I just completed my participation in the census online. Don’t forget to do yours if you were mailed a packet!
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I just completed my participation in the census online. Don’t forget to do yours if you were mailed a packet!
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Did mine today.
Did mine over the weekend.
No questions about indoor plumbing.
It’s super easy, at least the on-line edition. In case anybody is procrastinating.
German, German, German…we’re everywhere.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: did mine yesterday, took less than five minutes
Apparently there’s a card being sent out with an ID number on it? Someone else posted yesterday that they never received one, neither did I. Seems it’s a thing for those of us who have PO box addresses. You don’t need that card or number, it just adds an extra short step where you have to type in your physical home address.
I did mine today!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I did it!
@CaseyL: Trump already knows you have to flush 10 times, so no need.
ETA: Did my census over the weekend.
Because why not? Count Basie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He’s being followed by the 38 million people in Seoul.
I did ours online a few days ago. I was surprised that there was a vast array of choices for race/ethnicity, but only two choices for gender.
So today Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a 30 day stay-at-home order (effective on Friday), limiting “movement to Essential Services and Activities During COVID-19 Emergency”.
Way too late of course, but better than nothing, except buried in the small print….
Doing this a month ago would have merely been massive incompetence. Now it’s closer to pre-planned murder. I didn’t think I could despise a politician more than Trump, but DeSantis proved me wrong.
Did it online three days ago. BTW, Seven Samurai is on TCM right now. It’s Toshiro Mifune’s 100th birthday, so it’s been all him and Kurosawa all day. Just finished High and Low. A pair of geniuses. Mifune was also absurdly handsome, like his Western contemporary Olivier.
@Mandalay: The NRA and various gun stores have been suing various states/counties/etc. to get gun sales declared ‘essential’. Because of course they are.
Uncle Cosmo
Finished the paper form waiting at traffic lights last time I was out, a week ago last Thursday, & left it for the letter carrier.
Getting a Chopin Liszt together for Day 15 of voluntary misanthropic hermiting (Friday) when I shall don a dust mask (more out of solidarity than effectiveness, but it’s what I’ve got & I never learned to sew) & go a-foraging.
@NotMax: OK to count Count Basie twice?
Count Basie Orchestra – “Swingin’ The Blues” – 1938
BTW, is Cole talking about the US Census or the BJ Census? Can’t the BJ blog masters work up a list of who’s complained lately, which probably accounts for all of us?
I did mine today, as well as my elderly neighbors
Now it seems that trump won’t pay social security recipients the virus bucks unless they file a tax return, so I will be doing that for her tomorrow. It seems pointless since there is no way to enter bank information unless you are getting a refund or making a payment.
Don’t like how it segregated out the Hispanic races. Also wtf do they need to know my ancestral background? I’m a white American. End of story. Something’s funky with this.
@dmsilev: In a sane society, buying a gun because of a virus would be instant committal grounds. Incapable of taking care of oneself.
@Leto: Yeah, thought that was odd.
I did mine over the weekend. It took about 5 minutes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Following the link from Politico to Forbes, it does look like they were N95 masks
zhena gogolia
I noticed that too.
zhena gogolia
@Uncle Cosmo:
My husband found a package of 5 dust masks in the basement. I guess we’ll use them when we need to. At the moment our refrigerator is full to bursting so we’ll wait a while.
@Uncle Cosmo: That’s a genius motto
@lgerard: The tax return might not be necessary but direct deposit probably is.
@lgerard: They just changed that policy:
Social Security recipients who don’t usually file tax returns no longer need to file them to get stimulus payments, Treasury says in reversal
Years from now, anyone doing any genealogical research will certainly be disappointed with this census. Starting in 1850, census questions involved the name and age of everyone in the household, occupation of parents, whether or not children were in school, state or country of birth, value of real and personal property, literacy questions, and whether anyone in the household was blind and/or insane.
As I posted yesterday, to all the jackals who only have PO Boxes: the census letters are being sent to physical addresses only, no PO Boxes and no names. Our postal worker in our rural post office has had to go through hundreds of the letters to match the physical address on the letter to a PO Box to deliver them. So all the letters in my postal code are late. If you haven’t gotten your letter with the code yet, it probably will be coming soon, for that reason.
But you actually don’t need the letter with a code to fill out the online form. You can check the box “I don’t have a code” and start the process by entering your physical address. Easy peasy.
Did mine on Saturday. It was ridiculously quick, but in a good way.
Done, and because I own an uninhabited mess I had to call the census number. I got a knowledgeable, responsive person who took care of my expressed issues. DO IT!
Irony Abounds
Filed mine last week. I need to find out how to access the material when it is available. One thing I really enjoy is the olden days census lists where I can see the handwritten information regarding my ancestors. I have a real lack of interest in shoes given my great-great grandfather and great-grandfathers were shoemakers.
@Leto: I bet you are Scots Irish if you go back far enough.
@zhena gogolia: My freezer is officially full. As in, I had to pull out the ice cube trays in order to fit in the bread I baked this morning. I’d like to make a pot of chili next week, but have to eat a few things from the freezer stash in order to make room for the leftovers…
@Uncle Cosmo: I stood about 3 feet apart from my UPS guy yesterday and never thought a thing about it. Then we both realized and I came inside and printed out your little graphic.
(I did a screen capture and then printed it.)
Then I taped it on my door at eye level so hopefully I wouldn’t be that stupid again.
@Leto: It’s hard to ballpark the cost of a proper white christian-forget-the-judeo-part homeland without a proper inventory.
Irony Abounds
@dmsilev: However, if you are not a SS recipient and have not had enough income to file taxes you will still need to file what the IRS characterizes as a simple tax return, and they have yet to put what that means on the IRS website.
@Leto: I thought that was odd, too, and I didn’t remember that kind of detail before, but it has been 10 years, so hopefully I have slept since then.
I would suppose that they are trying to find out if people are the “right” kind of white, don’t you. You know, really white. The people who deserve to live and vote.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Count me as officially enraged.
@AliceBlue: I was disappointed by the lack of questions for the same reason. This data can be invaluable for historical researchers, and genealogy, especially questions like birth place. My favorite question asked during the Great Depression was how many radios were in the house.
@AliceBlue: I was able to find three out of four grandparents in the 1930 and 1940 census rolls. Also a few earlier ancestors going back as far as 1900. Unless they’ve changed the laws recently, the 1950 raw rolls will become public two years from now, which means I should be able to find my parents as well.
We got two letters, two days in a row, a couple weeks ago. We (WarriorGirl and I) filled it out online that Sunday night (the beginning of the Quarantine).
The biggest problem I see is that families w/o internet at home don’t have the library or school lobby anymore. So who the F knows how they’re gonna get counted.
@dmsilev: We’re having a slight problem with Ms Martin being sufficiently pleased to be cooking for a family stuck at home that we’re getting daily meals for 8 for a family of 4 and struggling to keep up with leftovers.
They might want to fix their website, as it says the exact opposite
I got the short form this time. Last time we got the long one. The long one asks more than you might imagine a census would ask. It was looooong.
Yet another one of these articles
Where is Ivanka with “stylish masks to make the most of the corona virus”
Gin & Tonic
Question to the jackaltariat. My son is a born-and-raised USian. Last fall he moved out of the country on a temporary assignment. He will return this summer or fall, most likely. I have no idea whether a card was mailed to his former residence. Does he count?
Juice Box
For Californians without health insurance:
Did it online last week. Spent the afternoon sewing a mask for my sweetie who has an appointment inside a clinic later in the week for unrelated stuff. Took a while to troubleshoot the sewing machine, enough that I had stitched a good bit of it. But with the help of the intertubes I figured out what was wrong with the inherited 1970s Bernina.
So far have received five of the blue postcards.
@Mandalay: Tennessee ain’t doin’ dat shit. No siree. We be ded red.
I censed myself online. I liked how, after answering questions they wanted my name. But they allow a fake name or nickname. I almost used Donald J Trump
@Gin & Tonic:
It is where you are on 4/1/2020
@Gin & Tonic:
I think he can fill out the online form. IIRC, there was a box to check that said something like “I don’t have an address”.
The letters are sent to residences, not people.
Gin & Tonic
@lgerard: But I did mine, and there were questions in there about being away at school or in the military. He’s neither, and he certainly intends to return.
“Rhinestones and GOBS of gold glitter, stylishly applied to only the best polyester Qiana fabric.”
@Baud: Are you sure he’s not being followed by 38 meters of air?
Omnes Omnibus
Just did it. Count me in.
No. I’m not sure of that at all.
Gin & Tonic
OK, they have a pretty decent FAQ, which says: “If you live outside the country, and you are not employed by the U.S. government or as a member of the U.S. military, you are not counted in this census.”
Pedants will cringe that that section of the site is entitled “Who to Count.”
I don’t care what she wants to do. All I want to do is dance dance!
(I have not become a little loopy!)
@Gin & Tonic:
That is to insure that he isn’t counted twice
The Census is supposed to be a snapshot of where everyone is on 4/1
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: Pick better music.
“Special limited edition with diamond chips forming a profile of The Greatest President In The History Of The Universe!”
Did mine bout 1/2 hr ago after my ZOOM class session was over.
It was simple and quick
@Omnes Omnibus: Mr. Henley is merely voicing my wants. :P
Adam Schlesinger from Fountains of Wayne and countless other bands/projects, died today at 52 from COVID-19. Just sucks. Big part of my mid-20s to mid-30s soundtrack. Saw him several times, both with FOW and Ivy. Great songwriter – indie bands, movie and TV soundtracks, musicals, etc. Too young, too sad
ETA: One of his more interesting projects – Tinted Windows, with James Iha, Bun E. Carlos and Taylor Hanson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjTSXcGhRoI
Did my form online weeks ago.
@Mohagan: Yup. My mom has done a ton of genealogical research on our family tree (both sides) and we’re Scottish. Thought English but found a common name change around 1840, roughly, so went further and pinned it down. Not going to lie, I’ve wondered what we would need to do to maybe claim Scottish heritage to move back there…
Holy Jesus!
I met him a couple of years ago….a really sweet guy
Omnes Omnibus
@mrmoshpotato: Obligatory.
Some people do not have bank accounts. Nor would it be easy for them to cash a check.
There is some discussion about whether to use debit cards for these and other folks.
Sending out checks is not that easy.
@WaterGirl: That went through my head too. “Ok you’re white, but what type of white?” I just don’t trust anything this government does, which just now struck me as how conservatives have supposedly felt forever. Of course that doesn’t mean I’m going to stock up on guns/ammo, strike out to the wilds of Montana to live it survivalist style…
Oh good, I’m not alone. I got the letter with the 12-character code, completed it online that day, and have gotten three reminders since. It got to the point where I went back online and tried the code again, but it confirmed that it had been completed.
John Prine and Stephen Colbert – That’s The Way The World Goes ‘Round
Jim, Foolish Literalist
from the article:
Golf courses are exempt from the shut-down order in VA. trump’s course is open for business.
Sure Lurkalot
I did the census last week. The ancestry question…huh? My partner said “dunno”?
We had a FaceTime happy hour with some California friends and we learned that their son tested positive and their DIL has fever. They live in Dallas and went to NY for a vacation sometime in March. So far, they are okay.
First contact for me. Scary!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Looking forward to pissing on Dump’s grave being open for business.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@mrmoshpotato: gonna see more urine than a baseball stadium trough, as The Hoarse Whisperer said
I’m sorry. I’m an old guy but this news made me sad. Several of his songs were brilliant. I was surprised to find out I’m less than a decade older because his hits wer 20 years or so after the ones I regard as iconic hits of my youth. But the pop sensibility and sense of humor really grabbed me. We’re going to be having a lot of this kind of sadness I’m afraid . . . I was hoping that at least we could confine it to the people older than me, but that’s wishful thinking.
@Leto: When I filled it out today I decided I was Welsh. I do have Welsh ancestry but it is not the biggest part. I decided to honor one of my maternal grandfather’s ancestors instead of picking one of the more standard versions. Since I could be in the DAR and have no idea where an eighth of my heritage came from I thought the question was stupid.
Uncle Cosmo
@kindness: The US Census is a two-track operation. One is the decennial enumeration as called for in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, the idea being to count everyone. Embedded within the Census is a much more detailed survey whose respondents are selected by some sort of random process. (I’d guess it’s not a simple random sample but is randomized within various strata to ensure getting enough responses from within each level of variables of interest present within the population.) A large enough sample responding to a lot more questions would permit mutidimensional crosstabulations nearly as good for historical research as full enumeration.
(I spent most of my working career as an applied statistician.)
James E Powell
I didn’t receive anything with respect to the census, should I feel left out?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Way to butcher Hoarse’s good name. ?
Filled out online. Easiest and quickest census that I can remember.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Get on with your bad self. “Crosstabulations!”
ETA: This is in no way snark. I enjoyed your clear and well-expressed explanation.
Dan B
@Scout211: So if you don’t have an address you don’t count which would make homeless people 0/5th of a person. Swell.
And when a city like Seattle that has one of the biggest percentage of homeless “residents” the fed money is shrunk from the get go.
Uncle Cosmo
@Mohagan: @WaterGirl: Glad to be of service. But maybe we should amend it:
We are, after all, all in this together… (FTR colors optional.)
@Dan B
How We Count People Experiencing Homelessness
@Leto: You know who’s half Scottish?
J R in WV
I put White in the check box, and typed American in the slot for details. For both of us.
Wife wanted me to put in Melungeon but I doubt they were prepared to accept that…
@James E Powell: No, but you should go online and click to fill it out without your magic number.
@Uncle Cosmo: That’s even better!
Miss Bianca
Just completed!
Miss Bianca
@JMG: I have a serious movie-star crush on Toshiro Mifune. And I love Kurosawa, too!
Damn, it’s almost enough to make me want to subscribe to cable.
@Leto: I thought the same thing. I almost entered “what does it matter? White is white is white, according to the Trump Administration”.
@mvr: I took my ancient Bernina in for repairs last summer. They said “Oh dear. This could be expensive. The motherboard could be blown.” Then they called me back later. ” Good news. It just needed cleaning. It is too old to have a motherboard. Purely mechanical. Nothing computerized in it at all.”
Dan B
@lgerard: There’s an image of Ivanka presenting the Ivanka line of body bags, or Human Remains Carriers, or some such name.
They’re a fine shade of mid-purple.
Dan B
@Leto: I’m half Scots Irish (or Scottish-Irish, as my grandparents said). Orangeman. I wonder what it would take to move back to the post Brexit troubles…
Matt McIrvin
@Leto: They’ve asked for race + ethnic background as far back as I remember filling out the census.
I saw somebody say she refused to fill out the census because they didn’t have a racial classification for Arabs other than “white” which she was not; wanted a Middle Eastern/North African classification there. Seems to me people are only hurting themselves by doing this, but I understand the feeling too.
@Miss Bianca:
You can also get TCM as part of YouTube TV, maybe some other Internet services as well.
This batch of Kurosawa films is amazing. I also recommend Stray Dog and Red Beard, both, of course, featuring Mifune.
Matt McIrvin
@Dan B: I say “Scots-Irish/English/German/Norwegian” on the form. Can’t really get it shorter than that.
Miss Bianca
@Brachiator: Yeah, I’ve seen both those, but not since I was in college!
zhena gogolia
I had to take out the vodka and gin bottles!
Did mine today, after getting an email from my Congressperson. I <3 Doris Matsui so much.
@Leto: I am more of a mutt than you (English, Scottish, German, Irish, and Czech), but I am sure I have some S-I in there since my mother’s family was from Virginia for several generations. (My husband’s father came from North Carolina and his line goes straight back almost 200 years, according to Ancestry.com). I read Jim Webb’s Born Fighting and found it fascinating.
Just did mine and I finally found out what type of Hispanic I am – I’m Hispanos! The full name is Hispanos of New Mexico but my family is from Southern Colorado (and yeah, I’m in Ohio. bleech!) “They are typically variously of Iberian, Criollo Spaniard, Mestizo, and Genízaro heritage, and are descended from Spanish-speaking settlers of the historical region of Santa Fe de Nuevo México, which makes up the present day U.S. states of New Mexico (Nuevo México), southern Colorado, and parts of Arizona, Texas, and Utah. .”
ETA to remove Wiki links
Dan B
@Matt McIrvin: Yeah, mine is Scots-Irish, English, Welsh, Mystery. I didn’t include the last but my surname sounds Russian, except for the short dark woman who cornered me at a garden show booth and exclaimed, hands rising dramatically, “You are Bulgarian!” repeatedly, to the horror of the crowd. There’s a rumor that it’s Macedonian but it’s very rare and no one has traced it. My grandfather was left in an orphanage in Chicago and tried to locate his father and sister in England to no avail. My brother did research as well but all we’ve got is some very red headed english who don’t seem to be related. My paternal side has jet black hair, and lotsa ivy league, and second tier, academics.
Please release my comment – I stripped out the Wikipedia links that came across in my copy/paste
Fair Economist
@Leto: I put down “American”. I know I have English, Scots-Irish, and French ancestry, but I certainly couldn’t exclude other groups and all my ancestors have been here so long it doesn’t mean anything anyway.
@Sab: Good on the Bernina. They seem to be good machines. With good documentation they could last forever, or at least as long as we are going to!
@Fair Economist: I just finished it and I put down American too. They didn’t have a category for English/ Scottish/ rumored Choctaw/ whatever.
Just did mine, put mixed European English German etc. next to the white part. Could have said “northern European mutt”, I mean, who knows at this point? This was much shorter than I remember.
Did mine. Punted on the ancestral demographic question and left off the Native American portion since the tribe I belong to is in Canada.
@Yutsano: My adopted son is from Bolivia. I skipped native American and listed him as Other: Aymara.