Objecting to a provision in the Senate coronavirus bill providing unemployment benefits for people in financial trouble, Sen. Lindsey Graham says nurses are "going to make $24 an hour on unemployment" which he claims would incentivize "taking people out of the workforce." pic.twitter.com/xyuzcsiq8B
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) March 25, 2020
Better idea – take Lenningrad Lindsey out of the workforce https://t.co/iLNOydlGjC
— Erik Halvorsen (@erikhalvorsen18) March 25, 2020
“Just a thought experiment, throwing some ideas around… “
every executive who says stuff like this should be required to be the first to sign up for a week of shifts taking out trashbags from their local ER https://t.co/UPrPigxmLO pic.twitter.com/dagSdX5r5A
— Matt Pearce ? (@mattdpearce) March 25, 2020
Worth mentioning that since his retirement from Wells Fargo, kovacevich served on the board of theranos. Maybe I don’t want to be taking any advice on anything ever from a Ponzi schemer and likely complicit felon.
— RavenNole (@RavenNole) March 25, 2020
Who funds the Federalist, and how have they managed to stay out of jail?
The Federalist comes out in favor of–and I am not making this up–"safe infection sites" where children can be voluntarily infected with #covid19. pic.twitter.com/4CbggjqCg8
— Lindsay Beyerstein (@beyerstein) March 25, 2020
First, it's labeling human beings as "Undersirables" who are drains on society, with a plan to kill them off. And now, sending children to "Infection Camps" to be used for medical experimetation. Sounds so eerily familiar, doesn't it?
— KRK (@Page1ANews) March 25, 2020
Why if the Nazis hadn’t already done this stuff, we might be impressed with the level of evil coming out of TrumpCo.
I just posted this link downstairs. Dacoda Nelson has a nice primer that even I can grasp relating to the “economy” and what that actually means for we peons.
And I see you the other story covered.
And again, from downstairs.
Newsom Announces Mortgage Relief For Californians Affected By COVID-19
– 12:45 p.m., March 25, 2020
Four of the five major national banks have agreed to a 90-day forbearance on mortgage payments for those affected by COVID-19, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday.
Wells Fargo, US Bank, Citi and JP Morgan Chase have all agreed to waive mortgage payments for 90 days. Bank of America was the only one that did not commit to the 90-day forbearance. The bank has only committed to a 30-day forbearance, Newsom said.
State-charter banks and credit unions have also agreed to the 90-day forbearance. Newsom said it is important to have a coordinated relief effort for families instead of a patchwork of relief like what happened during the housing bubble collapse in 2008.
There is no income requirement for mortgage relief, but there needs to be evidence that the homeowners have been affected by COVID-19, Newsom said. But it won’t be as laborious as it was during the housing crisis in 2008, he added.
More than 1 million Californians have filed for unemployment benefits since March 13. Under the stimulus package deal that was just reached, the federal government will add $600 on top of the state benefits, Newsom said. — Alexander Nguyen, web producer
Roger Moore
I notice that Federalist is also using the racist-approved “Wuhan virus”. I also notice that their original tweet has been taken down by Twitter for violating site policy, presumably for encouraging self harm.
Another Scott
I don’t understand the argument here. You want to protect workers, no? So why risk their lives. Instead, send the young people into quarantine and pull the olds out of retirement to do those jobs. I mean, they’re just mooching off of society now, so if some of them die, that’s just savings.
I mean, if you’re willing to do population control to maintain economic equilibrium, that’s just Logans Run, dog. Wanna flatten the curve and save the economy, just lace the next AARP mailer with anthrax. Done. Easy.
The inability of any Republican to understand that a significant segment of our society is one or two paychecks away from total financial ruin is mind-boggling.
Yet if a corporation may see a decrease in the ability to pay a dividend or pay a CEO bonus or (be unable to pony up for their re-election campaign) they open up the Treasury
Perhaps they feel if they give the serfs anything, the people will realize that that spigot can be turned on for the benefit of people, not corps. And that would be a plot twist, eh?
Complete with an adorable cartoonish character to lure the kiddies in.
Microbe Mouse?
Captain Covid?
The Bilious Bunch?
Princess Infecta?
Roger Moore
It’s very simple. When a person lives paycheck to paycheck, it’s a sign they shouldn’t be wasting their money on frivolous expenses like
healthcarefancy coffee and avocado toast. When a company can’t survive a week without customers, it’s a sign that they’re following lean business practices.MattF
It’s remarkable that they go public with this stuff. The actual Nazis didn’t dare to, back in the day.
@Martin: you miss the real point. Although yours is sound!
“Kill people around so I won’t die”
That is the universal selfish plea.
zhena gogolia
Yesterday my husband and I went for our daily walk, and I was as usual giving him the news he’d missed, starting with Twitler demanding fealty from governors before he would help them save their people. I got a little heated and yelled, “Why doesn’t he get it?” before I realized there was a fit woman striding briskly down the road (more than 6 feet from us) and laughing merrily in response. I guess she knew exactly what I was referring to.
When reading the news about Prince Charles, I got to thinking about the Tory response to the virus. The term “herd immunity” isn’t helping our side. They aren’t part of “the herd” so their let everyone get sick approach, now picked up by the Republicans, isn’t really seen as something that will touch them. People are talking about the Republicans as a death cult, but they are a purity cult in so many ways as well.
@Martin: I think you meant Logan’s Walker, or Logan’s Rascal Scooter. They ain’t running anywhere. /S
What exactly is a “controlled infection”? And there’s no such thing as “voluntary” for children. Any children who are intentionally exposed to any disease, including COVID-19, should be taken away from their parents. And if they die, the parents should be tried for manslaughter.
And the people who write for the Federalist should go DIAF along with Lloyd Blankfein and Well’s Fargo’s Dick.
@misterpuff: You mean like ISPs now feel to magnanimously tell us pleebs that cost based on net usage was utterly necessary to the functioning of the intertubes. But suddenly can provide unlimited access without additional cost?
West of the Rockies
Somewhere between 27% and 43% of all humans are either dangerously or wilfully ignorant, greedy, and without empathy.
Choose your friends and allies carefully. Vote accordingly.
@Immanentize: My wife pointed me to a post on Nextdoor from someone looking for ammunition. I replied that if you give this person ammunition, expect it to be used against you when he runs out of toilet paper.
There is a bedrock belief among many Americans that lack of money can only have been the result of an individual’s lack of moral character. To starve the unworthy is not evil, it is punishing evil as it deserves. These people are “Christians.” They are the oldest heresy of all — God is just like me, and he hates everybody I do. It’s a heresy every religion has.
@NotMax: Chink Avenger
Mike in NC
I recall Letters to the Editor from conservatives during the Great Bush Recession arguing that the US auto industry just be allowed to die so that the stockholders could pick up the crumbs. Sociopaths all.
@Leto: Logan’s HoverRound! Lol
@Martin: That, Sir, is a meme worthy obs.
“Think outside the box.” Which box is that? A coffin?
(thick fundamentalist drawl)
“It’s raht thar in the Good Book: “Suffer the little children.”
Jesus H Christ! This sounds just like anti-vaxxer nonsense.
Ten Bears
Labeling human beings as “Undesirables” who are drains on society, with a plan to kill them off; and then sending their children to “Infection Camps” to be used for medical experimentation sounds so eerily familiar because it’s not the first time we’ve done this. We’re so good at it we’ve taught several generations, several nations, of tyrants how to do it.
This year’s Theater of the Absurd is the best season-ender ever!
Let’s hope.
Oh, and I caught a glimpse of Sasse saying pompously, “This could sever employer/employee relations!”
I am going to quote my Sainted Mother here,” Sweet Jesus Christ on a crutch, those assholes should have been drowned at Birth!” She was not a woman to mince her words.
Dr. Fact-checker would like a word with a few of our elected officials.
And someone upthread mentioned Prince Charles and it made me think of a tweet or instagram post I saw earlier.
@leeleeFL:I like your Mama very much.
That is a fucked up thing to spread. Please self-delete.
Not funny and abuses real victims for a laugh.
I understand you, but I’m past delete time.
Roger Moore
Not quite. When Those People lack money, it’s a sign they lack moral character. When People Like Us lack money, it’s because of the vicissitudes of fate.
Why is it that the lower orders in ‘Merca continue to refuse to recognize that they’re expendable!? Didn’t they vote for greatness??! What don’t they understand?
I actually believe that people should never be cautious. But should always be careful.
Thanks for the response.
“Think outside the box” box, in this case, 4’x2’x2′. Of wood, or are we going cardboard?
I’m out of adjectives but have an applicable noun or two for the Federalists.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@sdhays: Spartans, man.
It’ll cull the unfit before they have a chance to breed.
@Immanentize: She was a pistol! First vote was FDR, last was Obama. She said Barack was FDR with a great tan!
I miss her every day!
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: I am Spartacus!
@leeleeFL: My Mom is 89. Mostly grew up with a teacher Mom and an outdoor toilet on a semi-farm. She is an amazing source of perspective + and grace + to me now. I wish I could talk to your Mom. I am an idiot compared to those women.
Lindsay Graham is showing the contempt of Republicans for working people. And Republican misunderstanding of working people. Given a good wage and humane working conditions, I think most of us would want to work and not sit at home.
Mike in NC
“Thinking outside the box” is apparently a specialty of one Jared Kushner. So far it isn’t working.
This is where I say what is wrong with you mostly republican people? As far as purposely infecting people, if you think it’s such a good idea why don’t you go first?
also a better jump shot.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: I must be history’s greatest monster, because that post made me chuckle.
The Thin Black Duke
“The most dangerous thing a society can do,” James Baldwin said, “is to create a man who has nothing to lose.” And when circumstances get that bad and the mansions are surrounded by an angry mob, it’s usually the guards that wind up shooting these rich sociopaths in the back of the head.
In what universe does anyone get $24 an hour in unemployment benefits? California’s maxes out at $400 per week and I’m willing to bet South Carolina pays less. And by the way I know about California’s UI bennies from a neighbor who just applied due to layoff.
John Revolta
“Some of you will die. But that is a risk I am willing to take!”
I completely understand it’s a callous joke best kept close. I hope I caused no offense or harm and if I have I deeply apologize.
Fleeting Ex-istence
That Kinsa data program using thermometers is not at all reliable for my area. I can’t imagine they actually have enough of those little doohickies in use in the field to yield reliable data. Their tracking data for the state show no more than seasonal activity, yet there are more than 100 cases, 5 deaths, and considerable lockdown. Granny jail commences at midnight.
Juice Box
@Annie: In what universe do RNs get paid $24/hour? The average RN in San Diego makes almost twice that amount.
Poor taste or not, I think it’s good to keep the spotlight on Prince Andrew and the rest of those fuckers.
Must not be talking about PA. Guns and ammo stores were declared “essential businesses” during the lockdown there.
Title of post is on point??
Me too.
But I know when I’m not in the barracks and that’s one best kept for there.
@Mike in NC: I recall Southern senators objecting to the “bailout” (managed bankruptcy, actually) because they wanted to force Americans to buy assembled-in-their-states Nissans, BMW’s Volkswagens, et al.
Tony Jay
Respectfuly disagree.
Charles has Corvid-19, which is sad for him, but Andrew is a paedophile creep hiding behind monarchical immunity to avoid responsibility and punishment for the choices he made over decades. A little wordplay reminding everyone of that fact is no sin.
J R in WV
@Tony Jay:
Andrew is probably the worst of the Royals of Britain right now, and I agree with you that he needs punishment and open transparency right now, while he can still live through it.
I believe most of them didn’t. Don’t know where I can find the stats, but I remember reading that Trump voters’ median income was $70,000. That means more than half of them made more than that. Of course the MSM have obscured that with their Cletus Safaris. I think a majority of “white working class voters without a college degree” refused/failed to vote, but, as I say, I don’t know where to find evidence to back up my opinion.
Watch and weep Wilmer haters!
Citizen Alan
@Tony Jay: Correct me if I’m wrong, but if Charles dies before Elizabeth, does that make Andrew next in line for the throne? And given his current situation, could the monarchy survive that?
@Citizen Alan: Prince William is second in line of succession.
Victor Matheson
@Annie: The stimulus bill gives regular unemployment plus a $600/week bonus. If California does offer up to $400/week, that totals $1,000/week or roughly $25/hour.
Victor Matheson
@Juice Box: RNs average about $36/hour nationally. But LPNs are at about $23 nationally, so Graham is not being crazy about the potential for people to make more on unemployment than working.
What is crazy is this. First of all, you can’t quit and get unemployment in most cases, and literally nobody is firing nurses right now. So, there really isn’t much of an incentive problem here. Second, the sort of people who become nurses are likely to be predisposed to help people in times of crisis. I don’t think it is likely that many nurses will voluntarily walk out on the biggest health crisis in a century due to generous unemployment benefits.
@mrmoshpotato: I saved that link.
One needs to laugh during weeks like this. That video certainly did it. Thanks.
@Tony Jay:
I agree and that was the reason I posted it, but I don’t want it to hurt.
I decided to bite, so I looked up the local going rates for nurses. 30 to 60 dollars an hour plus benefits and more for specialty nurse professions. 24 without benefits isn’t going to cut it. What he also doesn’t get is that most people who go into professions where they do public service (medical, teachers, etc.) really believe in their work and helping people. Just the audacity to worry about moral hazard among workers, when he has no problem with the moral hazard of just giving away money to the largest corporations, is disgusting.
@Elizabelle: You’re welcome. It made me bust out laughing and had to be shared.