This is an invitation to everyone to add one good thing to this thread. Even if all you can muster is to link to the Stayin’ Inside music video or the awesome teacher singing I Will Survive, or anything else fun that has already been posted here or there in a thread, please do that.
I can’t be the only one who feels a wave of anxiety at some point, nearly every day. If enough people chime in and we can get a good collection of inspiration and distraction, I’ll add this to the list in the sidebar. Sort of an “In case of emergency, break glass” thread.
Together we can make a collection of good things, things that inspire us and help us feel good about some of our fellow humans, even in this scary time.
Here’s mine. This is BG’s 8-year-old son, reading to Bear in his crate. Bear is the new pup they brought home on Sunday. This makes me happy, and gives me hope.
If you’re not one of the people rolling their eyes at this thread, please chime in!
*That’s not an upper limit of one.
Update: this thread has been added to the sidebar, where it can stay until it’s no longer useful anymore. Anyone who is interested can continue to read and even add fun/good links or anything they find inspirational, long after the post is off the front page.
New pup who shouldn’t have found a home in this uncertain environment, yet he did. Yay. Hang in there. New pups are trying, but they grow out of it.
I’m getting to spend more time with my kitties. They were spoiled already; another few weeks of this and they will be insufferable!
The Mood Machine.
We just figured all good dogs deserve an education.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Well, I was afraid of this. There’s been an increase in crime locally. To wit: The dog stole an entire sandwich (evidence destroyed) and 8 oz block of Gruyere cheese (caught in the act and recovered).
He’s always mooching, but never resorted to outright theft off the table before. Or at least never succeeded.
He is not receiving very friendly treatment from anyone at the moment.
Also, want some terrific work music? Give this a try. A 42-minute version of “Wichita Lineman.”
Van Buren
Where I sit I can see my garden, and it makes me happy to think that soon, bees and butterflies will be busy doing their thing, and by late summer, birds will be feasting on sunflower seeds.
@Sab: Also everyone at hone who wants a dog or cat but never had time? You got time, and shelters are still havibg to kill them. Go get them.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Sab: I read a week or so ago that NYC shelters were empty, huge increase in adoptions and fostering.
MoCA Ace
I have spent more time with my wife in the last two weeks than I have in the last two years. She is an amazing woman and I’m lucky to have her in my life. On a related note, too late for us but we were discussing how many Corona -quarantine babies are going to be born 9 months from now? I know it’s a measurable bump when there is a multi-day blizzard so this should be off the charts!
So glad we have the golden pups and our four adopted kitties. I just got a great photo of some of them but I really am as dumb as I act and can’t figure out how to upload it here.
One day, this War is gonna end…
And we will be back in crowds sharing our love
with people, people!
MoCA Ace
@Van Buren: My sons fiance is high risk so she’s in lock-down… on the last day together they went and picked up a new puppers to keep her company.
Edit: Forgot to mention her dog had wandered off in January and never came back. The neighbor found him curled up and frozen in his woods about a month later… Thankfully he appeared to go peacefully.
A Ghost to Most
Floriduh just went on lockdown. I guess DeSantis got the go ahead from Cortez the killer.
I have an elderly neighbor who hardly leaves her home, especially during the winter. I went to check on her Monday and she told me that she had been receiving at least 4 or 5 robocalls every day for months on end. She hasn’t received a single one in the last 10 days.
She said she knew something was different, but it took a few days to realize what it was.
@BGinCHI: That is very soothing and I think it’s helping me focus.
After a winter of torrential rains, we are having beautiful, sunny spring weather. Everything is blooming out, especially the wisteria. The past few years, late cold snaps nipped the buds, but this year it is really putting on a show. It’s a gift.
Old Dan and Little Ann
After most likely spending too long in the same place, current ircumstances have forced me to start looking elsewhere for September. If I am still around. I am trying my damdest to look at the positives. Stay safe, all. Cheers.
@MoCA Ace: There has been a noticeable uptick in the divorce rate in China. While that might not sound happy, sometimes that forced proximity shows a marriage that shouldn’t be any more. And that can be a good thing for both parties.
Many years ago, I made a doll-house for our daughter. Not from scratch — it came as a kit. But it was a hell of a lot of work to assemble. All wood. Lots of tiny molding. Porch railings and bannisters. And the shingles for the roof were real shingles — little postage stamp sized pieces that I had to glue on one by one. It was the work of several weeks of late nights for me, in the run up to the holidays.
And it came a few years too late. My girl was already getting on towards 9 or 10, moving out of her doll playing years. She did get some use out of it. In fact, she was already moving into her knitting and crocheting phase, so she made a couple of doll-sized throw-rugs for the floors, as well as creating yarn-dolls for the little people. She liked it and was suitably grateful, but it was not the hit it would have been five years previous. Soon she was a teenager, and had moved on. I guess I’ve just never been good at timing things.
My wife and I have hung on to it through several moves, and our girl has grown up, gone to college, and found work in another country. She is the joy of our life, even though she is not playing house with grandkids yet. We can still hope (and keep our mouths shut).
The other week, my wife lent the doll-house to a co-worker whose kids are now home for the duration. A few days later, she got an email with the sweetest photo of a little girl of about 5 or 6, playing with my daughter’s doll-house. The co-worker said that it has been an absolute life-saver for their family. You can see the rugs my daughter knitted. And the roof that I shingled. I feel a little better about the work I did, and the good that it is doing now.
Wisteria bloom smells amazing. A week later it’s back to attacking your house but enjoy the gift!
@Butch: If you send it to me as an email attachment, I can add the photo.
@MoCA Ace: I can add a photo if you send me one.
Well I responded to a craigslist ad a tree service offering free wood chips for mulch last summer and never heard back. Today a few minutes ago, they called offering 6 or more yards today and because I am working from home, I will be here to get lucky. My garden will be happy later this summer. To think, I assumed those ads were a scam! Last summer I ended up having to pay for mulch because I got tired of pulling weeds from the same places over and over…maybe only gardeners will appreciate the anticipation of free mulch.
I had that classic dad experience of assembling the dollhouse kit on Christmas Eve, heading towards midnight before it was more or less assembled. It was Scandinavian so no bric-a-brac but parts aplenty, plus furnishings and people. All wood, so that was nice.
After several failed fosters and trials, looks like we may have finally found our forever furry friend! Her name is Eliza* and she’s a petite pit mix, weighing in at 42 lbs, loves cuddling, playing fetch, and NOT repeat NOT attempting to kill every other dog she meets. Almost one month in, and everything’s going well!
* to be sung as in Hamilton: e-LI-za! No Angelica or Peggy projected as yet, though.
Dorothy A. Winsor
A neighbor called me this morning to tell me she’d read one of my books and liked it a lot. She absolutely didn’t have to do that. It never occurred to me she was reading what I wrote, so there were no expectations. IOW, it was a pure kindness and it made my day.
We have a family walk daily! Sometimes it’s only a few minutes sometimes it’s a few miles. But it used to be a struggle to find time for a family walk more than once a week.
I quit my job in mid-March. I was planning on staying til at least past my birthday in April when I could start collecting SS. But my age, and my job which had recently changed to expose me to many more people in a workday, made me feel very vulnerable. Not to mention that I’m transportation/chief shopper for my 88 yo mother.
I worked for a bigbox notorious for poor treatment of employees (golly, that really narrows it down!) and had no faith that management would take even obvious steps to keep us safe. In fairness, the nature of retail sales would make that very hard.
But, even with the precarity of living on savings and without medical coverage until Medicare starts in June, I feel so much better than when I was working. A lot of small aches and pains, and just baseline irritation/anxiety, disappears when you’re no longer laboring at a low-pay, low-status job in America.
Steeplejack (phone)
If you don’t mind a Good Thing that’s a bit macabre: got an interesting call from the local ME’s office this morning, trying to ID a body when all they have is a number on a medical appliance (the body has no teeth). I did some very nice detective work, which hopefully at least pointed the ME’s office in the right direction.
@oldster: I love this.
zhena gogolia
Very sweet.
@oldster: Send me a photo and I’ll put it in.
The guy who did the “I Will Survive” video is a grad school friend. As I mentioned on another thread, he’s really pleased that so many people have enjoyed the song. He’s just posted another one – “Doctors, Masks and Test Kits“, to the tune of Warren Zevon’s “Lawyers, Guns and Money.”
Lum’s Better Half
The social distancing I needed to practice over the last 18 months of my weight loss program was good experience for the current crisis.
@PatrickG: Send me a pic and I’ll add it in.
I like British comedy and satire programs. The regular shows with audiences have been shut down, so some of the hosts are improvising on YouTube
A good short program is Jimmy Carr’s The Little Tiny Quiz of the Lockdown.
I also recommend going through YouTube and finding episodes of the panel show Quite Interesting. Fun and very diverting.
I mentioned in a previous thread that TCM is showing some of the great films of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. I especially recommend Red Beard (about a compassionate village doctor), Stray Dog, and High and Low.
ETA: A good thing. I go out and get takeout breakfast each morning at a local coffee shop that is staying open. One day I mentioned that I had been to the supermarket twice and could not find toilet paper. The coffee shop owner sold me a couple of rolls at his cost, 50 cents each. He had a lot because he had ordered before the lockdown came. Be nice to your local merchants. They might be able to help you out
It’s a beautiful day here, but after running necessary errands yesterday in creepily empty Manhattan streets, I’m staying home today. I did laundry. I cleaned a little. And now I’m sitting by a window looking out at trees that are starting to bud and flower and listening to birds sing. Spring comes no matter what else is going on and I find that comforting.
Also, everyone has been clapping and cheering and ringing bells out their windows at 7 every evening to show appreciation for health care workers. I know most of them can’t hear us, but I enjoy the communal applause anyway.
@trollhattan: Fortunately, our house sits a good ways from the trees where it is growing. I know it can be a nuisance though.
I was sitting outside on the porch swing earlier, and everything was so peaceful. A large farm borders our property and I could hear the cows lowing. From the opposite direction there was the faint sound of someone’s lawn mower. For a short while, everything seemed normal.
People are still making amusing videos to pass the time, like this Bohemian Rhapsody spoof
Coronavirus Rhapsody – performed by Shelter Skelter (Timmy Sean, Fernando Perdomo, & Nick Bertling)
@gvg: Last year I started buying straw bales for both mulch and a bale garden (which turned out well, and I’m doing it again this year). I’ve greatly expanded the mulch area and made the cover deeper. Even though it’s not the cheapest solution I’ve been really pleased with its effectiveness and longevity.
@oldster: I have no idea why tears are running down my cheeks.
I slipped on the stairs yesterday and turned my ankle pretty hard, but the good thing is that with RICE, it’s doing very well today. I’m staying off it and keeping it elevated for another day to be sure, but it doesn’t hurt at all. Looks like it’s going to turn several interesting colors in the next few days, though.
Several thousand years ago, some humans realized that they could take the twine they so painstakingly made for snares and fishing nets, and manipulate it with fingers and a couple of sticks to make a flexible loopy-not-knotted fabric.
Generosity: the teaching folks, like this nice midwestern lady, who make youtube videos showing other folks how to cast on to start knitting. Listen to this lovely person: Old Norwegian cast on, by Joan, from “Laws of Knitting”
Isn’t that wonderful!
@oldster: Awww!
@Sab: The local Humane Society put out a plea for adoptors and fosters right before the local lockdown, and I put in an application for a dachshund mix I’d been looking at. She wasn’t really available for adoption yet because she was still on “stray hold” so I don’t know if I’ll get considered for adopting after the lockdown lifts (now extended to the end of April).
My drive to work takes me thru the swampy forest preserves of northwestern Cook County , the far nw suburbs of Chicago. Every spring for the past 6 years I’ve watched a pair of geese nest and raise their kids in a small pondlet on the way. Yesterday morning they were back ?
Year 7 gosling watch begins ☺
@oldster: That is so sweet. I don’t know if it was a bit of a wrench to see the doll house go away, but bless your wife for finding it a loving home.
zhena gogolia
My husband gave me beautiful earrings with blue stones for Valentine’s Day. I can’t go out to dinner so I’m wearing them to my Zoom classes today.
I wanted to also say that my Russian goddaughter, alone in an apartment in Madrid, seems to have recovered from Covid-19 and looked great on Sunday, but I don’t want to jinx it. I haven’t heard from her in a day or so. I pray her recovery continues.
@CaseyL: They did say “loaned”. :-) Still, i don’t know if I would have been generous enough to even loan it!
I am now officially retired. My Royal Navy retirement kicked in on March 11 (my 60th birthday) and they told me my preserved terminal grant of 18K would kick in after 30 working days. I checked my bank account on Friday and there it was in my account! To celebrate I bought a patio set and a planter. They were delivered yesterday and I can’t wait to set it up and relax in the back garden.
Two good things:
Where I live, the grass is getting greener every day. So very restful on the eyes, compared to snow/brown grass. (Even though mowing is in the near future, so also are green leaves on trees!)
I have given notice and will be retiring at the end of the month.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Congratulations!
For younger kids, perhaps. Harry Potter at Home
Penguins fly! (this one is real, excerpted from IIRC an Attenborough show, as opposed to the fakes going around, or the ending of A Wish For Wings That Work)
We drove 160 miles to get a part that I need to rebuild my truck bed. It saved at least $100 in what the shipping would have been plus we got a little lost and drove thought Oxford, Ga where Emory at Oxford is located. The drive did all of us well, especially the pups!
Wow, yeah, amazing hypnotic version of Wichita Lineman (which always was a beautiful melody even if some of us looked down on it for being too country, too sappy).
Listening to it now – the first time the band swings through the melody in its recognizable entirety is about 9.25 minutes in.
What were they doing for the first 9 minutes? “not jazz per se, but it approaches the form in what it accomplishes: the building of a vast and open spiritual space.” (per the article, at BGinCHI’s link).
As the article goes on to say “Over the last couple days, nothing has sounded quite so haunting or offered as much replenishment.”
Well, that’s saying a lot! But it could be true …
Also too ? All the little frogs are singing and courting ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Well, today is April Fool’s Day!
We are all fools, now
Makerspaces across the country are coordinating the 3D printing and assembly of needed equipment like face shields and intubation boxes. I haven’t gone up to Annapolis Makerspace in a couple of weeks, so pinged the man in charge:
If you feel like contributing, look into your local makerspace and see if they welcome cash donations. And if Annapolis is your locale, here’s their paypal link.
I’m in rather a weird place mentally. I’m pretty reclusive by nature, but after my sister died I’d made a sort of resolution to be less reclusive, get out more and make more friends locally. And then – (waves hands) – all this. So here I sit at home, just like I usually do, only now I have two houses, two cars, two phones, and a whole bunch of stuff I need to do a couple hours away and no way to go there and do it. I tell myself the estate business just has to be on hold until summer.
I’m high risk, with age and breathing issues, so I’m being crazy-cautious. I’m grateful I’m retired; the military pension, social security, and book royalties are deposited automatically and I’m exploring the outer limits of online purchasing.
I’m also grateful that my older books are selling, because I sure haven’t written much new lately! Before all the pandemic stuff blew up, I finally got a BookBub promotion after several years of trying – it was March 25, and I worried that it might be a bust because of all the current anxiety. But it went magnificently, I had 26,000 downloads of the free book, and people are buying the rest of the series, which had been totally moribund (this is the completed Regency series, not the ongoing historic fantasy series), so there’s life in those old books yet!
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Journalists Increasingly not Attending Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings, Saying They Lack News Value
I’d call this good news : )
Lovey went for her weekly check at the vet’s for her sugar/insulin levels. The good news is that her sugar is now well into normal. So 11 units twice a day is the magic formula. So the weekly checks are done (every week since mid-February!) and she will have one more entire day at the vet’s so they can take her sugar level once an hour, tweak her insulin if needed based on that and we’ll be done for a while. It has made such a difference in her! She’s lost weight, has more energy, better appetite, is more alert and her peeing and pooping are both more normal. So thankful for all this.
@oldster: If you want to send the dollhouse photo with the little girl, we can blur her face before posting it.
I gathered a bunch of maple tree seeds (the helicopter thingies) from my yard and planted a couple dozen of them in pots, keeping them in a sunny window during the day and out in the cold outer hallway at night.
They are now germinating. I have no land to plant them on, but the temptation to think that growing them is a useless exercise can be tempered by reading this poem by W. S. Merwin.
They are statistically likely to be the children of the two remaining maple trees out front (I think last fall was the first time they had set seed), which were statistically likely to be the children of the maple trees that originally graced the yard when I first lived in this place thirty-three years ago. Early on I had a vegetable garden, and one year for a kick I dug up two maple seedlings, barely big enough to have leaves, before the mower obliterated them, and planted them in the garden, which was generously fertilized with horse manure.
A year later those trees had such extensive root systems that I almost couldn’t dig them up. But I did, and I planted them in the front yard in the shade of the old maples, which are now gone.
I have a feeling the owner will not let the two adolescents stay either, though that’s a tiny grief in the midst of all this other stuff.
Meanwhile, I’m taking pics of the seeds as they turn into baby trees. It’s fascinating to watch the process up close. I mean, if I hadn’t planted them, the seeds would soon have been chewed up by the mower, or the weedwhacker, or whatever, so the fact that they’re giving me some solace at the moment is maybe okay.
I will also say: having been sensitized to maple seeds last fall when I gathered a bunch to store in the fridge until . . . sometime or other . . . I am staggered by how ubiquitous they are, even in my yard, where there are no longer any big maples to contribute to the supply.
Those seeds, they fly far…..
I’m right there with you. I’m surprised at my own reactions to being in that situation. But — a topic for another time.
This is just to let you know that I used your recipe for seasoning a turkey breast a few days ago and it was delicious. I made mashed potatoes and broccoli to go with it, and the family declared that it felt like Thanksgiving in March. Thanks for sharing.
@Josie: Hey, no fair! :-) Can you link to the comment or include the seasonings?
Gin & Tonic
I went to donate blood yesterday. I’m a frequent donor and type O-, so I’m very popular. The blood center was taking all necessary precautions, and when I asked the nurse/phlebotomist about a reported fall-off in donations or shortages of blood, she said they are booked solid for the next three weeks at least. In this environment they are appointment-only, no walk-ins, but you literally cannot get an appointment. So I guess people are stepping up and doing the right thing.
Oh, wonderful! So glad you all liked it!
The cranberry bread Ive got in the oven is starting to smell real good. And homemade wine from Welch’s Grape Juice isnt half bad.
@MoCA Ace: The Post had an article speculating on this last week I think. First reader comment was “if there is a baby boom, they’ll all be first-born children!”
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JoyceH: The BookBub thing is super good!
It’s a new calendar month. New pet pictures.
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m a frequent donor as well. Despite all the media reports of blood shortages, i wasn’t able to find an appointment either. They were all booked except for a few AB specific ones.
@JoyceH: Great! Link?
@oldster: Nothing good is wasted, my friend. And I still add miniatures to the dollhouse my dad built
Our neighborhood somehow coordinated their dog walks (some with invisible dogs) at sufficient distances to all sing happy birthday to a widow down the street. Oh,,and we’re still at five calves, at least two more to come,
I remain absolutely blown away by my coworkers who are providing health care–and I mean everyone, including the staff who have been moved into facilities positions because their usual resale/retail positions are closed now, and IT and other admin departments, and the front desk staff, and senior leadership, and of course the direct care staff. And I remain feeling SO much gratitude. Normally I’m pretty crabby, with outbreaks of complainy, but it’s just not possible to do that right now, given my relatively fortunate circumstances. I’m exercising more–running nearly every day. I’m reaching out to friends (and coworkers and my team), primarily to support others when I can. I’m eating awesome food (I cook a lot anyway, so that’s not really different, but my “stocking up” tendencies mean I didn’t have to do some massive shopping expedition). And I’m getting interesting insight on just how much of an introvert I really am.
In short, many good things, and I am so very grateful for every last one.
Seconded…want a link!
Miss Bianca
@CaseyL: Damn! That’s wild.
Mary G
I’ve been loving the ongoing long-ass thread that starts here:
He is going backwards alphabetically through all the states, naming and sometimes changing their state birds along with commentary, and it is something that makes me laugh so hard. It also has pictures of many birbs, so if you like Albatrossity and Betty C., it’s right up your alley.
I retweeted with a lame “funny,” but another commenter captured it brilliantly:
He’s got about 200 tweets so far and is only up to N or M, so I dip in sporadically when the news gets too insane.
I copied the comment and saved it:
Putting a turkey breast in the oven after rubbing under and over the skin a butter of 5T softened butter, a tablespoon of minced sage, one of minced thyme, 1 1/2 tablespoons minced rosemary, a teaspoon minced garlic, 2 tablespoons minced parsley, salt and pepper. Going to make mashed sweet potatoes and roasted asparagus to go with. Pinot noir to drink. Should be good!
@Old Dan and Little Ann: Um, this is a good thing, right?
If not hang in there. We’ll save the hugs for a better time.
PAM Dirac
I finished pruning all my grape vines and the vines look really good. Most of my vines are starting their 10th season, so the trunks are getting pretty gnarly. I really love the new green shoots next to the gnarly old trunks. Should get bud break in a week or two. Pruned all the roses as well and they are starting to bud out. Never has spring growth been so vital.
Jerzy Russian
@Gin & Tonic: Thanks for stepping up with the donations.
Not related to blood donation, but I thought this preprint about habitable zones around exoplanets might be of interest to you. There are some technical parts, but overall it is written at an accessible level.
Defining the Really Habitable Zones
randy khan
Here’s a good thing: Museums are starting to make more and more virtual tours available. Here are two in Norfolk, just a couple of hours from where I live. The first is the Barry Museum at Old Dominion University. They have really fine collections of contemporary art glass and dolls, plus American twentieth century painting.
Barry Museum
The second is the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, which also has a lot of glass, ranging from ancient to contemporary, and other things that don’t interest me quite as much.
Chrysler Museum
There are lots of other museums offering the same kind of thing.
Major Major Major Major
Animal Crossing is coming along nicely, gorgeous cherry blossoms went up today. Here’s my home…
Mary G
Another thread of things people are doing to keep from going crazy:
With you there: want a link re the turkey seasonings.
BTW, WaterGirl, l’m loving this thread. A lovely mental health booster.
My good thing today? Just inspected my yard, (I live in dry desert mountain climate). I’m new here so I was worried that my varied lantana plants were cut too low and would not come back. More than half showing some tiny leaves and the others I checked still had some life.
Maybe I need to buy some individual fertilizer packets and water them individually?
Holy cow-ski!
I took advantage of being home to finishing the kitchen rebuild – especially adding new electrical wiring/outlets, and rebuilding parts of the floor structure as well as tiling said floor. Even installed a new LED ceiling light (that required running a new electrical service) and installing an under the counter dishwasher with all new services. It was a hard week and weekends but all DONE!
Here’s my good thing for the day: my local community had a family who’s an organizing member of the local food bank do a one vehicle rolling concert/parade through the town neighborhoods to collect pantry donations. Their family manned the float and their son did all the singing. From what I could see the mom was in full PPE accepting donations at the back of the trailer while dad drove. It was absolutely horrible to listen to and the teenager singer’s voice was cracking like a fresh bowl of rice crispy cereal the whole time I could hear him, but damned if he wasn’t having a good time. You can definitely tell which members of the community are stepping up during our extended shutdown in WI.
@Sab: I saw on a previous thread you were looking for 1/4″ elastic. I solved this by getting headbands from the dollar store. They come in packs of 7 and are 1/4″, plus they’re wrapped so are more comfortable; I use 2 per mask. I also like the colors, and am making masks for co-workers, so each will have different band colors to tell theirs apart.
We have white cotton bags that our canvas pieces are shipped in I’m using for the front, and for the flannel inside I found flannel sheet sets in sale, and a king size set cost $16, so more than 8 yards for $2 each.
Good luck on your sewing!
And my good thing was seeing the wild rabbits this morning; they live in the green space below my balcony next to a freeway. And the spring flowers are coming in, so I’m keeping some in the house to brighten my day and help lift my mood.
@Josie: That does sound excellent, thanks! I wonder if I could do that on a chicken breast – some of those are so big these days that I slice them as I would a turkey breast.
Something that would add a lot of flavor would be most welcome, since I have 7 frozen packages of chicken breasts in my freezer. :-)
See my comment at #84.
mad citizen
I saw and ordered 12 big commercial-size rolls of TP and am having them amazoned to my stepson in Sacramento this weekend. Haven’t told them yet. It has a good general rating (of course–amazon’s choice) but a few bad ones, one mentioned that it isn’t even perforated. Oh well, I’m letting it ride.
I also just made the dough for what will be chocolate cherry rugelach. Dough being butter, cream cheese and a little flour. Also it’s my marriage anniversary. We had Chipotle for lunch.
I think it would work on any type of poultry. The blend was really good.
@randy khan: I’ve been getting fun emails from Viking Cruise Lines, with virtual tours of Budapest, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, and Cologne Cathedral, along with recipes from each country.
C Stars
Wow, I love these…free mulch, book readers, health! Yay!
Three things:
2. The National Geographic VR program for the Oculus Quest is super amazing–an in-depth exploration of Antarctica– and I don’t feel bad letting my kids spend a lot of time playing with it.
3. While everyone seems to be losing work, I have recently gotten a ton of it. It’s pretty stressful to fit it in now that the kids are not at school, but we can definitely use the money.
Here’s the recipe (my turkey breast was only 3 lbs., so I just halved the amounts):
6 lb. bone-in turkey breast
5 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon fresh sage leaves, finely minced
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, finely minced
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh rosemary leaves, finely minced
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely minced
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
Place butter, garlic, herbs, salt and pepper in a bowl and stir to combine.
Loosen the skin of the turkey breast. Spread half the butter mixture under the skin and the other half on top of the skin.
Place turkey breast in a roasting pan. Bake 15-20 minutes or until the skin has just started to brown.
Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F. Bake 20 minutes per pound, basting occasionally with pan juices. Take out of oven when a thermometer registers 165 degrees F. Rest for 10 minutes and then carve.
Thank you. I really must figure out the best location for an herb garden.
@lgerard: I used to get at least 1 call a night during the week and 2 or 3 on Saturdays from folks trying to sell me an extended warranty on A. Car. I. LEASE. They would agree with me that it made no sense, and pass my number on to the next poor soul in the call center. Haven’t had anybody call in the last 10 days at all.
The only good thing I can think of that’s come out of this unholy mess.
We had our first food delivery from our local Sprouts (it’s like Whole foods without the attitude and outrageous prices). We tipped the delivery guy 20%.
Mary G
@randy khan: Would you be up for putting together a list of other museums with virtual tours, along with a short description like you did with these?
I have added Virtual Museum Tours to the list in the sidebar:
No Cabin Fever for Us!
Would love to have more than just those two, if you’re up for it!
@Mary G: That is so awesome!
I don’t know if this will help but I stumbled upon a “Travel and Leisure” link to museum tours. Sorry I can’t be more specific but I know there were more than 2!
P.S. Maybe a thread providing some support and cheerleading for those who spend too much time on Balloon Juice and are wallowing in lethargy.
I like to use a marinade of plain yogurt, various spices to taste added, cumin, tumeric, garlic and onion powder, coriander, red pepper. Mix and let chill in the fridge for a few hours. Roast as usual. Really keeps the meat moist.
Heres a link to , a spice mix that I use on LOTS of things.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: “The BookBub thing is super good!”
Wow, isn’t it?
For the non-writers who are wondering what a BookBub is, it’s the Ultimate in book promo sites. They have a newsletter that goes out to their several million subscribers that feature books that are on free or on sale. A BookBub promo is expensive and also hard to get.
It may seem counter-intuitive to pay hundreds of dollars to feature a book and allow thousands of people to download it for free, but you don’t do this if you only have one book. You do it when you have lots of books, and the point is to increase sales on the other books.
I’ve been trying for two or three years to get a BookBub. First I offered them the first book in my Regency Charades series. Turned down multiple times. When I started my new series, I offered them the first book in my Regency Mage series. Also turned down multiple times. But recently a friend had been at a writers conference and a representative from BookBub was there and talked about the sorts of things that they’re looking for. And she said, ‘of course, books about twins trading places are always good.’ Well, so happens I HAVE a book about twins trading places! It’s A Town and Country Season, book 4 of my Regency Charades.
So I submitted that one and they snapped it right up. Networking.
And for those requesting links, here’s a link to my author page:
I recently re-encountered this video of a performance of two guitarists playing one guitar. It’s great.
Mary G
@WaterGirl: I’ve been looking at some of these in Harper’s Bazaar:
The top 7 virtual tours: see the world without having to leave the house
Explore the Vatican, the palace of Versailles or the Louvre from the comfort of your sofa
@Mary G: My lord that was hilarious.
@pamelabrown53: It’s helping me, too!
I just added the thread to the list in the sidebar, and it will stay there until it’s not useful anymore. Anyone who is interested can continue to read and even add fun/good links and anything they find inspirational, long after the post is off the front page.
joel hanes
The public has rescued Powell’s Books.
You can help keep that going.
If you have money, buy an email gift card for yourself, and then don’t use it until we come out on the other side. That’s essentially an interest-free loan to the store.
If you have been using Amazon for books, consider scanning your Amazon wish list, and purchasing one or two those books from Powell’s, sometime soon.
@C Stars: I googled and what I found was an app for 9.99 – is that what you are referring to?
I LOVE BookBub! It’s one of the few daily e-mails that I actually read instead of delete on sight.
Congratulations on being included because your books will reach a much larger audience.
You’re the Best!
Spinoza Is My Co-pilot
A little over 3 weeks ago my wife and I (who “celebrated”, in a manner of speaking, our 42nd wedding anniversary in the meantime) decided that it was time to sequester ourselves from everybody (outside a handful of grocery runs by moi) except our nearby son and DiL and grandkids (their 2 preschool age daughters) while those 4 also isolated themselves (again, outside some grocery runs by our son and his wife) from everybody else except us two.
Our son and DiL are both very fortunate to be able to work full-time at their jobs from home, so my wife and I (both now retired) became full-time (Mon-Fri) daycare for our granddaughters (their regular daycare shutdown not long after).
We had already been doing daycare for our little darlings (ages 2 and 5) on Mon & Tue each week, so the “good thing” here is that this large amount of extra time together for Grandpa, Grandma, and grandkids (the only ones we’ll ever have) has been beyond wonderful, especially in having the sisters be with each other so much (they’re quite sweet with each other mostly, with some occasional and not unexpected exceptions).
Silver lining for us in the present insanity, and we understand just how incredibly fortunate our small circle is.
@geg6: The chicken breasts are all at least a pound these days.
Do you think if I made up a batch of the butter and herbs… would it keep for a few weeks in the fridge or the freezer? So I could just use enough for 2 chicken breasts at a time?
My local classical station breaks every hour for NPR, which I despise, so I’ve begun streaming this through one of my old Kindles instead:
turn off the screen or monitor of your device and it barely consumes any battery at all, and I set it to override any automatic sleep function. Now I’m going to get a streaming radio because I enjoy this so much more. All music, no NPR!
@NeenerNeener: They called me today instead. :-)
@MoCA Ace:
Saw a very funny twitter response to this — that he didn’t know, but he guaranteed that they would all be firstborn children. I think that has something to do with how exhausting it is to care for your existing children at home 24/7 while still getting work done.
Can you say more about what you mean by that?
@Spinoza Is My Co-pilot: Congrats on your anniversary.
We accepted a different offer on our house (first buyer backed out on Monday). Good news is that I like these people and their son goes to the school that my daughter goes to and that Mr. Suzanne works at. My next-door neighbor, who is one of my favorite people and whom I will miss terribly, told us that we were only allowed to move if the new people were Democrats, and I think they are.
I’m sure it would, especially if you freeze it. But I’ve kept flavored butters that I’ve made for certain things in the fridge for a couple of weeks with no problem.
Back from my double scopes and doc gave me two thumbs up. Have to wait for biopsy results, but she was positive.
So back to only one thing to worry about. To me, that’s a big positive.
That helped a lot! I added those 12 to the Virtual Museum Tour link in the sidebar.
Oh, that’s good news!
Now, if I can just talk you into buying in the western suburbs of the ‘Burgh so we can be neighbors, that would be wonderful.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
The most recent thing I’ve seen that made me smile: Broadway show tunes lip-synced by Animoji.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Also, was able to find a siding company still working that was willing to do a small job and got my chimney re-sided and re-caulked.
@zhena gogolia: non-denominational prayers coming your student’s way! I am also breaking out more different jewelry for my Zoom classes.
Other good things: where I live it’s all breezy sunshine, and parking when I do have to go get groceries is also a breeze.
Just got back from my daily walk.
Want to thank everyone for their comments the other day/night/whenever. I can easily imagine everyone being a bit freaked out about the current situation that affects well, everyone. Work was really an escape for me, my practice retirement idea was to see what happens when that goes away. OK we’re all on practice retirement. I’ve only had one job that I didn’t produce stuff in the last 50 yrs. And I produced stuff there as well, even if it wasn’t at all the same process. So it’s different, as I imagine most of us are finding out. It takes some getting used to, adapting, absorbing, freaking out, adjusting, accepting.
Hope everyone is safe, healthy, and reasonably not bored and pissed. We have a lot to be pissed about and can focus on that – or not. I’ve been trying not to focus on that and it helps.
Anyway, my one good thing for today is here.
Here is the full moon rising over Wellington, New Zealand. I used to show it to my astronomy students and ask them what was different about the video that indicated it was made in the southern hemisphere. The music suits it perfectly. Take note BillinGlendale, maybe try video for your creative outlet if you haven’t done so already. Sorry, don’t know how/too lazy to figure out turning URL into informative text.
randy khan
@WaterGirl: I’ll see what I can do. I think there may be a site with many links, which would make it easy.
@Mary G: I added it to the sidebar, thanks!
Our neighbor’s daughter is married with two young kids and lives in another part of northern California. Yesterday she drove them over to sit on the porch and have a conversation with the folks, through a window. Darn cute.
Great! Now eat something solid. :-)
MoCA Ace
Not sure where you are but I am a frog and toad survey volunteer on the “Frozen Tundra”. There is a little bit of ice still on the ponds but last night I heard my first spring peeper. Just one… he sounded very lonely and soon gave up to wait for warmer weather.
@Suzanne: Oh, no, on the back-out, bet that was a long two days between Monday and today, so glad that it worked out in the end.
@Japa21: Huge relief!!!!!
Can’t explain what she wants but boy do I understand it.
If I can come up with something, I’ll let you know.
@cope: Wow…thanks for posting that.
@randy khan: Thank you! Check out what i have there now, first? I added a few from one site that someone mentioned above.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
There’s a crime wave!
Crooks are evwrywhere
@MomSense: Feeling better, I hope?
@MoCA Ace: I live in Maine, near a lake and various small ponds. I have noticed this pattern year after year, that one night I’ll take a walk at dusk and hear one peeper, and then the next night the whole chorus is awake.
I always wonder if down below the ice one is saying, “Let me go first this year, let me let me let me!” Or maybe, “Nah, it’s your turn, I did it last year.”
Edited for clarity.
@Mary G:
That’s great.
So this is what happens when people have too much time on their hands.
OK just had an idea of a drawing. I’ll work on it and get back to everyone.
Central Planning
I’m going to have a virtual happy hour in about 40 minutes with some friends I haven’t seen in person for a year or so. Should be a good time being stupid and silly (which always happens when we get together in person)
Spinoza Is My Co-pilot
@Baud: Thanks, man! We’ve known each other almost 50 years now, but it seems the blink of an eye. We’re still best friends. I consider myself just about the luckiest man who’s ever lived, and I’m profoundly humbled by how that could even be.
Sweet puppy photo! So many people adopted a pet recently and what a joy to be quarantined with them.
Our older dog has had diarrhea for a couple of days. Other dog had it but fine now. Today older dog vomited phlegm and looks like blood. Have a vet appt in an hour and think we will be going home without her. This along with everything else really sucks.
@MomSense: Boy, did I need that!
Miss Bianca
@JoyceH: linky, please! I could use some nice Regencies right now, my current fiction choices have been kind of harrowing!
Spouse and I rode our bikes through the neighborhood yesterday after the sun came out. Dogwoods in bloom all over the place! It was such a nice bit of alright.
MoCA Ace
Now take it out of the marinade and roll it in panko bread crumbs mixed with smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, and bake them…. yummmmmm
I am.
James E Powell
@joel hanes:
I ordered four books that I can wait a long time to receive.
The Golovlyov Family, Saltykov-Shchedrin
Why?, Charles Tilly
FM: Rise and Fall of Rock Radio, Richard Neer
Picture This, Joseph Heller
au contraire – pets are getting homes as people reach out to pets to alleviate loneliness and social distancing. I couldn’t even get my hands on any cats because they are all adopted out.
@bemused: Very much hoping your worst fears do not come true. ❤️
Miss Bianca
@NeenerNeener: And yet, oddly, the last robo-call I got was for one of those warranty scams, earlier this week! Maybe they’ve given up on you and are moving on – hope they’ll do the same for me!
My tumblr is full of cute animal pictures, if that is something you like.
@MomSense: What a relief, in every way. ?
i make compound butters and freeze them all the time. Just roll them into a tube shape, then cut off as much as you need and pop them back in the freezer.
Favorite is left over red wine reduced to a sludge, cooled and mixed with butter. Perfect with firm white fish like cod or halibut as well as poultry and beef
What a smart idea, that’s what I will do. Thanks.
James E Powell
Sirius XM is (apparently) available at no charge till May 15.
Oh, we’ve been on this rodeo before years ago. Same scenario. Previous dog was same age too, 12. We’re very aware of what the outcome will probably be. Going to be very tough on us and for the younger dog.
@MoCA Ace:
They started about a week or so ago in Northern Illinois. Then it got chilly and they shut up. But I heard them ?
@pamelabrown53: Hi, not sure where you are, but as someone who lived in Vegas for 20+ years; our lantana was irrepressible. I’ve seen it cut to 3″ stubs, barely watered, snow, hail, overwatered — came back beautifully to cover a 3′ x 4′ space. It seems to like rock gardens better than planters, but it is an wonderfully forgiving and beautiful plant.
@James E Powell: Wow, that’s great news!
@bemused: Sometimes we just know, and we are right. I have been there before, too. Still, my fingers are crossed. ?
joel hanes
@James E Powell:
The Golovlyov Family
I once worked my way through Lermontov’s _A_Hero_Of_Our_Time_, but am not now looking for something this gloomy. I won’t be reading any Knut Hamsun nor Rolvaag’s _Giant_In_The_Earth_ in 2020 either.
@WaterGirl: I recently enjoyed a half hour stroll in Buenos Aires from the comfort of my chair in the hovel in the Nova Scotia forest. I’ve also been to Rio, Bangkok and the Scottish Highlands among other places.
Lots of restful stuff on r/slowtv. Yes, it’s Reddit but it won’t bite and you don’t need to sign up.
Always a glimmer of hope. The worst thing is that the vets have had a new protocol for a couple of weeks. If they give you an appointment, they request you stay in car in parking lot, let them know you have arrived, come out and get the pet and bring back. That means we will not be able to go in and if vet decides she must be put to sleep, we may not be able to be with her. We both almost lost it talking about that.
Lantana is tough as hell, loves heat and afternoon sun. Ours (of unknown age) produced mountains of flowers from May through October, attracting all manner of bees, butterflies, mantises (because of 1 & 2) and hummingbirds. But they did not survive the garden makeover and I’m on the hunt for old school replacements in the traditional orange and yellow. Miss our butterflies.
NB I get terrible contact skin reaction from the stuff, so a bit of love/hate when it comes to tending it.
My wife and I made a killer video today of our new song “Almost Touched My Face”, to the tune of Crosby’s “Almost Cut My Hair”. Not really our song at all, of course, with the youtube karaoke version in the background and especially since the last two stanzas work surprisingly well with almost no changes. But a lot of fun. We’re both 67 and it rocks, totally
@JoyceH: What’s the name of the book or the author, please? I love Regencies.
@bemused: I know, that would be heartbreaking. When I had my pup put to sleep a few years ago, I made a comfy spot in the back of my CRV, and they did it right there. Maybe if worst comes to worst, you guys could do that, and at least be close by.
@marv: What’s the link?
If you don’t follow Caenhill Countryside Centre in the UK on Twitter or Instagram you should! Morning Rush hour is A MUST. Ducks, sheep, goats, donkeys, kitties, chickens, and now guinea pigs!
Cuthbert the goose is a bit of a star but I love Coco the donkey.
I found this on FB; it’s the M*A*S*H* guide to coronavirus. Amazing how that 70’s/80’s TV show covered all the basics we’re facing today :)
Sure Lurkalot
I retired a couple of years ago and started discussing downsizing with my partner. We own a 2,200 sf duplex with a single family home size backyard (deck! patio! lawn! beds! gazebo!) The good thing is that as usual, I was all talk and no action and I’m now thrilled to have a big yard, enough room to quarantine if one of us gets sick and my video fitness room in the basement. Oh and I took a 6 mile walk today and saw a beaver swimming in the creek.
Well, one idea for a family might be, after spending the better part of a day figuring out “Now where the bloody hell did we stash that deck of cards?” [:)] is to learn a (or some) card game(s).
Been curious at some time in the past about how to play canasta? Or Egyptian ratcsrew? Comprehensive resource for rules: By name of game – – By number of players.
Here’s a link to 19 musicians of the Rotterdam Philharmonic playing their individual parts of the Ode to Joy from their apartments:
It’s a good reminder — Beethoven wrote the 9th symphony after the Napoleonic Wars. There are worse things, lot of them, than sheltering in place.
I just finished the fourth image in a set I’ve been working on for a couple of months, now it can be sent around to potential buyers. I’ve been really working up some new techniques and ideas, and now can see it pay off; having some solid time was so helpful.
In the meantime I’m going to take a couple of days just to clean the house, cook, hang out with the cats. No peepers here yet. The yard is solid brown oak leaves from the fall. I can get out and get that cleared up and get the garden beds started, and then bitch about how bad my back and shoulders hurt. Should start some lettuce. My last day of work (on leave of absence) was now 2 weeks ago, with just a couple of forays out, so maybe will be able to sleep a bit better now.
@cope: Wow, the moon in NZ is huuuuuuuuge!
(Also it rises in the wrong direction….)
@stinger: The video was taken from about a mile away with a very long lens and you’re right, it rises from the lower right and moves to the upper left. Here north of the equator, things rise from the lower left and travel across the sky to our right. The video is shot in real time and is one continuous shot.
There’s something else about the moon in this video that is different from what we see at the antipode if one is especially observant.
My husband and I have been watching a musical theater webseries on YouTube, that’s basically Seth Rudetsky and James Wesley (also husbands) having twice-daily skype/zoom/whatevs interviews and mini-concerts with Broadway actors/playwrights/composers/etc. It’s called Stars In The House and they’re fundraising for The Actors’ Fund (which is a relief organization for ANYONE in the entertainment industry, not just actors and not just Broadway or Hollywood.
Canadian Bear is Good Citizen:
@Barry: Yes, he is!
In the last couple of day, two separate neighbors have (unsolicited) brought over yummy baked goods! “we made too much and wanted to share the extra….”. I have great neighbors! And of course we chatted about the state of things. So much for my modest weight loss goal, now I’m going to aim for holding steady….
In the silly little things category–I found my favorite pair of pruning shears back at Lowes–Craftsman aluminum bypass pruners. In my work, I go through a lot of pruning shears, probably about 10 per year. The springs fly off or rust up and seize, the blades break or get loose, they feel too big for my female hands, I lose them in the dirt, etc…I’ve had Felcos, Coronas, every type imaginable, and these are the BEST I’ve ever had. I dropped my last pair at the dump and now I’m ridiculously happy to have a pair again.
MattF posted this in a different thread, but I think it fits perfectly here:
WASHINGTON, DC, US, March 31, 2020 –Today, The Lincoln Project released its newest digital video entitled, “Heroes”, highlighting the heroism of everyday Americans in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks for asking. It’s one of those videos more honored in the description than the actual posting online.
And their moon is NOT made of cheese. Would. Not. Eat. It.
@NotMax: Cribbage!
After a 4 month job search started my new job on Monday. Lots of challenges starting a pandemic (like I can’t go into the office or meet any of my new colleagues), but it’s good work with a decent paycheck. Separate from the family by two states, but that will in the longer term can fixed too (getting the oldest at home out of high school, then spouse and youngest spawn move here).
@Miss Bianca:
I just got that call! I guess the scammers figure that more people are at home, so a captive market.
Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
@WaterGirl: Herre is a link to virtual garden tours of 5 world class gardens.
I especially enjoyed the tour og Monet’s garden at Giverny!
@MoCA Ace:
Froggie went a Courtin’
LuciaMia made this suggestion on the next thread, and since I’ve seen this recommended at least 5 times and always make a mental note, but then forget about it, I am copying her comment here.
@Rusty: Congratulations Rusty! Hope this new job works out well for you and your family.
@Mike S (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!): Ooh, virtual garden tours. Sounds amazing. thank you!
Just a fun snippet:
The song reminds me of these, formerly visible from a couple of Chicago expressways, including the route in from O’Hare. They glowed at night.
orchid moon
Am organizing a video chat with my first cousins. First time we have all been together for many years.
You know, I came here to find someone who wasn’t feeling very positive about getting through this and asking if I could sit beside them, but your very sweet story knocked that idea out of my head. My heart has been suitably warmed. Thanks.
Didn’t occur to me at the time you were talking about your quest for sanitizer product. If there’s a Home Depot or a Lowe’s nearby, you *might* just luck out. Ditto for a place open to the general public which sells restaurant supplies.
Thanks, I tried Lowes, a couple Targets, and Walmart before giving up. Walmart especially felt horrible because everyone else was wearing masks and the air was just so heavy.
As I was whining about it on FB last night, an old friend popped up and gave me the recipe for making hand sanitizer. So that’s my next project.
There was one good thing, actually. As I mope-drove my way home, I passed a nursery that was open (probably a violation) and treated myself to two new succulent plants.
J R in WV
We got those calls on a F-350 that we rolled on I-25 in New Mexico years ago. Totaled out that wonderful truck. We get calls wanting to buy it, to insure it, etc, etc.
But you are correct, no phone calls trying to sell stuff at all.
@Redshift: ouch ouch! Please be really careful. You don’t want to have to go to the ER.
My wife and my two sons are connected via text with a “family chat” set up by the younger one. About two weeks ago, elder son said he was down to one roll if TP and couldn’t find any. Younger son, who works in the local grocery, surprised him by mailing a carton of 24. It’s nice to know someone with connections!
J R in WV
@MoCA Ace:
I’m so glad others here are into frogs and toads. We have a tiny water control pond right outside our front door with already tadpoles of wood frogs, and chorus frogs and tree frog peepers are calling right now, even though it’s pretty cool this evening.
Young dog brought in a mouthful of box turtle, which I took away with much berating. I drove box turtle way up to the head of the main stem hollow and released him in a field up there.
randy khan
I just sent you an email.
I have a positive story to share. As my state moved to close schools and businesses, I have continued to go to my medical job. I commute by bike.Two weeks ago my bike was stolen from the bike rack outside work (yes it was locked). The bike shops were closed indefinitely and I didn’t want to buy a new bike online that I couldn’t test drive first. So the night after the theft I sent an email to my neighborhood listserv explaining my situation and asked for a long-term bike loan or a bike I could buy. Within 5 minutes of my message going out, my phone rang. It was a neighbor I barely know who said she had a bike she could give me. Free and forever. She is an older woman who bought a bike 10 years ago and only used it a few times. 30 minutes after that, I was carrying the bike out of her basement and profusely thanking her. Now I’m biking to work again. I am so grateful for my neighbor and also that I was unafraid to ask for what I needed.
There really are people in the world who can help one another. She seemed relieved to be able to do something useful during these times of staying home.
@azelie: Well as another person on that Zoom-teaching learning curve, I say, thank your friend some more!!
@Steeplejack (phone): I opened this in a tab when you posted this but hadn’t had a chance to listen to it until just now.
What a lovely moment, what a lovely song.
@joel hanes:
Or, if you’re like me and have a spouse with an upcoming birthday, twenty-six. Now I don’t know what I’m going to them for Xmas…
(waves from lurker-land, I’ve delurked on and off over the past… twelve years. Yikes.)
@ab_normal: I’m sure Powell’s, and everyone who loves Powell’s, thanks you!
Maybe you can comment more, lurk less. :-)
I’m going to add a contribution featuring my daughter and a co-worker, who are among the artists currently out of work. I hope it works for everyone, because it’s from Facebook.
@dnfree: I can see it, even when not logged in. thanks!
Another bookstore recommendation is abebooks dot com. It’s a consortium of independent booksellers, apparently. If I’m looking for an older book, I can often find a copy in good or very good condition for under $4 with free shipping. Shipping is usually via media mail, though, so you won’t get it as quickly as from some other sources.
@Butch: Thanks for sending the photo! It really is great.
Adding a few great links so I don’t lose track of them.
Cockatoo Loves Elvis
Baby snuggling his very own chewbacca dog
Sound of Music, Do-Re-Mi Covid-19 style
West Side Story, Jets and Sharks, Goat-style
Kitty Exits Stage Left
Teacher Sings I Will Survive, Distance Teaching edition
Dog Doing Yoga in Italian
And a few more.
Stella’s Best Leaf Jumps of All Time
Cats and Dominos
Pennsylvania man captures all walks of life crossing log bridge
The Greensleeves Storyteller
Museum of Classic Chicago Television
Mary G. posted this in a recent thread, too good not to post here.
The other day I posted results of the Getty Center’s challenge to social isolators to replicate famous works of art with household items. Here are some (more than three) copied to Twitter from a Russian FB page:
Also, Mollie O’Cathein’s parents Liz and Brian are doing one painting a day:
Loved this one from Elizabelle today:
Kiara the volleyball dog
One piece of good news about birds: Peregrine falcons, a bird with seriously low populations for a while (thanks to DDT and habitat loss), are nesting in urban environments. A pair of falcons named Annie and Grinnell have been nesting at the top of Sather Tower (a.k.a. the Campanile) on the UC Berkeley campus for four years in a row. This year’s four eggs are just about ready to hatch (perhaps on the 18th). They have a nest cam with two views (one of the nest, one of a favorite perching spot). This article has details and the link to the nest cam:
Some good links from TaMara’s post today:
More dominoes!
Still more dominoes!
@meander: That’s great!
Post yesterday by someone (?) and by Anne Laurie in the morning thread today:
The Lion Sleeps Tonight!The Liar Tweets Tonight
Yes, you may have a one good thing post. And that’s one good thing.
Also my nephew graduated from high school last week, I attended, and I do not seem to have caught COVID; so three more good things.
She said one good thing, not one great thing
If you like tennis, the French Open semis are on NBC.
Oh and the Ford commercial is pretty sweet
Due to enhanced IT security here I’m spending a couple hours on a process that used to take about 10 seconds. On the bright side, you don’t work here!
Nola, the rescue dog I adopted 6 months ago, who had been heartworm positive, is now HW-!
Sword of Damocles
Peter Navarro was taken into custody by the FBI
One good thing is the return of Balloon Juice which your tech prowess is largely responsible for and I am grateful to you. Thanks WaterGirl.
It’s stunningly gorgeous weather here in southern WI, my partner is arriving this afternoon at the cabin after 8 days back in Minneapolis, and (while it was pricy) the pontoon has a full tank of gas, and brother-in-law got the oil & lube change done so we’re good for a sunset happy hour cruise this evening!
That’s like 4 good things
(eta: I just read a good thread on gratitude. And I am extremely grateful for the outrageous good fortune that my absurd life has granted me and my extended family to have this place and these resources.)
mali muso
My precious daughter who was born just a few weeks after the 2016 election fiasco is graduating from Pre-K today. And she is so excited and proud of herself and her “graduation”. As terrified as I am for her to go to school in the fall (looks around at the dumpster fire that is everything), I am taking today to be happy.
To be Frank
My sis and her sig-o came for a wonderful visit and are leaving, so that is 2 wonderful things
Ben Cisco
My oldest grandniece, who Mrs. Cisco and I had a hand in raising, is engaged. She’s ecstatic and I am both thrilled for her and stunned that time has passed so quickly.
Old School
New footage released from NASA’s Juno spacecraft flying by Mars.
@Sword of Damocles: never mind
Lefthanded compliment
Rain is in the forecast for the Northern California foothills–a very good thing!
On Monday, I’m taking my kid to his first Jonathan Richman show. How’s that for a good thing?
Old School
I’ve been amused by the Balloon Juice event listing in the sidebar which I assume WaterGirl wrote, so thanks for the laugh WG!
James E Powell
We have this place, we have each other. Means a lot.
We went on our first vacation trip in years last week, to Central California- San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande (wondering if anyone would be interested in an On The Road?) It was so relaxing and it was nice to feel “normal”!
AND Balloon Juice is back, thanks to your Herculean efforts, WaterGirl!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Wanderer: Amen.
I finished a draft of the book I’m working on. I think it’s getting there
Ella in New Mexico
After years of avoiding it by masking every where I go (even the gym in an N95!) I managed to catch COVID over the weekend. Had relatively mild upper respiratory symptoms, headache, cough, low grade temp and lots of fatigue. Tested positive late Monday and I was started on Paxlovid Tuesday. I’m gonna say I’m this close to normal and testing negative.
Science is a God-damned blessing.
James E Powell
@Old School:
I’m seeing Jupiter at that link. Nevertheless, awesome. I grew up in the 60s worshipping NASA & astronauts. I still thrive on this stuff.
Your alium are very beautiful!
I get to see the little grandkids Real Soon Now, with hugs and kisses, the two silliest and happiest first-graders ever. Even with the usual crap we all marinate in those two make me feel I’m the luckiest person I know. I wouldn’t trade that for my weight in gold or quatloos.
Ohio Mom
I just found out that Jonathan Richman is still alive and kicking.
When I was dating Ohio Dad and he put a Jonathan Richman tape in his car’s player, it was another checkmark in the “He could be a real possibility “ column.
@Sword of Damocles: YES! Although I call that a GREAT thing!
And, another great thing: my “baby” granddaughter (also youngest grandkiddo) turns 9 tomorrow!
I have been working on a three part On The Road submission, which should be ready to go this weekend. My niece who went back to college, after two failed marriages and two kids, has graduated with honors. All the local restaurants have decide that it is summer, regardless of what the wind off Lake Michigan might imply, and have put their outdoor dining chairs and tables on the sidewalks. There are a few good things.
While working at the grocery store Sunday night, around 9 pm an elderly couple walked in – in their mid-late 80’s, I’d say. They were planning to go to Starbucks, which was closed, so they got soft drinks and cookies, and had a date night in the Starbucks seating area, holding hands across the table, laughing and talking. Then they wandered around the store for a bit, the gentleman bought his wife a rose, and they left. It was just charming! May we all have a love so vibrant :)
@debbie: Aren’t they? I was walking by a few of those this morning in my neighborhood and thinking of how they brightened things up.
Ohio Mom
One thing I do when I’m having a low day is take myself out for breakfast, no matter what time it is, and declare that I am starting the day over. Sometimes this ruse even works.
@FelonyGovt: My college girlfriend lives in AG. Is it a tourist destination? I did do a winery tour on bikes with her and her hubs many years ago (I sobered up in 2002 so yeah, it’s been a while).
Definitely pretty in the mid-coast region. Oddly, I also remember being shocked at what an artichoke field looks like!
@To be Frank: That made me laugh.
@Ella in New Mexico:
I tested positive for covid on May 23. Got paxlovid on Friday, May 27.My O2 sats went from 88-90 to 93-94 after the first hour. Finished the paxlovid and my O2 sats are 94-98. Modern medicine is either a miracle or magic. Doesn’t matter. I feel better than I did a week ago and I really think I’m going to live after all.
@James E Powell:
+1 to that.
Also, it is warm and sunny at my house, my perennials are blooming, and I got all my veggies planted. That makes a good day.
You, Water Girl, are in, most ways, unknown to me. But you are one good thing in my life.
A cardinal perched on my deck railing, looked straight at me, and then sang his heart out. That was a very good thing.
@Old School: I did add those events! Seems like they all needed to be acknowledged in some way.
Chief Oshkosh
Depending on how you’re counting, this is with one good thing or three or five:
Our two rescue kitties have a clean bill of health with regards to letterbox use (no UTI, just nervous and now calmed down).
A cat I helped rescue and transport across the state last weekend is doing well at its new forever home. So far has greeted her new “owner” every morning with chirps and a large appetite and gets along well with the other two cats, who themselves were rescues earlier this year.
So, five rescue kitties, all well-fed, happy, and getting along.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Best of luck and a fast recovery!
Science is a God-damned blessing.
It helps a lot if you actually believe in it. Those that don’t still have to pray to witches and demons and pay off people to do séances for them. Not very successful processes all things considered.
@FelonyGovt: God’s Country (and home when I’m not in SoCal). Hope you hit a Farmers Market and a BBQ place (Santa Maria Tri Tip; insert Homer drool here).
@FelonyGovt: Yes to an On the Road post!
Cathie from Canada
Here’s a good thing – our daughter just got a job as Assistant Professor! We are so proud of her and everything she has accomplished in a very tough academic job market, not to mention the contributions she is making with her research.
Also, as I clicked onto Balloon Juice I thought about how glad I am that it is back. That’s a good thing on you, Watergirl! I cannot imagine all the hours of work you have done, and are doing, to keep this site running and thanks so much, it is worth it.
@Old School: [stage whisper: Jupiter] Spectacular video clip. It flew really close!
New Deal democrat
On the Econ front, 390,000 jobs added in May. We are now only 0.2% below the number of jobs that existed immediately before the pandemic. And the number of *hours* works by non-managerial workers is now *higher* than the number of hours for work right before the pandemic.
And on the gun front, David Hogg:
keeps reporting that “this time is different,” as there aren’t any MAGAts picketing his speeches, or sending him death treats online. Slaughtering young schoolchildren with an AK bought specifically for that purpose seems to have triggered something.
Another Scott
Friday afternoon is a good time for a relaxing bath.
Hang in there, WG. And everyone.
@RaflW: AG is not too much of a tourist destination, but it’s a really charming little town with historic old buildings, an old (and shaky) wooden suspension bridge,a park built around a creek, and a very relaxed atmosphere. And as you mention, wine country not too far away.
Now ask yourselves why Meadows hasn’t been indicted for contempt. We now know it’s NOT because he worked in the White House. Nor is it because the DoJ is afraid to indict high-level trump allies with executive privilege. Is he cooperating? Was he subpoenaed by DoJ, too?
From Mueller, she wrote
Meadows is such a weasel; it wouldn’t surprise me.
Old School
@James E Powell: You are of course correct. In my defense, I was only off by one planet.
@Ohio Mom: I sure hope that car was a Dodge Veg-O-Matic.
@Elma: Always be sure to write your into in Word or something similar, including (unless it’s just a couple of words) everything you want to say about each photo.
That way if you are the lucky 1 in 100 where the form hiccups, you can just copy & paste and submit the form again.
Ella in New Mexico
@SWMBO: that’s so awesome to hear! I debated but my NP said I’m old (lol) so I took it.
And I’d say this medication is definitely worth having your mouth taste like you licked your tires and then chugged bug spray :-D
@Ruckus: thanks! Witches and seances are definitely not my style. ;-)
@cckids: That is very sweet. a grand love, indeed.
My Cat. He is awesome (even when they yowl for a toy while I am working). I just finished with (a thankfully very mild case) COVID and he has been a good companion.
We don’t deserve pets but I am thankful.
@Old School: I think it’s nutty we’re still counting Jupiter’s moons. Damn greedy if you ask me, hoarding so many (although I understand it serves as a flying rock vacuum cleaner that protects the inner planets, so thanks, Jupiter).
Heidi Mom
Adam is doing his Ukraine updates again, on this site, which you brought back for us. Thank you!
@Ella in New Mexico:
My pcp didn’t want to prescribe it for me. She wanted me to go to the hospital. My pulmonologist prescribed it for me over the phone. No questions, no hassle.
It is a simply stunning day here in Western PA and it’s a Friday. I have decided not to go to my University’s student aid conference next week because both my county and the county of our main campus are both orange for COVID and I have too many people with health issues (2 sisters and brother either just finishing or just beginning cancer treatments, a BIL with MS and one with diabetes and a SO over the age of 70) in my family to risk their health for a stupid conference, the agenda of which told me that the only session worth attending for someone with 23 years of experience in my job was the last one on the last day, which would be a Q&A session with subject matter experts. I think I can miss that and catch it on the recording they will post. I have a huge bag in my car from my lunchtime sortie to the local wine and spirits store. Balloon Juice is back and you are the reason and I totally appreciate that.
All good things.
@geg6: Chemo isn’t fun so wishing the best for your sister.
@Ella in New Mexico: My friend who just caught covid started on paxlovid, and felt so much better after the first dose that she looked it up to make sure that was a real thing. Now, in the middle of it, she says she feels great (though still testing positive.) It does seem pretty amazing.
There’s good news out of Yemen.The ceasefire has been extended a couple more months. There is still some fighting, and some road closures that have isolated communities. But overall, the situation has improved in what the U.N. called the world’s worst huminitarian crisis. Those people have suffered enough.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@cckids: What a lovely story
A front came through last night and it’s a gorgeous day here after a run of miserable heat. I’m going to wrap up a couple of work things and then slack off work for the rest of the day so I can be outside in it.
Today was the first day of our farmers market, and despite the predictions we did not have a massive thunderstorm while I was there. It was great.
My children folded their own laundry today which is a blessed miracle of a sort.
J R in WV
I had an abdominal ultrasound last Tuesday; today I called my PCP who told me the report was totally stone normal, no kidney stones, no sign of any cancer, nothing strange… NORMAL — do you hear me, normal.
A very good thing!!!
I plant seeds in various boxes on the north-facing back porch. I know I could buy plants, but I kinda like throwing seeds in the ground and watching them come up. And they ARE coming up! This year it’s a shade-tolerant mix (that I get every year), and flax, and a ton of nasturtiums (nasturtia?). I also had a tomato plant pop out of the dirt in a pot in the house–likely i threw a seed in there last year after dinner on the porch. It got very leggy, though, and when I took it outside I immediately and unfortunately broke it off by accident. But the remaining stalk is growing leaves! So, lots of growing things.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@J R in WV: Normal? Who let you in here? :-)
Old School
And I’ll add for early morning stargazers, five planets will be visible in the southeastern sky during June. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be lined up in the predawn.
For anyone not up early, hopefully BillIn will get a shot or two.
Almost Retired
@FelonyGovt: Wonderful! My youngest spawn recently graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, so we spent many wonderful weekends in that area when he was in college. Sometimes, we even told him we were there. I’m not totally averse to buying a place in that area when I can finally drop the “almost” from my Nym. Glad you enjoyed it!
Also, everyone in the South Bay seems to be masking up again in public, so that makes me happy.
I went to the theater last night! Our local improv bunch has been MIA for the duration of the pandemic, until now. A favorite performer, my friend Carol, died from loneliness and alcohol in those long months, and this stage will be dedicated to her memory for the grand opening this fall.
The last eight weeks I have been practicing games with mostly new players, and having fun with laughing. I wasn’t really hot to do this class, but a friend suggested it, and I said “Yes, and.” It’s what we do.
If you have good coaches who are also good people, it’s really a fine thing to try. I have enjoyed just about everyone I have met doing this, which is the kind of ratio I dig.
Villago Delenda Est
The fascist scum that is Peter Navarro has been arrested for contempt of Congress. That’s a good thing.
@J R in WV: Is that the first time you’ve been called “normal”? :-)
Maybe I’ll hear that someday myself. Anyhoo, many congrats!
Old School
@Ella in New Mexico:
My whole family came down with COVID last weekend (-ish – ranged from Friday through Tuesday) and Mrs. School felt really awful when her bout hit on Sunday. We got her in to get a prescription for Paxlovid and while she got a prescription, she was told, “We really haven’t been prescribing that much.” Not sure why.
Water Girl, I bet this will make you smile. It’s a story about Queen Elizabeth.
Jake Kanter on Twitter: “On a weekend of Queen anecdotes, this won’t be matched. Just lovely.” / Twitter
@WaterGirl: Have all the text in Word and have renamed all the pics to correspond to the captions. Think I’m ready.
Our sweet rescue cat thinks all the chickens we have are is sisters. He pals around with them all day as they free range the property. It’s really amazing to watch them all together.
He is getting older now and has an arthritic hip, plus the vet says he is fat. But even with the hip and his husky shape we have witnessed him several times charge hawks that were swooping down to attack his sister-hens. I personally witnessed him charging and attacking one hawk that had a hen in its talons. And then he chased it across the property all the way to the fence! I never knew he could run that fast. His sister-hen was saved but was very spooked. There is no doubt that Rocky is a hero and the best big brother-cat to his sister-hens.
zhena gogolia
@J R in WV: Great!
One good thing: Signora Volpe on Acorn is pretty fun.
For a minute I thought you meant the “On The Road” form required the .NORM file format. I don’t think that would count as A Good Thing….
WaterGirl, you are one very good thing: we are so fortunate to have you in our community. You got us through The Great Gap and brought us home. Thanks!
I just returned from an idyllic 3-day visit to Lopez Island, one of the San Juans. Fell madly in love with the place. It does not cater to casual tourists: if you want fine dining and shopping at any time, go elsewhere. I managed to pick the three days to be there when hardly any eateries or shops were open; happily, there are two perfectly good grocery stores near my B&B.
I fell in love with the quiet, the slower pace, the wonderful, fantastic hiking areas. Went on one trail that has a bit of a rock scramble, another one leading to a glorious rocky ridge overlooking the strait, and a beach walk where a local seal swam in to have a look at me and we barked back and forth for a little bit.
I want to go back there and stay forever.
I took some photos; not sure if they’re good enough for an OTR, but am considering trying to put one together.
@To be Frank:
I love this story too much!
Hero Kitty!
Omnes Omnibus
I am planning on getting my bike out and starting to ride tomorrow. That is a good thing.
My 10-year-old grandson gets to stay with us for a whole week! Actually 9 days! He’s such a good kid we love having him here.
@JPL: I’d have to say, that really can’t be topped. Hilarious.
@Almost Retired: Wonderful!
Confess to prodding the kid to pick Poly or UCSB for the utterly selfish purpose of the parental visits. Love both areas, SLO is more my style.
But, noooooo.
That was my feeling after spending a couple of weeks hiking along the coastal strip of Olympic National Park. If I knew I was dying and yet was well enough to just go sit somewhere and wait for it, that place would be my choice.
One good thing, per the OP: a day and a half this week with my 6-month-old granddaughter, an endless font of miracles (rolling over and back! grabbing a rattle and holding on to it!) and delight.
@JPL: What great story!
@Elma: Good job!
The former guy is still former and hopefully will remain so until his dying day.
@Ken: Ha!
randy khan
@Old School:
*That* is a good thing.
Also good: Current DC weather, and that the gas company’s replacement of the lines on our street is moving really, really fast – as in they hadn’t dug the trench in front of our house when my wife left for lunch at 11:30 and they were in our house relighting all of the gas-based gadgets by 3:00. (Also, it was sort of amusing to explain to them that the water line access on our property is for the house next door and that our water line access is on the property of the neighbors on the other side. Which, granted, is not terribly obvious, but also is very confusing for the people marking utilities.)
@CaseyL: Of course your photos are good enough for On the Road!
I just had a lovely lunch with my youngest sister on the breezy patio of a new-to-us pizzeria. Second time out to eat this year!
He sounds like Michael Caine. Excellent story.
@RedDirtGirl: That’s great. I missed your comments about whether you had adopted a dog. Still there after six months so I guess the dog worked out. Yay.
Another Scott
“Department of the INTERPOL”
Hmmm…. Maybe they are sending their best??
‘@geg6: I tried replying to your comment about your sister and chemo the other day, but it was taking so long for my comments to appear I don’t know if you saw it. There are devices called cold caps that help prevent hair loss during breast cancer chemo. They cool the scalp so that the hair follicles do not absorb the chemo. They do work because my SIL used it when she was going through breast cancer chemo and she did not lose her hair. There is a charitable organization that helps provide them called “Hair to Stay”.
My grand-daughter passed kindergarden yesterday. She was exceptional in art, and okay in everything else. Six years ago they were telling us she might never learn how to talk.
@Old School: That depends on my work schedule which has been wacked as of late. Either I don’t have consecutive days off so I can’t travel to the good locations, or when I do get consecutive days off, the moon/weather is not favorable. I’m not a happy camper.
Ben Cisco
@JPL: I’m with her on that one – I’d have paid folding money to have been there when he found out.
My micromanaging boss has figured out I do know what I’m talking about.
But, that’s small-scale. I have health, wealth and a wonderful family that I NEVER thought I could ever have. Daughter has a year end concert, son offered a statistics tutoring job because he did so well in the class, husband might level-up in his company.
And none of us have Covid.
I have a brand new deck on the back of my house which gives me a good view of my backyard, which has gone under some heavy renovation the past couple of years. Really nice with my morning coffee.
@JPL: That was excellent. Wish the guy had gotten a photo with the longtime holiday house owner, too. Just to be kind.
Developmental stages are not by the book. I remember when my nephew was very slow to start walking the family joke was “Well, when he starts talking he can tell us why.”
I might have a helpful hint if you know someone struggling to find formula. Grand imp is on Happy Baby Organics, and both Whole Foods and Target carry it. Anyway, long story short, I discovered that Target stocks the product online Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday around 4:30 to 5:30 am. I was designated, can you help us find it. They know that I’m an early riser. Grand imp will be one next month and then he’ll drink whole milk. Since he’s on solids, he drinks only two bottles a day. Target has free shipping at $35.00 so be prepared to order two or have an add-on ready. It sells out quickly, normally by 6.
@Ben Cisco: Same!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
That’s a good thing. I sent my second draft off to the Beta Readers at The History Quill and will be on pins and needles until the end of the month.
I hope this contributes to everybody’s good day.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Josie: This is when I drag out a giant jigsaw puzzle and let brain rot for a while. Congrats!
@WaterGirl: Well, then, I’ll give it a try – thanks!
Low-key good thing: Pleasant day here in NoVA. Pearly gray overcast, 77°, humidity only 40%. Nice for this time of year.
I was up very early this morning for a while, went back to sleep until late in the morning. Feel pretty good now but sort of out of sync with the day. Have been softening the news with research into rain and “white noise” videos on YouTube. Hard to find ones that have enough “variety” not to sound like (pleasant) static.
Wyatt Salamanca
@Wyatt Salamanca:
California has a bill that is stuck in the legislature. I bet NY’s action will shake it loose.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: When BJ was down, I put together sherlock holmes and the speckled band puzzle The pieces are the same the puzzle itself is dark. Normally I don’t rely on a picture, but for this one it would have been helpful.
Downside, is it took longer than I like, but it was fun. There’s a story enclosed and a mystery to solve.
@Old School:
Ooh, thanks for the tip! As an early a.m. insomniac, I’ll plan to take advantage!
I’ve seen all five at once once before, several years back. I’m about a mile from the Chesapeake, on the western side of the bay, so I’ll have a good view to the SE if I go down to the shore.
My Good Thing is I decided to burn up some leave and take the afternoon off, so I took a nap, and now I’m out on the back deck where it’s sunny and the air is perfect after our torrential rain yesterday evening. So that’s two good things, actually.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Thanks. The jigsaw puzzle is a great idea.
Old School
@ BillinGlendaleCA: That stinks. It seemed like an event right up your alley.
coin operated
The new job allows mrs coin and myself to get the hell out of Vegas for the summer months. SLC still gets hot, but at least it cools down at night.
mrs coin has lived here 30+ years…she can’t wait to leave this state (if only for a few months)
@Another Scott: I had no idea BB guns could take high-capacity magazines! :D
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JPL: That sounds fun!
Employment and wage growth remain strong. People have jobs and are making money. (Wall Street hates it but fk them.)
@coin operated:
I love Las Vegas—I have family and friends there—but, yeah, the summer months are infernal. The other eight months of the year the weather is sublime.
My boss finally took my advice (5 years on) that we are slow enough during summer to close the office on Fridays and work 4 day weeks. This is my first Friday off of many this summer. Weather is lovely so it’s been a great day.
While on my walk Wednesday morning to get in my 6,000 steps, I happened upon a Pride flag raising ceremony at the local Stanley Black&Decker plant. They make storage units for tools and equipment, everything from end-table sized to military-grade, truck sized units.
This made me appreciate my church, the United Church of Christ, which has a tradition of being at the forefront, since we have been ordaining the first openly gay and lesbian clergy since 1972, as well the first black male in 1785 and the first woman in 1853. We also affirmed support for a woman’s right to choose in 1971 and marriage equality in 2005.
Her oncologist mentioned those. I’m going to bug her to look into it.
She got her hair cut short in anticipation of losing it the other day. She’s always had long hair, so she was nervous. But it looks gorgeous! She now says she may keep it short no matter what happens.
Happy Thoughts? Well, I’ve got a sleeping doggo by my side as I type this, and she has her favorite blanket around her – a taco dog, as it were.
The Colorado Front Range has beautiful weather today – puffy white clouds, low Seventies, grass and plants are greening up after recent rainstorms. Our little town of Erie has outdoor dining all along the main street, and just came back from an al fresco breakfast at Lucille’s, a Cajun-style restaurant that just opened here a couple of weeks ago. My psychologist strongly advised getting out and doing things, and a one-week fast from coronavirus news/updates.
Last but not least, WG, you have the undying gratitude of the Jackals, who have been reading this blog not just for years, but more than a decade.
During the Recent Unpleasantness, I realized this is not only a community, but one of the best, if not The Best, news sources out there. Far better than the DC gossip passed off as news on the cable channels, and wonderfully free of the trolls and doomers who infest the other “lefty” blogs. That in turn allows the community to nurture and grow the newcomers.
Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
2 years ago today, an elderly and emaciated cat showed up on our doorstep. She was curled tightly into a ball and not moving, and we thought she was dead.
She wasn’t, thank goodness.
She needed food and water, but what she wanted was strokes and skritches and Someone Should Make A Lap Plz And Thank You.
Pirate Jenny, two years on.
zhena gogolia
@JPL: Ooh, I know that one! I won’t spoil who did it.
zhena gogolia
@RevRick: UCC here too. A bit estranged because my church hasn’t been as stringent as I’d like re Covid, but it’s a great church.
zhena gogolia
@Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog: Beautiful!
@Steeplejack: Almost identical to the conditions here. Making spaghetti sauce for Mrs H to enjoy while I attend the two-year-COVID-delayed 50th high school reunion kickoff shindig.
You all know I’m working on another Ukraine quilt. Today I’m working on some cat appliqué blocks (blue and yellow cats, of course!) and they are just as cute as they can be! It sure isn’t work when you can work on cute things!
My favorite block so far is this kitty with a “Russian warship.”
Getting closer to completion!
@sab: She is doing well because all of her people didn’t give up on her! She is a blessing!
@Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog:
Blessings on you for taking in an old cat. And I love the nym (if I didn’t say it before).
Nice work!
Jim Bales
Our 18 year old graduates high school on Sunday. They are in a small program that created a very tight – knit cohort of 55 kids. The 16 who are graduating had a special ceremony last night where each student had one teacher spend a few minutes telling them – in front of their peers and parents, all of the ways that teacher finds that student to be amazing.
I nearly lost it when the teacher speaking to my child broke up and started to cry.
The fact that my child got to spend three years of high school in such a caring and loving community is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received
I hope more good things start cropping up in your life!
The bad: ten posts of pictures submitted to OTR were lost in the apocalypse.
The good: I just completed re-submitting the pictures. All ten posts (mostly of various sites in Olympic National Park) should now be in the queue.
Other good: I have a between-middle-age-and-elderly neighbor whose cat I’m taking care of while she’s on vacation with friends. She sent me a video where she’s driving an ATV up a sandy hill and taking her “first jump.” Her joy in braving that leap in the vehicle is both visible and audible. I’m afraid that her friends have created an adrenaline junkie but she’s loving every minute of that vacation.
She’s kind of had a rough time of late, with health and house problems, so I’m really glad that she is doing this and having such a marvelous time.
There go two miscreants
@Steeplejack: Try
Lurker here, but I just want to echo all the posts pointing out that getting this site back up and running was a gift to thousands – thank you! Also, congratulations to everyone upthread for the good things they encountered.
@There go two miscreants:
Thanks, will do.
@Dane: Lurk less, comment more! :-)
If you have Prime video, go to the Search function there and type in the word ambient.
Multiplicity of choices.
@There go two miscreants:
Some good stuff on that site. Thanks again.
AJ formerly of the Mustard Search and Rescue team
I’m grateful to be sober when for years I was not.
I’m grateful for all I’ve learned from the posters here. Grateful to have learned about and be able to support the amazing Voting Access for All Coalition people and their very important work.
And very grateful for the site we have thanks in large part to a ton of hard work from you Watergirl!
@AJ formerly of the Mustard Search and Rescue team:
Congratulations on your sobriety. Comment more!
Laura Too
I am so happy that this community is back! Thank you WG for all the amazing good you do here. I am grateful to Mr. Steeplejack (I’m pretty sure) who tipped me off to Taffix. I spent 3 hours in a car with two Covid + people (very tight KN95 mask) and never got Covid. Also spent time with niece & nephew (no mask) who tested positive the next day and never got it. Anne Laurie is amazing with her Covid updates to keep us all safe and her fun and informative posts on such a wide array of subjects. I so missed Adam’s posts on the war. I truly was lost without checking in to see what everyone was doing.
As one ages, the future is shorter and far less defined. You may also have health issues that have accumulated over time that reflect in your outlook. And you may have led a life that didn’t really reflect all of your views, like kids and high responsibility. So on occasion you might, if your personality allows, slip the bonds, jump the fence, go for broke, before all of life’s time catches up to you and you no longer can run with the bulls or whatever it is that floats your boat. I have 1/2 a million miles under my belt, riding and racing motorcycles. I’ve seen the side of life with risk, I’ve felt the risk, payed for the risk, but I’ve seen a side not all that many do. I’ve known others that took even more risk and some that have paid a very high price. Point is I know my level of risk taking, for the most part, enjoyed that risk. Many have not and do not know that, their life is/was risky enough for them. Or so it seemed to them then. But when that last day is within smelling if not seeing distance, you will wonder if you enjoyed it to your limit, we all do. You may not take that risk, that chance of enjoying a bit of thrill, but then, you might. Sounds like your neighbor is enjoying that risk. I say, as a mostly life long risk taker, good for her. Life is harsh many days, most days for some, and it’s way, way too short to miss out on those good days.
The needle on our VAAC support meter hasn’t moved for many days. I don’t like to disappoint those good people. One good thing is to do something positive, so if WaterGirl would like to get the VAAC support started up again, I’ll match the first $1,000.
Laura Too
@Torrey: Wow! That is totally awesome and great timing, I just got paid today. I’m in for another $50.00. Thank you!
@zhena gogolia: At ours about half wear masks, but our pastor always begins the service wearing hers.
@CaseyL: Do it.
I went my kiddo’s elementary school dance performance tonight. It was the first time I’d been in the school auditorium in 2+ years. I used to get bored at school performances and mark time until my kid went on stage. This one was so sacred that I was crying through the second graders’ choreography to Whoomp! There it is, and then I laugh-cried to a puzzling Prince tribute with inflatable guitars and questionable song choice of Raspberry Beret. Real life is so weird and amazing.
I’m also loving the Jonathan Richman discussion. My husband has a story from childhood about waking up one morning to find some dude strumming guitar in his living room. His father had gone to a Modern Lovers concert the night before and randomly invited JR to crash at his house.
bluejersey43 (fka texasboyshaun)
Let to the thread as usual, but Monday is my first day at the new job. I’ll be a special ed teacher’s aide. I’m excited and a little nervous which of course is normal. The weather here is also spectacular. The park across from me is filled with flowers and trees with big green leaves. Leaving Texas was definitely a good thing for me.
@Laura Too:
Great! Thank you! And WaterGirl has said she’ll set up a VAAC post so maybe we can get the fundraiser moving again.