Like most NASCAR viewers, I'll just be watching in hopes of seeing a crash.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) February 16, 2020
I like that the car is comically distorted as if Trump was a character in a Tim Burton movie.
— Stonekettle (@Stonekettle) February 16, 2020
Highly efficient president fits his workout into his campaign rally.
— Khashoggi’s Ghost (@UROCKlive1) February 16, 2020
You get a Big Mac and you get a Big Mac and YOU get a Big Mac…
— Stonekettle (@Stonekettle) February 16, 2020
He needs it written down whenever he’s not talking about himself and his list of grievances.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) February 16, 2020
He loves NASCAR so much that he left immediately after his appearance
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) February 16, 2020
if Biden's campaign were at peak efficiency he'd be lapping him in the Trans Am.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) February 16, 2020
honestly what's the max speed that the Secret Service will even tolerate in that thing, 50? This is gotta be like cheering for the Zamboni
— zeddy (@Zeddary) February 16, 2020
All my lolllz ?
Instead of Trump’s pace car lap at Daytona FOX viewers were instead “…treated to a commercial from Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.”
— Dennis Herring (@dcherring) February 16, 2020
— Matt "Barron not Baron" Wilkinson (@justcallmatt) February 16, 2020
Daytona official confirms to me the plan was for President Trump to stay for a few laps, but because of the rain delay, he didn't get to. Pool says his vehicle rolled out around 3:41 p.m. ET. #NASCAR #Daytona500
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) February 16, 2020
Over-the-top flourish: He had to prep for Stephen Miller’s wedding. SRSLY:
"The President is at Trump International Hotel for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller," confirms @JuddPDeere45.
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) February 17, 2020
(It would be in poor taste for an almost-top-10,000 blog to mock a private celebration, but if you’re curious, @Zeddy has a nicely curated collection of Stephen Miller wedding gifs… )
Trump's campaign manager tweeted a dramatic photo of Air Force One at Daytona, saying ".@realDonaldTrump won the #Daytona500 before the race even started."
The shot was of George W. Bush's plane leaving in 2004. Parscale deleted three hours later.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 17, 2020
#ETTD – Everything Trump Touches Dies…
It is hurricane-esque raining right now at the #Daytona500. Hard to believe there is a race tonight. #NASCAR
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) February 16, 2020
BREAKING: The #Daytona500 has been postponed. Red flag. Green flag tomorrow at 4:05 p.m. #NASCAR @MyNews13 @BN9
— Jon Alba (@JonAlba) February 16, 2020
You can tell Idiocracy was not a documentary, cuz it had better scripting and prettier actors.
— The Mall Krampus (@cakotz) February 15, 2020
Major Major Major Major
Ah! I was hoping that would be included here.
The man’s a buffoon, idk how he gets those profiles calling him a wacky genius.
Cheryl Rofer
There is a photo of AF1 from today, but the stands are only sparsely populated
How ever did the Bloomberg campaign get that ad slot?
Another Scott
“Cheering for the Zamboni”. Genius.
ex-Mayor Mike’s commercial breaking up his photo-op was great. Make him stew. TheHill says that Donnie’s trying desperately to have split-screen moments in the early primary states. I hope the networks are smart enough to see through his antics.
I assumed the photo was fake, based on the crowd size. But how (and why) would the limo be distorted like that?
Uncle Jeffy
“Imagine a president needing notes to wish good luck to drivers and say god bless America”
That describes trump perfectly.
Major Major Major Major
I had to explain to some Bernie supporters at a book club meeting that their “Buttigieg stole Iowa by bribing the app company into making a bad app” theory was stupid. My husband leaned in and stage-whispered he’s a party operative. They were so worried the DNC was going to “steal this” from Sanders, it sounds like a very tiring mindset.
This about sums it up.
@Major Major Major Major
Perhaps Iowa now will change their nickname to The Beta Testing State.
Amir Khalid
I’m guessing somebody in charge of ad sales forgot to block off the time slot.
Trump really is the ultimate Floriduh man, isn’t he? Bloomberg really ought to work that into one of his ads.
@Amir Khalid:
Someone who used to be in charge of ad sales, I’d bet.
Another Scott
When I saw the first few words of the title of this post, I was expecting it to be about this.
@debbie: Willing to bet Bloomberg has staff whose sole job is to figure out the most impactful ad slots and get them run. I’d be willing to bet you can call up Fox and ask them to cut away from Trump to run that ad provided you are willing to add a zero to the rate.
It’s a business, after all. Normal rules apply.
Eric U.
NASCAR tracks have been taking out seats. Daytona has reportedly taken out half their seats since 2004, when that picture was taken. A local on twitter said that stand AF1 is in front of with Bush in it is no longer there. Even with all those seats gone, attendance is down enough that there are plenty of empty seats at most events. It’s not surprising that there are empty seats when Trump took off
And Trump went the wrong way on the speedway.
I see rain scared Dump away again. Hopefully he didn’t have to face off against any stairs.
The Lodger
@Eric U.:
Of course he did. You didn’t expect him to turn left, did you?
Dates and specific commercial break blocks (or else just somewhere within a specific block of time) are negotiated and set in advance by contract. Also which programming, including defining breaking coverage as its own ‘program.’
Dunno but it also may not have been a national buy but rather a rollover targeted at certain markets.
There’s always a dog.
Ohio Mom
Another Scott @13: There are moments when I feel as resentful as any right-winger. That Mr. Gibson’s treatments are fully paid for by the government — one might even say dialysis is socialized — while he supports Trump, brings on one of those moments.
@Another Scott: What’s next, blow-up doll of Dump?
No cult! No cult! You’re the cult!
@Ohio Mom
“You don’t seem to grasp, Mr. Gibson, that the goal of your coming here is to remove toxic waste, not introduce it.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Major Major Major Major:
I don’t know either. He’s always sounded like a moron to me equivalent to IT worker
Funny enough, 2004 was around NASCAR’s peak as a sport as it happens
We’re a week away from this re-telling.
Take a closer look at the longer video of his speech, and you will be shocked at how much dyskinesia Trump has. The twitching and turning are constant now, his left hand is a claw. at this point I have to agree with Tom Joseph that he must have Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. My mother died of Parkinson’s Disease so I’m very familiar with dyskinesias and the related dementia. But it sounds like this type of palsy is much harder to medicate successfully.
This would explain several very odd things about his behaviour– 1) Poor balance and gait issues, hanging onto Melania, the podium, his problems with steps, 2) the way he turns his whole head left to right, and lifts the entire head up and down, rather than moving his eyes (very obvious during SOTU speech) 3) Slow, slurred and weakened speech, 4) Not finding the correct word and other dementia symptoms (impulsiveness, lack of concentration, rages), 4) not eating in public, tongue thrusting, odd vocal noises–etc….
More on the disease:
If this is the case they are not going to be able to hide it much longer, no matter how much they medicate him, and he is at very serious risk of a fall if he doesn’t start using some kind of walking aid. Plus obviously he has no business making any kind of decisions.
That’s been true for at least 30 years.
Here’s the full video of that speech:
Major Major Major Major
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
what a horrible thing to say about IT people!
@ziggy: Following along with his finger while reading the text was really odd. Who does that? The whole thing was a struggle fo him.
He can’t even troll the libs with any style
now if he taken a few laps with his golf cart……..
@Duane: kids just learning to read, and very old people with compromised brains.
Feb. 19 means something as well.
Jay Noble
@Ohio Mom: If you are going to be on permanent dialysis, it all goes over to the government to get you out of the insurance pool. And give a nice grift to the dialysis centers.
Disclosure: I was on dialysis for about a month and a half and was going to be looking at that paperwork nightmare very soon. MIracle or science or a combo of the 2, I got well and have never looked back.
Major Major Major Major
Flat Samwise:
Amir Khalid
I think I know why the POTUSmobile looks distorted in that picture. NASCAR racetracks are banked, as we all know. So the limo would be leaning to one side as it went along the track; you would not see it from quite the same angle as you would see a limo on a horizontal surface. And the photo is tightly cropped, which would take away visual clues that remind us the surface is not level. The brain assumes it is seeing a limo on a level surface and processes the visual input accordingly. Hence the wonky-looking appearance of the limo.
@Amir Khalid: That’s smart thinking about the car leaning one way. I thought the weight of his fat ass caused it.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Way to be a dick to IT workers.
Steeplejack (phone)
Didn’t the Rolling Stones tell him to stop using their song (“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”)? And who would want to have that as their theme song? Too much negativity before the payoff line.
@Duane: It looks like the car is down on the apron where it’s flat. But really, it looks like a photo of a TV taken at an angle. You can see the artifacting around the car.
@Major Major Major Major: ???
Steeplejack (phone)
Eh, could possibly be that he’s not wearing the glasses that he probably needs.
ever see the Beeb’s IT Crowd?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Amir Khalid:
Trump’s limousine stayed down on the flat part of the track next to the infield. It can’t go fast enough to handle the banked part of the track. The NASCAR announcers were saying 70 miles per hour for that. Supposedly the Beast peaks out at around 60 mph. And it was going nowhere near that fast during Trump’s parade lap.
Question: Does anyone ever actually look at the tweets or videos at the top of the posts? This is all shown quite clearly in the first video at the top of Cole’s previous post. Check out the 1:30 mark.
(General question not directed at you, Amir. Possibly you can’t see the videos because of being “out of market.”)
Iowa was alpha, NV was to be beta.
@Amir Khalid: So, “what color is this dress?” I dunno, my theory is that tRump’s narcissism is massive enough to warp space/time. Beware the event horizon…
@Eric U.:
That fanbase got whacked by the ’08 recession, and is falling off the actuarial table.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Jay: I had just finished reading that. This is the worst thing I’ve seen in a long, long time. It’s inexpressively awful and it fills me with rage and sadness and dread. I don’t often think “we are doomed!” but, goddamn it, if our own government is doing this, we are doomed. I and Mr Colette are going to go down fighting, as are most here, but this is just fucking horrible and it feels like there’s nothing we can do to help.
@Jay: Yes.
@Steeplejack (phone): I don’t think the song plays all the way to the payoff line, because with Trump there is no payoff. Remember, this is the guy who quotes the song about the woman and the snake, “Take Me In, Tender Woman”. Obviously, he’s telling his fans that he’s the snake but they’re unable to understand that part.
It will end with Secret Service agents propping up that squawking pumpkin with hypodermic needles.
@Another Scott
Saw that yesterday at LG&M, and one or more commenters noted the obvious escalation on the part of Mr. Gibson, probably to rile the Libs and / or the POC caring for him.
BTW, how does this “Beast” of an automobile follow Trump around? I would imagine it’s flown in on a military transport, but it’s never mentioned. Also, how did Obama handle campaign stops?
Also too, does anyone remember back when all campaign stops usually had to involve some agenda item or other? I think that “norm” went out the window during Reagan’s reign of error.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@oatler.: I don’t think you can inject a cheeseburger though a hypodermic needle.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Don’t be so sure. As the saying goes, “Where there’s
a will, this bloated tub of lard who apparently has the “stamina” for the job of President, the Russthuglicans will make sure the deficit skyrockets trying to find a way.”Or they’ll just inject McDonald’s grease traps into his veins (after salting them of course) and charge taxpayers millions for the “research and development.”
@JWR: just a tiny wrong move by one of the caregivers…I mean Mr. Gibson really sounds like a waste of space (actually most Trump supporters are a drag on humanity)
re the crowd
Like every other event it’s probably too expensive for a family to attend.
NASCAR has become very expensive. A weekend ticket (2 or 3 races) was around $800 a few years ago. Oy. My husband used to watch NASCAR but hasn’t in several years – the rule changes irritated him. Attendance did start dropping (you could see lots of empty seats when he watched regularly) and I think price was a big factor. Track racing bores me, and the talking head announcers were annoying.
@mrmoshpotato: If a little clean water can scare Trump, imagine what soap might do.
I’m kinda surprised to learn that Stephen Miller’s wife is not named Eva.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@GaryK: or Magda