They said America wouldn’t elect someone who was Catholic…
Or an African American person…
They say America won’t elect a woman, but we’re ready for #PresidentWarren.— Working Families Party ?? (@WorkingFamilies) February 18, 2020
A group of women progressives who back Elizabeth Warren has formed Persist PAC, a super PAC airing pro-Warren ads starting Wednesday in an effort to boost her performance ahead of the crucial Nevada caucuses, a spokesman has told Axios
— Axios (@axios) February 19, 2020
#PresidentWarren is trending because despite her being 3rd in delegates, 3rd in most national polls and 2nd in endorsements, the media acts as if she doesn't exist. So her supporters are dealing with this blackout by making sure voters know she's still here and still kicking ass.
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) February 17, 2020
Suggested EW opening line tomorrow night:
“Gracias to Univision for hosting tonight’s debate and thanks to NBC for including me in something.”— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 18, 2020
The Washington Post:
… Warren’s campaign has avoided the sort of leaks, backbiting and recrimination that bedeviled other campaigns during their slumps. Its venting is very public, with the candidate talking more about whether female candidates get underrated and the campaign running ads about the media erasure.
“The night of the Iowa caucuses, CNN didn’t air Elizabeth’s full speech, but they aired the speeches of other candidates she beat,” reads one Warren ad now running on Facebook. “We can’t count on the media to cover our campaign fairly, so we’re taking our case directly to voters.”…
It’s been suggested I should be doing pro-Warren posts every day. I don’t want to overtax the patience of anyone who prefers a different candidate, but here’s a general plea: If you see something about your favorite, send me a link, so I can share it with everybody!
It's one poll question. But the thing that is very clear from this is how much of a flashpoint it was for Warren's supporters, who were furious at what they said was a stark example of how the media has erased her candidacy.
— Molly Hensley-Clancy (@mollyhc) February 19, 2020
Believe it or not, it gets worse. And Peter Hart has been polling for decades. I think he polled for Polk, for god’s sake.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 19, 2020
“Economic justice is not — and has never been — sufficient to ensure racial justice. Owning a home won’t stop someone from burning a cross on the front lawn. Admission to a school won’t prevent a beating on the sidewalk outside”
— Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) February 19, 2020
Ms. Warren currently ranks fourth among the Democratic presidential candidates in mentions on cable news, behind Mr. Sanders, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Mr. Buttigieg, according to the Internet Archive’s Television News Archive.
— @JulieZebrak (@JulieZebrak) February 18, 2020
this current Warren moment is about where we were in first 2019 quarter — Sanders looms, $$$ questions, supporter complaints of erasure. Then she used policy to command attn and dictate narrative, now her tools are less clear (whack Bloomberg at debate?)
— Steadman™ (@AsteadWesley) February 18, 2020
Please, MSNBC, get your damn act together.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 19, 2020
Remember how the DMR pulled its “gold standard” poll the weekend before the caucuses because some people left off Buttigieg’s name.
Yeah, that was cool.— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 19, 2020
#PresidentWarren is electable if we do the work to elect her. Pass it on.
— Daniel Biss (@DanielBiss) February 18, 2020
Good for you, Lawrence.
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 19, 2020
Those people are the worst. I hate them.
@Baud: So far I have pissed off Warrenstans, Buttigieg supporters and BS supporters
joel hanes
If you see something about your favorite
Warren is my favorite, by approximately ten light years.
You’re doing fine.
My candidate rules! Your candidate drools!
(I still have to decide who I’m voting for on 3/3, tbh.)
joel hanes
I’m not pissed off at you.
(I might suggest the use of the word “some”.)
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: Don’t sell yourself short, you’ve also upset the Modi supporters.//
Peter Hart can go fuck himself. A person with any sense of ethics would have found a way to fit her in.
“Warrenstans”? Really? Maybe you’ve answered your own question about pissing off people.
Various questions come to my (alleged) mind:
A) Accidentally, or on purpose?
B) Over what time period (such as today-only, or the last six months); I want to see if you’re using your time efficiently.
C) Were they pissed off by the same general comment(s), or did you tailor them to the particular candidate?
D) No Bloomberg supporters pissed at you? Does that mean you’re going easy on him (or supporting him)?
Cheryl Rofer
Elizabeth Warren excited to use new power of invisibility to stand out in the debate
Alexandra Petri, of course
“We thought that Buttigieg and Klobuchar were doing better than they actually were” is a pretty lame response from a pollster.
Patricia Kayden
Go Warren. This country is more than ready for a progressive, woman President. She would make an awesome president and would aggressively reverse Trump’s draining of the swamp into the White House.
That is Trumpian in its pathetic-ness.
In “we’re living in the stupidest time line” news:
Apparently George Zimmerman is suing Warren and Buttigieg for $265M, because their noting (last week, maybe) that Trayvon Martin would be 25, and expressing condolences to his mother, were actions that defamed him.
@Baud: Baud!2020!
@Mnemosyne: The voting centers are going to be a shit-show on the days leading up to the 3rd since a lot of folk are going wait to vote.
It’s not a direct quote, but that seemed to be the gist of the interview I read: he left Warren off the head-to-head questions because he felt like enthusiasm for her had waned, and didn’t realize until he was compiling the results that his feeling was wrong and she was still in third place. Oopsie! ?
@SFAW: Asshole. Dude’s probably broke and decided this is the best way he can make some money.
I’m permanent vote by mail now — I can drop my ballot off at the library without waiting in line. Phew!
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: It should be Warrenstanis. You’d expect someone originally of central to southeast Asian origin to know that.//
“I’m going to go with my gut,” is something you don’t want hear from a numbers guy.
Also, since polling has been bizarrely inaccurate so far, I’m expecting (or at least hoping for) some big upsets of the conventional wisdom in NV and SC.
Current candidates only, right? :)
WV Blondie
I eagerly and enthusiastically support Sen. Prof. Warren! I’d be happy if every post was about her campaign. So thank you, AL, and keep it up.
(But I’ll vote for whoever the Democratic candidate is.)
patrick II
After the women’s match on Washington after Trump’s election, and the u unspeakable manner in which he has treated women and children at the border since, I am surprised that more women have not gotten behind a woman candidate, particularly Warren.
@Adam L Silverman:
Even Dick Cheney knows that! //
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: The good news is that Florida has an anti-Slapp law. The better news is that Zimmerman’s attorney is noted legul jenius Larry Klayman. The best news is that Klayman is doing his usual bang up job!
dr. bloor
I want to see Warren shove a Scott Brown centerfold in Bloomberg’s face tonight, and tell him to explain himself before he gets his ass off the stage.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Noted election data and political polling expert throws out a career of social scientific training, education, experience, and expertise to empirically test his feeling about candidates. What could go wrong?
Adam L Silverman
@MisterForkbeard: No. Please feel free to send us the latest information about your personal favorite Grover Cleveland.//
@SFAW: perhaps if george didn’t murder Trayvon condolences wouldn’t have been paid to his mother.
Shorter : murderer says what?
I’m probably gonna need something a little stronger than the beverage shown in the pic from Betty’s post.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: But what about Herman Cain? Sarah Palin?
I’m pretty sure if you told the President there was a Warrenstan, he’d actually think it was a real country and then send Giuliani to see if they’d open an investigation into the Bidens.
I am SO glad that this stupidity is getting the attention it deserves. All this “billionaire gets in the race so effective progressive woman essentially disappears from national coverage” was driving me nuts. Either it is the intentional erasing of a candidate the money men are worried about or these people are essentially telling us they don’t have the attention span to cover two women’s campaigns at the same time as four men’s campaigns. Which is it, NBC?
I was thinking about staying up to watch tonight’s debates – but I also savor the idea of getting 9-10 hours of sleep tonight. I think sleep is going to win out over seeing how Bloomberg does under the bright lights.
@SFAW: Not on purpose. Over the primary season.
@Adam L Silverman: That is true. I have been pissing of Sangh members and supporters since I was a child. Back then they were just fringy losers now they rule the country.
Oh, and fuck Bernie. I hope someone fucking gives him the skewers he richly deserves in this debate. I don’t know why the other candidates are so afraid of his LaRouche-like backers going somewhere else. Fuck those people too.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman:
Even better, better news:
@Another Scott: Good.
Yeah. We Kamala fans knew the same thing would happen to Warren. Yes, it is misogyny.
It is horrifying to realize just how many stupid people there are in this country. Have you heard about the chick who stormed Ohio U. in the name of the Second Amendment and was met by a very solid wall of students protesting her presence? She’s now asking Trump to strip OU of all its funding based on this outrage
ETA: A link.
That damn ad banner at the top that blocks the arrows up op is back again.
I will be at the rock show tonight with the Drive-By Truckers and then voting on super Tuesday. No debate watching for me, unh-uh
still not sure why we aren’t just drafting Michelle at this point but I guess we’ll see how it shakes out.
@patrick II:
Internalized misogyny is real, especially for white women who are convinced that misogyny protects white supremacy, so if they’re going to prop one up, they have to accept both.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
My state’s primary is on March 17th so I have time. I know who I want to vote for but I’m waiting and watching. It’s a voter ID state, ugh. Apparently, a US Passport isn’t an acceptable form of ID for voting in the Great State of Ohio. I have a drivers’ license, so no big deal, but why wouldn’t a US Passport, a document issued by the federal government, not be acceptable? You need one to fly domestically now, unless one has a special ID
@Adam L Silverman: “Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa?:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I assume it’s because a passport doesn’t show residency.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
Zimmerman should count himself lucky he’s even still alive. And that’s not a threat. I’m legit surprised he hasn’t actually accidentally shot himself to death with one of his own guns yet he’s so stupid
Bloomberg guy on MSNBC raising the Bernie health issue. May show up at the debate.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Does your passport have your home address on it? They need to verify your voting precinct.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh yeah, that’s probably why. Looking at examples online, I don’t see a (fake) address on any of them
@Baud: Good!
Warren is my favorite by a long shot. My wife and I malied in our WA primary ballots for her last week. Articles like this, detailing Warren’s work on student loan forgiveness, was just one good reason why.
It’s sadly ironic that so many jackals who support Warren, famous for “nevertheless she persisted”, are so ready to concede defeat.
Yeah, Chris Matthews is flogging the issue. Another Bloomberg aide called Bernie a liar for saying Bloomberg had a heart attack.
Since it’s NBC, my snarky guess is that they forgot that 2 women are still in the running.
Nina Turner agreed with Trump that the DNC is being unfair to Bernie.
@Baud: VP candidate of the almost 80 year old heart patient?
@Sturgeonmouth: Not me. I am canvassing for her on both weekend days evey weekend until the primary on super Tuesday.
Amir Khalid
It seems to me that these days there’s a lot of pessimism being expressed in the threads here. Is it a post-2016 hangover? Is it it dismay at seeing the bad guys run rampant?
Joe Falco
@debbie: of course she’s calling on Trump to strip the university of funding. No doubt DeVos will be called on to write some new regulations that tamper down on students’ 1st Amendment rights or get universities to do their dirty work for them by curbing students being able to protest.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You don’t have to show ID if you vote early, only of you show up at the polls. Isn’t that weird?
@Joe Falco:
If she were really smart, she’d team up with James O’Keeffe. //
@Adam L Silverman:
Ok, you wins the innertubes today.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Elections aren’t national. You needs your local address on it. (Even though they ask if that’s still my address every damn time. )
FFS this editor is acting strange
@Sab: In what state and timeline do you exist?
Thank you. I’m donating another $100 to Warren tonight in your honor.
@Adam L Silverman: and the capital of Warrenstan might well be Abbottabad.
@Sturgeonmouth: Yea Sturgeonmouth!
Yea Sab for the canvassing.
Elizabelle the Warrenstan
@Amir Khalid:
Probably all of that, but I’m the wrong person to ask. I subscribe to the Lily Tomlin philosophy that one can never be too cynical, or too pessimistic, but I do believe in going down swinging.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodingers_cat: You know what you did!//
@Amir Khalid: My personal pessimism is because we had a great, deep field imo and everyone in my top 10 other than Warren has now dropped out.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): In the primary, Jennifer Brunner is running for S. Ct. in Ohio. She was the last Dem Sec of State in Ohio.
She is why we have paper trails in our voting instead of just touch screens.
Vote for her if you are so inclined. She’ll be good.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: Right now it is only limited to the 14 people who have sued, but the expectation is it will be expanded to the entire class of the redisenfrachised. Governor DeSantis has already announced he’ll appeal. This is promising, but it is not over.
@Sturgeonmouth: Thank you!
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It’s Florida. Eventually he’ll piss off the wrong person and that wrong person will Stand His or Her Ground. And Zimmerman will quickly assume ambient temperature. It is a sad reality, but it is, I expect, his ultimate reality.
don’t be worried about naysayers who complain of Warren posts everyday. If more bloggers, media, faceplant posters, twitterers, etc hadn’t been intimidated into not doing Hillary posts everyday – or at best only doing apologetic Hillary post – we wouldn’t be in this position.
@Adam L Silverman: Hers in Florida who stand their ground don’t do as well as the men. Stand Your ground is a white male privilege sort of law. It only applies to men.
Adam L Silverman
@Sab: I’m aware.
@Sab: YEA! I am so happy to hear this! We could have had Brunner as Senator but instead the old dead white men in the state decided Fisher would raise more money? a woman can’t win? she’s not old and crotchety enough? she was an amazing SOS for Ohio and kicked Blackwell back to the cave he crawled out of. I’ve always wished she could have gone on to hold office at the national level.
joel hanes
@Amir Khalid:
Is it a post-2016 hangover? Is it it dismay at seeing the bad guys run rampant?
It is weariness and grief — grief for all the people who have already been hurt, grief for all the damage that can never be undone, grief at the knowledge that over a quarter of American voters revel in Trump’s evil.
@Sab: Steep sent me email and a screen capture of the ad a little while ago, so I am on the case.
@germy: I know this thread is dead, but I cannot stop myself from replying to say how much I love that.
I’ve been dealing with a migraine all day, but I wanted to make another donation to SPW before the debate started because I made that promise to myself and her campaign.
Boy oh boy do I hope she blows some old white guys out of the water tonight. I’m going to try to watch a bit tonight, but I might just end up listening while in a dark room.
Off to donate while I still can.
@WaterGirl:Thanks. They are very wholesome ads on my device (Better Business Bureau, Operation Smile, Sen Warren for Pres) but they do block the navigation arrows. But so far the little arrow hanging off the bottom still works to get rid of them.
Jerzy says that little arrow won’t work forever.