The virus outbreak is compromising the ability of nations to prepare for natural disasters and deal with the aftermath.
— ABC News (@ABC) April 5, 2020
Even as Ecuador's coronavirus “patient zero” agonized in intensive care, strangers began tearing her reputation apart online.
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 4, 2020
Mexican health ministry registers 1,890 coronavirus cases, 79 deaths
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 5, 2020
Brazilian health officials grappling with the new coronavirus outbreak have issued a stark warning about a lack of hospital beds, masks, testing devices and trained staff across Latin America's largest nation.
— ABC News (@ABC) April 5, 2020
Guatemala bans internal travel for Easter to curb coronavirus spread
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 5, 2020
China mourns victims of coronavirus pandemic by observing a three-minute silence
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 4, 2020
Mainland China sees rise in new coronavirus cases
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 5, 2020
This is distressing news, insofar as it highlights the risk of a renewed outbreak in China, but it's also *not at all* what you'd expect from a government hellbent on deceiving the world and pretending that everything is under control.
— gabriel wildau (@gabewildau) April 1, 2020
The CCP may not even have command of China’s COVID numbers because it has stoked the bureaucratic pathologies that bury them.
— Mira Rapp-Hooper (@MiraRappHooper) April 3, 2020
Singapore has been one of the great success stories in countering @COVID19. But now it's experiencing new cases, not just from imported ones. A new 4-week lockdown. How hard it is to achieve control, avoid a 2nd wave
by @NiharikaSM and @felizysolo @WSJ— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) April 4, 2020
The provincial government of Jeju Island, South Korea, is suing a mother and daughter who visited the island on vacation despite the younger one having symptoms of coronavirus
— CNN (@CNN) April 4, 2020
Thailand reports 102 new coronavirus cases, three more deaths
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 5, 2020
Portugal has temporarily given all migrants and asylum seekers full citizenship rights, granting them full access to the country's healthcare as the outbreak of the novel coronavirus escalates in the country
— CNN (@CNN) April 5, 2020
Spain "close to passing the peak of infections" as number of coronavirus deaths falls for second day in a row, Spanish PM says
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 4, 2020
Italy reports drop in intensive care cases for first time since start of coronavirus outbreak
— The Independent (@Independent) April 4, 2020
PHOTO GALLERY: Meals for Paris' marginalized amid coronavirus.
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 4, 2020
According to figures released on Saturday by the Department of Health and Social Care, a total of 4,313 people have now died in the UK.
— CNN (@CNN) April 4, 2020
Sweden's liberal pandemic strategy questioned as Stockholm death toll mounts
— Reuters (@Reuters) April 4, 2020
Coronavirus: Why Dutch lockdown may be a high-risk strategy
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 4, 2020
Egyptian officials say at least 17 medics in the country’s main cancer hospital have been quarantined after testing positive for the coronavirus, raising fears the pandemic could prey on health facilities in the Arab world’s most populous country.
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 4, 2020
The UAE is using drones to help sanitize its cities amidst the coronavirus pandemic
— CNN (@CNN) April 5, 2020
Coronavirus crisis: Iran says low-risk economic activities to resume next week
— (@haaretzcom) April 5, 2020
Already in a 21-day #coronavirus lockdown, South Africa is now embarking on the widespread testing and quarantine campaign involving some 10,000 field workers who are being sent out into homes in villages, towns and cities to screen for symptoms
— AFP news agency (@AFP) April 4, 2020
Are you a journalist reporting amid the #COVID19 pandemic? Check out @pressfreedom's safety tips for:
• Pre-assignment
• Travel planning
• Avoiding infection
• Face masks
• Post-assignment— CPJ Africa (@CPJAfrica) April 5, 2020
Getting ready to spend billions of foundation money on factories for 5 vaccines that won’t work just so when the best 2 are fully tested and approved they can go into production immediately, no time wasted. And on the grasping hand we have the profiteers selling PPEs and masks to the highest bidder, regardless of need.
I don’t often say this about rich fucks but good on Gates and his wife and everyone at their foundation.
Jim Parish
Is anyone else bothered by the first sentence of the first AP story: “No one should ever have known :victim’s: name.”?
Street cleaning drones! (Gonna have to paint one Cubs colors and one White Sox colors.)
@Jim Parish: Seems problematic!
@Jim Parish: Picky picky…
Robert Sneddon
The Manhattan Project managers had to make a choice — they had three competing engineering solutions to enrich uranium to make a bomb, they were gaseous diffusion, the calutron mass spectrometer and centrifuges but the engineers didn’t know which one would be best. Rather than mess around trying to figure it out they built production-level setups for all three methods and ran them for years because there was a war to be won and cost be damned.
The world needs a vaccine for this disease — it’s already making a comeback in the Far East after the first peak of infections has died down — and if we have to throw away a dozen candidate vaccines, shutter a dozen billion-dollar vaccine manufacturing plants because their candidate didn’t make the cut then that’s what we need to do.
Oh yeah, and we need to stay at home and wash our hands. Masks will not save you.
And that is what Gates and company are doing and that is why I said good on them.
ETA too bad we don’t have a president who would do this.
@OzarkHillbilly: Jared’s on it!
Amir Khalid
Malaysia’s daily numbers. 179 new cases (current cases 3,662), 4 deaths (total deaths 61). The Health Ministry’s director-general is warning that the numbers for new cases reported in Malaysia may rise as more testing is being done at infection hotspots.
“Singapore has been one of the great success stories in countering @COVID19. But now it’s experiencing new cases, not just from imported ones. A new 4-week lockdown. How hard it is to achieve control, avoid a 2nd wave”
Singapore is really having a first wave, not a second wave. What I want to see is cases like Lombardi and Wuhan and Spain and see what happens when they eventually open up. Will places that were ravaged still have enough vulnerable people to have the potential for a horrid second wave or will they basically be over it? I’m hoping that it’s closer to the latter obviously.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Only if one wasn’t paying attention that that it didn’t add up that China only claims 3,000 dead from this virus, which is bizarrely low compared to other countries and less than the number of deaths the US gets in a typical flue season. If the China the largest country on earth, felt the need to shut down for two months, that means something seriously bad was happening.
We’ve seen this with Trump, Fox News and Fundamentalist Churches here in real time; authoritarians always lie about bad news, the CCP is an authoritarian state.
What can they do when every single Rush Limbaugh talking point has been trashed by the pandemic?
So they desperately lie and do nothing: because that’s been an increasing addiction for forty years of Reagan Revolution. The cure for dealing with reality…
@mrmoshpotato: Jared is only on it if the government buys the failed options for twice what his brother pays to build them.
The street cleaning drones look remarkably like Terminator Hunter-Killers?
@zzyzx: I was talking to a family member a couple of days ago and said that the US will almost certainly have to go through multiple lockdowns. They hadn’t heard that. A competent Federal response would include getting that news out, but I suppose we can’t expect that.
No, we can’t.
a) Doing the smart thing would be what a Pointy Headed Liberal would do.
b) It would interfere with the free market scooping up money with medical equipment stolen from taxpayers. Which for this White House… is the whole point of the enterprise.
The deals they are doing! So bigly!
trump losing Florida because their state unemployment office is designed not to pay out money to people.
sweet. Do not count chickens.
I am surprised Betty Cracker has not noticed that article.
TS (the original)
Betty was right on top of it just a day or so ago
@TS (the original): Trust the internet to correct any of one’s misconceptions!
TS (the original)
Sure is typical GOP – design a computer system to deliberately fail those it is designed to assist – so Scott’s unemployment looks good & employers pay less taxes. They voted this imbecile into the Senate & he’s probably there for life.
Love it. Headline in the NY Review of Books about our ridiculous Trump:
Vector in Chief.
That is what I am calling him from here on out. Trump or Vector in Chief. He is not my president.
YY_Sima Qian
The Jia county lock down is due to four recent cases, where a symptomatic confirmed case was apparently infected by an asymptomatic case. Further contact tracing uncover two more asymptomatic cases. What triggered the shut down is the fact that the three asymptomatic cases are all doctors in a local hospital, who may have seen a number of patients before they were screened and tested positive. Discussions surround these cases helped push the China National Health Commission to start publishing asymptomatic case data from Apr. 1. The local and provincial government is trying to nip a potential outbreak in the bud. We all should expect these kind of events as the new normal even after the epidemic is substantially suppressed, until vaccines are widely available.
As for reliability of Chinese data, those from early Jan. to Jan. 20 out of Wuhan were clearly false. No new cases were reported from the Wuhan municipal health commission and CDC during those two fateful weeks, as all of the officials were preoccupied with municipal and provincial party congresses. Retrospective investigations by Chinese media have shown at least two hundred new cases duringnthose two weeks, including nosocomial transmission. The first experts group sent by the National Health Commission in early Jan. probably did not have enough data to draw a lot of conclusions. The second group was sent in mid-Jan. (along with experts from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and WHO’s Beijing Office), and the local authorities clearly withheld case information and data of the outbreak, pressuring local hospitals to participate in their deception. Hence the infamous official pronouncement on Jan. 15, echoed by the WHO, that there was only evidence of limited human to human transmission, not yet evidence of sustained human to human transmission. The third group sent a week later finally poked through the veil of obfuscation and made public on Jan. 20 that human to human transmission was a real danger. Three days later, Wuhan was on lock down, followed by all of Hubei province a few days later.
I would say the data from late Jan. on in Hubei is about as accurate as the authorities are able to manage at the time. Limited test kits, limited lab capacity and inaccurate test meant many cases and many deaths were missed, same as every other place overwhelmed by the rapidly escalating epidemic. On the other hand, China is the only nation to date to use clinical diagnosis to confirm cases, until testing was no longer bottleneck. This action cleared 15K cases from the pending suspect pool and added them to the confirmed count. Hardly the action of a government actively looking to suppress numbers. Other actions including daily checks by community workers on the temperatures of each household, banning the sale of medicine that alleviate fevers, so anyone with symptoms had to go to fever clinics to be screened, rigorous contact racing even at the height of the epidemic in Wuhan to try to uncover cases and cut transmissions chains. Other than South Korea, Germany and perhaps Israel, no other country facing a large outbreak is doing the above.
It is always advisable to maintain a healthy skepticism of Chinese data and claims, and focus on the actions taken by the regime. However, to entirely dismiss all the lessons learned and shared by China (positive and negative), because of ideological moralizing, ultimately is counter productive. South Korea took pages out of the Chinese playbook by mobilizing the country to wartime footing, and isolating all cases in medical quarantine. While Italy’s lock down of the north was late epidemiologically, it was earlier than I expected. Would they have done so without the precedent from Hubei? NYT called the Wuhan lock down gross violation of human right. Convention centers and arenas across Europe and the US are being converted to makeshift medical facilities, following example set by Wuhan. The same NYT likened these makeshift facilities at Wuhan to WW II internment camps.
Miss Bianca
@YY_Sima Qian: I always appreciate your reports. Thank you!
Cathie from Canada
I think likely Trump is screaming at his staff to find more Chinese cases, because he thinks that this is how he can get out from under the ignominy of America having the highest COVID numbers in the world.
@YY_Sima Qian: I appreciate these, too.
Did I read correctly that a medical team from Taiwan was included ina commision on Hubei?
Ignoring politics for a medical emergency is impressive. Not what we expect in the US of A, anymore.
J R in WV
@YY_Sima Qian:
The same NYT called Mr Adolph Hitler a delightful artistic individual well suited to lead Germany out of the depression that set in after WW I back in 1922. So the Times is still on top of political issues after all those years!!! Their fawning article is (was?) available on their archive site.
There’s also a later one about his hideaway in the Bavarian Alps, how delightful the architectural design is. That one was run in 1938. They loved that guy !!
ETA: Thanks for your reporting from ground zero in this moving tragedy. So glad you survived your bout with the Trump Plague in Wuhan.
@YY_Sima Qian:
Thank you, super-informative!
If the info from China is suspect I expect everything from Russia to be the inverse of reality. IDK if their vast geography helps matters or assures there will be pockets of outbreaks for at least a year. Or two, or three?
Turns out our area’s very large Slavic community not only represents a third of all local cases, they’re quite active antivaxxers and as part of the package, anti-gay. Hooray!
@Robert Sneddon: Masks might save you. Staying home is great. But not everyone can do it and few can do it continuously for weeks on end.
@Cathie from Canada: The loss of 250,000 lives can be claimed as a great victory so long as a country with at least three times our population and a much less expensive health care system can be shown to have 250,001 deaths. I hate Trump.
Robert Sneddon
@Jinchi: Professionally-manufactured and tested disposable masks worn correctly with other trained people around and supervisors double-checking fit and use has resulted in thousands of front-line medical personnel around the world contracting COVID-19.
Home-made masks worn in a slapdash manner by Joe Public are like the folks who carried a piece of the True Cross or an amulet blessed by the Pope to ward off plague in the day, and like those powerful protections those masks will actually do little other than provide false confidence and get people sick.
Wash your hands, stay at home.
J R in WV
My last visit to my family doctor [who is both a family practice board cert Dr, but also a board cert Gerontologist] he told me of a patient he had years ago.
Was being treated for leukemia, had immune system blasted out of existence in the course of chemo, then somehow caught the flu… plain old flu. Dies in less than 24 hours, was in a negative pressure hospital suite, everyone was wearing “monkey suits” as Doc put it. Everyone caught the flu that was on the same floor of the hospital.
Doc was down for 2 weeks, all the docs were sick, all the nurses were sick. Because the patient had no immunity at all, she produced an enormous volume of virus which overwhelmed high-end personal protective equipment. Even the undertakers who took her away were all infected.
Horrible story, but educational a little bit. I leave out the worst details, believe me.
YY_Sima Qian
@catclub: There have always been mechanisms to for informal information sharing across the Taiwan Strait, established after the SARS epidemic. When the relations are cordial, these channels are wide open, when the relations are in deep freeze, these channels are constructed (but not closed, just reduced to a lower level). There are also agreed mechanisms for the WHO to share information with Taiwan during international health emergencies, but Taiwan wants to be acknowledged public ally as a nation state by the WHO, which is no going to happen.
Why are people worried about a second or third wave? In a few months we should have enough tests produced to test every American, every two weeks. Also we should all have a tracking device with us at all times, cellphone or ankle bracelet. That way anyone testing positive and all their contacts for the last two weeks can be traced and isolated also. That would have stopped the first wave if instituted in February by a competent president. Will Democrats sit on their thumbs and allow this to continue. Nancy, just do it.