This is what Twitter is really
— Karen Knight (@KKNTeachLearn) February 19, 2020
My default setting is ‘grudge’, so for me it’s been a good week. But tiring.
This post is in: Nature & Respite, Not Politics, Open Threads
This is what Twitter is really
— Karen Knight (@KKNTeachLearn) February 19, 2020
My default setting is ‘grudge’, so for me it’s been a good week. But tiring.
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TaMara (HFG)
I can’t believe I just watched that and was rooting for a….marble.
That was awesome and just what I needed.
The good news is my step-nephew gets to celebrate on his actual birth date this year.
Deep ocean just wasn’t giving up that lead, what a fighter!
I think the thing to note is how much attention the person who made this paid to laying out the course, all those forks & side channels…
Also too, the names for the marbles..
West of the Rockies
Man, how many hours did it take to make that course?
Brill, simply brill!
This has been school vacation week for us, minus the trek to Flahridah. I swear, my daughter has spent most of the week asleep (she slept 13 hours last night). I’d given her the decision, back in September, whether or not to go visit grandma, and she decided to stay home. So we did.
I was already all-in for SPW, so while the week was, well, aggravating, it wasn’t anything new.
I need sleep myself. Tomorrow we start getting back into the swing of things, lest Monday hit us like a brick.
I’m just gonna dance with Elizabeth Warren.
What TaMara said, loved that.
Emma from FL
That was just the most fun, brilliant thing I’ve seen in a month of Sundays. And yes, I was cheering for Deep Ocean.
Ozzy Man was calling marble races back when …
Barb 2
Big Smile – thank you!
Reflector got robbed! Going to watch the post-race analysis now.
Barb 2
@FlyingToaster: Carl
three cheers for Bailey!!!
I vote for Warren – mail in Ballot WA state. I am at peace with my vote. So many great women running. Warren said she was in the race for the long haul – for the young girls and their future.
Actually I was voting for Bailey. Warren mentioned her dog Bailey in her statement in the voter’s pamphlet. He was filling in for her during the impeachment proceedings. What a good dog!
Only a woman can clean up these rotting piles of crap that Trump is leaving. Seems like Obama cleaned up Bush’s smaller messes.
@HumboldtBlue: What. The. Hell?
@NotMax: Re: Chicago
You shut your mouth. Do you have any idea how many ballots came in the mail today in an unmarked envelope?! I ran through an entire box of Bics!
My nominee for the dumbest Trump supporter in Nevada:
God help the patient who has the misfortune of receiving any care or treatment from this pathetic buffoon.
Madness. Phil Liggett and Bob Roll commentating would be awesome. I could see Phil really getting into a marble race.
To be scrupulously fair, she’s not the first person in the western tradition to contrast honest inarticulacy and glib corruption. Delusional, yes, but not unusual.
John Revolta
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that is the way to bet.
Has this been mentioned yet?
Damn Bush II judge.
[ETA to add link.]
Geez, that video is so old, it’s from before two-time reigning Marble Rally champion Red Number 3 made his debut.
Jelle Bakker of Jelle’s Marble Runs has come a long way since that video, and his stuff is a lot more polished and intricate. Every year he does the Marble Rally series down that sandy hill, plus the Marble League (basically Olympics for marbles). He JUST launched Marbula One, which is marble racing on an indoor track for ten laps around.
He sells merchandise for this stuff, and has done well enough to open, a marble store/museum in The Netherlands. Wiki is here.
@bmoak: You are mean. And not in a good way.
@NotMax: That’s great news.
I don’t remember if I heard why this might not happen, but it’s good news.
@NotMax: Is he leaping for joy?
OT – I need to buy Phantom of the Paradise on Blu-ray.
People only watch for the crashes.
I was watching a video with my son and as I was browsing through my rec list on YouTube was a whole section devoted to marble racing. It looked like it was an entire thing, but it turns out it’s just one channel doing this, like they’re trying to get it to take off and it’s just really not.
But yeah, if this is your jam, just search for marble race on youtube and you’ll get this channel.
@NotMax: Never mind my comment earlier. He’s a leap year baby. My sister just missed being one by an hour.
Anne Laurie
@bmoak: Cat videos have been around even longer, and that doesn’t stop us swapping them, does it?
Whatever gives us a break in the current madness!
@Anne Laurie: I loved the cruddy old marble race!
@Anne Laurie:
Oh, I’m a big fan of Jelle’s Marble Runs and he deserves any success he’s getting for building this thing up from the ground. I just wanted to point out that he’s got more better, newer stuff out there if people want to watch.