify for the House.
Felanius Kootea
Well, today the Trump admin announced a travel ban on my country of origin, Nigeria, in addition to five other countries. Now I can look forward to CBP officials bothering me when they feel like it when I fly to Europe, Africa, or Canada and need reentry, because my US Passport announces that I was born in Nigeria (some of my Iranian colleagues, professors who are naturalized citizens, have experienced this special attention recently).
@Chyron HR:
I don’t see Sanders’ part in this? It looks like Politico showing their asshole Republican leanings again and publishing a ‘Democrats In Disarray’ story to try and make Berners hate the Democratic Party. Damn, is it some weak sauce of a few anonymous sources within the Democratic Party discussing something that might affect the vote a little but nobody thinks would ever pass anyway, because SANDERS SURGING and if he wins his best state, he might win all the states!!!!!
@zhena gogolia: Cal Cunningham is running against Thom Tillis. He seems like a good candidate and I am sending him money as well.
@Chyron HR: It would be unbelievably stupid for the DNC to reopen the rules on superdelegate voting. I don’t want Sanders to be the nominee, but if he were to win the most pledged delegates in the primaries and then lose the nomination because of superdelegate votes tilting it to another candidate (which isn’t remotely what happened in 2016), we may as well just forfeit the November election at that point.
We need to beat Bernie, but we need to do it without superdelegate involvement. We can’t give even a shred of legitimacy to claims of “rigging” by his cult followers, and giving first round voting rights back to superdelegates would hand them ammunition we don’t need to be giving them. The person who wins the most pledged delegates in the primaries is the person who should be the nominee – no matter who that person winds up being.
The Sanders people like to work behind the scenes with friendly reporters. That’s what happened a few weeks ago when we had the BIDEN IS GOING TO STEAL YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY kerfluffle.
@zhena gogolia: Sending you love & hugs
@germy: That is true, the last I heard. Apparently, he wanted GOP permission to speak, or at least he wanted to look as if he wanted GOP permission.
I wonder if that will change if the WH can flush his book down the toilet, and the media loses interest in his scoops because Trump WON, and therefore Trump’s criming is old news (even as it continues). and not interesting, because TRUMP WON IT!!!
Chyron HR
Sure, he’s just the innocent beneficiary of an online propaganda campaign. Again.
@Chyron HR:
He’s the victim of a party that isn’t his. //
Main thing today resulted in is sending the U.K.’s rep who at the the EU Parliament to the unemployment line.
@Chyron HR:
I’m sure Politico picked him because he’s the prime tool to try and demoralize young Democratic voters, but I doubt Sanders has any input in what Politico publishes.
Mary G
Probably true enough, but I doubt it bothers Turtleman too much since I suspect he really really hates Trump. Though he’s asshole enough to enjoy sticking it to the country.
I look forward to the day the truth comes out about what Trump/Putin holds over him.
@Mary G:
AKA Putin’s Festivus.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I saw a video of the UK flag being taken down from the EU Council Chamber in Brussels. It was sad.
@zhena gogolia
Ditto. Except the maybe once part. Perfect record of zero. Impossible to overstate the disinterest in it.
My dead-tree paper is subbing out probably 65% of their op-ed real estate now, and that results in bleats like the other day when a column took issue with how the Bernie isn’t getting appropriate support during these primaries from his party.
Yeah, it said that.
“There is no need for the Senate to re-open the investigation which the House Democratic majority chose to conclude and which the managers themselves continue to describe as ‘overwhelming’ and ‘beyond any doubt’,” McConnell said.
i know it’s a pipe dream, but it would be nice to have the Republican Senators explain what part of the house evidence they dispute? Alexander he did it but it should be up to the voters. Does Alexander plan to vote for Trump because it’s not that big of a deal.
vote, please.
@Felanius Kootea: Well, shit. That sucks. These are terrible times.
I doubt anything. Mitch is no genius, but he’s smart enough to not directly dirty his hands. He’ll just claim plausible deniability as Russians fund his dream of burning the country to the fucking ground for electing a black man to be his boss.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They spontaneously stood and sang Auld Lang Syne the other day after taking the vote approving Brexit. It was so sad.
@zhena gogolia: I’m so sorry. Sending you hugs {{{{{zhena gogolia}}}}}
@janesays: I thought superdelegates don’t get to vote in the first round. ??
@Dorothy A. Winsor
May the denuded flagpole remain standing as a monument to gross moronic selfishness.
I knew Bloomberg was spening alot of his own money, but DAMN 200 million dollars!!!!
U.S. candidate Bloomberg spent $200 million of own wealth on presidential bid in 2019
Weinstein Accuser Says He Has No Testicles
Turtle is conniving, focused and knows how things work in his little world. That’s all it takes, that and continually being reelected.
Thanks again, Kentucky.
@zhena gogolia: I’m so sorry.
@lamh36: Willing to bet he made more than that in 2019.
@Felanius Kootea:
This is really unfortunate. More reason to stay strong and vote these villains out.
@WaterGirl: That’s what the story is about. Some small group of Dems is talking about changing the rule back. That becomes the DNC is planning to rig the primary.
The Politico reporter seems like a Bro.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@lamh36: To me, it’s a positive thing that money is coming out of Bloomberg’s hoard and being spread around a little.
@lamh36: That’s insane. It’ll probably be more in 2020.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: There are better uses for $200M.
@zhena gogolia: Then don’t My in-laws once visited during the super bowl and wanted to pretend they supported my watching. Every time the ball was moved a yard or so, mother-in-law would pipe up and say is this a touch down. OMG When they would kick it was a big thing. The only nice thing about their watching is my fond memories.
@debbie: I agree about Nadler and, really, all the House Managers. But Schiff was really the standout. I’m with Ohio Mom, I’ve developed kind of a crush on him.
But BTW, what was all the noise that Schiff and Nadler has some kind of knock-down drag-out fight last night? Just more GOP shit-stirring, or was there some substance to it?
@Baud: I suppose that all politicians like to work with friendly reporters.
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: I have fond memories of watching the first two (on TV) with my father.
But I have fonder memories of sitting and watching Knicks games with him. That was also many, many years ago, when they were good.
Later this year I will reach the age my father was when he died, so it’s kind of melancholy thinking about him.
@germy: If she’s the nominee, I’d vote for her for sure, but she could have chosen to run for senate first and didn’t. I am glad that she is supporting voting rights.
I don’t know what other candidates do. I just noticed the pattern with the Biden story.
Any chance if Dems can prevail this November taking back the Senate and White House that D.C., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands can all be given statehood?
@JPL: She’d have time to run for the senate before 2040. I hope she does
But I’m glad she’s working on voting rights.
@SiubhanDuinne: Schiff was on fire. He reminded me of the last act of law & order with DA making a dramatic cogent argument. Except Schiff went for hours. His hoarse voice at the ends of those days? ?
@Baud: This is me banging my head against the wall.
I am ready for everyone who seems hell bent on destroying our party and our democracy to move to a different planet.
I am totally willing to change the rules if it keeps Bernie from being our nominee. That’s probably bad, isn’t it?
Van Buren
Currently blasting music on headphones so I can’t possibly hear what David Brooks is saying on the telly.
Splitting Image
Well, Great Britain was only ever “Great” compared to Lesser Britain, otherwise known as the Duchy of Britanny. It will still be larger than Britanny even if the Scottish and Welsh both decide to bail out.
The Brits will be able to console themselves with that, bless their
littlegreat hearts.JPL
@WaterGirl: Not at all because wilmer would lose the house along with him vanity run.
Felanius Kootea
@Brachiator: Oh I plan to. It’s personal now.
Kudos to Manchin BTW. Didn’t defect yet.
@JPL: Stacey Abrams has absolutely no interest in being a senator. Can you blame her? I don’t blame her one bit.
At this point I think I’d rather work at macdonald’s than be a senator. I think if you were a get things done kind of person, being in the senate in 2020 would make you want to blow your brains out.
Some people are better suited to administrative roles. I totally respect her choice.
She is my top choice for VP.
@bucachon: He made me feel proud and patriotic.
Here’s a non-Trumpie link. Apparently, Nadler’s committee would normally lead the impeachment hearings, but Pelosi named Schiff as the head manager. I guess feathers were feeling ruffled.
I still think we should all nominate Schiff for a JFK Library Profile in Courage Award. Here’s the link. The deadline for nominations is February 15, 2020.
@zhena gogolia: No details, just know that we’re here for you.
Waste of money. I’ve heard some of his radio ads here in Southern California. They are OK, but do not make me interested in him.
@Ocotillo: greetings from Puerto Rico. No god no thank you! DC definitely. It’s contiguous.
Puerto Rico is the worlds oldest colony. I teach history to fifth graders and seventh here in Puerto Rico. We just covered the Declaration of Independence.
statehood is the ultimate stage of colonialism. Yeah we get to vote in your election. Independence means something important. You know. As a gringo who’s lived here for 20 years I know that independence is important.
Puerto Rico is it’s own culture and society and collection of people. It’s not the USA. Yeah, yeah we are. After 20 years of military occupation by the US, congress granted puertoricans citizenship. Legally we are. Culturally, socially, linguistically, historically, musically, geographically we are Puerto Ricans. I say change the law and let the rest continue to be true rather than change the culture, the society to fit into the USA.
the truth is what needs to be done here will be easier if it’s done here.
Matt McIrvin
@janesays: Unless every single superdelegate votes for Bernie, they’ll insist it was rigged. Maybe even then.
It would be good if the Democrats would point out that if half of the jury finds a defendant guilty, the result isn’t called an acquittal: it’s a hung jury.
Puerto Rico has a Levittown*. Can’t get much more ‘murkin than that.
*For the skeptical, really.
joel hanes
Actually, all of them deserve our gratitude.
At this point, any gratitude I direct toward Representative Richard Neal (D Massachusetts), who chairs both Ways and Means and Taxation, will be distinctly muted.
zhena gogolia
zhena gogolia
Thanks! (I don’t know how to reply to multiple people any more)
zhena gogolia
zhena gogolia
zhena gogolia
yes, do not, I repeat do not, read the accompanying article
ETA: Thanks to all for sympathy.
Pay them all into the sea.
Amir Khalid
At first I thought that was said figuratively. Then I clicked on the link.
I have had two glasses of wine and I would like to say that I have never been more grateful for this site. Thanks to every poster and front pager.
@zhena gogolia: Click reply on MomSense. Immediately press the X to close the popup box. Click reply on Baud. The popup will already say @MomSense and add @Baud. Click the X. Navigate to ruemara’s comment, click reply. You’ll see @MomSense, @Baud and @ruemara. Click the X. Navigate to SD and germs in turn, following the same process.
Then just use the backspace to remove all the extra spacing between all the @nyms.
Does that make sense?
@Chyron HR: Fucking wonderful. I’m thinking very bad thoughts about Wilmer now.
@NotMax: Or a new flag that says “Hi Brits! How goes it?”
@Ocotillo: Who else are we throwing out besides Florida?
Omnes Omnibus
@Frankensteinbeck: I don’t understand it either. I think that some people thought that the sheer blatancy of Trump’s crimes might overcome the shittiness of elected Republicans.
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: Anniversary of your first visit to LU?
J R in WV
To Mike, that’s like you going out to a great NOLA night club and tipping $95 on a $290 tab for your Grad degree because the staff was so great. No big deal.
I’m just excited knowing that regardless of what happens for the next four years there will be a Democratic primary in 2024.
@Spanky: I don’t think they hold anything over McTortoise. He’s getting literally everything he wants from Trump – wingnut judges, tax cuts for wealthy people, deregulation of everything under the sun. He’s got no reason to be unhappy with what he’s gotten over the last three years.
@NotMax: it also has a neighborhood called Vietnam.
Being a UK citizen , I put forward a scenario –
You an American , would like to go the the supermarket and other stores to do your shopping . You put on your coat , climb into your car and drive to your bank . However , you do NOT withdraw money But you have to give your bank $10,000 a year so you can buy from the shops .
The UK HAD to give the EU Commissars £12 Billion per year so we could buy from other countries .
I for one was not willing to do that , so I voted to leave .
No doubt other countries will sell their merchandise to us because we will buy from them .
End of scenario .
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@NotMax: On behalf of a few Irish ancestors, I’m enjoying a certain schadenfreude watching the UK shoot itself in both feet, and other body parts.