Today Gov. Polis asked everyone to wear a mask when out in public.
#breaking: @GovofCO is asking all Coloradoans to wear cloth coverings when they are going out of the house to do things like go to the grocery store. However, the Governor says non-medical masks should be worn to save resources. @DenverChannel
— Meghan Lopez (@Meghan_Lopez) April 3, 2020
I used these instructions to make a mask, though a friend of mine is sewing masks for family and friends and hers will be much more stylish, I’m sure.
Scout was not happy.
Open thread
Miss Bianca
Oh, fuck me.
That settles it – I gotta find a bandana or something. Or just pull up my turtleneck over my face Bazooka Joe-style.
Or just not go out in public again like, ever.
On the bright side, the masks will make it harder to pick me out in a line up.
Was out at Lidl this afternoon, and would say more than half of the shoppers (not many) were masked.
Waiting in line, read the NYT breaking news that cloth masks were now recommended, but der Trump would not be wearing one himself.
No chicken whatsoever in the case, not that I was shopping for it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Damn, New York had 690 people die today, that is more than the total virus deaths for New Jersey, the state with the next highest deaths.
Ha! Governor DeWine said something about maybe requiring people to wear masks whenever they go out, so I went to etsy and got this. Faux élégante, non?
I wear a neck gaiter, sort of a stand alone turtleneck that I can cover my nose and mouth with, over a bandanna tied bandit style. The bandanna is doubled over which gives me 3 layers. The neck gaiter is very stretchy, goes all the way around my head, tucks into my collar, sealing most of the gaps.
Here’s mine.
Mary G
I keep looking at masks on Etsy. but the fact is that I need to stay home. This cracked me up. Too bad I don’t have any of these:
Good read on TP shortage.
I put new filters in my industrial organic vapour mask and I’m good to go. It’s basically a reusable N95 and might even be overkill but I can’t sew worth a damn. Should be fun at the grocery store tomorrow.
Looks like this.
Steeplejack (phone)
“That’s him—number 3. The guy with no pants.”
Oh, my! You’ll have no trouble social distancing, for sure!
@Baud: LOL. Baud2020!!! Ultrafun!!!!!
TaMara (HFG)
@Mary G: Oh no, no, no, that MUST be embedded
Check this for Kushner’s fingerprints
More at the link
How to use mens underwear as a mask
I thought I was getting the Thunderdome with Tina Turner, not this clown with the baggy suit..
That’s my new comeback around the house, “Forget it, Jake, it’s Thunderdome.”
My bride spent the day making them. We drove about 30 miles to get 10 years of elastic yesterday and she was off to the races.
@Baud: Didn’t you already use a ski mask for that?
@Elizabelle: Of course not, it would fuck up his orange pancake makeup.
ETA – sorry, it would fuck it up even more.
I think I’ve decided to wear a full SCUBA set whenever I go out. Except the flippers of course; that would be absurd.
Just a reminder, even if you’re wearing a mask, you should still practice social distancing.
ETA: I see Baud already has that covered.
Another Scott
@mrmoshpotato: +1
Steeplejack (phone)
Link doesn’t work.
I’m thinking of inventing a cone of shame for people with a six foot radial collar.
@L85NJGT: He makes a good point, but I think that it is that PLUS hoarding
@Baud: Hoop skirts are back in style again!
I was looking out the window this morning and saw a guy with a very realistic Planet of the Apes type mask amble by.
I guess cosplay can save us
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I agree 100%
@dmsilev: Yeah, but the guys are wearing them too.
Stop fucking around, and just go full ninja, you pajama boys.
Here ya go
Ig Nobel PUBLIC HEALTH PRIZE 2009: Elena N. Bodnar, Raphael C. Lee, and Sandra Marijan of Chicago, Illinois, USA, for inventing a brassiere that, in an emergency, can be quickly converted into a pair of protective face masks, one for the brassiere wearer and one to be given to some needy bystander.
REFERENCE: U.S. patent # 7255627, granted August 14, 2007 for a “Garment Device Convertible to One or More Facemasks.”
@debbie: My Rush and Anthrax bandanas are envious.
@Steeplejack (phone):Oopsie
Sorry, this one works.
I have a motorcycle helmet. I wonder how well that would work.
@chris: I fixed your original one with this link.
Never heard of him before but his twitter feed is very funny.
I have no sewing skills at all and don’t know anyone who does. Guessing I might find a bandana somewhere around here. Maybe.
@Baud: LOL
Anyone else find it hilarious that Amazon sells kinky stuff?
Also, this one seem more secure!
@WaterGirl: Thank you!
@Mary G: LMAO!
My motorcycle helmet seems perfect. I’m not there yet but
@Steeplejack (phone):
@Baud: First 30 seconds
Dan B
@chris: That’s what I got from 35 years doing landscape contracting. It was helpful back when we were doing drawings and spray fixing them – nasty stuff.
Combined with Baud’s it could be “fun” shopping drama.
*love* the jockstrap masks!
I was looking at a video of all the improvised masks people have come up with. A lot of ingenuity/insanity out there.
Besides the horse-heads, dog heads, dinosaur body suits, movie character masks, and Carnivale bird masks, people have used plastic carboys, sanitary pads, tampons, vacuum bags, vacuum filters, things that I think are automotive air filters – one person had a one-litre soda bottle on his head, cut out across the face to admit an air filter – plus the very cheap and easy “plastic bags from head to toe, taped in place.”
I have face masks from when I was worried about inhaling glass dust due to the art I do. But none of my teachers use them, and they said that unless you’re dry-grinding glass, or dusting off work surfaces, a mask isn’t really necessary. I still have a few, and can augment their filtering capability by stuffing them with something.
But looking at all the wild and wacky masks, I wonder if ornamental masks will become an everyday, streetwear “thing.” Masks as an expression of one’s personality; as a fashion statement… masks as the new T-shirts, with funny sayings and pictures. I betcha anything this will happen, and fast.
Dan B
@Aleta: Kushner prints and/or Stephen Miller? Probably were never allowed near the Boy Scouts. “Be prepared? Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!…..Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Cackle, snort!!”
BANE had a stylish mask, all I’m saying.
Another Scott
@Another Scott: Did? (blinks) Did he actually fucking say that?!
It’s kinda ironic that those medieval beaked “plague doctor” masks might actually be helpful in this situation.
@PaulWartenberg: Yup! I was thinking about the Bane mask too.
Who cares if anyone can hear what we say through it?
@Baud: Naked Came the Biker.
Another Scott
@Elizabelle: If he didn’t, give him time…
Hobby Lobby has always been a shit corporation. But as long as it was just gay folks I guess folks were ok. Guess what, if a corporation is willing to treat one group of folks like shit, it shouldn’t surprise you when they do it to their own employees!
I mean, I know Hobby Lobby is not “essential”, but
This from the mgr…
But tell me this doesn’t sound a bit like retaliation.
Miss Bianca
@Geoduck: I had one of those come up in an ad on a site I was visiting. It says something about me, I think, that I actually paused and went, “hmmmm….”
Data time.
You can usually trust what a dog tells you. Do you wear your mask around your house?
@Geoduck: I’ve been asking Ms Martin for one of those. She’s working on it.
Mike in DC
Worldometer says +1321 for US.
@Mike in DC: I’m using Johns Hopkins data set. Varies depending on when data snapshots are taken – it comes out in the wash so long as you’re consistent.
You mean like this?
Mike in DC
Yeah, I look at both of those with a regularity bordering on obsessive at this point. The general trend is still up, up, up. The peak could be the 15th or 16th like the administration is projecting, or it could be up to a month later. So much we don’t know. And Italy lingering that long at their peak is pretty discouraging.
Rich Webb
I managed to put one of these together today on a decade’s old J.C.Penny brand sewing machine. Considering that the last thing I actually sewed — other than stuff like patching rips in jeans and repairing blown pant’s pockets — was a couple of ratty potholders sometime last century, it came out rather well.
Patterns and instructions at the link. Do watch the video; she goes through step-by-step and it was pretty easy to follow along.
Another Scott
@Mike in DC:
DC is predicting their case peak to be in July using the CHIME model.
CHIME model at Penn State.
There are still a lot of unknowns…
Mike and I drove to my aunt’s house on Sunday & picked up two masks she left out for us from a big batch she made. Aunt Kathy sews professionally, so they look good with a nice music print from her days of leading our community chorus.
@chris: Yep. Mr. Evodevo bought one at Lowe’s 3 weeks ago before all the feces hit the rotating device. He was planning on using it when we clean the dirt out of our store basement, but it turned out to be a serendipitous purchase. He wore it to WallyWorld last week, and our local denizens, who were only hoarding TP at that time, thought it was hilarious….he is having the last laugh now… our local yokels are finally getting with the program here in Ky. There are a lot of recalcitrant libertarians/wingers still, though.
Another Scott
In other news,
Good, good.
Elections, and good legislation, have consequences.
Steeplejack (phone)
“Pants-free since 2010.” I like the cut of their jib.
Our local group. One of many doing their bit.
@Rich Webb: The finished product looks good! Too bad I don’t sew. :-)
@Mary G: That’s awesome. And downstairs I was thanking you for another great link, I just don’t remember what it was! Sigh.
This fellow is very cute. Not sure if the rainbow lame’ jock strap can be washed in hot, though. Lol.
Rich Webb
@WaterGirl: My philosophy is that a sewing machine is just another power tool. It’s got a motor, cams, gears, and can make you bleed if you’re not careful. ?
@Rich Webb: that looks like the pattern I used which a local med center linked to. I made 14 of the kind with filter pockets for our tent setup crews this week. I’m planning on churning out more for our office staff & family & friends.
The written directions I used were pretty good, and the finished mask look better than I expected with my minimal sewing skills. I used elastic headbands from the dollar store and it’s more comfy than plain elastic bands around my head.
@Baud: Baud! 2020!: You can’t prove he did it!
@Steeplejack (phone): It’s a very good cut of a very good jib.
@Geoduck: I want one that can be worn with glasses! The sunken eyes look would really add to the creepiness. ?
I’m sure the employment contract for benefits-qualifying Hobby Lobby employees suck as much as the rest of the company practices, but it floors me that companies can actually do that. PTO and vacation are earned compensation the same as salary. Telling people they can’t use it when they’re still employed by the company strikes me as fairly blatant wage theft, since they should have the funds “in the bank” for the employee to call on at basically any time.
But then, this is America so… obviously not.
@lgerard: Lordy, I remember that episode. They had to wear the masks for a year in order to inherit from the family patriarch. He said the masks showed their inner selves. By the end of the year, when they took off the masks, their faces had changed to match them.
No, actually, I do not mean, like that.
Fair Economist
@Martin: Worldometer lets you get an exact snap for the previous day so I’d consider it preferable for trend modeling.
Fair Economist
@Mike in DC: Italy has distinct downtrends in both cases and deaths now, although they’re slow. Certainly not the near-symmetrical curves from the IHME model.
Pics or it didn’t happen, post it on imgurl. I want to see that Rush bandana, buddy!
@cain: Slap you with your bones, or it didn’t happen.
I bought a few cute ones on Etsy for myself, and some plain gray ones for G, because that’s how he rolls. ?
Cathie from Canada
You can also cut a circular band from a nylon stocking or a sock, and use that instead of an elastic band or hair tie. The nylon is more comfortable to wear around the ears.