South Carolina called for Biden. Is no one going to put up a post? Where is everyone?
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South Carolina called for Biden. Is no one going to put up a post? Where is everyone?
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Hell if I know. I’m here.
Stocking up on end of the world supplies.
Two percent of the vote is in. You can’t call an election on two percent!
In their bunkers with the toilet paper, that’s where.
Chyron HR
How could Bernie’s strategy of preemptively declaring that blacks are too dumb to vote right have failed to carry him to victory in SC?
(The answer is that it was RIGGED.)
Has anyone ever seen a race called at closing with only 2% of the vote in?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If worse comes to worst, we’ll raid Cole’s cellar
Chris Johnson
A vote for Biden is a vote not for Bloomberg. I’m happy with SC representing for Biden. :)
Clarification: for coronavirus. Not cuz of Joe. Yea Joe. Stop Bernie in his tracks.
I wonder if Sanders can fall under viability.
@WaterGirl: I’ve seen races called with 0% in. Happens in NY state-level races all the time, now that the GOP is extinct on a statewide level.
@Baud: I’m going to order a bunch of flour from King Arthur Flour tomorrow and learn to make my own bread.
Looks like a beatdown.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Also, stopping Steyer.
Omnes Omnibus
I wonder if we will hear from jk.
So did everyone in SC wake up and say “holy fuck, we have to stop Bloomberg and Bernie?” And Bernies 19% all came from Republican crossovers?
@WaterGirl: Happens all the time. In 2008, they called Pennsylvania, allegedly a close state, for Obama the second the polls closed. If the exit polls show a margin of 10 percent or more they will call immediately. Watch on Nov. 3. More than half the states will be called the minute their polls close.
@WaterGirl: gl! It’s easy to make bread that’s fine, but difficult to make bread that’s great. At least, if my history with making pizza dough is any indicator :p
ETA: also, not sure what voodoo you did but Twitter embeds work on my phone again. Yay, thank you!
Madame and I voted yesterday to avoid the crowds on the 3rd. We actually both liked the new voting machines(didn’t need to remember the old reading glasses), though the staff was actually too helpful.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Waiting for the End of the World
@Omnes Omnibus: You know, i was the person who approved his first comment on the blog. I could tell from that first comment that it was not going to be pretty, but I am a good soldier and approved it because that’s the way Cole rolls.
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh FFS.
Tom Q
@WaterGirl: Many times. Exit polls plus a quick glance at key precincts. Hillary was called at precisely the same moment four years ago. It means your margin of victory is wide.
Uncle Cosmo
@dexwood: “Mr. Pompous, in the Bunker, with the Toilet Paper”…sounds like a new Parker Brothers board game, Can’tBuyAClue.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
MSNBC talking about a Biden/Bernie unity ticket. Not Tweety Matthews, Rachel Maddow.
Why is California such a Bernie firewall? MSNBC talking heads tell me he has an insurmountable lead.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Two guys over 75 on the ticket, what’s Rachel smokin’?
@WaterGirl: KAF has a bunch of good recipes on their website, and also importantly for inexperienced bakers they have a helpline if you have questions.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Two over 70 year old white men? Seriously, Rachel?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: My personal opinion is that this becomes a 4-person race, at most, after Super Tuesday. I would not be surprised if Steyer drops out after today – he was banking on SC to put him out of the ‘joke’ candidate category – not happening based on SC results. He’s already spent a fortune (or pennies, compared to Bloomberg), but he’ll be a goner for sure. Amy is definitely done after Super Tuesday. Mayor Pete’s donors are going to abandon him in droves after Super Tuesday as well – I think he doesn’t last a week, if he has common sense.
So – that leaves Wilmer, Biden, Bloomberg and Warren – but if she loses MA, I think she’s basically done. I would hope, though, that if she does drop out, she gives a good indication that voting for the shouty old man who has the thinnest skin alive is not a good idea.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I find this very disturbing. Not the song – great song from a great album. But you posting it? Hmm…
@Anya: I know of 2 people in California that didn’t vote for BS.
@Anya: The latest poll has him at 35%, double the 2nd-place contender (Warren). Biden has 8%, which means he is in serious jeopardy of throwing up a donut in the most populous state in the country.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Advantage Trump????? I hate this kind of s–t.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I saw that foolishess.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: I don’t believe in the pie filter, so I have to approve of your action – however reluctantly in this case.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Younger electorate, more progressive, appeal to hispanic voters, lots of money and a divided field make a third of the vote a big deal, again.
@Uncle Cosmo: Scary game. Sounds more like the worst horror movie ever filmed.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Mmmm, I doubt Joe would accept Veep again. And both of them would need to get someone much younger and less, um, whitemale-y.
zhena gogolia
Why is he doing so badly there?
I can see Trump disparaging them for their age. ?
Why is MSNBC making it seem like Bernie has an insurmountable lead? Granted, he won Nevada big but he barely won New Hampshire and lost Iowa.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Odd Couple remake?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I came across it along time ago on the internet somehow. I guess I was searching for songs about the apocalypse? lol.
I also had a free 6 month XM trial in my car and Costello’s “Everday I Write the Book” played a lot on the 80s station for some reason and I really like it. I like Costello’s 80s output quite a bit
I can name check a bunch of newer groups I like. AWOL Nation, the National, the Highwomen, the Flaming Lips
@zhena gogolia: No money for TV.
Felanius Kootea
@Anya: Well, there are two votes already cast from my CA household for Warren.
@Omnes Omnibus: I saw him in ‘78 at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Didn’t remember it, but google says he opened with Waiting For the End of the World.
@dmsilev: I love rye bread and our one bakery that made GREAT rye bread closed 3 years ago. All the remaining rye bread is lame.
So I’m gonna try rye bread (because I miss it) and ciabatta (seems like that should be easy enough?) first.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
and even in NV, it was barely a third of the actual turn-out, which was a small fraction of eligible voters, and by my math about 7% of what a GE candidate will need to win the EC votes, but that’s how the delegate system works
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Just so you know, My Aim Is True is not from the ’80s.
Listen to Black Women.
They are smart and wise.
Their turnout is the difference in winning the election.
It is only right that they choose the nominee.
If the results continue in this vein, a lot of people that were Bloomberg curious are going to look at Biden again. Specially if Bernie doesn’t make the threshold for delegates. Biden could come out of SC as the delegate leader.
@Omnes Omnibus: Goku is really two people.
I suspect media narrative is more important than advertising for Super Tuesday, and tonight is a media bonanza for Biden. Bernie numbers with black voters in SC pretty dismal, don’t see how he can win states like Florida, Michigan, NC, etc with those. Will be interesting to see if any of the also rans drops out before Tuesday. Don’t see why Klobuchar would stay in except for an ego boost from winning MN.
@Baud: Exactly, I’ve only seen ads for Bloomberg, Steyer, and Bernie here. I’ve also seen ads for Cenk running for CA-25.
Omnes Omnibus
@delk: Cool place to see anyone – let alone early EC.
@PsiFighter37: In all the predictions, people are acting like what happened in SC will have no impact on Super Tuesday.
As if the big Clyburn endorsement in the final few days didn’t make a big difference.
I hate the media.
Young voters didn’t not come out in the numbers Bernie needed, neither did “very liberal” voters. Even Maddow had to say…Sanders may be able to run the table with white voters in the primaries, but in a general election, NO Democrat can win without their most reliable voting bloc…African Americans. And guess what, based on exit polling, Bernie’s numbers with African Americans DID NOT improve.
For majority of Dems it’s “get rid of Trump”, but it’s also “stop Bernie if you can” for African American voters.
In the general, African American will reliably vote for whoever is the nominee because we want to beat Trump. But until then…we don’t want Bernie if we can avoid it.
I love Warren, but if a candidate gets no delegates in white NH, hispanic NV, and black SC I think that candidate should drop out.
@WaterGirl: I wouldn’t recommend it as a regular recipe because of the length, but if you want a long weekend project, give this one a try. End result is great, but it’s not for the impatient.
That’s the hope. If it’s not Biden, it’s going to be Bernie or Bloomberg. I don’t see a path for anyone else.
I think Amy and Steyer should be out after today. Though I guess Super Tuesday is so close maybe it doesn’t really cost them anything to stay in. Except for the humiliation.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m aware. That album is from the late 70s. I was talking about his singles, “Everyday I Write the Book” and “Veronica”
@lamh36: Wow.
@zhena gogolia: If I had to guess, it’s because he has no money. No money = no ads, and then separately, his field operation basically does not exist. The FTFNYT did a profile on his CA field operation – it consists of one office in East LA that seems to only be open on a part-time basis.
My opinion is that Biden figured he could coast purely on name recognition and not do the groundwork to get elected. If he is the nominee, he needs to build that out. Lucky for him, he’ll have the DNC (which I view as generally inept outside of the Howard Dean years), but more importantly, I have to think Obama’s redistricting organization and other outside groups will really jump into motion. I just worry that it will be worse than Hillary’s campaign, which relied solely on data and not on enough groundwork – Joe’s campaign will have no data and little ground operation to speak of.
zhena gogolia
I just want to be able to vote for someone other than Sanders. I guess I’ll send Biden some more cash.
@Omnes Omnibus: Cole’s blog, Cole’s rules.
zhena gogolia
Because black people are smart.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: That would explain a lot. Either that or he’s his own grandpa.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nick Lowe opened. Aragon as of last year is now called Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom. sigh.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: My brother is his wife voted early and they’ve voted for Warren.
And for some inexplicable reason, they will STILL say Bernie’s lead is insurmountable. Because of magic votes that haven’t been cast yet! It boggles the mind.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’ve noticed a real “White Man’s Burden” vibe from some Sanders’ supporters when it comes to black voters
Yes, you can. Sampling is a powerful tool.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Then here’s some new trivia for you. He wrote Veronica with Paul McCartney.
Me too. The results in South Carolina give me hope.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
I happen to like a variety of music. I listen to an independent music station out of Akron that plays a variety of music, from new releases to old hits
@dmsilev: Looks very handsome! But I am not a sourdough person, so that will probably save me an entire weekend of work. :-)
@Baud: So you think Elizabeth Warren doesn’t stand a chance?
A Good Woman
WaPo is reporting Biden at 53.8%, Sanders next at 14.6%
Less than 10% of the precincts reporting. Could this turn into a Biden Blowout, or are the pundits smoking something special?
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Yeah, no. I’m going with the two people option.
I don’t see how, especially if she doesn’t won Massachusetts.
If the results hold, Buttigieg will have a higher percentage of vote than Warren. That sucks. I just don’t understand why she’s not getting any traction?
@Felanius Kootea: And 3 from mine. Actually I know a lot of CA folks who voted/are voting for Warren. But it sounds like it will only get her into second place.
Sanders is banking on non-African American voters to get hi to the nomination w/delegates. Those same primary voters though or not guaranteed or reliable. The general election win for a Democratic candidate is throught African American voters…period.
If Sanders want to win the general then he’ll have to choose a VP pick that will be consequential to African American voters….and I’m not talking bout Nina Turner.
None of the candidates running, other than Biden, can make up for Sanders deficit with African American voters…NONE of them.
But enough of them are still running that the “moderate” voting is being split enough between them so that Bernie can run away with the nomination.
When it was a two person race in states with diverse primary populations and delegate rich, Clinton almost ALWAYS beat the pants off Bernie. Heck 2016, HRC beet Sanders by about 50% in SC.
Imagine if Steyer and Bloomberg got out and put their money behind someone other than Sanders (likely Biden) or Amy K or Pete B got out and backed someone other than Sanders (also likley Biden). With Warren likely backing Sanders over Biden, then there might be time to beat back Sanders.
Too lat enow, we’ll see after Super Tuesday, if Sanders banks more delegate cause of their vote splitting, if any of those candidates other than Biden drop out and try one last ditch effort to stop Bernie.
@Baud: Bernie holding a rally in her own home turf is such a power/petty move. I hope she pulls a win there.
@Omnes Omnibus: I had never actually listened to that song, though I knew the refrain. That’s pretty funny.
I don’t see how, especially if she doesn’t win Massachusetts.
@tam1MI: I am breathing easily for the first time in days.
Not literally — quite healthy — but Bernie has been floating over my life like a toxic miasma. No, no, no to him.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Really? That’s cool. I like McCartney’s work with Wings too. From roughly the same time period
I think I just passed through a wormhole.
Young people. Bernie has been attracting 20-30-somethings for four years and his message resonates with them. They want affordable college, they want affordable housing, they want and fair and liveable wage and they want, in essence, what the generations before them had, a fair shot and they don’t think they’re getting it.
Now add in the 30-40 somethings who have never known anything other than incredibly acrimonious national political theater and it’s no wonder they are looking for someone, anyone, who appears to not be another run-of-the-mill-two-party-insider.
@A Good Woman: I would very much like it if Wilmer is held to under 15% – I am a-okay with a Biden sweep in SC.
I hope someone connected to Obama (i.e. a David Plouffe, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett type) is calling the ex-Mayor Pete, Amy, and Mike B. campaigns and telling them to can it and endorse Joe.
I hope she endorses Biden after she drops out. I wish she had done better, but even if she wins Massachusetts, I don’t see her winning anywhere else.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): GAH!!!!!!!
@WaterGirl: It can be fun. The most important thing is to keep the yeast happy ( temperatures.) Don’t scald it, and don’t overheat it and don’t let it get chilly when it’s in the dough and rising before baking. Treat it as you would a kitten (same temperature range).
@PsiFighter37: Let’s hope he gets a pump from this win. Apparently, he ran out of money and he has no field operation. You can’t just win by name recognition.
TS (the original)
Does it relate to his turn? The runner up to Bush Jnr was McCain (I think?) Pres Obama was Hillary. The runner up to Hillary was Sanders. The media likes to keep everyone in turn both by party & within a party.
Went out and canvassed this afternoon here in WA for Warren with my daughter. Kind of depressing. Lots of not-at-homes, some grumpy people who didn’t want to talk, a few Bernie bros. Some clueless people. I Didn’t encounter any actual Warren supporters. The app we were using took us to a pretty working class part of Vancouver so not prime Warren territory. Was supposed to only take us to the house of registered Democrats but because it was a high rental neighborhood mostly didn’t find the people we were looking for on the voter rolls, but whatever other random folks who opened the door.
Anyone catch the article today in the NYT about the totally toxic Bernie podcasters? I’m not optimistic about these assholes. They are as bad as some of the MAGA folks.
Fuck these people. They are utterly toxic.
@Anya: They should know how much of the early voting that Elizabeth Warren is getting on CA, right?
@WaterGirl: Personally, I don’t. I’ve given her money and I voted for her in California because I vote by mail. But a candidate that gets delegates in one of four contests isn’t going to win.
Bernie Sanders supporters can’t be anything but assholes…and they wonder why reliable Black voters don’t back Bernie
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Are you a giant fetus floating in space now?
@HumboldtBlue: It figures it would resonate with the 20-30 crowd who have done nothing but been glued to fucking Instagram their entire life and feel that they’re being fucked over because they didn’t have as epic a brunch as someone else.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anya: Success breeds success.
Has anyone else here ever read a comment and found yourself nodding in agreement… “Me, too! I think so, too!” only to discover that it was a comment you (yourself) had written earlier?
That’s me at #73. So sad.
@lamh36: Peter Daou, formerly a ginormously huge Clinton booster, is now a Bernie Bro?
I’m over in the corner crying.
My candidate Warren isn’t even breaking into double-digits here and I despair how it doesn’t make any goddamned sense. She’s the most coherent, positive candidate on the stage and… and… /wtfDems
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: wasn’t Peter Daou one of the Clinton people telling us Obama was too far to the left in ’08?
@Chyron HR:
They want to go back to the 3/5ths math, don’t you know? Was even in the Constitution at one time back in the good old days.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Now? When wasn’t he?
Because the media has been telling people for weeks/months that Warren can’t win?
@lamh36: I’m breathing a sigh of relief.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Polling suggests he could rake CA’s total delegation with a third of the vote, 415 delegates. 1991 needed to take the nomination.
Bernie has been spanked. Let’s see if he learns anything from this.
@FelonyGovt: I think Maddow and MSNBC did mention that voting has already been going on in Cali and some of the Super Tuesday states. So the question is can same day voting overcome absentee/early voting advantages by candidates lie Sanders and Warren.
The quesiton being…would folks have voted the same way if a more diverse state like SC had gone first INSTEAD of 3 majority white states?
We’ll never know, but I’d bet there would have been a difference
Is that what you meant to write? Because I am confused.
We’ll never know, but I’d bet there would have been a difference
If SC had gone first, I don’t think we have the same 5 finalists as we do now. Maybe Harris is still in it and maybe Bloomberg never gets in. Buttigieg and Klobuchar gain no traction. Who the hell knows.
People make too much of a deal about these small states that go first. I think it gives voters more time to assess the candidates.
And I am in California, and we have a few more items on the ballot. I appreciate the extra time to try to get it right.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh lovely. Bigotry against homosexuals and Aces
@WaterGirl: Added to suggestions you’ve already got, this may be more than you ever wanted to hear about bread. But hey, it’s much more fun to talk about than the primaries.
I made bread for households of 4-8 people during the early decades of my adulthood, took twenty years off, and started again a couple of years ago. For some backstory, in your spare time, see my Obsidian Wings posts about it from the past couple of years — part 1, part 2, and part 3.
I make a very plain workaday “sourdough” (partly whole wheat), originally modeled on the sourdough recipe in the Tassajara Bread Book — not totally classic, because I started with commercial yeast, but my starter has been going for a couple of years now and it’s gradually getting more sour.
I also make a few other, less plain breads, including one called “Cardamom Braid” from a cookbook I bought in about 1970 from a mill in Washington state, on a hiking trip.
I went looking for that cookbook online, thinking maybe there was an ancient second-hand copy somewhere that you could order, and guess what: the whole cookbook is online here, and you can leaf through it to your heart’s content. Some of my other old favorite recipes are in it besides the breads, like double chocolate brownies and double chocolate pudding. There are several rye breads, though I haven’t made any of them in recent times.
The Cardamom Braid is to die for, and it stays fresh enough to eat just plain for several days. I use about 1/3 whole wheat flour and 2/3 white, and I put toasted sesame seeds on top instead of sugar.
Regardless of all that — have fun learning to make bread! I love doing it — it makes a discipline and a rhythm for my days that I wouldn’t have without it.
@lamh36: What makes you think Warren backs Sanders over Biden? There is no love lost between those two and both Warren and Biden are actual DEMOCRATS. I can more easily see her backing Biden.
@PaulWartenberg: I don’t get it, either. But better Biden than Bernie or Steyer or Bloomberg.
@PsiFighter37: OK boomer.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Polling from before SC for sure. Polling from before the Clyburn endorsement, sure. But tonight is a game changer, since Bernie was supposed to run away with this, according to the media.
I know, I know the answer. Pick me! Pick me!
@Kent: Sort of same for me. Nobody much home. Ohio. But the few people I met were for Warren, sweet Bernie Bros ( nothing like the on-line ones) who have been ‘progressive Democrats’ in my area since the Shrub era, and some undecideds. The Bernie Bros all liked Warren but liked Bernie better. I also met a couple of undecideds who have her on their short list. A couple of men ( sons or husbands) said go away, but the voter on my list was a woman, so I put ‘not at home.’
I was scheduled to canvas for 3 hour shifts Sat and Sun until the primary. It seems to me that everyone is shopping Sat, so I switched it to nothing on Sat ( work wants me there) and 6 hours on Sundays.
There is still Super Tuesday. We will see what happens.
@WaterGirl: I like Liz Warren, but based on the reaction of people I know, she turns off many. I assume that many see her as Hillary redux, others see her as Bernie Lite, which means that they still prefer Sanders if that is how they lean, or they prefer someone else if that is not how they lean. If someone wants a fresh face, well, Amy or Pete, and if they want reassuring experience, there is Biden. I’m not happy about it but I am not letting reality get away from me. She did poorly in her backyard, among Latino working people in NV and now among African Americans in SC. Where is the path?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: Jaime Harrison suggested that Biden ask Kamala Harris for her endorsement, and I could be projecting, but listening between the lines, I think I heard him asking KH to endorse, and soon. I’d bet a large number of quatloos Harrison doesn’t want to be on a ticket with Sanders.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Omnes Omnibus:
@HumboldtBlue: You know, people talk about low information voters, and believe that AA South Carolina voters are low info voters. In reality, young people are low information voters. A lot of people I know, get their information from social media posts and they get to be very limited. Lots of Bernie supporters my age know jack shit about Bernie’s actual record or any of the people they derisively refer to as “corporate dems”. They think Bernie is going to enact these policies because he believes them. They don’t know how the senate works and have no knowledge of the political landscape. I believe in all of those things you’ve mentioned but can Bernie actually enact them? When you point out to them that we need wins everywhere and in order to have those wins (that will help us to turn those policies into law), we need to actually have a big tent. We can’t alienate our allies and we need to deal with having moderates in our party. They’ll accuse you of being a neoliberal sellout.
@WaterGirl: ? I tend to be just the opposite.
@JanieM: I make Greek Christmas Bread at Christmas time, but that’s about it. Rea;;y. In al the years I have had my bread machine, that is the only dough I have ever made.
Am I right in thinking there’s not that much to Ciabatta, so it should be easy to make?
@PaulWartenberg: I love Warren, the best of the bunch but I don’t see a path for her. The misogyny is real. Sent my first donation to Biden tonight.
RE: Bernie has been spanked. Let’s see if he learns anything from this.
Yeah. It’s too easy.
But Sanders has a golden opportunity not to be a jerk and to school some of his most negatively fanatic supporters.
@WaterGirl: The no-knead bread is easy as can be, just need some time. Start there.
Those people are his base. He’ll never turn on them.
@PaulWartenberg: I was watching Ari Melber interview bunch of SC voters and they all talked about viability, experience and ability to beat Trump. Some people talked about Biden’s proximity to Obama. Sadly, a lot of the voters decided that America is too freaking sexist so they don’t think Warren is going to win. They all like her but unfortunately, they have no faith in their fellow Americans.
@JPL: What do you mean? You read something you wrote, and before you realize it was you, you’re thinking “What the hell is this person even thinking???!?”
A Ghost To Most
@topclimber: BSbro says what?
Was going to vote for Warren, but she may be done soon.
@KateP: Same. I’ve made my first donation to Biden.
The Dangerman
Mr. Kotter …. Mr. Kotter….
@Brachiator: I’ll bet you a $25 donation to either Warren or Biden (or split) that “he was robbed” or “the election was rigged”.
@A Ghost To Most: Says what indeed?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
polite smattering of applause when Warren congratulates Biden at her Houston rally
I am not sure that there is such a thing as a low-information voter. Even the most plugged in political junkie often has blind spots.
On the other hand, there are jerks. And these dopes do themselves no favor (and hurt their candidate) with this kind of crap. And curiously enough, they often believe that they know everything one could possibly need to know about politics, economics, etc.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I don’t think that’s entirely fair at all. I’m one of those 20 somethings and that message resonates with me. I just don’t like Sanders and I don’t think he’s the right person to carry that message. I’d much prefer Biden over Sanders but Warren is who I support
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Kent: She wants to run again in 2024 and she wants to win over Sanders’s cult.
A Ghost To Most
If a frog had wings, he wouldn’t bump his ass on the rocks.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This was in spam, for no reason that I can fathom. Obviously released now.
As a white girl who left TN to go to school in MA, can only say not surprised people don’t trust someone so clearly smart who refuses to take; on her most prominent rival, Bernie.
Don’t have to mean about it, darlin’, just have to get the job done.
Also, why would I even need to consider another candidate when someone I know and respect is already on the ballot.
Betty Cracker
I’ll show up to vote for whichever of the two mummified old goddamned farts wins the fucking Democratic primary. But I am bitterly disappointed and can’t pretend to feel otherwise.
@TS (the original): He’s not even a Democrat.
Citizen Alan
@Kent: I don’t know who she would support of those two. She has to have doubts about the general election viability of them both, and she has more reason to hold a grudge against Biden for the 2005 Bankruptcy Bill than anything Wilmer has politically. (Personally, may be another matter.)
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: You think Warren wants to run again in 2024? Seriously?
@HumboldtBlue: he attracts those voters, but they don’t show up in any good numbers at the polls.
If Bernie’s argument is that he can expand the voting coalition for Dems in a general election, how can he do that based on primary voting that won’t be reflected in general election voting.
The question then becomes do the Dems want to go with a nominee that can almost guarantee the nubmers with reliable general election voters (Biden and solid African American numbers) or Bernie (young people, very liberal adults). Which would one rather have at the top of the ticket to attract folks to vote straight Dem down ballot?
@WaterGirl: True confessions, I’ve never made ciabatta. Nor have I ever used a bread machine……..
But I think you’ll be fine!! Sometimes it takes a few tries…I’ve tinkered with my recipes a lot, but I’ve found that bread is pretty forgiving. Then again, I’m not a perfectionist about it, so I have a high tolerance for variation.
I had one 30-year-old woman (an extraordinarily well-read human being if nothing else) throw Ralph Nader at me when I scoffed about Sanders last year.
Both men inspire her (simply being non-establishment of some sort) and if Obama had had any balls or sense he wouldn’t have bailed out the banks instead of doing something else that would have saved the economy, a something that went unsaid amid the guffaws and acrimony.
@KateP: The misogyny is indeed real. MSNBC cut her off after about one minute, but they’re carrying every word from Bernie. It’s pernicious, and infuriating.
@Betty Cracker:
Definitely disappointing from where we thought we were a year ago.
@WaterGirl: lol Hasn’t everyone.
e.g. I have a desire for the democratic candidates to promise to never hump the flag like the current president.
Tomorrow I’d probably say, geez maybe I should have rephrased that.
Another Scott
@PaulWartenberg: All we can do is support who we like best, and give what we can, argue for them as best we can, etc. Ultimately, the numbers are such that our particular votes won’t sway the outcome.
There’s still a ways to go. Only 38% of the delegates will have been chosen by Wednesday AM.
Hang in there.
@WaterGirl: I have started making bread again because I have to find something to do besides obsessing about politics so much. I made pain de mie twice in the last two weeks because my son loves it. Google it with King Arthur Flour. They have many interesting bread recipes, though I had a couple issues with this one that I corrected the second time. I can also tell you how to do it without the special pan.
I voted early in Virginia this morning, and the polling place was busy.
@Betty Cracker: I’m not half as disappointed as I would be if Bernie or Steyer had down well in SC. The people who were Bloomberg curious because they thought Biden didn’t have chance? I’m hoping they drop Bloomberg like a hot potato.
I am not giving up on Warren until/unless she crashes on Super Tuesday.
Domestic short hair tabby
@WaterGirl: I’m not a baker, but had great success with the no-knead recipe
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: yep, he’s gone full Bernie Bros…someon called him a money whore at this point…and honestly can’t say I disagree
@Betty Cracker: I’d feel better if Harris started campaigning with him tomorrow.
Uncle Cosmo
Or maybe because your typical voter is skeptical of any candidate that relies too much on I-got-a-plan-for-that? Particularly if said plans hinge on taxing the rich, which no one believes has a chance of happening? And the fear that if Democrats can’t pay for their plans by taxing the rich, they’ll tax the unrich rather than scale them back or defer them? Something like that, maybe?
@Betty Cracker: I think she’s also the smartest of the bunch, and I’ll bet that she will drop out in a heartbeat the minute she is sure she can’t win, and she’ll throw her support behind Biden. The best of the old white guys.
edit: And the only Democrat!
Citizen Alan
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Good lord I hope not! If she’s running again in 2024, it means either Fat Bastard is reelected or a Dem has won but is so disastrous that a primary challenge is desirable.
I have given a significant amount for me of money to Warren. She would obviously be the best President of all the candidates. But she should have run against Bernie from the start. That’s what has killed her campaign.
Wilmer got smacked. Maybe he should drop out now.
Really bad results from Warren here.
Fuck MSNBC for cutting Warren off after only saying greetings. I hate the media so much. They gave us Trump and now they are forcing us to choose between two old white men.
TS (the original)
As everyone except the political media well knows & says.
The Dangerman
So, it’s Biden or Bernie, right? So, what brainiac set up California so that Bernie could win all the delegates with about a third of the vote (as everyone else splits the vote with viability issues)?
@WaterGirl: Never forget.
MSNBC has NBC in the mix. And they are as corporate as they come.
Bernie is the most problematic candidate against Trump. NBC cheers, cheers, cheers.
I no longer trust any of the networks. They are big money with a “news” interface.
@Citizen Alan:
Or the Dem president has died.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@WaterGirl: she would be one of the frontrunners, along with Sanders’s zombie candidacy.
@WaterGirl: Shoulda been two seperate sentences. I expect Warren to back Bernie. But I don’t know that I think her supporters will back Bernie. I’d say that a good many of her voters will go with Biden over Bernie, even if Liz endorses Bernie as I suspect she will. Or not endorse anyone. I can see her doing that too and her supporters calling it a brilliant move
@JMG: I endorse this message. She might still win MA. BS voters are unreliable, he has under performed his polls in the states that have voted so far.
A lot of his support comes from people under 25 and they are not reliable voters.
@JanieM: A friend of mine used to say “Even the worst sex I ever had was still pretty good.”
That will probably be my attitude toward homemade bread as I figure out how to do it.
@Anya: I think so too.
Fuck the media. They are the enablers of authoritarians.
(But — shhhh — their owners and shareholders get tax cuts.)
@Uncle Cosmo: What’s weird on BJ is the obsession with the wisdom of black voters on the one hand (especially when used in an anti Sanders narrative) and the boosterism of Warren. Warren has done terrible with racial minorities. I dunno man, this narrative doesn’t add up.
I have decided that I will cast my first Presidential primary vote for Joe Biden.
Because he is a complete POS and because she refuses to stand up to him, Bernie, who already campaigned in her home state today, launches his speech to kick Warren off MSNBC.
Then talks for 10 minutes an they cover it.
He is such grifting scum.
@JPL: Okay, that made me laugh!
(seemed like a good idea at the time?)
@lamh36: Liz will back BS. I am pretty sure.
This says to me…that we will see some changes in Biden’s campaign now. Whoever has been part of it so far have not taken advantage of Biden’s strengths like they could have. Clyburn and the other member of the CBC and those “establishment” Dems Bernie’s voters like to hate, if there is one thing most of them know how to do and do well, mobilize their voters!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Citizen Alan: I don’t see how Fídel Castro’s Literacy Program™ wins 270 electoral votes.
zhena gogolia
Oh, god, if only. Even my husband, who only uses his computer for work and never watches TV news, said spontaneously tonight, “Bernie looks really sick these days.”
@Barbara: They used to sell Pain de Julia at the farmers market. Kind of like Ciabatta only with a ton of delicious seeds on top. They no longer make it and the rye bread bakery is gone.
Why have they forsaken me?
edit: didn’t mean to make a jesus joke just as lent is starting. Just a bad choice of words. (perhaps they all think I should eat less bread!)
@MazeDancer: Balloon Juice conventional wisdom is that she who must not be criticized knows what she is doing. And that is her strategy. How losing her home state helps her get the nomination they never quite explain.
Felanius Kootea
@Baud: One with better spelling, so it’s all good.
@zhena gogolia: He is looking very red these days. Does BS drink? Or is it the heart attack meds?
@JPL: I am Team Stacey Abrams for anybody’s VP.
zhena gogolia
He just seems to be in a constant rage.
Here comes the CBC endorsements for Biden! Expect more ahead of Super Tuesday
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good for him. Ron Klain is Biden’s brain, and I see him a lot as a media surrogate but as I understand it, not an official hire of the campaign. I wonder if that will change. And as much as I like Biden and wish him well, his staff can’t save him from his lack of focus, he’s got to do that.
James Clyburn is such a powerhouse that he’s forced Bernie off the screen.
Omnes Omnibus
@cokane: Maybe different people who post here think different things. We didn’t sign a manifesto or anything.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He should be able to raise more money now too.
A Ghost To Most
In an article in Raw Story about Mushmelon humping the flag at CPAC, I commented:
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I doubt that. She probably hates his guts now
What’s that supposed to mean?
Un oh.
Balloon Juice is not a monolith
@lamh36: I have a different view, and I guess we’ll know soon enough. Either Warren will have a good day on Super Tuesday or she will be out.
Warren’s supporters are sensible and like her style, which couldn’t be more different than Bernie who shoots his mouth off but doesn’t get anything done. I don’t see her supporters going to Bernie at all. I think she gets behind Biden. She is like Pelosi in this, just win, baby! She knows Biden could do that but Bernie couldn’t.
Let’s talk after Tuesday, and I’ll eat my words if I have to.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
I had the same thought but didn’t consider the commenter worthy of reply.
zhena gogolia
I tend to agree. She’s a very sensible person.
@Brachiator: I talking about the media narrative. Non-stop coverage of Bernie being the runaway winner w/3 states together had less Black voters than SC even when you combine all 3. Imagine the story for Warren, if SC went first at the time, Bernie likely would not have the traction, and Warren may have actually had a chance to break out.
I’m talking media narrative. Unfortunatley, too many voters still are influenced by media coverage and narrative
@Omnes Omnibus: What did I sign then?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
heh, I was supposed to meet a couple of my very Catholic cousins for dinner on Wednesday, and I was just trying to think what I would say if they asked about my clean forehead, when they called and cancelled. I went to the restaurant anyway and ordered steak instead of fish
Can someone please point me to Balloon Juice conventional wisdom? I just see myriads of viewpoints, even among the front pagers.
I think the hope was that once Warren started campaigning in SC and black voters got to know her, they would come to her side. Unfortunately for her campaign, that didn’t happen.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A consent form for a lobotomy. It’s scheduled for 0800 tomorrow morning : D
@Anya: Senator Professor Elizabeth Warren is never wrong she can only be wronged.
@Omnes Omnibus: And you are back to writing exactly what I would have written, if you weren’t quicker than me.
Betty Cracker
Another Scott
@JMG: I’ve given her lots of money, too. OTOH, I heard some interviews with SC voters on NPR this afternoon. A common comment was that she was “too liberal”.
I’m still voting for her on Tuesday, and am happy to do so. If she doesn’t make it, well, I don’t have a great record of voting for the winner (going back to my first vote for John Anderson)…
She didn’t endorse Hillary until June 2016. I expect that she will not be in any hurry to endorse this time either.
@cokane: I mean, no one questioned the voters wisdom or insulted the voters. We’re just lamenting her loss. But also there’s nothing wrong with asking why is she not resonating with the voters.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I am double-laughing. Good for you!
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Probably your own NDA. You’re supposed to get others to sign them too.
Damn looks like Bernie might make the 15% threshold per MSNBC. I believe I saw that exit polls showed more republians voting than normally…wonder if they attributed to Bernie being able to get to that 15% threshold.
@WaterGirl: I’ve seen individual states called during a presidential election as soon as the polls closed in a particular state i.e. as soon as Wyoming voting is ended, it is called for the Repub candidate. In all cases, MSNBC or whoever is very sure of the outcome and they have just been waiting for the polls to close to announce the winner. That’s not this, but I have gotten the impression it is very similar (i.e. it is obvious Biden is going to get the most votes in SC, the only questions are how many, what percentage, what percentage Sanders will get, how the electorate breaks down by age, race, sex, etc.)
@Anya: If we all think the same ways and believe all the same things, they what’s all the fighting been about for what seems like nearly a year now?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I haven’t been reading BJ as much lately, but I’ve never witnessed this attitude. Can you link to any examples?
@WaterGirl: Style.
@Betty Cracker: I thought maybe that was “deleted” in some cool language, but the google tells me that maybe it’s just a typo?
@WaterGirl: She should be running for Senate. We’d have a real chance to have a democratic Senator. She’s met with Bloomberg a few times also.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ll admit I’m susceptible to confirmation bias, but I think Biden is sounding pretty good. And I hope he’s about to wind it down
The Dangerman
I tend to agree. A Warren supporter that would flip to Bernie has already flipped to him.
So, Biden/Warren 2020?
I read someplace that Biden might not hit viability in CA, which means for the whole ball game … well, I don’t know. It would be nice if someone could take the first ballot in Milwaukee but that ship has sailed, right?
@lamh36: Dammit! I wanted Bernie to get 0 delegates tonight.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Google is your friend.
Felanius Kootea
Do people think the coronavirus will have an impact on the election (both in terms of the Trump administration’s poor response to it thus far and in terms of the age and health status of the leading candidates for both parties)?
@schrodingers_cat: Maybe you pie all the comments that talk about all the wrong moves she’s made? I am mystified by your intense hatred of Warren.
@Baud: Alas, I have never been fashionable.
@WaterGirl: A Ghost to Most @207 went one step further than me, so now I am proud of my comment.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I like it too.
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: This passive aggressive stuff is really a bad look for you.
I like Warren and I’m going to vote for her because I think she’s the best candidate. I’ve said so. I’m not brainwashing you or anyone else to do likewise.
@WaterGirl: Oh noes.
@Felanius Kootea: My husband and I are two more for SPW.
@Betty Cracker: I’ve been disappointed since last December.
@JPL: I see it differently. I don’t think she’s built for the senate, particularly nowadays. She is too much of a doer and too results oriented to be in a deliberative body again at this point in her career. If she’s not VP, she will either be governor or be part of the administration.
My two cents.
Kraux Pas
What would second in California yield for delegates? The polling I saw upthread suggested she may be one of only two people to meet viability.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I am just getting more nervous by the minute that he’ll give some anecdote and say something that’s not reliable. I keep saying, please conclude…
@schrodingers_cat: That’s a little strong. There may be a sort of denial about her prospects, but I don’t feel any disdain for pointing out what I perceive to be her flaws, as I have done more than once.
@Anya: Something went badly wrong in her campaign for sure. Obviously I don’t know anything so can only speculate. She was not savaged by the press though, so I don’t think it’s right to blame that at all. If anything she’s the darling candidate for much of the liberal media like MSNBC.
Creating ten thousand plans for everything is fine, but that’s probably content you throw on your website and don’t talk much about. Good stuff for your activists and volunteers, but not stuff to say to persuadable voters. IMO, she needed to talk nonstop about fighting corruption.
randy khan
Personally, I think none of them want to run as a non-incumbent in 2024, if you know what I mean.
@Felanius Kootea: I am trying to figure out what font size to use so my resounding YES fills the entire screen.
I’ll get back to you on this once I have that figured out.
TS (the original)
Lots of individuals on BJ with different views on lots of things – but I believe if black people vote they will select the nominee & if they vote in November they will select the President. Bernie & Trump do not understand this at all.
@Kraux Pas:
I don’t know. But she needs wins.
@JPL: See, it’s all relative. :-) The bar is now so low that all you have to do is NOT hump the american flag. Dog help us all.
@TS (the original): Sanders is the second most popular Dem candidate among black primary voters, just fyi.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Wings broke up 9 years earlier.
@zhena gogolia: It’s not just that. He’s a ratfucking bastard who should’ve dropped out in May 2016.
@WaterGirl: Gosh, I wish she were my governor now.
@Another Scott: I have never said that you were brainwashing me or anyone else.
But your ( and other Warren supporters) explanation of how Warren would win the nomination without going after BS has never made any sense to me.
@lamh36: I love Bobby Scott. Good to hear that.
And he’s from Virginia. Super Tuesday state.
ETA: A few years back, I was happily in his district for a few years. But then they redistricted…
TS (the original)
I doubt any polls these days – but 2nd does not a winner make.
@WaterGirl: see, I like Stacey, but I don’t think she bring anything to a ticket w/BS as top of the ticket. I suspect folks like Stacy or Kamala will say hell no to Bernie. The folks I see saying yes again, I don’t see them having enough support to compensate for Bernie’s deficit.
It’ll be rolling the dice…and forever being mentioned in junction with the candidate who gets shellacked (maybe, maybe not) by Chump
@JPL: Speaking of stolen elections.
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: I (and others) have given our opinions about her tactics. Recycling the same questions over and over again doesn’t move the conversation forward.
@WaterGirl: Still can’t take a knee though.
@lamh36: I don’t see Stacey saying yes to Bernie, and I don’t see Bernie asking. A do-something person like Stacey and a blowhard like Bernie would not make a good pair.
I think if Bernie got the nom that we would lose in the general. Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.
@cokane: I agree that her million proposals and “I have a plan” for everything was confusing. People are not sure what her campaign is about. But you can’t deny she’s been hammered by misogyny. I don’t watch political tv that much but the few times I catch pundits talking about the campaign, I hear them about how she’s not viable. The media has decided that Bernie is the frontrunner and they’ve written Warren’s obituary many times. Sometimes, she’s been excluded from polls. From what I’ve seen, she might be Rachel Maddow’s fave but she’s no one else’s darling.
And what Elizabeth Warren did. Her kamikaze run on Bloomberg pretty much did n her own campaign, but it opened the psace for SC voters at least to come flocking back to Biden.
@Felanius Kootea: Coronavirus will have a substantial economic impact, and running on the economy was Trump’s plan to win back suburban voters who turned out Rs during the midterms. Someone must have finally told him to shut up about the stock market, because it was such a bad look to worry about that first. But that is surely why he did it.
People might hold the response against him but as to the threat to candidates, well, Trump is no spring chicken himself.
@schrodingers_cat: Fair enough. Perhaps I missed where you did this, but I don’t recall your showing how going after BS was going to work for her, only that she had to do so. Please recap your reasoning.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think Stacey Abrams still wants to be governor of Georgia, and I don’t think that road runs through the people’s republic of Burlington
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
He really isn’t. I’m surprised he’s still doing his rallies with COVID-19 on the loose with him being such a notorious germaphobe. There’s a not insignificant chance he might catch this thing. He’s in an at risk demographic
Bernie is such a dick. he probably started speaking on purpose right after Warren began her speech.
@tam1MI: well actually Steyer was polling better with Black voters than Bloomberg was in SC.
Bernie’s old and has a heart condition. There is a statistically significant chance he doesn’t last 4 years in office, much less 8. In the chance that he does win, then his VP is essentially the president in waiting, and may not have to wait that long.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
D’oh. Well, in I did say “roughly”
Steyer’s out.
Steyer out.
Nothing about what I’ve seen with Bernie makes me think he would name Stacy as his Veep.
Miss Bianca
@delk: Are you kidding me?! I mean, yay, the Aragon is still there, but sheesh…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JPL: cool, I hope he keeps pumping money into pro-climate candidates
Buttigieg didn’t sound like a guy who’s gonna drop out, I hope someone shows him the CA numbers and points out he’s only feeding BernieMania if he stays in
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
President Nina Turner here we come!
Do you think Jill Stein would accept being Sanders’ VP? Or that he would pick her in the first place. That’s also another nightmare scenario
@Kent:That’s not a strategy. People were saying that about Trump, and he’s just about finished his first term.
@Kent: if there is one thing Black folks can count on…old white folks to almost never drop dead when they supposed to…LOL
I kid…but shoot, risking ur political career/reputation on the hopes that it’s a “short Presidency” is too much a risk…LOL
Omnes Omnibus
@tam1MI: @lamh36: Yeah, I am not sure that Biden was losing voters to Bloomberg in SC.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
And stay out!
It’s funny how Steyer blew so much money on SC and has nothing to show for it
Steyer’s out.
Personally I’m not in the Stacey Abrams fan club, mostly because I don’t think I’ve ever even heard her speak, living out here in the PNW. She might be utterly awesome, I just don’t know her.
That said, the only way I see Bernie getting a more centrist VP with wide appeal is a Brokered Convention in which that is the cost imposed on him to take a centrist Dem as VP in order to get the delegates to put him over the top.
Mike in DC
Steyer drops out. I assume Amy hangs in there long enough to win MN and deny it to Sanders. The math probably forces Pete out by Wednesday. Bloomberg may be out then as well. Making it a 3 person race, plus Assad apologist, Russian State TV favorite and frequent Tucker Carlson guest Tulsi Gabbard.
Omnes Omnibus
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I know that you are into apocalyptic fantasies, but sometimes one’s kink is best enjoyed in private.
If I recall the polling correctly, Warren has generally high favorables with pretty much everyone, but really low numbers as first pick because of electability concerns. People like her, but don’t trust that the rest of the country will vote for her. For groups that are as driven by political pragmatism as the black community, that’s going to result in really low numbers.
I should note, this was the case for Obama’s early polling too. He didn’t start picking up support until he won in Iowa and convinced people he was viable.
Warren needs to win. That’s really it. Her numbers would improve dramatically with a number of groups if they felt like she had a chance. I think after Super Tuesday it’s going to be too late, especially if Biden has momentum going forward. She’ll get squeezed out between him and Sanders, and won’t get a break out win. And with early voting I’m not sure that window hasn’t already closed.
But she needs to do well in CA at least, not just for viability, but so that she’s also eating into Sanders’s delegates. If he sweeps CA, it’s going to be bad.
I think she’s got a pretty good chance of coming in third in delegate counts and if we walk into a brokered convention will have an important role to play. So she’s got a good reason to stay in as long as she’s got money.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Kissinger is still living.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder who would want the job
Yep, serving as VP of the United States is definitely a step down on the career ladder from running a non-profit in Georgia.
Donated to Biden for the first time tonight. Was planning on voting for Warren in CA’s primary, but I’m starting to think my vote might be better used for Biden here :/
I need to look at the polls and see who could potentially make it to 15% to keep Sanders from getting all the delegates with a small plurality of votes.
Ohio Mom
I am much more happy that Biden outdid Bernie by a substantial amount than I am disappointed that my favorite, Warren, did so badly. I guess I am really an Anybody-but-Trump-and-Bernie voter more than anything else.
I do t think Warren will endorse anyone until there is a clear front-runner, maybe until there is a candidate. Then I expect her to go all in.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
but if you see yourself as a future governor of Georgia, and maybe a candidate for president, the more likely outcome of being the losing running-mate of a shouty old socialist is definitely a step down.
I am a Warren supporter and I’ve said it here before… No one likes Lisa Simpson. See also, Hillary Clinton.
As to your previous post @188 about commenters here and the wisdom of black Democrats? Well, hey, I was willing to give it a shot with Warren (see @216) since Sanders had already proven himself to be the equivalent of black folk repellant in 2016. But if black folks want to roll with Biden? I’m cool with that. I am glad Bernie took a beatdown in a diverse primary.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
From r/SandersforPresident on Reddit, they’re trying to say that this was expected and not a surprise. That Sanders only spent 800k on SC and Biden had to spend 9 mil to “shore up” SC. Not surprising, sadly.
Also this comment:
Yeah, I’ll be their Republican brother was eager to vote for Sanders. I wonder why ?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Please don’t even joke about that.
Not funny, or interesting.
J R in WV
Music in the 1970s at:
We went there many weekends while I was in school at FGreat Lakes Naval Station in 1970. We always bought round trip tix on the train, and put the return ticket in our shoe, and didn’t have a cent between is after the weekend. Hard to stay awake Monday in class!
Chicago was a great music city back then, I hope it still is! Concerts on the lake in that big park — is that Grant Park? Blues bands playing free concerts, those were great days!
Omnes Omnibus
Totally not dickish at all.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
this is interesting
Just set up a monthly contribution to Biden through the primaries
Steyer’s speech wasn’t half bad.
@Kent: dude, don’t be so condescending…just cause YOU don’t know much bout Stacey doesn’t mean the voters who reliably vote don’t.
Stacey can afford to keep her positives up rather than be marred by a risky ticket just cause it’s VP, especially if its for a candidate that her stauchest supportes do not like.
Steyer is out. Good. Now put that money where it will do some good, Tom. I like you more than Bloomberg, so make me feel good about that assessment.
Mary G
I am heartbroken at Warren’s performance, but if she’s this low after Tuesday she should get out along with Amy, Pete, and Steyer. Her ground fame is pretty weak here in CA; I am constantly getting calls or texts that they need six or nine more people to canvass/phone bank efforts that start in 10 minutes. I’ve done as much as I can, admittedly not much.
Bernie’s been campaigning hard here in CA. Every time I click on a YouTube link he pops up saying “I need you to do me a small fave-uh.” MUTE.
The CA SOS has been advertising like crazy that if you’re not a Democrat, you have to ask for a Democratic primary ballot specially, but no more people than usual have done it, so there’ll be a repeat of the screaming about rigged elections we had in 2016. Because following directions is becoming a lost art.
Bloomberg’s campaign called once, a very weary woman who made it obvious she could not care less, and texted me once. Many trees died to send us mailers that go straight into the trash.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Where did they get the $9 million from? As per MSNBC, Biden didn’t spend much because he had no money. What helped him is his association with Obama and James Clyburn’s endorsement.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
….It’s just a joke. Geez.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m not. I was just making a joke
Word on Daily Kos (so take with giant chunks of salt) is that Sanders is deliberately campaigning in Minnesota and Massachusetts in the runup to Super Tuesday just to deny those states to the woemn.
@JMG: Yup.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Rufus Gifford is Biden’s fundraiser and the campaign is broke? That is shocking.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
He’s gonna piss off Amy Klobuchar? He might not like Amy Klobuchar when she’s pissed off. Also… he already pissed off Warren once.
Good sign for his ability to build up party unity if he does win the nomination.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anya: Rufus Gifford doesn’t know me, but I just sent Biden a cool $25, so….
Omnes Omnibus
@delk: Would it have been this tour?
@schrodingers_cat: My first was for Jimmy Carter.
@Baud: Yes!
@schrodingers_cat: I think Sen. Warren is smart and won’t endorse anyone.
Now THAT should be a rotating tag.
@Anya: I don’t hate her at all. Her strategy is benefiting BS. Who I don’t want to win the nomination.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes that would be the smartest option. I hope she does that.
I think you overestimate her national profile outside Georgia.
I personally think Sanders will be a disaster of a national candidate and the last person I want to see representing the party in November. That said, if we reach that point, the only way I see salvaging anything out of a Sanders nomination is pairing him with a younger more mainstream VP. I don’t want to see 4 more years of Trump anymore than you do. And I also don’t want to see some sort of ridiculous VP like Nina Turner.
What is your answer? Just washing your hands of the whole thing and waiting until 2024?
I think someone is going to have to step up for the good of the country and run with Sanders if it comes to that. And I also think you are underestimating the megaphone that comes with being the VP pick. Sara Palin is the obvious example of how a nobody becomes a household name. She was obviously horrible in 1000-different ways. But she is an example of the prominence that a VP pick can have, even after a defeat.
@Another Scott: The questions were rhetorical. I was and am trying to convince people that voting for EW helps BS. Because I am not seeing her win the nomination. YMMV.
J R in WV
I would believe that… Sanders is small minded, bitter, hateful. Three more reasons I won’t be voting for him. Ever, probably.
@SiubhanDuinne: Elisabeth Warren’s results tonight have been pretty disastrous. Bernie is the front runner. They give more airtime to the front runners. They give more airtime to the winners. They give more airtime to people who exceed expectations.
So it’s normal that they don’t give much time to Senator Warren tonight. It’s not a question of gender.
Also wik.
While I am not a fan of having billionaires run for the White House, I do feel Steyer (at least better than Bloomberg) seemed to be genuinely in the race to do something (which is, unfortunately, to try and blunt the more progressive Bernie and Warren from winning).
It’s good Steyer is dropping out of the campaign. What DOES matter, IMHO, is that Steyer needs to still help out the Democratic Party. There is a dire need to fight for Congress: to Keep the House Blue and to Flip the Senate Blue. If Steyer is serious about standing on the issues that matter to the Democratic Party, I hope he uses what’s left of his billions to support the down-ballot campaigns ESPECIALLY the Senate races in AZ, CO, IA, and (yes yes yes oh please yes) KY.
@Betty Cracker:
Hope you’re feeling better.
@khead: on the Simpsons, which called the 2016 election results long before anyone else, Lisa Simpson actually succeeds the current asshole in the WH.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Too Ohio insider perhaps?//
@Uncle Cosmo: So you’re ok with the wealthy getting tax cuts year after year? But don’t you dare tax the wealthy to get some of it back to the middle and underclass. Nice attitude, I guess you’re beaten down so much that you think that nothing can be done about the oligarchs vacuuming all the money. Because that’s what they are going for.
@Elizabelle: I don’t view it as a joke, if Bernie gets the nomination, Turner will be his VP pick. I’ve said it before.
@PaulWartenberg: The best thing Steyer could do to help those races for Senate is keep Bernie from being the nominee.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Four.