There are actually worse ways to respond to the epidemic than those attempted by serial sexual criminal and bankrupt Donald Trump. He’s bad; terrible. But Belarusan President Alexander Lukashenko is undeniably worse.
As death tolls have skyrocketed globally and many countries have closed their borders and shut down nonessential businesses, Lukashenko has advanced his own solutions to the crisis, urging citizens to drink vodka and visit saunas.
Not for such a manly man (or his deeply unfortunate country) are vapid, bourgeois trifles like epidemiology and public health. The measures undertaken by just about everyone else, including, however imperfectly, the US are to Lukashenko, “frenzy and psychosis.”
What to do, then, to lead la vida Lukashenko?
“It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!” he told a reporter just before the game. “Sport, especially on ice, is better than any antiviral medication. It is the real thing.”
It isn’t funny, not really. Such insanity is a death sentence for too many Belarussians–a country that has seen way more than its share of misrule and misery.
But viciously, bitterly humorous? Maybe a little.
Open thread, especially for jokes of the oppressed.
Image: Annibale Caracci, Boy Drinking, 1582-1583.
When I first read of his proposed ‘solution’ to corvid, I thought there would soon be an unfortunately large number of people who die while drunk and sweaty. That does not seem like an optimal choice.
Here’s the Coronavirus Rhapsody.
Open thread? I just had a fright. The owner of my dog guest may be coming back to NY sooner rather than later. But turns out she is willing to leave her with my household for longer since she has a small child, and the pup is getting more attention here than she would at home. Soooooo grateful that my visitor isn’t leaving any time too soon!
@RedDirtGirl: Uh oh! Sounds like someone’s in love!??
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Doctor Who Met Putin Days Ago Tests Positive for COVID-19, Reports Say
They met face-to-face apparently,
but I think Putin was in his bright yellow HAZMAT suit for the encounter.Nevermind, apparently he DID meet him without protective gear. And even shook hands with the guy! There’s a picture!Foreign Policy: In the Coronavirus, Putin May Have Met His Match: The Russian leader still wants to make himself president for life. But COVID-19 is fomenting new distrust in the state he built.
I have no idea how valid this report is, but Reporters Without Borders claim Turkmenistan is banning the word coronavirus. The article claims police are arresting people using the word. If true, this is even worse than Belarus.
This song seems to be appropriate for the world right now, at least for the title:
@Tdjr: I got it bad!!!!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
So Putin is spreading it personally then.. look forward to the Putin Trump Summit.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Have you been feeling better? Heard you were feeling sick?
Texas locked down. Their attempt to not be California has now failed. All Texans are now gay vegans. Enjoy your yoga. Yeehaw.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Potentially. I’m sure if he did test positive, we’d probably never hear about it unless he died
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Now all we need is…. *checks notes*….. Alabama, Florida and probably a bunch of others I’m missing
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Feeling better. I still have a cold but no headache and less tired.
How are you doing?
The painting illustrating this post fascinates me: it has so many “painterly” elements, it could almost be something an art professor assigns advanced students to test what they know: Fabric! rumpled and draped fabric! lace! flesh tones! flesh tones through glass! bone structure! unusual head position!
…whew. Whole lot going on there.
@VOR: Turkmenistan is fucking bonkers. Black cars have been banned because the President likes white.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
A Doctor Who Met Putin Just Tested Positive, and Russia’s COVID-19 Crackdowns Could Get Real Ugly
I guess we’re now going to have a real-time experiment in cognitive dissonance. Except… that presumes there’s cognition going on.
Regarding “It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!”
From Catch-22:
“Because it’s better to die on one’s feet than live on one’s knees,” Nately retorted with triumphant and lofty conviction.
Old Italian Man: You have it backwards! It is better to live on your feet than to die on your knees.
I don’t know if Lukashenko is the worst. Bolsonaro has managed to get his posts pulled by both Twitter and Facebook, which really is an achievement considering the usual deference to right wing extremists by both. Of course the misinformation by the American Bolsonaro is still there.
If Dolt 45’s vodka brand hadn’t gone bye-bye, we’d be hearing the same.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Awesome. Healthy as can be so far, thankfully!
Like it or not, we all get the leaders we deserve.
Asshole holy roller David Green owner /ceo of Hobby Lobby is refusing to close his stores. God told his wife to tell their employees that they would be protected. I guess he needs to recoup all the money he spent on fake Dead Sea Scrolls he bought for his grift museum.
Ivan X
I went to Belarus (well, Minsk) last year on a lark with a friend. Nice people, prettyish city (in a Soviet fashion; Stalin designed it as a “poster city” on the road to Moscow). Whenever we asked anyone about Lukashenko, they’d look side to side and quietly implore us to shut up.
We also got to ride around on the top of an Afghan war tank at an outdoor artillery museum, and fire vintage machine guns, so there’s that.
Wow. The Atlantic just published a straight-up Francoist manifesto by some wingnut law professor named Adrian Vermeule:
This shit is juicy. Some choice quotes:
“The hostile environment that made originalism a useful rhetorical and political expedient is now gone[…]Assured of this, conservatives ought to turn their attention to developing new and more robust alternatives to both originalism and left-liberal constitutionalism.”
“These principles include respect for the authority of rule and of rulers; respect for the hierarchies needed for society to function[…]and a candid willingness to “legislate morality””
“Its main aim is certainly not to maximize individual autonomy or to minimize the abuse of power (an incoherent goal in any event), but instead to ensure that the ruler has the power needed to rule well.”
“[C]ommon-good constitutionalism does not suffer from a horror of political domination and hierarchy, because it sees that law is parental, a wise teacher and an inculcator of good habits. Just authority in rulers can be exercised for the good of subjects, if necessary even against the subjects’ own perceptions of what is best for them[…]Subjects will come to thank the ruler whose legal strictures, possibly experienced at first as coercive, encourage subjects to form more authentic desires for the individual and common goods, better habits, and beliefs that better track and promote communal well-being.”
“The claim[…]that each individual may “define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life” should be not only rejected but stamped as abominable, beyond the realm of the acceptable forever after. So too should the libertarian assumptions central to free-speech law and free-speech ideology[…]”
“As for the structure and distribution of authority within government, common-good constitutionalism will favor a powerful presidency ruling over a powerful bureaucracy[…]The bureaucracy will be seen not as an enemy, but as the strong hand of legitimate rule.”
“[C]onstitutional law will define in broad terms the authority of the state to protect the public’s health and well-being[…]even when doing so requires overriding the selfish claims of individuals to private “rights.” Thus the state will enjoy authority to curb the social and economic pretensions of the urban-gentry liberals who so often place their own satisfactions (financial and sexual) and the good of their class or social milieu above the common good.”
Another Scott
It’s everywhere. Stay home! Wash your hands!!
A Ghost to Most
@NotMax: No worries. “Judge” Pirro is bringing out a new vodka, Technical Difficulties.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Jesus fucking Christ. This is outright fascism. It’s so paternalistic and self-righteous, it makes me want to vomit
This is pretty fucking rich. What does this fuck think rich and powerful conservatives do all day?
Tony Jay
Meanwhile over here in Greatest Brexitania, NHS staff are reporting a swathe of gagging measures being brought in by Hospital Trust managers who are happy to make their doctors and nurses work without adequate PPE, but less happy when the staff have the temerity to tell anyone about it. From threatening e-mails to outright sending doctors home, the moneygrubbing ‘business managers’ who infest the NHS have been exposed as more interested in keeping up appearances than they are in the lives of the people on the front-line in this pandemic.
This should be a scandal, but since it shines a bright light on the Government’s unforgivable refusal to do any planning or preparation for a crisis they were warned about months ago, it’s virtually certain that our shitty Media will confine itself to a couple of softball questions at the next Coronavirus Briefing that the latest man-baby Minister will brush off as isolated communications errors that they know nothing about but are sure will be dealt with appropriately… and that will be that.
These fucking people.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Another Scott:
And wear a mask in public if you have them or can make one. The CDC is apparently reconsidering their earlier recommendations.
I think universal mask wearing by the public is going to be necessary eventually to knock down the R0 of this virus below 1
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Missouri, you’re missing Missouri. We’re still on the bullshit “county by county” system. Even though we had the largest percentage increase in cases last week, our useless Governor Parsons won’t declare a statewide stay-at-home order.
Van Buren
@AWJ: *Offer not valid if a Democrat is President.
Peak white supremacy!
@RedDirtGirl: I had to read that twice to understand. Hope your pup stays put.
@RedDirtGirl: ?
@VOR: Ahhh the “Just ignore it. It’ll go away.” defense.
@VOR: Consistent with zero cases reported per the Johns Hopkins tracking site.
Calls for the governor to kneel before the virus were heard.
Taim said, with his mouth twisted in a malevolent smirk, “Kneel Governor, or be knelt”
On a day of violent smoking ruins, on the plains of war:
The governor knelt under the COVID-19 sign – and the world was changed forever.
Excerpts from The Dragon Reborn
Then sneeze all over one another, and conclude with a sloppy, wet kiss. (Sorry not sorry, Dump sucks Kremlin ass.)
@Martin: LOL
ETA – looks like Texas got messed with! Sad! Coulda voted for competence.
@RedDirtGirl: Finches make the best dogs btw. It’s a well known fact.
Mentioned this before years ago, the young man next door saw Mr. Finch eating a worm, and said what do you expect after naming him after a bird.
@AWJ: Ouch. My eyes hurt after reading that codswallop. Does make me wonder how the Author would apply “common sense constitutionalism” to interpreting the Second Amendment.
@AWJ: I heard about that essay but didn’t have the stomach to read it.
I also have an awful feeling this reasoning will evoked in future SCOTUS rulings if T* wins in November.
@Martin: That’s cultured coconut milk, not yogurt.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Florida seems to be county by county. South Florida (the Miami-Dade megalopolis) is now under a lockdown. Basically, the governor of Florida was trying to hold out for spring break. Just another homicidal sociopath who figured the sick ones would be leaving to be a problem in some other state soon enough, and yet who seems to have no problem blaming Nah Yawkers for bringing COVID-19 in from outside.
@delk: What? Did he buy Live Lake Pages?
Before I see myself out, click on this tweet.
Fair Economist
@mrmoshpotato: Can be transmitted via fecal-oral route, so that’s fine.
Splitting Image
It appears that I’ve had a near miss with the Coronavirus. I found out yesterday that our plant just got shut down because one of my co-workers tested positive and they’re scrubbing the place down.
I’m not in much danger because I’ve been working from home since the 13th, but if it hadn’t been for the shutdown orders and the fact that my job can be done from home, I’d be in quarantine now. Plant workers, who obviously had to go in to work, got the shaft as usual.
I was already mad as hell at scofflaws who are flouting the social distancing rules and the scum who are trying to re-open businesses while the virus is still spreading, but this really drives it home.
I’m nominating this for the rotating tag.
Open thread with jokes for the oppressed? Where are the BernieBro jokes then? There should be 1,000. Those poor oppressed babies.
Robert Sneddon
The current XKCD strip by Randall Munroe explains how the coronavirus will be defeated by pasta and hugs (and using our brains).
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Wingnuts in the bedroom again. Haha, I kid! They never left! St. Ronnie’s ghost watches all of our sexy times.
The numbers of Billionaires pushing for everyone to go back to work, proves one thing, and one thing only.
They don’t make their money.
You do.
Fair Economist
@Jay: Pithy!
@Tony Jay:
(reads the rest)
Hooray for giving power to selfish shitheads. Ugh.
Mary G
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
That article is yet another step in the Republicans’ plan to use COVID19 to institute authoritarianism in America. They started with Bill Barr’s “I need to lock people up without a trial for as long as I feel like” and now this bullshit. It’s actually kind of good that Twitler is president, because only the 27% would think it’s a good idea to let him be dictator. If they were advocating for Andrew Cuomo, they’d probably get a lot of “fuck, yeahs” from scared people looking for a strong daddy. I didn’t read the article, but I’ve seen a lot of ridicule and pushback against it, which is good.
!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@Splitting Image: G’damn. (hugs)
@kindness: Ok.
What do you call a politician who got beaten like a rented mule in 2016, and is currently losing by 303 delegates?
things change fast,
@JPL: That’s great!
Tony Jay
If the simple fact that the analscabs are trying to threaten NHS staff to keep them silent about the dangers they face wasn’t bad enough (and make no mistake, it is machete-hello bad) the slimy, two-part way they’re phrasing some of their threats makes my veins bulge. Doctors and nurses sharing pictures of the jury-rigged PPE they’ve had to make up in the absence of proper masks and gloves is considered “unprofessional behaviour” and “likely to make the public question their adherence to the standards expected of NHS staff”. The cheeky fuckers.
Tumbrils. Lots of ’em. Stat.
@RedDirtGirl: I understand, but there are like a gazillion animals in shelters who would be thrilled to bits to be your bestest buddy in the whole world..
Tony Jay
NHS England are, of course, giving their fullest support to the medical staff.
Nah. If course they’re not. Instead they’re claiming that there simply can’t be a problem with threats and censorship because, look, there’s doctors and nurses all over social media freely saying how shit things are and how badly they’re being treated. So everything is golden, yah?
And the ‘serious’ Media are simply not interested. They’re far too busy queing up for the latest honkathon of easy identified lies and blame shifting put on by Funny Fat Man’s underlings.
This country is fucked. Where’s the wine?
@CaseyL: Your comment made me go look at the painting again. Normally I glance at the painting and move on. Also one hand is the lower front, one in the upper back of the painting. What I know about art consists of little and nothing. You made me think. Thanks.
@Jay: As per joke posted upstairs, “God sent us Donald Trump because He ran out of locusts.”
@Tony Jay:
sorry Tony.
walked down to the Hospital last night for the 7pm noise.
PPE isn’t a problem here. There was a surge created shortfall, but people stepped up, and the system has backfilled the shortage.
Tony Jay
Send us your precious things!
We’ll send you sexy goats in return. How is that not fair?
ps) Also send wine
@Soprano2: Governor Parson is a coward. He’s afraid to buck his rural Trump loving base, overwhelming evidence, numbers, expert pleading be damned. He has a phone number. 573-751-3222. Give the un-elected dumbass a call.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Here’s the list of states that weren’t locked down as of yesterday: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma,
Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Maine.Source.
@Tony Jay:
Sorry but, spare Canadian PPE is being shipped to the disadvantaged countries that need it due to economic circumstances, not First World Nations suffering from Idiocracy.
Wine is for sale, but it’s pricier than Alberta Tar Sands,….
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Maine appears to be up to other stuff
The Lodger
@Tony Jay: So Hyacinth Bucket is now a spokesperson for the NHS?
@Robert Sneddon: I still want to know why he uses a bacteriophage as his spokesvirus. We WANT those. They’re probably our best saviour from the bacterial apocalypse. I mean other than they’re kind of cute.
Tony Jay
Shakes fist. “If it wasn’t for us you’d all be speaking French! Or American!”
You’re dead right about the issue facing this pissed-up carpark catfight of a country. Idiots at every level rubbing shit all over the walls and demanding we call it bunting.
I’ll have a glass of tar-sands, please.
Gotta lay low
Gotta lay low!
Tony Jay
@The Lodger:
After having any lingering capability for shame surgically removed. Good training for the eventual move into politics.
@AWJ: Incomplete without a discussion of the purity of our bodily fluids.
Remark: words ending in “-ism” or “-ist” are instant mind-dullers.
@Tony Jay:
If he doesn’t send you wine we’ll give you some from Washington state. We have plenty. And ours is better.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): What is “ruling well”? I get that the ruled and the ruler might have different ideas about this.
@The Lodger
Where’s Onslow when you need him?
@Jay: Hobby Lobby screws their employees and they want their company property back. What could it be, a couple of shirts? Tell them their lousy crap is in God’s hands now. Unbelievable assholes.
Tony Jay
Offers made on the Interwebs are like legally binding contracts, and last time I was in your fair State I discovered the difference between “pisswater American beer” and the actual craft ales they sell in suburban Seattle sports-bars. If the wine is anywhere near as good I am so there.
Eventually. Unless the wankers manage to screw this up even worse than they already have.
J R in WV
Everyone should be issued a sidearm at birth, taught to use it in kindergarten, issued a long gun in middle school, drafted into the Marines/Army/AF/USN after graduation to be taught to obey orders. Simple answer to a simple question.
Common sense constitutionalism, right?!!?!!
@Tony Jay: When things do open back up, please come visit us again! We’ll give you a proper Seattle meet-up. With green balloons and everything! Plus we’re really all a bunch of delightful jackals up this way. Even MikeJ is kind of okay.
Good morning, fellow jackals!
Re: 5.Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) March 31, 2020 at 4:13 pm
“Related: Doctor Who Met Putin Days Ago Tests Positive for COVID-19, Reports Say”
One thing about being secluded, I get out of sync with the world, sleep and wake odd hours, fall asleep at 4:30, get up at midnight, and read this as
‘Doctor Who’ Met Putin Days Ago Tests Positive for COVID-19, Reports Say
and get discombobulated trying to ccomprehend this bit of ‘science fiction meets reality’
I am too old for this kind of departure from consensus reality…
@JAFD: I first read that as “Doctor Who” in the light of day yesterday, so it’s not just you. It’s that both words were capitalized, so of course we recognized Doctor Who.
Uncle Cosmo
Well of course you did!
Though ‘twould be a shame were the Good Doctor to come down with this crud.
(In an undisclosed hunkerdown location, the author of Eats Shoots and Leaves is smiling knowingly….)