One of my treasured #fitn memories is John Kasich getting fake-annoyed then real-annoyed by every single voter at one town hall being from Maryland.
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) February 8, 2020
New Hampshire’s biggest industry — no lie — is tourism. And one of the state’s biggest earned-media tourism advertisements is its #FITN – FIRST IN THE NATION sinecure. It’s as rigidly choreographed as a Regency country dance, with every party well-versed in the steps: The natives pretend they’re flattered by the attention, and the journalists pretend they’re not desperate to finish the charade and move on to somewhere more entertaining…
I start every voter interview by asking "are you a New Hampshire voter" and sometimes have to go through 3-4 people before I find one.
— Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) February 8, 2020
The last weekend before the New Hampshire primary: When candidates dig deep and passionately make their closing argument to rooms full of Massachusetts voters
— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) February 8, 2020
It’s primary time. Walking a block on Elm Street in Manchester from my parked car to lunch I was stopped by two reporters who wanted to interview me as a typical voter.
— Walter Shapiro (@MrWalterShapiro) February 8, 2020
New Hampshire, a state whose motto is “Live Free Or Die,” has last call at 1 a.m.
And they call themselves libertarians.
— Kevin Robillard (@Robillard) February 8, 2020
One blessing, this year, is that at least a couple of the no-hoper candidates are expected to drop out after they fail to break single digit (as in, 1%) in Tuesday’s beauty contest. This dude, for instance…
Most of the crowd has left before Deval Patrick started speaking. He got kind of screwed after Sanders belatedly agreed to come and took his prime spot
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) February 8, 2020
Nothing personal against Deval — he was a perfectly cromulent governor, even if I always have trouble remembering who the guy in the corner office between Romney and Baker actually was — but he’s never gonna be president, and in his heart he knows it. He’s a self-made millionaire, but nowhere near Steyer levels of wealth or vanity; a bunch of his fellow finance buddies persuaded him jump into the race at the height of the Wall Street ‘OMG Liz Warren might actually win this thing’ boomlet. (So, yeah: some personal animus on my part, too.) Warren may still win the nomination, despite the media’s best efforts on the part of their paymasters, but Deval Patrick’s only purpose was to leach potential Warren votes in New Hampshire; I very much doubt voters in Nevada or South Carolina could pick him out of a lineup.
Speaking of nice, sorta-qualified guys very few voters could identify…
Someone put this on my car while parked outside of a Biden event. I thought for sure that it would fly off while I was driving on the highway, but somehow it clung on. It’s like a metaphor for the Bennet campaign!
But I also missed the event.
— Ben Terris (@bterris) February 8, 2020
James Carville stumping for Michael Bennet as a candidate who would help downticket, as opposed to Sanders: “They’ll run away from Bernie Sanders like the devil running away from holy water.”
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) February 8, 2020
Bennet onstage now: "We're going to surprise a lot of people, and it won't take much to surprise them."
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) February 8, 2020
I’m surprised already, to be honest. I’d completely forgotten Bennet was still a candidate!
There are currently more people at an event for @MichaelBennet in Manchester than there were for @JoeBiden a few hours ago, 1 block away. And Bennet’s wife and @JamesCarville are currently throwing Mardi Gras beads to the crowd to finish off
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) February 8, 2020
Well, I guess Carville wanted one more chance to feel politically relevant during a presidential campaign. If Bennet can afford to pay him, why not work the last feasible spotlight?
[Checks CA ballot for Bennet] huh, he’s on it. I thought it was a typo,
@trollhattan: I’m sure they have to print the ballots way ahead of time, but couldn’t they mail out a list that shows the people who have already dropped out?
Matt McIrvin
Well, it’s the only way we Massholes can have any real influence at all…
One thing about Bennet – he is incredibly intelligent.
schrodingers_cat might find it of passing interest that he was born in New Delhi, while his family lived there when his father served as an underling to U.S. ambassador to India Chester Bowles.
I saw Bennet on TV during the impeachment coverage. He was very good, made important points and did so forcefully. I’d be happy if he were the nominee (more than if Sanders of Buttigieg are).
mad citizen
Shouldn’t Carville be back in his hole with all the other groundhogs?
Bennet gave a great all-time speech/rant that one time in the Senate. Leave on that high note, dude, as Seinfeld would advise.
Bennet is an ok dude.
Whereas Warren is an OK dudette.
How many bumperstickers for Bennet say nothing except:
Bennet (NOT BILL BENNETT) 2020
OT: Against my better judgement, due to the possibility of rain, I’m going to a shoot along the Salton Sea tomorrow.
Say what you will about Carville, but this made me smile, for real. What a fabulous image.
You know what, I don’t care. Any of them are fine. Even Bernie. I’m saving my fire for Agent Orange.
I cannot imagine being Deval Patrick, looking around, and thinking “this was a good decision, all right!”
BACK AGAIN! MICHAEL BENNET AND JAMES CARVILLE IN CONCERT! Together again, for the first time in YEARS, reprising the greatest hits of the 90’s! You’ll hear such classics as….oh, to hell with it. I can’t even make fun of this shit. When the primary rolls around on St. Paddy’s Day here in Florida, there will still be 10-15-infinity candidates on the ballot.
What fun it will be if the tribune of the masses, the leap year Democrat and Larry David double loses tomorrow. Keeping my paws crossed.
Teacher’s pet win this one!
@NotMax: Yes I did read that when he was in one of the debates and I looked up his wikipedia page. Fun fact, I have never been to Delhi.
@Baud: He spoke eloquently about the children in cages at the border and won me over. Too bad he didn’t get any traction. Who is funding Yang? He is such a caricature of a techie.
Other young tech guys, I think.
I suspect this could have been predicted: Buttigieg will be on all of the Sunday morning “news” shows. Not particularly a Sanders fan but the data (even with its fuckupedness) strongly implies he’s the guy who won IA but he ain’t getting any credit for it.
And don’t get me started about the ghosting of Warren & Klobuchar.
This is one of the reasons we can’t have nice elections.
@Marcopolo: Pete B won the metric that matters, delegates. Last I saw he had one more delegate than the St of Vt.
@Marcopolo: The traditional measure is most delegates and that’s what Buttigieg won. Everyone agrees Sanders got the most votes. The only reason we know that, however, is that this is the first year they disclosed that number.
but inevitably when I ask, “Do you care?” 3 out of 4 say “No.”
Speaking of “oh, that guy exists and ran for President too!”, I was reading about the Catskills, and came across George Pataki’s name.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Bloomberg sent me a big color mailer against assault rifles today. I’d like to see him run some attack ads on Wilmer’s ties to the NRA.
Kraux Pas
I know that he has often put off or not run for office so as mot to put stress on his wife. I haven’t seen an ad, heard of any campaign event, or anything of that nature.
I can just imagine him at home saying “don’t worry this isn’t for real.” I wonder if he’s being paid for this.
Kraux Pas
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Be prepared after 8 years of a Bloomberg administration for little progress on weapon safety, but a nationwide backslide criminal justice reform, and no more sodas larger than a cup measure.
zhena gogolia
I just got a fundraising e-mail from Michael Bennet!
Eric U.
I feel like they could have the first primaries somewhere nicer so the political tourists enjoy the trip more. Or Pennsylvania, which is my current best idea of where the first primary should be held
zhena gogolia
He’s a good man.
Full disclosure: My son, currently employed on digital communications for the NYC subway (he helped develop the app that informs commuters’ phones “due to the unfortunate escape of King Kong, 7 trains to Queens could be delayed for some time.”). He worked on both Patrick campaigns. Patrick is an excellent person and was a pretty good Governor. He’s personally close to Obama. Some idiot told Patrick Obama would get behind him, which of course he never would. Hence this catastrophe.
Saw not one but two Gabbard ads tonight. Gosh I hate living near the New Hampshire primary.
zhena gogolia
Dan B
@schrodingers_cat: Wow, no Delhi on your bucket list? I liked Mumbai / Bombay more than flat as a pancake Delhi although the historic sites are amazing: Lohdi Gardens, Humayan’s Tomb, Red Fort, Parliament, and the Chandni Chowk market. The Arabian Sea makes crazy dense Mumbai seem less claustrophobic.
No idea why Bennet is still in the race. That said, he has turned out better than I thought he would when Obama poached Ken Salazar to be in his cabinet. I know we hate taking senators, but given CO’s status, I feel like he could be a decent SecEd (since that is what he did in Denver before becoming a senator). YMMV. Overall, I do feel like he’s a solid guy, even if he sounds like Mr. Mackie from South Park.
@Dan B: I think I will have a hard time convincing my wife to ever go to India – the horrible stories about the gang rapes that happened there a few years back very negatively colored her view of the country.
Double dog dare ya to say “Salton Sea shoot” ten times fast.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Kraux Pas: I don’t care who wins. Anybody but Wilmer.
I usually turn in my absentee ballot early, but since I’m not married to any candidate, this time I’ll wait until the last day to gauge who’s in best position to prevent Wilmer from losing 49 states.
Another Scott
@Kraux Pas:
Repost – Detroit News (from 2014):
Public sector unions would be decimated under Bloomberg, if he got his way.
Snyder was in charge when Flint’s water was poisoned to save a few bucks.
Bloomberg is not our friend. Fancy ads don’t change that.
Dan B
@schrodingers_cat: A gay political blog posted a video of a line to see Pete speak in NH. Looked like thousands – 7 or 8 blocks long outside the venue. Shows the draw of celebrity. I want him to beat Wilmer and then be in second or less in the upcoming states with Liz in front, or Amy ( Don’t care for her voice but it’s just my nitpick. She knows where the bodies are buried. )
Pete’s given hope to a lot of LGBTQ folks so his purpose is served. He also seems to show that a lot of people want someone calm and unflappable. I want that to rub iff on other candidates. Some of them can balance unflappable with emotional clarity or wisdom.
@Dan B: I would like to go. But usually visits are taken up visiting family and friends who are in and around Mumbai for the most part.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
VoteVets is running health care issue ads for Cal Cunningham during the Duke-Carolina game tonight.
“One third of North Carolinians have pre-existing conditions and would lose their insurance is the ACA is repealed.”
@Another Scott:
Someone please put that on a freakin’ billboard.
@JMG:I commiserate on the ads. Here in Iowa, we’ve gone back to hearing about medicine and side effects after the onslaught of political ads.
My husband is a Warren delegate to the next level (not sure if that is county or state). He was talking to someone from a small town and it turns out that delegates in Iowa are weighted to rural areas. So our precinct had 259 people show up and got 9 delegates. His friend had 60 people show up and had many more delegates – he doesn’t remember the exact number but he was startled that they had so many more in total delegates while having such a smaller number. I’m getting a dim sense of how someone would get more delegates and still have fewer total votes. That guy’s precinct is Wyoming and we’re nearer to California. If he can find out, I’ll come back and put the number here.
Cheryl Rofer
Kraux Pas
Can we start like an act blue or something to put blog-approved messages on billboards?
@Baud: Essentially Sanders & Buttigieg are tied for delegates out of Iowa. There are 2,107 State Delegate Equivalents (which translate into 41 delegates to the convention) up for grabs in the caucus. Currently, and there is a recanvass happening now, Buttigieg has 26.2% and Sanders has 26.1%, a difference of 1.5 SDEs out of that 2,107. They will each get exactly the same number of delegates to the convention (first line in block quote is a link to the reporting):
Not a Sanders supporter but he won first voters in the door by 4%, won realigned voters by 2% and SDEs are all but tied. Not sure how anyone calls Buttigieg the clear winner out of IA.
Kraux Pas
@Marcopolo: So another thing I wonder about these caucuses, do participants have any way of ensuring that the people recording their preferences aredoing so accurately?
Last I heard, Pete had one more national delegate. If that’s been updated so that they get the same, then so be it.
The Dangerman
So, no change then?
If/when the investigations start, can we place Mitch’s wife near the head of the line? No, she doesn’t jump over the Trump Children…
@Marcopolo: Pete B won 13 delegates and BS won 12 delegates
13 > 12.
Hence Pete B is the winner.
Kraux Pas
@Cheryl Rofer: That was a legitimately good ad, true story. Though Biden should be careful abput bringijg out 26+ year-old votes and saying what you’ve done matters. He’s done a lot in that time that doesn’t look so stellar.
West of the Rockies
@Cheryl Rofer:
Kraux Pas
Well, Mayor Pete beat Sanders by eleventy points on the expectations game. That’s a thing, tight?
Good lord, and I used to think that converting from BTUs to TWh was complicated.
Someone refresh my memory. Was there any reason for Iowa to change their reporting system and add two extra measures? To let multiple candidates claim victory, maybe? It seems to have made the whole process less decisive, which adds to the impression that Iowa isn’t all that important.
Did BS go to Vietnam? Or did he dodge the draft? He is the right age isn’t he?
ETA: Snopes says he was too old for the draft.
@Ken: BTU = British Thermal Units what is TWH?
The Dangerman
@Cheryl Rofer:
@Cheryl Rofer: I wish I could vote for Joe Biden’s ads in the primary.
@Baud: He was not particularly effective yesterday. He was trying to talk too fast and that doesn’t work for him.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I await the ad where Biden and Bloomberg duke it out over who Obama liked better.
Just now, another Bernie! ad. In SoCal.
@schrodingers_cat: Terawatt-hours. I was gathering some statistics for a presentation on world energy use, and at times it seemed that no two countries reported it in the same way.
My U.S. Rep, Joyce Beatty, is being challenged for the first time since she was elected in 2013 by an AOC wannabe. One of her minions knocked on my door this afternoon. I took her literature and refrained from yelling at her. Beatty’s been a great rep and is well-liked by her constituents. Why don’t these Wilmerites challenge Blue Dogs instead of cannibalizing good Dems?
Dan B
@PsiFighter37: The scariest thing in India is the traffic. Drivers are a must.
If your wife read the stories about crime in the USA and the name Sweden was switched for USA she’d probably probably sell any scandinavian furniture, or anything Ikea. But perception is tough to overcome. The worst experience I had was a matronly woman kicking me in the ankles because I was put in front of her in line for an Air India flight. I’d upgraded to Business Class and the attendants had missed boarding me first. I turned to loudly inform her I would report her to security if she did it again. We were in security screening #1, of three.
@Kraux Pas: We had preference cards. On one side, we wrote first preference and signed them. If the candidate we chose was viable, we were done. If our first choice wasn’t viable, we flipped the preference card oveand wrote our second choice and signed it.
Those cards were turned in. I don’t know for sure, but I’m wondering if part of the accounting problem is getting totals to match up when people left without a second choice, when their first choice wasn’t viable as at least half of the Bernie people at my precinct walked out when Bernie wasn’t viable. Then total votes don’t match the total attendees.
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: Politics ain’t beanbag.
ex-Mayor Pete should have realized that people aren’t going to roll over and just let him take the prize. He’s going to have to fight for it, if he really wants it.
Will he? Can he? I guess we’ll find out.
@Nelle: Wow, I thought I understood how delegates were determined for the primaries but whoa, nelly, was I wrong. Here is the wiki link for nationwide delegate allocation which will make your head spin.
Anyways, it is more complicated than this, but basically the DNC (committee) looks at the # of D votes for president over the past 3 elections, then looks at how many D votes there were in each state for those 3 election, then figures out what each state’s proportion of the vote was and that is the proportion of 3,939 delegates they are allocated (except it isn’t since there is secret sauce shit added in but it is close enough for us to talk about it).
Iowa is allocated 41 delegates in 2020. The IA D party looks at the prior IA D presidential vote by congressional district (there are 4) and by a process which I assume is similar to the national one determines how many State Equivalent Delegates (there are 2,107 total) are to be awarded in each CD. Within each CD the vote is then looked at on the precinct level (each caucus represents a precinct) & SDE delegates are then doled out to precincts based on each precincts proportion of the prior D presidential vote. This year for the first time, there were several satellite caucuses (in rural areas) which were designed to make it easier for folks to get to a caucus & to try to engage smaller subgroups (like latino meat industry workers). Since there was no historical data for these satellite caucuses the SDEs awarded through them were negotiated separately–this was mostly done by the Sanders campaign which won these satellite caucuses handily & over which the Buttigieg campaign has lodged some protests.
If you are still with me and keeping all that in mind, since each caucus/precinct is allocated a set number of SDEs based on voting in the general presidential election (which is high turnout) in areas where caucus participation is more difficult (like rural areas due to distances) the number of SDEs per caucus participant will be higher which might explain what you are talking about. As an example, a larger percentage of the folks who vote in November will show up for a caucus in Des Moines (which is urban/suburban and everyone lives close by) than in a rural area so the rural caucus goers vote has more weight. Apparently, this is a feature of the caucuses that the Buttigieg campaign took advantage of (and I’m pretty sure Obama did as well in 2008).
Hope that kind of explains it, though, as I mentioned at the start all these party people do strange secret sauce shit with their delegate calculations & I do even pretend to understand that stuff.
At the university near me, when they did a mock Dem Iowa caucus a few weeks ago, in first was Bernie, second was Warren, and in third place, the only other vialble candidate was…Bennet. So don’t sleep on Bennetmentum. You heard it here first. And last, no doubt.
@debbie: They want to take over the D party, they are following the Tea party handbook.
“And then, a miracle happened!” – Antonio Salieri, Amadeus.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Sanders has moved on gun control – now his views match up fairly closely with the electorate and he’s not as hysterical as others.
I think his current NRA rating is D or D-.
Kraux Pas
I heard part of the problem was that they had more second choices than first choices.
Dan B
@schrodingers_cat: Capische! My friends have friends and family in Delhi and Mumbai. They had to make it a point that they wanted to show me India in order to have time to be tourists themselves. It was wonderful to stay with their friends and relatives instead of simply being a rootless tourist. The culture of family is very different than the average American waspy family.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Excellent ad.
McKinsey is almost as vile as facebook and I hope this douchecanoe gets chewed up and spit out.
@Ken: For the sake of transparency. Honestly. And that transparency has shown how hard it is for a huge number of volunteers to carry off a complicated event with complicated rules (there is a pretty credible argument to make that with 1600 caucuses that not every caucus was run by the same rules). And then get that data reported back in an accurate & timely fashion.
On the one hand, everything is out in the open so the argument that “things were rigged” is harder to make. On the other hand, the whole process is messy as hell, at points looks a little jerry-rigged, and that would seem to make people less trusting of the results as a whole.
I think the Iowa process appears more complicated because they are combining two delegate processes- the state delegates and the delegates to the national convention.
Other states split those up, so there is what Ohio calls a “pre caucus” in January where the delegates themselves are selected and then the primary in March, where the delegates are allocated.
I think your “state delegate equivalents” = our “state delegates”- Iowa’s caucus is the equivalent of two delegate caucuses (January) and one primary election (March), in Ohio. No wonder it’s hard.
@schrodingers_cat: That’s right. Old-ass Bernie Sanders was too old for the Vietnam draft.
@schrodingers_cat: There were 41 available delegates to be awarded. The NYT figures add up to 40 (13+12+8+6+1). I’ll go out on a limb and say Sanders will get getting that last one.
If he doesn’t, it’s not like I’ve never been wrong before.
@Eric U.: PA is Twitter Dick Nixon’s first choice for first-in-the-nation primary status. It’s a pretty good call.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: You know what, Vietnam was a complicated thing for people of draft age. You and I are both too young to have a been a part of it, so perhaps we can leave it be. I will say that on my part the only choice that people made at that time that I will look back and condemn is one where someone avoided the draft by fair means and foul and then later chose to put other peoples’ children in harms way for fun and profit.
@Nelle: Yes, that is one reason why the numbers aren’t all nice & neat through all the stages.
@Kraux Pas: DougJ is king of Balloon Juice Act Blue. He would be the one to know. But I think Act Blue requires a candidate.
@Omnes Omnibus: I am not condemning him. I was just wondering because I remember it being a big issue for Bill Clinton. Al Gore, Kerry and even W talked about what they did during the Vietnam era but I hadn’t heard anything about BS and Vietnam, hence the question.
@zhena gogolia: Here’s hoping that the various Dem campaigns are realizing it’s ok to Go. There. when it comes to talking about trumpov’s various medical/mental issues.
For pete’s sake, it was major news when Hillz had pneumonia and tried to power through. Or coughed.
We still don’t know what happened that sent trumpov rushing to Walter Reed a month ago. Panic attack? OD on crushed Adderall? Stroke-like symptoms? INQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW! (And frankly, inquiring Dem candidates ought to be pouncing at every speech-seizure, foot-dragging incident, and any other opportunity that presents itself)
A grateful nation will eventually be grateful!
@Kay: Yes, it is a three stage process in IA. The SDEs that are awarded at the precinct caucus level first go to a county caucus which winnows the numbers down, then those delegates go to the state level caucus where the final 41 delegates to the convention are selected.
Fun fact, in 2012 on the R side Romney was declared the initial winner. Two weeks later the IA R party said oops our bad, Santorum actually won. Then at the state party caucus the Ron Paul folks pulled a fast one and won him the most delegates to the convention. Gotta love caucuses.
Y’all have a good night folks.
Masshole here. I don’t see the problem with political tourism. Those are voters from other states who may be highly engaged. NH provides New England with its only chance at interacting with the candidates.
Here in a Super Tuesday blue state, we can’t do much in-state at the moment, but we can in NH. My sweetie regularly drives up to NH to knock on doors for Warren.
Kraux Pas
@WaterGirl: But I think Act Blue requires a candidate.
Makes sense. That is why I included the “or something.” It wasnt that I was being sloppy with language. Lazy, yes, bit not sloppy.
Another Scott
Pelosi has an OpEd in the WaPo.
She’s not letting this go. Good, good.
@Marcopolo: Fair enough.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: Shit, no one going to take down a Beatty. Joyce and Otto are and were good at what they do and Otto knows were all the bodies are buried in C-bus politics.
@Another Scott: Damn straight. Dig in and send another couple of Articles, just based on the firings of Vindman and Sondland.
Then send another couple based on looting the treasury w/ the Secret Service’s stays at Mar-a-Lago.
And a couple more based on flippin’ Ivanka and Jared’s profiteering. $82M (minimum) last year? Hunter Biden, you done sold yourself short, my friend!
@Another Scott: Tell it and tell it again. We’d be rid of freakin’ Pat Toomey as PA Senator if it wasn’t for his millions.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, it was.
@Kai-two: If Hillary and Warren have to pay from now to the end of time for at one time being registered Republicans then Bernie doesn’t get a pass for lately changing his position on gun control.
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer: wow. gloves off, brass knuckles on.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Hope not. I follow her on FB and there are all kinds of trolls showing up and berating her.
This candidate isn’t bad; her only work experience seems to be at the CFPB, which is a bonus in my book. But she ought to take on a Republican; god knows there are enough of them around here.
zhena gogolia
I know Bill Maher has his ups and downs, but that segment is well worth watching. He does a great bit about Hillary.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: “Dodging the draft” is loaded language.
zhena gogolia
The talking point I see among MAGAts on twitter is “double jeopardy!” As if double jeopardy keeps you from being tried for new crimes.
@moonbat: And immigration. He has voted with Sessions and Grasseley on immigration than with the Ds in his senate career and now we are supposed to take it on faith that he has had a change of heart.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: What’s the candidates name? Did she come out of Cordray’s orbit?
@Omnes Omnibus: Point taken, will avoid next time. Thanks.
@Omnes Omnibus: “avoiding” the draft is pretty neutral. especially in the distinction between avoiding and evading taxes.
Omnes Omnibus
@phdesmond: Yes, and?
@Omnes Omnibus: well, if one is trying not to unnecessarily hurt strangers’ feelings, “avoid” rather than “dodge” seems less judgmental.
Omnes Omnibus
@phdesmond: I’m sorry. Did you read the exchange between s_c and me?
@Omnes Omnibus: yes, i did. perhaps i should have replied to both of you.
@Omnes Omnibus: Dead thread, but oh well. There was a good book on the draft-age generation that was written in the 70s: Chance and Circumstance. The authors agree with you: everybody had their own choices to make. I had a student deferment: last class to go in with a 2S and first to come out after the draft was ended. I agree with you that the chickenhawks like Cheney are the most vile.
And to be clear, GW Bush dodged it as well. It was impossible to get into the National Guard and it was well-known as a good way to avoid Vietnam.
@Kraux Pas: If you want to do the research on how much billboards cost in various places, then we could see what the goal would need to be and whether there is interest.
@Omnes Omnibus:
(Sorry, fell asleep.)
Morgan Harper. She’s young like AOC, graduating from high school in 2001, and in fact, there is a connection to Cordray. From the school’s FB page in 2015:
(Columbus Academy’s a good school; she got in with financial aid.)
I wish she’d have gone after a district with a Republican Rep, like Troy Balderson, rather than cannibalizing a district with a strong, productive Democrat.
Even more, I wish she’d have stayed where she was and fought more for the CFPB. That might have better helped her political prospects in the long run.
Had no idea that Deval Patrick’s evil plan was to leach votes from Warren to satisfy his moneyed overlords. I just thought he stepped in before it became #primarysowhite. ?
Not an effective campaign, but not deserving of vitriol.