Gonna be a long stressful day, Jackals — stay hydrated, and Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum.
Prediction: omit California & Biden gets more delegates than Sanders tomorrow. And when everything is counted Bernie’s haul in CA is more modest than people have been expecting.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) March 2, 2020
Along w the torrent of cash, there will now be a torrent of endorsements of Biden. I’m not sure Bernie has endorsements from five members of Congress. He won’t get any more. Biden will, & get the more valuable endorsements (bc they come w campaign infrastructure) govs & mayors
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) March 2, 2020
Kinda seems like the story is black people deciding. https://t.co/iVQUTB90gU
— Malarkey Delenda Est (@agraybee) March 2, 2020
A large field with moderates splitting the vote was Bernie’s dream race.
A small field with Warren splitting his support is Bernie’s nightmare scenario.
This entire race flipped upside down in three days.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) March 2, 2020
The idea that your 78 year old candidate is less senile than his 77 year old opponent is a previously unexplored line of attack in American politics. We are at the bold new frontiers of gerontocracy
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) March 2, 2020
I’m voting for Elizabth Warren [surprise!], if only because we need a backup candidate available if Candidate A has another brain aneurysm or Candidate B has another myocardial infarction. Also, TBH, as a private ladylike little FUCK YOU ALL to the many, many politicians / pundits / voters who have brought us to the current state of the race.
We are thrilled to announce that we are endorsing @ewarren to be president of the United States! pic.twitter.com/2eFWVnlqXN
— EMILY's List (@emilyslist) March 2, 2020
I’d settle for her eviscerating Pence https://t.co/hywBlFiW4R
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) March 3, 2020
I think a lot of people don’t understand that Warren’s appeal is as much about competency as it is about platform — there are voters who are both further right *and* further left than she is who support her because they believe she can get shit done.
— Lux ??????? Alptraum (@LuxAlptraum) March 3, 2020
I have no idea if Warren can win but I'd still like to see her stick it out if only to pressure people to take on her plans and make them a part of the platform
— Lux ??????? Alptraum (@LuxAlptraum) March 3, 2020
stay in the race Liz
get as many delegates as you possibly can and parlay that into some serious influence next year if we win somehow https://t.co/dg5MZshiPI
— local jack please ban the nazis person (@pleizar) March 3, 2020
Elizabeth Warren raised nearly $30 million last month and is poised to get a real look from voters in a smaller field.
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for #WarrenEndorseBernie
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) Marc
h 2, 2020
— The Online-Normie Complex (@canderaid) March 3, 2020
No one is perfect, but what a missed opportunity our voters had with Warren. The best parts of both Bernie and Biden, with a dash of Hillary.
If she can come back today, it’ll be one for the history books. Congrats on your vote, AL.
Yesterday Imma posted results showing Bernie behind his 2016 numbers but the MSM ignores that fact. Good luck to the anti-Bernie group today.
Chyron HR
B-but Bernie was supposed to show up in Milwaukee with 1/4 of the vote and order everyone else to suck his flacid wrinkly defenses of Mao Zedong. It’s RIGGED!
Triple blech.
@Chyron HR: To be fair, some of Mao Z. Dong’s early rap work was genuinely impressive. His “Revolution is (NOT) a T-party” deserved far more acclaim than it ever got. I blame the Deep State.
@Morzer: What idiot put voters in charge?
@Baud: Don’t blame me – I voted for Aaron Burr.
I’m waiting for the Bern-or-Bust-ers to point out that Warren’s guuurrl cooties have a direct link to coronavirus/COVID-19.
I’m holding out hope that in a three person field (assuming OK Bloomer drops out), Warren will be able to make some headway again. Especially now that Sanders immediately went back to his “Oh those southern states don’t have any real democrats *wink wink nudge nudge*” routine the second things didn’t go his way. Biden definitely has cash available now, and Jim Clyburn seems to have pushed him to re-work his campaign, but it remains to be seen if he can pull it together for the later contests beyond relying on inevitability and the anti-Bernie vote.
In a contested convention, Warren could either come out as a unity candidate, or use her leverage to push Biden over the top in exchange for some serious policy concessions. I strongly doubt she would back Bernie in such a situation, she’s too much of a realist/pragmatist to expect anything useful out of him.
I want Elizebeth Warren to win bigger than projected. Come on Massachusetts, vote for your awesome senator. And California, don’t disappoint me.
True, but by that measure, Tulsi is still in it too.
I’m not telling anyone not to vote for Warren, but the results and polls are where they are. We’ll know a lot more after today.
Raven Onthill
We have Susan Rice tweeting, “I’m proud to endorse @JoeBiden for President. Here he is comforting me on 1/4/17 just after my mother passed away. There is no one kinder, more empathetic and caring than @joebiden. He will lead America with the same deep compassion and decency.”
Wish he’d shown some of that to Anita Hill.
Is anyone else squicked by this outpouring of support for Biden from women? Anyone?
It’s funny how Bloomberg has dropped out of the conversation. He’s still in the mix and can do damage.
@Raven Onthill: Not me.
@Baud: So does that mean the Baud/Warren unity ticket is dead?
@Baud: I believe Bloomberg has signed an NDA with his own campaign, so neither side is able to comment on it.
@Raven Onthill: I’m not a fan of “He was personally nice to me so… vote for him” endorsements. Makes me feel like it’s a big club for them.
@Baud: Trump won. I totally didn’t expect that.
Incidentally, Trump is now demanding that Klobuchar and Buttigieg be impeached for endorsing Biden. Yup, you read that right. Impeached.
Raven Onthill
@germy: that tweet was accompanied by a picture of Biden hugging Rice. He’s like the too-nice uncle who you wish would just wouldn’t.
Oh, well. He’s probably going to be President. Then he can try hugging world leaders.
Nightmare in an uncertain key, from the last time it seemed the world was about to end, 1971:
… don’t flee! (shriek!) …
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Hoping our TN jackals weren’t in the path of last night’s tornado.
@germy: I didn’t expect it, but he was always within striking distance. Warren has not been to date.
Tony Jay
I don’t get what the problem is. Correct me if I’m wrong but this is a contest to see who the Democratic Party will select to be its Presidential candidate in November’s Election, right? There are a variety of candidates, some of whom have taken the trouble to lay out what their priorities are and how their policies will guide America towards achieving them. So vote for the candidate whose priorities you agree with and whose policies you think will work.
Then in November, vote for all the Democrats.
Everything else is just pub-talk and Media spin, and no decision should ever be based on either.
@Morzer: Pretty soon he’s gonna have his lawyers send the corona virus a cease and desist letter.
eta: DOH!
@Tony Jay:
History shows that’s easier said than done with certain voters. That’s our main problem.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well, Trump’s claiming that the flu vaccine can protect people against the coronavirus, so….
And apparently he believes that Buttigieg and Klobuchar are guilty of a quid pro quo because they endorsed Biden and so must be… impeached. He’s like a shit-colored parrot shrieking out the new word that it just learned without any understanding of what it means.
Expect to see emphasis on Biden’s cognative decline from the same media that cleans up every comment that DT makes. “He can’t form a complete sentence” is the republicans’ new “He has to use a teleprompter.”
What an idiotic way of looking at an election. Yeah, if we just eliminate that portion of the country where the most people live, and pretend it doesn’t exist, and eliminate the voters there, then Biden would be well ahead.
@Morzer: WASF.
Regardless of the primary results Sanders is going to be a disaster for the democratic party. I don’t know how this could have been prevented.
Isn’t that pretty much what we did with the electoral college in 2016? As American as baseball, apple pie, and Chevrolet.
eta: I need more coffee, I keep posting incomplete thoughts.
@lumpkin: That’s my fear. His ranting about the establishment and thinly-veiled conspiracy theories are just giving Trump ammunition for the election.
@Tony Jay:
Sadly, those are the only places a lot of people get their information from. When the media disappears Warren, it has a huge negative effect on a lot of voters.
Not to worry, though. The big media outlets will analyze their coverage after the election and include a footnote about how they should have covered Warren more.
We get to choose between Statler and Waldorf! Yippee!
I will vote for Warren today in Virginia after work today, and then, political junkie that I am, eagerly await the numbers in VA and elsewhere. Interesting data points in the December poll of Virginia registered voters from the Wason Center (Rachel Bitecofer’s outfit). Ideological self identification: strong conservative, 11%; conservative, 22%; moderate lean conservative, 16%; moderate lean liberal, 23%; liberal, 13%; strong liberal, 7%. Virginia’s primary is open. I’ll be interested to see if many moderate lean conservative people come out, not to mess up the Democrats but to try to get a candidate they want to vote for in November. It sounds like that happened in SC. Moderate Republicans and independents are often derided. Conservatives call them “Rinos”. “Progressives” call them “wishy washy centrists.” I think Senators Kaine and Warner and Representatives Spanberger, Luria and Sexton call them “persuadable voters.”
I have already voted for Warren and Alice will do so today (she likes Election Day voting). On another board, a mostly nonpolitical one, in which I participate, someone said last night they wanted Biden because they wanted a bland President who one could ignore for weeks at a time. I think that is a very central, non-ideological part of Biden’s appeal, a quieter four years.
Good morning from beautiful Farmington, NM! I had forgotten how much I love this area of the state. Drove over to Ship Rock and poked around the town of Farmington yesterday. Great rivers, pretty lake, nice stores and trading posts, wonderful restaurants and microbrew, interesting housing stock (I love looking at neighborhoods in towns, lots of 1950’s ranch houses, historic brick buildings on Main Street that could easily be in my Soulard neighborhood in St. Louis). Great shared house AirBnB situation with nurses and a midwife. The midwife has already “caught” 5 babies since Sunday. Female nurse AirBnB Host is into extreme sports, including off road motorcycling… Over rocks, etc. Don’t even know how to explain it because between her and the midwife, I have nothing in common. But, hey, I’m out all day; they have odd schedules; minimal interaction. I wanted the experience of just renting a room in a house since knew I wouldn’t have Poco on this leg of the trip. The house is one of those 1950’s ranches… Very clean, organized. Great private bathroom. This AirBnB stuff is interesting… A person in subdivision willing to open her home up like a hostel with folks coming and going. I’ve only rented the whole vacation house in the past. Definitely different mindsets from both ends. Have a great day! I’m off to some pueblo ruins today. Hopefully Chaco Canyon on Friday.
Good Morning, Everyone ???
Good morning.
@JMG: I suspect that part of the reason for Trump’s failure to crack more than 43% approval, even with a fairly buoyant economy, is that people are simply sick of his deranged, self-serving, hateful presence. They want to have days, weeks, months when nobody has to care what the *president said, thought or did. Trump deprives them of that period of peace and relaxation every damn day – and people understandably resent it.
Tony Jay
Well, to be brutally honest, most of your voters have that whole “C’mon leg, just gimmee one damned vein so I can make it to the voting booth” thing going on, don’t they?
Democratic voters and ‘Independent’ voters without long-term CJD symptoms to blame have no excuse. Look at the Government you’ve got and act accordingly. Maybe every single Democratic candidate down to Town Dog Catcher can meet Undecided Voter halfway by having a mass Deed Poll event where they all adopt the first name Sexysmartpersonvotesfor and make it easy to figure out what they should do when they get in that booth.
Granted, your average bigot would see Sexysmartpersonvotesfor Jones (frex) and think it looks a bit too Sri Lankan or something, but you’re not going to get them to vote (D) anyway, are you?
Agree. I’ll add, Biden would not be a quieter president, but less demographically challenging one for a certain segment of our population.
@Tony Jay: The problem is that it’s really hard to find a candidate who appeals to enough of the Democratic coalition to get enough people to turn out, and people stay home.
Mr. Suzanne describes Biden as “aggressively mediocre” as a candidate, and that sums up how I feel. I was talking about this with him and SuzMom, and I asked them, “What do you think Joe Biden stands for?”. Neither of them had an answer outside of his personal demeanor and general nice-guyness. SuzMom said that she thinks that he has developed positive personal relationships with world leaders, which IMO last until the next election in that other country.
It seems really regrettable that we had a candidate who is also a genuinely nice person, who is a really effective changemaker, and someone who has a strong, clear, positive, inspiring vision for the future…. and yet it came down to the shouty narcissist, the good-ol-boy, and the douchebag rich dude.
@Quinerly: Thank you for your posts. I envy you. If I could I’d spend a couple of months in New Mexico. And then go back.
Source please? I don’t doubt you, just want to see it for myself.
It does sound exactly like him.
Tony Jay
Oh mate, I’m British. You don’t have to tell me about Media bias and how it can poison the minds of millions. I don’t see any solution other than bypassing those bought and paid for nests of self-fondling hypocrites, and that’s…. a big job with a far-off completion date.
Have they gotten an answer from the Senator as to WHY HE WAS IN RUSSIA ON JULY 4TH?!??
Morning ???
@Baud: good morning! Got a puppy report on my little JoJo (who stayed in the Santa Fe area with a friend who is great with puppies and has a female Cattledog). JoJo is a quick learner (watching the other dog is really helping). He was doing great on the leash when I left him. Apparently now, he walks right by my friend, side by side, carrying the end of the leash in his mouth. Plus, no puppy accidents. His broken leg has healed and his gait is much better. He’s learning stairs!!!
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: That sounds like fun! I spent a couple of days in that area once on a cross-country trip. Shiprock is so otherworldly. Also explored the Mesa Verde ruins. Well worth a visit!
At Mesa Verde, there was a big ladder you had to climb to get to the cliff-face dwellings, and the ranger asked if anyone had a significant fear of heights. I do, but I knew I could make it up that ladder as long as I didn’t look down.
So, more than half way up the ladder, a lady above me froze in fear. There were people behind me, so I was stuck there, definitely NOT LOOKING DOWN, haha! It took the rangers a while to extract her.
Have fun, and if that ladder is still there, try to go first or last!
@rikyrah: right back at you! ?
@Quinerly: How exciting.
@Quinerly: I did a poor job training my puppy. It was stressful at times.
Fucking Christ, if biden wins the nomination, trump will beat him like a dusty rug. Also, he’s also said he’s open to picking a republican as a running mate – are you fucking kidding me?
@Baud: I hope you made the puppy sign an NDA. We wouldn’t want any problems in 2024.
So my thought is that it’s wrong to frame Biden/Sanders as a race between a moderate and a progressive. It’s a race between someone who thinks community and reaching out to expand is the best way to win a general and someone who thinks that ideology and presenting a pure vision is the best way. I can see the points on both sides but obviously think Biden is correct there.
@Morzer: He’s with the angels now.
@Baud: Now that’s the kind of ruthless leadership we need!
Oh and I’m stoked the moderates have all dropped out because Sanders was running on an untested hypothesis that he would bring out more voters. Now he’ll have to prove that that’s the case.
Ooh, calls for impeachment for deal-making from the dealmaker-in-chief.
That’s rich.
@Betty Cracker: I had Mesa Verde on the list for this leg of the trip but think I will postpone to a Fall trip end of Sept. Much of it is not open this time of the year, limited, if any, ranger lead tours. I really like this area so much and since at the end of this 6 week journey, I don’t want to be rushed on other stuff. Talked to the owner of the house about just renting the whole house for a week in Sept. Gal pals from Santa Fe Are interested in coming up, hanging, doing Mesa Verde, Durango, and Bisti. Would be fun to have companionship for those experiences. Great, secure, fenced in yard for JoJo too. I also have a height, balance problem. I appreciate your ladder story. I might not make that part of the tour. Would be good to have encouraging friends with me.
@BobbyK: Unproven. No evidence at all at present that Biden is a sure loser. To be fair, there’s no such evidence for Sanders either. Or Warren. Or Bloomberg. Every Democrat is at least highly competitive with Trump. If you want to say “I don’t think Biden would be a good President” go right ahead, but don’t extrapolate that opinion into how he’d do as a candidate.
Mai naem mobile
@germy: Johnson send the letter on Sunday, he didn’t even the wait till Monday
@Tony Jay: The problem is people like Russian Intelligence and my cousins all know bypassing the media is our only hope to get good information, so they’re poisoning all the alternatives too.
Chyron HR
Your mouth is moving but all we hear is, “A bloo bloo bloo why isn’t Messiah Bernie getting his coronation?”
I’m voting for Warren. As long as she is in, I am in.
I’m surprised Harris hasn’t endorsed someone. If she was leaning Joe, the time for that was yesterday.
@Princess: I wonder if she’s torn between Biden and Warren.
@Baud: fingers crossed re JoJo. I think I lucked out on my first puppy. I also think being in a cast and recuperating in the vet’s home helped with training and temperament. It’s sad to think about his little leg being broken so young but he’s playing normally without a care in the world…. Just a mellow/calm puppy. Let’s hope I don’t ruin him when I get my hands back on him. ?
@BobbyK: If Biden being open to picking a Republican running mate is the same incident from months ago, then no, he is not open to picking a Republican running mate. His answer basically boiled down to “sure, I’m open to it. Do you know a sane one? I don’t.”
Betty Cracker
@Baud: I’m not great at training dogs except for one thing, and it’s the most important thing, I’d argue: I can house train a puppy inside a couple of weeks, with very few accidents along the way. My secret weapon? Insomnia!
Splitting Image
Just a reminder:
I thought that Super Tuesday in 2008 was going to be Obama’s last hurrah for that election cycle. I looked at the state polls and assumed that he would win a good number of states, Clinton would win a somewhat larger number, and that she would coast to the nomination.
It turned out that many of the state polls I was looking at were fairly old and people in the voting states had adjusted their opinions of Obama’s electability in the meantime. Obama swept a bunch of caucuses that I assumed Clinton would win.
So this is where things stand now. We have plenty of polls to go by and no idea whether polls even a week old will tell us anything.
If you’re voting today, do so with a spring in your step and we’ll all panic (if necessary) tomorrow.
@Quinerly: Most “dog” training is really about training the owner. Maybe you should get a few days training from your friend too. ;-)
@Splitting Image:
When did Edwards drop out? Was it after SC or later?
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: Ooo, Durango is so gorgeous too! IIRC, Mesa Verde had lots to explore even if you didn’t go up the ladder, which may not even be there anymore. I was there more than 20 years ago, and I remember thinking it was a lawsuit waiting to happen. Have fun!
@Shalimar: Shhhhhhh….
@Geminid: I’m fortunate, for sure. This was my 9th February in New Mexico. I do like the idea of switching it up and coming in the Fall instead. When the landlady said she would let me have the casita in Santa Fe in Oct for the off season Feb rate, I jumped on it. The weather in SF hasn’t been that great on this trip, plus I have been battling a sinus and congestion thing since the SW Chief Amtrak ride with all those coughing Amish at the end of January. The wind and on again off again snowy mix in SF didn’t help.
Mai naem mobile
@Quinerly: if you’ve never done the Durango Silverton train, its totally worth it. There’s parts where you think the train is going to fall off the side of the mountain. If you’re travelling with friends and have two cars get up early and leave a car down in Silverton and use the car for the trip back. Otherwise you’ll spend several hours in Silverton which is just a tourist trap town. I’ve always wanted to do the Cumbres Toltec train in NM but never had the time. It’s gotten good reviews.
Today, I take the Immp with me to our polling place so he can cast his very first ballot. I’m excited about that! And psyched to be able to still cast my ballot for one of my three original favorites.
Warren — all the way to the Presidency!
@Mai naem mobile: both have been on my list but I think both are closed in Feb when I’m out here (I know the one in Chama is). Definitely a Fall possibility. Thanks for reminding me.
More than just a missed opportunity. What with today’s arguments about the CFPB’s constitutionality, it’s a fucking tragedy.
I voted for her last week, and it was the best I’ve felt about voting since I voted for Obama in 2008.
Splitting Image
Wikipedia says he competed in NH, SC, and NV, then dropped out after Florida. But he wasn’t really much of a factor after Iowa as I recall.
@Shalimar: Funny how people never include the whole statement, no?
He then went on to say:
@germy: Not at all surprising, and another reason we shouldn’t allow the media to reframe this as a two person race.
Remember that Warren’s the only one whose national polling actually got comparable to Biden’s before she got attacked for actually doing her homework on healthcare. Compare that to Bernie who hasn’t ever really gone anywhere until he started to have an aura of inevitability and Biden’s perpetually dropping polls (prior to SC).
Dorothy A. Winsor
Also snakes. Sending snake emojis to your competitor makes her supporters decide to vote for you.
Or something.
@Geminid: and thank you for your kind words. Since I am mostly alone on these journeys, it’s nice to check in with this community once and awhile in the morning. Love the suggestions and the warmth/encouragement always so sweet.
@OzarkHillbilly: If it will make you feel better about JoJo, we are doing a few “puppy and me” classes when we get back to St. Louis. And I completely understand your worries about me. It’s been said before. ???
Tony Jay
But it’s not just down to them, is it? That was my point earlier on. There’s been a handful of delegates apportioned so far, while today there’s a big chunk up for grabs. Vote for the smart, nice changemaker now to give her (I presume you’re talking about Warren) the very best chance of winning more later on, or at the very least the chance to trade those votes for policies and priorities you support.
Nothing is decided yet. I’m watching from over here and the only constancy has been with the Media’s constant churn in velcroing Unstoppable Frontrunner status onto whichever of the Old White Men has done well that week. Screw them. Vote for the candidate who makes the best case for you* and worry about the General Election campaign when it starts.
Unless you think that’s Gabbard, in which case don’t vote, lock the knife-drawer and seek help.
@Quinerly: Can you talk to my wife? She won’t listen to me. :-)
@Quinerly: Oh, I don’t think anyone is worried about you! Our hearts go out to JoJo.?
Meanwhile, I love your reports from the road. It is like reading a Hardy Boys mystery or something — travel, adventure, new places, maybe a biker bar….
Please keep up the posts.
@Betty Cracker: Alamosa CO is a nice town also. A beautiful spot, with great flat walking, a park along the Rio Grande. Great Sand Dunes National Park is 30 minutes away, on the west slope of the Front Range. And although Alamosa is in a “dry” county, you can get some really good stuff in Fort Garland. My kind of place.
There are no Hillbilly and Me classes in Missouri?
@Tony Jay: I agree. So many cliches apply — It ain’t over til it’s over; it ain’t over until the Fat Orange sings: shit happens; etc.
@Baud: It’s more formally referred to as “Divorce Court.”
@Tony Jay: One problem we have is that one of the leading Democratic candidates isn’t really a Democrat, and that person’s followers have spent the campaign season calling other candidates snakes and rats. It’s harder to unify behind someone like that. Oh, and that person’s followers tried to kneecap our last nominee for president at the convention!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: RE:Snakes. I was reading a 538 discussion in which the team was discussing how the narrowing of the field might encourage Warren supporters to vote for Bernie as the last best progressive chance. I wondered if they had any idea whatsoever what Warren supporters generally think of Bernie.
Don Beal
I was a strong supporter of Eugene McCarthy in 1968. Then the Famous Democratic Convention in Chicago robbed him of the nomination and gave it to Humphrey. The results crippled the democrats for many years. Just sayin.
@Don Beal:
Cool. Do McGovern next.
@Don Beal:
Bernie Sanders is no Eugene McCarthy.
more respect for the (my second) hometown guy. Word around here is that Pete suspended his campaign when he did not just to help consolidate around Biden, but also so that his campaign staffers would be able to get a month’s severance and health care coverage while they look for new jobs out of the finances he had left. ?
I was a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Then Bernie Sanders invented a conspiracy theory about the how he was robbed of the nomination. The results made Donald Trump president. Just sayin.
@debbie: yeah, Eugene had actual friends and people skills. And was a nice guy. All qualities Shouty McGrumpyfingers lacks.
Alamosa CO is very good for birdwatching also. Plenty of “passerines”, and close by are several large refuges that are layover stops for large migratory birds. Alamosa has a Crane Festival every April.
“what a missed opportunity our voters had with Warren.”
Perhaps, but she aided and abetted them in missing this opportunity. As John Greenleaf Whittier said, “For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been’.”
Betty Cracker
@Tony Jay: That’s how I’m looking at it. If Warren is still in on 3/17 when I get to vote, I’m voting for her.
I don’t really understand how voters make decisions in a parliamentary system since I’ve never participated in one. But this current election is unusual because it’s 90% fear-driven. I get the sense voters are trying to be strategic with their choices as in a parliamentary system, only without the expectation of horse-trading on policy, roles, etc., that go along with that.
That strikes me as a bad way to make decisions and an explanation for why it’s coming down to two old geezers with significant electability issues.
@Baud: On/in every hill and holler but she still corrects my pronunciation of old Ozark place names like “Courtois” and “Fourche au Renault” like I was in Europe or something.
@Mai naem mobile: @Quinerly: Seconding the Cumbres and Toltec trip. Best done mid-to-late-September, when the Aspens and other trees are turning. Also, NM 17 winds around the route of the train, and there are lots of folks stopping at crossings taking photos. The round trip takes the better part of a day.
Oh hell, Morning Joe crew feeling so bad about Chris Matthews. Mike Barnicle really made me feel stabby. Of course, he’d defend Tweety the most. So tired of old white guys who are completely unaware how misogynistic and sexist they are towards women and have no interest in learning that they sound like assholes.
@satby: He’ll never make it in the world of business with that kind of attitude.
This makes it sadder that he’s out, but what a nice guy!
I’m a Warren supporter. I’ve been so disappointed that people don’t see that she has the good things Sanders has without all of his awful baggage, and a much better temperament to boot. She would be 10 times the president that Biden or Sanders would be. Misogyny in the Democratic Party is still a real thing.
I saw some stuff on Kurt Eichenwald’s Twitter feed yesterday about Republican oppo research on Sanders he said he’s seen that made my hair curl. I know they’ll say bad things about any of our candidates, but with Sanders they don’t have to make any of it up. He said he saw a video clip of Sanders at a Sandinista rally in Nicaragua in 1985 where they were chanting “Death to Yankees”. Sanders wrote a fictional story about a woman enjoying being raped by 3 men. He didn’t even mention anything about Russia. Sanders people will talk about context, and my retort to that is that no one is going to put those things in context any more than they put Hillary’s “deplorable” comment in context.
I saw someone here said something I agree with – given the choice I’d rather vote for the person Trump was wiling to be impeached over rather than the person the Russians are promoting.
@Immanentize: According to some idiot on CNN yesterday, it isn’t over until someone “gets the ball over the finish line”. #brainexplode
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
I early voted for Warren yesterday. Happy for it, don’t regret it in the slightest. She would make a fantastic President.
I’m ready to vote Biden in the general if he is the nominee. Fuck Sanders.
Ben Cisco
Reporting from Alabama:
I cast my vote for Warren this morning. There were lines outside prior to opening. Mothers with children in tow, elderly parents being helped (to walk in some cases) by their children. In the rain. It was heartening to see.
Here’s a link to the thread where I saw the oppo stuff, if anyone’s interested in looking at it. https://twitter.com/kurteichenwald/status/1234541257051037696 I can’t believe so many people are willing to gamble this election on a candidate who has never been through a really challenging election before.
I still feel very good about casting my early vote for Warren.
Tony Jay
‘Zaktly. This is not a horserace. It’s not even a wrestling cage-match (though the Media dearly wishes it could script the whole affair) It’s a national conversation where the vast majority of those involved haven’t had a chance to speak. It’s not like they’re going to move the date of the General Election forward if Democrats finish early. There’s time for everyone to have their say.
@satby: Awesome.
Tony Jay
All of that’s true, and believe me I know how hard it can be putting an X in the box for someone you consider to be little more than half a ton of chimp shit in an ill-fitting human skin, but at the end of the day your Election comes down to a big long list of candidates with a (D) next to their name and the one at the top has vs Trump, Donald (R) next to that.
You do what you have to do to win that battle and then start fighting all over again to win the next.
@trnc: Sorta like how they analyzed their biased coverage of Hillary Clinton.Media not so reflective when the candidates are women. Sigh.
@Tony Jay: Yep, that’s absolutely true. Every time I hear Trump did something especially awful and repellent, I want to ask the Bernie people if they’re still happy that they preserved their “purity” by not voting for “that monster Hillary”. Are they still proud about how much trouble they stirred up for her at the Democratic convention?
@Immanentize: oh how I envy you your parental firsts. Launching a young almost adult and instilling a sense of civic obligation and going to the polls together and discussing the merits of candidates and ballot measures – enjoy!
Ben Cisco
@Soprano2: Yes they are. Just like their fascist right counterparts, they will go to their graves denying that they were wrong.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven Onthill: VAWA, dumbass.
@Tony Jay: Don’t try to make sense of it. Some people need certainty NOW, even at the price of angst and despair.
@Immanentize: “Young” journalists/pundits (that is, those under 40) generally seem to be in the tank for Sanders, and it is difficult for them to imagine anyone having problems with Bernie and voting for someone else. For them, Warren is just “Sanders-lite”, so even if that’s your preference, you’ll get most of what you want with “Sanders original formula”. They don’t see that Warren voters have looked at Sanders and found him wanting in character, temperament, and ability to get anything done besides puff himself up, and that “Sanders original formula” is precisely what they don’t want.
I’m starting to believe that there is a large overlap between the group of primary voters who think their vote is “wasted” if their candidate loses and the group of people who think it’s pointless to vote, because the election is already decided.
Amen! I’ll be voting for her in a couple weeks as well if she’s still in.
My candidate dropped out a while ago, so I feel your pain and angst. I have my new current candidate, apparently the same one democratic black women will vote for on Super Tuesday. Since all three major candidates are in their 70s (as I am), I’m looking for a VP candidate in their 50s, who would be ready on Day #1. ‘They’ are out there and ready to serve.
@PJ: Way too many people think that it’s not relevant to consider non-policy aspects of a candidate.
As if managerial ability, flexibility of response and personnel selection are unimportant.
You know, at this stage I’m legitimately torn. Do I vote for Warren because she’s my ideal number 1 pick, or do I vote for Biden because he’s the most likely actual Democratic candidate to win? Up until a few days ago I’d have said Warren all the way but I’m having a hard time seeing her winning the primary.
Honestly, if Biden and Warren could just come out and say that he’ll be President and she’ll be his VP for 4 to 8 years before running for President herself they’d make my choice a lot easier. I doubt it’ll happen, but if it did that sort of scenario would completely gut Sanders support
Also, for the record, I’m 35 and under PJ’s “young pundits” line. I definitely see a lot of my contemporaries a starry eyed for Sanders. I don’t get it, because he’s essentially a combination of Grandpa Simpson and Wernstrom and I’ve had enough of the contrived platitudes with a mean undertone to last a lifetime, but maybe that’s all your fault. You’re keeping me sane-ish.
@PenAndKey: I don’t get to vote until March 17. If Warren clearly has no chance of winning by that time, I’ll definitely vote Biden to stop Bernie.
But if I got to vote today? I would vote Elizabeth Warren in a heartbeat! Because today is the day when – if people vote their hearts – it could change everything.
@WaterGirl: As long as she will take delegates in your state, a vote for Warren is an effective anti-Sanders vote.
@snoey: Good point. I’m not sure how we know that, though, when the matchup between polling and voting results has been so abysmal this year. Do you?
@WaterGirl: I’m pretty sure she’s good with us Massholes. If the polling is right at 15 thats different. Also think polls will stabilize a bit with less low adhesion candidates.