Am I the only one who’s loving this:
This gave me a good laugh. I’m still voting for Warren if she’s in the race when New York’s primary rolls around.
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Am I the only one who’s loving this:
This gave me a good laugh. I’m still voting for Warren if she’s in the race when New York’s primary rolls around.
Comments are closed.
I’m still voting for Warren in IL, if she’s in, not least to thank her for destroying Michael Bloomberg. This will make the next billionaire think twice before he sets his money on fire in a presidential primary and that will be good for the republic.
Eric NNY
I’m voting for her as well. Maybe even if she’s not in it.
I’m hoping to vote for Warren in NY, but considering the strategic value of a Biden vote.
Just asking, did she get 15% anywhere yesterday?
GA primary is the 24th although early voting has already started. I’ll probably wait until the 24th and plan on voting for Biden. At this point he is the only one who can stop the bern.
I may vote on Election Day this year. It’s been years since I did that, largely because Chicago makes it easy to vote early, but events have shown that it sometimes pays to wait and see.
Betty Cracker
Here’s a tweet that sums up the Bloomberg situation pretty well:
Also planning to vote for Warren in a couple of weeks. Biden will win the Florida primary handily, but I want to register demand for more candidates like Warren with my vote.
John S.
@Betty Cracker: I too will be voting for Warren in Florida, because I really like her and think she is the best candidate. But I will happily vote for Biden in the election.
Carrying this up from downstairs:
When I turned eighteen I couldn’t wait to get in the voting booth, and most of my friends felt the same way.
Patricia Kayden
Looking forward to Bloomberg dropping out and financially supporting Biden.
Betty Cracker
@John S.: I will happily vote against Trump!
@Betty Cracker: So a protest vote? Those don’t usually work out well.
@eclare: Warren got 15% or over in Colorado, Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, and Utah according to the current list at the NYTimes.
Bernie made a big financial investment yesterday also. Maybe voters are looking for boring, which isn’t all bad.
John S.
@Betty Cracker: Here’s to hoping enough of our fellow Floridians will do the same. I do feel very strongly that Biden can peel off enough support outside of the blue enclave here in South Florida to pull that off.
@eclare: CO, ME, MN, UT
ETA 36 delegates
@Jinchi: Thank you! Just wanted the info.
Patricia Kayden
John S.
@JPL: I can tell you that my work life eerily mirrors politics in that I have been dealing with a Trumpian style lunatic running things for a while now – to similar effect.
What I wouldn’t give to have a bland and boring person restore things back to normalcy.
I am thrilled that Biden had a great night, but this picture makes me sad.
One of these things is not like the others, in more ways than one.
@Patricia Kayden:
They can’t win fair elections.
Bloomberg has turned out to be ‘way dumber than I’d thought. There must be some sort of mechanism that lowers your IQ when you’ve got more money than you know what to do with. Time for him to get explicitly on the Republican never-Trump train and do some good.
I just read that “Bloomberg is considering dropping out, as early as Wednesday.” Ya think?
Time to put your money where your mouth is.
It probably won’t happen, but it would be really nice to see Warren come in second to Biden in a few upcoming primaries, so Bernie gets a clearer sense of his actual support.
Joe Falco
Like JPL, I’ll be voting in GA’s primary on the 24th. I’m voting Warren if she’s still in the race by then. Hell, I voted for Bernie 4 years ago in that primary (which was on the Super Tuesday of that cycle if I remember right) because that’s who I wanted to see in the White House at the time. I’ll vote the same way like I did then vote for whoever gets the nomination. At this point, I wish Georgia and other states would hold their presidential primary at the same time as their state and local primary races and save time and energy.
Question for everyone wanting Bloomberg to drop out and put all his financial support behind the nominee – can he do that as an individual? Or would he have to establish a PAC (or contribute to an established PAC)? Or can he individually legally just run ads ripping into Trump, without mentioning the Democratic nominee?
John S.
@WaterGirl: I think Biden runs away with this thing if he makes Harris his VP. It would also set things up nicely for 2024 and beyond since it is pretty likely that if Biden wins, he’s a one term caretaker president whose primary mission is to restore order and normalcy to government.
Betty Cracker
@eclare: It’s a primary, so no, not a protest vote, an expression of preferences. In the general, I’ll vote for the Democratic nominee.
Last night I listened to the Obama bros podcast (Pod Save America) from Monday night. Pete, Amy, Biden, Bernie.
I was listening in bed, so I drifted in and out as i was falling asleep, but I started again every time I woke up and I swear I did not hear one word about Warren in the whole thing. Obama bros, you guys are pissing me off.
Just got an email from Elizabeth Warren asking for phone bank volunteers for Illinois. So I don’t think she’s dropping out any time soon. I want to see her on the next debate stage for sure. And with Bernie’s health issues, I think she should stay in as long as she has the money to do it..
@John S.:
My purely speculative hunch is that he will choose Booker for the Veep.
@John S.: My personal hope for Biden’s VP is Stacey Abrams.
I like Harris just fine, but I think Stacey Abrams would boost turnout like nothing we’ve seen before.
John S.
@Baud: That could work, too. Makes for good alliteration – Biden/Booker.
@different-church-lady: When I turned 18 I was living in Canada and didn’t get back in time to register for the 76 election.
I go to the polls in a week. Looking at the results it is hard to dismiss the fact that if Bloomberg hadn’t been in the race, Biden would have had a much better day. To a lesser extent, the same can be said for Warren. Whether I like it or not (I don’t) it’s a Bernie/Biden race. I don’t have any idea what the polls say about Misery but come next Tuesday I’ll be voting Biden.
I love EW and when she drops out I’ll send her a few more $s to help her retire her campaign debt, but I have to put my vote where I think it will do the most good.
@Patricia Kayden: Working as designed.
John S.
@WaterGirl: That would truly be an inspired pick. I guess we will find out soon enough.
Dorothy A. Winsor
There was an amazing difference between reactions to Bloomberg’s ads and reactions to seeing him try to answer questions and debate. I don’t know if money makes people dumb, but it probably insulates them from consequences for things like obvious arrogance or a gap in their knowledge. Trump is more malevolent example of the same thing.
Interesting to look at how Klobuchar’s endorsement of Biden helped him out. Before she left the campaign, she was polling at 29% in Minnesota, with Sanders running second at 23% and Warren and Biden a distant 3rd and 4th at 11% and 8%.
Current totals have Biden winning at 39%, Sanders 30%, Warren 15%.
I know Biden owes a lot of his success tonight to his victory in S.C., but Klobuchar’s endorsement was worth at least one state.
Chris Johnson
@WaterGirl: Yeah, but we can’t give up. Persist.
You know even if Biden absolutely clobbers Trump in the general election, he’s not got much beyond ‘uncle Joe’ for policy and what he HAS had is pretty awful, so it’s close to a clean slate. If we gotta have a bobblehead we can have one who is a cloak over SAVING US ALL, and I believe that is possible.
I’m also sure the Russian trolls will stage a kamikaze for Bernie, up to and including telling them to vote for Trump as an expression of outrage. What I don’t know is how many Bernie voters will do what I DID and figure out the problem there… and feel cheated, burned by their association. I think that will drive a Warren vote, though I’m far from sure she can come from behind and snatch the nomination.
Bernie is NOT the only Left. Biden is not necessarily as Right as he’s always appeared: he is a loyalty and personality driven politician. If the Democratic party abandons being Trump Lite, as we are, Joe will represent what we are (maybe with some gaffes) and will not have some sort of strong coherent ideological agenda that hurts us.
@Chris Johnson:
That is truly a ridiculous statement.
Major Major Major Major
As somebody who thinks Biden would be a better president than Sanders or Bloomberg, I’m pleased with last night’s results.
@WaterGirl: I listened to it yesterday, and they did talk about Warren. They didn’t seem to believe she had a realistic path to the nomination, which unfortunately is probably true. They’ve been pretty good about talking about all the nominees, although I don’t think they mentioned Tulsi.
I swear, I’m breathing better for the first time since voting started in Iowa. It’s not going to be the coronation Bernie’s cult members thought it would. I heard a story on NPR this morning about Bernie visiting Alan Gross, who was a political prisoner in Cuba while Obama was president. He said that Bernie said he didn’t understand why so many people criticized Cuba! He said this to a man who was accused of being a spy by Cuba, and tortured by them! These stories need to get out NOW!!!
Betty Cracker
@Baud: He might, and Booker is a good campaigner and seems like a good guy. But IMO, he wouldn’t be a great VP choice for two reasons: he’s a man, and he’s got a reputation for backing fairly centrist, Wall Street friendly policies. Uniting the party is going to be extremely important, and I don’t think Booker does that.
@Jinchi: Team effort.
That’s crazy, but unfortunately deliberate. I always enjoyed going to the polls to vote, but never had to wait more than 10 minutes to cast a ballot. The last few elections, I’ve switched to casting mail-in ballots, mainly so that I can vote as I do research on proposals and candidates for lower offices. But having to wait hours in line would make it a no-brainer, so I wondered where Texas stood on that.
Apparently, it’s barely possible to cast a ballot by mail in the lone star state.
@Baud: I think he’ll go with Harris due to people he’s close to. Dr. Biden will push for a female VP and Obama likes Sen. Harris.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Harris would be a smart pick.
My Twitter poll closes in 37 minutes, you still have time to vote if you haven’t so far.
Will vote Warren when the primaries get here.
Deeply disappointed, not only for the entrenched misogyny, but in the knowledge that there is little to no chance a Biden admin will go after Drumpf and his enablers. Which means the next tinshit dictator, who will probably be smarter and competent, will have precedent to help them achieve what Orangymandias could not. There will be no punishment for Barr, perjury will no longer be an issue for Supreme Court nominees…I’ll vote for Biden, but it’s like putting a bandaid on leprosy. The rot will probably speed up. Warren or Harris would have tried to bring accountability. That’s over. The GOP will skate consequence-free again. God I wish I could get drunk.
But at least we won’t have any of those nasty lady bits cluttering up the Oval Office.
@Betty Cracker:
I doubt there’s any single Veep candidate that checks all the boxes. My hunch is mostly a based on Bookers vitality and strength as a campaigner and it’s easy for me to see how he complements Biden.
But many voters didn’t see Warren like I did, so I don’t put a lot of stock in my own predictions and suggestions.
Joe Biden has always sought to be at the midpoint of the spectrum of Democratic Party opinion. That midpoint has shifted to the left, and so will he. But as we saw yesterday, that midpoint hasn’t moved THAT much to the left. I am sorry Warren didn’t do better, and the reasons she didn’t are not very flattering to the party or the electorate at large, but those are the breaks. I can live with Biden as the nominee, and I suspect all but the most virulent fringe of Sanders’ supporters can do the same.
@Chris Johnson: Joe Biden wasn’t anywhere near my top pick, and there are probably half a dozen people I would have preferred over Biden.
He may not be as progressive as I like but he’s a democrat, through and through, with principles. He is not an empty suit.
For the record, there’s no evidence that I’ve seen that Bernie would have either. Kamala and Warren were the only two who were good on this issue.
Or progressives for that matter. She was in that lane and had she won it, she might be in a better position now.
@JMG: Well, we generally believe in the value of the Overton Window, no? I think Warren’s effect on the leftward arc of the Democratic Party might prove to be in her plans themselves — She proved that real left looking policy was not just sloganeering, but is doable.
I don’t. I hate the Overtime Window theory. I was it would DIAF.
@Baud: Amy K too. She would turn every question into an attack on the Orange One. Women get it. I think Biden needs a female VP. The resistance has been led by women, it would be only fitting if he chose a woman.
I am with you entirely. And yet here I am today, feeling actual relief at his wins.
@Baud: I fixed it…
ETA. How does one kill a theory in a fire? Does it have to be a whole Reichstag all at once?
Chris Johnson
@Melusine: I don’t think so. I said ‘abandoning being Trump Lite, as we are’. We are abandoning that. We are abandoning the idea of letting the perps skate if they’re male, white and rich. We are abandoning the idea that we can bullshit our way through increasingly horrific crises. And I think we’re abandoning our naivete that we’re in a nonphysical war with Russia that has physical consequences.
We are abandoning that within our party which is Trump Lite, which is ‘business as usual’, because we have no choice: we’re out of time. Selecting Biden as a ‘leader’ doesn’t change that. Do you see that guy as someone who is going to crusade tirelessly for some of the bullshit he used to support? Not happening. His cabinet will be the important thing, and the cabinet will be 2020 Democrats, not 1990 Democrats.
@Baud: Look at the MA map the towns where she was the top vote getter can be counted on the fingers of your hand.
It’s easy to vote where I am, but I’m lazy and mailed in a vote for Warren well before Super Tuesday. There seem to be Sanders people down in Sarasota, but I think they’re more loud than numerous. Started getting text messages from Berners yesterday looking for money; they hadn’t done that before, so I figure all is not well in Sandersland. Assume Biden will crush it here on St. Paddy’s Day. Now I can go back to worrying about how fast the coronavirus is going to spread in Manatee County.
@Immanentize: Not sure but I’m working on it.
@Chris Johnson: May I just say as an immigrant whose family is directly affected by the Orange One’s policies that this is a load of bullshit. Democrats are not Republican lite forget T-lite.
Chris Johnson
@Baud: Warren’s not gone. She has delegates, and she can think. I trust whatever she does, and I’m betting she is going to take her delegates to the convention so that she can represent for her policy, rather than some desperate move to win the whole thing.
She’s also our insurance policy for in case either of the older than Bill Clinton and George Bush frontrunners keel over or get coronavirus, which thanks to our political situation is something we do have to consider even while we charge forward into the woodchipper. (don’t worry, the Republicans are already halfway into their own respective woodchipper, they’re substantially worse off in many ways)
@schrodingers_cat: Do you mean “hands?”
Chris Johnson
@schrodingers_cat: We are abandoning it. Anything resembling Trump policy is becoming increasingly politically impossible for Dems to adopt. We are going to be completely NOT ‘republican lite’ by the convention (with a pile of russian trolls insisting we are exactly that, because that’s what they’ve planned to do all along. Find the fractures and drive wedges)
Chris Johnson
@rikyrah: This is definitely the year to get behind what black voters want, and make it work.
I once saw a bumper sticker that really tickled me: ”Mediocre people are always at their best.” Kind of a putdown, but also a compliment regarding reliability. I wouldn’t call Joe Biden a mediocre person, but I think he is kind of mediocre as a politician. That’s not a big problem for me. It would be great to have the inspirational rhetoric of Obama, and good to have the facile empathy of Bill Clinton. But I think Biden is up to the task at hand.
@Chris Johnson:
Just want to say that as long as you keep repeating the bullshit, we’re going to keep calling it out. You can decide if that’s what you want your comments to be about.
@rikyrah: I can smell Susan Collins’ flop sweat from Boston.
Good news for those of us rooting for injuries on the other side.
Sessions headed to runoff in Alabama GOP Senate race; Roy Moore won’t make it
Trump spent yesterday trashing the man who was the first sitting Senator to endorse his presidential bid and continues to grovel to this day.
Tuberville had 33.4 percent and Sessions took 31.6 percent
6.8 percent of voters had cast ballots for Roy Moore.
Chris Johnson
@Baud: I’m never sure who are the trolls, but if I’m not making them mad I’m doing something wrong :)
Also, this is Balloon Juice: being called an asshole means you’re posting on Balloon Juice. I voted against Bernie in the primary, what more do ya want? :D
@Chris Johnson: There really aren’t that many black voters in that Maine district, doncha know?
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: I heard somebody last night saying if Biden wins in November, Jim Clyburn can be Secretary of Whatever He Wants.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I really want the lawbreakers and scoff-laws in the Trump administration to pay a price. Are we a country of laws or not? Maybe state prosecutors will continue their cases. And aren’t there indictments against Trump ready to drop when he leaves office?
TS (the original)
They are both still in the Senate & with a democratic President & democratic senate who knows what they may yet do.
@Immanentize: ewwww
Chris Johnson
@Immanentize: Making nice with rikyrah, who I think is a black voter? It just happens to be on a report rikyrah posted about a Maine election where the Dem won big in a formerly Trump district. Good news.
@Jinchi: But current Senator Jones (D) went to Alabama, not Auburn. Roll Tide!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I know, it’s really unpleasant, but it does smell like victory.
I think there are quite a few long term employees of the DOJ who agree with you.
@Gin & Tonic:
Medal of Freedom. Wash the Rush stink right off of it.
@Immanentize: That made me laugh and for that I say thank you!
I has a sad. :-(
@Gin & Tonic: I have a feeling that Clyburn 1 is happy where he is (sitting pretty at #3) and 2 gets a huge say in who will be VP.
And Bloomberg estimated to carry more delegates than Warren. Of course. How can a dynamic, accomplished, experienced, intelligent woman hope to compete against an old racist white dude with dozens of NDA’s? Christ people suck. Most diverse field everNOPE only old white dudes, those are the only people who can possibly have anything to offer, preferably really old white dudes with serious health concerns – uteruses right out! We’ll just keep pretending a woman can’t possibly win the presidency even though one ALREADY DID until we talk everyone out of voting for one and guarantee she can’t win!! Cause only very old white men can be trusted to tell us what to do goddamn uppity bitches need to keep their mouths shut.
Maybe Americans aren’t grown up enough to survive.
I am so far beyond disgusted I can’t even see straight. Think I’ll check out for the rest of the day before my loathing for my fellow “countrymen” makes me vomit.
Well, well…Here’s the New York Time take “Democrats Decide That Joe Biden, as Risky as He Ever Was, is the Safest Bet”.
Haha. They parody themselves. They’ll probably send two dozen reporters to Ukraine now.
Betty Cracker
@Cameron: Looks like the only question for Florida is how badly Biden whups Sanders, and that margin probably depends on whether Bloomberg bails or not. Sanders was always going to get curb-stomped in Florida because socialism. Haven’t heard anything about early voting levels, have you?
@OzarkHillbilly: But ol’ Roy was for the 10 Commandments! (white power!). Some of those ‘bama folks have been voting for him steady for three decades.
Ego inflated in proportion to accumulated billions.
According to my hand counting (I didn’t put the WashPost Chart in Excel, so I could be off in my counting) EW won 12 towns in MA so far so two hands and some toes. This is with more than 80% precincts reporting. HRC won MA in the primary in 2016 so it can’t be all boiled to misogyny. We also have a female state rep and a female state senate memberin my neck of the woods. But EW did not win here, except for a couple of towns.
She failed to preach beyond her choir. My town like many others in Western Mass went for BS.
Call it the Overtone Window, creeping normality, zeitgeist, cultural evolution, or whatever else you like but it’s a very real phenomenon in social psychology and politics. Hell, the Biden of today is to the left of first term Obama just as a recent memory and that’s only a little over a decade of time. It’s even more obvious when you look back a generation or two and compare it to now.
@Baud: Agreed, this commenter will always be applejinx to me. Fortunately, I think he’s still young so maturity may come some day. After all, he’s at least moved on from his Bernie-thrall of 2016.
I didn’t realize those two were the same people.
I don’t have time to get into it, but that application if the Overton Window is as completely useless as saying nothing stays the same.
They have identified themselves as such.
@Betty Cracker: No, I haven’t. The few other people I know who told me they’d be voting by mail were all waiting for Super Tuesday. I don’t know anybody who took advantage of in-person early voting, though the first year I was here I did that and saw a fair number of other people. Will check the Supervisor of Election’s website later today to see if there’s anything up there.
George Papadopoulos is currently in 8th place with a total of 1,297 votes in his bid for the CA-25 House seat.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I think there will be more appetite to go after the corruption than there was previously. There were clear felonies committed, and the superficial “bipartisan” veneer that politicians like Biden put up is more to appeal to the low-info types (i.e. most voters) that just want Congress and politics in general to be less acrimonious. All of the Democrats are pretty clear how close we’ve gotten to the cliff.
@Baud: well, everything stayed the same for Bernie!
Betty Cracker
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I can usually join in the NYT bashing with gusto, but where’s the lie in that headline? Biden has baggage; that’s just reality. Despite that, primary voters seem to have decided he’s the safest bet. Seems fair to me to interpret the ping-ponging in the polls as a search for safety.
@Betty Cracker:
The NYT doesn’t have to lie to spin the facts against Democrats.
Gin & Tonic
A brutal tweet here.
The “Overton window” may be overhyped in the media, largely by clueless idiots who don’t understand the phenomenon, but that doesn’t change that it’s an observable thing. You not liking the underlying theory, or thinking it’s a pointless observation, doesn’t change that it happens.
@Gin & Tonic: Brutal. But also funny.
Gin & Tonic
@Major Major Major Major:
As somebody who thinks Warren would be a better president than Biden, Sanders or Bloomberg, I’m disappointed with last night’s results.
Why I don’t listen to them anymore. I don’t think they realize how much of a testosterone fest they are. It’s their “normal.”
@Betty Cracker: Risky? Compared to who? That’s my point, they all have baggage.
@Gin & Tonic: Heh, dude even was up on the TV machine with ads.
@Baud: He’s getting some positive spin from the Washington Post.
I imagine Trump will have a meltdown if he learns people are crediting Biden for a surging stock market.
I voted for Warren yesterday. And I think that a Biden-Warren ticket would be the strongest (for Sanders’ supporters) and most sensible (for governing). But she finished a distant third in her own state, gaining just a fifth of the vote. My personal thought is that in destroying Bloomberg, as some put it, she helped destroy herself by reinforcing the usual sexist trope. For example, my partner couldn’t stand her Trump-like attacks on others (my partner’s term) and voted for Biden.
Chris Johnson
@Jinchi: That at least will make it all worthwhile :D
As much as I hate all of that, seeing it brutalize Trump’s psyche is lovely. He really believes in that stuff. The markets, capitalism, all that. He will go berserk.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chris Johnson:
good lord
Betty Cracker
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Depends on which group you’re looking at. If it’s Biden, Sanders and Bloomberg, I agree all have similarly massive amounts of baggage. If you go back to the original Dem field, lots of candidates had less baggage.
Not wasting a click on the article, but if the premise is that Dems were very recently casting about for a safer choice than Biden but then returned to him as the safe bet, that seems like a reasonable interpretation and a legit political phenomenon to explore. YMMV.
And Bloomberg is not some random vanity billionaire with a yen to be president. He ran the largest city in the country, larger than 38 states, for twelve years; a city with issues that no governor has to face, like the local education of a million kids. Also keep in mind that the last three New York City mayors have run for president, so his running is no fluke.
Now back to the usual bashing of the person who contributed more to 2018 than any other person, whose many ads in my media market helped elect two freshman female representatives, flipping long-held Republican seats. (Recall I voted for Warren.)
Senseless hand biting.
Win Florida in the general and PA, MI, WI become secondary. Also winning there after Trump moves there – priceless.
Mr. Mack
Bloomberg Out.
@Mr. Mack: Good.
Joe Falco
@Mr. Mack: Well, there goes at least a third of the current TV ads I see nightly.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
they talked about her, said she’s got a solid base, raised $35M last month, and said there’s no reason for her drop out. They’re definitely become too Bernie-curious for my taste– Bernie’s attacks on Biden are fair, that’s what primaries are all about, but Biden’s critiques of Bernie, as in “not a Democrat” are ‘unhelpful’. They’ve had Warren on the podcast several times, more than Bernie. Biden won’t come on. I wonder if he’s heard through the grapevine about them mocking him
@Baud: No they’ll scour diners in heartland college towns to ask Bernie supporters how they feel. Since Baquet mea culpa’d about badly NYT missed the story about Trump voters and vowed that their voices would be heard will NYT do the same for Biden voters? Hillary voters? Oh I crack myself up
Just not Overtune, which is the overuse of Autotune. Hurts my ears. After Cher did it, everyone had to do it.
Lacuna Synecdoche
You and me both. Pretty sure we won’t be the only ones.
Just to put this on record, since it’s possible people are getting the wrong impression from some of my other posts: I like Biden and Sanders. I just think they’re both way too old for the job. So, if either of them are the nominee, of course I’ll vote for them. Maybe not enthusiastically – I worry about how it’s going to play out four years down the line – but I won’t be holding my nose to vote for them either.
That said, I still think it’s insane for the party to coalesce around two candidates who would both be octogenarians before finishing their first term.
Original Lee
If it had to be Biden, I want Abrams as VP. I like Harris OK, but every time I see Abrams speak, I get excited and inspired.