I have two observations that really aren’t very complicated or sophisticated.
First, we’re not going to run out of (most) of the stuff of our daily lives. Even this toilet paper nonsense will soon resolve itself when everyone has enough TP to wipe a hundred asses a hundred times. What many people who used to work in the service industry or other $12/hour shit jobs are going to run out of is: money. And when they run out, and need to feed their kids or themselves, things could get quite ugly. So, send money, now.
Second, we’re all means tested, once per year, usually on April 15, but on July 15 this year. We can send everyone (from Jeff Bezos to Jeff-who-used-to-wait-tables) $1,000 per month (or more!) and get it back via taxes. Any means test that precedes getting a check is too fucking complicated, and too hard to implement. So, send money, now.
But what about increasing unemployment insurance, instead of giving away money? Sure — sometimes I, too, feel 1972, and listen to a Carole King tune. But in our felicitous 2020 gig economy, we have a situation where our freedom-loving country is populated by free agents who interact directly with the invisible hand, and the law says this:
However, since independent contractors are not employees and no one pays unemployment insurance for them, it is not likely that an independent contractor will be eligible for unemployment benefits.
What about any other social program? Beef ’em all up, but give people cash, too. Cash without restriction is better than long lines applying for SNAP or any other means-tested social program.
The only concern I have about the simple plan of sending a check is that many of the people who need the money are unbanked and will crowd around check cashing stations and other similar places.
In closing, send money, now.
Ah, send it to me, all of it, yes. Do me!
My god it’s only the 20th, I foresee some crazy shit in California five days from now.
Major Major Major Major
A notorious deficit scold had this to say yesterday.
Agreed. In my little slice of the world, the emails going around are close to panicked. They aren’t panicked about the virus. They are panicked about their families getting evicted.
Didn’t help that the employer’s response was the flowery prose equivalent of ‘sucks to be you.’
Another Scott
There are some details that need to be considered, like how a sudden influx of cash affects people getting means-tested benefits (SSI/SSDI, etc., etc.), but blanket statements that this emergency cash would not affect those benefits should take care of it (I think). Otherwise, right on. Get the money out now, to everyone.
In other news, Cheryl bait: RollCall:
My view is that we need to make sure the weapons we have continue to work as they should (explosives do degrade over time), but we need to reduce their numbers a lot, not build new ones. Shoveling money at the problem for the next 30 years isn’t going to do that.
Send out pre-loaded debit cards with an end of year expiration.
Workers need substantial financial help, free access to healthcare, a freeze on debt payments, an increase in unemployment insurance and SNAP benefits. What we don’t need is our politicians talking about means testing, slush funds to bail out businesses, and the unending use of the “small business” buzzwords. These measures should be a permanent reinforcement of the torn safety net.
A Ghost To Most
Those of us who will not need the help need to pay it forward into our communities.
Takeout is the new war bonds.
Like a thousand bucks is gonna do a damn thing.
@different-church-lady: well, it would do a few things for a lot of people outside the really high rent areas. A start is better than nothing.
download my app in the app store mistermix
@different-church-lady: Make it a couple thousand then.
@download my app in the app store mistermix: Yeah, that’s what I’m getting at.
Matt McIrvin
Aside from cash flow problems, there’s the problem that there’s no even half-safe way to buy basic supplies. All the grocery delivery services are slammed so hard that they’re unusable, so people have to go to the store in person, and that’s a human zoo rife with opportunities for contamination. At some point the main vector for transmission of the plague will be grocery runs, if it isn’t already.
James E Powell
But the majority white people will not support any aid program that does not prohibit the young black males from buying steak & lobster. They may insist on drug tests.
@Matt McIrvin:
When you eliminate every other vector of human life, then yeah.
It occurs to me that the problem with coming up with enough cash to dole out to everyone is that a whole lot of the “money” in our economy was fake to begin with.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@James E Powell:
“Young bucks, buying T-Bone steaks…”
Why T-Bones, I haven’t a clue. They’re not the best by a long shot.
James E Powell
@Major Major Major Major:
Deficit scolds never worry about the deficit when a Republican is in power.
@different-church-lady: I live in a moderate rent area, so no, $1000 won’t even cover the bare minimum of rent, food, car payment and insurance. But I would still rather get that first $1000 and start talking about the second than have the uncertainty of possibly not getting any.
I am not worried about getting evicted during the employment downtime. No one else has money either. There are no new potential tenants to replace me.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: T-Bone was Reagan’s porn name. He was bragging.
It will for some, but you’re right – for people who live in high rent areas that’s groceries and utilities for maybe a month.
On the other hand I suspect that processing eviction notices are going to be a low priority for any civil courts that remain open, not to mention law enforcement authorities that would have to serve and enforce them. Cops aren’t that busy right now, but even the biggest asshole cops are not going to be enthused about helping to throw lots of families into the street.
@James E Powell: Based on a trip to Whole Foods earlier, steak and lobster might be their only choices. All the cheaper foods were already gone.
Note: conversing with my sister-in-law, a doc, who told me she bought 10 N95 masks for Amazon last night for $23 apiece – she doesn’t know when they will be getting any new ones at the 2-3 hospitals at which she works.
@James E Powell:
At least until the majority of white people are in the shit too. Tick tock
@danielx: Housing court employee here: you are 100% correct. My jurisdiction has put a freeze on all eviction proceedings for some defined term that is sure to be extended indefinitely.
James E Powell
At my local Von’s Pavilion on Wednesday all they had was T-bones and they had a lot of them. Butcher guy says they will be on sale today for very low price because they have to get rid of them.
I wish they would means test via geographic cost of living. $1000 won’t even cover one month’s rent in DC, NY, SF, etc. I’m not remotely worried for myself as I have 100% job security and the ability to telework, but I live in a tiny house in a suburb of DC with the lowest home values in probably a 50 mile radius. I bought for a song at the bottom of the market after 2008 , but my mortgage is still substantially more than $1000. I’m worried about my neighbors, almost all of whom are working class.
OK, there are some signs of things returning to normal: about half the articles on Boston.com right now are about Tom Brady again.
Decades of slashing the safety net makes it really hard to fix. All the standard rules should be abandoned. Anyone without a job, health insurance, or with low income should get help. No questions asked. If politicians don’t understand this they may learn at the pointed end of a pitchfork.
Your daily reminder to RESIST GLOOM PORN.
Anonymous At Work
Re: Check cashing: Simple idea that’s been floated before is POST OFFICE BANKING. Won’t help in urban areas but would alleviate more than a few issues. Also, how much you wanna bet that the Post Office would be cheaper than banks?
Roger Moore
@Matt McIrvin:
We don’t have to completely eliminate all forms of transmission; we just need to reduce it to the point that transmission is below the level where the disease grows out of control.
Means testing ain’t difficult. Magically sending “everyone” a check right now ain’t easy. What address are you going to use and where are you going to get it from? Even using last year’s IRS info, some people have moved.
Some of the decisions the Senate is making are problematic. One report said that the poorest people, those who had no taxable income in the prior year, might not get anything.
We shall see. I hope the government does not fuck this up.
There are news reports that crime is down 25 percent in Los Angeles. Residential burglaries, in particular.
Closing the bars also has seemed to decrease some mischief.
However, some 911 calls from people in apartments calling to complain about neighbors coughing.
Christ almighty.
The Thin Black Duke
@different-church-lady: Huh?
@The Thin Black Duke: Let’s just say that in my personal life I have no option to get away from the wrong kinds of voices right now…
San Francisco where I live has declared a moratorium on eviction. The superior court (trial court) has continued all unlawful detainer (eviction) trials for 90 days. And the clerk’s office is closed. Alameda Superior Court. (Oakland) is closed. Contra Costa County Superior Court closed a week ago for everything except criminal arraignments which have IIRC a 72 hour deadline. All,of this should help.
Ten Bears
What about Social Security. My cash gigs have all dried up and it isn’t enough.
@MaryL: Hell, $1000 won’t cover a month’s rent in most Ky cities, much less the left coast…