Mood ?? (sound on)
— Wolf Conservation Center (@nywolforg) March 12, 2020
More reasons not to leave your home (click to embiggen)…
National Park posters created based off their worst Yelp Review, I’m dead
— Madi Kay (@madiikay) March 11, 2020
— Madi Kay (@madiikay) March 11, 2020
Vampire Bat running on a treadmill
— Diane Doniol-Valcroze (@ddoniolvalcroze) March 8, 2020
These posters are hilarious!
Jerzy Russian
I could not hear what that wolf was saying. I guess something like “yaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn”?
Old Dan and Little Ann
So we had plans to go to in-laws for dinner. Sister in law and her son were in the same school yesterday where an employee tested positive for the virus last night. So….fuck that noise. Staying home.
I found those posters several days ago and was driving Leto crazy. Look at this one. This one! Look at this one! Hehe
JPL Is having students who had their musical production canceled because of the virus, send videos. It’s an uplifting way to spend some time, and a wonderful opportunity for the students to shine at least for a few minutes. You don’t have to belong to twitter to watch them.
I found those posters several days ago and was driving Leto crazy. Look at this one. This one! Look at this one! Hehe
Mike Lowery does a cute series of 1 star reviews too.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: I was suppose to have a play date with my grandson but he has a cough. bah humbug.
These are just what I need right now.
@Avalune: A Hole. A very, very large hole.
Just made a quick trip to the Co-op for some stuff forgotten yesterday.
Checkout was six-deep on four registers but what was different from normal were the overflowing carts (usually you see only the hand baskets) particularly of dry goods and frozen goods. Humboldt County is still nearly normal, although my two Liverpool-supporting friends at the head of the line were more than fine with us talking from eight feet apart.
We’re fortunate in that we have competent local and state governments, although the concern has now gotten personal.
My youngest sister is the Superintendent of Special Education in a SoCal district and an 8-year special ed student has tested positive and he’s also compromised with underlying issues.
Remember to remind the assholes who complain about overreaction that the most vulnerable among us need our help to prevent the spread.
Seeing as though this a respite thread, here’s some California Honey Drops
That is ridiculously awesome.
This is from Sunshine songs. MoonRiver
@HumboldtBlue: Since I have a twitter account I am trying to love all of them, just so they know someone watched and cared.
Good afternoon
I understand folks gotta work but also ya gotta protect yourself. I can tell you as a Microbiologist and in the lab , EVERYTIME we get up form the bench to go outside the lab, we wash our hands. When we go to the bathroom, we wash our hands, when we go to lunch or break we wash our hands. We we leave the bathroom we wash our hands!
I cannot stress the importance of washing your hands when it comes to stopping the spread of infections
Sanitizers shouldn’t take the place of washing hands, but def used in cases where soap and water are not readily available.
Also too wiping down surfaces, for example at work, wipe down common surfaces at your desk especially in areas where multiple people used the same equipment.
Once gain, I’ll get off my soapbox.
Bats running on a treadmill. ugh. shudder. uck. Funny how everyone responds to things differently.
Musical interlude: a bit of titularly topical Little Willie John.
Will they bounce?
Ok not sure this qualifies as respite but my 82 year old mother just broke the dishwasher door. She couldn’t open it so she yanked and yanked and now it won’t close because it leans to the right and the door is higher on one side so it bumps on the counter. She has superhuman strength.
The dog’s Kong had rolled under it and that’s why it wouldn’t open.
mali muso
Penzey’s spices is having a 20% off everything sale this weekend. Stock up on some spices to use during cooking marathons these next few weeks at home and support a strong progressive business!
My kiddo’s daycare finally came around and did the responsible thing – emailed parents this morning to say that they will be closing for the next two weeks. I was already going to keep my toddler home even though I’m single parenting for the next ten days and working from home is going to be….interesting with a three year old. But we’ve all got to do our part to flatten the curve.
WELP…it’s turned into a Disney +, 90s X-Men marathon kinda day.
Hello no Disney +, I don’t want to “SKIP THE INTRO”, that intro is a classic!
@lamh36: We appreciate you!
Will it really be 3-4 weeks before you hear about the job?
welp…RNC Chairwoman was tested for coronovirus after not feeling well. Guess where she was last weekend…Mar-a-lago!
@MomSense: uh oh. someone’s in trouble.
Here’s Cinderblock the cat working her way to weight loss. She looks great!
@WaterGirl: lol well that isn’t a particularly endearing bat video but sometimes they are pretty cute beady eyed little critters.
Pass some love along from me.
Went out shopping for multiple meals today. Local market had sufficient paper goods of all kinds (we had stocked up a couple weeks ago just because we had run low, no virus thought at all). Stopped at local bakery. Their pies were half-off for pi day! Got two chicken pies. Cook one tomorrow night, freeze one for next week. A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling guilty about not having made much of a dent in the five or six books I got as Christmas presents. Now I’m damn glad I procrastinated.
@lamh36: Was Trump there last weekend?
I’m sort of in awe. It’s a metal frame and completely borked.
@lamh36: I know this is a respite thread, but this has to be shared
But it’s all a hoax right?
Chyron HR
Deadly Chinese biohoax.
Sampling The Valhalla Murders on Netflix. Icelandic noir, thus not at all unexpectedly kind of … bleak.
@Avalune: I agree with both parts of that statement.
@MomSense: MomSense Mom SMASH?
I recommend listening to podcasts while washing dishes.
Full Price Pod – scroll down for unlocked episodes.
@MomSense: I’m guessing that a lot of pent up frustration probably gave her some extra strength!
Sorry about the door though.
@MomSense: Might be the whole machine is rotated with respect to the cabinet. The little metal clips that hold dishwashers in place can be pretty soft and bendable. Easy enough to replace though if that’s the issue.
@lamh36: Thoughts and prayers
Let me guess, she was at Mar a Lago..
@MomSense: hulk smaaash
@WaterGirl: the state is notoriously slow…and with the added burden of this Coronovirus pandemic…could be slower.
I’d guess the reason why they interviewed all of the applicants on Friday was just in case non-essential personnel (i.e. non-lab workers) may not be available or asked to stay home
Not sure how to check but I’ll go look
Picturing mom manhandling that door is certainly a respite.
@lamh36: Gargoyles!
Did you get your power back yet?
@lamh36: I recommend this as your mantra for the next few weeks. No news is no news.
A long time ago – surely 15 years at least – I was applying for jobs. I applied to 7 of them. It was the same with all of them, taking longer than expected.
I would think “If I don’t hear from them by Friday, that means they have gone with someone else”.
“They said they would get back to me in 10 days, it’s been 3 weeks, I didn’t get this one.” etc.
It went on like that for weeks, making myself miserable. In the end, I was offered 6 of the 7 jobs. What I learned from the experience is that “no news is no news”. It’s not bad news, just no news.
@lamh36: From Jina! (Ok back to spiting again. DuckTales theme anyone?)
Cosmic punishment for badmouthing her uncle?
@WaterGirl: yes, I believe so.
Chump claims to have been tested
The machine appears to be even and in place but the door is all messed up.
@WaterGirl: oh, I agree. I’ve got school and work to occupy most of my time right now anyway. So I won’t be spending too much of mytime stressing bout it
OT, and it may have been mentioned before. But I just checked WA SOS website. They have approximately 117,000 ballots to count and Biden has a 30,000 vote lead. So Bernie couldn’t even pull in WA. All he got was ID.
@WaterGirl: Hell, I got a call back once 3 months after applying.
@lamh36: Just throw your CV at the wall, and you’ll find out what sticks.
My library will close for three weeks after today, so I went to pick up a book I had on reserve. While I was there, I was rummaging around in the DVD section to see if there was anything interesting to watch. The librarian let me know I could exceed the 10-disc limit. I didn’t quite get there, but I did come across a group of DVDs of black noir movies, none of which sounded familiar, but remembering the thread here a week or two ago, I thought I’d the four DVDs on the shelf. Now I have eight moody movies in my future!
@japa21: Meh. Biden’s gonna be all “How you like them Florida apples?”
I got a call back (for where I am now) that I hadn’t remembered applying for! As he’s asking me questions, I’m fumbling through the notebook where I kept all my applications. Found it just in time to answer his question about what I could contribute to the specific position.
Interesting. I thought he said at the CEO Pep Rally yesterday that he had not been tested. His lips were moving, though, so he was probably lying.
@debbie: List ’em!
@lamh36: You are clearly smarter than I was!
I’m reading The Night Watchman and The Man Without Talent while Leto’s watching The Crow. I should be doing something productive but most likely I’m going to see if I can get my crackhead researcher under control in Rimworld (sort of dystopian video game) because the colonists don’t have time for him to have a sad and productivity is overrated?
@mrmoshpotato: Ha! Does that mean they were completely incompetent? Or that their first choice didn’t work out? :-)
One of the best people I ever worked with was the second choice after the first hire was a bust.
There’s more of them here:
I know there are fans of the movie Master and Commander, so for those who also love the 20-book Aubrey-Maturin series (quite simply the best historical fiction I have ever read and I’ve read the entire series through at least five times) here’s an excellent article about the author, Patrick O’Brian — a man described as “one of the most secretive authors who ever lived” by Nikolai Tolstoy — regarding a 1998 interview he did with the BBC.
@debbie: I’m probably going overboard, but I hear you guys saying you’re getting library books and I think that’s the last thing I would do during a pandemic. Germs can live on paper for a very long time.
I used to get sick every winter until I stopped taking out library books unless it was summertime.
Watching the 90s XMen cartoon, and they have a female President…IJS.
I was gonna watch Contagion, but can’t find it free on streaming anywhere and I’m not interested in renting or buying it to do so
…positive result goes into the super-secret server as “a matter of national security”.
@debbie: Good thing you were organized!
I can’t imagine that “which position was this for, again? I applied to so many that I can’t keep you all straight” would have gone over all that well.
Gin & Tonic
@Avalune: It would be nice if Anne Laurie (and the twitterer) would credit the artist who created them.
So it appears the WH and Mar-A-Lago are hotbeds of infection. The number of trumper self isolation is mounting up.
@WaterGirl: They had to find the funding.
Oh, and in retrospect, they were pretty incompetent. Tons of fun when 6 partners have no clue what they actually want to do.
Sorry this is a Facebook link, but I couldn’t find the same video on their Instagram site. Cinderblock the chonky kitty is doing very well with her treadmill walking, but she still doesn’t like it. ?
My sister and BIL went to a similar wolf sanctuary in Pennsylvania. She said it was amazing.
My favorite is the Sequoia National Forest one. “There are bugs and they will bite you on your face.” ?
Dorothy A. Winsor
Yes, and notice there was a test available for her.
@Gin & Tonic: Her name is Amber Share.
@subparparks on Instagram.
@mikelowerystudio is a good on for fun 1 star reviews too – as mentioned upthread somewhere.
@WaterGirl: ebooks it is.
Between my Scribd app and stuff on Kindle I haven’t read I’m good for the duration.
Here’s her Twitter feed, I linked to it upthread. She also has a Reddit account that originally was centered on actual cinderblocks.
The person who created the subreddit was caught by surprise after he had neglected it for a few months and came back to find it has been taken over by fans of a chunky cat.
He was glad to hand over the keys for Cinderblock and the sub has 70K subscribers keeping tabs on her progress..
Gin & Tonic
@Avalune: Thank you. I’m on a phone, so couldn’t do that. I think it’s really rude to post someone else’s creative work without attribution.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah that’ s my fav too.
On the other one I shared my fav is for Central Park – “Not great! A squirrel stole my hot dog and school children laughed at me.”
Aha! I forgot she had her own Twitter account.
Here’s the video I was trying to share:
Norah O’Donnell reported that before reporters could go into Pence presser, WH staffer took their temperatures.
@Gin & Tonic: Ah yeah, I didn’t notice until you pointed it out because I follow her account and knew who it was… Maybe AL will update it in a bit.
@WaterGirl: Well, doesn’t bother me, but then my major professor at college was a bat researcher and kept them in his lab fridge lol (alive)….vampire bats don’t fly to feed…they land and walk carefully over to a goat or cow and nip them on the foot/ankle and lap up the blood flow. They have to keep up with the animal if it moves, so they tend to be more mobile on the ground than most bats. (Don’t mind me, I have a masters in zoology and Gary Larsen is my favorite cartoonist, so …weird)
Gin & Tonic
@bemused: Trump says he has been tested and expects results in a day or two. The state of Oklahoma tested 58 Utah Jazz players and staff in 4 hours a couple of days ago.
You seem to be a film oficiando. Would be an absolute respite for me if you shared your knowledge of more upbeat, utopian fare!
@Gin & Tonic:
The Bored Panda link has the artist’s name. She does great work.
For whatever it may be worth both Pandemic and Outbreak should be available on Netflix.
We certainly don’t want her to fake-die!
I have a technical question.
If we mention something about the suffering of Republicans, does that count as respite?
@Gin & Tonic: …on a day when the CDC tested 75 others.
Just One More Canuck
The terrible Njorl’s Saga?
@Gin & Tonic: I think Trump decided to get tested at that moment on the podium.
@bemused: No one seemed to give a shit yesterday when they were sharing a mic and shaking hands with a guy who’d been exposed without having been tested.
@Gin & Tonic:
Just another way for Trump to increase chaos and confusion. Seriously, if our MSM outlets don’t quit normalizing his every utterance, we stand no chance!
@mrmoshpotato: Such an underrated series!
@Gin & Tonic: Which means he should be isolating himself until he gets a negative result- here comes a twitter storm.
@Mnemosyne: Obviously, my fav is Joshua Tree “All you do is walk around the desert”.
Mexico shoulda paid for the wall while they had the chance.
@bemused: Shouldn’t that be the other way around?
Tough question, actually. Have to ruminate on it for a bit. Can you give an example of the type of thing you mean (movie or TV, doesn’t matter)?
One of my favorite feel good shows was (still is) Wonderfalls, which doesn’t seem to be on streaming services, however strangely enough someone apparently has put on YouTube.
@Kelly: I dont know why he bothered or bothered mentioning it. Its not like we’ll hear the truth about anything.
Step 1: Advertise the position
Step 2: Figure out who you want to hire
Step 3: Find the funding.
Step 4: Don’t communicate with people along the way.
Wow, all those years when I was hiring tech support staff for my group, i was doing it completely out of order! :-)
@Mnemosyne: I am in the minority – I feel bad for the kitty and can’t watch those.
And like fucking clockwork, Morocco now suspending all flights to Europe, Noth Africa and China.
My eldest sister and her husband are still in fucking Morocco. Her kids (all grown and two parents themselves) are furious and my father is beside himself with worry.
@japa21: Biden won ID.
@WereBear: I think that’s the wise choice.
@evodevo: Don’t mind me, either, I started skimming your comment and thought, nope, don’t need to have that image in my head!
@NotMax: right, but Contagion is actually more apropros for the situation we are in today
@Kelly: At which moment?
Her recovery is going very well and she’s getting excellent care. I think you’ll find it’s a positive story in light of her previous physical condition.
@HumboldtBlue: I think it will be very bad here, very soon. I can’t wait til a bunch of countries suspend all flights to the US. Trump is going to squeal with outrage. How dare they!!!
NYC teachers taking aim at de Blasio who refuses to cancel school. They are talking mass sickout to force his hand.
@NotMax: And every zombie movie ever made?
If you insist:
The Big Steal
Crime Wave
They Live by Night
Side Street
Where Danger Lives
This book (Hillary Mantel’s new one) just came in, so I don’t think it’s been touched too much. But I was thinking last night that I might have to stop going to the library when this is past. Then I thought that since the library will be closed for three weeks (totally; librarians are staying home the entire time), it might be okay. I don’t know, can’t decide.
I literally have two binders’ full of job applications. Not sure why I’m keeping them. Of course, being unemployed for 18 months, I had plenty of time to organize.
J R in WV
Froggy Update for the respite thread:
We have wood frogs mating and splishing and swimming in the tiny front door pond. It got cold last night, low 40s and raining right now, heavy rain expected tonite up to an inch on already wet ground.
Day before yesterday after I went into town neighbor dropped down to pick up a shipment he had dropped at our house, we chatted about 15 yards apart about hooking his portable gen set up to the water well, which will take a trip for electrical parts to make happen. Then I realized we were hearing tree frogs in the woods, peepers, tiny frogs the size of your thumbnail, make a sweet peep sound much louder than their size would indicate.
Then last night I heard a third species of frog chirp once, but again, it was getting cold, and they only made than one sound. Perhaps a mostly numb chorus frog, although they are usually later in the season. We also have toads lay eggs in the pond. On these mostly dry hillsides, it’s hard for amphibians to find a place wet enough for long enough to reproduce successfully. So every type of frog you would expect to find in the wooded hillsides will shoe up here at our front door, frolic and mate and croak to draw a potential mate.
By late April or May the pond will be more eggs than water. I wanted to use a plastic leaf rake to pull winter leaves out, but the waterlogged leaves beat me into the ground. I’m going to go for hip waders in order to get into the pond to work. After I get some of the leaves out, I’m going to try to raise the lower side of the liner to make the pond deeper, right now you can see a lot of black rubber liner around the edge. I’m also going to spray both the visible liner and the new rocks with moss to give the moss a head start covering everything with that luxurious velvet green texture that damp rock gets around here.
Daffodils are pretty much in full bloom, started back in Feb very sparsely at first, but now killer.
Trigger warning, nature can be violent…
We have had toads mating and laying eggs on one side of the pond, while a small bullfrog ate those strands of potential toads seconds after they were laid on the other side of the pond. But there were new baby toads regardless of the bullfrog’s predation. Bullfrog gotta eat too!
Since we’ve had lots of rain, the boulders are especially green right now. I’ll peel off some more successful moss to whiz in buttermilk to spray around the newly rebuilt pond at some point soon. From rocks not near the house!
It helps if you turn the sound on, because the vet techs working with her so clearly love her and want the best for her.
They also put up lots of videos of them playing with her and petting her, so maybe watch those instead? They have a new one of her venturing to wander around the vet’s office and the guy doing the camera is so proud and happy for her.
@debbie: Ooooo I recommend Edgar G. Ulmer’s Detour from 1945.
Does it count as a respite to read this thread from a former Bernie supporter who is pissed about how Bernie’s staff screwed up his campaign despite having 4 years to prepare?
No, no, no, don’t say that! I just grabbed a bunch of interesting books from the library before they all closed down indefinitely.
It is a tough question, maybe unfair. But there are serious movies with uplifting endings. My favorites are “Casablanca”. “African Queen”, “In the Heat of the Night”…etc.
Some of the classic screwball comedies like “Bringing Up Baby” and “Arsenic and Old Lace”…
T.V. series are more difficult because most long running series tend to become more serious at the expense of the laughs.
My favorite series were MASH, Northern Exposure, Golden Girls. Designing Women…
Now, you may like, love, tolerate my examples but I hope I answered your question.
@HumboldtBlue: stupid, stupid, stupid. and shortsighted. not a good look in a crisis.
I’m watching Man in the High Castle on Prime. It’s one of those series where you really have to pay strict attention. As I was watching, I was trying to decide which would be worse – Nazi or Japanese rule. I decided they were both horrible, just in different ways. But, if I did have to choose the most horrible, I’d have to go with Nazi. The awful thing is I am drawing parallels with the Nazi philosophy (in the show)with certain RW philosophy in our government now.
I think I need to go sew. The quilt is going to be awesome!
IMHO, it’s totally respite in that it’s not corona-related and it’s not just whatever our front-pagers deem a distraction.
@debbie: When in doubt, and the stakes are high, I think the answer is don’t do it. But that’s just me.
@ziggy: :-(
It is, but as he has said, he has too many parents who have no other recourse on where to send their children. I think we’re seeing how the pandemic is proving difficult to manage because it literally impacts the daily lives of everyone.
@HumboldtBlue: Is he allowing kids to not go to school during this time, without being penalized, and keep the schools open only for those who have no other place to go?
That’s unclear at this point, but I suspect that will play a role as it is in districts across the country.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@ziggy: Read the books out in the sun.
Brooklyn Dodger
@mrmoshpotato: here’s a very cool podcast about washing the dishes! (if I didn’t bork the link).?
I have them for at least three weeks (there were no reserves), so I’m hoping to maintain the attention span to watch all of them.
Dan B
@lamh36: Please stay on your soapbox. A neighbor got sick, felt better today and went to every restaurant and bakery. This virus is about how to protect thise who are likely to succumb not in how much we need to socialize. My partner has lung issues and is terrified. I’ve got a sore throat today and don’t want to share that information with him because there’s not much I can do except sterile procedure and distance. We are surrouded by elderly neighbors and a newborn. Months of isolation will be tough but I would rather endure that than guilt from infecting someone. We lived through AIDS and the horror of being unable to help is still strong. Now we can do something and it is unimaginable that people would feel compelled to cheat.
Knowing that NYCers are basically pretty neurotic, he should be walking this back very soon.
Reading the frog story above reminded me of one my family’s fave stories.
My father was out gardening when he came across a pair of turtles, well, mating. So he went inside, grabbed the camera and took a picture, and then some more pictures. Never thought to mention it to my mother. The camera then gets used for my nephew’s first birthday. My mother goes to get the film developed and orders double photos so she can share them with my brother. She goes back to the car and decides to look through them. Family photos and then picture after picture after picture of… turtle pornography. From above, from each side, showing their faces, my engineer father provided full documentation of the turtles who f*cked in our backyard.
We still joke about it over a decade later. Don’t know which is funnier, my dad not realizing how many pictures he’s taking or my mom flipping through them expecting a toddler’s birthday party. “Have a talk about the birds and the bees? Nah, we’re just going to have granddad tell him about the turtles.”
Very rough initial strictly top o’ the noggin eclectic shortish list then, from the info you kindly provided. Leaving out the obvious classic screwball comedies for the nonce.
The Stunt Man
Advertising Rules
La Chevre
Noises Off
The 101-Year-Old Man Who Skipped Out on the Bill and Disappeared
Last Cab to Darwin
Movie Movie
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day
The Coca-Cola Kid
Bagdad Cafe
The Hell of ’63
Little Mosque on the Prairie
Corner Gas
Empty Space
Nothing Trivial
Dreamland (a/k/a Utopia)
William and Mary
@Avalune: I believe Amber Share is the original artist and she has a web site and sells greeting cards and other items as well. She gathered the reviews from multiple locations and sites
Dan B
@HumboldtBlue: I have a friend who booked her return flight ten minutes before the Saudi’s announced a travel ban beginning Sunday. She’s stuck in Jeddah, fortunately she’s got friends there.
@pamelabrown53: my dad loved old movies and used to watch them with me starting when I was 9 or 10. Some of my favorites were Arsenic and Old Lace and anything with Kate Hepburn or Rosalind Russell. “Insanity doesn’t run in this family, it gallops!”
Amber Share Designs
Robert Sneddon
@lamh36: I’d go for “The Masque of the Red Death” myself, Corman and Price competing in the scenery-chewing stakes.
The Rainmaker with Katherine Hepburn and Burt Lancaster is worth seeing for respite A stage play rendered almost exactly into a movie. Hepburn won the Academy Award for best actress. Lancaster could have won best actor, but it was the fifties and his character was very subversive.
And the schadenfreude is delicious, too. ?
@HumboldtBlue: Thread might be dead, but I wanted to thank you for this amazing link! I’ve read the Aubrey-Maturin series through twice and hope to start it again this summer. ?
You’re more than welcome. A fan of the series is a friend of mine.
And @ Dan B: Our wanderers will be able to look after themselves even if forced to remain overseas for an indeterminate amopunt of time.
@debbie: Dead thread, but I got one job offer two years after I applied, and another 6 months after.
The two years after (hired someone else who didn’t work out, and classified ads are expensive.) 6 months they still hadn’t found anyone. 12 years later I am still there.
@Dan B: I am going to type this out and give it to my phucking niece and her stepfather.
I am a straight white woman and lost many close friends in the AIDS epidemic.
My extended family has close ties to China, and take infectious disease seriously.
I cannot believe how cavalier Americans are about health. Early on I was washing my hands a lot at work and people were snickering. I said even if you don’t believe in this corona virus a bunch of people ( 5000, if I remember correctly) died in this county from flu this week and we are still in flu season.