Warning — NSFW:
The Government has made an ad about the Coronavirus and its surprisingly honest and informative ????
?? Spread the message not the virus: #FlattenTheCurve pic.twitter.com/gHB0k0qkFN
— theJuice (@thejuicemedia) March 14, 2020
President FlapMouth strikes again:
This is sub optimal pic.twitter.com/O0pvrz2OCN
— AdotSad (@AdotSad) March 20, 2020
Doctors worry that the president’s rosy outlook for the use of old malaria drugs to help with the coronavirus will exacerbate shortages of the drugs, which are relied on by patients with lupus and other debilitating conditions https://t.co/spQOhNA4Z7
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) March 21, 2020
Small government is no match for tiny virus. pic.twitter.com/ZSf0NqPK04
— Steve Joffe (@SteveJoffe) March 21, 2020
Maybe there was a reason to stockpile all that toilet paper!
Almost half of coronavirus patients have digestive symptoms https://t.co/dLoRM8FBR0 pic.twitter.com/B6lscIYngr
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 21, 2020
Diarrhea and other digestive symptoms are the main complaint in nearly half of coronavirus patients, Chinese researchers report. Most patients with the coronavirus have respiratory symptoms, but these findings from the early stages of the outbreak show that digestive problems are prevalent in many patients with COVID-19…
The researchers analyzed data from 204 COVID-19 patients, average age nearly 55, who were admitted to three hospitals in the Hubei province between Jan. 18 and Feb. 28, 2020. The average time from symptom onset to hospital admission was 8.1 days.
However, the finding showed that patients with digestive symptoms had a longer time from symptom onset to hospital admission than patients without digestive symptoms, 9 days versus 7.3 days.
This suggests that patients with digestive symptoms sought care later because they didn’t yet suspect they had COVID-19 due to a lack of respiratory symptoms, such as cough or shortness of breath, the researchers explained…
Also, I’m seeing ‘loss of sense of smell’ emerging as a rare-but-possible symptom elsewhere:
So i was confirmed #COVID19 positive- i had mild symptoms of fever and cough but also more unusual ones like complete loss of smell (disconcerting) and visual disturbance- #epitwitter i think we can make better use of these weird ones for #digital community surveillance
— Michael Edelstein (@epi_michael) March 19, 2020
Anyone know about support groups in other cities?
I am so glad to see this. It's a worrying time for everyone but the stress on people who have to worry about the #PublicCharge rule must be enormous. https://t.co/BTFDinzKfg
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) March 20, 2020
Coronavirus in the US: A map of where cases have been confirmed across the country. https://t.co/OuZGsMPheR
— NBC News (@NBCNews) March 21, 2020
Hong Kong, Singapore & Japan have been able to contain #CoronaVirus whereas Italy, US & others are regretting that they didn’t act when they had to
The key lies in #SocialDistancing #SelfIsolation and #SelfRegulation
Please follow Govt guidelines; #StaySafe ? pic.twitter.com/zDkhTwGWRu
— KTR (@KTRTRS) March 21, 2020
(chart from the Financial Times)
Read the whole thing:
Some countries that were on the front line when #Covid19 started to spread are so far keeping the virus in check. Here's what they are doing. https://t.co/YTJOchH4Uj
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) March 20, 2020
… China, which is now diagnosing more cases in returning travelers than in people infected at home, reported no new domestically acquired cases on Wednesday, for the first time in more than two months. South Korea, which had an explosive outbreak that began in February, is aggressively battering down its epidemic curve. Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan have together reported only about 600 cases.
Those successes have been bought by a layering of what are known as non-pharmaceutical initiatives — including social distancing and travel restrictions — aimed at severing chains of transmission to keep the virus from going into an exponential growth cycle.
None of the other countries has been as aggressive as China, which put tens of millions of people into forced quarantine for weeks. And these other locales have not all adopted an across-the-board checklist of measures. While kids in Hong Kong haven’t been in school since late January, class continues in Singapore.
Here’s a look at some of the techniques these governments employed, and how they stack up to steps being taken in the United States as well as the United Kingdom, which has come under heavy scrutiny for its approach, fairly or not…
To be clear, all essential and business travel will continue unimpeded. And if you’re currently visiting the US, please come home and self-isolate for 14 days. Your travel home will not be affected by this measure. For more information, click here: https://t.co/GNI8DoIyJz
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 21, 2020
Experts say spending time in nature is good for our mental health. The National Trust is opening up its gardens and parkland for free during the Coronavirus crisis.
— WWFP (@WorldwideFP) March 21, 2020
Coronavirus: Germany introduces first lockdown as Bavaria imposes two-week ban on going outsidehttps://t.co/t419Lz37BF
— Grahame Lucas #FBPE #FBR #RejoinEU (@GrahameLucas) March 21, 2020
Dutch Health Minister resigns after collapsing from exhaustion due to #CoronaVirusChallenge, Dutch PM appoints an opposition leader, experienced in health sector as new Health Minister. How a leader should behave in a crisis! https://t.co/DNkISxf09a
— Ashok Swain (@ashoswai) March 21, 2020
Which is strange because he is already behind bullet-proof glass and can't really catch anything. The Leader of the World Proletariat has been doing social distancing well before it was cool. https://t.co/cC3ya1EMaZ
— Slava Malamud (@SlavaMalamud) March 18, 2020
#CoronaVirusUpdates: India's tally climbs to 285 as five more test positive in Gujarathttps://t.co/Z8IX9Jepi8
— Deccan Herald (@DeccanHerald) March 21, 2020
153 new cases of #Coronavirus in Malaysia and 2 new deaths. Total number of cases reach 1153 and death toll reaches 4
— Wars on the Brink (current focus coronavirus) (@WarsontheBrink) March 21, 2020
Indonesian MOH confirmed 81 new #COVID19 cases and 6 deaths bringing the total to 450 cases and 38 deaths https://t.co/rEDiIHqpWE
— COVID19 Updates in Asia (@SEACoronavirus) March 21, 2020
For the third day in a row, China recorded no new domestically acquired #Covid19 cases of Friday.
There were 41 new cases, all people infected abroad. China has now imported 269 cases.
81,008 cases, 71740 infected, 3255 deaths.https://t.co/xJW6jS0NKJ pic.twitter.com/ttZLLorjCa— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) March 21, 2020
This is how China successfully finished off corona virus. This is what we are attempting to do now. pic.twitter.com/1w3zRUSDF0
— Prof.Bholanath Dutta ?? (@BholanathDutta) March 21, 2020
This breaks my heart. The spread of coronavirus and #COVID19 is interrupting the delivery of #polio vaccine, and the long, long campaign to eradicate that disease.https://t.co/nEq04i1Ljd pic.twitter.com/YPwVL5VVWU
— Maryn McKenna (@marynmck) March 21, 2020
Thanks @jordanjaunt ! We are indeed collating an overview of all #SARSCoV2 tests commercially available or in development for #Covid_19 diagnosis, among other activities. More here: https://t.co/9dtSg3gMlA
— FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics) (@FINDdx) March 20, 2020
Lots of people are now getting interested in infectious disease epidemiology (which is great), but I wanted to do a quick thread on some common mistakes/misunderstandings to watch out for if you're new to these sorts of datasets/questions… 1/
— Adam Kucharski (@AdamJKucharski) March 20, 2020
A good rule of thumb in outbreak analysis is that if something looks interesting/unusual, the most likely explanation is that it's a quirk of how you've interpreted the data. I've outlined some common mistakes above, but some more tips here:https://t.co/vGiN8HRJaC 8/8
— Adam Kucharski (@AdamJKucharski) March 20, 2020
Now is the time for innovative thinking. The editors of the medical journal @JAMA_current are looking for smart ideas on how to conserve & replenish the personal protective equipment health workers need to stay healthy. Add ideas here: https://t.co/kOBUOekFKu
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) March 21, 2020
PSA about what we’re doing to Verify Twitter accounts that are providing credible updates around #COVID19: we are working with global public health authorities to identify experts and have already Verified hundreds of accounts, but there’s more to do and we could use your help.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) March 21, 2020
Please also ensure your Twitter bio references (and links to) the institution you are associated with, and that the page you link to includes a reference back to your Twitter account. This helps us more quickly confirm that you are who you say you are.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) March 21, 2020
Gun sellers across the United States are reporting major spikes in firearm and bullet purchases as the coronavirus spreads across the country. https://t.co/QCtmsgsziI
— CNN (@CNN) March 21, 2020
When everyone’s stuck at home due to Coronavirus and you have a noisy hobby, I guess you do it where you can ? #coronavirus #beijing pic.twitter.com/lr4usXQ4tJ
— Luke Giles (@lukegilesADL) March 21, 2020
Normally I skip the comments on twitter but on a tweet that Josh Marshall had I made an exception. It’s some of the best advice that I have seen.
Good morning all.
@JPL: Good morning ?.
I like it!
@JPL: Hmm.
I’m more of a (white area) FUCK YOU ALL
kind of guy.
But that’s just me.
Also good morning on pot roast Saturday. (corrected)
I was scanning around nighttime AM radio a couple nights ago and ran into Dr. Fauci being interviewed by Sean Hannity. I was momentarily dismayed, but then I looked past my disdain for Hannity and understood that Fauci is a professional with an urgent and consequential task at hand. And Fauci is a good communicator; I hope he’s making all those asinine shows.
Mary G
Well, CVS can’t renew my generic hydrochloroquine prescription that I’ve had for 35 years due to shortages. Rich people buying it up, or what, who knows. They can maybe get me a brand name for $300, which I can’t afford without going into savings. Fortunately it isn’t the strongest thing I take and not having it hopefully won’t send me into a flare up.
@Mary G: Mary I am so sorry and the media needs to talk about repercussions of trumps actions.
Very, very true. But at times, the way he does it makes me wince. Yesterday, after Trump binged on that miracle drug, Fauci took way to long using far too many words to say that what the president said was an opinion, a hunch, (but from a very stable brain!) I just hope Fauci is able to keep his marbles once he runs into the maxim that what Trump touches dies.
ETA Edited for clarity. (I hope!)
Gotta protect the TP.
As an entiled whiteman who is overpaid (i.e. educated elite) for the work I do, I of course, have a job that pays me as I (lol) telwork. Further as this entiled person I had the means to save two months salary. These super advantages have created a lifestyle that simply prevents me from really coming to grips with the horror that the average person must now be enduring – zero savings, surieving pay-check to pay-check who now has no job, questionable, if any healthcare and no means to gain emplyment combined with the unknown danger of this virus.
This is insane and beyond my real ability to understand except knowing that an extreme emptiness and terrible fear these good people must be enduring – rent to be paid, food and care for children and frankly, the terrible weight of responsiblity with no end in site for these hidious problems.
Thanks to the hated orange cloud of stinking gas, this tRump slump, and tRump virus has created this vast problem – voting matters and the fools that didn’t can partly thank themselves for this nightmare.
@JWR: “Sorry, this orange idiot is an idiot. I’m a medical doctor who actually knows his stuff and…”
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I guess having a gun in the house gives the ammosexuals the nervous shits.
Cue the best teeny tiny violins. Trump’s clubs and hotels, including Mar-a-Lago, suffer from coronavirus fallout
Mary G
@JPL: I’m not that fussed about it, I’ve never thought it worked that well for me. It’s just annoying that Twitler is taking it away from people who do rely on it. Especially those without insurance; it’s always been one of the cheapest things I take, Tier 1, $10 copay.
The sudden shortages smell to high heaven and I can’t help wondering if some Mar-a-Lago members bought it up before it made the news.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: you know, I will be majorly pissed at the universe if the right wing doomsday preppers come out ahead on this crisis.
Good news on the home front: My wife can NOT work from home after all. Due to the time lag over our satellite internet connection, voice communication is all but impossible. The chances of my NOT getting shot during this pandemic have increased exponentially. (actually not such bad news, it appears the office only has 2 other individuals working there with lots of distance between them) (the joys of living in our conservative heartland where investing in infrastructure is a waste compared to tax breaks for multi billion dollar corporations).
Our compounding pharmacist DiL had a vet call her insisting he needed a dose of hydroxychloroquine for his dog. She didn’t give it to him.
I went to Orschelns and Lowes yesterday for a few things I couldn’t send the wife after. Surprisingly enough people maintained 6-8′ distancing, even waiting in line. Nobody laughed (to my face anyway) when I pulled a bandana over my face, tho the cashier did start to raise her hands.
My covid life.
Yes, I like that approach! :) But can you imagine where we’d be without the good doctor up there?, with just Pence, Pompeo, and that other doctor, (who’s actually very qualified.) So Fauci remains our best source during these briefings. I just hope he’s able to resist the Trump taint, which I worry about because of his somewhat obsequious behavior towards the guy.
@Mary G: you can pretty much count on that. Sorry you’re having that trouble, and hope your other meds are enough.
@OzarkHillbilly: What’s the saying – “My wife not being able to work from home makes the heart grow fonder.”
@satby: Ahead? Like accidentally shooting themselves in all body parts but the head?
Or will they somehow be able to eat bullets? You could feed an entire compound with a tank shell! :)
@satby: They won’t. Right now they are all patting themselves on the back for “being prepared” but the fact is, what they’ve prepared for is not what is happening.
@JWR: I can also imagine where we’d be with that woman in charge that that Chuckles Todd called “over prepared.”
OMG that piece from The Juice made laugh and smile so much. I am now waiting for the spousal unit to wake up so that she can enjoy it too.
MaryG, bummer. OzarkH, good for your DiL.
“Hold my freeze-dried beer.”
@mrmoshpotato: Ugh! Thanks for the (ETA Chuckles) reminder. ;-)
@OzarkHillbilly: Yeah, but they’ve also been “self isolating” for years.
Only half joking.
A new gun in the house. Weeks of self-isolation.
What can go wrong?
That’s just…..ummmmm….(chef’s kiss).
Fair Economist
@NotMax: I note Mar-a-Lago is *closed*, which is more than required for FL. Guess it really was an infection source. Bolsonaro has decided he needs to be tested again. Media reporting notwithstanding, he probably got it there.
@JWR: Glad to help. :)
Wait, you were being sarcastic! >:(
@Fair Economist
My understanding is that closures have been mandated for Palm Beach county (Mar-a-lago) and Broward county.
@mapaghimagsik: This?
We should be so lucky.
@Mary G: Idiots always SUCK. Because they always PANIC.
I am less sick, so I run all the errands. But we both are immune-compromised, and it just adds an extra layer of anxiety.
Fair Economist
@NotMax: Nonessential businesses have been closed but not hotels. Many are closing voluntarily, but for some reason Mar-a-Lago had to close first.
Coronavirus: Italy and Spain record highest single-day death tolls
Ohio Mom
Mary: Oh.
Reading this post, I started thinking, “Maybe I’d better see if I can renew my plaquinel ahead of schedule,” and I also use CVS.
It’s the only thing I take for my RA; I was only diagnosed three years ago and it’s still (knock, wood) pretty mild.
I wouldn’t mind sharing if it really was the life-saving med Trump thinks it is but I am guessing it is useful only in patients whose immune systems are hurting their lungs by overdoing it, since what it does is tamp down immune system action. Anyway, that’s the limit of my understanding of pharmacology, I could be wrong.
Anne Laurie
See the next post; maybe there’s a mutual aid group in your area that you could join?
Yes! I’m just not very good at it. :-)
Anne Laurie
Cynic that I am, I’m just waiting for the first case of a known gun-fondler calling for emergency medical assistance, upon which the local volunteers decide it’s too risky to possibly walk into a hail of bullets. We get the occasional news report, even in this highly-populated blue state, about fire & rescue cases that end tragically for similar reasons.
And I don’t think they are going to do well having to fall back on their own internal resources and existing household members…
Anne Laurie
A joint like Marred-a-Largo is really expensive to keep open, especially if the news media has made it impossible for Trump to keep hiring / abusing undocumented workers. And the reports were that the place was losing money even before this; some critics said it was mostly being kept open to assuage the owner (and/or by the remittances of Russian/Chinese/etc intelligence agents looking for access to same).
Certainly seems possible that the bookkeepers convinced the ‘controlling authority’ (aka Don Jr & Eric) that shutting down early, and claiming act-of-god payment from the insurance people, made more sense than trying to prop it up any longer, just cuz it gave Daddy a captive audience.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Spot on. I find it dismaying to read those posts on how other countries are controlling the virus because Trump will have to be dragged to those measures and by then it will be too late. Who’s the shithole country now?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
@Ohio Mom: Dr DIL tells me they’re now restricting plaquinel so may be too late.
Ohio Mom
grandmaBear: YIKES! And Dr. DIL is also in SW Ohio, so this sometimes forgotten end of the world is not being forgotten now.
I only have ten days worth left. Now off to google to see if there are any bad effects of going off the stuff cold turkey (well, in addition to the harm untreated RA does).
Contact your doctor as soon as you can. Could be as someone who already had a prescription you can get it.
@mrmoshpotato: Everyone on Todd’s shows should be asking him now, “good thing we have a president who never prepares. isn’t it Chuck?”
I wouldn’t say I’m glad Hillary isn’t in charge now. Fewer people would die if she was leading us. But I do think we might be better off post-2020. Even with the best possible response, we were going into a deep recession from this. And the party in power always gets blamed for that. A landslide against Trump is a lot better for our future than a landslide against Democrats.
I’m coming to the same sad conclusion.
If it weren’t for the Great Depression, we might not have gotten FDR. Without Democratic leadership, the Republicans would have made money and left us open for the pincer movement of the Axis which we would have faced, alone.
And Hoover refused to address the suffering of the Great Depression because it was against conservative dogma.
Interesting damn times.
Using so many words with shithead standing next to him might buy Fauci time to get out the facts. We know trump can’t absorb information, too many big words, briefs too long so maybe trump tunes out and doesn’t fully realize his lies are being refuted.
J R in WV
Republicans in bulk really suck.
I know some local Rs that seem to be good neighbors, friendly, helpful. But I bet they wouldn’t be so helpful in the abstract, like not in favor of the government helping people who lost their jobs last week, etc, etc.
Hoover was following the codex of his party… the rules tell them if you fail, you should die to improve the species. Darwinian social policy for the loss.
Now, of course, we know that even elephants and crows help each other out. But not Republicans, and especially not helping non-Republicans. Help a Democrat? maybe if he is right next door… maybe.
The only way to actually get help from government is to have trump and pence die and have Pelosi take over.
A question on test distribution. Are the COVID 19 tests (that Trump claims are out there) being distributed to “red ” districts or states? Does this have attachments to Medicaid “grants”. .?….a relative is being paid as a contractor to test hundreds of staff at private college.
I live in red state, being told if you need a test,call your doctor. Don’t understand the dissonance and disconnect.
Pharmacist checking is, re: hydroxychloroquine
There is growing evidence that it works to treat COVID19. Only 10 or 14 days of treatment is currently recommended, but with this being a worldwide thing… On a per patient basis, that’s huge demand. And hospitals may be stockpiling for their patients and potential future patients.
There are other, similarly cheap, medications for RA that haven’t shown any efficacy in COVID19 that you could ask your doctor about. (phone call, internet message) Methotrexate, Leflunomide, Sulfasalazine, etc.
Hopefully you’ll be fine if you elect to go without, but I would suggest asking your doctor for a different (cheap) option. Good luck!
Miss Bianca
@?BillinGlendaleCA: What do people think they’re going to do, *shoot* the damn thing?
Yeah, a lot of people self-isolating with their families and loved ones with a lot of new guns and ammo…that’s sure to end well…
@Cermet: I’m in the same situation as you (though it wasn’t saving money that helped, it was getting a bonus just a few weeks ago). And I have the same feelings of helplessness, plus I’m 72 years old. I’m telecommuting and I work for an electric utility (i.e., “essential business”) but relatives and friends are in much worse shape and there’s little I can do except send money and good wishes, and try to stay optimistic, or at least not panicked.