Trump is on a state visit to India right now, and in news conferences, he has been bragging about his reception there while downplaying the coronavirus in a completely flailing way that demonstrates he doesn’t have a clue what’s happening or how to address it. Meanwhile:
Stop what you’re doing, watch this video & read about what’s happening in India.
As Trump and Modi parade across the country, mobs are openly attacking Muslims, looting their businesses & desecrating houses of worship just like you see in this
— Arjun Sethi (@arjunsethi81) February 25, 2020
Good people are trying to protect their neighbors:
In one part of Delhi, a gurdwara opens its doors to Muslims and anyone who needs shelter.
In Seelampur, Dalits blocked the roads against mobs, sheltered their Muslim neighbours.Police and politicians have forgotten their duty; but the people have courage and heart.#DelhiRiots
— Nilanjana Roy (@nilanjanaroy) February 25, 2020
As we know, the good people don’t always win. But we damn well better try, here, there and everywhere. Things are getting ugly.
Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but here we are. Open thread.
Orange King also inflated the Muslim population in India while giving his genocidal buddy a thumbs up.
The United States media is ignoring this news story. Would contacting senators who are in the foreign relations committees, House and Senate be of any use.
Orange King has given NM a green light.
A bunch of professionals (Krugman, etc) have said that Trump has never faced an actual crisis that was not in his control (trade wars and Nork missiles are of his own making).
So now we get to see how responds.
I’m guessing, not well.
Mike in NC
A looming global pandemic and all Fat Bastard can think about is the US stock market. A Republican specialty since 1929.
Some sensible Coronavirus talk from people who are closer to the epicenter than most of us.
Major political unrest and the start of another round of near-decadal anti-muslim pogroms in one of the largest countries in the world. Just… lovely.
Also too, Thanks BC
John Oliver’s long bit (about twenty minutes) was about this last Sunday. Cannot link on my phone, but worth a Google if you haven’t seen it.
zhena gogolia
NYT and WaPo seem to be framing this as “Hindu-Muslim violence” or “Hindu-Muslim clashes.” You’re saying that’s BS?
Who is this “somebody” he keeps quoting?
@zhena gogolia: Yes I am. The violence is directed at the Muslims and especially the Muslim women led protests. That’s what reporters on the ground are saying too.
Check my Twitter feed.
I have also seen this movie IRL in 1992. BJP was responsible then as it is now. These are not “riots” these are preplanned pogroms.
@germy: The voices in his head.
@germy: You must not have a magic mirror. Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the greatest of them all.
zhena gogolia
Thanks. It’s pogrom time, I guess.
Americans should wake up and see what awaits us.
“Hindu-Muslim violence” or “Hindu-Muslim clashes.”
(MSM: “Both sides, really.”)
and of course this sort of thing is just what trump would love to import into this country.
So much for the internet and mobile phones making us a more enlighten civilization. Thanks to facebook and local rumor mills, these attacks have grown and grown until now, large areas are turning to violence against Muslims.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I can only guess that all this violence warms what passes for Manbaby’s heart. What a shitbag.
If Trump wins a second term, this is our future.
Unbelievable, the world we live in today! Trump’s press conference was also a doozy. We are “guarding the oil” in Syria, and Sotomayor and Ginsburg should recuse themselves.
Steeplejack (phone)
John Oliver on Modi.
@Cacti: Yes I have been trying to point that out but the point does not always get across. And my urgency comes across as rude and at times hectoring to some.
mali muso
@schrodingers_cat: Sending support and virtual goodwill. Having extended family in Mali, I know how it feels to watch your home and/or part of the world you love go up in flames while the outside world is unaware or uncaring.
@Steeplejack (phone): Thanks!
A Ghost To Most
So have you seen the new DonCondoms? Guaranteed to give you a false sense of security while you are getting screwed.
At some point opponents are going to start shooting people. What is really bad is that this is what the Rightwingnutz are wanting as that will allow them grab all the power and suffocate their ‘enemies’. I’m not talking just India here.
@mali muso: Thank you. What is frustrating is that I saw this coming. And that the BJP is doing this in my name as a privileged upper caste Hindu this makes me hang my head in shame.
Mai naem mobile
@germy: John Barron. BTW what’s the deal with the yellow tie yesterday? Doesn’t he always wear a red tie? Also too, I saw a couple of menus of food served to him. Yeah, I don’t see Trumpov eating corn broccoli samosas and a snack that kind of tastes like savory corn bread. The dessert was made of dried fruit . Also the first one was all veg. The second one had options of mutton and salmon. One had fenugreek. I definitely do not think Trumpov would like anything with fenugreek. And it all sounded spicy. By spicy I don’t mean hot spicy but jntensely spicy with many spices.
@Mai naem mobile: That entire “Hi Tea” business was sad. The menu was gross. WTF is a broccoli samosa? Who puts broccoli in a samosa?
Meanwhile at home, Stephen Miller has been doing these things, to these people:
Above was not paywalled when I opened it.
It is stomach-churning but worth the effort as it shows how the relationships and the power centers have shifted over time. Also, if nothing else should motivate us, this should.
@schrodingers_cat: thanks for the insight. I followed on yon twit
@mapaghimagsik: Thanks are you Sherman’s ghost?
What has opened up this Pandora’s box?
Being rather simplistic, I think a lot of it is overpopulation. Too many people, not enough jobs, not enough resources. Pollution, pollution, pollution. Climate change, pushing populations out of formerly inhabitable areas (even if they were marginal to begin with).
I speak not of India, per se, although it’s greatly overpopulated. I speak of the planet, with some exceptions.
I am thinking how Rwanda blew up. Obviously, Radio Milles Collines and the ethnic conflict between the Tutsis and Hutus (often purposely enabled by the Belgians, to help them retain control). But a lot of it was grave overpopulation in a fairly small (and apparently gorgeous) country.
He wants people in government not to talk about it, to avoid making him look bad or hurting the stock market. That’ll end well.
I have to say, after all his incompetence and terrible decision-making, that’s one consequence I hadn’t imagined of having a president who’s never had any real responsibility in his life – he thinks he can be in charge of everything, and as long as no one reminds people of that, they won’t blame him.
@Elizabelle: I disagree with your analysis.
RSS, the parent organization of Modi’s BJP has nurtured a grudge against India’s Muslims since their formation in the 1920s. With the win in the May elections they have the power to put that grudge into bloody action.
@Elizabelle: I think hate and authoritarianism and everything of that ilk is contagious. When people in power see other people in power getting to do what they please without almost any consequences, it all spreads.
@WaterGirl: This
@WaterGirl: Indeed.
But why do societies become primed for hate and authoritarianism? That is the sign of a society that is already breaking down under the surface.
Helped along by massive institutional fail. Which I guess follows from predation enabled by complaisance.
@schrodingers_cat: As I’m sure you know, RSS has said it admires Hitler.
The Moar You Know
@germy: Fred Trump, Nancy Pelosi and a slew of others who have taken up refuge in his rotted brain and constantly yell at him in the dead of night for being a fraud and a failure.
@eclare: Yes I do. I have emphasized it on many of my posts about BJP’s rise on Balloon Juice.
Omnes Omnibus
Good people don’t always win, but they will lose every time they don’t show up and fight.
Watched the episode last night and agree, it was quite informative and seemed on target. Our gummint cares as much about Hindu nationalism as they do about the Chinese Uyghurs and their happy funtime reeducation camps. Which is to say not at all, lest Lebron call them ignorant or something.
Poe Larity
The CAB was intended to start a civil war, Trump sees a new market in the domestic Hindu vote.
The Moar You Know
@Cermet: this result was completely predictable to those who didn’t allow the blinding glare of science’s marvelous achievement to override the easily observed reality of human nature.
It’ll get worse. Social media’s going to have to be utterly banned and the rest of the internet/phonenet put under harsh restrictions before we can bring humanity back to a place of mutual respect and decency. Or least not murdering their neighbors over rumors that they read on Nextdoor.
@Omnes Omnibus: Word.
Bill Arnold
@Mai naem mobile:
Haven’t looked at commentary about the tie, but the color of BJP is saffron. It’s probably like the late-February timing of his visit and the location of his first rally, signalling approval of both pogroms and ethnic cleansing, and N. Modi.
Felanius Kootea
Thanks Betty for front paging this. I was surprised at the reaction of two Indian men I work with when I brought up the deaths in Delhi yesterday. They basically dismissed the violence in Delhi and turned the conversation to Trump’s visit to Gujarat (the state one of them comes from – he was beaming with pride). I know that one of them is a Brahmin priest but I don’t know about the other. The man from Gujarat (not the Brahmin priest) did say something about people reacting to the citizenship act but they weren’t eager to have a conversation about the upheaval. I guess they thought I wouldn’t understand.
@Elizabelle: I had a criminology professor who made the point that we shouldn’t wonder what makes people turn to crime. Instead, he said we should wonder what kept everyone from taking the easy way out.
Why do some people work long and hard for a year or more to bring home the same thing someone could get in one night just be stealing it from someone else?
In this country, I think Trump has revealed all the cockroaches who always wanted to be like that, but dared not to when it was socially unacceptable, when it would make them pariahs.
Trump is all it took, and they all came scurrying out. Hopefully we will squash them all, or at least enough to send them scurrying back underground.
@Felanius Kootea: Upper caste Hindus are the BJP base. Gujarat is Modi’s home state. They probably approve of what is happening.
@Felanius Kootea:
AKA the missing Bond book.
Felanius Kootea
@schrodingers_cat: Crap. These are men who are actually very engaged when it comes to civil rights in the US and eliminating health disparities for minorities in this country. Disconcerting.
@Elizabelle: People have been killing each other forever. It has nothing to do with overpopulation. An estimated 10-30 million people were killed in the Taiping Rebellion in the middle of the 19th century. It’s estimated that the Mongols may have killed off as much as 5% of the world’s population. Caesar probably killed more than a million Celts in the conquest of Gaul.
Meanwhile, highly populated cities like New York, Mexico City, Tokyo, etc. don’t regularly erupt in violence (something of a miracle on the New York subways). Hate and violence have to be cultivated to erupt in slaughter. People have to be led into it – it’s not spontaneous. That’s what you’re seeing in India, what happened in Rwanda, and what white supremacists would like to see happen here.
@schrodingers_cat: In a matter of speaking, yes. :D
Just Chuck
Is there anywhere in the world that isn’t getting shittier?
Also how high as a kite is this “somebody”?
What a ridiculous thing to say, even for a racist, fascistic, pussy-grabbing, Soviet shitpile mobster conman manchild who was never loved by his father.
You obviously are absolutely correct to point out that the violence is directed at
Hindus*Muslims. It is not some kind of equal clash of religious groups.Trump is an idiot or a careless fool. He is only interested in a narrow trade deal, doesn’t understand what is happening in India, and insists on framing things based on his own agenda for the United States.
A current Times of India story has Trump declaring that Modi cares about defending religious freedom.
And sadly, I think the laziest US reporters will pass on Trump’s simplistic, nonsensical view of Kashmir.
As a couple of other people have noted, the John Oliver piece is a good, brief overview of how Modi and his chief followers are fanning the flames of Hindu nationalism.
And I commend your posts on this issue. They are fair and point out great counter examples to the bland, wrong, and incomplete stories about what is happening in India.
*corrected for Brachiator to avoid confusion.
Felanius Kootea
@Elizabelle: If the US neo-Nazis get their long sought for race war, it won’t be because of US overpopulation. As others have said in different ways, sociopathy can be contagious; when some people see that evil acts are not getting punished, they feel free to act in ways that would be unthinkable if there were immediate negative consequences. That unfortunately is also a part of human nature.
Felanius Kootea
@Brachiator: I think you meant the violence is directed at Muslims.
glory b
@The Moar You Know: I’ve always wanted some intrepid reporter to ask him who says these things to him, name some names.
Eric S.
OT: It has been 18 years since I last traveled for work. I’m standing at K18 at O’Hare waiting to board a flight to D.C. This is going to be a once or twice a year thing which I’m cool with.
I’m going to lobby congress. Notin a million years would I have predicted I would be doing this. Along with a group I am meeting with 6 Reps and a Senator from IL to lobby for continued funding of low income energy assistance.
OT Bloomberg supporters just stopped by and asked who I supported and honestly I said I’m undecided. The GA primary is late March so it depends who is in a position to beat Bernie.
@Felanius Kootea:
@ PJ and @ WaterGirl: Thank you for the (more!) thoughtful responses.
@germy: Hutu-Tutsi violence Who can really say who’s committing genocide in Rwanda? Back to you Chuck.
Thanks. We’ll have to leave it there. (Upchuck Todd goes to commercial)
@Eric S.: Yea you! Good luck with your lobbying trip.
@Eric S.: I hope you succeed because it’s become so important since lower income wages have stagnated.
Aziz, light!
How does one delete one’s comment?
@Aziz, light!: You seem to have accomplished that upthread.
Pretty much getting in and erasing it while you still have the edit window. Maybe another way too??
Ramiah Ariya
I see that already the genocide/pogrom bit has started already here. I have actually campaigned against the BJP/Modi as part of the opposition AAP in 2014, and am no lover of Modi, but there is a lot of misinformation out there. Reliable accounts are available in news outlets like (which is anything but pro-BJP itself), and Twitter should be avoided at all costs.
We also have to note that American newspapers such as NY Times and cable TV such as cnn consistently presented misleading headlines and news stories about the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA – which I do oppose, for the record). The Act did not disenfranchise any Muslim citizens of India. A sustained conspiracy theory was built on the Act and has been used very successfully across India to mobilize the opposition.
The protests against the CAA have been mostly peaceful and the instigators of the current clashes do appear to be the BJP crowd, but one of the triggers was a Hindu policeman getting killed.
NDTV’s current headline says 13 dead in current clashes, with no information as to how many Hindus or Muslims (which is how news stays out of the mess in India). This is not a pogrom or a genocide by any means. Modi himself has been fairly focused on a development message since he had a rebranding in 2005.
In India, states control law and order (except in Delhi) – and such violence between different groups is not uncommon across the country. Hindu nationalism is not the only fascism in the country, and nor is the Left very peaceful. There is a large Maoist insurgency in the country, so comparing American politics with Indian political situation is not wise. For example, the BJP, a right wing party , controls the biggest trade union in India.
It should be noted that Indians who post about India in the Western liberal blogs could be partisans themselves. I have found hate speech in this blog itself against groups in India – which an American may not recognize as hate speech.
However convenient it may be for Americans to view the rest of the world through their own politics, I suggest resisting that urge. Indian politics is very diverse, and driven by different dynamics.
@glory b:
I doubt he has names for the voices in his head talking to his ego.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good people of Delhi have gathered at India Gate right now holding a candlelight vigil.
Ah, I very much like the professor’s point.
@Felanius Kootea:
Yep. I was having problems clipping text from the Times of India article and didn’t notice my dumb error.
I can’t speak for anyone else but I do not see Indian politics through an American lens. I always have copiously documented what I have said. If you are accusing me of hate speech please come up with examples.
Just Chuck
@mrmoshpotato: I’m sure whomever “somebody” is, they addressed him as “Sir”.
Eric S.
@JPL: I only have the vaguest of ideas how this will work. I’ve got it easy I suspect. I am meeting with all NE Illinois Democrats. My counterparts are meeting with GOP members from down state Illinois and Wisconsin.
Bill Arnold
@Ramiah Ariya:
Are you familiar with historical pogroms? The death rate in a pogrom can be/often is quite low. The point is not massacre or genocide; it is among other things fear. The ancestors of many American Jews left Eastern Europe/Russia because of pogroms. Their family narratives are often quite detailed.
@Bill Arnold: I was in Mumbai when the Babri Masjid was demolished. I know WTF I am talking about. I have witnessed first hand the Hindu right lead 1990s pogrom with my own fucking eyes. Calling it “riots” is the worst false equivalence there is.
What is happening in Delhi happened this December under the Uttar Pradesh government under the killer in saffron robes Ajay Bisht who calls himself Yogi Adityanath.
Bill Arnold
I was saying that “pogrom” is a very appropriate word. (Off to read about Ajay Bisht.)
Butter Emails
@Ramiah Ariya:
1. India passed a law which had the impact of stripping Indians who didn’t posses the proper papers of their citizenship. This disproportionately impacts the poor as they are less likely to have or be able to obtain this documention.
2. It then passed a law that granted citizenship to those who lacked the proper paperwork to everyone but select groups including muslims.
The net impact of these 2 steps was to strip citizenship from poor muslims.
@Eric S.: All lobbyists don’t suck! Who knew? :-)
@Aziz, light!: I just deleted it for you.
OT and wow. Op ed just went up on WaPost site. Reading it now. Methinks a new thread to discuss this one would be minty. I hope this comes up at tonight’s Democratic debate.
70 former U.S. senators: The Senate is failing to perform its constitutional duties
The following signers are all former U.S. senators: Dean Barkley (I-Minn.), Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), David Boren (D-Okla.), Bill Bradley (D-N.J.), Bill Brock (R-Tenn.), Hank Brown (R-Colo.), Richard Bryan (D-Nev.), James Buckley (R-N.Y.), Roland Burris (D-Ill.), Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), Jean Carnahan (D-Mo.), Max Cleland (D-Ga.), William Cohen (R-Maine), Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), Jon Corzine (D-N.J.), Jack Danforth (R-Mo.), Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), Mark Dayton (D-Minn.), Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), David Durenberger (R-Minn.), Daniel Evans (R-Wash.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Wyche Fowler (D-Ga.), Slade Gorton (R-Wash.), Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Gary Hart (D-Colo.), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Gordon Humphrey (I-N.H.), Tim Johnson (D-S.D.), Bennett Johnston (D-La.), Ted Kaufman (D-Del.), Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Paul Kirk (D-Mass.), Robert Krueger (D-Tex.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.), Carl Levin (D-Mich.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Carol Moseley Braun (D-Ill.), Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska), Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), Bob Packwood (R-Ore.), Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), David Pryor (D-Ark.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Donald Riegle (D-Mich.), Chuck Robb (D-Va.), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Ken Salazar (D-Colo.), Jim Sasser (D-Tenn.), Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.), Gordon Smith (R-Ore.), Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), Bob Torricelli (D-N.J.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.), John Walsh (D-Mont.), John Warner (R-Va.), Lowell Weicker (I-Conn.), and Tim Wirth (D-Colo.).
@Brachiator: I corrected that to avoid confusion and added a note.
@schrodingers_cat: Was that directed at someone in particular?
And if you are lobbing bombs like that on BJ it is incumbent on you to be more precise. What/who are you talking about? Be specific.
@Elizabelle: Counting before reading.
There are 49 Democratic signatories (and you know every single current Dem senator would sign on). There are 17 GOP signers. Of those, only 1 is from a Southern red state — Bill Brock of Tennessee. John Warner is from now-blue Virginia. You also have John Danforth from Missouri, which seems kind of southern in some ways.
And 4 independents, including Joe Lierberman. Had forgotten he left the party that nominated him for VP. Wanker.
The Republicans are from the West/Northern Plains, with maybe 3 from Maine and NYS.
” I’m sure whomever “somebody” is, they addressed him as “Sir”.”
Homer Simpson: ‘For once maybe someone will call me “sir” without adding, “You’re making a scene.” ‘
@LuciaMia: Has Shakespeare landed???
Felanius Kootea
@WaterGirl: Probably Ramiah Ariya, who has popped up in the past when BJP is discussed.
Another Scott
@Elizabelle: I noticed that HRC is not on there. Why Does She Hate America So Much???!!!1
Seriously, I assume she’s not on there because she doesn’t want to be an easy target for the howler monkeys.
@Elizabelle: He didn’t leave it, he was forced out. He lost a primary challenge and ran as an independent to keep his seat.
@WaterGirl: Unfortunately, it turned out Shakespeare has some serious health problems, so we decided it was best not to go thru with it.
I hope that gives Suzy Collins a touch of heartburn. Yes, I know they’re reputed not to have cared for each other while in office together, but getting called out still has to sting.
@LuciaMia: Oh, no! Is there a thread I can go to for the details?
I certainly hope so! I also hope Snow still holds sway with Maine voters. Would love to hear a MomSense take on that.
A Ghost To Most
Huh, violence caused by religion. Hoocudanode.
@WaterGirl: I think Deb was going to let Anne Laurie know.
just because mass slaughters have historically occurred while population densities were lower than present does not at all mean that far denser/more numerous population isn’t a significant stress factor contributing to contemporary mass slaughter events, any more than density of itself is a sufficient or even necessary factor for such to occur. Things are usually a combination of factors, not exclusively either/or one single factor or the othet
@Mandalay: @WaterGirl: Oops that was my reply to the comment#69 by Ramiah Ariya.
@Bill Arnold:I was adding my 2 cents in agreement.
Roger Moore
It’s the same way “race riot” is used to talk about anti-minority pogroms in the United States. We don’t want to admit the violence went almost exclusively one way, so we use language that obscures what really happened.
@Roger Moore:
zhena gogolia
@Roger Moore:
Government incitement/support/looking the other way is also a factor in the concept of “pogrom” as I see it.
@Felanius Kootea: Yes, thank you.
@zhena gogolia: BJP MPs, MLAs and other party functionaries have been making incendiary remarks against Muslims and other protesters for the past 2 months
Their slogan, Shoot those bastards at rallies during the Delhi election.
Every time I read about something like the current violence against Muslims in India I think back an account of a study of ethnic nationalism movements during the 20th century. The conclusion was that the animus toward “others,” in almost every case, from East Timor to the Balkans, was a cover for organized crime by the leaders of the ethnic nationalist movement. I think that’s certainly the case with der Trumpenführer, and I figure that’s probably the case with Modi as well.
Mary G
Markets diving again – Dow down more than 800 points so far.
That was very stupid – already India hides the census numbers on muslims and if the population believes those numbers they will go ape shit.
His own imagination.
Another Scott
@burnspbesq: “You just tell them and they believe you. They just do.”
@cain: BJP is hiding everything. Unemployment data, inflation data, the list is long. They are not going to enumerate caste in the census either.
NEW: Supreme Court rules Mexican parents can’t sue Border Patrol agent who killed their son
There’s absolutely nothing to hold them back.
Thanks much.
Roger Moore
What they’re doing in Jammu and Kashmir shows their attitude toward free flow of information.
@Roger Moore: Yep. What is happening in Delhi, Kashmir and other places in India is their long held fantasy. If any one is interested one can read the rancid ideology of the Sangh in Golwalkar’s A Bunch of Thoughts. He headed the RSS for nearly 40 years.
Fleeting Expletive
I’m amused that, according to Kyle Griffin’s twitter, Dr. Ronny Jackson (that former WH doc) says they snuck cauliflower into DJT’s mashed potatoes so he would consume a vegetable. Four year olds!!
I never thought I’d say this, but I have to give Joe Walsh some credit. He has an op-ed in the post today entitled “I’m no fan of Bernie Sanders. But #NeverTrump means never Trump.”
The violence continues unabated for the 3 day in a row, roving gangs are committing arson in Muslim neighborhoods.
ETA Though many TV anchors are BJP stooges many reporters on the ground are doing their jobs by putting their lives on the line.
@Fleeting Expletive: I gagged at the terrible tea that Modi served Twittler. Broccoli samosa, do not want.
joel hanes
@Just Chuck:
Is there anywhere in the world that isn’t getting shittier?
New Zealand seems to have adult leadership, and Scandinavia continues to seem relatively enlightened.
Did someone dig up Bill’s remains and catapult them?
Another Scott
Good, good.
We have to vote the monsters out – Everywhere. Eyes on the prizes.
@tokyokie: This is probably more a case of ethno-nationalism being a refuge for scoundrels from time immemorial. Con men have used the claim of ethnic ties to fleece their kinsmen as far back as we have stories being told. Modern day studies have shown that believing in one’s moral righteousness loosens inhibitions and increases bad actions.
It’s one of the reasons why not prosecuting white collar crimes is such a mistake. The line between grifters and legitimate businesses needs to stay sharp.
@Redshift: I always thought I’d say this, but fuck Never Trumpers. Given any other Rethuglican nominee, all this same shit would be happening, but quietly.
(Also, fuck Never Trumpets, you brass-hating bastards!)
Mary G
@schrodingers_cat: Evidently the broccoli and corn samosas were the chef’s attempt to make the food more American. Per WaPo Twitler and Melanoma wouldn’t eat anything:
So rude. I’ve eaten at least a bit of the horrible food people have served, because my mother taught me manners.
Mr. Kite
@joel hanes: yeah, about Scandinavia… not really if you follow their local media.
It’s springtime for nazis everywhere. But relatively tamer, if not saner, so far.
@Mary G: Dump: Those aren’t burnt to a crisp steak bites with ketchup.
ETA – now I want a samosa.
@Mary G: Well it is a good lesson for the Hindu RWNJs to learn that no matter how much you suck up to the white supremacists they don’t think of you as their peer.
They probably just should have ordered something from the local McDonald’s. The food then would at least have looked familiar and Trump might have just gone along with it.
Bill Arnold
Indian media is nuts, e.g. this metaanalysis:
indicates the story is true but the swirl around it is nuts.
@Brachiator: Can you get a beef Big Mac in India?
@Bill Arnold: It is. The on the ground reporting is good but the talking heads on TV are terrible with almost no exceptions. Those who resisted have already been purged.
@mrmoshpotato: AFAIK no.
Don’t think so. But you can get something on a bun.
Roger Moore
One of the things I like to say about the Trump era is that I’m not surprised that there were some Republicans who had strong enough principles to stand up to him; I am constantly amazed at which ones.
Roger Moore
IIRC, they don’t have the Big Mac, but they do have a Chicken Maharajah Mac.
@Roger Moore: They’d have to dip it in beef broth base for Dump.
Somewhere, Stephen Miller is all a-tingle.
@Elizabelle: interesting that Frank Murkowski signed this letter.
eddie blake
@Aziz, light!:
great nym, btw. i LOVE the 5th element.