Lots of requests yesterday for a daytime threads where we don’t talk about you know who or you know what. Does sharing a bit of humor about it = talking about it?
Like this. Is this you?
Some kind of flower as the featured image will be my symbol for less stressful fare.
Edit: You might want to check out the new addition to the sidebar: No Cabin Fever For Us!
For those of you who wanted some getaway threads, does this count, or should even humor like this be off limits?
The skin on my hands is gone. Not sure it’s the best way to fight the virus!
Someone at LGM posted this rollup of Italian mayors giving their folks what for. They share a certain…directness. “Basta!”
“It puts the lotion on its hands, or it gets the
That “Combat Boredom” link goes off site and to someone’s Facebook page?
Was gonna drop this in a general morning thread (and still might). Not coming to Prime until the beginning of May, however the trailer carries potential for it being a romp.
“Bread bags!”
– Joni Ernst
It does. The page belongs to a jackal who is already collecting some fun opportunities, so I figured that would be kosher. Anyone else want to weigh in on that?
I tried pulling the information into WordPress, and that was a no go.
edit: Or maybe an external resources page, with links to stuff like that might be better?
Kind of a humorous anecdote, in the do not trust voice to text messaging category. Last month I made a plan with a lady over in Waynesboro to repair the top of her chimney when the weather warmed up. A few brick faces near the top had popped off during freezes, and from the ground I could tell by the algae near the top that the chimney cap was leaking. But then she texted again, alarmed that more brick pieces were falling out and I agreed to come over and at least tarp the chimney as there was rain coming and then a freeze. So I got a tarp on the chimney top and sent a photo. She was relieved, and tried to ask me to send her an invoice, but it came out, “Please forward your ass so I can compensate you.” I told her I had to keep my ass with me, but we’d figure out payment.
I’ve needed a haircut for two weeks and I’m shit out of luck, styling places closed. I’d grow it out and have a pony tail again as in the days of my misspent youth, except IMHO there are few things that look as ridiculous as a balding man with a pony tail.
Consider labeling it as being off site.
“Wires must have gotten crossed somewhere along the line. My job is to deal with your crack.”
@NotMax: Changed my strategy for that.
Saw the change. Now that’s service, WaterGirl.
Do you do windows?
“Please forward your ass” has so very many uses and possibilities!
@NotMax: Not the Microsoft kind.
I am no longer able to get to Twitter in any of my browsers. It never finishes loading. This is probably a good thing, right?
Pretty well stocked except for hand sanitizer (2.5 spray bottles of 2oz Mrs Meyers) when I found some spray fiberoptic cleaner in my basement (down cellar for fellow New Englanders). Ingredients: Isohexane (petroleum based- not helpful), ethanol, isopropanol, CO2, n-hexane, in that order. Are the alcohols > 60%??? Don’t know. Obviously not designed for topical use, but we didn’t need protective gear either. File under ‘last resort’??
p.s. A coworker got out of a Mass DUI (would have been #3) when his lawyer proved he had been cleaning fibers all day at work and claimed his system had absorbed the cleaner and the test was invalid. Bad result for society (he was a recidivist alcoholic) but one hell of a lawyer.
joel hanes
I’m about one day away from taking a handmirror into the bathroom and using the Walz clippers to cut my hair all off short again, like it was in the Army, except that these days I’m really bald, like Colonel Klink. But I’m not going anywhere, so why would I need a taper?
BUT: I’ve dropped a check for the cost of two haircuts in an envelope, and I’m sending it to my barbershop.
@GaryK: Try restarting. I have no problem getting Cole’s Twitter page in Duckduckgo.
Splitting Image
Listening to the Beatles Red and Blue while I pretend to work from home, and queuing up some movies for this evening. Trying to decide whether to binge on Peter Falk’s Columbo or David Suchet’s Poirot. Also have the Jeremy Brett Holmes series and a Benedict Cumberbatch radio series called Cabin Pressure ready to go.
Also managed to get out for a walk the last few days now that the weather is decent. Greatly improving my mood.
@p.a.: Are you out of all soap?
J R in WV
Here (guess where!) it’s been typical spring weather, chilly, exp at night, damp.
So the moss, getting plenty of sun now before the leave are out, is really, really fluffy and intense radient green, with ferns.
The frogs, in the tiny front door pond, are really happy, this is the first spring in several years there has been consistent water levels in their tiny reproductive puddle. Right now they’re quiet, but off and on their song is very uplifting.
Chorus frogs, which have a all somewhat like drawing your thumbnail along a comb, and tree frogs, AKA spring peepers, tiny frogs with a high pitched repetitive call. Together it’s quiet melodic. They call for a minute or two, then fall silent briefly, then resume. So sweet!
I have posted pics of the frogs in the old pond in the distant past, if anyone cares to look for them. So glad to have them back after the rebuild last fall during a dry spell. Hired a landscaping company, then watched carefully and the guys thought they were done pretty soon after starting to dig in the hard clay.
I brought out a level, a tape measure, and a long pipe, and told them 18 inches in the middle, and 12 inches on either end, so they kept digging.
ETA: Oh yes, Blue Bells in bloom in the back yard, daffodils all along the farm road up to the house, dog tooth violets up by one of the big rocks out front. And puppies happy the weather isn’t so cold, none of the current population of puppies is particularly long haired or heavy coated. Spring is great.
@mrmoshpotato: no NO. Said I’m well stocked except sanitizer, and know soap is much better than sanitizer, just thought it was funny I might have a potential sanitizer substitute on hand. Surprised that hand and dish soap are not in short supply (around here) since soap is the go-to compared to sanitizer.
Citizen Scientist
Regarding Doug’s thread title for the previous thread, reading a pretty good (but dense) book on the making of the London Calling album, Route 19 Revisited. It’s been particularly helpful when trying to fall asleep at night and my brain can’t let go of its anxiety or I’ve had too much twitter scrolling all day. 400+ pages and I’m barely halfway though after 7 days, which is unusual for me; I’m a pretty fast reader. Anyway, recommended if you’re a Clash/LC/ that period of music fan in general.
Fleeting Ex-istence
Went out to buy gas, in case deliveries might become scarce. I held an artfully illustrated shopping list up to the store window (3 items) and the clerk brought the items to the door but they were out of eggs. Got the comfort food I was craving, John Belushi’s Breakfast of Champions, little chocolate donuts, and then dropped my gloves in hot soapy water when I got home.
The beans and rice and oatmeal and pasta rations will all go down better with some chocolate. McDonalds, IHOP, CVS, WalMart–all open. First time out of my house in 11 days because I didn’t want the car battery to run down from disuse.
@Citizen Scientist: The last two nights, I have taken to starting up a random episode of NCIS from Netflix when I go to bed. I’ve seen all the episodes and all the voices are comforting and familiar, so I get to the point of thinking “oh, I remember this one” and then apparently I am fast asleep.
@trollhattan: Not quite sure why, but i feel very strongly that the phrase “Please forward your ass” totally begs to be followed by the word “pronto”.
Please forward you ass, pronto!
@NotMax: Feeling my way through everything, figuring out what works and what doesn’t, as we all are.
Mary G
My Instacart date finally arrived. I did better than I thought I would. No paper goods, bleach, and scored a dozen expensive organic brown eggs because I didn’t specify replacements. No flour, but butter. All the junk food I was craving, which isn’t that great, but as a compulsive eater I make myself miserable obsessing if I don’t have something around, and bananas, grapes, and blackberries for fresh fruit, which I was craving. All the cat treats!
I gave the minimum online tip and then gave the shopper $60 cash I saved by not going out. She came back five minutes later actually in tears to make sure I could afford it. I wish I’d made it more.
Snow flurry currently in RI, not sticking, change to rain overnight (unless forecast has changed). Tulip leaves up, horseradish leaves up, thyme greening, rosemary didn’t survive winter- best case I had a planting survive 3 winters. The flowers that sound like a dinosaur coelophysis? coryopsis? ragged but ok (perennials that bloom a long time)
Gin & Tonic
@p.a.: The snow is sticking on my lawn but not on the street.
@Mary G: You are very kind! How did you save $60 by not going out?
How sweet that she came back to make sure you could afford it.
Ten Bears
‘Bout fifty years ago there was a book out – quite popular, movie, stage – where one of the central characters was obsessed with washing his hands. Fish oil, I think it was. Kinda’ cuckoo.
@Baud: Ha!
What if someone thought you were merely stuttering, and didn’t undesrtand the urgency of the request?
I’m not much of a Star Wars fan, but Yoda always seemed cool.
Citizen Scientist
@WaterGirl: that’s great! I usually just put on BBC world news or PBS (call the midwife marathon yesterday), turn the volume down low and drift off. ?
@BeautifulPlumage: would you like me to move it to the earlier thread?
@Citizen Scientist: I used to fall asleep to my favorite podcasts, but let’s just say that the current topics are not soothing.
If you’re looking for TV fare, Netflix has a series now called “Self Made” about Madame C.J. Walker, about the first self-made female millionaire in the US (she developed a line of hair care products for black women). It stars Octavia Spencer, also has Blair Underwood, Tiffany Haddish, and Garrett Morris. Well done and kind of a feel-good show.
@HumboldtBlue: I like that!
Mary G
A costume-wearing cat that’s got a better runway walk than most models:
How many republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. Trump just says it’s fixed and the rest of them sit in the dark and applaud.
Mary G
This is a long Twitter thread of almost cartoony birds. I wonder if they’re all real. Maybe Albatrossity or Betty C. can chime in.
Need to truck the landlady to the post office sometime today as her auto is still in the shop. She gets all her mail at a P.O. box, for reasons I’ve never quite been clear on. While waiting for her (it’s never less than a minimum of 15 minutes for her to do this) may pop into the crappy supermarket in the same complex just to scope out the inner landscape. Only thing could do with are onions, but the ones they offer in the best of times require extensive picking through to score one or two which aren’t yet squishy and/or moldy (and always, always astonishingly expensive), so not holding out much in the way of hopeful anticipation.
@Mary G: I snorted.
Today’s win on the intertubes.
@BeautifulPlumage: Can we pencil in beating Fuckerberg with his own bones?
@Mary G: I sent your link to Albatrossity with a note that said “Mary G wonders if these can possibly be real.”
@WaterGirl: I would appreciate that!
Another Scott
@BeautifulPlumage: 10 M per week in 4-5 weeks??
A factory in Nepal was making 10,000 per day in early [March].
Re: The hand-washing. Love the coming-to-a-theater-near-you music!
Inclined to agree. Like the “button” at the end of a Sousa march.
@BeautifulPlumage: It’s gone from here, and posted under your nym in the Clampdown thread.
Its ‘The Decameron’ all over again.
@Mary G:
Ugly-cool. Never heard of them before. Like a mother nature goof-off moment.
@LuciaMia: It was quite dramatic!
Dorothy A. Winsor
I haven’t tried this yet but it looks like fun–Hogwarts Digital Escape Room.
@Mary G:
You are good people.
@WaterGirl: Mrs J fires up Lawn Order for the same effect, tho as of late she’s doing audio books. I’m all in for the audio books to sleep to. Bonus is that you can listen to them over and over, sleep being an effective neuralizer. I need a certain sort of voice, I do searches “for your next great listen!” by filtering for my favorite narrators.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Just added that to the A Gaggle of Off-Site Resources page that’s under the new heading No Cabin Fever For Us! are in the sidebar.
If anybody tries the escape room, please let me know if it’s any good.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I couldn’t come up with a dumber web application process if I tried (trying to do the SBA loan form).
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: In your spare time, you can write up your recommendations for a good process, and send it to them!
@Baud: Just say no to crack.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Is there a website where people put up photos of their repairmen whose cracks are showing? I’m sure there is, but I will not be googling to find out.
@jeffreyw: I am SO picky about voices on books on tape.
I used to listen to them more, and there was one guy I loved, who did the Craig Johnson Longmire books. I think his last name might have started with a G.
Would love to know who your favorite narrators are.
@WaterGirl: That’s not a genera of photography I engage in.
The first entry under No Cabin Fever has a Facebook entry but it doesn’t take you there to see the comments.
@SWMBO: When I click on A Gaggle of Off-Site Resources, I see the facebook entry, and if I click on the Facebook f icon in the upper right hand corner of the image, i go right to the Facebook page with the comments.
Does this not work for you?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That’s what I always think of when I hear “just say no to crack”.
Not true for everyone? :-)
@Mary G: Response from Albatrossity:
To answer the questions in the OP, 1) Yes, sharing humor on the topic is talking about the topic — but humor is good! and 2) Yes, it’s me! Unpacking the groceries — the clerk touched all these items — and the bags they are in! I can set the cans and jars aside for 72 hours, but not the frozen/refrigerated items! What if someone sneezed in the produce aisle — the plastic berry containers have holes in them! And so on.
@stinger: Okay, the next non-virus thread won’t start with even a humorous virus-related video.
@WaterGirl: I meant to say that I liked it!