Let’s end the night on a sweet note.
I walked into the bedroom to see this. I’m not sure what’s going on, but check out that awesome tail. ❤
A little respite open thread. I hope you’re all hanging in there.
by TaMara| 30 Comments
This post is in: Something Good Open Thread
Let’s end the night on a sweet note.
I walked into the bedroom to see this. I’m not sure what’s going on, but check out that awesome tail. ❤
A little respite open thread. I hope you’re all hanging in there.
Comments are closed.
As a west coaster, I reject your premature attempt to call it a day.
TaMara (HFG)
@JaySinWA: Well, I’m going to do a workout and then do a bit more work, but you just never know how long it will be between posts.
Dogs and Cats living together! Mass Hysteria!
Heck, yeah. Sitting here it’s still late afternoon, barely into ‘acceptable’ drinkin’ time.
Do they make a good mattress, Tamara? ?
The floofiest pillow?
@NotMax: It’s 5 o’clock somewhere (in the middle of the Pacific).
Gabe and Scout!
Mary G
The other day I posted results of the Getty Center’s challenge to social isolators to replicate famous works of art with household items. Here are some (more than three) copied to Twitter from a Russian FB page:
Also, Mollie O’Cathein’s parents Liz and Brian are doing one painting a day:
That calls for a serendipitous bar recipe.
@Mary G
Suppose one could replicate Jackson Pollock by using food coloring…
They are so sweet.
I did get a laugh from brother in law today when I picked up firewood from him, with desperately need personal conversation with him and my sister – at suitable distance of course. He said said Lebanon* hillbillies are still out and about, oblivious, and said natural selection will ensue – said I know these people. He retired from UPS as a master mechanic after thirty years, I’ll take his word for it. I said, been my impression that hillbillies are pretty hard to kill off. He ruminated on this for about thirty seconds and said yeah, you’re right, it’s sad – great people are dying and those motherfuckers are like cockroaches – short of using a fire axe, flamethrowers and tactical air support you can’t get rid of them.
*Lebanon being the county seat where he lives.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@danielx: Shotgun axe or GTFO.
I took a bike ride tiday, very wide path so social distancing was good. I rode by the local Harley bar and it was open and busy. Even saw two guys do the “hey bro, how ya doing?” handshake /hug. Why are bars open?
I suspect Darwin will be visiting.
Amir Khalid
Are the bars supposed to be closed where you are?
joel hanes
As seen from the left coast, Saturday and Sunday evenings are sort of a blog-post desert.
Guess I’ll go read a book.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant):
There’s that. I’ve been rethinking MY priorities over the last couple of weeks, you bet, on a number of fronts. Naturally, everything is crystal clear when viewed through the retrospectoscope.
since spouse and i are in the medical/clinical support field, we’ve been working from home for the past three weeks (I’ve been a remote commuter for the last five years) and since AZ has been slow off the dime, we’ve been self quarantining just because we’re tapped into what is ongoing… so its been for the last three weekends of one day outdoor stuff, one day indoor stuff… as a result, we’re clearing away the desert that has been perpetually creeping on the driveway (let me tell ya, taking out cholla is an absolute pain in the ass) and slowly but surely, the spouse is making headway on her own version of Kondoizing the remainder of the house…
so in a way, its just refocusing on doing the homeowner stuff that is so easy to let slide… figure there’s no better time to do the projects and cleanup that get left waiting and if we’re lucky, they’ll still be items on the “to do” list once things try to settle into a new normal…
so trying to say to try and find any kind of silver lining of tackling the items that always need doing but always slip off the list because… reasons, or you can sit back and go through your music collection and rediscover something long forgotten or a book in your library to enjoy that journey once again….
@Mary G: She has awesome parents, and they all are pretty darn talented!!!
Steeplejack (phone)
Bad link.
@Steeplejack (phone): It’s the lack of long pants.
@mrmoshpotato: The proper term is “Tactical Gear”.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Ah no. For you see, Steep never mentions long pants, but merely ‘pants’. ?
“The Dream,” James P. Johnson quartet
That does it, Mister Whiskers, our tiger, is sleeping in the garage for the duration. I don’t care how cranky he gets.
Whoopsie doodle dandy. Fixed link.
The few minutes was going to shut the eyes for somehow became four hours.
Amir Khalid
I am sorry to hear that a Malaysian living abroad has Covid-19. Poor kitty.
@danielx: Lebanon, Ohio?
J R in WV
Regarding Hillbillies and their work ethic:
We know lots of people what work far harder to be self-employed than any realistic job would require. Think of the guy cutting firewood and selling it beside the highway for $75 a truckload. Or the guy who drives up into the far steep hillsides to dig ramps, to sell by the roadside for $4 a little bundle.
The hardest working guy I know farms, has cattle and raises pigs, grows pretty much all the veggies they eat, all the meat they eat, and cuts his own timber and saws it on his own sawmill ( its an antique mostly cast iron turn of the last century mill with a new Detroit Diesel 3-cyl engine — he also has a much newer mill with a traveling chain saw on rails above the log ) he bought the iron bits and built the rest of the mill with timber and lumber from his farm.
He also built a 3 story home, every bit of wood sawed on his mill, and a smaller 3 story for his little sister nearby. I helped on that project when amateur hands would help. Mixing and pouring a basement floor, hanging 4×8 siding on the exterior walls, etc.
I don’t recall that younger sis thanked anyone for building her a new house, either. I don’t think she thanked her brother, either. She asked him to pay her for the house he built when she left back to her NOVA parents home to care for her mom, also too. Amazing how entitled some people become!