After the debate, Sen. @ewarren called on @MikeBloomberg to drop out of the race: "I hope that Bloomberg decides to live by what he says. He wants to see the Democrats beat Trump. That’s great. Drop out of the race. … Take your ego out of it."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 20, 2020
media: *erases liz warren after the last primary*
liz warren in this debate: YOU SEE ME NOW?
— Sarah Lerner (@SarahLerner) February 20, 2020
She gave an absolutely bravura performance, and she’s earned all the media she’s getting. But I swear, some of the Media Village Idiots’ new improved attitude is just that they needed a new “star”. Crazy Bernie didn’t do anything he hasn’t been doing since forever, Uncle Joe was low-energy, they can’t bear to waste their highly-compensated talents on ‘no-hopers’ like Buttigieg and Klobuchar if the best those two deliver is a vinegary version of Midwestern ‘Nice’.
And I suspect, in their heart of hearts, they resent Mike Bloomberg’s Here’s a check, make it rain, peasants attitude. Sure, he lays out a nice buffet at his press avails… and there’s always the chance of winning some of those sweet Bloomberg bucks… but they can tell he doesn’t actually respect them. He won’t even pretend he loves them, and it’s not like he didn’t get his chances up there. Making Bernie wag his finger and yell is too easy to be ‘news’!
Warren keeps it up post-debate on CNN. "I have no doubt that coming off that debate stage that Michael Bloomberg is reaching in his pocket and dropping another $100 million in advertising across this country just to try to erase the memory of what happened on that debate stage"
— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) February 20, 2020
Elizabeth Warren treated Mike Bloomberg like Mike Bloomberg treated black people.
— michaelharriot (@michaelharriot) February 20, 2020
If this was a burning building and I had to choose the person who would get me out of it, I'm going w Warren.
— Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) February 20, 2020
I used worry about Trump walloping Warren on a debate stage, and holy shit do I now wanna see that progressive pitbull go after that tangerine taint wart.
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) February 20, 2020
I have covered many great hockey fights.
This is better.#DemDebate— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) February 20, 2020
I'm receiving word that Elizabeth Warren is now strapping Mike Bloomberg into a fully functional Wicker Man. The harvest will be very fine this year.
— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) February 20, 2020
Speaking of prominent people whose feelings are very, very hurt… the Oval Office Occupant must’ve not-loved this:
HUGE #'s for the #DemDebate last night. Looks like 19.7 million on NBC and MSNBC combined. Final # may fluctuate a bit, but it's a new record high for a Dem debate, beating last June's.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) February 20, 2020
LFG — you go, Liz!
The Warren cash crunch was real.
Bloomberg debate allowed her to raise half of what she raised in January in a single day.— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) February 21, 2020
This is insane. Did the NYT chase after Sanders demanding to know about his dark money organization? Good lord.
— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) February 21, 2020
spokesperson for Persist PAC says there will be a seven-figure ad buy in SC meaning that they will be spending at least $2 million in NV and SC.
— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) February 20, 2020
A 1000-person unionized staff is very expensive. Hard to overstate how much this very big influx of cash is critical to her ability to compete in the next two weeks alone leading up to Super Tuesday.
— Ruby Cramer (@rubycramer) February 20, 2020
Medium buying is tracking $1.69 million ad buy in SC and NV for the pro-warren super pac.
— Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) February 20, 2020
It’s called ‘letting them know whose side you’re on’…
The day after the debate, Elizabeth Warren bought a full page ad in Sheldon Adelson’s newspaper saying Sheldon Adelson will pay $2.3 billion the first year of her wealth tax. I think that’s called chutzpah.
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) February 20, 2020
Good Morning, Everyone ???
I came to the thread when it was dead..
But, the scarves were beautiful ??
Pearl looked gorgeous ?
And, I saw the sweater you did for Henry ?
You have talent ???
Mr. Mack
Good morning early birds.
Good Morning!
I got a puppy! His name is Jo Jo. He’s black and brindle with the cutest Blue Heeler feet. 4 months old. 23 lbs. Cattledog/German Shepard/Pit mix, they think.
Came in with a litter of 8 around Christmas to the Espanola Humane Society (New Mexico). He had a very badly broken left hind leg and the vet set it. (He’ll probably always have an odd gait) He was convalencing at the vet’s home until Mon when he was transferred to Sunrise Springs Resort and Spa’s “Puppy Patch.” (only in Santa Fe would someone come up with the idea of taking poverty stricken, underprivileged puppies and putting them at a high end resort; the spa also has a “Chicken Cuddling” area too. For those who know the area, Sunrise is owned by the Ojo Caliente folks).
Sooo…. I met a friend for an over priced lunch at Sunrise on Monday…. And we checked out the Puppy Patch and met Joey (now Jo Jo). I went back for our second date on Tuesday and made the decision Tuesday night. Now here’s the funny part. I had a commitment to see friends in Moriarty, New Mexico Wed (hr away) and Mountainair, New Mexico Thurs (1.5 hrs away). Told them I would get Jo Jo Friday. No can do from Puppy Patch people… No hold on puppies and if a person staying at the resort or an employee wants him, they have first dibs as long as he is there. A Resort couple had played with him on Tuesday after I had left. “They seemed interested.” Outsiders can only adopt between 1 and 4. Sooo… Long story short, we spring into action… my friend rushes on Wed to pick him up then meets me at Lamy Station (where I have been hanging on Sun for live music, drinks, and the trains)…. convenient for drop off logistics wise re the spa, where my friend lives, where I was coming from. I get there a little early and am having a fine IPA at the bar with the locals. Jo Jo and Annie arrive through the train depot side. Welcoming Committee in place.?❤️? He’s a gentle soul and already getting quite socialized. And only in New Mexico could a puppy leave a spa and be delivered to a bar within an hr. Kidding aside, this is my first puppy since I have always had grown rescue dogs. Everyone who has met this puppy says he is the most laid back one they have seen. No accidents so far in the casita. Sleeps through the night. I’m in love! He just woke me up staring at me, he gave a deep sigh, back to sleep.
I had vowed to keep my powder dry for the general so that I could support the eventual DEM nominee to the max of my very limited capabilities but I have relented and sent her a little bit of cash. I have sent her money 3 or 4 times in the past because even if she can’t be my Senator, she’s still the Senator who fights hardest for what I believe.
I was always going to vote for her in the primary, assuming she makes it that far, but I finally decided that if the above reasoning is enough to support her as a Senator it’s also enough to support her as a Presidential candidate.
FYI. Grounds for jollification.
?????? ?
Congratulations !
He sounds adorable!
It would be poetic justice if Mike Bloomberg got into the race because he was afraid of a Warren Presidency and the sight of him next to her on the debate stage convinced Democrats to give her the nomination.
Ah crap. Link fix.
FYI. Grounds for jollification.
@Quinerly: Congrats Jo’s caretaker.
She will have one more vote in her column after I early vote this afternoon.
I love the huge audience numbers, but wonder how long it will take Trump to claim the Russians are behind that lie.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Unfortunately, the corporate media in NYC really does like Bloomberg.
Remember how upset they were when Obama didn’t ask Bloomberg any questions about the economy. Obama had a full staff of economic Ph.ds, plus his kitchen cabinet included the likes of Paul Krugman and Saul Alinsky; he didn’t need to ask anything of a former speculator.
But the media likes him because they believe the rich people like themselves are better than regular people (look at how they despise de Blasio for not having any money). They like him because Bloomberg would host these fancy dinner parties and media attendees felt part of Mike’s exclusive club. They like him because Bloomberg throws money to their favorite charities.
Anne Laurie
Jo Jo sounds like a darling!…
Now, the warning (feel free to ignore if you already know): Shelter puppies are like foster kids — even if he’s an angel right now, be prepared for some ‘testing the boundaries’ behavior as he gets to feel more secure with you. You’ll need to reassure him that, yes, you’re his forever home & you love him *but* he still has to mind his manners!
Second part, the biological bit: All puppies, even neutered ones, tend to get a little ‘oppositional’ between the ages of approximately 10 months and two years. They’re teenagers, with teenager issues… their bodies are changing, everything’s all weird, and why should they be all conventional just because you want them to? With some even-tempered dogs (like Jo Jo seems to be) this may be no more serious than making you say everything twice, or lingering / lagging on walks when he knows you’re in a hurry. But (my first dog was a puppy Bodhisattva, but *still* went thru some adolescent trauma) it can be quite unnerving for an inexperienced owner when Mr. Perfect is suddenly Mr. You Are Not The Boss of ME…
One thing you might consider, when you get home, is a puppy manners class or household-dog training group — in my experience, it’s fun for both of you, and (as with baby&me classes for human teams) useful to see how other dogs, and dog people, behave.
@Quinerly: Congratulations!
@Jinchi: True.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
ETA: They also prefer Trump over Warren .
This is a burning building.
@Quinerly: Congrats. And keep your shoes up. ;-)
As I sit in this cafe reading this, the barista is doing a hard-sell of Warren to his co-worker. Warren gots the buzz.
The arc of the earning curve is long but it bends towards pleasure.
I really suck at typing immediately apres extended nap.
The arc of the learning curve is long but it bends towards pleasure.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Quinerly: Welcome, Jo Jo!
Congratulations! Hope your future of being herded everywhere is a fun one!
@Baud: From a media perspective, she’s stern mommy who makes you eat broccoli, and Trump is the crazy uncle who teaches you to crack your knuckles and lets you drive the car even though you’re nine years old.
In other words, they’re nine year olds.
Dan B
@Quinerly: We got a new kitten after Xmas. We had to put down a 3 year old kitten 2 days after Xmas and had put down a very old, almost 20 y o kitten in late summer, and then your Poco went. So much wistfulness and emptiness. Now we’ve got the most playful kitten ever and learning how to not be feral, because if you’re a very bright kitten you figure out how to train your hoomins fast.
Sounds like your puppy is going to spin stories to carry us through whatever may come. So glad your life is filling up again in all the too quiet places.
@different-church-lady: No, trump is the degenerate Uncle who introduces you to meth and enlists you in his life of crime by getting you to help him knock off a bank.
@debbie: “Jojo was a puppy who thought he was a loner
But he knew it wouldn’t last
Jojo left his home in Espanola looking
For some St. Louis grass.” ?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Quinerly: Who here thought Quinerly would be dogless for long? LOL
Jojo sounds terrific. May you have many adventures together.
@Dan B: this puppy has an “old soul.”
I’m not the first to say it. Thanks for all your kind words. Kitten snuggles!
@MagdaInBlack: thanks!
Dog Mom
@Quinerly: So happy for you and sweet pup, Jo Jo! Love the name – he won the doggy powerball lottery with you!
zhena gogolia
Is BJ going to notice the big story about Russian interference in this election?
TS (the original)
A world with room for puppy love is where we all should be. Enjoy
Best comment ever!!!
@Nicole: totally not the kind of looking dog that I have ever had. Always blonde dogs. I felt like it was time to change it up. Plus, huge ears!
zhena gogolia
It doesn’t really matter who the Dem candidate is if Putin is selecting the winner once again.
@JPL: thanks.
@Quinerly: pics or it didn’t happen!!! :)
@NotMax: well, then I’m gonna live forever ?
@Quinerly: May you and JoJo enjoy many adventures together.
@zhena gogolia: betting that Cheryl or Adam (or both) will be posting on that soon.
Dog Mom
For Betty Cracker – Out of Buffalo –
@Anne Laurie: oh, I’m looking for all the advice I can get. Thanks. Definitely puppy classes when back home. In the meantime, I leave Santa Fe on 2/27 for Gallup and 4 Corners. Those AirBnB arrangements were made post Poco’s death, not doggy friendly (see, I really wasn’t planning on falling into a dog trap). Anyway, one of my gal pals out here who has had Blue Heelers for 40 plus years is going to take him while I’m on that leg of my trip. She will get a start on working with him, then formal classes in St. Louis in March when I get back. Thanks… Keep the advice coming… Much appreciated.
@Quinerly: I have a little tear in my eye now. He sounds like a delight.
TS (the original)
A rather horrific event in my world where a man set alight (and killed) his wife & 3 children. The internets is full of excuses as to why he may have done this & one of the senior police involved said
(Policeman has been stood down from the enquiry but still has his job).
There can be NO excuse for what he did & the culture that allows women to be used and abused while excuses are made for the abuser is alive and well in our societies.
Domestic Violence Shouldn’t be a Culture War
Congratulations ???
JoJo is so lucky ??
May you two have many travels together ??
Poco and the tribe are happy for you. They would want you to share that big heart ❤️❤️
Mary G
@Dan B:
I am so happy for both of you.
@Quinerly: he’s going to grow into his ears, I’m betting. He’s still very young. ?
@Dan B: and congrats on your new furbaby too!
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: I am working on one, but have been temporarily locked out. It’s going to take me a while to write it anyway.
Praise Jeebus/FSM!
If I down more than my usual one pot per day, does that mean I’ll live to be like 200? [Yeah, I saw the “in moderation” thing, but a boy can dream.]
@zhena gogolia: What story, comrade? There is no story here.
@zhena gogolia: Water is wet. The sun is hot. The night is dark. trump is a corrupt POS. The GOP is RICO. etc etc etc
Cheryl Rofer
Congratulations to Quinerly and Jo Jo. BTW, he was featured in yesterday’s pet section of the Santa Fe New Mexican.
@Dan B: SO glad a new life has joined yours.
Our last three kittens were rescued ferals, which tells me something very significant: humane efforts are reaching even further afield, because they used to be simply written off.
Our Bud and Lou are sheer delight.
Also, got an adorable review on my book!
@satby: Uck. (the idea)
@Quinerly: Puppy Pix or it sisn’t happen :)
Congrats = sounds like you’ll both be very happy.
Evidently, including people who streamed it, 33 million people watched the debate. Good time for Warren to break out.
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: Ha! I suspected you’d never get through this trip without acquiring a dog! Congrats to you both.
@Baud: thanks. Funny story… All his siblings were adopted thru the Puppy Patch weeks ago. I asked for updates/pictures about them. All seem smart, well behaved. JoJo has gotten a late start because of the broken leg and living in the vet’s home. Apparently, JoJo’s brother, Bob, was rather famous at the Puppy Patch (and I agree, saw a picture, gorgeous) Anyway, two resort staying couples wanted him and almost came to blows over him. The chick at the shelter was telling me the story and they were starting on Wed to add “Remember Famous Bob? His brother is now available” byline to JoJo’s page. So I sez to the shelter chick, “Well, you know Mick Jagger has a brother. His name is Chris. And I’ve met him. He’s pretty cool, without all that baggage that goes with fame.” I laughed, shelter chick looked bewildered. JoJo smiled. ?
@OzarkHillbilly: my Tony Lamas are on the top shelf. First thing I did when I walked in with him.
@Dan B:
Awe ????
Congratulations ?❣️
@TS (the original): I read that and WTF?? It might be understandable for a guy to murder his wife and small children by dousing them with has and setting the car on fire because “he was pushed too far”?!? Family anniilators are a well studied criminal type, there’s no excuse for that police official to have said that. He needs to be fired.
@zhena gogolia
You’ve probably seen it but thought to mention to you that the BBC’s 2-parter of Crime and Punishment is on Prime.
With the additional comment that it is a rather lackluster effort compared to their other adaptations.
@NotMax: ?
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: thanks!
Betty Cracker
@Dog Mom: Hahaha! I’d never heard of ice cream lambs before! Would be impractical to recreate them in Florida. :)
@Dog Mom: he is a sweet puppy with apparently huge bladder. I kid you not. Snuggled down still sleeping.
@Betty Cracker
Baked Lambaska?
Jay Essel
Yay and congrats! I confess since losing my Dobby a little over a year ago that I keep coming here for my dog fixes, a new puppy is such happy news!
I was in your same boat with Dobby, had always had adult rescues, so my best advice is to not freak out when he starts dropping teeth around the house :)
@Cheryl Rofer: you are kidding me. This I haven’t heard. Cindy at Lamy Station made a huge deal and was going to put him on their pages since I have been hanging there every Sunday. She is reserving an area Sunday for my birthday party and JoJo’s coming out party. I have to find a paper. Do you have an online link? Thank you for telling me. ??❤️??
zhena gogolia
No, I didn’t know. Looks terrible, but I’ll give it a try. My pet peeve is that no one ever seems to notice that Raskolnikov is supposed to be devastatingly handsome.
The latest sign of the coming apocalypse?
zhena gogolia
@Cheryl Rofer:
Okay, I look forward to it.
I feel as if these debates, and all of us in general, are blocking out the really important story.
@rikyrah: ??❤️??
zhena gogolia
yes, Massa, let’s get back Gone with the Wind and all those happy slaves
zhena gogolia
Friday morning and fur babies. What a happy place this is. Snuggles and scritches! ???
Thread ??
TS (the original)
the Police have NEVER treated domestic violence as they treat any other type of violence – in the age of Trump (& our RW PM) it seems they keep saying the quiet parts out loud.
Oh Brother Charlie Pierce. Bravo!
Time for me to go take my car in for a replacement windshield ?
It’s a mile and a half walk back home in 15° weather, but the sun is out so it’ll be fine. Should be above freezing when I need to walk back to pick it up this afternoon. At least it’s exercise.
@rikyrah: And not one republican cared.
@mrmoshpotato: I loved that too!
@JPL: ??❤️??
@satby:?♀️?♀️ Mittens and a hat help in the cold also.
Old Russian saying:
Chris Johnson
@OzarkHillbilly: No kidding.
I, for one, have been howling about the Russian interference in this primary election to a fault, and am so jittery about it that I see Russians all over the place. I gotta remember that while in general terms I’m right, my ability to spot specifics is limited. It sounds like we’ve had at least one and probably more (remember Jeb’s Brinks Trucks Of Cash, or some of the Berniebots? It’s not new) but as just a commenter, moreover a commenter who got conned by Bernie the first time, I’m no troll-sniffer.
Which is just as well, I bet they smell like vodka and tears ;)
@TS (the original):
We may never know.
Cheryl Rofer
@Quinerly: Not sure if it’s on line. Will get a hard copy to you
@rikyrah: goes hand in hand with, IIRC Sunderland (sp?) as US EU rep fiddling around Ukraine, as Ukraine isn’t in EU.
@Jay Essel: thanks. Another person warned me too. It’s not like I’m puppy stupid. ? I just grew up around the philosophy that all puppies get homes, it’s the older dogs who had homes and lost theirs homes that are more in need. Honestly, I wanted a really socialized dog this time… One who would be raised to get along with other dogs. Leo and Poco were handfuls in other dog situations. This dog is going to learn how to play well with others.
Betty Cracker
@zhena gogolia: I’ve never seen a movie or TV adaptation of Crime and Punishment, but it’s my favorite Dostoyevsky novel. Who would be your casting pick for Raskolnikov, if time was not a factor (i.e., not limited to today’s crop of younger actors)?
An early 1990s-era Matt Dillon would make a fine Razumikhin, IMO. Also, who could pull off a credible Katerina Ivanovna? A 40-something Streep could do it, but I’m having a hard time coming up with a present-day 40-something who could.
Cheryl Rofer
@zhena gogolia: One of the things I’m writing into the post is why I think it’s so difficult for us to talk about the Russia connection.
@Quinerly: Congratulations on JoJo! Española does a great job in finding homes for wayward pups. Very smart of Sunrise Springs to have such an offering.
He was featured in Pet Connections for 20 February 2020 at the Santa Fe New Mexican Website
Excellent. I also hope the few hits on Bernie landed, although I have lost hope that other people see the world like I do.
@satby: Enjoy.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
Wow, good question. All I know is — NOT John Hurt or Peter Lorre (who played him in other adaptations). He’s supposed to be tall, well-built, and with a remarkably handsome face and beautiful dark eyes. George Clooney isn’t quite right!
@Cheryl Rofer:
Then does it really exist?
AOC is creating a campaign group to primary Democrats from the left. I’m so, SO glad she has the best interests of the Democratic Party at heart. Proving herself to just be a DSA infiltrator who isn’t interested in the big tent at all.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Great review!
@rekoob: thanks! I believe he was the 47th puppy adopted from the Puppy Patch. Someone said over 100 kitties have been adopted. I think it’s pretty cool that Espanola pays people $10 to bring in their kitties for spay/neuter, plus the spay/neuter is free.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker:
For some reason I keep coming back to young James Stewart as someone who could have pulled it off.
Katerina Ivanovna is a harder one. Somebody who can be both crazy and lovable at the same time.
zhena gogolia
Okay, off to work.
I said last week I thought Warren’s campaign was delusional thinking it could raise the $7 million in ten days they were asking for but I gave her $50 anyway.
Looks like I was really wrong. She needed a big nice and she got it. We’ll see if it turns into votes. I’ll give her another $50 so she can keep campaigning.
@Quinerly: ❤️ Woo hoo! Congrats. May you have many wonderful years with the pupper.
Interesting sentiment coming from one who would like to kick her out of the tent.
@JPL: and I have the cutest hat and scarf handmade by a lady at the market ?.
@NotMax: fortunately not icy or I would take a Lyft home. True story, I’ve mentioned my great-grandfather who lived to be 106. That’s what ultimately caused his death, stubborn old Irish farmer just had to walk into town every morning to have coffee and get his paper, even in winter after an ice storm. He fell and broke his hip, and never recovered, back in the day it was a long slow bed-ridden decline ending in death. This (getting older) lady doesn’t walk far in icy weather, even though we have much better medical care now.
@OzarkHillbilly: From the studio Understandable, he can’t read.
@rekoob: thanks again. Found it! Looks like I snapped him up just in time!
@Chris Johnson: Well, I’m not a troll. Really. But hey- do you know that I can see Russia from underneath my bridge?
@Cheryl Rofer: I found it online. No picture. Just his bio. Looks like I snapped him up just in time! Any chance you can pop by Lamy on Sunday to meet him? Would be cool.
Betty Cracker
@zhena gogolia: I don’t know if Marlon Brando was tall, but as a young man, he was well-built and remarkably handsome with beautiful dark eyes. He was also able to project a brooding menace and tortured soul quality that might work. But I don’t think he’d be quite right. Raskolnikov was a prickly, proud, would-be intellectual. Not sure Brando would be able to pull all of that off.
@Quinerly: as the owner of a former shelter dog who is a brindle, I am a big fan of the coat color.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Direct link to the pet page. He’s pic 5.
@Betty Cracker
Little remembered today but maybe Julián Mateos?
@Nicole: he’s actually mostly black. Very large, speckled paws. Some brindle mixed in. He might have a little Boxer in him. Love brindle dogs, though.
@Quinerly: You may need to look through the series of pictures (there are 7 in the list). I believe JoJo is fifth — he’s one of the two dogs, of course.
ETA: I see Sister Rail Gun of WH already tracked him down.
Cheryl Rofer
@Quinerly: Will see what I can do.
@Betty Cracker: James Norton. Already has done War and Peace too.
Edit: ok, last cup of coffee finished! I’m off, everyone have a good day!
Another Scott
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: He looks like a trouble maker!
Thank you!
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
He reminds me of my old dog.
Nice story Quinerly. Just what I needed this morning.
@Betty Cracker:
Cate Blanchett? Olivia Colman? Charlize Theron? Tara Reid? The first three are more serious than the last, of course, but I also have no idea what you’re looking for re: skills.
Apropos of nothing in particular, I was amazed to learn that Tilda Swinton is 59; I thought she was younger (even though I’ve known about her for almost 30 years).
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Been on a good run :)
Betty Cracker
@NotMax: ?
@satby: Norton is such a wonderful actor that I’ve been unable to separate him from the horrifying thug he played in Happy Valley!
@Betty Cracker: Keira Knightly?
@Cheryl Rofer: would be cool. We have a nice group, plus my neighbors here at the rental. They were renting the larger house and are from MN. Just bought a house near Presbyterian Hospital and are moving to Santa Fe. Should be my chicks from Cerrillos too. Hope you can make it. Female business owner… She’s doing a great job out there. Still haven’t checked out The Legal Tender, though.
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: The more I hear about him, the “nicer” he seems.
Says the guy who was married last weekend.
Emma from FL
@Quinerly: ohmigosh! I just went and looked… what a cutie! And he’s clever, too. You can tell by the way he’s looking at the photographer. Inquiring mind.
Betty Cracker
@SFAW: Olivia Colman, hmmm, interesting. Suranne Jones maybe? I think she’s barely 40, but so was Katerina Ivanovna, IIRC.
@Emma from FL: ??❤️??
@OzarkHillbilly: Wait a sec. I need to check on something.
Happy to report my Gone With The Wind 4-disc set is still on my bookshelf intact. No need to get it back.
ETA – Also, Dump is a Soviet shitpile mobster conman who’s a traitor to this country and has been sucking the Kremlin’s ass for 30+ years (but that’s common knowledge around these parts.)
@khead: thanks. JoJo sends puppy kisses
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: yep. That’s my JoJo. Wise beyond his 4 months. Glad I got him before some resort staying spa couple grabbed him up. ❤️????
That wouldn’t be his lifestyle. ?
@Quinerly: I just looked at the picture of him from the link that
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: posted. He’s so beautiful! Those ears!
Congrats to Quinerly and DanB on their new furbabies!
Looking forward to many stories about The Youngsters.
Ben Cisco
@OzarkHillbilly: Gotta love the distributor’s response:
@Quinerly: So cool. I believe I am a dog person trapped in a cat person’s body. Catless for the first time in 30 years, I am holding a dog-shaped space for my future buddy. Hope to work my way up to it through fostering first. Very nervous about doing it well. But it is part of my 2-4 year plan.
@Quinerly: I went to the puppy patch website. Does JoJo have a red collar
nevermind.. I found him from the link the good Sister poster. So cute.
@PsiFighter37: Primary from the left means she is supporting Democrats by definition. This isn’t a Sanders thing. It is also how she herself was elected, and she has been more representative of her district than her predecessor was. The organization that supported her lost with almost every other candidate they funded, so her group probably will have a low success rate too. But there is nothing wrong with primary challenges. Congress people need to be accountable to their constituents.
@PsiFighter37: This is only problematic if they attack democrats in purple/red districts. If, on the other hand, she’s aiming to primary the mediocre-white-guy brigade of Seths Moulton and Tims Ryan that sit in safely blue districts, I’m all for it.
@PsiFighter37: Bravo! ?
@Xentik: Don’t know about AOC’s current PAC, but her old outfit, Justice Democrats, is targeting African American Congresswomen Joyce Beatty (D-OH), and Yvette Clark (D-NY).
@JPL: isn’t that cool about the Puppy Patch? I still laugh over this. These are puppies from Espanola. I’m not dissing Espanola. But anyone who has spent time here will get why I’m chuckling. These are very, very lucky puppies.
Omnes Omnibus
@PsiFighter37: @mrmoshpotato: Young, charismatic, smart and idealistic? I take that and accept a few mistakes along the way as she matures into good politician.
@rikyrah: Honestly, I would expect his new wife not to claim Stephen Miller as family, not for him to forget about the only woman on earth who will actually speak to him.
Spoiler alert – they will.
@RedDirtGirl: jump in and do it. I had planned on taking about 6 months dogless. No one believed me. JoJo rode to Mountainair yesterday… in what I call the Poco compartment of my Ford Escape. Black ears perked up in my rear view mirror. Life be good.
Omnes Omnibus
@Geminid: And I don’t know anything about Yvette Clark, but I do know Joyce Beatty and the Dem voters in C-bus. Beatty will swat her challenger like a fly.
@Nicole: he wooed me with those eyes. The ears sealed the deal.
I talked with John about the ads at the top. Apparently the ad guy is off on vacation skiing, so he will not be available for contact until Tuesday, which means we will have to live with the annoying ads until (probably) Wednesday.
Just a reminder that in the meantime, you can always install an ad blocker and drop some money in the kitty (if you can afford it) to offset lost revenue for the blog.
@Ben Cisco:
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh my yes, there’s this thing about puppies & chewing stuff up…
Congrats Q. Congrats Ozark for putting your money etc…
Good morning everyone.
hedgehog mobile
@zhena gogolia: Tom Hiddleston?
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: Clive Owen.
congratulations! Welcome, Jo Jo!
As mom of a border collie, German Shepherd, cattledog mix, you will be amazed at how smart they are and how much activity they need! One weird trick the trainer taught us was to make feeding into a game. We use those spinning Kongs or put kibble in a muffin tin and cover it with tennis balls. Frozen Kongs filled with peanut butter are great to keep on hand when you just need 30 minutes of chill time.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
@Quinerly: Congrats to you and JoJo!
And I’m not sure I should tell you this, but the day we first took Iggy the Wonder Schnauzer home back in 2013, our neighbor said he was “the most laid-back dog I’ve ever seen.” Now Iggy shrieks like a tornado siren at the mere thought of someone maybe possibly walking around somewhere outside. But we love our furry little shriekmonster.
Wishing you and JoJo many happy years together.
@Geminid: Yeah, without a doubt the Justice Democrats are odious. They were also running a shakedown racket of their “supported candidates”
(this was the first link I found, I know it was more widely reported at the time around here and KOS)
That said, she doesn’t seem to be tied to them directly anymore, having ditched her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti who was one of their leaders.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA): ?
joel hanes
This is a burning building.
This is a five-alarm burning building.
Prescient and relevant:
JoJo and I are on the move. Thanks for all the kind words and advice.
I still chuckle. A little black, crippled puppy from Espanola ended up here: (click on Menu, Experiences, Puppy Patch)
And his life changed forever….. furrever?
Again, thanks!
joel hanes
drop some money in the kitty
I ad-block. Thanks for the reminder. Done.
@Quinerly: Wonderful news. JoJo: learn up some words. You know you can do it. For you:
NY Times, Science section (totes worth a click):
Whisky Knows Her Toys
… This dog’s name is Whisky. She is a Border collie <strike>that</strike> who! lives with her owners and almost 100 toys, so it seems like things are going pretty well for her.
… Whisky’s toys have names. Most are dog-appropriate like “the colorful rope” or “the small Frisbee.” However, her owner, Helge O. Svela said on Thursday that since the research was done, her toys have grown in number from 59 to 91, and he has had to give some toys “people” names, like Daisy or Wenger. “That’s for the plushy toys that resemble animals like ducks or elephants (because the names Duck and Elephant were already taken),” he said. During the research, Whisky proved in tests that she knew the names for at least 54 of her 59 toys.
[Whisky’s skills were borne out by tests with an animal behavior researcher, Claudia Fugazza.]
That alone makes Whisky part of a very select group, although not a champion. You may recall Chaser, another Border collie that knew the names of more than 1,000 objects and also knew words for categories of objects. And there are a few other dogs with shockingly large vocabularies, Dr. Fugazza said, including mixed breeds, and a Yorkie.
These canine verbal prodigies are, however, few and far between. “It is really, really unusual, and it is really difficult to teach object names to dogs,” Dr. Fugazza said.
Whisky learned the names of the objects in her cornucopia of fun by playing a game with her owners in which she would go fetch the toy they named. They played a lot. Dr. Fugazza and her colleague at the university, Adam Miklosi, wrote in the journal Scientific Reports that Whisky had 10 balls, seven rings, four ropes and four Frisbees. Since the names of the objects always included a specific adjective and general noun, like “small Frisbee,” Dr. Fugazza wanted to test if Whisky had gotten the idea of what a Frisbee was, and what a ball was, in a general, abstract way.
The way the experiment worked was that Dr. Fugazza went to Whisky’s home. In initial tests Whisky fetched most of her toys successfully. Then, for the category test, Dr. Fugazza would try her on four new toys at a time, first letting her play with the new toys with her owners in one test, or just explore them herself, in another test. Then Dr. Fugazza set the group of new toys in one room while she and the dog’s owners waited in the kitchen. One of the owners would ask Whisky to bring “a ball” or “a rope.”
She was successful about 50 percent of the time when she was given a chance to play with the new toys before the test. Given that she was choosing from four different items, that is much better than chance, Dr. Fugazza said.
Her achievement meant not only that she could group objects in categories in her mind, but also that she knew the words for those categories. While Dr. Fugazza suggests that all dogs have the ability to think in categories, only a select few, either because of training, or natural ability, actually know words for categories. And she had learned all that “naturally, in a way that is actually a little bit similar to what happens to human children,” Dr. Fugazza said.
Bring on the toys, Quinerly.
Whisky’s owners say they had to take her outside to give her a break, because otherwise she wanted to fetch toys all day long.
@Xentik: Cenk Uyger, one of Justice Democrat’s founders, was canned early on for earlier mysogynist posts. Then his sidekick Kyle Kulinski quit, and AOC was made a board member even though she was their candidate for NY-14. As when Sanders and the Justice Democrats flew her to Kansas to campaign against current freshman Congresswoman Sharice Davids (D-KS), AOC was being used.
Here’s to JoJo on the move. (No one knows this but the original version was called Keep on Chewin’ and dedicated to a dog muse.)
@Omnes Omnibus: Clarke is an average liberal Democrat, but was nearly beaten in the 2018 primary; she could be vulnerable again to a challenge
@NeenerNeener: ????
Thank you for that. Dusty in here….
It gave me a reason to get on with my life. After sending some cash to Warren.
Enjoy your new travel companion!!
Amir Khalid
A question oder drei for musical jackals: should I get the free app MuseScore? If I do, how can a musical noob such as I make the best use of it?
Finally getting around to memorising scale patterns along the fretboard. I’m working on the major and minor scales as well as both pentatonic scales. Should I also do the other major scale modes — Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, and Locrian? Absent any inclination to play jazz, should I also learn harmonic/melodic minor scales?
@TS (the original): I am so tired of people (especially police) looking for reasons to excuse domestic abusers/killers. There often seems to be a note of “What did she do to deserve it?” followed by “Well, why didn’t she leave?” Never cluing into the fact that women stand a higher chance of being killed if they DO leave, many women are systematically cut off from friends and family so they have no place to go for help. And many abusers spend years convincing their friends and family that “b!tches be craaaazy” so everyone thinks the woman is just nuts/paranoid/exaggerating.
I do realize that men are abused too. My brother was, mostly emotionally which was horrifying enough, but it happens and I don’t want to erase those victims. (Society has different ways of gas lighting male abuse victims)
@Elizabelle: My Jack Russell mix will do this! He has about 5 or 6 favorite fetch toys and if we say , Go get BlueDog or Where is Beaver? He will go find them. He doesn’t so much anymore as he is almost 14 and mostly wants to nap unless its walk time.
@EmbraceYourInnerCrone: Ah, 14 years old. Darling senior.
Imagine what your dog could have done with 50 toys. LOL. Please give him a skritch for me.
J R in WV
You appear to despise AOC for attempting to move the Democratic party to the left via primary elections. Would you care to propose a different method for moving the party to the left?
Would you prefer that the Democratic party be owned and operated by Mike Bloomberg or equivalent wealthy owner-class bastards? From your comment it would seem that perhaps you think 1984 Republican platform is right for today’s Democratic party!
Seriously, if running progressive liberals for office offends you, why are you not moving to a nation that is already perfect, like Mother Russia? How else is an ambitious Congresswoman supposed to move her political party in her preferred direction other than helping people who share her beliefs run for office?
ISN’T RUNNING FOR OFFICE HOW WE CHANGE THINGS? What the hell is wrong with liberal democrats running for office against conservative democrats? People confuse the hell out of me some days. Maybe you just need a puppy? Maybe I should stop typing…
@Shalimar: Agreed that there is nothing inherently wrong with primaries. Representatives have to stay in touch with their constituents. Caucus guidance to freshmen is to “be the mayor of your district.” I follow Sharice Davids (KS) and Xochitl Torres-Small (Las Cruces NM) through local media. They stay busy with town halls and other outreach, in addition to legislation benefitting their district. Torres-Small teamed up with NM Senators to get White Sands National Monument turned into a National Park. Both Davids and Torres-Small flipped red districts, and are at the top of the hit list for Republicans trying to take back the House
Chris Johnson
@Geminid: Your SPACING trolls me. I count the number of extra spaces you put in your posts to try and divine the secret messages you are sending to other Russian trolls in your cadre.
Apparently you are telling them ‘fnudfruyegwu!’. WHAT TERRIBLE MESSAGE IS THIS. There’s also posters who ranDomly pUt soMe BasicAlly unmotivated capitalS into the text of their poSts.
By God I will crack their code one day.
@Amir Khalid: What is MuseScore?
Are you trying rock our socks off?
Miss Bianca
@Quinerly: Oh, yay!
That is all. Go back to enjoying your NM lifestyle. : )
@NotMax: So stealing this. My most used old saying this year has been Not my circus, Not my monkeys…
Amir Khalid
I got my first dog 7 years ago, before that it was always cats, multiple cats. It’s shocking to me how my whole mindset adjusted. I always thought of myself as a cat person and I did not really care for dogs (but wanted to try agility training). Now I have to admit that I am a dog person and know way too much about them. My dog was a stray and took a lot of work and understanding–I don’t recommend taking on a difficult dog like that! Dogs often need a lot more work and attention than cats, be prepared, but SO rewarding!
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
@Quinerly: @rekoob: Awww his picture is there! Those ears!!!! Congrats Quinerly and thanks for the link rekoob
@Chris Johnson: No secret messages. I an fairly new at this and am not as adept at messaging as I could be. PS: Did someone slip a pea under your mattress last night?
Chyron HR
@J R in WV:
Translation: Sunshine Justice Democrats running for office against perfectly left-wing Democrats who haven’t bent the knee to Bernie.
Low energy? Biden shouts all his answers to questions. It seems to me more like forced energy than low energy.
There was an ad for him on the 11pm news here in LA last night, running for Katie Hill’s old seat(CA-25).
@Chyron HR: Like Henry Cuellar, a perfectly progressive democrat in name only who votes in Congress with Donald a majority of the time and is endorsed and supported by the highly progressive Koch brothers. By endorsing democrats like Cuellar the party accumulated a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and ultimately the presidency. All this centrist winning must be tiring.
Doug R
@Betty Cracker: How about the stars of the new Addams Family movie, Oscar Issac and Charlize Theron? She might be a little tall, though.
How about former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko or Scarlett Johansson or even Mila Kunis?
Chris Johnson
@Geminid: *fwoosh*
@Amir Khalid:
Amir: I know this is a dead thread by now but if you contact me via email I can answer all your questions and any others you may have.
@zhena gogolia: Adrien Brody?