Weird. Only Dems voting today, and I have yet to see one report, one anecdote about voter suppression or intimidation. It’s almost like that all comes from Republicans.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) March 3, 2020
Given that the turnout in the early states among the 18-29 demo was in the low teens, how many new Ninja Fortnite videos dropped last month and how long will it take for Thanos to dance on the charred remains of our civilization?
Discuss the incongruity and show your work.— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) March 2, 2020
Even if you don't like any of the candidates, vote. Don't be taken for granted. Don't sell your democracy cheaply by sitting it out. Do it often enough and you might even get beyond lesser evil candidates!
— Mig Greengard (@chessninja) March 2, 2020
Biden talking up his younger endorsers is both decent and really smart, because it allows voters to envision that they are voting for a team, not just Biden himself. That's a powerful image that Sanders has had with his squad, but Biden hasn't until now.
— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) March 3, 2020
Free media >> paid media, ironically, is one of the lessons that the media never seems to learn.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) March 3, 2020
A key difference between Dem leaders’ circling wagons behind Biden today vs. GOP leaders who feebly tried to stop Trump in 2016: Dem rank & file voters like their leaders a lot better.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) March 2, 2020
Drop-out-candidates endorsements:
Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Ryan and Moulton have endorsed Biden.
Williamson, de Blasio and Gravel have endorsed Sanders.
Castro has endorsed Warren.
— Political Polls (@PpollingNumbers) March 2, 2020
So what you're saying is that despite not liking his ideas, Reid still thinks he's preferable to Bernie. Or maybe he just sees Biden's character and thinks that's enough.
— Malarkey Delenda Est (@agraybee) March 2, 2020
Or their donors fled to Biden and they couldn't keep the lights on past Tuesday. Not everything is a grand conspiracy in the eternal Bernie vs. Everyone War.
— Malarkey Delenda Est (@agraybee) March 2, 2020
Take my poll for Supah Tuesday!
Mary G
Steeplejack (phone)
I’m off to vote (for Warren, in VA) and then on to Sighthound Hall for pizza and election returns. Got the usual last-minute text to pick up something (vanilla ice cream), because apparently I’m the go-to guy.
Super universe includes Bizarro world.
Just sayin’.
Wait, we can do that? Why aren’t we doing that? It would solve so many problems.
Worst Establishment Ever.
Mary G
Pence is giving what he calls a “press conference.”
He’s touting the fact that we have 2,500 test kits now. Whoo-hoo! We live in Bizarro World full time now.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@schrodingers_cat: I’m not on the twitmachine. Could you please vote for Warren for me? I just want the secondhand illicit thrill of voting twice in one day.
Dispatch from Western MA:
I voted for Joe Biden and myself. I was on the ballot for the Town Dem committee. The library was pretty crowded, there were plenty of people when I was there. People were still coming in when I left. Polls close at 8pm eastern.
More people than the 2018 primary.
What I’m seeing a lot of today is Bernie supporters who just can’t understand/don’t see how anyone could support anyone but Bernie. Over at DKos I just finished reading a BernieBro proclaim that all Warren voters will ‘naturally’ switch to Bernie. I hope I let him down softly but I suspect he thinks I’m a traitor as that is what he called us.
They really are a special bunch those BernieBros, aren’t they?
Mary G
@schrodingers_cat: Good luck! I hope you win.
@Baud: ?
Drinking wine at a fancy wine tasting room. Read your comment and snorted high end New Mexico wine. I hope they don’t ask me to leave. Now I’m laughing.
Who’s your competition?
@kindness: That’s what all of the “rigging” complaints iin 2016 boiled down to: more people voted for someone else, therefore the process is illegitimate.
@Mary G: I will. 11 slots with only 6 people running. But it was thrilling to see my name on the ballot.
@Baud: No one!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Mary G: That’s actually pretty clever of Pence; Pence knows Trump will try to jump in if the cameras are on so Pence had the camera’s off so Pence can say what ever he wants to the press without having to worry about Dollhands getting upset.
@schrodingers_cat: Late to the thread below, but how cool to be able to vote for yourself. Good on you for stepping up to a leadership position and best of luck on the vote count!
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: Twitter won’t let me vote twice. BTW EW is handily winning the Balloon Juice primary
Omnes Omnibus
I hope we win.
Mr. Mack
Voted for Warren today and wrote myself in as a district Judge, since no one qualified in time (I guess) and the machine said to write someone in. I’m pretty judgmental…that’s how it works, amirite?
@kindness: I’m sure it was the snake emojis. Wait it was the constant verbal harassment. Wait no it HAS to be the constant online bullying of her supporters for not appreciating the majesty that is the St. Bernie of Green Mountain. SOMETHING there had to work!
Every time Steve Kornacki says the word black or African American I’m drinking a shot!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@kindness: Speaking as a Warren voter, why would I go from someone with a plan to some crank who just has slogans? Sanders is the one who should get his ass out of damn race and let Warren represent the left of the party.
I don’t know. A lot of restaurants hate to see patrons enjoying themselves.
@Mr. Mack:
I hope you win.
@schrodingers_cat: Those are the best elections!
@Baud: wine dude is kinda hot. A bit young. As I have said before, “I’m not a Cougar. I’m an Ocelot.”?
But I digress……
@Morzer: Indeed!
Warren after Buttigieg & Klobuchar endorsed Biden:
I have every faith in you. Now go forth and conquer!
And in the immortal words of Auntie Edna:
“And call me when you get back dahlink I enjoy our visits.”
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: well in that case congratulations!
@Anya: clearly I don’t know how to use the bloc quote.
Whoa. That doesn’t even make sense with respect to Pete. Gotta link?
One more for EW in the bag, so to speak
ETA: Good luck on your own race. Not sure what those committees do, but yay! for your participation.
Tom Q
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: If Sanders hadn’t run and Warren was the prime progressive candidate in the race, the entire discussion from the past 6 months would have been different. The top-dollar donors would have bitched just as much, but Warren, a clear party person, wouldn’t have been looked at by most as the existential threat Sanders is.
The rest of the field would probably have winnowed down differently as well. (You could even make an argument that Biden might not have felt the need to jump in, as a mostly new generation field battled.)
Sanders, with his long-time loathing of the Democratic party establishment, has now negatively affected two straight presidential cycles.
@Baud:How is someone who has been in Congress for almost 30 years not the Establishment? Logic fail.
Digress away. Beats hanging out on a political blog awaiting primary returns.
Omnes Omnibus
@Quinerly: You fox eared asshole!
@debbie: Thanks! She is winning the BJ primary.
@Mary G: CDC just yesterday said there’d be a million tests administered by weeks end, which I’ll note, is literally impossible. But sure, participation trophy for getting .25% of the way there. We’ll make the trophy out of the bones of those that died due to their complete fucking joke of a response.
@Mr. Mack: You did the right thing, both times.
@Baud: Y’all have fun with that. I don’t get to see much until I get out of physio tonight.
At least it will be kind of fun. My therapist is pretty much ready to tell my neurologist he’s on crack.
Major Major Major Major
I didn’t vote because we don’t vote until April ??♂️ But I would’ve voted for Biden because I really don’t want Sanders to be the nominee. If Sanders were polling lower, then Warren would’ve gotten my vote.
I will say, just anecdotally, that my Facebook feed was full of people proudly announcing who they voted for—which is lovely—and in the comments, most of the discussion was polite, but some people were a little rude or sneering. I regret to inform you that the rude ones all supported Sanders.
Politicians are so weird. Warren’s been in Washington for 7 years as a senator and she wants us to believe she’s a Washington outsider but the mayor of a small Indiana town is a Washington insider. Never idealise a politician. They’ll always disappoint you.
No matter how many phony Native American and millionaire socialist U.S. Senators tell you that they’re not Washington insiders…
They actually are.
zhena gogolia
Uh-huh. I think less of her now
ETA: Buttigieg is a Washington insider?????
I don’t hate Bernie. He’s affable in a dottering old man kind of way. What I don’t respect about him is he is the Paul Ryan of liberals. He has grand ideas that only he can attain. He will attain those grand ideas by waving his hands, shouting and insisting that he can get the ideas across the finish line. The only thing he is missing is the magic *. Which is why I’m a Warren voter and not a Bernie voter. That and BernieBros are shits.
I am not a fan of @DavidFrum but I think he’s absolutely on point here:
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m so shocked.
@debbie: Voter registration, helping canvas for state and local elections, GOTV etc. I am also going to the state D convention at the end of May.
Try here
Good for you!! We had long lines at my polling place tonight at 5:45. They ran out of Democratic ballots so they had some overflow paper ballots that couldn’t be read by the optical scanner and will be hand counted after the polls closed.
The Obama team weren’t particularly enamored of Warren, by all accounts:
Just saw something interesting while casting my vote in this near-burb of Boston. About a quarter of the people I saw coming and going to my polling place were African American. It’s more black people than I’ve ever seen in any given five minutes in this effectively lily-white town.
Roger Moore
It’s very common for people to make process complaints when they’re really angry about the outcome. It’s a lot easier to tell that’s what’s happening when they make the exact opposite process complaints 4 years later when the process has been changed to their liking and they still don’t get the outcome they want.
LOL, I just got my Inspirator (stupid new Warren Buffet healthcare!) to acknowledge there was no reason for her to keep up these ridiculous health coaching sessions.
@Anya: She’s still in it to win it, I guess.
OT: I just learned that bad guys in movies will never use an iPhone. Apple regulates their logo so only good guys in movies will use iPhones.
Well, she’s an outsider as in she’s not willing to play ball with the boys. “Nevertheless, she persisted.”
I still say she deserves a medal for fighting for the CFPB from the very beginning when few others would.
@schrodingers_cat: Sounds like you won then(since you got your vote), congrats.
@Anya: To echo the Venerable Baud, got a link?
Ok, I see it appeared about two seconds after my post. A quick read doesn’t tie this into a criticism of Pete or Amy. I will look again.
Second read does not show the connection you imply. You make it sound like she was directing her comments at them. I hope that was an honest mistake.
So thanks for the link, if not for launching a torrent of uninformed commentary by several BJers.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Are antiheroes allowed to use an iPhone so long as they turn it upside down?
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I read about that Rian Johnson interview too! Crazy.
@Morzer: I prefer Warren to Geithner and Summers.
Went to the polling place to vote at lunchtime. There were a number of people (including Madame and I) who had to cast provisional ballots because they were on the rolls as having mail-in ballots, but the mail-in ballots never arrived. If this turns out to be widespread, there is yet another source of delay in the California returns coming in.
Also, it turns out that if you haven’t actually sent in your mail-in ballot, and have changed your mind, you can surrender your mail-in ballot at your polling place to be destroyed, and vote on a standard ballot.
@Morzer: I just saw my first commercial for Warren and it was narrated by Obama.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Basically all product placement works this way. The good guy drives a clearly marked Jaguar but the bad guys drive generic SUVs.
@Major Major Major Major:
LIES, you establishment corporatist!
I know you’ll love the convention! Here, the county Dems have a Central Committee, which I guess is similar to your committee. I don’t know why they had to give it such a Politburo-ish name.
patrick II
From the linked article:
So, I’m not surprised. Good for her.
@Kathleen: Narrated by Obama – or using old footage/voiceover?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Wha…what?!? Are we thinking of the same guy? I don’t hate* Bernie, either, but he is not affable by any definition of that word. Cantankerousness is his stock in trade. He shouts over people, points fingers in their faces, belittles and intimidates young women who have the nerve to ask him questions in public, and generally acts like an angry old bear in a cloud of hornets.
*although I sincerely wish he had not run and I think he’s the only candidate on the D side who will lose or cause us to lose to Trump.
@schrodingers_cat: Good luck in your election!
I voted earlier for Warren and for Ted Lieu and assorted other Dems. I understand the lines at our local polling places today are very long. I hope people are patient.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
both amusing, and frustrating. If she’d have figured out Obama was a better lodestar than Bernie a year ago, even six months ago, we might be looking at a very difference campaign.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Huh. I wonder if that will give away some plot points.
@dmsilev: I guess they could use a case.
@Major Major Major Major: I saw it on the WAN Show, but they were quoting from that interview.
@debbie: I just voted for the members of the Alameda County Democratic party Central Committee, it is part of the ritual of voting in a Democratic primary here. I kind of like the Politburo name – makes me think of cell meetings around a table with a single dimmed light bulb with everyone wearing overcoats that go down to their shoe tops.
I just saw that ad for the first time last night on the local Fox station. Money over loyalty, I guess.
Ohio Mom
Kathleen@67: Narrated by Obama or cut-and-pasted voice-overs? I thought he was sitting out until the primary voters had their say.
Debbie@57: Is an Inspirator the same thing as the RNs from UHC who used to call me to ask if I had any questions about my health? As if I’d want to share anything personal with someone connected to the big business that had the power to make decisions my health and life could hinge on.
I usually asked them semi-obscure questions about the type of breast cancer I had, just to get them to sputter. It was a cheap amusement.
Yup, the Warren ad is using old footage/comments from Obama. As is a Biden ad.
@divF: In Alameda County shoes top you.
@Morzer: And Bloomberg.
There was only one person to vote for on my Central Committee. Some cell, huh?
Biden projected to score major victory in Virginia, Sanders projected to win Vermont
@Martin: Yeah, I understand that, but it could risk giving away the plot in some cases.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: That was the concern.
Welp, looks like Biden crushed it in VA. Likely will in NC, AL, TN as well. Black voters have picked their candidate. I’m guessing Warren and Bloomberg out after today.
Bernies young voters don’t seem to be showing up, which is a real concern – we need them in Nov.
@different-church-lady: What a wascally wabbit Mayor Mike is!
‘Dark money’ group pours another $870,000 into anti-Sanders ads ahead of Super Tuesday
(Balloon-Juice commenters?)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
MSNBC talking like Bernie has taken all of VT’s delegates, and Biden has taken all of VA’s. Are they winner take all states? I thought all states were following a propotional model with the 15% threshold
@Martin: The iron law of politics is that young voters never show up – and especially not when you make them the key element of your cunning plan.
@Morzer: The Biden ad used Obama’s presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Joe.
@Martin: Bernie’s young voters might be a fixed quantity. Other young voters might be going for a non-Bernie.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: /whistles innocently and looks around at nothing/
@Morzer: Narrated by Obama. For that specific ad. The campaign flair I’ve received is from Bloomberg and the only TV ads I’ve seen until today have been Bloomberg’s. I live in Cincinnati and our primary is March 17. I’d be curious to know what CarolD and OhioMom have seen. ETA He did not endorse her for President.
@Ohio Mom:
To earn additional dollars for our Health Savings Account, we have to talk to an Inspirator on a regular basis. They’re not RNs or even medically trained; they’re coaches of a sort, serving as motivational encouragers. It’s done nothing for me, which she acknowledged tonight. As I told her, I’m in it for the funds.
@Morzer: They seem to be showing up in Texas.
@Morzer: I thought having a strong Twitter presence was all a young voter needed.
@Martin: Young folk have never really shown up.
Mike Bloomberg on Elizabeth Warren: ‘I didn’t realize she’s still in’ the race.
What a dick.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No, there are no winner take all for Dems. So far they’re only giving the at-large delegates, not the county ones. Though it looks like both may have won large enough that they’ll get damn near all of them. Not surprising for VT. Quite surprising for VA.
I mean, polling yesterday was Sanders +5 in VA, exit polls is Biden +18. That’s an almost unbelievable swing, but a LOT of shit changed yesterday.
@Kathleen: Unless I’m missing some secret Warren ad, she’s been using old material featuring praise from Obama for her establishing of the CFPB.
@debbie: Are they like Hanz and Franz?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy: Bloomaparte got pantsed by a girl on national TV
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Indeed. There’s a lot of Obama-exploitation going on.
@Morzer: Thanks for clearing that up. I should have stated he was not endorsing her for President.
@germy: The baseline for dickishness is much higher in NYC. See Trump, Donald J.
Williamson, de Blasio and Gravel throw their voter
sto Bernie.Who, who, and who?
@germy: Dude, her delegate ratio over yours is an infinite number.
zhena gogolia
Then we’ll do it without them.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m really hoping they will in Nov. They’re engaged, but maybe they’re only engaged against Trump.
@germy: well that’ll happen when you’re a political corpse like Bloomberg
@Martin: Wow, that’s a substantial swing. I wonder if the pre-primary polls are just shitty.
The DNC made a mistake by letting Bernie run as a dem. That is what hurt Warren, not Biden, not Pete and not Amy. She could have competed against the rest but Bernie being Bernie had to have his way. imo
@Martin: Two things about elections for Democrats, don’t rely on young folk showing up and don’t rely on Texas turning blue.
I hope they show up too, but I’m not counting on it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Could be that a lot of people decided at the last moment and based their decision on the most recent news they heard, which would swing things for Biden in a big way.
@Omnes Omnibus: ?
@germy: Mike who? How many delegates has he won?
I’m guessing part of Warren staying in is the assumption that either Biden or Bernie will step on their dick or have to drop out for some reason.
I’ve been thinking about something I’ve seen on Teri Kanefield’s twitter feed. She was talking about how fascists can’t handle real crises because they are set up for fake crises – creating problems and offering themselves as saviors. I’m thinking that this is now one of the foundational problems of the MSM. The 24 hour/social media news cycle demands constant “breaking” news, so everything is treated as a crisis. Which they have “created.” Perhaps not the event itself, but it is always covered as “Crisis in Genovia!” They no longer have any capacity to react and cover actual events, analyze them and convey the truth of what has happened.
@different-church-lady: I thought it was being a YouTube influencer.
@Omnes Omnibus: ?
@Yutsano: he’s just getting off of work and asked if he could join me…..
Ohio Mom
Kathleen @95: We don’t have a TV so I don’t see any commercials. I will tell you that each member of Ohio Family has gotten two calls each from Bloomberg (live person, not a recording), as well as several mailers.
Based on what is in our mailbox, you’d think the only candidates running are Bloomberg, Pillich (for you nonlocals, she’s running for County Commisioner) and one AA fellow who is running for judge (forgot his name, which shows you how effective mailers are. I assume he’ll be on the Democratic ticket and will get my vote that way).
Debbie @96: That’s the most inane idea ever. Who thinks an anonymous voice on the phone is a real relationship? Yeah, knowing Sally is going to call me next week is really going to make me skip this bowl of ice cream.
Surprised that VA is already called for Biden. That’s a good sign.
@Quinerly: Heh heh. “Join.”
“Hear me now and listen to me later!” ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I don’t know if, legally, they could have stopped him if he got the signatures. Politically, they certainly couldn’t have stopped him this time. He convinced an electorally significant number of people that righteous bellowing was the path to Nordic-style social democracy. Or to something nice. (Adding) up to December 2015, he was a novelty act, his biggest audience was the Thom Hartmann radio show and Eschaton comments. I still don’t quite get why he caught fire in the winter of ’16, but he did.
I subscribe to Al Giordano’s newsletter. His predictions of 2018 results were dead on. He thinks Biden will surprise a lot of pollsters and emerge as the front runner. He said Biden would win Virginia and Slanders would win Vermont (no brainer there). He really likes Warren and thinks she will do quite well tonight.
His basic methodology is to look at the polls he trusts the most. He takes it one step further by looking at the demographics and voting history of the electorate. For example, he’s predicting high African American turnout in Texas will carry Biden to victory there. He’s very good.
@debbie: “We’re going to PUMP YOU UP”.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Because a bird landed on his fucking pedestal while he was talking, or some other equally-stupid reason. Realistically – there’s a large portion of Democrats who really didn’t like or want to vote for Hillary Clinton, for whatever reason.
@Baud: wine dude is getting off of work and joining me….. He’s a bit older than I originally thought… Name is Thaddeus.
Woman can not live by BJ alone…. Let me rephrase….Woman can not live by political blog known as Balloon Juice alone. ?
@Feathers: That’s a very interesting point. Culture is definitely engaged in the manipulation of non-reality for fun and profit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
MSNBC calling North Carolina for Biden right as polls close
ETA: Kornacki predicting Biden over Sanders, 46-25.
Just among white voter
ETA, A: Bloomberg leading Sanders among NC “older” voters, over 45. (So over 45 is “older” now? How dare they! I thought however old I am is the new thirty until I’m dead).
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That seems big.
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: That’s the best kind of election! :-)
Make us proud!!
You mean an enohPi?
Only 2% reporting in VT, but Bernie has only 51.6% of the vote. Biden has 20%. I say only because with 29% reporting in VA Biden has 55.5% and Bernie 21%. Biden has a higher percent of VA than Bernie has in VT.
Warren fans might enjoy this recent, fine SNL product:
@Baud: we were going to discuss jeep tours of Canyon de Chelly. He mentioned something about how he and his mother went. How much she enjoyed it.
Ocelot probably retreating….. ?
@Ohio Mom: That’s it for me as well, except I never answer my phone unless I can identify the caller so I’ve not taken any robocalls. Hang on to your sample judicial ballot. Dems did great jobs of electing judges in the last election. I’m torn between Pillich and Wolfe, Todd Portune’s appointee. Not sure who I’ll vote for.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No, I think yesterday’s ‘everyone get in line’ message landed where it needed to. What was unclear to me was whether Amy/Pete/Tom voters spread out, or whether they consolidated. I was expecting them to spread out, but looks like it consolidated. What’s more, looks like Warren and Bloomberg even lost some voters to this.
In NC, it was tied between Biden and Bernie 4 days ago. Looks like Biden +13 today. Again, just crushed it. Warren is close to viability in NC at least.
Yesterday was seismic. As I’ve been saying, there’s no fucking way in hell that yesterday wasn’t coordinated. Word is out from Obama. Campaigns heard it. Advocacy groups heard it. Voters heard it.
We are done and dusted, folks. Biden is going to walk out tonight in much better shape than anyone expected.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Biden needs to clean up in the states he was hoping to win to offset what (IMO) is going to be a brutal showing California, due to mail-in voting and the late dropouts.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He’s not a democrat.
@Quinerly: I hope he doesn’t try to sell you a time share.
All right, this essentially decides it. I will forever think that this country passed up a golden opportunity by not nominating E-Dubs, and I’m proud that I cast a vote for her. But onward, and let’s work together to hand Mango Mussolini his ass.
@JPL: Warren made some errors. She should have not pushed so hard in on M4A. That distracted from her better messages.
It’s a different world when all the Republicans stay home, isn’t it?
@Kent: A better world.
@Suzanne: I don’t disagree. I think Harris would have been better yet, but the mission isn’t getting our favorite – it’s beating Trump. Warren will still be a key part of that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Among other things. I agree with the general consensus that she’s much smarter than Biden, but call it instinct or just his personal preferences, he read the results of 2016, and even more so 2018, better than she did.
“We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day.Why couldn’t I get that day over and over and over? “
Omnes Omnibus
@Martin: Have you ever come up with a link for your Obama theory or is it still rumor?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Biden had a hell of a head-start as far as being a politician is concerned.
What choice did they have? There is no “criteria” to determine who is a Dem. If they managed to exclude him and he ran as an “Independent Democratic Socialist” or a Green would that have been better or worse? Remember Nader 2000? Imagine how different the world might have been if Nader had run as a Dem in the Dem primary.
Bloomberg has apparently carried all before him in American Samoa.
@Suzanne: Agreed. It’s pretty clear that unless the early voting in California gives Sanders an overwhelming victory there, or for some reason Biden doesn’t win Texas, this thing went from wide open and favoring Bernie to coalescence around presumptive nominee Biden in just 4 days. He’ll probably outdo Sanders in all the remaining large states – Illinois, NY, Ohio, Pennsylvania – and that’ll be that.
I’ll share your determination combined with a slightly bittersweet taste. I really wanted a younger generation Dem to catch fire and be propelled to a trouncing of Trump. But I’m here to lock arms with you to start fighting for my approximately 4th choice, Uncle Joe. Let’s do this and take down that fart cloud invading the people’s house!
Uncle Cosmo
Haven’t hung around The Left much, have you? I remember from 50 years ago (jeebus cripes, 50 frackin’ years!!) the petty bickering in the local Vietnam Moratorium meetings among splintered groups who insisted that unless you accepted every last point in their ‘lebenty-seven point program to bring on the Soshulist Millennium, you were betraying The Cause.
Then again, recall how The Left self-destructed in Germany during the run-up to the Third Reich: in particular the Communists were less interested in fighting the Nazis than in destroying the Social Democrats, on the grounds that they were “traitors to their class.”
(FWIW I walked away from the Moratorium when I realized those bozos were more interested in fighting each other than they were in stopping a war.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’d bet GA and FL, too
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: I am not a super tuesday voter, so I punched your ticket for you.
Another Scott
My understanding is that some delegates are awarded for winning congressional districts in addition to winning overall. If that’s the case, Warren should get some in Virginia – she’s above 15% in the 8th CD.
Misogyny and Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: I wonder what her relationship with Pelosi is like. I imagine NP’s advice would be much more direct than Obama’s
So far it seems that Biden is smashing Bernie among African American and older voters. The young haven’t shown up. People who care most about who is most likely to beat Trump are going for Biden big time. Looks to me as if Sanders is going to lose support even in Vermont relative to 2016.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Polls were shitty.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yeah, sorry, my Union State bias showing through. Had meant to include Florida but too hasty.
mad citizen
I disagree that the Democratic party could not have written rules to exclude Bernie. It’s not that hard–it’s simple words. He holds a high office as a “not-Democrat”–how hard can it be to write a rule to prevent such a person from running in your party? I’ve never been able to fathom how Wilmer was allowed in in ’16 or ’20.
That seems to be the conventional wisdom here but I’m not sure it is correct. Yglesias did a long story on her appeal and constituency and it is basically educated white folk. She just never caught any traction with any non-college educated folk or non-white folk. I doubt the reason behind that has anything to do with M4A but more likely just her style and endless plans and manner of speaking.
@Uncle Cosmo: Nach Hitler Uns was the German communist motto [after Hitler, our turn]
@Morzer: 175 TOTAL votes with 99% reporting.
NC and Alabama fall in place for Biden, according to WaPo.
Fair Economist
@schrodingers_cat: I love that your poll hasn’t even an option for Bloomberg. You know your audience!
Fair Economist
@Major Major Major Major:
Does that count as information? Isn’t that sort of “the Pope is still Catholic”?
Biden is destroying Bernie in NoVa and in Virginia Beach area – pretty clear that Virginia Democrats do not want Wilmer at the top of the ticket.
zhena gogolia
Wow, Balloon Juice After Dark is going to get interesting tonight.
Fair Economist
The 2018 House coalition is just fine for winning the Presidency. The Senate is tougher, but the only close Senate race where the Bernie coalition is likely to be important in is AZ – and that also has a lot of anti-Bernie seniors.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, they did eventually lol
zhena gogolia
I’m hoping/thinking Biden will make a good VP pick.
ETA: I still remember how happy my husband was when Obama picked Biden!
@MCA1: Yeah, I think you and I are in alignment. I have some serious concerns about Biden’s vulnerabilities in a general election. And I think that it is shameful how much of this country is threatened by a woman who’s smarter than they are. And I really, REALLY hope that I get to vote for someone more progressive in a future election soon. But the hurdle immediately in front of us is beating Trump, and we are going to have to do that with the candidate that we have. So let’s go.
zhena gogolia
We met Obama right after he won NC in 2008.
Can you tell I’m nostalgic for Obama?
Come back, Barack.
glory b
@MCA1: I can say this, Bernie will lose in southwestern Pennsylvania, because he opposes fracking. I know there’s lots wrong with it, but it has brought an enormous amount of money and huge numbers of good paying union jobs, think $25 to $45 per hour, to some of the small struggling counties surrounding Pittsburgh.
Another Scott
@PsiFighter37: SP Warren beat St. Bernard in Arlington County, VA. (Uncle Joe beat them both.)
Fair Economist
I’ve been looking at that, and the apparently potent last-minute Clyburn endorsement, and concluded somebody advising Biden has decided that a “Blitzkrieg” media strategy is the ticket in the current environment, as opposed to the usual suggestion of “drip, drip, drip”.
I think if you don’t have the media on your side, they’re right. The media can just keep pushing something over and over and over and over and over and over zzzzzz. But if you’ve got to earn your eyeballs and clicks, you’ve got to do it fast before people lose interest.
Citizen Alan
@Quinerly: How do you titillate an ocelot? You oscillate its tit a lot.
Chris T.
@Morzer: American Samoa uses the new Republican voting rules, which are: one dollar, one vote. Whoever has the most dollars, wins. They plan to roll this out to the national vote in November.
(Do I need a //s to mark the end of the sarcasm section?)
@Morzer: I know a Prairie Dog isn’t a GROUNDHOG, but one literally did try to get in my car at Berg Park yesterday in Farmington, NM. Was that some sort of sign of something in my future?
I’m in MD and I’m an also ran since we don’t vote until April. How come we vote so late when by that time, the candidate is already decided?
@Citizen Alan: oh, my!
My theory about Warren is that she was basically left pursuing leftists who didn’t like Sanders and it turned out that there just weren’t that many of them.
Citizen Alan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Because no one else even considered explicitly appealing to the Anyone But Hillary crowd. Honestly, I don’t blame him for seizing a sizeable niche in order to advance his political agenda. I blame him for an obstinate and petulant refusal to bury the hatchet after it was clear he couldn’t win that had the perverse effect of setting all of his major policy goals out of reach for generations.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Citizen Alan:
I can’t get past the way he harped on corruption over the WALL STREET SPEECHES, then spent months telling his followers the system was rigged when he got into it knowing what the rules were. Then he was an asshole at the convention, after the convention, throughout much of trump’s first term– The Democratic Pawh-ty is a FAYL-YUH!”…
@Quinerly: Maybe it’s an omen? Soon, you will receive a call from a distinguished older white man named Joe, asking you to accept a position of great importance…
O. Felix Culpa
@Suzanne: I’m with you. I’m sad about EW not getting better results. One could second-guess some of her strategic decisions but misogyny – especially fear of smart, capable women – still reigns in this country. Sigh. That said, on to beat the evil orange in the WH. Onward together.
Citizen Alan
@Uncle Cosmo:
Yeah, there’s a reason why the bit of Life of Brian that gets quoted the most is the scene with the argument between the Judean People’s Front and the People’s Front Of Judea. SPLITTERS!
Another Scott
@Citizen Alan: Everyone has forgotten MO’M??!
I think Bernie took off because the press loved that he was able to raise so much money early on, so they knew there was all kinds of ad dollars to be collected. Plus, what’s more compelling for the GOP-leaning press than to see Democrats battling?
O. Felix Culpa
@Karen: Pikers. In New Mexico, we don’t vote until June.
@Fair Economist: Twitter has only 4 options for their built in poll and I made it before Amy K had officially dropped out.
joel hanes
phony Native American
@divF: I had to fill out a Ca. provisional ballot, too. My mail-in ballot never arrived.
joel hanes
young voters don’t seem to be showing up
As in every previous cycle.
Ohio Mom
Yeah, Biden was never my dream candidate (and I went through a lot of dream candidates, starting way back with Inslee, anybody else remember him?), but I’m ready to roll up my sleeves for Joe.
He checks my boxes: he’s not Sanders and he’s a good bet to beat Trump. Those are my bottom lines.
zhena gogolia
@Ohio Mom:
Same here. I was for Kamala and also liked Michael Bennet.
Ohio Mom
Zhena @201: Kamala was a crush for me for a good long time. How I agonized over Kamala or Warren!
This is starting to feel like a rom com where the steady, boring guy gets the girl in the end.
zhena gogolia
@Ohio Mom:
Too bad it isn’t Colin Firth!
I wasn’t allowed to vote until I was 21; but, I have never missed a vote since. It was a hard fight to get the voting age lowered; but, we did it. I hope the youngsters make good use of this right.
J R in WV
@Ohio Mom:
I get calls from Humana, my Medicare supplemental insurer. Some are computerized, and want to know how long I had to wait at my doctor’s office. I always wait a long time, have done so for nearly 40 years now, but the flip side of that is that if I need to see him today I can see him today.
So I always tell them I waited 15 minutes.
Then they call to set up “a home visit with one of their RNs” and I always tell them I value my privacy too much to invite a stranger in to evaluate my housekeeping. Fuck that shit, in other words. I would bet $50 they couldn’t find my house with a GPS unit. And I am not kidding at all. They might find us by following the GPS into the neighborhood and asking neighbors where we are… maybe I should tell the neighbors not to tell strangers where I am???!!!!!
J R in WV
That was me! Heehee hahahah !!! i wish. Maybe if the 2008 crash, and then the 2020 crash hadn’t ruined the equities market? Nope, not even then!
ETA: That isn’t much Dark Money to make a difference in an election, actually. Much ado about nothing!
J R in WV
Geez… that IS despicable. Really sucks. Not medically trained? Then they have no opinion worth hearing!
Sounds like malpractice to me !!!