Heard on audio stream of CNN. She will announce to staff then a public Q&A with media outside her Cambridge home.
As we all feared post-Super Tuesday…
ETA: FUNYT Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/05/us/politics/elizabeth-warren-drops-out.html?action=click&module=Alert&pgtype=Homepage
Open Thread
I like her in the senate, but as VP I would like the two P options a lot more.
Thanks, Alain. Sad day, even if expected.
She will be missed, especially on the debate stage. Warren added to the discussion.
Expected but still a bummer.
I wonder if she is going to actually endorse Biden or Bernie.
Ahhhhhhh. I knew it was coming. It still sucks.
I hope she doesn’t endorse anyone.
Reposting from downstairs: Really bummed about Warren, but also really excited to see the reactions of the BernieBros when the first post-Warren polls come out and they realize most of her supporters went to Biden.
dr. bloor
Bleh. I hope she doesn’t endorse either Statler or Waldorf.
Goddamnit. Someone tell me this isn’t the worst-case scenario: Trump is still president, and two white guys who are even older than him are running to replace him.
Ohio Mom
A punch in my gut, even though not surprised. Also wished for one more debate.
dr. bloor
@rp: Speak for yourself. I’m eager to Feel the Bern after having my intelligence, humanity, and patriotism dragged through the Vermont swamp over these many months.
A Ghost To Most
@rp: yep.
@Baud: Yeah, I’m not surprised but deeply saddened. My second was Harris, originally, and Biden earned that spot with his town hall a few weeks ago. His depth of emotion and his values are good, and he brings folks together – always has, for the good and bad – to get things done.
I hope she’ll stay in the Senate until the timing is right, and I’d love to see her in the cabinet. VP, I think I’d really like to see Abrams or Harris. In many ways, Harris would be the bestest AG to go after the crooks and fascist criminals, so I guess my preferred VP is Abrams.
Well fuck. Sad to see it. She was the Bactine for a nation too long ‘feeling the Bern’. Now we are really down to two near octogenarians with health issues. Hello Team any name next to the D.
Damn. She was clearly the most qualified. It would have been a pleasure to hear her eviscerate Trump the way that she eviscerated Bloomberg.
We owe her a big debt of gratitude for saving the Democratic Party from oligarchy.
I hope she’s the VP.
Raoul Paste
It’s going to be a boring cold open for Saturday night live now.
I had hoped she would stay in but most likely her funding will go down after the recent results
@dr. bloor: I’m ready to Burn the Bern again. I hope once Biden gets a majority of delegates, he shuts out all the Sandernistas from any meaningful DNC stuff. Those assholes turned the last convention into a shitshow; it can’t be allowed to happen again.
I guess no surprise considering this study that came out today on global misogyny.
I started with Harris. When she dropped out I moved to Warren. Now she’s out, so I’m officially Team Broken Glass.
But so it goes. I think I will leave instructions for my headstone to say, “Here lies Nicole who would like to remind you all that Hillary won the popular vote” since it’s likely the closest I’ll get to seeing a woman President.
Well, onwards and… in a straight line, I guess. Our old white guys are still better than the GOP’s old white guys. That’s about I can say right now. Obviously, I will still gladly vote for the Donkey in November.
West of the Rockies
Two older white guys with no experience from TV Land? Chris Matthews and Alec Baldwin?
Even if we win in November, there’s a good chance 2024 is an open election. Hopefully, the country will be in a better place by then.
hells littlest angel
Nevertheless, she persisted, with certain notable exceptions.
West of the Rockies
@West of the Rockies:
Actually, both of those cats may be younger than Trump.
I sent a text to EE’s team last night asking that she not throw in with BS.
joel hanes
Someone tell me this isn’t the worst-case scenario
This is not the worst-case scenario
Consider a choice between (choose two) Williamson Delaney Gabbard Bloomberg
West of the Rockies
@Raoul Paste:
Warren singing Hallelujah?
I’m sure the BJ front pagers will analyze and dissect the reasons for Warren’s failed campaign in a million different ways, but the simplest ones are these.
She’s a below average to average political talent in terms of charisma and appeal, and well below average as a political strategist.
Senator Professor Elizabeth Warren ran her campaign for All the Right Reasons. Her policy priorities were well reasoned, her focus was on what can and should be done to right the terrible wrongs visited on ordinary Americans by powerful monied interests. Her warmth, zeal and common touch were treated with contempt by the forces of status quo. Misogyny was and continues to be on full display – same as it ever fucking was.
She may be out of the running, but she ain’t running away. I’d back her in a bar fight. Her supporters will be hurting, and they deserve all the comfort we can muster.
Gin & Tonic
@Nicole: But hey, Tulsi’s still in.
Another Scott
@Baud: BusinessInsider:
He’ll probably be fine. Literally the Best Health Care in the World™ would be taking care of him (even with the stress).
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
What they did to DWS was shameful.
I’m not a bit surprised.
West of the Rockies
Ditto. But now I’m Team Harris for VP.
Wow. I wondered what Sanders might do.
This really saddens me, even though Warren had not been my first choice.
I think it may be good for the Democrats that she made her decision quickly, rather than drawing things out.
@Another Scott: Probably, but will he be healthy enough for a second term? I just said good chance.
@Baud: If I’m still here. Cancer recurrence and all. The first diagnosis happened one week before the 2016 election, and I remember thinking, “At least I lived to see a woman President.”
I’m also particularly salty because I just got a $600 bill for just my first week of radiation therapy which is in a goddamn in-network facility and is supposed to be covered so I don’t know what the fuck. This is with good private insurance, too. And I’ve had 4 weeks of therapy since then and have one more to go.
Fuck misogyny, fuck white supremacy, fuck 40 years of trickle down economics, fuck it all. Fuck fuck fuck.
I’ll be in better spirits tomorrow, but today I throw metaphorical things at the metaphorical wall. I won’t throw real things in case I have to pawn them to pay the damn radiation bill.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m envisioning Biden-Harris for a couple of years, followed by a graceful bowout by Biden.
You and I may get our eventual wish anyway!
Well, crap.
Glad I got to vote for her.
@Gin & Tonic: Thank you for literally making me laugh out loud. I really needed it. :)
From your lips…
randy khan
Yeah. The 2nd choice polling I’ve seen is not great for Sanders.
The irony is that, while Sanders talked about expanding the voter pool, it was Warren who got people who previously didn’t support progressives to move into her camp. It obviously never was going to happen, but I wonder what the election might have looked like if Sanders had declined to run and endorsed Warren, who supports the vast majority of what Sanders wants but isn’t him.
Gin & Tonic
@Another Scott:
So 50% chance he’s dead by 2024.
the Conster
Seemed inevitable with Sanders in her lane and in her way at all times. if she endorses him, she’s a fool. His campaign is now the Titanic. He won’t even reach viability in Florida. I hope she’s on the phone with Biden negotiating terms, and If I were Biden, I’d tell her to kick Bernie in the nuts for me, and then we’ll talk.
West of the Rockies
Always a kind word, always a gracious observation… Someone did a number on you at some point.
Here’s something trump retweeted:
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I can see going with Biden because he polls the best against Needy Imin, but it would have been nice if she was last progressive standing, not Mr Purity Pony.
zhena gogolia
But one of those white guys is a seasoned and ethical public servant who is not being promoted by V. V. Putin, in fact is strenuously opposed by VVP. That’s enough for me. We’re in a fight with fascism.
@Nicole: ?
joel hanes
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
DWS was not the satanic influence that she was made out to be by the performatively-lefty (and neither the DNC nor the DCCC are the Illuminati that some people apparently perceive them to be)
But IIRC she did protect Diaz-Balart and Ros-Lehtinen from being challenged by Democrats. That’s tolerable in an ordinary Representative from Florida, but a very bad mistake by the chair of one of the national Democratic organs.
@Nicole: {{{{{the Biggest HUG}}}}}.
Raise Cain with your provider. Fuck Cancer!
We can’t have nice things.
As soon as she articulated her positions she was my top choice and I think improved as the campaign progressed, as one would hope. Now it’s Joe or the shouty guy so Joe it is. I will consider a Biden presidency triage for dealing with Trump’s considerable damage.
My kid’s AP history class had a ballot Monday and Warren was the clear winner. They know.
West of the Rockies
Cyber hugs coming your way. I like your presence here. Stay strong.
Helluva thing to wake up to.
Damn moving finger done writ.
joel hanes
Let us know if we can help financially. Don’t pawn stuff.
We started off with Sen. Harris, switched to Sen. Warren, now, well, really only one choice in the Michigan primary next week – vote for Biden and hope he picks Kamala for VP.
As for Sen. Warren, I just hope she avoids Bernie like the plague.
We at least have Trump’s biggest fears realized. Just watch.
joel hanes
Her warmth, zeal and common touch were treated with contempt by the forces of status quo.
And by someone nymed “Cacti”
This is an enormous loss for the nation and the world.
Warren was head and shoulders above both Biden and Sanders in terms of intellect and gravitas.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@germy: I’m gonna guess Erin Ryan is a lot younger than I am if she plans to settle for a first woman president 25 years from now.
Felanius Kootea
Hope Biden puts some of her platform in his to broaden his appeal.
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: That’s not the way I read it. I read it as 50% chance to be dead in 2028. (More likely to still be alive in 2027, and even more likely to still be alive in 2026, etc.)
You can bet that as President, the odds would be in his favor even more. (Look at how they patched up Reagan after he was shot, his colon cancer, etc., etc.)
@Cacti: your misogynistic ass is hanging out there on full display for all to see. It’s not a good look.
Even though it was expected, I am heartbroken. It’s disheartening when you think about all the hoops women have to jump and all the unfair ways they are appraised vs their unworthy male counterparts.
i don’t understand how my fellow countrymen/women failed to see what I saw in her. Did she make mistakes, sure. But so did the two old men remaining. IMO, other than being sucked into the M4A vortex, she was by far the most gifted campaigner and the smartest.
ETA — I hope she doesn’t endorse anyone
I suppose we’re supposed to be grateful the insurance company employees have good jobs. We mustn’t disrupt their lives, after all.
@Nicole: I’m so sorry and I hope that you’re insurance company comes through.
@Wapiti: Me too. And it’s rather a good bet that she’ll persist in the Senate.
BC in Illinois
I’m going to keep my “Missouri for Warren” sign in my front yard for the next few days.
Then go on Tuesday and vote for Biden.
Joe Biden came to St Louis in 2016 to speak for Jason Kander and in 2018 to speak for Claire McCaskill. Yeah, I know we lost both of them, but he spoke (as I’ve said repeatedly) about the things that make us proud to be Democrats and he got me to go door to door for Jason Kander.
And I suck at going door to door.
This. It avoids a lot of “You have virtually zero mathematical chance for the nom, why are you still running? ” questions.
Biden-Abrams for Pres-VP + Harris for AG.
…and now or a fun strictly thought experiment just to see GOP heads explode.
-Hillary Clinton encore as Sec of State.
@BC in Illinois: I went back and looked at what he said about Klobuchar at his rally when she endorsed him. Very effusive. He’ll be great for down-ballot candidates.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@joel hanes:
It occurs to me that she was protecting those two because they were the best that could be expected to come from those districts, and could work with her on issues common between all three constituencies.
We’ll always have Tulsi.
@Another Scott: Yup. Those life expectancies are averages. It’s a fair bet that the president, with access to the absolute best healthcare on the planet, is on the high end of that probability curve considering the other side consists of people without any healthcare. Do I think he should consider his VP strongly because they’re more likely than not to actually have to fulfill their jobs purpose for existing? Sure, but I don’t consider it a disqualifying factor by any means.
Not for lack of trying, apparently.
@JPL: Literally.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It shouldn’t take that long. But at some point, thirty years from now or so, a candidate will mention meeting Warren as a child and making that vow.
Thank You EW. The next D president should put her in charge of regulating the financial markets IRS and SEC need an overhaul and more teeth.
I debated with myself over voting for Biden or Warren in MN primary. I voted for Warren when I got in the booth. I had a hunch MN would go for Biden and I just wanted to have my probably only chance to vote for her.
Now I am going to be stressing that Sanders might be the Dem nominee even though Biden is getting support from a lot of Dem legislators and donors. Sanders turns me off. I’m so tired of shouty, crochety old white guys. He also doesn’t seem to have a sense of humor that I have noticed.
BC in Illinois
@joel hanes: @laura:
In regard to your comments, my pie filter for the plant family Cactaceae has been put to use. I had been considering it. It was time to pie and move on.
Pundits were asking that before a single vote was cast!
dr. bloor
@randy khan:
Yep. Sanders’s grandiosity and inability to compromise were never going to let him recognize that a better champion was already in the race. I’m not holding my breath for any of his supporters to realize they fucked up by not backing a woman who agrees with 80% of his agenda, and would have advocated for it 10000% more effectively in office.
West of the Rockies
Well, maybe if she smiled more and wasn’t so shrill?//
@the Conster: Good advice for the Biden team.
EW was A+ in policy but not in politics.
@West of the Rockies:
@joel hanes:
Thanks guys; that really does make me feel better. And fortunately, my husband’s workplace includes a woman whose entire full-time job is dealing with these health insurance issues for the employees/families, so I sent the bill and the 3 page approval form off to her (said form including info that facility is in-network). So no pawning anything yet. ;)
the Conster
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Did you make that up? it’s genius. The only redeeming part of this nightmare we’re stuck in are some of the nicknames. Shaun King has several that kill me – Crooker T. Washington, Talcum X, Shames Fraudwin (lol) etc.
Just One More Canuck
@the Conster:
If she doesn’t want to do it, I will
BC in Illinois
I’m looking forward to this. Add in the Obamas . . . [and others!] . . . and we may be able to build a wave for the next eight months.
@Nicole: So sorry you’re going through this. Hard enough fighting cancer without having to deal with an insurance company. Hugs.
A Ghost To Most
@schrodingers_cat: She would be a badass AG, but the Senate will need her.
@Nicole: I think oftentimes, the bills simply reflect the delay in the paperwork for the insurance to pay. But it causes unnecessary stress to people who need to not be stressed.
I don’t remember feeling this positive about a candidate before, and this news brings me close to tears. Thank goodness she’s still in the Senate, and I don’t doubt she’ll be able to accomplish a great deal there. But dayum …
Gin & Tonic
@Another Scott: Diving a little deeper into the actuarial life tables, he has roughly a 22% probability of dying before the end of his first term. More precise calculations would take more time than I have now.
Guess I’m filling out my ballot for Biden, and there’s no reason not to drop it in the mail before the end of the week, even though our primary isn’t until the 17th.
Mai naem mobile
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
@joel hanes:
I was wondering what Dancing With The Stars had to do with the Democratic party when I first saw your comments – I was thinking Sean Spicer/Tom Delay…. Debbie Wasserman Schultz seems like such a long time ago.
Hungry Joe
She persisted until she determined that it was no longer in everyone’s best interest that she persist. I have no idea what she’ll do re endorsement, but I trust that her decision will be strategically wise.
I did a GOTV canvass for her (Dem households only) Tuesday afternoon, and my very small door-knock sample was a harbinger: A LOT more people said they voted, or were going to vote, for Biden or or Bloomberg than for Warren. The most common reason: “She’s too far out there.” Those words, exactly, from three different households.
randy khan
@the Conster:
That might not be a particularly difficult ask.
But I think Biden isn’t that guy. It would be more about how she can help him directly.
Matt Smith
@Alain: Every word you said, I feel exactly the same.
@Alain: Harris wants a political future, she won’t take AG(allegedly Obama already offered it to her).
Yes. Good look at the silver lining, and we press on.
Mr. Mack
@Nicole: I’m sure you know this (I didn’t at the time) but radiation effects are cumulative. I had chemo and radiation at the same time and I can tell you that you don’t need the added stress of sweating the bills…for now. David Anderson actually helped answer a few questions for me and I will always be grateful he took the time to answer my email. Sounds like you have someone at work watching your back and a good support system at home. You got this.
I am heartbroken.
Probably for the best, the damage she would have done to the old guys in another debate would have hurt the cause against trump while probably not moving the needle much on her winning the nomination. Still sucks, and I am proud I voted for her in SC.
the Conster
BINGO. I never could figure out her strategy, and if there was one, why she stuck to it. Did she get bad advice, or did she just follow her (bad) political instincts? I’ll be curious to read about the behind the scenes stuff.
Mai naem mobile
I am upset about Warren. The only silver lining I see is that Warren moves up into the leadership in the Senate or if we are lucky she gets a Cabinet position that makes a difference but I also don’t want a Scott Brown situation.
@Ohio Mom:
Yup, I think she should have stayed in for the March 15 debate, at least to remind people how smart she is/how much she knows about our country’s problems and how to solve them, and also, how much more energetic she is compared to the two old white men.
I’m disappointed that most Dems just don’t seem to think the situation we’re in is a critical one. Maybe they’re “not ready” for such change so quickly. FFS, we need to fix problems RIGHT NOW, not in some imagined future of comity and happy sunshine.
Maybe Bernie can do it, maybe Biden can. But of the two, Bernie has at least a recognition of the problems we face. Get ready for umpteen Biden lectures that begin with “Look….”
@Nicole: I’m sorry you’re having to go through the same shit I did. I commiserate with you and offer virtual /hugs. Fuck cancer!
Even though my head knew this was coming, my heart still wasn’t prepared. I’m glad we’ll still have her in the Senate pounding away there. Also regarding her, little girls, and selfie/pinky swears: we already have a number of her former students in the halls of Congress and they’re mainly women. She will have a very large influence for long time to come.
@germy: Within 1-2 months, the Democratic primaries are all over but the crying. They’re not even trying for plausibility anymore.
I’d be perfectly happy to see SPW shiv Wilmer on her way out the door. He deserves it many times over.
And if she trades an endorsement of Uncle Joe for a seat on the Platform Committee, that would be so win-win for the country …
West of the Rockies
@Mai naem mobile:
Did Spicer’s fat ass get bounced from DWS yet? For a few weeks, there was a new and horrific picture of the guy in a dashing puce and chartreuse ensemble.
Does anyone know what time she is speaking?
Reports say she’s not going to endorse anyone. I hope that’s true.
Oh I fucking want to see that. Fuck him.
Another Scott
@Baud: +1 on the unnecessary stress stuff.
At least around here, our medical people usually know to the penny how much they will be paid and what our share (if we haven’t paid our deductible for the year yet) is. It might be a deductible issue, unfortunately. Whatever it is, I hope Nicole gets it resolved with having to pay as little as possible.
Fingers crossed.
Felanius Kootea
I think I’ll just tune off for the rest of this primary. I’ll vote for whoever the Democrats put forward, just hope there’s a backup plan since we have two guys in their late 70s, one who’s recently had a heart attack, who will be going around shaking hands and hugging babies (with COVID19 and an idiot in the White House who thinks it’s the flu).
At the end of the day, elections are about convincing people to vote for you. She didn’t have a plan for that.
When my wife was treated for cancer our insurance eventually paid for everything. However the arguing between the medical providers and the insurance went beyond 90 days and we started getting letters that we would be turned over to collection agencies. When we frantically called to say but we thought this was being taken care of the billing people said ignore the notices the computer sends them out automatically these arguments will go on for several more months. I’m this is already stressful why don’t you fix it? Oh we don’t have anybody to do that ?. So we got several months of automatic threatening letters then it all worked out.
AM in NC
@Nicole: Come sit by me and we’ll throw things at the wall together.
Sorry to hear about your cancer’s recurrence. Sending strength your way.
@randy khan:
Given her results Tuesday, even if they all shifted to Sanders, Biden would still have beaten him like a rented mule.
On Tuesday there are five primaries where he won’t break 40%, and winning the ND caucus won’t offset those delegate losses. Then on the 17th there are another four big states primaries that will likely be the end of the road, even he pisses and moans all the way to the convention.
Hey, how about Leader Warren when the dems take back the Senate?
@cmorenc: My bet would be Susan Rice for SOS. That will make wingnut heads explode, too. HRC would be a gas on the SC to screw with those sourpusses, but probably should get someone younger.
Because Sanders doesn’t have a set of policy objectives. He has a set of political objectives, namely to tear down the Democratic party and rebuild it in his image. The policy objectives are secondary.
Unfortunately too few of his more casual followers understand that. The die-hards of course do.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: Honestly, dude, I would treat this thread as one of the RIP threads and let mourners mourn. There have been and will been lots of threads for analysis, criticism, and the rest. Or you could be a dick. Your choice.
@pat: That’s more for a parliamentarian/dealmaker types like Murray. Warren can be like Teddy K, advocate for real breakthrough legislation, but not in the formal leadership.
@Mr. Mack: Holy cow; I bow down before you having to do both chemo and radiation at the same time. As upset as I am that mine recurred barely 3 years later, it’s still a kind that’s not quite aggressive enough for chemo to be a net benefit. So, small blessings where they come.
I’m six sessions from the end (22 done so far) and the side effects haven’t been bad yet- I haven’t really had any fatigue and my skin is flushed at the end of the week but okay again by Monday.
Anyway, I think I shall switch the monthly contributions I was making to Warren to some of the Senate races we may have a shot at picking up. They can use my little bits of $ more than Biden.
Splitting Image
Disappointing but not surprising.
Biden it is then. I was hoping for better, but if there is going to be an old fart in the White House for four more years, better Biden than Trump. Or Bloomberg. Or Sanders.
Now all hands on deck for the Senate races. If there is a silver lining here, it may be that Biden will be so dull a President that people will have to pay more attention to the rest of the political system, where the real change is going to have to get done over the next ten years.
Remember that redistricting is coming up and Democrats need to win as many chambers in as many states as possible. A repeat of 2010 will push any progress back another 10 years regardless of who is in the White House.
Hang in there.
Wishing you the best.
Blowing up Sanders wouldn’t have mattered (he and the inner circle are doing a bang up job themselves), but she could have taken some bark off of Joe. So maybe not a tacit endorsement, but at least a realistic acknowledgement of the likely outcome.
@AM in NC:
Let’s come up with some really clever profanity to yell while we do it, too, okay?
Aziz, light!
Biden looks his age, and like anyone his age stumbles sometimes in his verbal performance, but I’m not aware of him having any worrisome health issues. What do you think they are?
@pat: YES!
@Aziz, light!: I think Joe’s reasonably healthy, and I’d bet that Jill makes him layoff the junk food, eat his veggies and get his rest. He’s pretty trim. He’s a bit pale and liver spotty, but he is Irish, after all. Bernie looks like he’s ready to stroke out.
@Nicole: Fuck cancer! We’re all pulling for you.
Yes, we are already dealing with enough re-treads with Biden and Sanders as the final two nominees. We don’t need to trot out every 1990s era Dem when the bench is very deep. Just watching the Impeachment hearings reminded me again of how much talent we have in this country.
Hillary is great and all, but time for her to start working on her memoirs or sit on advisory boards and charities and open up some space for younger talent to develop.
Fiona Hill was a badass during the impeachment hearings. She needs a larger role in the next Dem administration. Maybe UN ambassador or Assistant Secretary of State or something. There are lots like that.
And who fucking cares if wingnut heads explode. Since when does the GOP ever take into account Democratic opinions when they make their appointments? NEVER.
@Nicole: Great headstone. Tempts me to imagine lots of them dotting the country.
Much respect to you.
@Nicole: Hugs and strength. Hope you beat this back successfully and it never, never comes back.
For throwing things at the wall: “This is for Elizabeth! And Hillary!”
@Another Scott: Just because life expectancy is 8 years doesn’t mean he’ll be capable of performing the job for 8 years. Either of these guys needs to pick a very solid and capable VP because that person has better than even odds of needing to take on a large share of the burden under the best circumstances.
joel hanes
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I’m sure that’s what she told herself.
“Man is not the rational animal. He’s the rationalizing animal.”
@Splitting Image:
This is an important thing to keep in mind.
I think the press conference is scheduled for 12:30.
It was a good run for Warren. I would have been thrilled to see her come out ahead, but, alas, we are where we are. She needs to be the Senate Majority Leader if we retake the Senate in November. Even with a majority, Schumer would just get owned over and over and over again by McConnell and the minority.
I am so proud of everyone here who supported Elizabeth Warren: who voted, who volunteered, who contributed, who believed in her. Who cared so deeply about the outcome.
Applause to all of you. It may not seem like it, but it mattered.
joel hanes
voters/media did this, or maybe media/voters
not the party
My WA state mail-in ballot was sitting on my counter until this morning. I finally opened it and marked it for Biden. It was going to be Warren but I decided to wait.
Among the cases for Biden, I think he has the smallest ego, by far, of the remaining candidates, Sanders, Trump, and if you want to throw him in, Bloomberg. All those other guys are much greater control freaks who I think would be unable to delegate. Trump obviously, but Sanders strikes me as being Trump-like in that respect. He doesn’t seem to have any competent seasoned people around him which is a bad sign.
Biden seems like he is most likely to be happy to delegate substantial duties to subordinates and be happy to allow them the room to operate and the credit to succeed or fail. After Trump I don’t think that is a bad thing. I see a Biden presidency as appointing a good healthy mix of seasoned hands and competent new blood across the executive branch to bring back some competence and normalcy to Washington. Just having a Federal government that runs competently and smoothly will be a tremendous achievement. I want a government where a Biden can take a week off and everything still runs like a well oiled machine. I don’t see a Sanders administration as working like that.
I like how she eviscerated Bloomberg but we’re still in a world where a woman is not allowed to be “mean” but a man is “competitive.”
I care if wingnut heads explode. Or did you mean wanting to prevent that from happening?
@Elizabelle: i’ll add another pile for Harris, too, until such time as I know whether she has a shot at VP.
follow up: it looks like this bill may be out of a $750 total in-network deductible that our plan, in its infinite wisdom, sees fit to apply since I guess it’s not considered a 100% covered service because reasons (to which I say, dudes, it’s CANCER). But anyway, $750 total deductible is manageable for us.
(And in the sometimes the universe gives you a tiny little bit back, a friend just reached out to me because she won the ticket lottery for Harry Potter, and is taking me tonight and tomorrow. Anytime one can see Broadway for $20 it’s a good day. ?)
@Mai naem mobile: I like Warren in the Senate. Let’s give her a majority of Democrats to work with and mainline all the policies she’s worked so hard to formulate.
BC in Illinois
Let me go way off topic.
The Missouri Legislature is considering a bill (HB 2209) to create a Missouri Department of Defense.
I’m not sure whether this means that the border war with Kansas is heating up again . . .
Or whether they think that a civil war is coming . . .
Or what.
Andrea Mitchell shouldn’t be lamenting the loss of women candidates after the way she treated Hillary.
@Nicole: Kamala Harris would be a formidable VP or AG. And maybe Biden could announce his intention to nominate her for AG and she could be out there campaigning too, explaining her first steps in righting our justice system.
And Harry Potter tickets. Woo hoo! Enjoy. (Is it a two-night play??) Enjoy the Broadway evening.
@bemused: IMV, another characteristic Bernie shares with Trump. Isn’t it ironic that the two “burn it down” candidates have no real sense of humor?
I absolutely take your point, but most of the reaction I saw on this applauded Warren’s skill in taking Bloomberg down. And some wished that that she had been as sharp throughout her campaign.
@Baud: Mrs. Greenspan.
And let us not forget how she would recap an Obama speech MSNBC had just broadcast in full, giving an account that was nothing like what we heard.
Her is a gaslighter.
May she follow Chris Matthews into retirement. Real soon. (And I would guess that is the plan. One last election in which to carry the Republicans’ water, or at least induce doubt about Democrats.)
joel hanes
@BC in Illinois:
Missouri and Iowa had a long-running low intensity border war before the Civil War. Southern Iowans adamantly opposed being part of a slave state, and some of the early surveys and boundary laws were imprecise or ambiguous.
Another Scott
@Elizabelle: I guess the timing isn’t right, but I’d really like to see someone like Kamala (if for some reason, not her) as head of the FBI. She could get a lot done there in 10 years (the term), and AGs often don’t stick around very long.
Mr. Mack
@Nicole: Yep, 34 straight days of radiation, six weeks of chemo. Our deductible is what yours is, max out of pocket 4000, per individual. It’s a big hit, but manageable. Best of luck!
Every time I visualize Sanders I see Larry David on SNL .
@Kent: Fiona Hill really would send a message that Democrats are rebuilding the state department. We might be able to get some of the brain drain reversed. :(
@Another Scott: I’d rather her stay as my Senator if she’s not on the ticket, she can do a whole lot of good there.
@Mr. Mack: And best of luck to you, Mr. Mack. May you return to the best of health.
@Kent: Remember Fiona Hill is not a Democrat. She’s a Bolton favorite and probably a foreign policy hawk.She did great during the hearings and thats a reassuring sign that there are sane people and patriots even among conservatives. But I’m not sure she’s a fit for a Democratic administration.
@Another Scott: Now there is an idea. Kamala for FBI.
Tired of that agency going to Republicans as Director. No need for that.
If I grade Warren I give A’s for character and policies. As for political strategy and tactics, she got such a raw deal from the media it’s hard to rate her. I’d at least grade on a curve, though, because this has been one screwed up primary season and political climate. In the 2008 general election Ploufe and Axelrod just had to play a smart game of checkers. This year’s primary process seems like some weird cross between Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders.
should be a bj tag.
The job of the insurance company person processing your claim is to deny it and hope you don’t fight back. The job of the person charged with your paperwork after you fight back is to deny your claim and make it sound as final as possible.
The job of the last person in this line is to agree to pay up.
For them, this is just a matter of increasing their bottom line number by taking advantage of the fact that a LOT of their customers will take no for an answer.
And yes, they will rot in hell for this, if there is a hell.
Feel better!
@Another Scott: These are great people but let’s not strip the Senate of capable Democrats just yet. Kamala as VP I’m all for. Otherwise leave her in place.
Z. Mulls
It’s certainly an interesting idea for Biden to not just name a VP, but also cabinet members. He can campaign and say “This is the TEAM I’m bringing with me,” and each of them can eviscerate the current holder of the office. Biden introducing his prospective Sec of Educ at a campaign event, and him/her going through Devos’ record. Or (as suggested above) Harris as AG, taking down Barr at her own events. A team of experts vs a team of charlatans and fools.
And I am bullish for Warren as VP, if it doesn’t hurt the Senate. Biden demanded a meaningful portfolio from Obama to take the job, *and* insisted he be the “last one in the room” always. His VP is going to get the same, and I’d love Warren to be the last one in the room. Plus if and when Biden’s age starts showing more than it is, she is in place to take over more.
Another Scott
Has a pointer to a Medium piece on her remarks to her campaign staff.
Uncle Cosmo
@Gin & Tonic: SSA tables give the life expectancy of a 77-year-old US male as 10 years (i.e., to age 87), for an 81-year-old US male as 7.82 years (i.e., to 88.82 or roughly 88 years, 300 days). So (ceteris paribus) President Uncle Joe would be fairly likely to survive his first term & once there he’d be reasonably likely to survive his second.
Uncle Cosmo
IMO it’s always been more like The Battleship Potemkin-Village.
Mary G
I am still grieving Warren’s candidacy. America had a chance for rock star and chose the leader of a band that had its last hit in 1991. I am going to move my contribution to a Senate race.
@Geminid: What Plouffe and Axelrod did in 2008 was harder than it looked, which is understandable with a candidate like Obama. They took out two significant political figures in Clinton and McCain. They played the caucuses and early primaries near perfectly, and still barely squeaked by Clinton once she regained her footing. It was neck and neck with McCain until McCain self-destructed with the Palin pick and his panic during the financial crisis. In her defense, Warren really was a novice in presidential politics and did pretty damn well considering it. Look what happened to the other senators. But there is very little room for error in that game.
Bernie doesn’t exactly attract competent seasoned people. It’s his brand to push them away and mock them as “establishment.” You have to wonder who would be both acceptable to President Sanders AND capable of doing the work.
Another link, not live at the moment, from the Washinton Post:
Domestic short hair tabby
@Nicole: well that is wonderful! Wishing you the best in your battle with fuck cancer, and look forward to your review of the show!
By first choice was Harris, second Elizabeth. I’m bummed.
But I’m also a terrible chooser. I’ve been a fan of Jerry Brown when Bill Clinton was running. And Paul Tsongas. And other assorted 2nd, 3rd and 4th place Democrats. I always fall in line (and will again), but it is exhausting.
But also why I’m focusing on local and state stuff more. I can maybe have some impact there.
Tenar Arha
I’m consoling myself with this quote, and hoping she’s working right now so we can push for all the great plans of the various candidates during a new Democratic Administration, Senate, & House. My preference is that she’ll be leading that charge in the Senate while VP Harris pushes from inside the Administration.
Warren should be up soon.
I like.
Kamala Harris on Liz Warren
Classy as usual!
She’s on.
Short speech. No endorsement.
@Uncle Cosmo: Yeah, but capacity can diminish pretty quickly in the 80’s from what I’ve experienced with my relatives. I think he’ll be ok for the first term, but Joe definitely needs to have a succession plan in place.
I made the same connection. Not as deficient as trump who has zero sense of humor. I don’t think I’ve actually heard trump ever laugh, only smile smugly when uttering the most heinous things such as imitating the disabled.
@BC in Illinois:
Propping up gun sales via state coffers? Are local gun shops and ranges going under?
This. More than anything, I want her to take McConnell’s job. I know, I know, Schumer. Warren would be better, by several orders of magnitude.
She’s speaking now, and I’m in tears. Thought I was done with all that.
It was a wonderful thing to watch.
Another Scott
@Another Scott:
Medium.com’s web site seems to be being slashdotted. Here it is:
Well said.
@Gin & Tonic: And Bernie heart attack has worse odds.
@Baud: Oh hell no. No one in the media should be lamenting the losses of women candidates after the way the bastards treated Hillary Clinton.
Word. That’s brilliant.
I have teenagers and they sometimes do stupid shit just to rebel or antagonize their parents. Then they eventually grow up and move past that phase of their lives and learn to act on their own accord, not for the approval or disapproval of their parents.
Democrats should do what is best for the country and best for achieving their objectives, not to “trigger” the GOP on the one hand, or be considerate of GOP sensibilities on the other. Both paths lead to folly, no matter how good it might make you feel.
Put the best people into place and expect them to do their best job, and fucking ignore the GOP.
@Another Scott:
Thanks for the re-post.
Orange Is The New White
@Dadadadadadada: Not even close. Trump still being president, and nobody running to replace him, now there’s your worst case scenario.
Admittedly, I am still stinging from Sen. Warren dropping out of the race. She was clearly the best, smartest, most capable candidate whose policies would have done the most good for the most people and I am sorry that as a party we were not brave enough to act on that reality. But I am also getting really tired of people nitpicking her campaign “style” or whatever. Joe Biden’s campaign up until the Clyburn endorsement was a dead fish floating in the water. He was a nonentity in most of the debates, has not advocated any policies new or old that I am aware of, and was actively NOT campaigning in many of the states he won on Super Tuesday. People chose him as the “safe” candidate to beat the pestilence that is currently occupying the White House and I get that and will vote for him in the general election. But please stop pretending that there was some fatal flaw in SPW’s strategy, personality, or message that made the difference. Unless her flaw was not being Barack Obama’s vice president.
Just saw my first Biden TV ad here in Chicago area. The money is obviously pouring in.
@japa21: Good ad?
Wishing you all success and relief from the insurance miseries on top of your probably less than enjoyable treatments!
Yeah, on 11/9/2016 a dear elderly relative of mine was similarly bummed. She’s gone now, but she passed 100 yrs old and that’s after beating cancer.
J R in WV
If I had to guess, I would bet that the radiation facility you are being treated by sends bills to both the insurance pigs and the suffering patients at the same time. You should get a new bill eventually showing a payment from your insurance, and a near-zero balance due.
When wife was diagnosed with septic shock due to pneumonia, she spent over two months in the hospital, and at least half that was in one of three different ICUs, including 23 days in an induced coma on a vent.
Early on I had a flash of fear about the eventual bill, and the nurse (a vet named Rowdy who was a combat medic turned ICU RN) called a hospital social worker, and she and I had a long conversation. In the long run Medicare and wife’s supplemental insurance covered 99.997% of that hospital bill, which was just under $400,000. IIRC, it was nearly 10 years ago, our check was for just over $1,500. Which isn’t nothing, but think of the value received for that!
Thankful for the WVU teaching hospital in Charleston, where a flying squad of doctors worked together to save wife’s life, our family doctor told me second or third day that her chances were 70-30… that 30% was her chance of living, and she recovered well enough to visit Spain, France, Italy, Arizona, New Mexico, and Baja California to kiss a whale.
Hope this course of radiation kills your cancer dead, dead! and you have many comfortable years ahead of you. You still may very well live to see a female Democratic progressive president, that’s one of my goals too as an old fat bald white guy! We started boosting Kamala Harris, then mostly Elizabeth Warren, tho we pitched in to Amy K’s fund too.
I have never loved Joe Biden like I did Obama, but he isn’t a despicable wurm like Drumpf, and I hope and expect Biden will select competent smart people to repair our national government.
Best of luck, Nicole!!!
AM in NC
@Nicole: Deal. I pinkie swear it.
Orange Is The New White
@WhiteguyfromRussiantrollfactory: There’s a strategem that’s no longer trying for plausibility anymore, and it’s not that of the Dem party.
Take a good hard look in the mirror. There’s the plausibility problem.
@trollhattan: “I will consider a Biden presidency triage for dealing with Trump’s considerable damage.”
Silver lining for you here, imho: any upcoming Democrat’s presidency is going to be triage, and likely overwhelmed by the amount of damage control and reputation/alliance restoration required after 4 years of Cheetolini. He has trashed the federal government and destroyed the stature in the world that we spent 75 years building up. The next administration will barely have time for anything beyond trying to put out those fires, and won’t have much time to move any legislative agenda forward.
I know, walking and chewing gum at the same time is possible and all, but I really think just rebuilding trust in the federal government and rooting out the arsonists among Trump’s political appointees and undoing their damage will be nigh on a full time job.
A silver lining to that silver lining, though: it would be refreshing to see a House of the same party as the President independently pursue its own legislation, instead of just pushing forward the President’s priorities. A situation where the POTUS tends to the Executive Branch and just signs off or vetoes bills that an independent Legislative Branch initiate would be a nice way to ratchet back the now greatly overexpanded role/power of the presidency.
A Ghost To Most
@Hoodie: At least they won’t have to hide the nuclear codes from him.
@RobertDSC-Work: Same here.
@Uncle Cosmo: all that information about longevity may sound good, but my issue with both Biden and Sanders and their age is that cognitive issues become more prevalent as a person ages. The difference between my mother and her friends at 77 and 80 and now beyond has been rather surprising to observe. The decline, if things go in that direction, is sad to watch. I see signs of that kind of decline in Biden. I’d be surprised, if he is elected, if he makes it through one term. If he does make it through one term it will be because he is propped up by his staff. I don’t see as much cognitive decline in Sanders, he tends to repeat things a lot, but I have never seen him completely lose his train of thought the way Biden has on numerous occasions. Sanders has the heart issue and that’s not good. Those sort of health issues tend not to improve with age. If Biden is the nominee he better choose an excellent VP.
I can’t less than three this enough…
@Kent: :( You’re no fun. (But I agree)
@Yutsano: I know this is way off topic, but I remember you mentioning that you had trouble working with yeast doughs. I read that thread rather late and didn’t reply, but I was wondering, when you have bloomed yeast in the past have you put salt with the yeast? If you have, you slow or kill your yeast. Always put salt with the dry ingredients, you will probably have better luck with yeast breads.
Bernie strategy…”who needs Black folks”! I hope folks in Michigan show up and show out against him!
@Orange Is The New White: I was referring to Ron Johnson (Republican-WI) and his new found “concern” about Democrats knowledge of Joe Biden that Germy posted. I love getting accused of trolling when posting about GOP trolling. Thanks.
I was perpetually enraged at the lack of media pushback at the Republican “position” that while “Sure, Obama may have overseen the longest uninterrupted period of economic growth in history, after stanching the bleeding from Bush’s Great Recession, but the growth was too anemic!”
J R in WV
@Omnes Omnibus:
Actually, I just read a Psychology Today article with research on Internet Trolls, which spelled out that the people who do this have major psychological issues which compel them to do the trollish things they do. So he probably doesn’t have a choice at all.
The issues [ title “Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists”] aren’t amenable to treatment, either, because sadism and personality disorders aren’t treatable. So just pie him and let the system keep you away from all that poison. I sometimes open other people’s replies to pied trolls, but rarely actually look at the troll posts themselves.
@Elizabelle: Yeah, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child comes in two parts. An acquaintance of mine wrote The Inheritance, also on B’way, also a 2-parter. Is it a trend? Dunno, but it sure makes for a lot of money to see one story.
I’m looking forward to HP, both nights, but I do have to admit that for me the 4 most beautiful words in theater are, “90 minutes, no intermission.“ :)
that was a great speech by Warren. Instead of despairing, I’m feeling inspired again. Yep, dream big, fight hard.
@J R in WV: I always just scroll past Cacti. That person is just a same song, second verse kind of person.
Or “not fast enough”, had a GOP friend tell me that in the summer of 2009. Good times.
West of the Rockies
@J R in WV:
You are an awesome person. Your posts are always insightful, compassionate, and engaging. Carry on.
J R in WV
I care!!! Want to see that every night on the TV news show!!!!! Wassa matta wit you don’t want to see that?!?!?
@Elizabelle: Co-sign!
Megan Garber nails it the Atlantic, Warren was punished for being too competent.
Because, God forbid we should elect a person President who actually has a high functioning brain.
James E Powell
I certainly don’t care if wingnut heads explode, literally or figuratively, but I would note that nearly every time wingnut heads explode, the entire press/media world goes up in flames. See, e.g., Hillary & deplorable
This has been a problem for Democrats for almost 30 years and I am at a loss for a solution.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Hoodie: For a guy in his late 70s, Biden looks great with his shirt off (photo)
J R in WV
@West of the Rockies:
Aw, gee, thanks! I have been know to jump off the deep end when someone irks me late a night, but I’m trying hard to not do that as much. And a little less “F’ You with a rusty chain saw” too. But I do try.
Tall Tom
So I have a strategy question: Would it make sense as a candidate to announce your VP pick now? Since the purpose in the general election is to win electoral math, and not the national majority %, would a VP pick from Wisconsin or Pennsylvania be a good choice? Both of these states currently have Democratic governors. We haven’t had their primaries yet, either. WI and PA both have Democratic Lt. Gov. office holders, too. Would an early VP pick from one of these two swing states help you win both upcoming primaries and the general election?
That is most certainly my experience, and I’ve been through cancer treatment for family members or me five times in the last fifteen years or so. I never pay fast, even if the notices cause anxiety. Especially when more than one insurer may be involved, I found it best to let everything settle down and all the insurer-provider disputes resolve before writing any checks. I can’t guarantee that this is the best course, but it has worked for me.
Ohio Mom
Interesting to me that Warren highlighted her disability platform in her speech — she got very marks for it from the lefty disability community. It was extremely well-thought out.
Interesting, because who continues to be the ONLY Democratic candidate without a disability statement? The guy I’m now with (sigh), Joe Biden.
mad citizen
@Tall Tom: Well I’m two states away but the Wisconsin governor is a mild-mannered Old White Guy (educator background I believe), like 70 I’m guessing, so it’s a NO on that as a VP pick for me.
PA I have no idea who that it is.
@Aziz, light!: Potentially declining cognitive function. He’s always been a gaffe machine, but he’s gotten notably worse. Definitely has a Ronald Reagan circa-1986 feel.
To be clear, I’m with Biden, and I’m definitely less concerned by his health problems than I am with Bernie’s. But actuarially speaking, there’s a good chance either one of these dudes will croak before they get to 2024.
West of the Rockies
@Tall Tom:
Good question. I assume the VP announcement comes at a time for optimum effect.
Harris would not win a state for Joe. California is solidly anti-Trump. Would she positively impact the turnout of POC? I think so, but her run for president did not exactly excite that base as near as I could tell.
@Ohio Mom:
Are you looking for something other than this?
ETA: It does seem to just take bits and pieces from other plans. Maybe he can adopt Warren’s plan when she gets on board! Something for her to negotiate.
@lamh36: And Michigan should be a great preview for the general election. I hope Joe kills it!
glory b
Hey, Thom Hartman just said he thinks that Bernie needs to clean up the language about “Establishment Democrats” as it seems to hit members of the Black Caucus.
But yeah, he’s pretty out there on the conspiracy theories, right now he’s talking about Rush Limbaugh saying a President Sanders would engineer getting rid of lots of middle of the road dems and former republicans on msnbc and cnn.
@germy: I would love to confront Jennifer Rubin. I would love for her to go back and read the insanities she wrote then.
Now that she has awaken to the horror show that is the Republican Party, I wonder how she would feel rereading some of her past columns. Her attacks against President Obama were downright unfair. She was intoxicated in republican culture herself.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I’ve seen pictures of him when he was in his 20s and he was kinda hot.
@oldster: I’m grateful to Senator Warren as well. But I am also grateful to Jim Clyburn.
@hilts: That’s the problem immortalized by Mencken and related to the fate that befell the likes of Adlai Stevenson, Mike Dukakis and Al Gore. I sense that Warren was punished roughly as much for being an intellectual as for being a woman, i.e., female intellectual is a double hit. The first female Dem president may very well be black and/or non-cis presenting and come from a background like law enforcement.
@Hoodie: Val Demings. Grew up in poverty. Rose up in the white man’s world of law enforcement to become chief of police of Orlando. Went to Florida State not Harvard. Rides a Harley, runs marathons at age 61, is an expert marksman (markswoman?) and all around badass grandmother and black church lady. Speaks with the gravitas of a Toni Morrison.
That’s they kind of resume I think will be the first female president. Much as I love Warren, she just doesn’t seem to wear well with folks who aren’t urban white liberals.
@Suzy: I may be cynical, but I suspect she’ll revert back to her original form as soon as we have a Democratic president.
zhena gogolia
I had a huge crush on him back then.
@Baud: yep. He praised Mr. Pete and Beto the same way. And frankly, both Mayor Pete and Beto were pretty awesome in their endorsement speech. The positive energy, the smiles, the warmth and authenticity were quite the sight to see. This version of Mayor Pete, by the way, was infinitely better than the debate version of Mayor Pete. I think he was too green and wasn’t the best version of himself during debates. When he endorsed Joe, the warmth and authenticity impressed me. A lot. And it was kind of sweet to see how moved he was when Joe said he reminded him of Beau.
A Ghost To Most
@Tall Tom: The longer you wait, the less time for others to take shots at the choice.
Time for the media to get really Gabbard-curious
@Kent: I totally agree with you. Joe Biden shares with Barack Obama, among other things, an essential quality for being a good president: he exhibits the ideal balance between ego and respect for others. He is comfortable in his own skin and doesn’t have any problem with recognizing the talents of others around him. His human and moral qualities make me very confident in his choices for appointing people within an eventual administration. He knows everyone in Washington. And he is known as such a good person and a person who would create a great work environment. Mr. Biden wouldn’t have any problem to recruit persons of impeccable credentials and of moral character. Legions of people will want to work in his administration if he is elected POTUS. Moreover, Mr. Biden wants to prepare a new generation of leadership and would surely recruit young people two. I have been impressed by the fact he never misses the occasion of praising the “new blood” in the Democratic Party. He has praised Mayor Pete, Beto, but also AOC as being brilliant.
The timing isn’t right. FBI Director is not like other Cabinet-level jobs. Directors are appointed for ten year terms, and unless there’s a really good reason to do so, they don’t get replaced just because a new president from the other party has taken office.
Wray’s appointment won’t expire until August 2027. I suppose Biden could just fire him, but Biden is an institutionalist to his core, and firing an FBI Director without cause would be a huge violation of institutional norms. Only two FBI Directors in history have ever been fired: William Sessions in 1993, and James Comey in 2017.
Another Scott
In other news, AndroidPolice:
Ineffective regulation is destroying just about every aspect of American life.
Fair Economist
Booman tweeted a post SC Florida poll with a staggering shift to Biden. 65% with nobody else viable. If other polls look anything like that, there’s no point in Warren continuing. Or endorsing Bernie either.
Also in that poll: Bloomberg was ahead of Biden, slightly, before Warren eviscerated him onstage. Actions have consequences.
@J R in WV:
@J R in WV:
Betty Cracker
@janesays: By the extraordinarily low standards of Trump appointees, Wray seems okay. But there needs to be a stem-to-stern review of the DOJ when Trump is gone.
I wish Senator Warren all the very best and I would advise the people of Massachusetts to enjoy her as one of their Senators for as long as they can. I very much hope we see a woman president in the near future and I believe that Warren and Clinton have both brought that day closer, even if they didn’t get to see the promised land. I suspect that when the story of how Biden got the nomination is written, historians will point to Warren’s crushing of Bloomberg as playing a crucial role in clearing the sane, centrist lane that was getting just a bit too crowded. That was a great service she did the party and, by extension, the American people.
@lamh36: His internal polling in Mississipi must be abysmal. He’s putting all his eggs in the Michigan basket. And he will try to make Joe Biden the “NAFTA monster”.
@Juju: Thanks for the late response! I did know to not add salt so I’m not making that error. Maybe I’ll wait to try until this summer some time when my apartment isn’t totally cold. It’s nice in the summer because it saves on cooling costs, but the place has a “chill” that just doesn’t ever let up.
@Suzy: Wilmer the Great White Wail knows that if he loses in the Midwest, he’s got absolutely no electability arguments left. If Michigan goes for Biden, claiming that the Revolution can win California isn’t going to impress anyone with an IQ above freezing.
@Betty Cracker: Great observation. Wray deserves kudos for seemingly successfully keep ing his distance from Trump and to keep the FBI ship upright and fair. Twill be interesting to find out after the fact, what influence Barr has brought to bear on Wray, the FBI, and the administration of justice.
@Betty Cracker: The fact that Trump has lashed out against him (Wray) pretty frequently is definitely a point in his favor.
@Juju: I think that Biden has pretty much intimated that he will spend a lot of time and effort passing the baton. I also agree with you that cognitive issues seem more advanced with Biden than with Sanders. That’s my real concern about Biden. In every other way, in my opinion, he’s far superior to Sanders and I’m not talking about policy issues here at all.
@dww44: Even with the cognitive issues I would choose Biden over sanders.
@Morzer: I don’t think merely winning in Michigan will be sufficient for Sanders to claim continued viability – he has to win by a huge margin (at least 15 points). Michigan is to Sanders what South Carolina was to Biden. A small win in Michigan would be as disastrous for Sanders’ campaign as a small win in South Carolina would have been for Biden’s campaign. A loss in Michigan is simply the end of Sanders’ campaign (though I doubt he’ll drop out even if that happens, because he is who he is).
Its a damn shame. And as expected, Berners are all over saying how Warren supporters must support Bernie.
I have to admit that from what I’ve read from the Biden camp is a much softer tone, with lots of praise heaped on Warren.
Hopefully Warren will weigh her options carefully. I’ll probably go with whoever she endorses.
@mapaghimagsik: I’m inclined to believe she won’t endorse either candidate before the convention. She’s too far apart from Biden ideologically (hello, bankruptcy bill), and Bernie has done nothing to make her supporters feel welcome.
@dww44: I could be wrong but when I see older people like Biden and Nancy Pelosi stumble over words and seem a bit halting in their speech, I’m reminded of my sister, who, because of severe dry mouth, had to go with implants and screw in dental plates. My sister is much younger than a Joe and Nancy, but because of the plates, she can seem less fluent and smooth when she speaks. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people would think she is losing cognitive sharpness, but I guarantee that’s not the case. Joe’s teeth don’t look like his own to me and neither do Nancy’s. People who hate Joe like to run with the story that he’s senile, but I think that’s off the mark. As far as Joe’s health, he seems pretty fit. He’s never touched alcohol, tobacco or drugs, and has maintained a steady weight for decades. He obviously has healthy habits.
@Cacti: You are soooo full of shit, I am not only sure your eyes are brown, so is your hair.
@Another Scott: And the Alzheimer’s , that made him the perfect Republican president….
@Kent: They take them into account, then they go directly against them, on purpose.
@Brachiator: She was.
Yep. Paraphrasing Evelyn Waugh, “A blow, expected, repeated, falling on a bruise, with no smart or shock of surprise, only a dull and sickening pain and the doubt whether another like it could be borne – that was how it felt…”
I’m just getting over here today. I’m pretty bummed about this. I think she would have had a good chance of winning if a certain cardiac patient had not insisted on jumping into the race 10 days AFTER she announced and proceeded to suck all of the air out of the progressive side of the campaign with the help of his troll army. Feh.
As to the endorsement question:
Warren will endorse the person who is able to promise her the most, whether that means putting her on the platform committee or delicately discussing possible cabinet posts (it is illegal to actually promise or offer someone a cabinet post before you’re elected).
I have my opinion about which of the two remaining candidates will be more likely to keep his word, but my opinion may not be hers and it’s her decision to make.
@Kent: And when it triggers them ( and it will), BONUS.
@dogwood: The dental thing: Pretty sure it is the case for Nancy Pelosi.
For Joe Biden: 1st factor is his long-life struggle with stuttering. Barbara Boxer said a few days ago that “Joe has ALWAYS had this little problem. Will fumble a few words, say the wrong word etc.” paraphrasing) Maybe this problem has been amplified by age, but I suspect it is more by STRESS, being the front runner and the main target at the beginning, something totally new for him, and fatigue on the campaign trail. A campaign means lots and lots and lots of talking with people. Drains a lot of brain energy for him, more than for people who don’t have the same neurological problem he has. In interviews it is much better.
The jumping from one subject to the next: he’s always been pretty chatty, and has the bad habit of making a lot of “parenthesis” when he talks about something. Fun in the context of a relaxed conversation… don’t we all do this ? But not good in the context of an interview. In the context of an interview, or a debate, you need to use your time very effectively. He was very, very rusty and very, very stressed in the beginning of his campaign. And frankly, I think he entered unprepared. Had too much confidence in his experience and his knowledge. It seems to me he has worked on sharpening his message. Not always perfect, but definitively better. Like for the debates, where he has definitively improved.