SCOOP: We obtained the detailed National Security Council “pandemic response playbook” left by the Obama team for the Trump team. It was, basically, “thrown onto a shelf.” w/ @ddiamond
— Nahal Toosi (@nahaltoosi) March 26, 2020
… “Is there sufficient personal protective equipment for healthcare workers who are providing medical care?” the playbook instructs its readers, as one early decision that officials should address when facing a potential pandemic. “If YES: What are the triggers to signal exhaustion of supplies? Are additional supplies available? If NO: Should the Strategic National Stockpile release PPE to states?”
The strategies are among hundreds of tactics and key policy decisions laid out in a 69-page National Security Council playbook on fighting pandemics, which POLITICO is detailing for the first time. Other recommendations include that the government move swiftly to fully detect potential outbreaks, secure supplemental funding and consider invoking the Defense Production Act — all steps in which the Trump administration lagged behind the timeline laid out in the playbook.
“Each section of this playbook includes specific questions that should be asked and decisions that should be made at multiple levels” within the national security apparatus, the playbook urges, repeatedly advising officials to question the numbers on viral spread, ensure appropriate diagnostic capacity and check on the U.S. stockpile of emergency resources.
The playbook also stresses the significant responsibility facing the White House to contain risks of potential pandemics, a stark contrast with the Trump administration’s delays in deploying an all-of-government response and President Donald Trump’s recent signals that he might roll back public health recommendations…
The NSC devised the guide — officially called the Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents, but known colloquially as “the pandemic playbook” — across 2016. The project was driven by career civil servants as well as political appointees, aware that global leaders had initially fumbled their response to the 2014-2015 spread of Ebola and wanting to be sure that the next response to an epidemic was better handled.
The Trump administration was briefed on the playbook’s existence in 2017, said four former officials, but two cautioned that it never went through a full, National Security Council-led interagency process to be approved as Trump administration strategy. Tom Bossert, who was then Trump’s homeland security adviser, expressed enthusiasm about its potential as part of the administration’s broader strategy to fight pandemics, two former officials said…
The NSC playbook would have been especially useful in helping to drive the administration’s response to coronavirus, given that it was intended to guide urgent decisions and coordinate the all-of-government approach that Trump so far has struggled to muster, said people familiar with the document.
The color-coded playbook contains different sections based on the relative risk — green for normal operations, yellow for elevated threat, orange for credible threat and red once a public health emergency is declared — and details the potential roles of dozens of departments and agencies, from key players like the Health and Human Services department to the Department of Transportation and the FBI. It also includes sample documents intended to be used at coordinating meetings.
We’ve now uploaded the full White House pandemic playbook, color-coded rubrics and all.
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) March 26, 2020
Look, that was years & years ago, and really what could anyone learn from a bunch of nerds working for That Black Dude, anyways? “We” may not have deserved President Obama, but thousands of innocent victims sure as hell don’t deserve Trump, either.
Every attempt at parody under Trump ends up as an anticipatory echo of the actual
— Tom Scocca (@tomscocca) March 26, 2020
West of the Rockies
This needs to be stressed as we near November. Trump’s cosmic incompetence must be a brand on his fat white ass.
OT – but YES! YES! YES!
Now back to your regularly scheduled Fuck-the-Republicans post, because fuck the Republicans.
Sung to the tune of Davy Crockett:
“Drooling – Drooling Donald. Gods, what a useless schmuck…”
patrick Il
just listened to Republican Rep Gary Palmer Alabama being interviewed on NPR All things considered.
NPR Host: I know you belong to a party that doesn’t believe in deficits, but are you going to vote for this bill?
joel hanes
@West of the Rockies:
It’s not just incompetence.
Trump deliberately slow-walked the evaluation of the building pandemic because he feared that accurate numbers would make him “look bad”, and affect his “ratings”.
He was willing for people to die in exchange for a public relations advantage.
This is negligence with depraved indifference — murder.
Add to that his naked desire to profiteer off the crisis, or allow his allies to do so, and a decent nation would imprison him for life starting the day after he’s out of office.
Doc Sardonic
@mrmoshpotato: The modern day version of hauling a full Marshall stack up the townhouse stairs, placing it in the closet speakers to the wall, dimeing it out and scorching the opening riff to Mickey’s Monkey through the wall.
I’ve said this before, but I really mean it, so I’ll say it again: Fuck those Fucking Fuckers
ETA: Loud music neighbors or Republicans. It’s all good.
That could have been about anything. How was Trump to know that it was relevant to the current situation?
Just Chuck
@Baud: The title was longer than his attention span, so of course he ignored it.
@Just Chuck:
Probably didn’t even have pictures. Major Obama fail.
From now til the election, it is criminal for any news organization to go with
“the president* is sowing confusion with his misinformation” instead of
“the president* is lying to the American people for the purpose of avoiding culpability for his incompetence, which resulted in X Americans being killed”.
Full stop.
Let’s hold them accountable, so that they can at least take a shot at holding HIM accountable.
Bin Ladendetermined to strike in the US.West of the Cascades
Anything Obama did, do the opposite. Libs, owned.
I’m having trouble with how much more I hate these people every day this pandemic progresses.
IMHO they might want to rethink the whole open air wildlife-as-food market concept.
COVID-19 can easily be followed by COVID-21.
@patrick Il: gaah. except of course you voted for Trumps deficit busting tax plan.
James E Powell
@West of the Rockies:
Totally agree, but it is going to be an uphill climb. The same people who called George W Bush Our Winston Churchill are already set to declare Trump – Changed By Crisis. Savior of America. And keep in mind that ~42% already believe he’s the Savior of America.
It’s Trumpfinger.
“No, Mr. America, I expect you to die!”
It wasn’t a sales pitch, and way too many words with more than one syllable! How was he supposed to know it was important?
The 5 o’clock follies are runnin late.
joel hanes
China closed the “wet markets” some time ago, and has said that they will never be allowed to re-open.
Yes, they were a horrible idea, but the maladministration’s insistence on identifying the virus with China has nothing to do with infectious disease control practices and everything to do with Trump’s desire to find an external enemy on which he can blame the horrific results of his own ignorant and selfish refusal to lead once the virus got to the states. He wants a scapegoat.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I am a tad worried about Trump’s approval numbers jumping up. I know that we’re not in the worst of this yet, but the “rally around the flag” effect has been shown to persist until crises end and we’re likely not to see this end until possibly after this election, which might give Trump the support he needs to at least win the EC
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Ain’t no point worrying about what you can’t control.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@James E Powell:
My concerns aside, I would think tens of thousands of dead, at the very least, would make this “pivot” difficult. As bad as 9/11 was, it didn’t personally touch millions of people like friends/family of 9/11 victims were
Thrown on a shelf, because there is only one priority, Trump’s ego. Which translates now to Trump’s reelection.
@patrick Il: Let me guess: Steve Innskeep?
West of the Rockies
@joel hanes:
We’re not in decent places.
— Smeagol
@James E Powell:
Any Republican will get at least 40% of the vote. Even Hoover did in 1932.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I know, but he if he can beat this and come out smelling like fucking roses, we will be a failed democracy. Trump can’t be allowed to get away with that
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m not persuaded that ‘approve’ means ‘will vote for’. Bear in mind that the waverers are on the margin, and how they decide anything is a mystery.
@Baud: The “rally around the flag effect” didn’t help Carter…
ETA: (Adding to what you were saying.)
And apparently Lindsey Graham is down 4%(!?) to his Democratic challenger?? There’s a whole lot of stuff going on right now. The situation is very fluid.
James E Powell
I think we are going to need him down around 40 to get the senate.
Don’t forget it was Bolton who dismantled the NSC team. Always thought he was dangerous. Did not think it would be this bad.
patrick Il
Elsa Chang
Did you guys see the new BS ad? He is appropriating the Civil Rights Struggle.
The Iran crisis went on for too long.
West of the Cascades
We’re Number One!
“[W]hen you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” – donald trump, Feb. 26, 2020.
@Baud: Yep. And it doesn’t look like this is going to be quickly over either.
Bill Arnold
@James E Powell:
That’s a pretty good goal, that or lower.
@joel hanes: Hang him and his accomplices leave their bodies to be a warning
November is so far off we can’t even imagine the ups and downs between now and then.
But we can imagine that the things Trump has been saying since late January will look very bad in retrospect. A harsh reality is coming. It will be bad for all of us. Trump will tire quickly of demanding to be perceived as the master and creator of the reality that exists soon.
@sdhays: The “rally around the flag effect” didn’t help Carter…
We are in a very different era than the Carter/Reagan era. Trump’s supporters would vote for him even if they believed he deliberately let people die. He has 42% no matter what happens. And that is terrifying, especially in light of the Electral College.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): With any ‘luck’ (pls forgive me) this will be trump’s katrina, not 9/11.
Also too this is one reason rethugs framing this as a war.
How’s this for Dem framing: trump allows a nation wide katrina.
patrick Il
Trump, a few weeks ago ” We’re going to ask congress for 2 billion . Congress is talking about 8 billion, but I don’t known why”.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):spoiler alert not gonna happen there will be between 1.6 and 2 million us dead- doesn’t bode well forMango Mussolini
@trollhattan: China has announced they’ve all been banned. We’ll see how long it takes for reality to match policy, but they tend to not be any worse than the US on this front.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Trump sounds fucking terrified right now
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
“Pay no attention to the spewing rectum behind the curtain.”
@senyordave: judging by those southern governors, a lot of those Trump supporters are going to be… culled.
The briefing is on right now, and Trump’s breathing is really bad!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
He kind of looks like he got run over by a truck and gaspy breathing.
Sen. Klobuchar’s husband is on the mend and has been released from the hospital.
Great news.
@Martin: When the Party Central Committee issues orders, compliance is fairly rapid — a hallmark of authoritarian systems.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I’m listening. Not watching. He could hardly manage breathing to get thru the list of names of the G 20. He must look horrible based on how he sounds. It’s been months since I’ve seen him.
spoiler alert not gonna happen there will be between 1.6 and 2 million us dead- doesn’t bode well forMango Mussolini
I think you are looking at maybe 50k maximum. I was seeing doomsday projections similar to those numbers a few weeks ago, but fortunately the latest models I have seen are much, much, much lower (I needed three muches).
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): he can always resign: there’s precedent…
The scum around him deserve no pity, but can you imagine the behind-closed-doors events of people trying to get through to that ignorant demented ass?
@JoyceH: Maybe he’s got the virus! Maybe he’ll need a ventilator, and there won’t be one available. The irony!
More of this!
Hey, does anyone else wonder if maybe they gave him a bunch of names and statistics to run through in the hopes that he’ll wear out before he goes off in any of those insane riffs if his? He did leave the briefing before it ended the other day.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A lot of states still aren’t taking this seriously, especially Florida. They have a large elderly population, too. I think a few hundred thousand by the end of the year is what we’re looking at
Apologies, haven’t read the thread & I am about to go start dinner but doesn’t this all depend upon the White House/Executive Branch having people who know how to read?
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Tres muchos!
Chyron HR
Yeah but to be fair anybody who writes thing down and makes plans is just a big f*g anyway.
terry chay
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Also… that 42% approval rating is based on the economy. 42% is dismal when the economy was so strong. Those people will evaporate.
Even with a strong economy, he was going to lose. Look at 2018, which was just before he crashed the markets after Democrats took power.
People act like they won’t throw Trump under the bus when they’ve thrown a ton of Republicans under the bus at his behest. The people who don’t, will simply turn “apolitical” as their finances are strained.
What matters is the votes, and the 1% are, by definition, 1% of voters.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
This, right here. The Twoers coming down was a drama played out 3,000 miles away on TV and while it was horrifically dramatic and emotionally wrenching we were still far removed from the immediate impact (despite the fact my California clan had to drive to Chicago in the days following 9/11 due to the death of my oldest sister wholly unrelated to 9/11).
The airlines were soon back to flying, you still went to work the next day and stayed in your normal routine, the only major disruption coming to the families of victims and the impact to NYC and DC.
This touches literally everyone in the country and what is far different with Covid-19 unlike natural disasters or even terrorist attacks is the unknown.
The hurricane will do its damage but it will pass. The house will stop shaking. The floodwaters will recede.
When does the pandemic stop?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Florida could be the imperfect storm of a very old-trending population run by scandalously dumb Republicans, combining for a spectacular infection percentage.
Scene at Walter Reed:
“You shut it off.”
“No, you shut it off.”
“I know. Let’s get Mikey. Oh, Mr. Pe-e-e-ence, could you step in here for a minute?.”
BTW, the unemployment numbers that went out today don’t include the claims filed this week, which broke a lot of state websites. There’s going to be millions of more claims in the next report.
On the upside, we finally reached this achievement.
@trollhattan: Louisiana not looking good either. They’re at least locked down.
I can no longer watch that. Truth – couple of days ago I leaped to my feet and screamed “you lying lump of horseshit!”, and was immediately informed that I am cut off from watching the daily dose of Trumpian word salad.
Events are happening way to fast for people on this board, among the maybe top 0.5 percent of the public in terms of political information, to keep up. So imagine what it’s like for the bottom 50 percent. Public opinion measurement right now is basically useless. Everyone’s head is spinning.
When you can go to the dentist and neither he/she nor you need fear getting infected. Speaking of which, how’s that tooth?
terry chay
@senyordave: Not all of those Trump supporters will bother to vote. Also, 2% of them will be dead come November, probably more given their demographics and behavior.
It’s not like the rural areas are awash in ventillators.
Also, too, where does the pandemic stop? Flood? Escape to high ground. Quake? Escape to where the buildings stand and the utilities function, Fire? Flee to where it’s not burning. Virus? Run
awayinside because there is no “away.”I was laying out just that difference for the kid when the spouse interrupted me because she had friends stuck in SF after Loma Prieta so my example does not work. No wonder the kid is confused.
terry chay
@Martin: There was a VOX explainer on it. It was making them hundreds of millions, but this virus has lost them trillions so I don’t think these wild animal markets coming back.
wait until the first hurricane of the season. hospitals wont be able to evacuate so quickly, and other states might not be so quick to welcome the influx. what happens during peak tornado season. i am SURE there is no planning for either of those disasters right now
I think Melania gets that honor.
Imagine that scene ?
Dorothy A. Winsor
Consider it a mercy ban. Someone loves you.
@trollhattan: I think China finally banned all wet markets a month or two ago. Shockingly it it was a $61 BILLION business employing hundreds of thousands. At least that’s what I read.
terry chay
@JMG: Yes. Good point!
@HumboldtBlue: The pandemic will stop when either we have herd immunity enough to bring Ro<1 (around 65% get it) or a vaccine is developed and is widely available (which, is pretty much the same thing). States like Singapore, South Korea (and possibly China) can hold out for the latter easily and something like that will be the norm in the developed world. (The undeveloped world will have to wait until a vaccine is developed.)
That’s what a “novel” virus is. A virus not seen in humans before. And when that happens the only options are either widespread immunity or containment (which failed because China didn’t stop people leaving Wuhan and the U.S. failed to lead the response worldwide). That’s why containment was so important; that’s why epidemologists “overreacted” when to SARS, MERS, H1N1, and Ebola. When containment fails it’s a math problem. And the math doesn’t look good.
As to approval ratings, I just check Rasmussen. Currently he is at 46/52 approve/disapprove. Which is like being at a real number of 40/58.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Give it time. And a lot more dead folks.
Vaccine or everyone infected, ATM.
China has closed all of their borders. Despite having things largely under control, their biggest problem now is the threat from non-native infections. I guess they’ve decided they can’t get enough control over that right now.
The US is going to be in a pattern of constant outbreaks if we don’t get a national policy as different states open and close and people travel around the nation reinfecting places that got things under control.
I doubt he did something that significant without sign-off from the White House. Maybe not Trump himself, but someone. In any event, it doesn’t really matter. Trump is President and these are all his people.
@senyordave: Huh? This one came out yesterday, and you only get below a million US deaths if the mortality is less than 1% (i.e. the medical system in NYC or elsewhere doesn’t collapse), and the shutdown lasts longer than three weeks. Those may not apply to us, unfortunately.
Still swollen. My dentist ignored me after initially stating I could be seen Monday. Working on an alternative and until then I am managing. It’s better than it was but far from being healthy. I had my first beer in eight days yesterday after finally getting a solid meal in my belly.
Yeah, there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
@senyordave: too optimistic based on us being a basket case and full of dumb ppl
@joel hanes:
I like your style!
Apparently “Wet Markets” are the Chinese term for open-air farmers markets of the sort that you see in every Latin American town. They didn’t actually ban the markets themselves, they banned the raising and selling of wildlife within them. Some authors got the numbers confused between the total value of rural markets vs the subset that is wildlife trade and not things like carrots and onions. The value I remember reading was $61 BILLION but that may be for all markets, not just the subset that is wild animal trade.
Another Scott
@joel hanes: +1
Eyes on the prizes.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Another problem with Florida (and other places like Arizona) – the annual snowbird migration. They all went down there in November/December of last year and, around April 1, a vast fleet of them will head back north as their short term winter rentals run out. Thousands of potentially infected dispersing across the Northeast and Midwest, and infecting rest areas, gas stations, etc. along the way.
@Just Chuck:
LOL. OK now that is over, this really isn’t funny. True yes. Funny, NO.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): But 9/11 generally had unity between state and federal efforts. NY was a bit outspoken at times, but that was it. There wasn’t a ton of criticism against Bush until a fair bit later, when the intelligence failures were examined.
We’re now seeing considerable friction between state and federal efforts, and there’s virtually nobody defending him. People rally behind those that they feel are helping them get thorough a crisis. I don’t see many people feeling Trump is helping. Mayors, governors, sure. but not Trump.
zhena gogolia
Oh, that’s great.
Amateur comedian and eternal dad-of-year winner Huckafuck does the funny.
@terry chay:
Understood, I was asking more rhetorically and thanks for the explainer.
You’re just Mr. Data-Sunshine in all this ain’t ya?
Elsewhere, I had a long conversation with my close friend and editor of the North Coast Journal last night, our local weekly.
They’ve laid off six employees and moved six others to drastically cut hours and two editors and one copy editor are trying to keep the news afloat.
They lost their major source of ad revenue (both print and online) with the closing of all live events and there are also serious issues with ownership that only exacerbate the problems.
The fallout from this will be felt for years.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
just walked by my muted TV and it looked like The Beast left the briefing room and left others to have the spotlight? I think that’s a first?
Not Trump’s Katrina. This is more like Trump’s Chernobyl. Gorbachev actually attributed Chernobyl as the tipping point that led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
@West of the Cascades:
Let’s see, I’ve run out of disgust, out of pissed off, out of mad as hell, out of Fuck No, out of resignation, out of start terror, out of giving a fuck, out of a desire to burn it all down……
What I haven’t run out of is the little bit of human kindness that mom instilled in me, plus the amount that I’ve learned over the decades, and, the desire that republicans all be loaded in Space X and shot towards the sun. And any that don’t fit inside could be tied to the outside.
@Betty: The original sin here will be seen as removing the CDC expert who was embedded in China’s CDC agency. That position was designed to give us information on contagious diseases emerging there without it being filtered through the Chinese govt/media. That position was eliminated late last year.
When Trump says ‘we didn’t know’. That’s a tell. We should have known, but he eliminated that position. There’s not a lot that we didn’t know that we needed to know. Most of us armchair epidemiologists had enough information to say ‘do something kind of like this’, and they did nothing.
Not sure the NSC CDC issue mattered that much. We had a serviceable pandemic plan that committee was responsible for developing, but nobody followed it. That group doesn’t do the execution of it. Not, this is just a widespread failing of leadership. Trump, but also most of the flunkies he hired who don’t know how government works, what it can do, and how to do it.
@trollhattan: It’s another example of rampant animal cruelty coming back to bite us.
@pluky: Sort of. We tend to rely on more self-reinforcing incentives so that less policing is needed. China’s authoritarian rules have a lot of non-compliance in many areas as a result – particularly in economic areas. More black market activity than the US would see.
He has been exposed, I believe on more than one occasion.
Maybe the virus got to him and said “What an unhealthy place to be and left. Then saw what a shit he is and said “We all have to do our part.” And invaded again.
Has Putin started to gaslight Russians that Chernobyl was Ukraine’s fault? Seems inevitable.
We had a month on China yet if it ends up costing 10x the number of lives lost as China and 100x the financial cost we will consider ourselves lucky.
If future historians needed an event to signify American decline they got one.
@senyordave: I’ve seen estimates of 300,000. Just in Florida.
Betcha he’s being tested 2X/day. He half-brags about being germophobic.
He has to have been exposed many times.
@HumboldtBlue: You know, I’m actually a pretty optimistic person. I’m quite optimistic about CA. I mean, we’ll likely to still see thousands of fatalities but compared to the alternatives, that’s relieving.
But people need to understand realistically what will happen so they can make good decisions. Fundamentally, this is a massive collection action problem. Leaders can tell us what we need to do, but they can’t make us do it. We need to choose to do it, which means we need to know the consequences if we don’t. That requires individual sacrifice from everyone, something we suck at.
Pretty sure we’re looking at 100,000 fatalities, without people going to visit relatives this summer. Don’t do that. Don’t take the business trip. Don’t risk infecting others.
The Dangerman
Actually, you are accurate; he is the embodiment of the Emporer Has No Clothes (sorry for my phrasing!). This won’t end well until this fucker goes away. 25th Amendment, impeach him again, whatever, he needs to go away. Yesterday. More like a few months ago.
@Ruckus: I have no doubt he’s been infected but is only now going to show symptoms- a girl can hope
@trollhattan: Nice to see Navarro hasn’t changed. Was dealing with that asshat 25 years ago.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I don’t see him lurking. This is very unusual.
@WereBear: I think if they wait 2 more weeks to lock down they will.
I was listening to the briefing and Trump said something about the tremendous testing we are doing now and how they are building up the testing because it was terribly depleted when they took over. How could tests for a yet unseen virus be depleted???? How can anyone trust this asshole?
Uncle Cosmo
I soldered these two together for the Jackaltariat’s edemafication.
(Apologies to Anne Murray & lyricist Gene McClellan. Dang, that ditty is over 50 years old!!!)
Program on Nature (PBS) last night about the traffic in pangolins. They are the only mammal with keratin scales and these scales are used in Chinese “medicine.”
BTW, I posted a couple of weeks ago from Austria. We got one of the last (I assume) good flights out, came through Amsterdam and Atlanta, very few people in those airports, got home, loaded up on groceries and so far… no temps, cat is happy, we are isolating for as long as it takes. Maybe months, who knows.
@Ruckus: wow this sounds very familiar ??
@Ksmiami: Swinging from a lamppost is so much more than a Gene Kelly dance move.
Uncle Cosmo
@beth: Cheeto Benito is of course guilty, guilty, guilty of something the Thuglicans routinely (& falsely) accused Bill Clinton of: Never telling the truth when a lie would do.
It’s always, always, always projection with those mofos.
You’ve been an invaluable source since this started breaking two months ago. I am unclear if I am hopeful or not, but Humboldt County has done a pretty good job of closing down.
It’s all still very odd.
OTOH, this is like sports meeting political fandom
According to the John Hopkins chart, the US has passed both Italy and China in number of cases. We are number one.
@lamh36: My data suggests you record cases an average of 13 days after infection, so yeah, it was definitely spreading around at Mardi Gras.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: Did you see that Mulvaney was tested before he went to CPAC and told the mouth-breathers it was all a hoax?
Another Scott
More from DeLong:
Yup. It’s criminal what Donnie caused to happen to the US and her people.
Uncle Cosmo
@Duane: When the virus burns itself out in northern Italy, we can send a survey team to locate a service station with enough girder space overhead:
I was talking with my parents this past weekend. In normal years, I’d usually visit them around July Fourth. This time, I said ‘how does Jewish New Year sound?’. I mean, maybe early July will be ok, but why risk it?
@HumboldtBlue: Thank you. I admit almost every day I wake up and question the reality of all of this. I can’t say that’s ever happened to me before. Very disorienting.
Okay, you made me laugh.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The CEO of a publicly traded company would be eased out to pasture
lol chikinburd
could someone who can post images take a screenshot of the Wash. Post’s front page right now…slightly unfortunate juxtaposition near the top headline
Uncle Cosmo
@japa21: To quote the mordant Sam Diamond (Peter Falk) in Murder by Death,
I’m not sure of this.
I was on a plane flying south to ATL when the buildings were hit and the pilot told us over the intercom about the first one, then the second one, about being grounded – after telling us he has 25 yrs as a pilot and he’d never heard anything like this. After landing we sat on the taxiway for over an hour and I found out my seat mate worked for a company in the WTC and she was terrified that all her friends were dead and that the pilot said fuck it use your phones and hers didn’t work. I loaned her mine and she repaid that an hour later by sharing her room with 2 strangers, me and a fellow male employee on the same flight. Yes we got a separate room, it was just too strange. Then having to wait for a rent car to drive back north because our event we were on our way to was of course canceled. And finding out that another event that I was responsible for the promoter wouldn’t cancel. Lost his ass, served him right. And being escorted out the terminal and stuffed into a cab with a National Guard escort with M16s at the ready, with magazines in.
This is as fresh in my mind as the day it happened, over 18 yrs ago.
So no, I wasn’t in NYC but it sure feels like I was a small part of it. I’d bet I’m by far not the only one. I did my navy tour 30 yrs before that and at times carried a loaded weapon but it’s not the same as being escorted by people with loaded automatic weapons at the ready. It was not inspiring at all.
Another Scott
@lol chikinburd: Made me look.
Yeah, they probably should have moved the photo down a couple of inches. ;-)
joel hanes
@West of the Rockies:
Any chance I could get a little rabbit stew?
@patrick Il:
Yeah, I heard it. When he was bitching about funding for CPB, I wish Chang had come back with a “Do you think the president should spend less taxpayer money on his golfing outings?” A good interviewer would have asked.
joel hanes
it was Bolton who dismantled the NSC team
I doubt that was his own idea.
joel hanes
He did good yesterday in his role as Senate gadfly.
I’m done about him with respect to the Democratic nomination, because he’s not going to get it.
joel hanes
China closed down the wet markets in the wake of SARS, but that wasn’t awful enough, and the populace wanted to return to their accustomed ways, and so, eventually, it was allowed.
I don’t think that’ll happen this time.
joel hanes
Phoenix is going to be scary too
And Mississippi
@Martin: It mentioned the patchwork they have now: county by county with contradictory rules. So people actually travel more, have more contacts to negotiate around the rules, won’t take any of it seriously.
Miss Bianca
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: “kiss it goodbye”?
Jesus Christ.
That’s all I can muster right now by way of response.
For those of you seeking a different doomsday scenario, Dr. Strangelove is on TCM right now. It’s been all Sterling Hayden day. He was in some pretty good flicks, Asphalt Jungle, The Killing. Also some pretty bad ones. An authentic war hero with the OSS.
@WereBear: Yeah, I understood some of the delayed orders in NY- they’ll just drive to CT or NJ and spread it farther. Patchwork can make things worse in some cases. Thankfully nobody lives near CAs borders. Not many people are willing to drive to Vegas for a beer.
Just got a flash update on my phone. Trump should feel proud.
The US is now #1 for COVID-19 cases internationally.
Yeah, hits a little too close to home.
My niece is going back to UC Santa Cruz to live in her on campus apartment and take online classes. I guess it’s better than being in LA.
Miss Bianca
@JMG: You know, the older I get, the more I appreciate “Dr Strangelove”. Didn’t really like it all that much when I first saw it as a relative tad of 18, it was too dark for me. Now I love it. It’s become a favorite of mine in the Trump era, for some reason.
Dude, Carter got 41% of the national vote. Distribution beats %.
@Miss Bianca:
The American flag is grateful for the respite.
joel hanes
The Crest ProHealth mouthwash might help. Frequently and long, use a waterpik if you have one or can get one.
If that doesn’t start to help in short order, ask the dentist if you can at least get a prescription for a chlorhexidine mouthwash such as Paroex
Mike in NC
@trollhattan: I recall reading somewhere that Putin had approved a Russian TV script which blamed the Chernobyl disaster on the CIA. No idea if it went into production.
Uncle Cosmo
Some good news courtesy of a reporter from (of all places) FOX Business News:
(if a bit pricey)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Going by the Spanish Flue, in 2022.
The uneven response is going to be a big part of the fallout from this.
I mean, good on CA for the extra masks, but CA is doing pretty well relative to other states because we had much larger stockpiles and are getting more donations. This is what the feds are supposed to be doing.
Uncle Cosmo
IOW, coach.
The killer for Carter was the real GDP fell by 5% in 1980.
That could happen this year. It wasn’t carter’s fault then,
and it won’t be Trump’s fault this time. But everybody hates a loser.
Uncle Cosmo
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Has anyone bothered to note that “Spanish flu” is, homonymically, the past tense of “Spanish fly” – ?
(…I’ll let myself out…)
joel hanes
@Uncle Cosmo:
I’m doing my once-a-week shopping at Safeway, because they’re a union shop and have paid sick leave.
joel hanes
It is, to a large extent, Trump’s fault this time.
Sterilize those foam fingers before donning, yo.
able to be avoided or prevented
Use it in a sentence, Donald.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Spanish flown.
@japa21: I certainly am tired of all the winning…
People might try fleeing to Canada?? Why, you Soviet shitpile mobster manchild?
Dan B
In the timeline “What doesn’t kill you now there will be other possibilities!” The EPA is suspending environmental regulations for the duration of the pandemic.
I grew up in Ohio near Akron. All surface water was polluted. We got weird odors from all the factories. One smell meant heavy rain in a few hours. It was not a high humidity smell, more toxic slightly sulfur smell. Visitig the relatives in Cleveland meant driving through the hellscape of refineries and mills in the Cuyahoga valley. My grandfather was sent to the railroads as an orphan in Chicago and all the descendants have neurological issues. So it makes me wonder what fresh hells will bloom even if it will do nothing to restart the economy.
@sdhays: Winning by losing (lives), and “We’ll make it up in volume!”
@Martin: The whole relationship to Italy is a bit of a red herring. We are like at least 50 Italys with various physical barriers increasing that to more like 60. As you have pointed out, the nation is not following one curve, we are following scores of curves.
@catclub: I’ve seen a prediction (by Goldman Sachs IIRC) that GDP will go down by 20% in the second quarter.
@Calouste: Brother, can you spare a dime?
NY seems to be trying the South Korea strategy, and we have testing underway. We also have a buffer zone of NJ and CT being a team all locking down in unison. I hope that will give us an edge on the recovery curve, whenever we might get one.
Never forget, trump’s world rotates around the stick up his butt. It’s a small world, a world that no sane person wants to visit, that no sane person wants to have anything to do with and he’s president. He’s ours to deal with, like it or not. Asking sane questions, expecting any kind of logic from this dipshit never gets a reasonable answer, because he is totally unreasonable and lives on that small world that rotates about that stick.
@joel hanes:
Thank you, I just sent an email. I appreciate your input.
@mrmoshpotato: It’s cause Canadians are so polite.
@patrick Il: It would be helpful to name the host. NPR people aren’t Faux. They don’t speak with one voice, although a lot of them are pretty awful.1
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: Almost 15,500 new cases in the USA today according to
And still updating. :-(
@Baud: GHWB didn’t, although admittedly hint that was with hint a strong hint third party hint candidate Baud 2020! hint.
No pressure, our kid.
J R in WV
@joel hanes:
Fixed that for you.
@Another Scott: At Joe’s inauguration, I hope he grabs Dump by his Soviet shitpile pumpkinhead and beats him about his orange face with Obama’s pandemic playbook.
(Yes, I’m in a mood. Why?)
Ok, 5PM PST update:
joel hanes
I very much doubt that Trump will attend.
@Martin: We’re all here because Trump can’t trust anything Obama ever did. Man, fuck Trump.
@joel hanes
He’ll be out of there so fast the slipstream may well drag the entire White House fence along.
It’s funny how the clause preventing trump and his ilk from benefiting from the bill was ” accidentally” left out of the version brought to the floor of the Senate. It is only the eagle eye of Schumer and his staff that rectified that.
@joel hanes: Well, the book beating can be carried out when Dump is arrested. :)
Where’s a good military coup when you need one?
And boy oh boy aren’t we glad there is not a line item veto.
@Jeffro: Getting a real ‘unintended consequence’ vibe off of the Secret Service right now.
@Jeffro: My m-i-l sent this joke.
terry chay
You are probably right of the amount (I haven’t seen this video since it came out).
@Miss Bianca: He wants a photo-up. If the media is complicit with that I’m going to puke.
Maybe he’ll break a flask of chloroquine across the bow to christen the voyage.
Villago Delenda Est
Depraved indifference to human life.
This is what is going on, and nearly every last member of the GOP involved in the Federal Government is guilty of it.