4 days ago the Senate's coronavirus relief bill was delayed by an amendment from Sen. Rand Paul, now the first confirmed case in the Senate
Paul was also sole "no" vote on the $8.3 billion coronavirus spending bill the Senate passed earlier this monthhttps://t.co/zuIbY6QMQu
— Christopher Mims ? (@mims) March 22, 2020
a) He (claims he) feels just fine!
b) He apparently jumped the line to score a test that might’ve been useful to someone actually suffering, because FYIGM (Fvck You, I Get Mine).
if this asymptomatic senator who hasn’t been in contact with anyone with the virus testing positive isn’t a wake up that ramping up to testing *everyone* is the right move then man i dunno https://t.co/HHtdDJ3Cge
— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) March 22, 2020
Murphy the Trickster God is seldom a subtle plotter, but this is just lazy, Dude.
Get well, stay away from people, and I am still on team Rand Paul’s neighbor.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) March 22, 2020
I will keep @RandPaul in my thoughts & look forward to him getting well soon.
Sen Paul says he was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person. With long incubation, impossible to know who may be carrying the virus. This is why Congress needs to go to remote voting. https://t.co/FKXPgyAhRI
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) March 22, 2020
joel hanes
Sen. Paul was reportedly in the Senate locker room and swimming pool after submitting the sample, but before learning the results.
joel hanes
pace Charlie Warzel, testing everyone is not within our capabilities at this time, and will not be within our capabilities for a long time yet, will we or nil we.
Trying to win after falling far behind the pack makes for a long race.
Thoughts and prayers.
Senator Rand Paul refers to himself as Senator Rand Paul on twitter? Not “I” or “Me” ?
@joel hanes: Did he hang out with the senatortoise?
Did he have part of a lung removed, or did I dream that?
Trying to focus on Brother Paul instead of existential dread.
I’m tired and my innate bleeding-heart liberalism is taking over. I just can’t bring myself to snark. I freely admit this is a character flaw, which I promise to work to mitigate in the coming days.
@germy: Someone on his staff is tweeting in his name, most likely.
@germy: Yes, part of a lung was damaged by the rib fractures in the Great Neighbor Fracas and was surgically removed. Dunno how much.
I hope his neighbor attacks him while mowing the lawn again… The curly-haired, sophomoric POS….
While Rep. Lieu makes a good point, allow me to offer a devil’s advocate counter-argument: For the next two weeks at least, the Senate will be spared Rand Paul’s votes.
Look, credit to him for staying on brand for libertarianism. If you didn’t want his virus addled body swimming in the congressional swimming pool, then you should have built your own pool.
Has he created his own public health agency, chaired by himself, to certify that he’s okay to continue working? Because that too would be very on brand.
Mary G
@germy: You beat me with the CYA tweet. The responses are fairly scathing except for an occasional GOPGodBot.
If I were Sen. Mike Lee (and am grateful to not be), would get tested lickety split.
joel hanes
I’m most worried that he may have been anywhere near Vice President Biden.
That’s probably a sign that his staff tweets on his behalf.
@dmsilev: The problem is that we don’t have a lot of overhead under the McConnell rule, that bills only come to the floor if they can pass or fail only by Republican votes. If we lose 2 more GOP Senators and no Dems, the Senate will completely stop functioning.
@Mary G: How are you holding out? Did you manage to get groceries, I know you were having some trouble getting what you wanted.
Karma finished filing her nails to sharp points and sashayed her way over to knock on a few doors…
joel hanes
Ted Lieu is subtle and good with words.
Sen. Paul is in our thoughts indeed. And in our prayers. One hopes that thoughts and prayers are all the succour he gets, and, speaking for myself, I will not disclose the content of those thoughts, nor the petitions in those prayers.
I bet he takes a principled stand against the Coronavirus since that won’t affect the outcome. Any chance he exposed fellow Senators in the bailout bill meetings to which Democrats weren’t invited?
Ugh… Rand Paul is such a jackass.
And isn’t he supposed to be a “doctor”…smh
@bjacques: Yep. Pretty good chance, actually.
Fleeting Ex-istence
IS it possible there might be a wee little, I mean tiny possibility he might be faking it? Am I a monster for harboring that minuscule reservation as to the veracity, and, uh… candor and motives of the good Senator?
@lamh36: Board certified… by himself.
@dmsilev: They don’t have a mechanism where they can vote without actually being there?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@germy:& Rand Paul learned how to Senator from Bob Dole
Which he should not have done … but since he did, the result could hardly be more fitting, n’est pas?
I am currently sitting at my home office desk waiting for some work software to update. I can only use the VPN on Sundays, so it’s my only chance to do this. Sigh.
Paid sick leave. Nice gig Rand has there.
Rand Paul looks like Jimmy Durante if Jimmy had used hair gel….
From a tweet
“He can go to the Libertarian ICU. There, patients heal themselves by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.”
@Zinsky: I always thought he looked like Lee Harvey Oswald with a perm.
DKE-19 in Silicon Valley
(Dunning Kruger Effect 2019)
Flatten the Curve of Armchair Epidemiology
“Signs of DKE-19 generally appear 3–5 days after learning that the word “epidemiology” is not the study of skin diseases. Symptoms vary, but include extreme claims, making charts, and publishing on Medium.”
joel hanes
Sen Paul says he was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person.
He attended CPAC
Tom Streeter
He was at the Speed Art Museum gala two weeks ago where two other people have tested positive. To say he’s unaware of contact with anyone is either a lie or certain evidence he lives with his head squarely up his ass.
Fleeting Ex-istence
@Fleeting Ex-istence: Not sure if I can do this properly but I made a comment at #27 that I hope someone will see. Thank you for your consideration.
joel hanes
They don’t have a mechanism where they can vote without actually being there?
Worse. Specifically prohibited by the rules.
mad citizen
@Zinsky: No, he looks like he has a dead squirrel sitting on top of his head. I can’t help myself for what I hope–sorry. Bleeding heart liberalness has been gone for quite some time.
joel hanes
@Tom Streeter:
To say he’s unaware of contact with anyone is either a lie
Notice the use of the word “direct” in direct contact, which is doing a lot of work.
Sen. Paul is not aware of French-kissing anyone with a confirmed positive diagnosis.
Nope, and neither does the House.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Not Baby Doc!
Senate passes the “Punch Rand Paul in the Junk Act” by a vote of 99-1.
Mary G
@schrodingers_cat: I am fine. My housemate went to five places to find me bananas. The only thing she had no luck with is rice. I have an Instacart appointment tomorrow. Who knows what will come? The website says they are out of things, then in the middle of the night they say they have them, so I add them in. Might end up with more than we need, since we are eating well and have canned and frozen food to spare.
My WASP sister has strong ties to Chinese communities in USA. Medical friend of hers from school contacted her about shortage of medical masks in her city. Sister told her how to network with local Chinese community. They donated 17,000 medical masks that had just sitting in various households. Not hoarding. Just thrifty. Bought for overseas trips, or SARS 1 or avian/swine flu, etc. Justing sitting around, not sent to dump. So they donated when they knew there was a need.
That is what Chinese Americans are really like.
Jerzy Russian
@Cacti: Who was the lone “no” vote?
Why is the gym open? That’s one of the things being closed in most states.
@bbleh: i can. I hope the SOB gets sick as hell.
@Eunicecycle: Excellent question.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jerzy Russian: Bernie.
Jailed Harvey Weinstein Tests Positive for Coronavirus: Report
Another Scott
@joel hanes:
44,668 Covid-19 tests in the US in the last 24 hours, 19% positive.
They’re ramping up, finally, but still about a factor of 3 below where we need to be.
@Eunicecycle: I hope Sherod Brown has more sense and Rob Portman lives there.
Thank God the governor of Ohio shut the place down for a while. Before this if you didn’t go to work you got fired without unemployment. One son is essential, so I understand him working, but the other isn’t and I am not. We need to be home on unemployment, not picking up viruses at work.
Trump has a press conference coming up in a few minutes?
Steeplejack (phone)
This just in: Senate campaign heats up.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
This from Italy
I wonder if that’s the difference here in California, we were told not to go into the hospital unless is life and death and I’ve seen doctors do house calls on my street.
Is it possible he got it from the ferret stapled to his head?
Uncle Cosmo
@NotMax: Thank you for reminding me of one of the nastiest cinematic adlibs I ever heard of, courtesy of one Mae West. Compared with which her
is pure enough for a virginal saint.
(No, I can’t find it on the Net. But I remember it from 50 years ago as if I’d heard it yesterday. And no, I’m not going to set it down here, at the risk of torches & pitchforks from the distaff members of the blog. But I’m still chuckling….;^D)
@joel hanes:
Thank you for confirming this.
Completely selfish behavior.
Totally Republican ?
Not the Onion ?
Love this ??
Steeplejack (phone)
@Jerzy Russian:
Rand Paul, presumably.
Another Scott
Jerzy Russian
@Steeplejack (phone): I was just surprised there were that many “no” votes on that bill.
I never thought I’d feel sorry for a virus, but this is Rand Paul we’re talking about.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: That was a good article. I hope we in the US are learning from what the Italians have been through.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Jerzy Russian:
Rand Paul supports Rand Paul (if no one else)!
karen marie
@NoraLenderbee: I’m trying to understand why he jumped the line to get tested in the first place if he’s asymptomatic. Has there been any reason given?
@Another Scott:
I blame
@Sab: Sherrod doesn’t seem like a gym rat, so I hope he’s safe. I am a Democrat and didn’t vote for him nor do I approve of most of his policies, but DeWine has done a good job so far with the pandemic response. And I love Amy Acton. She has a compelling life story.
karen marie
@Mary G: Sadly, you probably won’t get the things you wish you could get. I’ve been trying to get a bag of flour for over a week. I was very excited because I placed an online order with Safeway and was able to order several bags – AP, bread, and “organic” (I figured I’d cover my bases) but when I showed up to pick up the order, there was no flour, no beans, no rice. I did manage to score one russet potato, a head of garlic, and two 28-ounce cans of whole peeled tomatoes, and pay a $5 fee for the privilege of having someone else bag it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Wienstein has it, well there is one person I can honestly wish this on.
I have gotten the impression from talking to doctors that these patients are not put into isolation. The folks treating them use PPE, but otherwise they are not isolated from the general hospital population?
Hope it’s not true, that would be a recipe for complete disaster.
If more GOP Senators wind up in self-isolation/quarantine, how about Minority Leader Schumer convenes a Democratic-majority Senate and gets some bills passed?
Mike G
Here’s hoping he had lots and lots of close contact with GOP Senators.
Let’s wait and let the Invisible Hand cure him.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: As noted in an earlier thread- hospitals today are very dangerous places that you should only go to in a dire emergency. Between secondary infections, unclean surfaces and a throng of very sick people that await they should be viewed as a last resort or if u need advance equipment like ventilators. I’m not surprised that hospitals are now disease vectors
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I just heard this! This is bizarre.
Steeplejack (phone)
@karen marie:
Probably spooked because of mingling at CPAC with known carrier(s). Also belatedly seeing how serious this shit is.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Hospitals are NASTY.
A note to everyone saying that we need to build big MASH-style field hospitals: for the last twenty years or thereabouts, space standards for hospital rooms, especially ICUs, is for bigger, private rooms with private bathrooms. Over thirty states adhere to a code for hospitals called FGI, and that mandates 200 square feet in a private room for an ICU bed. Basically, it has been proven again and again that spatial separation is key to reducing disease transmission. Essentially social distancing before social distancing was cool. The minimum emergency department bay is 80SF with no walls, only privacy curtains. So when we are putting COVID patients in these large, open spaces, because it is all that we have, we are knowingly creating an environment that makes disease transmission inevitable. And before we say, “Well, they all have COVID”…. just imagine if something like norovirus gets in there, too. These MacGyver solutions that I am seeing, like patient bays in the parking garages…. are not going to produce great outcomes. (Obviously better than nothing, but still really bad.) Hence why it is so important to reduce demand for hospital beds rather than quickly increase supply.
Mallard Filmore
@Uncle Cosmo:
Minor actress to Mae West: “My goodness! What a beautiful diamond ring!”
Mae West: “Honey, goodness had nothing to do with it.”
Since this is a grousing and minor complaints Open Thread, I need to grouse about how right now my dog has really, really bad gas. I don’t know what the hell she ate, but I swear, the odor could peel paint. It’s going to be a long evening.
@Suzanne: From what I’ve seen, the fatality rate when the hospital can take the load is 1%. If you are warehousing patients in tents/gyms/etc. it jumps to around 5% (because you also have tremendously more load on the hospital and are probably out of ICU beds). Italy is going to let us know what the rate looks like when you tell people over a given age to just go home.
@Martin: Yep.
What we know for infection control: separate, separate, separate.
@Tom Streeter
He is a conservative, no matter what he may or may not call himself.
And one of the basic principles of conservatism is that it is not only OK to screw others for your own gain, it’s a requirement. The second requirement is that your head is rammed as far up your own ass as possible. In his case he’s managed not only squarely but full distance as well.
He is what is known in some circles as a Full Wanker.
@Nicole: Dogs are infamous for their lethal farts (“SBDs!”), so what she ate may have less to do with it than how the canine digestive system works.
Though I have to say, my cats can also stink up the room pretty good once in a while!
the GOP must die for America to survive so…
Uncle Jeffy
Reporter at Dumpf’s presser: Senator RomneY is (is self-quarantining):
Drimpf: Romney? Really? Oh, that’s too bad.
That should play well in Utah (and in Hell)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Martin: This has the odd possibility that first class medical care aggravated the situation; the Italians went to the hospital at the first signs instead of waiting to see if it got serious or not, and then got re-infected.
joel hanes
Reportedly, Sen. Paul attended McConnell’s regular Friday meal with the entire Republican Senate caucus.
Apparently privilege and entitlement do not present an impermeable barrier to SARS-CoV-2, even though they are a very effective shield against accountability and the rule of law.
Ugh…the power of Chump to make me take Romney’s side on anything, is another reason why I hate his azz
Mike G
@joel hanes:
Oh, sweet.
If Covid-19 were running rampant through Dem lawmakers they’d proclaim it “God’s will” for gay marriage, the ACLU or somesuch.
It’s almost like Trump was God’s test of Republicans. They have failed miserably, and now comes Old Testament retribution.
@Tom Streeter:
¿Por que…? etc.
Didn’t see Fauci at the press con? Has he been promoted?
Listening to Trump boast about some kind of poll numbers while once again lying about the Choice Act is a microcosm of everything that’s happened the past four years. I can’t believe anyone who listens to him talk for more than 5 minutes can’t understand that there’s something seriously wrong with him.
@Mike G: only if they get sick brought to need ventilators, and there isn’t enough for all of them so the doctors have to make hard choices.
you know, the kinds of choices that will take out several thousands of people before this is over.
joel hanes
Didn’t see Fauci at the press con?
Was unable to keep a straight face during one of the more fatuous pronouncements of Dear Leader at an earlier presser. That will not be allowed to happen.
BTW, all the people in that room should be masked. Not to do so is depraved indifference.
@Mike G: only if they get sick enough to need ventilators, and there isn’t enough for all of them so the doctors have to make hard choices.
you know, the kinds of choices that will take out several thousands of people before this is over.
Patricia Kayden
Nervously predicted we’d leapfrog Spain on the Hopkins tool before the day was done. I just never though it would happen in a quarter day, Ugh, I don’t like this ride and would like to exit the amusement park.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: It may also be the key to why Japan is doing better because as I understand it they interact more regularly with their primary care doctor and rely less on going to the ER for everything.
My insurer (Kaiser) has many, many times steered me onto the right path from the on-call nurse rather than me sitting in a waiting room just to get something dealt with. That’s now always my starting point.
Another Scott
OMG!!1, Moscow Mitch’s majority couldn’t get it done again. It’s almost like he doesn’t recognize that Democrats have an actual say in legislation…
Moscow Mitch needs to stop playing petty tyrant and let the House and Senate do their jobs – passing a sensible bill with broad support (or as broad as possible) as quickly as possible.
Some people will make money off of “Trump Lied, People Died” bumper stickers.
@Another Scott: Manchin not even being diplomatic here. No idea why the GOP thought this would go anywhere. Maybe Mitch is trying to get a vote before half his caucus goes into quarantine.
@Another Scott:
Inactions have consequences.
Another Scott
@Martin: I assume that Moscow Mitch thought he could ram something through the Senate, take a quick vote, then skip town and force Nancy and the House to take it or leave it. All his tactics are based on trying to force Democrats to cry. It’s what he lives for.
It’s not working any more.
It will be interesting to see how much of a megaphone the FTFTFNYT gives Traitor Turtle for the inevitable “We tried to do this, but the Demon-rats tried to load it up with pork/gimmes for their constituents” (or however he will phrase it). Both sides, after all.
Did the Senate ever vote on the bill the House sent to them 10 days ago? I don’t recall hearing about it, but I haven’t been paying close attention.
Amir Khalid
@karen marie:
To assert privilege of rank? That would be my guess, anyway.
@Another Scott: 19% positive? I’d say they’re 20x below where they need to be with that positive rate. You don’t really know what you have until your positive rate is down around 1%, particularly with a disease that can be nearly asymptomatic. You need to get to a point that you’re testing people who feel fine but were in contact to find those people. We’re a long way yet from there. That’s what the lockdowns are designed to address.
@trollhattan: I have no idea why the market is still open. There is no US economy. Stop pretending that there is one. Freeze it in place, fix the epidemic, then unfreeze it.
I have gathered my thoughts (I don’t do prayers) for Senator Paul, and I sincerely hope that he won’t spent a long time in a hospital bed.
José Andrés
(NYT) America has fed millions through disasters before. Mobilize restaurant workers now.
You wouldn’t happen to harbor the same thoughts with respect to KY’s senior Senator, perchance? And also toward Devin Nunes, Donald Trump, Shill Barr, and so on?
Asking for a
Oooh. That’s… {chef’s kiss}
@jimmiraybob: A couple of people here were speculating a day or two ago that Fauci did not look well and might be ill. God, I hope not.
@Eunicecycle: As many have said about Andrew Cuomo, the dude has anti-teflon. Bad things stick to him, and good things happen in spite of him – to the point where you’d almost feel bad for him, but then you remember, it’s Andrew Cuomo; fuck that guy.
He has, however risen to the challenge of the day. He knows when to put his self interest aside, and DO THE JOB.
That’s a LOT more than could be said of others.
McConnell’s strategy seems to be to pass a bill that the House rejects just so he can blame the damage caused by 40 days (Feb.1-March 10) of Republican incompetence and inaction on Nancy Pelosi. Smacks of desperation. If the Republican administration had jumped on this disease like it should have, and the South Koreans did, we would not be in this position. McConnell knows this. And McConnell more than any other single person has enabled Trump’s idiocy. Congress has to pass an economic relief bill, and will have to pass more than one. But these problems will not be solved this year, nor will the structural changes that this crisis has made glaringly obvious be effected. It is critical that the Democrats not allow anything that ties the hand of the new Administration and Congress which will take office next January.
I wish someone would ask him: How many people have you had contact with? That seems more pertinent than his opinion about others’ covid status.
And the follow-up question: Does that number include the people in the Senate pool?
So, I’ll probably repost this in a later thread.
My Italy fatality model suggests that their infection/fatality rate has slowed, so their R0 is lower, but not <= 1. I’m hoping that’s because the March 8 lockdown hasn’t yet shown up in the data. Fewer fatalities than the previous day, but we’ve seen that before, so we need to see a sustained pattern. They’re now on a shallower trajectory than the US, but they don’t look like China.
The US model seems to have finally stabilized. It’s been close for a while, but the last 3 days it hasn’t changed. It’s e^0.273t + 16.8, where t is days since the first fatality. We’re on day 22. So e^(0.273*22) = 406 + 17 = 423. You can plug in previous days and you’ll get fairly close to the true number. The fixed value of 16.8 is to compensate for the fact that our outbreak started in a nursing home and got an unusually large number of fatalities really early on.
China locked down on Jan 23 and had peak fatalities between Feb 12 and Feb 22. So it took 20-30 days for their actions to show up in the fatality data. It’s been only 14 days since Italy’s lockdown. They may have another 6 days of growth at this slower rate (assuming now that the drop in rate was because of the early, smaller regional lockdown showing up) before their daily fatalities really stall out and then in 10ish days their daily numbers should consistently fall. That may put them up in the 20K fatalities, 5K per day range at day 20 and bang around in the 3K-5K per day fatality range for a week or more, and then things will fall off. They should see hospital demand falling before that though as their infection rate will drop earlier than their fatality rate. That assumes that Italy’s efforts work more or less as well as Chinas. I think it’ll be less effective, but it may not be substantially less.
In the US, lockdowns started about a week ago, so we have probably 2 more weeks of unrestrained growth. That would put us up around 15K fatalities, 3K per day. My fear is that areas like Florida haven’t locked down, so they haven’t even started on their 20 day clock. So these other nations that effectively did national lockdowns and may see national results won’t look like that in the US. CA will slow down first, and then NY and WA, then OH and PA and CT, etc. A week or two later Florida shows up.
So the public policy question is when do we lift this. Does CA have to wait for Florida to get their shit together or can we start to lift while FL is still locked down and we simply ban interstate travel? No idea. It took about 45 days after lockdown before the numbers calmed down enough that they could consider returning to a containment strategy with widespread community testing, tracing, and isolation – basically what SK successfully did early on. That suggests the earliest lockdowns in the US are 6 weeks off from easing off, and the states that haven’t locked down yet but will need to are 7 weeks off.
@Calouste: That was a delicious example of passive-aggressive thinking! I approve!
How do you ban interstate travel? Jumbo size can of worms issues, including (but not limited to) workers – whether deemed essential or non-essential, it applies to both – commuting from out of state to employment.
@NotMax: In California we have border control stops, they’re for agriculture, but they could be re-purposed.
ETA: Also except for the Mexican border and Tahoe, there’s not much employment near the borders of of California.
@CaseyL: In case someone, say a certain person originally from New York, but now domiciled in Florida, is actually admitted to a hospital, I would wish that “his stay in the hospital will be short”.
Another Scott
It would take something extraordinary for the federal government to demand an interstate travel ban. But people should be staying home, and companies should be doing mandatory teleworking and similar things so that as few people as possible have to come into the office/workplace.
@NotMax: I’m not sure. Alaska and Hawaii – easy. NYC/LI pretty easy. California, feasible as Bill notes. I remember sitting in a line at the CA/AZ border for an hour as they checked cars for fruit flies. We’ve done it for fruit, surely we can do it for humans.
But a lot of states don’t have such easy checkpoints. Lots of states blend pretty seamlessly into their neighbors. It’s considerations like this which are why nations take national action and not a patchwork by state. Rather than respect political boundaries, you break the place up by what you can realistically constrain.
The greater LA basin is one such region. There’s surprisingly few ways out of here by car (something anyone who’s done serious earthquake planning has to consider).
I’m glad that governors are working together to recognize this – why NY, NY, CT need to act in union, but any sustained effort is going to require these decisions at the federal level as they can shut down the interstates, trains, airport routes, etc.
Thinking more along the lines of NJ, CT (and even northeastern PA) to NYC, NJ and DE to Philly, MD and VA to D.C., NH to MA. That kind of thing.
@NotMax: In that case, it could be done regionally as opposed to individual states.
@Martin: Decisions don’t seem to be what’s forthcoming from the federal level…
We’re gonna need a bigger Group W bench.
Another Scott
“Fake news” is getting people killed. And too much of Donnie’s administration is tied up with it, and it’s being used against us (and people in need around the world).
@Another Scott: I don’t know if Khamenei actually believes this particular conspiracy theory, but it’s not totally irrational to completely distrust anything the Dump Administration offers. Such a complete and total lack of trust is another thing that Dump personally created that has gotten and will continue to get people killed.
@sdhays: Certainly not. But at the same time, this state of affairs isn’t sustainable, even for Republicans.
@sdhays: Yeah, I’d tell the US to go fuck themselves as well, and then I’d get on the phone with Xi. After all, why would anyone believe the US could afford any assistance anyway? I mean, Italy is sending us face masks, FFS.
@Martin: Do the Republicans know that? Some governors seem to, but I don’t see a lot of bright spots in the Senate (or the Administration).
@Martin: Indeed. While Dump thrashes around failing to do anything to help in his own country, it’s pretty incredible for his administration to be “offering help” to a country he (and the majority of his party) hates and is slowly building up to all out war with.
@sdhays: They and their friends and family are going to start dying. The reality of multiple months-long lockdowns are going to hit home.
As we start looking more and more like Italy, and there is no way for us to avoid that – we acted too late, even in the best cases. We’re still maintaining the decorum of politics and that will fall away. Anger and fear will spill out as nobody will be able to outline what the trajectory of this will look like and the growing uncertainty will boil things over. Republicans will start calling for Trumps resignation.
Raven Onthill
I ran 1,000 simulations and concluded that 1-3 Senators are likely to die of COVID-19. The chance that no Senators die is up to 13%, which is bad odds; almost 9 in 10 for at least one death. The chance of one to three Senators dying is now 73%, roughly 3 in 4.
Shit just got real.
So tRump is offering help to Iran and North Korea but not the the USA?
Canadian neighbors left the Bahamas by private plane this afternoon and plan to drive from Florida to Ontario. The pilot talked with customs and immigration just before takeoff and was told there was no problem with their travel. I supplied them with disinfecting wipes (from our post-Dorian relief supplies) before they left. We’re establishing hand-washing stations at our little airstrip and the ferry dock.
Apparently the small island in Maine where I have a seasonal cottage is having a problem with people coming from the mainland, primarily the Portland area, and squatting in unoccupied homes.
I’ve been offline for a few days because of a technical issue with my phone/data account, and I’m not happy (but hardly surprised) to see that Hair Furor has gone even further off the rails.
@Raven Onthill: That what I was expecting. Almost a certainly we’ll lose a House member. Pretty good chance we lose a governor.
I actually give Rand Paul credit for saying no to the stimulus bill. Have people forgotten the Republican reaction when Obama first came into office and the economy was collapsing? Other than three Republican Senators, every Republican not only voted no on the stimulus bill they collectively called for a f****** spending freeze! So at least Rand Paul is being consistent. He would have voted no on the stimulus bill for Obama if he were in the Senate then and he’s going no on it now. It doesn’t mean he’s not an a******. But at least he’s not being as phony as the other Republicans.
Kilgore Trout
@Martin: Lots of people commute daily from Vancouver, WA to Portland, OR.
joel hanes
So tRump is offering help to Iran and North Korea but not the the USA?
I’d guess that the Donald believes that the Trump organization or his allies can profit handsomely of “help” offered to Iran and NK. He and McConnell are determined to make COVID-10 a very profitable crisis indeed for some favored American corporations, but the Democratic Party is standing in the way.
@Kilgore Trout: Well, if WA and OR can get on the same page, that’s fine. Its where adjoining states are doing different things, it becomes nearly impossible to knock down cases.