I’m not watching, I am going to be playing World of Warcraft Classic with a bunch of people I first played with 16 years ago and we all stayed in touch. I don’t give a shit with what that loathesome coked up turd has to say.
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I wouldn’t watch that dick if I was offered $100 for my trouble.
That sounds like a fun thing to do. Your timing couldn’t be better. Have a great game!
Wasn’t Trump supposed to have the second part of his annual physical in January? Wonder what happened to that?
There ought to be a new movie “Shit Floats – When the Fat Content is High Enough”.
Have it on but muted. Just in case he springs a bearing ;-)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Republicans chanting “Four more years”
Not watching either, and I’m happy my rep, Cohen (the TN fightin’ 9th!) will not be there.
This year’s has always been penciled in for February AFAIK. Also, don’t fall for and pass on the BS – there was never a “first part.” That was an anomalous urgent visit.
What the hell is this orange turdball talking about? It’s delusional. He lives in another world. Don’t know if I can take him and his Hannity talking points.
This has gotta be rehearsed. Three standing ovations in the first five minutes? Christ, it’s gonna take all night.
And another one.
I just got home from WarriorGirl’s violin lesson, did the “check e-mail and b-j” thing, and now I’m going to pour a glass of wine and type up this week’s practice sheet.
It would take a lot of money — say, enough to buy a house in Chestnut Hill — to get me to watch Twitler live on broadcast TV. Nah Gah Happen.
@chris: Every SOTU is like that, regardless of party.
The days of our country being used … are long behind us.
Hurrah! Whoopie!
We are moving along at a pace … and we are never ever going back.
Yodellayheehoo. Every man for himself. Ooo coo coo. Golden cities. Golden towns. Thanks for the ride. Big science. Hallelujah. Big science. Yodellayheeh
We did our job.
Whistle stomp
(Is this a fake clap track?)
BJ Jackals: Gosh, Betty sure is the best at coming up with insults for Trump!
John Cole: cracks knuckles
I’m a bit disappointed that Pelosi offered a handshake. Unless she was just putting him in position to clap the handcuffs on him.
Frankly, I’d have supported the entire House Dem caucus emulating AOC. Nobody in Reality World show up. Period. That would have burned him to the ground.
listening to SOTU on the radio. A bit scarey because he doesn’t sound his usual vague self when reading the teleprompter. What drug did they give him tonight? And what is this shit abt Melania’s ‘extraordinary love and care for American high school students’? And his guff on health care is totally deluded, but he’s sounding coherent, which is disturbing …
This would have been the ideal response. If only …
@chris: all the republicans have all been given their marching orders, or rather clapping and standing orders.
@jayjaybear: Nancy Pelosi is a class act. Of course she extended her hand. I think her choice of introduction was spot on, as well.
@Greenergood: Don’t be disturbed it won’t last. His core self is a shit tornado.
Gin & Tonic
Not enough money to get me to watch or listen; besides, I just got back from a town budget meeting. All politics is local indeed.
And I picked up a bottle of Redemption High Rye Bourbon that I have to try. In the interests of science, you know.
listening to SOTU on the radio. A bit scarey because he doesn’t sound his usual vague self when reading the teleprompter. What drug did they give him tonight? And what is this shit abt Melania’s ‘extraordinary love and care for American high school students’? And his guff on health care is totally deluded, but he’s sounding coherent, which is disturbing … also too – anyone have a link to fact-checking the lies? Oh god Trump’s just introduced Rush limbaugh as an inspiration and is going to be awarded the Prez Medal of Freedom by Melania. This has now entered the theatre of the absurd. Closing act may be burning Greta Thunberg in effigy on the floor of Congress – sheesh …
I really hope they gave Adam Schiff a front row seat where he will constantly be in Trump’s line of sight. ?
@Aleta: That’s a good one!
Tim Wayne
Hah! That’s what I ended up doing.
I’m out in Darkshire trying to figure out Mage AOE grinding, which is apparently the fastest way to level (in XP terms, it’s like one quest completion per 2 to 3 minutes, which is crazy good). I’m up to 3 mobs at a time. I can see other mages out there taking on FIVE mobs at a time, and they’re three levels below me. :-|
John Cole
@Tim Wayne: questing is faster then aoe farm scarlet monastery and zf
Did not watch. Will not watch. I know online betting was offering odds on number of lies he would tell. We watched the latest episode of “Murder in France” via MHZChoice streaming channel we subscribe to. Shows from all over Europe with English subtitles. The French series features different detectives every episode, and highlights a different region of France. Last night was a murder on Omaha Beach in Normandy. You know, where Trump would not go out in the rain to honor the Americans who died in June 1944.