Ending the lockdowns isn’t going to happen. Next week we will probably have 2 or 3 thousand people die in New York City, which is horrific, and we’ll also probably have a continue decrease or at least stabilization of deaths in Italy, which is great. Obviously, fight like hell to keep the lockdown going, because we are talking about millions of lives here. But I just don’t see how these fuckers are going to end it.
As much as I hate to heh indeed David Frum it’s hard to improve on this commentary on Trump’s higher (but still shitty) approval ratings:
About Trump's poll numbers https://t.co/IWJ5mXADFu
They won't last pic.twitter.com/OmOb26JICE
— David Frum (@davidfrum) March 25, 2020
If any of us is still alive in November, we can pick up a lot of seats.
Spain is the next developing hot spot. And eyes are on the UK, which reacted late.
Trump has got to be nervous, despite all his bluster. More than ever before, he is out of his depth, and is depending on the wrong people, while disregarding the people he should be listening to.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
He sounds like such a fool during his briefings. I’ll never understand what his cultists see in him. Yeah, yeah, it’s because he’s a racist, but there were smarter racists running in 2016 who probably wouldn’t have botched this pandemic as badly. It’s as if he never ever makes mistakes in their eyes. I’ve called Trump supporters sycophants to their “faces” directly and get crickets. Would it be so fucking hard to at least get some intellectual honestly, with these fucks?
I’ll be pretty relieved if it’s 2K-3K, TBH. I’m expecting 15K by this time next week. Hoping todays numbers break trend for the better.
But if that trend holds, that means that a sizable percentage of the city contracted it before the lockdown. All of the current fatalities roughly correspond to date of the first positive test in NYC. If things really are that bad there, it’ll be the lack of tests that was to blame.
@Brachiator: I’m telling you, something this weekend broke him. He can’t cope. He’s checked out.
I hate to say this, but that’s optimistic. Per https://covidtracking.com/data/state/new-york/ , New York State is at nearly 100 deaths per day right now, and given the slope of the exponential it’s going to be at least a few hundred per day by the beginning of next week and getting worse fast.
Running government like a business.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Any speculation on what it might have a been? Just the stress in general? He has to know if he loses this November, his life as he has known it is basically over
Other MJS
@Martin: He’s letting Pence run the presser. I have to say, Pence can at least act somewhat “presidential” (although I have no idea whether he’s telling the truth). And he’s letting Birx and Fauci take questions.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Pshaw. FOX will have a
chairthrone and a golden microphone ready for him.Dorothy A. Winsor
I assume someone has already posted that Katie Porter has been tested for COVID19. She’s has respiratory symptoms and a fever. She’s waiting for results.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Closing his businesses? The realization that the only thing he cares about – the stock market – was a lost cause. All of the above?
But he clearly can’t grasp what is about to happen, and has no idea what to do about it.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): By “faces” i assume you mean ??
Which explains why they’re always talking absolute shit.
Other MJS
I hope Frum is right — I’ve been apoplectic about Trump’s usual fucking things up, then dialing the upfuckery back at tad and taking a bow. If he could bow.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: ??? she recovers soon!
Fox News is in Manhattan. It will be interesting to see what happens when this all falls down around (and undoubtedly upon) them.
And yet he won’t stay down.
I wonder if he has had meetings where he demands that people save him, and make him look good, and the science and medicine guys look around and say to themselves, “WTF? Save you, but not the country?”
I expect him to bounce back with something outrageously stupid.
I assume this has been posted before, but it took me awhile to re-google it:
@Brachiator: More likely he asked for solutions, they offered up realistic ones, he said that wasn’t possible because it would hurt him in Nov, and then decided they were all out to get him.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): My shorter version (perhaps some wit could put it better): “Even racists/white supremacists/neo-Nazis deserve better representation than THIS”
White & Gold Purgatorian
Today, for the first time ever I sent a message to our Republican governor. I asked her to please keep the current personal distancing policies in place, or even increase them, as her medical and public health experts advise. Specifically mentioned that the morgues in NYC and the ICUs in Atlanta are almost full — we don’t want to end up in either situation.
It may not make an impression on her, but it may be that even some GOP governors are interested in whether the public has an appetite for shutting things down. So, it can’t hurt to contact your mayors and governors.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Fuck.
That is all
Leaked conversation from the Oval Office last weekend:
Jared: “You want the good news or the bad news first, o great one?”
Dolt 45: “Gimme the good news, Jar Jar.”
Jared: “The Martians have not attacked.”
Dolt 45: “What’s the bad news?”
Jared: “Everything else.”
More good news.
The Federalist twitter account has been locked and the post deleted over of the “Coronavirus Parties for Kids” thing. Link
It’s about time. But Facebook is the worst. Companies need to start shutting down their Facebook presence until Facebook bans misleading COVID crap.
@Brachiator: I expect him to bounce back with something outrageously stupid.
Judging from the stuff already coming out from his campaign, Pompeo, etc, the ‘stupid’ will be more like ‘evil’, as in
He was on our side all along, that trumpov! You betcha! On the case, ready to act…but the governors are inept and clueless, the Chinese are out to get us, and Biden’s on their side, not yours, American voter!
It’s all they have left.
Something brought a smile on our walk today. Couple sharing a longboard, a very long longboard, were being towed down the street by their husky. #Coronatainment.
It’s something we all realize already, but this RollingStone piece nails Trump.
I’ve said before, the time will come when people will storm Fox and Breitbart and the time is not that far out.
Commenter trollhattan recently posted this little tidbit
So here is a little something for your Trump loving friends. Trump supporters trust the CDC.
Why doesn’t Trump trust the CDC?
Interview with Tom Frieden, former head of the CDC:
Do Trump supporters even know that Young Jared and Mother’s Little Helper Mike Pence have more input and influence than the CDC?
BTW, the timeline on Chinas response is that the first observation that this was more than just pneumonia was on Dec 26 when multiple family members all showed up with the same symptoms. It was reported to the CDC equivalent on Dec 27. They found 3 more cases on the 28/29th. They started active case finding on the 30th, and notified the WHO on Dec 31. They had it sequenced by Jan 12 and had test kits on the 13th.
So, 4 days from detection to telling the WHO is pretty damn fast. Having tests going out 13 days after that is also pretty damn fast.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): A person who thinks Trump is a genius is unlikely to know what a sycophant is. Or if they know, they won’t understand why you say it like it’s a bad thing.
Am I my brother’s keeper?
Cheryl Rofer
Okay – Let’s try this again.
@Martin: The argument I have heard is that it is not unusual for a virus to be named after where it started and the example that is always brought up is the Spanish Flu. The fact that it didn’t start in Spain and may well have started in Kansas is irrelevant.
Omnes Omnibus
@khead: Hey, Jacob Marley was a good man of business, you know.
@Cheryl Rofer
The campaign which ignored cease and desist letters from representatives for The Rolling Stones?
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer: Nope. No. No chance. Not gonna work.
@Cheryl Rofer:
“I object on the grounds that the evidence incriminates my client.”
Chyron HR
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Possibly it sunk in that he’s going to be responsible for the impending deaths of millions of people?
By which I mean that he’s going to be HELD responsible for the impending deaths of millions of people, not that he actually cares about them.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
That Trump is stupid, incompetent, rambling, ranting, utterly self-centered, spiteful, incapable of kindness, and an all around asshole is the point. Republican voters want that. Trump was picked to prove that not just a white man, but the voters who saw themselves in Trump, were better than the best black man. He is their revenge not just for Obama’s election, but for being shamed all their life for those traits.
Easy. They think the CDC agrees with him. If you tell them the CDC does not, you are the one lying. If the CDC puts up a video, it’s the media lying. One of the many things conservatives deeply resent is that they’re wrong about everything, so they decide the real experts must agree with them and LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU.
Trump has threatened lawsuits his whole life. This one has no chance. The lawyers on the campaign are just doing it to keep his doom-rage-self-pity cycle from getting worse.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: If only that worked….
Sister Golden Bear
Turns out the reason why so many large companies in California have masks to donate is that in 2019, a year after the fires have a brutal effect on air quality, the state passed a law requiring employers to make masks available when air quality is unhealthy.
Also, a bit of good news, in SF at least, the shelter in place orders are flattening the curve dramatically At least for now.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Cheryl Rofer: have you heard about the political ad that the trump campaign went to court to block? I wonder what they don’t want people to see?
its useless to bother with trump. Trump is about trump and adulation of trump. Anything counter to that in his mind is treason. He will never learn. He will never change. He will only ever do the right thing if his interests are aligned with it. There’s nothing really else there.
its of course right and required to call him out vociferously at all times, but it will make no difference. He may poll ok now. And November will be closer than it should be, but the cake is pretty much baked and the lines are drawn hard.
there are only two ways to get to trump. Take his money (and I hope all his businesses fail, of course the workers will get screwed so catch22) and take his platform (the adulation). Nothing else is of consequence for him.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
You can make an argument that the last President to have to deal with a bigger emergency then this was Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis. This is a world historical crisis for a guy who ran for President just to get some exposure and some hotels built.
The soul crushing amount of pressure right now even for a President that was equipped to handle it would be overwhelming. For Trump? Forget it.
Assumes a soul to crush.
And further, trump doesn’t care if people die. No one person matters except trump. Even his own family.
And he’ll always be able to internally rationalise any abhorrent action (inaction) he takes. There will never be a moment of reckoning or self awareness.
@Sister Golden Bear: Job-killing regulation!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Cripes.. I hope she’ll be okay and get through this.
Roger Moore
“Despite” is not the way I’d describe it. I would say the bluster is a tell. The more he blusters, the more nervous he is.
It’s been a bad day in NYC
@Cheryl Rofer: has anyone seen or posted the cease and desist letter?
I hate our federal government
@Martin: A side note. Canada was notified on JAN7 and the federal government mobilised the pandemic response crew on JAN15. I’m guessing most other civilised countries did the same.
Cheryl Rofer
@LAO: There’s a link to it in the tweet
@Cheryl Rofer: I’m a moron. Thanks
Sister Golden Bear
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Probably the latest stage in Trump’s narcissistic injury. When narcs are put in a position where they’re not in control of a situation, and it makes them look incompetent and pathetic, it’s quite literally a fate worse than death for them.
We’ve seen him to try act like he’s in control, declare victory, lash out. When none of those work, narcs will often buckle and hide (at least for a while until they recharge). Trump can’t actually hole up in his room, but can check out while he’s theoretically presidenting.
The Hoarse Whisper has a good analysis. (FWIW, all five of the behaviors HT predicted came true within two days of his post.)
@LAO: The link to the letter is in the tweet that Cheryl embedded.
@Sister Golden Bear: Yeah, back in the Fall as fire season picked up, we ordered a pack of 20 n95 masks (we’re in San Diego), half of which we gave to our 2 daughters who live in another part of the city. I’m glad we have them, though I have not felt the need to wear one yet.
You can also see this in the UK conservative response to BREXIT and subsequent fallout.
The Tory leadership said “you can’t trust experts who tell you that BREXIT is bad”
So the conservative base started echoing “You can’t trust the experts” whenever confronted with challenges.
And now, this is biting them on the ass as Boris Johnson says “we must listen to the experts about this virus.”
Their base is confused, going “wha… wha…?”
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: something, something, Streisand Effect, something something.
Republican senators are objecting to the relief bill because it provides the uemployed with an extra $600 on top of their salary. A lot of the people fired make minimum wage and/or rely on tips. The increase only lasts 4 months, there’s no guarantee they’ll all get hired back, and we have no idea how long this shitstorm will last and how long benefits may be held up/decreased if they have to extend them. Millionaires haggling over whether to toss working folks a few extra bucks to see them through a fucking pandemic and recession.
Guillotines are too quick for them.
And fuck all the Bernie Bros who care so damn much about the working class that they put us in this position.
@Brachiator: The difference is that BoJo isn’t a complete idiot, but rather that the Tories are extremely venal liars. The UK is so fucked, though – Labour is a complete mess, and the far left (via Corbyn) has made it almost a rump party. Their new law that prohibits elections unless 2/3 of Parliament votes for one virtually ensures you will have a generation of full-on Tory control. I highly doubt Keir Starmer or anyone else who ends up leading Labour will win because of how factionalized the left is (and the stupidly idiotic small issues they fight over, missing the bigger picture).
Sister Golden Bear
@LesGS: I’ve only got two N95s myself — during the fires I realized that I really needed an P100 mask instead. Which is overkill for now. I’m trying to find the cloth mask I bought before going to Japan last year. (Given mask-wearing etiquette there, and knowing that I wouldn’t find something to fit my Cole-sized noggin, it make sense to bring one along just in case.)
@Frankensteinbeck: this post is SO spot-on, especially about trumpov supporters.
mad citizen
@pattonbt: This is an excellent summation, I agree with all of it. Someone here mentioned how offing oneself is a valid outcome for the narcissist, because they can’t live with being “revealed as a fraud, etc.”. For this reason, I think he’ll resign at some point where he can claim victory and go to Florida.
That was the old way. H1N1 was specifically NOT called swine flu.
MERS was changed from Saudi Arabia.
Spanish Flu was probably politically motivated as well, since kansas would be more accurate.
Why did they call it The Spanish Flu. From the Wiki
Spain was the only place that did not lie about the killer pandemic.
mad citizen
Long good summation of the U.S. situation from the BBC guy in NYC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52012049. I noted this: “Consequently, America’s claim to global pre-eminence looks less convincing by the day. While in previous crises, the world’s most powerful superpower might have mobilised a global response, nobody expects that of the United States anymore.”
So, today’s data is in. I’m up to 4 models.
Gail Collins has outdone herself. If we could not laugh at her Coronavirus quiz, we would have to cry.
I hope this is free with the FTF NYTimes’ COVID coverage, cuz we all need some levity. At Donald Trump’s expense. Have at it.
@Betty, did you happen to see this trial balloon floated by our governor today? He’s likely to reopen schools pretty soon..
“I think there is a question about whether the school closures have been effective. There’s really no evidence and we kind of worked with our Commissioner of Education. Singapore, I don’t think Singapore closed their schools. And there’s no difference in how the virus spread in either of the countries based on that. There’s just not a lot of data that supports it,” DeSantis said Wednesday morning. “So you need to look to say, ‘OK; if the schools are closed, then what stress does that put on the parents?”
Another Scott
DeLong – Jubilee and Hunker Down:
Interesting. Good ideas. Translating them into policy will/would be an interesting challenge.
Oh, andapparently giving people a liveable income for a few months will keep them from finding new jobs. During a recession. And a pandemic. Knowing the benefits won’t last forever and they only have a few months’ grace before they’re fucked again. And that between all the associated costs with testing and treatment, getting the disease may mean being fucked anyway.
If they were so worried about CORPORATIONS taking advantage and dumping employees on the dole, then they would attach a lot more strings to the windfalls they want pass out like tic tacs at a head cheese convention.
But that’s not what it’s about. It’s about keeping workers as desperate as possible so millionaires and billionaires can hire them as cheaply as possible. ???
I know. He’s walking a fine line between trying to drum into the Criminally Negligent in Chief’s bloated head that NYS needs help, badly — step up the Defense Procurement Act and send us some goddamned ventilators — and not inciting despair in New Yorkers.
I think Trump should be brought up on criminal negligence charges after this. In addition to all the financial, money laundering and tax evasion charges NYS is working on.
This was avoidable, in part. Not the virus itself, but the utter lack of testing and preparation. This is criminal.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Some of them might be developing buyer’s remorse. But they’re still in the bargaining stage of grief. A refrain I’m starting to see more frequently online is “I’d like to see you (or insert random politician) do better than Trump”. They know he’s fucking up, but are trying to convince themselves anyone else would too.
Another Scott
Makes sense.
@Bostondreams: Singapore has really good patient tracking and tracing. So does South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. They developed these after the SARS outbreak.
Does anyone notice something those nations have in common relative to Covid? Does Florida have a similar tracking and tracing capability?
Sloane Ranger
Just to be clear, the new law says that elections will take place every 5 years unless 2/3 of Parliament vote to hold one earlier. The May local elections may have been cancelled due to Trumpvirus, but we are still a democracy.
What you say about the atomisation of the left is true but if Johnson has mishandled things as badly as some people think, the bodies are going to pile up and people will remember in 4 years time. A moderate like Starmer has a chance.
Jeezus christ! It seems like all hands on deck there.
Gin & Tonic
Luckily my NYC children haven’t been in the city in some time. My daughter and SIL hightailed it for CT about a week and a half ago now, and my son and DIL left the country last fall, and won’t be back until this fall.
With Pompeo in his pocket, they will not do any investigations. He has to go. Then we burn him and we especially burn that ass kisser pompeo, he needs to be in jail, stat. He needs to be made an example of.
TS (the original)
And still he won’t take advice from anyone sane as to what he should be doing.
@Another Scott: 40 days is a bit quick, but the contours seem good. There still needs to be some societal level non-invasive monitoring program upon reopen. That seems to be why China hasn’t seen a resurgence but Hong Kong has.
I think Trump will jump in to help Florida (he lives there after all) and so he would make sure that would be a priority .. not sure if it will work out though…
This was a hoot. I loved the end of the quiz
You got 8 out of 10 right.
Congratulations! You’re normal.
@cain: It really should be.
But I’ll add one positive note – I just saw NYC hospitalization data and that looks a bit better than my model suggests, so they may be seeing some improvements from actions taken a few weeks ago that hasn’t yet shown up in my data.
I really hope my model is wrong.
@Brachiator: Yea. Yes, it is alarming to see how much we can figure out if it was a Trump action/statement or not, just by too much exposure.
@Gin & Tonic: so, I’m still in NYC and the most stressful part of this has been dealing with my parents- I love them – but the 3x day calls to check on me are emotional draining. I’m stuck here, I have to assume I’ve been exposed and can’t subject my elderly to the virus.
ETA: I’m glad your kids left the city, I cannot adequately express how stressed out I am.
@Martin: You and me both!
@cain: I think it’s too late. Florida is already well past the point that China was when they locked down. They’ll be where Italy was when they locked down in 7-10 days.
joel hanes
I think Trump should be brought up on criminal negligence charges
With depraved indifference.
That makes it murder.
Maddow reporting that the governor of MS just overrode local shelter in place declarations. Mississippians are going to die needlessly because of that. Yes they may be a red state, but there are a lot of good folks there.
I listened to a local radio talk show host say, “Gee, Trump is right. The government can’t just take over corporations and tell them what to do. He has to respect the free enterprise system.”
So, I immediately thought that if FDR had not mobilized America’s industrial strength and used it to produce everything from aircraft to munitions to jeeps, but let things alone, we would have lost World War II.
And Ford or GM would have sold vehicles to the Germans.
JFK did not take over industries, but certainly focused industry in putting in motion the processes that got on man to the moon.
And I would certainly trust Biden, Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton or Elizabeth Warren to do better than Trump. Hell, I suspect that even Mitt Romney could do better than Trump. Yeah, I will throw the GOP a bone.
And the governors of California and New York right now, today, this minute, are doing better than Trump.
@LAO: Stay inside.
Gin & Tonic
@Brachiator: I have read probably too much about the less well-known genocides of the 20th Century – the Holodomor in Ukraine and the Caucasus, and the Great Leap Forward in China, and it is really shocking how people blinded by an ideology can lead themselves to completely ignore massive suffering and death.
Luckily the US isn’t anywhere close to those events.
@Another Scott:
Yet another economist that is correct about the economics* but doesn’t understand the politics.
*My academic training was in Economics.
@Martin: But for walking my dog, I am. Thanks
Incidentally, Governor Northam of Virginia kind of slapped Falwell, Jr today, using biblical language to do it.
Kayla Rudbek
And I just got an email from the city that there was an infected person at my husband’s favorite bar. March 10, March 14, March 15. Now I have to go check my texts to see if he or I or both were there at those days and times. And yes, he was there March 10th.
@Elizabelle: You can’t have a proper Apocalypse without Pestilence now can you?
@Another Scott: Not a chance the Idiot In Chief will do this.
@Brachiator: I’m almost embarrassed to report my score:
You got 10 out of 10 right.
You get an A for Attention Span!
Fair Economist
@Martin: How do you come up with the conclusion that most in NYC have the virus? My rough rule of thumb is that 1 death is a thousand current infections, which would put the city at hundreds of thousands infected. That is certainly horrifying but far short of 5 million or so after a complete sweep or even 2.5 million (half that) at uncontrolled epidemic peak.
@SiubhanDuinne: Aced it too.
Although I’d say “A for Alarmed.”
The hardest question was the Trump word salad, but guessed right.
Another Scott
@Fair Economist: It takes roughly 3 weeks to go from infection to a fatality. So, assuming a 1% fatality rate, then NYC would have had around 25,000 total infections back around March 4 based on fatalities today. They recorded their first case March 2. It takes a good week or more to be detected with the current test.
@Another Scott: We need to keep worries about bringing the Jubilee from damaging our ability to undertake the Hunker Down. We need to keep implementing the Hunker Down from impairing our power to bring the Jubilee.
Please tell me more about this new religion you’ve founded…
What is he going to do? Roll up his sleeves and start treating patients? If the system collapses it will be due to lack of hospital beds and medical personnel. Where is he going to get those at a moment’s notice? Is he going to conjure up supplies, personnel, and hospital space out of thin air?
@SiubhanDuinne: I still got an A for Attention Span, even with my meager 90%.
@Another Scott:
so a ”derpatologist” then.
@chopper: LOL. Perfect.
Another Scott
@Kent: He’ll stand behind a barricade and toss rolls of paper towels. He’s got practice at that.
@WaterGirl: Grapefruit and panda blood.
I loved that option.
@Elizabelle: It was inspired.
I wonder if Trump has ever eaten a piece of fruit.
@Another Scott: He can’t even do that now. He’d have to dip into his own stash, and he can’t risk not having enough to wipe his massive ass.
They see validation, salvation. But ultimately they see themselves.