I mean, it’s been almost a week since Ted Cruz whined about an Alabama “forced vasectomy” bill and nobody has posted to make fun of him. Sometimes I think we’re losing our touch. Anyway, the long and short of it (in Ted’s case, almost certainly, the short of it), is that an Alabama state rep, Rolanda Hollis, introduced a bill that would force men to have vasectomies when they reach age 50. This is the counterpart to a stupid Alabama anti-abortion bill that was struck down last Fall, as well as all the other stupid publicity stunt bills that Republican state legislators introduce all the time.
Why should Republicans have a lock on these stunts? The simple answer, as Ted’s news release that pushed this story into the our collective inboxes shows, is that they shouldn’t. Sometimes, when you fight stupid with stupid, you make your point, especially if an asshole like Ted picks up on it.
Wonkette has a good run down on the whole thing that’s worth a read as a pleasant diversion.
My only comment is that men are such weaklings about this little operation, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that faux tough guy Cruz chose this stunt bill to whine about. Women, who already shoulder all the risks of a sometimes deadly act (reproduction), are expected to shoulder all the work and risk of birth control*, according to guys who are too chickenshit to have a short, low risk, at worst slightly painful procedure that is done under local anesthetic. Fuck those guys, really. Or if you’re a woman with one of them, don’t fuck ’em. (I actually knew a woman who did that to get her point across.)
Open thread.
* Yes, I know condoms exist. Still, are you going to tell me that Ted Cruz and his ilk would use one without whining like a pissy little baby? Damn right you’re not going to tell me that, because it isn’t fucking true.
Adam L Silverman
Cruz, and his fellow travelers, don’t want to just outlaw abortion, they also want to outlaw birth control. Roe and Casey are first. Grizwold is second. Loving is third. And Brown is fourth. Those are the major Supreme Court rulings they want gone. Once that is done they want the New Deal declared unconstitutional. This is the Federalist Society’s agenda. It is Senator Cruz’s agenda. It is Senator Hawley’s agenda. It is AG Barr’s agenda. It is VP Pence’s agenda. It is Associate Justices Gorsuch’s, Kavanaugh’s, Alito’s, and Thomas’s agenda.
Mike in NC
Hell, Ted Cruz should be the poster child for getting a vasectomy.
download my app in the app store mistermix
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, they want to outlaw it, but just for the wrong kinds of people. They want BC to be what it was in the 50’s – available for white people with money, discreetly. Ted only has two kids – presumably he’s practicing BC. Ditto for abortions. White people with money get those, too, discreetly.
In my opinion, we need a lot *more* of that kind of messaging on reproductive rights and freedoms.
We need to make a lot of noise about how the forced-birth fanatics would never tolerate the equivalent restrictions on their own bodies.
As things stand, you can charge Viagra to your insurance bill, but not oral birth control. That’s moronic.
We need to force people to think about the shoe being on the other foot. This bill did a bit of that. We should do more.
For instance, when legislators talk about spying on women to see when they have menstruated (and there are bills like this!), we need to introduce legislation mandating that every man be checked weekly to see whether he has masturbated.
Make it flagrant, offensive, and over-the-top. Get the publicity. Make the point. Bodily autonomy and freedom are not just for one sex. If men want to control women’s bodies, then women should advocate for the control of men’s bodies, right back at them.
Gin & Tonic
From the “probably TMI” file, I had one after we’d had the three kids we wanted, and it was an excellent thing to have done. Truly minor bit of discomfort for a couple of days, followed by a lot less inhibition.
Gin & Tonic
In almost all cases you cannot.
download my app in the app store mistermix
@Gin & Tonic: Medicare covers Viagra.
Adam L Silverman
@download my app in the app store mistermix: They want the rulings vacated as unconstitutional and sent back to the states. That way if they want birth control, they can buy it in the states that will make it legal. Same with getting abortions or getting married to someone of a different race, ethnicity, and/or religion. And I forgot one, they also want Obergefell overturned too.
Gin & Tonic
@download my app in the app store mistermix:
why the fuck did you just make me envision that? why?!
Getting Cruz to talk about forced vasectomies is hilarious. What a dope. Has he heard about banning men from owning guns because of the murder rate?
@download my app in the app store mistermix:
Someone should ask him, and every other Republican.
download my app in the app store mistermix
@Gin & Tonic: Hmm, opinions differ:
“Generic sildenafil is covered by most Medicare and insurance plans”
I don’t know if that means that brand name Viagra isn’t covered, but generic is (?) or if that site is full of shit.
plus valium, if you’re lucky!
I doubt Ted has to worry about BC after he let Trump walk all over his wife.
No need to get snippy about it.
More importantly, a free excuse to watch the first round of THE Tournament if you time things right
Gin & Tonic
@download my app in the app store mistermix: My wife is a pharmacist. She hasn’t spent much of her career in retail, but I don’t think she ever encountered an insurance-covered ED prescription.
@Brachiator: One of the most effective forms of birth control is Ted Cruz’s face and personality. For those who aren’t married to Ted, I would bet that just imagining Ted Cruz is sufficient to put the most ardent lover out of the mood.
Salty Sam
Hell, Ted Cruz *IS* the poster child for getting a vasectomy…
There is SO much more that Dems could do to troll the GOPers.
A really good one would be drug testing and work requirements for getting farm aid. Make all those farmers go pee in a cup if they want their government check. Just like we do with other welfare recipients.
But, more importantly, add a work requirement to any sort of government farm support. That check isn’t coming if you don’t put in your 20 hours per week on that farm. No collecting government price supports from your condo in CA from that farm in Iowa (Hello Devin Nunez).
There are actually endless opportunities for this sort of thing.
Patricia Kayden
I doubt Ted has to worry about BC because, well, Ted Cruz. My nostrils are flaring as if I had just stepped in shit or smelled chicken that has gone bad. Ugh.
The Dangerman
@Adam L Silverman:
In a free and fair election (yea, I know, I KNOW), the Republicans would get smoked even in Red States. Most of that would go over as well as an elephant fart in an elevator (What’s the difference between the corner pub and an elephant fart? One is a bar room and one is a barROOM). Legislatures would be busy until the end of time.
@The Dangerman: No, what would happen is that Dems would over-reach with too much nanny-state bullshit and the GOP would shift left and left until we were back to a 2-party system but it might look more like Euro politics with a more Christian Democrat style right and a more Social Democrat style left. There is always going to be an equilibrium. Our current one is defined by the electoral college and Senate map and the ability of the GOP to do gerrymandering.
@NotMax: groan
A Ghost To Most
What has this blog come to? Extended discussions about boner pills, apparently.
@Mike in NC: Well actually his father should be.
@Adam L Silverman:
They want to control you, everything about you, they want slavery back and not just black slavery. They want a dictatorship, which is why they all get behind moronic asshole trump. He may not be their ideal but he’s got the right bent for them. (And yes I used right in more than one way there) They want the rich to own everything because that love of gold is their cornerstone. They are willing to be the middle managers and get a tiny slice, as long as the people they don’t like get fucked. Fucked bad and hard.
@Brachiator: Or else his wife is holding an aspirin between her knees.
I’m pretty sure Ted IS the birth control.
Interesting discussion. Not about the ED drugs, but about the varying coverage of Medicare part D plans and Medicare advantage plans that include drugs. They are not all the same. In fact, the HiCap program that assists Medicare recipients in choosing Advantage plans or Part D plans request that you bring all your current meds in for the appointment. They then help you decide on a plan that will include the medications that you are currently taking. Because if you choose the wrong one, your current meds may not be covered.
So that is why you all found differing results for whether Medicare covers ED drugs. They do and they don’t.
I would love a long thread sometime in the future on this blog that focuses on Medicare and Seniors and the coming fight against the cuts proposed to our coverage, again. But also to be a place where we can help each other wade through the options.
We do have a surprisingly high number of over 60 jackals. Just saying.
And watch his wife’s face while he answers.
@download my app in the app store mistermix:
His BC methodology may be that his wife will cut it off if he touches her. His two kids seem to have an adversion to him that almost borders on this level.
Humans just need to stop reproducing and the species needs to die off. We are a blight on this planet. Our time is over and we need to accept it.
@yellowdog: Especially after he killed Kennedy.
@Gin & Tonic:
Exhibit A: Men who suffer from spinal cord injury often can’t get erections without Viagra. Most insurance doesn’t cover it, as even a marginally functional sex life isn’t considered a medical necessity.
Most of these injuries happen to young men.
John Revolta
We could call it the Every Sperm is Sacred Act! Got the theme music all cued up!
Patricia Kayden
@Salty Sam: Cruz is also birth control – no pill needed.
@Gin & Tonic: Yep, me too. Including 3rd child. It was a great burden let off both of us since BC pills wrecked havoc with wife’s hormones and we couldn’t use them.
@Zinsky: So you think the sharknados are going to film themselves?
Don’t you think all good Republicans follow mushroom dick Trump and go bare?
The Show Must Go On!
@Patricia Kayden: I could do without the racial slur in that tweet, although, to be fair, I know that not everyone realizes that “yellow” is a racial slur. I never used it, but I didn’t understand what it meant for a long time.
@chopper: Ted Cruz liked a porn tweet on Twitter and he made us all envision what he faps to.
I didn’t realize that “yellow” when referring to cowardly behavior was related to the use of “yellow” to refer to East Asians.
PBM pharmacist checking in. Of the plans my company coordinates, it’s a mix of covered and not covered for Erectile Dysfunction meds. If it is covered, there may be a Prior Authorization required (e.g. Do you have a spinal cord injury?), and generally quantity limits apply.
A slur against who? The English? There is all kinds of conflicting explanations for the association with cowardly.
@Brachiator: If it’s against the English, is it really a slur?
ETA: Speaking of English, it’s “against whom.”
This post reminds me of this reddit post in which a husband refuses to get a vasectomy even though his wife can’t tolerate regular birth control, the IUD, and Essure and will divorce her if she gets an abortion because she doesn’t want to have more than 2 kids. Or they “agreed” to have two. He doesn’t care that the IUD caused her pain during sex and her period. “This is your lot as a woman.”
Also most men don’t think they directly benefit from women having access to birth control.
In addition, male pharma execs refused further testing of Viagra as a cramp reliever because they didn’t think period pain is a public health concern.
One derivation that popped up.
No, it’s “who.” I am actively trying to make this usage more informal. ;)
Some Trumpie somewhere:
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Now I've seen everything. <a href=”https://t.co/SWfjiCU4vI”>pic.twitter.com/SWfjiCU4vI</a></p>— Antonia Lee Donnelly (@DonnellyAntonia) <a href=”https://twitter.com/DonnellyAntonia/status/1229227422836559873?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>February 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>
The response:
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”und” dir=”ltr”> <a href=”https://t.co/hOZkkJI1us”>pic.twitter.com/hOZkkJI1us</a></p>— Stuff About Hockey™ (@_hockeyStuff) <a href=”https://twitter.com/_hockeyStuff/status/1229255627869913088?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>February 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>
@PeteButtigieg is asked what he’d do if Trump calls election a hoax and refuses to leave the White House if Buttigieg wins. “I guess if he’s willing to do chores we can work something out,” he says.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
The ruling that legalized gay marriage nationwide? If they do, the backlash would be fucking massive. Gay people are seen as normal now by many people. Definitely a case of “be careful what you wish for, wingnuts”
@debbie: Not sure why it’s working this time.
Some Trumpie somewhere:
The response:
All this emphasis on cultural issues and identity politics is a distraction encourage by the MSM at the behest of the elites from both parties. None of this helps a single mom afford daycare or a debt-ridden student afford monthly rent or folks having to choose to buy the least expensive medication or skip dinner. These are not the classical left-right issues, these are class issues in which the owners and investors hold all the chips and can afford to buy influence to alter the score in their favor. How? By purchasing access to corrupt politicians that in turn will work for them instead of the voters in their district.
This is not to say that a women’s right to choose should be paramount but as a female worker, fair pay is more important, promotions opportunities, affordable healthcare, medication and access to debt-free quality education, maternity leave and access to daycare services. Remember when it comes to screwing the working class the elites do not discriminate.
“Not identity politics” always sounds as if the default is supposed to be white male.
If these are not classical left-right issues, perhaps the “classical model” is insufficient.
A woman’s right to choose should be a fundamental human and civil right. It is not secondary to “working class” issues.
@Morzer: I love that.
@Ruckus: I do not think they’ve thought this through- paybacks a bitch
Another Scott
@debbie: You need to post Twitter Embeds in the Text tab in the comment editor.
Sometimes the tabs don’t appear – in that case, you’re in the Text mode already.
@debbie: I think maybe you pasted in the tweet in visual mode the first time, instead of text mode.
@Brachiator: Hence my contempt for Bernie
Anyone carrying pitchforks?
@Another Scott: @debbie:
To add to what Scott said, if you don’t have both tabs above the comment box, look for this line:
and then click where it say “click here”. That brings both tags back.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Consider revising bits of awkwardness there.
The ruling legalized same sex marriage.
And changing “are seen as normal” to “are accepted” (or something more along those lines) would be less … patronizing.
/ink-stained inner editor
@John Revolta: or as Elle Woods said, every masturbatory emission could be labeled reckless abandonment
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Chip Daniels
In case another commenter hasn’t pointed it out already, its critical to note that the Republicans only want to outlaw birth control and abortion for OTHER people.
This is important because those of us who are white, educated, gainfully employed will be the last to feel the effects of their efforts. And they are betting on our complacency to get us to blunt the resistance.
@Another Scott:
Thanks. I guess I was rushing again.
Miss Bianca
@Morzer: That’s pretty funny, I gotta say.
@Ruckus: I’ve always liked what Adam Smith had to say on the topic (Wealth of Nations, Book III, Chapter 2, Paragraph 10):
@sdhays: I guess I’m from an older generation. While I am aware of the use of “yellow” as a racial slur (e.g., Yellow Peril), to my generation the most common meaning was “cowardly.” That was certainly what came to my mind in this case. I would only think of it as a racial slur if it was used against someone of Asian descent.
Citizen Alan
@sdhays: I’d like a citation for that, if you don’t mind. StraightDope.com rejects the theory that “yellow=cowardy is a slur against Asians” in favor of connecting it to medieval notions about bodily humors.
@Mike in NC: I would argue Ted Cruz’s father should be the poster child for the societal value of that procedure.
Another Scott
In other news, …
I hope we’re not going to do the “book club” thing if/when his book comes out.
A logical, thorough thought process seems to be one of those parts of the human condition that conservatives lack. Once they get past me, me, me, me, really – just fucking me, they seem to never be able to make the next step.
Well yeah, the gold worshipers get to keep more of the gold.
The concept of an MBA is that business is best run when costs are fully controlled, and labor being a major cost……..
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Forced Vasectomy? Only a woman would go for such half measures; let’s get serious, Forced Gender Reassignment, that will take care of the problem.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you, Adam. Say this again and again. This is their goal. They will not rest until we are back in the Hoover administration.
Villago Delenda Est
@Procopius: All those idiots who wear Adam Smith ties? They’ve never read Adam Smith.
Villago Delenda Est
@Lapassionara: Reign of Edward II is more like it.
Original Lee
O/T, sort of. The new Medicare rules are awful and I think anyone who has been interacting with the Medicare system since January 1 will be increasingly dubious about Medicare for All. The problem with the government being in charge of your health care coverage is that the level of care is dependent on who is in charge. Three years of Hair Furor and we are getting increasing numbers of seniors and others who are cut off from what they need to live healthy, independent, productive lives. We are almost to the “put ‘em on an ice floe if they need too many resources” stage. We need to go to the Dutch model.
@download my app in the app store mistermix
My my my. Stereotype much? I am surprised at you. My wife brought 3 children with her from a previous marriage when we married in the 70’s and when she got pregnant, we both decided the easiest and surest form of birth control was for me to get a vasectomy. Got snipped in the morning and went to work on my regular afternoon shift on the railroad. No big deal. I relayed your comment to her and she laughed
@debbie: those pages don’t exist.
@Gin & Tonic: Yes, had mine after two, Quick and easy outpatient surgery. No big deal or real pain involved.
Steeplejack (phone)
Yellow meaning “cowardly” is not a racial slur.
Steeplejack (phone)
Descriptivist swine!