Live Concerts Tonight:
Pete Kartsounes – 10pm Eastern
Pete Kartsounes, a singer/songwriter is doing a live acoustic Grateful Dead set tonight at 7 pm Pacific Time (10pm Eastern)
More concerts tonight? Add them in the comments!
Note: For those of you who have asked for open threads at the same time as COVID posts, his should sandwich nicely between two COVID posts and the Wednesday version of the Military Life post – Moving, from Leto’s perspective, that will be up at 8pm.
Open Thread.
Musical linky of note: NY Phil Plays On.
Other side of the covid coin.
This place is doing a good job of keeping the posts varied and timely as well. I’m staying informed and entertained. Glad to see some people come back, miss some who haven’t. Where’s jl?
@Duane: I’ve been thinking of a “Shane, Come Back!” post for Friday night where we can all name and reminisce about the BJ peeps we all miss from over the years.
Maybe we’ll be able to conjure some of them up!
TaMara (HFG)
Hey you guys, there are just too many posts lately that I feel like I can’t fit in a respite thread. But I did make bagels today, after Adam sent me a great recipe.
You can find them here.
They turned out great and I’d make them again…probably soon.
@TaMara (HFG)
Aware of recipes for making bagel dough in the bread machine but haven’t yet tried that.
@TaMara (HFG): That’s the kind of effort I’m talking about. TaMara fired up and ready to go!
@TaMara (HFG)
May as well throw in a plug for a breadcentric comment from earlier today.
Thanks for the post. I’m a bit crispy coronavirus wise right now.
@TaMara (HFG): A lot of people had been saying they want an open thread at the same time as all the COVID threads because those get too much.
If you put up your respite thread, then I’ll pull this one.
Brock Butler covering Graceland.¬if_t=live_video_explicit
West of the Rockies
Well, can I just say that Ted and Helen are sorely, uh, well not exactly missed, but… Nevermind.
@West of the Rockies: Those were not names that came to mind.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: That thought is somewhat terrifying.
@Omnes Omnibus: A thread like that, or conjuring up some of the folks we miss?
Gail Collins has outdone herself. If we could not laugh at her Coronavirus quiz, we would have to cry.
I hope this is free with the FTF NYTimes’ COVID coverage, cuz we all need some levity. At Donald Trump’s expense. Have at it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this video of bagel-making from farmfoodcooking.
Also, it appears Leto’s entire post has disappeared.
West of the Rockies
Buffet actually has his own network?
@West of the Rockies: No, but he calls it that. It’s just where you can watch the video of his concerts.
@Elizabelle: I only got 90% on the quiz. In all fairness, it does seem that the sleepy guy, Ben Carson, might just be stupid enough to tell people it’s a good time to take a cruise.
edit: Not to mention that only 72% of the people got that one right.
@TaMara (HFG): I’m glad you posted a tweet so I could find you on Twitter and give you a follow.
Man, years and years ago there was some tamale-like recipe you posted and I still regret I can’t find it anymore. We made it ALL THE TIME for a couple of years after you posted it here. It was so good.
I don’t know if I’m up to bagels, although the ones you made look gorgeous. I made hash browns from scratch on Sunday and while I was pleased with the results, it was a lot of effort for six hash browns.
@WaterGirl: I aced it. Alas.
Since open thread, thought good time to report the fun I’ve had last week. I came down with some kind of flu or cold late afternoon of the Bay Area shut down last Monday. So have been in house quarantine since then until earlier this afternoon, when my work’s covid triage nurse released me. Still have to call in and report any temps over a threshold until 14 days, which will be over this weekend. Then I might be totally free. Wish me luck on that.
Was in the office last Monday with staff frantically setting up so we could work remotely. Then in late afternoon I suddenly felt sick with bad sustained burning fever and chest discomfort and nose running like a faucet So I freaked. I was going to die, and I’d killed half the office, I thought.
But got home and thermometer said I had no fever at all. Next morning little fever spikes started and I called to cancel a doctor’s appointment.
“Why are you cancelling? I can hear your nose sounds sniffly, sounds a little stopped up. A nurse will call you this afternoon.”
Nurse said I almost certainly had a cold, but rules were rules and said I was in home quarantine and it may last 14 days, check in every day, and they’d adjust it depending on how my symptoms evolve.
So, chest discomfort went way, fever never amounted anything but some small spikes, and my nose continued to run like a faucet and sinuses inflamed. Nurse said those last two are almost counter indications to covid-19, but rules are rules. Over 1 percent of covid cases have a similar syndrome, they assume could be covid.
I’ll start trying to comment via my phone, since there are periodic V serious internet issues around here. Too many people trying to work remotely daytime and streaming at night. I’ve been getting up early to do any remote work I need to do. And you can just watch the show shut down between 9 and 10 AM.
Hope BJ is doing well, haven’t been able to look at much over the last week.
@Duane: See, I told you we could conjure people up just by saying their names! You asked about jl and he appeared.
@jl: Crossing my fingers for you to get your clean bill over the weekend! Will anything change besides the lack of worry, which is a big thing! Wouldn’t you be staying in anyway?
@WaterGirl: My academic joint is continuing instruction remotely. so been big fuss getting that ready to go over last week. My building open and people who need to can come in periodically.
For what I teach, I wrangled a video broadcast from a class room where I can go doodle on a board for class to see while they ask questions. So, setting that up at work with admin staff and IT.
I went to work, and there are big white tents up for various quick covid testing and triage. We have to go around to stay away from that. Creeps me out just seeing it.
I don’t want to go out for two weeks anyway. I’d rather come out after good chance big dent in epidemic in CA, and that is around 14 days. So, I don’t mind just staying home and popping into work when I need through end of this weekend.
News interviews I’ve heard with UC and Stanford epi people working on the CA epidemic model say that this is California’s Big Week, when they test how well the shelter in place works, and then confirm over the week after that. Listening to news interviews, I learned that California has had a a catastrophe planning department and various disaster simulation models up for last ten years…. I did not know that.
Newsom is referring to California as a ‘nation-state’ so I wonder what other plans they have if this thing goes all the way to heck.
This little video from “Joseph’s Machines”, called The Cake Server–I’ll just say that someone did a live version of a Rube Goldberg. Not cats and dominoes, but excellent two minute distraction nonetheless. Just looked further down the comments, the video was made a year ago, took 3 months to set up? He specializes in these things.
Although I am gobsmacked that people in the comments believe he really smashed a laptop.
J R in WV
When we lived in Key West in the long ago and far away, IIRC Jimmy Buffet was playing in bars for tips and drinks. Jerry Jeff Walker too, was playing at parties we went to among the hippies and left wing sailors, of which there were more than one.
Went to parties with Turkish sailors on shore leave, they had anise flavored booze, and were fascinated by margaritas… They also brought musical instruments, drums, etc. Quite interesting, great to remember those old days. Funny how things you though you would never forget drift away, until someone reminds you and it all comes rushing back.
@J R in WV: That happened to me yesterday, with Raven. All the memories flooding back, I called it a trip down memory lane.
Amir Khalid
I was able to access it without getting the ominous “You have n free articles left” message. ETA: I got all the questions right except the Ben Carson one.
I miss being able to read Gail Collins. She is by far the best writer of comedic prose among The New York Times‘ columnists. It was she who drew blood by calling Trump a thousandaire.
@TaMara (HFG): Looks great! I even have bread flour–it was the only flour left on the shelf last time I was at the store:) Trying to get caught up on a backlog of stuff but Imma gonna give myself a day’s baking soon, & these might just go on the list. I’ll assume they freeze well. Never tried making bagels. When I was a kid we’d drive half an hour (hey it was the 60’s) to the Jewish deli to pick up fresh ones on a Sunday, drive them home with bag under the heater vent.
Amir Khalid
I kind of doubt Newsom is seriously thinking about seceding over frustration with Trump’s stupidity, incompetence and vindictiveness. Although I could understand if Newsom were tempted …
@Amir Khalid: If you would like to email me via Anne Laurie or WaterGirl, I’d be happy to email you the text of Gail Collins articles.
And I bet she shares our appreciation of Alexandra Petri of the WaPost too.
@WaterGirl: All right conjure girl be vary careful who you raise up.
Picturing the sorcerer’s apprentice sequence from Fantasia.