Not THAT one: I mean the competition for the dumbest fucking tweet in the history of blue check marks:
What the goddamn fucking hell? As if any “liberal” outside Haberman’s mama’s PR shop target audience “persona” flipbook ever thought Ivanka Trump was anything other than a vapid shart-stain on the seat of her odious wretch of a father’s ill-fitting golf pants.
She registered as a Republican NOW because she was too stupid to realize she had to change her registration in time to vote for Velveeta Voldemort during the 2016 primary.
And of fucking course she defends Trump on impeachment and goes on Sean Hannity; the entire pack of ravening grift-mavens has moved on from ripping off contractors and defrauding consumers because they managed to sink their sharp and greedy claws into the US Treasury and aren’t eager to have that or their lucrative foreign government shake-down action foreclosed.
Funny how the country’s mightiest metropolitan daily manages to employ such a credulous hack, unable to spot crude cons that wouldn’t get past an elementary school paper. Why it’s almost as if…
Anyhoo. Christ on a crumpet. This makes me want to subscribe just so I can cancel the NYT again.
damn… well when you’ve lost Ivanka, there goes my hopes and dreams for a truly bi-partisan 45 administration, how could the Dems have misplayed their hand so badly…..
Ivanka registered as a Republican, I need my pearls and my fainting couch.
Whoo Lord!
The first thing you do is check that she’s not a fellow alumna. (We’ve been burned before.) Heave a great sigh of relief.
A Ghost To Most
Obligatory FTFNYT.
Chris Johnson
Who pinned what now?
Villago Delenda Est
Haberhack is a waste of skin.
Adam L Silverman
Villago Delenda Est
Oh, great. Donald the Dumbkopf thinks that pharma can snap fingers and produce vaccines out of thin air.
I suppose Jared is the liberal who had pinned his hopes on Ivanka. Jarvanka is the political equivalent of the uncanny valley— its fakeness induces vertigo.
Mandarin Candidate.
kbuttle, lifelong lurker
Betty, you are a poet and a treasure.
Literally the only two reasons she’s considered less extreme than father and dumbass brothers is because she is less likely than them to unintentionally stick her foot in her mouth for red meat base bonus points and because looks better than they do in a dress. She has better PR. That’s about it. The only people who thought she was a “bridge” were the idiots reporting on the New York socialite scene.
Maybe it’s just me but I’m guessing she’s more of a routine stain on the front of her odious wretch of a father’s ill fitting, too damned tight golf pants. Otherwise, what Lady Cracker said.
See, what is imposter syndrome? And how does doing every drug known to humanity make someone such a dull status quo of a wretch?
Trying again: I bet Sean’s got a bad case of Chris Matthews’ tingles.
Haberman is ridiculous. She gets ridiculed all the time for her stupid tweets and her colleagues always come to her aid. I don’t understand who she’s trying to fool with this dumb tweet. I don’t know a single person in New York who likes complicity. Once I went shopping with an out of town friend. She was looking at designers on sale so we went to a store I won’t name. She picked up a dress when the salesperson came and whispered in her ears that it’s an Ivanka clothing line. The chick is that hated. No one cares about her vacuous opinions. Liberals don’t care about her. Even the media moved on from their breathless “Ivanka is concerned” cover stories.
Ivanka, The Bridge to Nowhere.
I would think that if Maggie and Ivanka got too close together it would create a sort of black hole of vapidity and all coherent thought within the event horizon would disappear forever.
@Villago Delenda Est: It’s actually not that hard to come up with a new vaccine. A lot of people have told me that. Many people are saying it, but CNN…they won’t report it. We’ve got doctors. They’re working very hard. They’re really good people. I think this whole thing is really going to work out…
Now Ivanka can replace Pence as the VP candidate. Trump changed residency to Florida so now they are from different states. Pence has served his purpose of getting the Christian Right on board.
hey, no crazier than the idea there were liberals pinning their hopes on Ivanka.
The Dangerman
Ivanka on Hannity? Sounds to me like someone is a bit miffed that Bro got a lot of attention for being a dick about the corona virus. They have to position themselves for which POS kid gets to run in 2024. Sorry Mike Pence.
Object lesson in being Daddy’s favor.
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: @Shrillhouse:
@?BillinGlendaleCA: “Ivanka, the bridge to nowhere”. Brilliant!
in other shocking news, the Sun rose in the East.
West of the Cascades
What does it say about someone who wanted to change a voter registration in 2016, but waits until 2020 to do so? Didn’t vote in any state/local/municipal primaries in the last four years?
@VOR: That’s my theory too. Ivanka isn’t as stupid as the boys, and Daddy has always favored her, for reasons.
Uh, no, Maggie…YOU”RE the one who keeps hoping he’ll be “presidential” and that someone will get him under “control” and he’ll shut the ef up for even five minutes or say something that isn’t a word salad…as for Ivanka, well, the “libs” have seen through her botoxed mask to the empty husk that is her brain, and not been impressed lol – it’s only you who have been fooled…
@Adam L Silverman: One way or another Fauci’s days are numbered. Keep contradicting trump and he’s toast. If he agrees with trump then he’s the fall guy when reality kicks in.
Tenar Arha
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Thank you very much. Now I’m stealing this.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
Agree with the sentiment Adam, but man is that an old meme lol
Wake up Maggie.
@Adam L Silverman: It’s even more hysterical if you imagine Sterling Holloway’s voice saying it!
No words.
May I speak to her supervisor? Beginning to think Mags is supervised by a Dyson vacuum.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): It is what it is.
Adam L Silverman
@different-church-lady: Yep.
Sorry for your loss. Thots & prarrs.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Dr. Fauci to be transferred to east Bumfuck first thing tomorrow morning?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So, what are the chances Trump contracts COVID-19? I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, even Trump, but it seems at this point given how badly the response has been bungled it would be very karmic
Michael Moore is on MSNBC crying about Buttigieg and Klobuchar endorsing Biden. He’s shocked, shocked at the rush to endorse Biden. THE CORPORATE DEMOCRATS ARE AFRAID. THEY ARE TAKING THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO HAVE THEIR SAY.
@Villago Delenda Est:
They coulda, before Obamacare!
@Baud: Dammit, man, FUSION TICKET HERE!!1! The No-Labelites will go nuts!
@Tenar Arha:
@RepubAnon: Here’s a picture(not mine).
Mike in NC
Rick Wilson described Ivanka as the least stupid of Trump’s adult children.
…she got the job entirely because of who her daddy is?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I don’t understand why they have to always circle the wagons any time a reporter of theirs or the institution itself gets criticized. It’s truly a monoculture there
@janesays: That would explain her kinship with Ivanka.
I’m watching Ari Melber interview Michael Moore on the phone. He failed to ask a really important question. Moore said that South Carolina was not representative of the USA. Wow! I so wanted Ari to follow up on that and make him explain that statement. What a jackass.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Anya: I don’t think we spend enough time talking about the stupidity of the Sanders campaign. Bernie and Emo Mike really think the latter is a good surrogate?
and… (Kraushaar is a dick, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out, though Bernie, Mike and their not-so-merry band of bellowers are confused by it)
Call me kooky, but I think electing more Dems to the Senate is a better strategy than “Look out the window, Mitch”
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): They’re afraid Republicans will say mean things about them.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Even if they are corporate Democrats?
@Josie: South Carolina votes are only worth 3/5 of an Iowa or New Hampshire vote.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in NC: I think she got her pappy’s cunning and feel for what appeals to the sort of people who think she’s glamorous and smart, even though they are probably not the demographic she hoped for once upon a time.
I wonder if any one has ever pointed out to her that she’s basically the UES/Hamptons version of Sarah Palin?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Kooky, Bernie’s movement* will make everything happen, with or without the Senate.
*At Bernie’s age a bowl movement is probably what he’s talking about.
When MAGA Habs says “liberals pinned their hopes on” Ivanka, what she means is “The NYT staff”.
@Josie: And Iowa is?
Adam L Silverman
@Anya: Yep, on and on about that all of this – the ending of campaigns and endorsements by the other candidates- is a conspiracy to deprive Democrats of their choice to pick a nominee and is anti-democratic. And therefore a conspiracy against Senator Sanders.
Meanwhile, Senator Sanders has decided to more closely emulate the President.
And his supporters more closely emulate the President’s supporters.
I guess it all depends on your perspective.
The Bernie people admire Republican tactics. This is simply the GOP’s “Real Americans” meme massaged for a liberal audience.
@Shrillhouse: We have doctors. We have… they’re very good at the medical.
Adam L Silverman
Chris Matthews just announced his retirement and that tonight is his last show.
Exactly. It was such a revealing comment. I was infuriated to hear him say it and disappointed that Ari did not make him explain it.
Wow, Matthews just lost his show on MSNBC
@Adam L Silverman: Allow me to say it again: it’s like The Force. If you replace “The Force” with “Resentment”, then Bernie plays it from the light side, and Trump plays it from the dark side, but it’s the same damn thing either way.
@Adam L Silverman: Holy cow.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Oh, don’t be such a snob. Old meme my ass. I suppose you’ll tell me that Kermit drinking tea is such an old meme.
Adam L Silverman
@Mike in NC: Not a very distinguished accomplishment.
@Adam L Silverman: Wow, no more Tweety.
Bernfeelers now trying to harangue Warren out of the race:
Charming as ever, aren’t they?
Chyron HR
Bernie can’t win a two-person race, so it’s UNFAIR to make him run one!
I also like the tacit admission that Bernie and the Revolution have absolutely no interest in maybe trying to get more people to vote for him.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He’s telling his MAGAts that they’re really safe at his rallies. I would like him to hold one in King County, right about now.
Adam L Silverman
@Josie: There are African American people there. That’s what Moore meant.
Mary G
O/T: Tom and Lorenzo on Pete Buttigieg, Imperfect Trailblazer:
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I realize it’s in the San Gabriel mountains, but where is it roughly located?
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Also, given Sanders’ voting record on firearm regulating laws, I’m sure Kelly is not really in synch with him. And he was a Naval aviator before he was an astronaut, so Sander’s nat-sec and foreign policy views probably aren’t for him either.
Holy shnikeys! Chris Matthews just announced his resignation/retirement, if I understood him correctly. (Talking to a friend on the phone and trying to multitask.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Josie: unrepresentative corporate Democrats
MSNBC is infatuated with Moore
Roger Moore
That might explain how she got the job, but sucking up to people in power the way her boss wants her to is how she keeps the job.
@Cacti: When your only tool is your anus, every problem looks like someone you can crap all over.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
Is Dr Fauci’s job now on the line for daring to contradict Lieber Führer in public?
@Adam L Silverman:
Obviously. I’m just angry that no one calls them on thinking like that.
@different-church-lady: White.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Is Moscow Mitch criticizing Dear Leader here?
@opiejeanne: East fork of the San Gabriel river, between Rattlesnake and Iron mountains. I’ve not been there, the kid went there to jump off(attached to a bungee cord).
The Dangerman
@Mike in NC:
Isn’t that something like being the tallest Munchkin in Munchkinland? And Daddy wants her working for the Lollipop guild.
Lord, what is that man’s damage?
There’s an infestation of them over at LGM and they’re thankfully being given a warm LGM welcome. It’s so clumsily obvious, I suppose in part it’s just to add FUD to the proceedings.
@Adam L Silverman: Hah!
Chyron HR
Well, I would take him seriously if he was any other Carlo, but if he’s THAT Carlo we’d better pay attention.
@Cacti: I’m flabbergasted that a Bernier on Twitter said We need you to Warren, instead of something more…
Make amends for the damage you’ve already caused
Ahh, there’s the return to form.
OT Chris Mathews retires
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Steeplejack: how many more reports do you think came in after Laura Bassett went public?
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m-a award my second Thots & praars in a single comment thread. Buh-bye, Tweety.
Where will we turn for insightful Tip and Dutch anecdotes?
Amir Khalid
The presumption, it burns …
@Adam L Silverman: Wonder who will replace him? Please not Kornacki.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Call me naive but I really do think most of these people live in mortal terror of being forced to come to grips with what they handed the rest of us over to. I mean, all of this public scorn has to be at least registering on SOME level…
@Steeplejack: It’s about time!
Little bit late for Hillary and Elizabeth, but bye bye Chris.
Remember how he set off a panic in 2012 when Obama underperformed in a debate with Mitt Romney?
@zeecube: They’ll give Chris the extra hour so he can have longer chats with Bernie.
Took a spatula and jackhammer to pry Sully off the ceiling after that one. Good times.
zhena gogolia
Haha, that tweet in the OP is hilarious!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Has trump tweeted his indignation at the defenestration of yet another falsely accused groper?
Another Scott
So, I came home, started winding down, and turned on the BBC Newsday to try to get caught up on the world news, Super Tuesday eve, etc. And what do I see? They’re broadcasting Donnie’s rally in Charlotte. Live.
He just cannot bear (literally cannot bear) not being the center of attention.
@Mary G: Is he living in a future time zone ? It’s still March 2nd on the West Coast.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I sort of know where that is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow, did Tweety really just drop a bomb on his colleagues?
@trollhattan: Yes! I kind of remember Andrew Sullivan going bonkers too, but couldn’t remember if he had a bromance with Mitt.
Get a grip, mens.
Obama had this.
@Another Scott:
Trying to get Steve to show up, eh?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
The absolute dankest.
But the Republicans say mean things no matter what.
I mean, the media might be stupid, but they ain’t STUPID.
I think it has to be something else. Damn if I know what…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Let’s go to the film.
That would get me to look in on Tweety’s show. I hope someone puts up a clip.
Kornacki just made it sound like Tweety had died or suicided. ????
@opiejeanne: Here it is on Google Maps.
Good news re Chris Matthews. Overdue news, IMO.
What are the plans for that spot, I wonder?
Re: Michael Moore … my sister has been a volunteer at the film festival he started in Traverse City since the beginning. She reports that he’s notoriously short-tempered; he’s the kind of rich & famous person who used to be working class and now prizes his own judgment over everybody’s. Think, Weinstein but without the rape and assault.
I really liked that first movie about Flint, though.
@Elizabelle: As the Obama meme said, “Chill the fuck out, I got this”
Mary G
@opiejeanne: He’s a Republican, so he can ignore facts.
@Adam L Silverman: and if you consider who Kelly is married to… well I would consider it pretty damn unfuckinglikely that he would line up behind Senator Sanders….
@zeecube: My fear! Please, FSM, not Kornacki!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hitchhiker: Crackers the Corporate Crime Fighting Chicken was hilarious, and the time he sent an old school union negotiator to talk to, if memory serves, the CEO of UPS, was brilliant.
All that was before he told me there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Al Gore and George W Bush. And this man is on MSNBC at least once a week.
@hitchhiker: well, knowing how MSNBC rolls, they’ll probably reach out to O’Reilly… asshats… imho, it should be Joy Reid, but we all know that’s damned unlikely to happen.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@piratedan: fifty quatloos says Nicole Wallace gets his time slot– I think that’s a better one than the one she has
@Steeplejack: Yeah, well, MSNBC was about to have to defend him for sexual harassment so retirement looks like a good option all around.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: thanks. I do know where that is. I’ve hiked in that park slightly southwest, that starts in Monrovia.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Someone please refresh my memory of where the nickname “Tweety” came from? The Lexicon is of no help here.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: and I would be okay with that… while I believe that they need to make an effort to promote POC, she’s actually (over the last few years) proven to be pretty even-handed and fair (from what I have seen).
Well, at least that’s one old white man stepping out of the way…
@Mary G: Apparently he’s so powerful he can make Twitter change the date.
TS (the original)
Last time I watched it was about a week after President Obama won in 2008. Hope they have a watchable replacement.
My friends, if Warren’s primary run does nothing else, she still got Chris Matthews off our television sets. For that, we should all be grateful.
Bye, Tweety.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: He looks like Tweety Bird. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
@opiejeanne: It’s 3:36AM 3March20 in Moscow.
@zeecube: I predict they will move Nicole Wallace from the 4 p.m. hour. Maybe give Kornacki the 4 p.m. hour? Or Joy Reid, if she can wear the same hair 2 days in a row. Seriously it’s quite off putting.
Mary G
@opiejeanne: It’s 3:38am in Moscow, just saying.
ETA: Damnit, chris got there first. (shakes fist)
@zeecube: I’d like to see Joy Reid in that slot.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
time for one long magazine length article on the political media bigfeet who are currently unemployed because of their aggressive misogyny, with a detailed look at how they each treated Candidate Clinton. Matt Lauer and that fucking national security forum aren’t discussed enough, and tweety should have lost his job for that hot mike drivel about HRC’s water bottle and “The Queen”, if not for that time in ’08 when she was razzing him about being obsessed with her, and she went up later for a conciliatory handshake and he reached. out. and. fucking. pinched. her cheek. Mark Halperin. Boozebag Charlie Rose. Bill O’Reilly
Something really weird about Tweety’s departure. He signed on looking real upset, made some reference to misogyny (I didn’t hear it clearly) said it was the last Hardball & went to commercial. Kornacki comes back looking very confused , praises Tweety and says we still have an hour to fill. WTF??
Chris Matthews’s announcement (video at link):
Yay! No Chris Matthews befouling the airwaves. LGM ran a post about the number of women complaining about his overly familiar overtures.
@Nicole: Quite frankly I’ve had my fill of things I cannot unsee, thank you very much.
OH…. Beto endorsing Biden!
“What an idiot!”
” What, do mean Ivanka or Haberman?”
” Yes.”
@chris: LOL! That’s right.
@lamh36: Good get for Biden!
@lamh36: Joey B’s having a good day.
@Ajabu: Tweety said it was his last show but I think he couldn’t go through with it. Kornacki looked blindsided when he started and went straight to commercial so they could get the show together.
@Martin: not gonna happen. They moved her to more weekend work after the anti-gay blog stuff she did. Also too with MSNBC reported softening of the “anti-Bernie” stuff, the Bernie-bros ain’t fans of Joy Ann either
Hmm. I think there was a come to jesus moment in the DNC over the weekend. 3 candidates out, 2 Joe endorsements and Reid endorsing Joe. There had to have been a ‘get your shit together folks or it’s going to be Sanders’ reckoning. Guess we were waiting for the first serious non-Bernie win to build momentum onto.
A Ghost To Most
@Ajabu: I hope that scene gets repeated with Chuck Toad.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: the low-quality Bernie surrogate is one of the reasons I am surprised at his rise. But then again, Trump stumbled into a win with his low-quality hires.
So Ivanka = Elise Stefanik with a better haircut? = Susan Collins without the wrinkles? = Lindsey Graham (period, that’s the comparison)
They’re all enablers of a criminal, ostriches with their heads in the sand around Dementia Boy, cheerleaders for the “very fine people”s head twitter troll.
No difference when it comes down to what people. actually. do. when the chips are down with this guy. Either you roll over or you fight. Ivanka’s rolled over…d’oh!…and this should shock no one.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: At 3:36!
I clicked through and the actual tweet is dated today. No idea what happens with the Embed Tweet function.
@Mary G: I love this. LOVE IT.
@Mary G: Adam Best must be in Moscow too.
Seriously, Twitter has their dates all messed up.
@Ajabu: he annouced the last show and his retirement and walked off set
Don’t know how to do tweets and don’t want to learn. But the shitgibbon is tweeting about how they are staging a coup against Bernie.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: I was wondering about that one…
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: ever see the old cartoons where little Tweety Bird would drink a mad scientist’s potion and turn into a raging six-foot beast, slobbering and roaring and sporting fangs? One of tweety’s own producers compared him to that way back in the nineties when he was shrieking and screeching about Das Clenis. It leaked on the internet. That and of course the ever-changing hues on top of his melon.
i’m going to assume you’re white.
Call my wife. She will give you the rundown on black hair styles…
@lamh36: That’s great. Rose Twitter is aflutter and bitter. And whining about how its them against “the establishment”. They want EW to drop out and endorse Vt Jesus.
@Villago Delenda Est: “you say a year…I really would like it to be 9 months” (or something like that)
Oh okay, Donnie. We’ll just tell f-ing VIRUSES that they need to get with the timetable here.
America, come ON. Don’t even robber barons and white supremacists deserve better representation than this?
@Ajabu: Nothing weird. Management pushed him out. Laura Bassett made it public. MSNBC is not going to fight that, not now.
Ha! I remember explaining to my husband (ages ago) why he was called Tweety, and the memory of him, the next time he watched MSNBC, suddenly saying, “He DOES look like Tweety Bird!” still makes me laugh.
@Ajabu: OMG! Did Tweety quit on air? I only turned on t.v and saw Kornacki on the verge of tears. I was confused by what happened. I was legit convinced Tweety has died.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: selfishly, her show has become part of my lazy Sunday routine, I would miss it
I think Matthews exist it’s likely due to MSNBCs new soft on Bernie policy more than anything else, cause Tweety’s ALWAYS been bad with MeToo issues…and never did MSNBC do a thing.
But they annouce their new soft on Bernie policy added to the MeToo stuff, and bam out is Tweety.
Matthews made the annoucement and walked off set. I mean Kornaki is the other more obvious Bernie guy next to Chris Hayes…so I guess Matthews was like…fuq this…you got it…and walked out
A Ghost To Most
@dww44: I’ve read they want Nicole Wallace for two hours.
The time stamp is added automatically by Twitter. I don’t know if their servers are on GMT or what, but sometimes you will see “post-dated” tweets. Usually resolved to the “correct” time as the tweet ages.
Has Bernie retweeted it yet?
@Anya: That’s an intriguing take. Other candidates don’t have the right to a) drop out or b) endorse whomever they want to (unless it’s St. Bernie, of course)?
Stay strong, Democratic Party. Keep up your standards!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I am okay with that. I love her disdain for Trump and all Trump-related. She doesn’t sugarcoat or play the feable bothsidism.
@Cacti: that is so hilariously and painfully spot on…sigh…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Nicolle Wallace. Zhena gogolia should add her to the “chronically misspelled” list.
@Steeplejack: Just watched the video. The words were all correct, but he was clearly pretty mad. Dollars to donuts, something else about him was about to come out.
I’m surprised he let her go three years without changing to R.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: Lawrence O’Donnell has always been a bit Bernie-curious, rather paradoxically because he has a grudge against the Clintons because they showed insufficient deference to the ur-Establishmentarian (and LO’D’s and Tim Russert’s surrogate daddy) Moynihan.
@opiejeanne: I’ve noticed and commented about Twitter’s dates being off for a while.
@japa21: He really wants to run against Bernie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: she’s done better on the weekend than she ever did during the regular week.
I think folks have forgotten that Joy Ann HAD a daily afternoon show. Ratings weren’t the best I believe and the the anti-gay comments on her old blog.
It’s so lazy, so out-of-date. Like there aren’t a million other progressive activists of all stripes who couldn’t be reached for an opinion or eight, a TV appearance or twelve?
But no…Michael Moore…BIG NAME (from what, the early 90’s?)…gotta have him on time after time after time.
Time to reach for the Google, MSNBC. I bet you could find a dozen left-leaning pro-labor activists in the time it took me to type this comment…
When is the next debate
ICYMI here is Laura Basset’s article on Tweety.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: It wouldn’t surprise me. The only advantage he has, which is what is likely protecting him, is that the President needs Fauci much more than Fauci needs the job he’s in. He’s got a full, earned retirement. If he resigns, retires, or is otherwise forced out, there’s a long list of top university research institutes and independent think tanks that will make him offers immediately.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
back to the Haberman tweet: I’m assuming she’s been roasted on twitter, and she’s ignoring it and the rest of the NYTers on the tweets are rushing to her defense? that seems to be the pattern when she out-stupids herself
Adam L Silverman
@Josie: I understand and do not disagree with you.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ahh. I’d been looking at pics of Tweety Boid since Nicole posted, and scratching my head, but the Hyde-esque rampages make sense.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: many of the male hosts were, Tweety was really the only one who was never Bernie-curious.
And like I said, dude has ALWAYS been awful with MeToo issues and comment and shit and nothing ever stopped his train on MSNBC
But no less than what a week or two after the softening on Bernie story came out and then the GQ article came out bam…out goes tweety.
Even his apology to the women felt like it was secondary.
@lamh36: tbf, I will miss Matthews…. not at all… sure he may be a Democrat but he continually suffers from not really understanding that women are people/politicians/aware and not there solely for his personal pleasure. There are plenty of people out there that could fill his spot that don’t require any remembrance of the good old days when politicians of both parties could actually be people you talk with and disagree with… all that shit changed post Nixon and Tweety never seemingly understood that or recognized the change in the GOP since that event. I have a hard time understanding how any Democratic leaning pundit can continue to downplay what is taking place in our national discourse and damn if the overwhelming majority of them aren’t old school white dudes…
Right. I don’t know what will happen, but at least we’re showing some pride.
@Adam L Silverman: They really emulate Trump’s deplorable MAGAs. What are they gonna do when this is all over and if Bernie wins? Do they think the press will handle him with kid gloves? They will unearth every comment he has ever made and every person he ever associated with and make him defend everything he has ever said or did. Bernie wouldn’t know what hit him. The democrats have been handling him ever so delicately and he’s not used to been challenged.
@Brachiator: Well, it is certainly distracting. She has different hairstyles/wigs several times a week. Spouse remarked on that some weeks ago.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Really? I never saw that at all. He came across as strongly pro-Hillary in 2016.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Who knows. I sure don’t. I can tell you that that that agreement was terrible. It wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on. And it didn’t last three days.
@lamh36: Yeah, maybe. They really need a POC in the evening lineup, though, and I always liked Joy and Melissa Harris. I’d like to see Zerlina Maxwell get a show.
Barring that, moving up Katie Tur or Nicole Wallace. I’m amused by Kornacki’s coked up election night stuff, but not so much as a regular host. I like Katie better as a host, and Nicole better as an analyst. She’s particularly good at getting a panel to stop holding back.
@West of the Cascades: Forgive me if someone else has already said this, but your registration only matters if you want to vote in a closed primary.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Now you’ve done it. Devin Nunes is going to sue Cole!
News producers are lazy. They have a Rolodex of personalities they can put on the air quickly or reliably. And the preference is for people who can hit their marks, sound coherent and get their remarks in before a show breaks for commercial.
@Adam L Silverman: Yep. Public Health is getting much better prominence as a core university discipline, and is likely to accelerate after this complete shit-show of public health policy. He could get the choice of job.
@Brachiator: I was watching Ari’s show when he said that Michael Moore had called in and asked to come on to speak to the current Democratic primary situation. Guess that Berman and/or his producers could have said no, but it probably was the lesser of 2 evils to allow Moore to come on air, via phone, and do his pro Bernie bit.
Adam L Silverman
@hitchhiker: He also doesn’t pay the vendors and suppliers he’s contracted with.
Hey, Bernie takes whatever support he can get.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: @dww44: Melber and even more so O’Donnell are starfuckers (as was tweety). I think you’re right that to some extent, they see Emo Mike as a Hollywood big shot. I’m sure they’d have Sarandon on, but as I recall her TV appearances tend to make her life very unpleasant.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Rebecca Traister should write this. I’m still pissed off about that Matt Lauer forum. Soothing softballs for trump, contempt for HRC.
I was so glad when he got fired.
@schrodingers_cat: next debate is March 15.
Adam L Silverman
@Ajabu: Not that you need me to explain it to you, obviously, but for everyone else: if you are a guy and/or a white person, you DO NOT say anything about black hair styles!*
* As the Cultural Advisor to a general officer, I once had to explain this to his Command Sergeant Major who was worked up over the approved hair styles for African American female Soldiers. Fortunately we’d known each other for years and he took my advice.
Adam L Silverman
@hitchhiker: That one was all on Paul Reickhoff and Rachel Maddow. He thought it up, pitched it to her, she bought it hook, line, and sinker, because she’s been trying to reposition herself as a nat-sec wonk specializing on the military since 2014.
Called who? Is there some general phone line that anyone can call and get an invite?
And what would Moore have done had he been turned down?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Bernie surrogate on the Hayes show is probably driving people do Biden. At least I hope so. She’s gonna give the Meat-Head a stroke
Bill Arnold
I recently spotted this as “real people like Bernie”.
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: Moore has the # for Melber’s booker. As well as the bookers for Hayes and O’Donnell.
@Adam L Silverman:
Yep. That Rolodex I referred to is a two-way device for certain people.
The producers know that some people can reliably fill air time.
James E Powell
Three questions:
Why does Haberman say stupid things that everyone knows to be untrue?
Why does the New York Times pay Haberman to say stupid things that everyone knows to be untrue?
Why don’t Democratic candidates & campaigns call out the NYT for this and other services provided to Republicans?
You have quite the way with words, Ms. Cracker.
@germy: Totally. No liberal with two brain cells to rub together pinned any hope on Kremlin Barbie.
@Adam L Silverman:
As they say in Jane Austen novels, I don’t have the pleasure of understanding you! What did Reickhoff peddle to Maddow, and how did it get into the Matt Lauer interview?
Last night John Oliver had a segment containing clips of Chris Matthews bungling his signout in various ways. I wonder if an MSNBC exec caught the show?
Adam L Silverman
@hitchhiker: Reickhoff peddled the “Commander in Chief Forum” Town Hall to Maddow as a way to promote his foundation and himself. Maddow jumped on that and made it happen because she can’t figure out that the president is only the commander in chief of the military and DOD and Service civilians, not every US citizen. They spent a couple of weeks talking it up on her show, after it was over they spent several days patting each other on the back on her show about how well it went, how important it was, how we should do this every year or, at least, every presidential election year. Not one word about how bad Lauer was as the moderator or how he and Andrew Lack hijacked the thing.
Another Scott
I assume Adam is referring to her book Drift.I don’t know about the backstory he’s referring to.HTH.(I only commented because Adam said upstairs that this thread was dead. That’ll learn me. ;-)
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: The previous thread of mine, the one on the Israeli elections is dead. This thread is fine.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: D’Oh.
If only we had threaded comments,
Iwe wouldn’t have these problems…/That’sAJoke!!1
Bill Arnold
Not sure either. I just played, copying the embed code for a recent late 2020/02/02 EST tweet, and with both a US EST vpn endpoint and a European endpoint, the embedded tweet says March 3, so I’m tentatively guessing that it picks up GMT.
Ugh. At least it isn’t leaking the user’s timezone. In both cases hovering over the tweet time in the browser shows the tweet’s time in local computer time. I think it used to be California time.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: DIAF!
Villago Delenda Est
@Bill Arnold: EVERYTHING on the intertubes should be done in GMT, and then locally adjusted for time zone. That’s how we did this in the Army. Orders specified what time zone was being used for times in the order. Officers, at least, were expected to know how to subtract and add to figure out local time off GMT.
O. Felix Culpa
@Omnes Omnibus: You are a bad person. I like that.