Actual Iowa voter:
ME: Please don't take the caucus as holy writ
ME: Unless you're an activist, participating is like a root canal, which impacts type of voter & turnout
PM: sweet, activists are quotable
ME: It's impossible to parse
PM: you mean I can write any story I want?— The Mall Krampus (@cakotz) February 3, 2020
While I’m sure there will be breathless coverage on every channel today and tonight, if you would like to forgo the punditry and spin just click on the link below tonight to see the results. #IACaucus #IowaCaucuses
— Maya Contreras (@mayatcontreras) February 3, 2020
Right now, there are a total of *no* results on the DMRegister‘s tidy results page.
The NYTimes has any amount of breathless explanations of its elaborate ‘four needle’ wall-to-wall predictions coverage, where they are hoping bigly that Trump’s preferred opponent will sweep.
I’m gonna stay with the DMRegister, and I suggest y’all do the same.
The idea that there’s more than one way to determine the winner of Iowa was invented roughly three days ago and it deserves to be called out for the ratfucking it is. It’s designed to sow discord and create Dems In Disarray stories at the cost of the winner’s legitimacy.
— The Grinch Who Stole Selzer (@agraybee) February 3, 2020
Remember the 2012 Iowa where the lead shifted from Cain to Bachmann to Ron Paul before settling on Santorum for the win? Good times.
— Jim Antle (@jimantle) February 3, 2020
Big drop in campaign coverage on the evening newscasts in the run-up to Iowa
— Michael Calderone (@mlcalderone) February 3, 2020
Yes, but if they don't do that then they won't be able to hit the downtown bars after filing
— The Mall Krampus (@cakotz) February 3, 2020
2016 PTSD explains everything about the race to date and I don't see that changing after Iowa. No Dem is going to be remotely comfortable until 1/20/21, if then.
— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) February 3, 2020
Another Scott
Michael Bennet is in the lead with 0%
That was unexpected!!
Seriously, I’m surprised at some of the gnashing of teeth downstairs….
dr. bloor
Actually, “3 DIFFERENT WAYS TO COUNT THE VOTE” is a pretty compelling argument for not giving a flying fuck about the results. When did Nate become a clickbaiting doink?
Juice Box
I’m playing the nightly game of fetch and tug with the puppy. It’s substantially more interesting than MSNBC.
Fuckin disarrayed Dems!
The R’s have already picked their winner in their caucus tonight…
Had a lovely 2 hours writing GOTV postcards w/ my local Indivisible group. Anecdotally speaking, I’m a little worried by the Bloomberg curious comments from several of them. I basically suggested they spend more time looking into his record, but it’s a good reminder that waves of TV advertising/propaganda work on most people.
Just home from my first Iowa caucus. On the first round, Amy had the most votes, followed by Pete, then Biden. Warren just missed the 15% required for viability. The second round, when all whose candidates were not viable could realign, saw a surge over to Warren, who was then also declared viable. Sanders people mostly came over to Warren,
dr. bloor
Those Republican results look like a big fat intervention for Weld and Walsh re: the true nature of the party they think they belong to.
@Nelle: I thought viability in a caucus was like in pregnancy. Once lost, it cannot be reanimated. But you tell me no?
@Marcopolo: Did the Iowa Republicans allow any candidates other than Trump? Several states will be going that route.
@dr. bloor: It is the Soviet model. Their candidacy legitimizes the Trump tidal wave.
Mary G
Interesting thread about another first:
@Immanentize: Yeah, that’s what I thought. These rules are confusing.
@Nelle:So I read that one rule change they made this year is having an impact: the writer said after a candidate’s group hit viability that those people were locked into that group (which was not the case before); that if the group of undecided voters in a caucus was viable that those voters were locked into that undecided group. Apparently this means there is a lot less movement after the first vote (and less strategic moving around). The idea behind this change was twofold: speed things up & make sure the votes of folks who can’t stay for hours get counted. Also, some reporting is also saying that there seems to be less rhyme or reason to how folks are choosing to re-align from non-viable caucuses?
You were on the ground, did you notice any of this at your site?
It’s more Calvinball than caucus.
@Immanentize: How do they do it? Someone from Iowa here want to explain? After the first round does the candidate with the lowest number of voters get to re-align and then they count again, and then the new lowest that is non-viable redistributes and they count again and keep doing it until all that are left is only viable candidates?
Adam L Silverman
@Ken: From Joe Walsh’s campaign manager:
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: He really should have brushed up on his English or brought an interpreter before going on site for that assignment.
@Kent: Here’s Nate Silver’s explanation
Anne Laurie
Can’t speak for Walsh, but Weld is strictly in it as a protest candidate. He *was* one of that vanished breed, an Honorable New England Republican. He finds Trump personally insulting.
(Yeah, I have a soft spot for the guy. I did vote for him back in the day — the alternative was John Silber, a misogynist nutbag, and MA is a ‘weak governor’ state where the legislature controls everything worth controlling. )
(And since our Pagan wedding officiant required special certification, I have a congratulatory letter signed by Weld to go with our official marriage license.)
Democrats In Disarray articles already written and timestamped for publication mañana.
@Kent: This is how we have done some local primary elections. You just keep eliminating candidates and redistributing votes until someone has 50% +1. You rank each candidate when you vote, so no realignment based on known results.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Who was the shoplifter? I bet there was a time I knew the name and could identify a picture of that person, but right now it’s not ringing any bells
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anne Laurie: I realize he probably didn’t move many votes, but I can’t get past his running for Veep on Johnson’s ticket, even if he did come out at the end and say “People, come on! You know you gotta vote for Clinton, right?”
If Hillary had won, this would be a straightforward two-person primary right now. :-(
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Claude A Allen.
If I have to have a billionaire I like Steyer better than Bloomberg. IF I HAVE TO.
You people better not do that to me.
Ohio Mom
You do have to wonder what goes on in people’s minds as they caucus.
Does anyone say to themselves something like, “I hope she (neighbor, friend, co-worker, whatever) doesn’t hold it against me that I’m over here for this candidate.” Or, “Oh, he’s smart, I’ll do what he’s doing.” “She’s for that candidate? I always knew she was an idiot.”
Such a weird idea, running around a room to agree on a candidate.
@Kay: Me too.
Worst timeline ever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: thank you– looked him up on Wiki. He was… something.
The bush years weren’t in the same ballpark of zaniness as trump. And the bush admin was really, really zany.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Given Paris Denard worked in the White House as a senior advisor to VP Cheney, that’s saying something.
You have to give some grudging respect for “our” billionaires, since the entire rest of their social class decided they like tax cuts more than…America. They’re really quite mavericky, if you think about it. The rest of these assholes sold us out in a heartbeat.
You can ummm…. vote? Uncommitted?
Fuck. The. What?
@Kay: We hire the best people.
I’m about to give up for the evening. I can read about the damage tomorrow.
Mr. Kite
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: somebody in that thread mentioned Jeff Gannon and I felt like reading Proust about madeleines.
Yup. Uncommitted has even come in first in the past.
@Baud: Steyer can DIAF, I’d rather have Bernie.
What did he do?
@mrmoshpotato: That’s because these caucuses don’t actually select delegates to go to the national convention, they select delegates to go to another event that will select those delegates.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: I’m leaning that way too.
Zany. Not the word i would pick. How about war crimes?
Tell it to a million dead iraqis.
@NotMax: Are you fucking kidding me, Shorts For Life? How does that make sense to thinking humans?
Another Scott
I actually enjoyed visiting with “neighbors” about why they were voting for their choices.
This right here.
Saying there are multiple ways to count Iowa’s results is like saying there are 4 ways to count who won a football game based on the score at the end of each quarter.
You have to be profoundly uninformed, stupid person (or the New York Times) to fall for this shit.
Quality control damnit!
At this rate the “first in the nation” Iowa caucus is making a pretty good argument for this year being its last.
The Dangerman
Tell them “get results or you have to watch the P&G Super Bowl commercial” on an endless loop (Sophia Vergara, Rob Riggle, and a cast of … well, everyone … in some sort of peyote inspired stream of conscionsness related to spilled … chili, I guess).
RR having paper towels come out of his groin area with the title of the commercial being “We all come together” is bizarre and could prove to be excellent torture. Or Pat Boone covers some metal standards on an endless loop. Cruel and most definitely unusual but I’m tired of waiting.
So it’s going to be fog of war for a while, I guess.
Another Scott
@Nelle: Thanks for your reports!
It wasn’t clear from the early end of your comment at #5 how things turned out. Who “won” the delegates there?
Thanks again.
To quote Adam Sandler, “Fuck me in the goat ass!” That. is. ab. surd.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
On topic:
Adam L Silverman
Sometimes Floriduh! Man is the hero we need!
@mrmoshpotato: When they get to the state convention they’re allowed to change their vote after the first round. It’s a way to state that they’re not yet sure who should be the nominee but want to be able to have a voice in the final tally after getting to see where the rest of the state ends up. Really useful for strategic voting.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
off topic:
I still say Bolton has a couple of arrows still in the quiver
Another Scott
Still nothing on the DR newspaper results page. Looks like it’s going to be a long night.
Fingers crossed that there’s a sensible outcome in the morning.
‘night everyone.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: I love that the great patriot trumpista proudly declares we shouldn’t have a First Amendment, (“I think you shouldn’t be able to say that about the President of the United States!”) and she’s going to report him! to Don Jr!
@Adam L Silverman: We go from “I don’t know how many women accused him of rape” to “You shouldn’t be able to say that about the president.”
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah. I think we all need to be realistic about whether Pelosi’s plan was ever to get to 67 in the Senate or just do as much damage as possible prior to November. If the latter was as least part of her plan, then Bolton hasn’t even played his hand yet.
If you go with craziness instead of zaniness…
I held Bush in contempt and detestation and utterly loathed Cheney (and still do), but I never thought either one was out and out crazy and/or deranged.
With Trump, there is no doubt whatsoever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @Barbara: Meet Marsha Hill. She seems nice!
@Adam L Silverman: You’re kidding, right?
wait… this is real. Holy hell. I guess republicans have always had poor hires.
Mike J
This is the way WA caucuses worked too. Washingtonians should be vigilant because while we got rid of caucuses, the state party still picks delegates, and they tend to like people who will boo John Lewis.
If you live in Washington you NEED to go to your local LD meeting and tell them you do not want ratfuckers going to Milwaukee.
Mary G
Official version: quality checks taking a long time.
Two tweets I saw, too lazy to find again. One, I think from WSJ, that app the Iowa Dems chose has crashed. Other from someone claiming to be in a charge of a precinct, says he’s been waiting on hold for over an hour to report results.
@mrmoshpotato: Eh. Look, I would prefer primaries. I think they’re more democratic and think caucuses are a bit of an anachronism, but if you’re going to do them, it honestly makes a decent amount of sense to do it this way.
The only thing that’s absurd is how much media attention is paid to them. They’re a tiny state and won’t have a material impact on the delegate counts, and those final delegate counts come in quite a bit later than the initial caucuses. They shouldn’t matter that much. The only reason they’re important is because the media insists they’re important and enough people buy it.
@Adam L Silverman: “I think you shouldn’t be able to say that about the President of the United States!”
Wow. I wish Ed had told her to move to Russia then.
What a damn cult.
ETA – I agree with Jim. “I’m gonna tell my orange god emperor and his large failson on you!”
That’s kind of like saying anesthesia-free root canals are a bit painful.
@janesays: I’m trying to be nice. :p
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Strikes me that might be as much of a result of the electorate in IA shifting R since 08 as anything else. I know that is what has happened here in MO. Our rural areas went from a ~35-40% D vote to a 20-25% D vote.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the two 2018 R to D flipped IA house seats in a Presidential year when the turnout will be through the roof.
Suppose an alternative explanation is it just gets progressively harder for folks to carve out time to caucus every new 4 year period.
Kraux Pas
I hate the FTFNYT headline about confusion about the results. It’s called counting.
Anything to promote fake drama.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Marcopolo: probably also the excitement Obama/Clinton generated, and Obama had what I think was a legendary turn-out organization and buckets of money. Don’t know about Clinton.
Anybody watching Klobuchar? Decent speech, I think.
@Mary G: Ah, the joys of using brand new tech in a real world situation. In 2008 the Obama campaign had this great new phone app for designated poll watchers to use to ID supporters as the votes—ya know, so we knew whose house to go to to pull out folks who hadn’t yet. Totally crashed on its first encounter with live real-time data. Don’t think it would have helped us make up a 4000 vote deficit statewide (McCain’s margin of victory here) but it was a great learning experience about relying on untested tech.
Adam L Silverman
@Kraux Pas: It’s called using a specific technical solution for the first time on the night that it is most important.
Mary G
Welp, the media is going to bitch about Dems in disarray, cause it looks like they really are in Iowa:
@Adam L. Silverman
Somewhere, WaterGirl nods sagely.
What the fuck?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
And I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t take this time to point out that both of those Red-to-Blue flippers, people who won a general election, endorsed Biden
Biden speaking, looks pretty good so far. I hope they told him to keep it short… oh, too late
So… this is apparently a complete shitshow.
The DNC really needs to give Iowa and New Hampshire an ultimatum – Iowa will no longer hold caucuses, and New Hampshire agrees to share the first in the nation status with them in 2024 and hold their primaries on the same day.
Cue actual FUD and mutual suspicion. I smell Russian app hacking.
@danielx: Quality control is important. I believe they should take all the time required, three or four weeks, even.
@janesays: I’m completely ready to go back to smoke-filled rooms.
In its own way it is heartening to see them not buckle to meet the time frame pressure of east coast TV.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
ETA: I don’t think Biden’s quite that ruthless, but if he’s smart, he’s hired a couple people who are
Whereas the Rs moved to jamoke-filled rooms.
@danielx: Charitable explanation: Things are confused and they want to be sure they don’t have to recuse results later.
Other explanation: They’re worried about hacking. I saw some speculation from the media about their app earlier, in which they said the app had actually been extensively tested and officials couldn’t figure out what was going wrong
@MisterForkbeard: [sigh] They’re running it on WordPress, aren’t they?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MisterForkbeard: Rachel Maddow just read a statement from the party saying ‘it’s not a hack, not an intrusion… underlying data and paper trail are sound”
Mary G
Amy K. had a smart idea, she just went ahead and just gave a speech to her supporters as if she knew she’d done well.
@different-church-lady: Maybe on geocities
Kraux Pas
@Adam L Silverman: Call it whatever you want but what it comes down to is the media isn’t getting results as fast as they want, so they’re throwing shade.
Mary G
Kudos to the IA Democratic Party to telling the media horse-race fuckers to get bent. I had to laugh at Brian Williams being very disappointed….
Limiting the premature speculation of national media on the glory of a Wang administration, is a good thing.
Nate Silver’s take is wonky horseshit. The changes in counts between rounds could matter if it was a more representative state. In Iowa, the only metric which matters is final delegate count.
Fucking breathe everyone, and let the process happen. November is still 9 months away.
@Mary G: “Google, show me pictures of that time Loretta tallied results at the Iowa Caucuses…”
@janesays: Yeah. Ban caucuses. Do ranked choice voting for all states in July. Make it the first Tuesday after the 4th. Convention a month later. We don’t need to spend a year on this.
@Mary G: I saw part of Amy’s speech – it was good! She made a good decision there.
Also, texting the pictures isn’t…. terrible? But then someone is going to physically drive them over to HQ? That’s super weird.
@Jay: Just released from moderation. Too many links. You can only have 7 in a comment.
The same metrics have been crowd sourced in the name of reform:
Do we have a charismatic pitch person who can win?
If not, is there someone crazy enough to self fund?
Speaking as a software engineer with experience with things being extensively tested, there is no testing that compares to the massive hit this system is taking tonight. You can plan for capacity and do load testing, but it’s still not the same.
For a recent example, take the launch of Disney+, which was a flagship service of giant corruption with a bazillion dollars, and it was still a huge cluster when signups launched.
Love the idea. Heck we can still let Iowa and New Hampshire have their fun in February. The rest of us will have forgotten it all by summer.
Kraux Pas
Freudian slip?
@Adam L Silverman:
I don’t know what I love more:
That it’s a golf cart…
Or, that he’s just chilling…reading the newspaper???
@Another Scott: in our precinct, there were 9 delegates for some other thingy (my husband is one of the Warren delegates). Two each for Amy, Warren and Biden, three for Pete. He and Amy tied for that last delegate and it was decided for Pete by a coin toss. We’re still trying to understand the system.
@Redshift: I used to do professional QA for cloud apps. It’s definitely hard, but I’m surprised at the whole”complete failure” of the app.
Usually in these cases it sorta works.
Mary G
And for something completely different, a cool football player on the KC, MO Chiefs, Derick Nnadi:
@Redshift: What if we got a bunch of people and flushed all the toilets at the same time?
Story goes that filming on Gene Kelly’s singin’ in the rain scene ran so late that it slopped over into the hours shortly after people got home from work and enough toilets were being flushed to turn it into singin’ in the drips.
@Kraux Pas:
close enough
I believe the blog approved term is Giant Evil Corporation.
@Mary G: That’s really sweet about the angels and the pups.
The Dangerman
OK, how about if we give everyone in the caucus a kernel of corn, we place the kernels in jars, and then we weigh the thing. No fair popping or extra buttering.
Anne Laurie
New post up top, if anyone’s around to care.
@The Dangerman:
But they would have to be totally identical kernels! And the scales would be fixed!
@Kraux Pas:
It never fails, any time I post something that gets any attention, it has an egregious autocorrect fail…
@Kraux Pas: I mean… the Iowa Democratic Party has provided no information, and the candidates are all giving victory speeches even though we have no idea who actually won.
The only good thing that can come out of tonight is that hopefully this will be the last Iowa Caucus ever held. The DNC needs to tell them this shitshow is over. If they want to run caucuses again in 2024, they can do so – and they’ll get no votes at the convention.
Bring it up to date, though. Have a different kind of smoke.
Anne Laurie
Big electioneering opportunity in branded vape pens!
(I’m so old, I can remember local pols handing out matchbooks, along with pencils & emery boards.)