Yikes, man pic.twitter.com/j865cLe0mU
— Nobou (@NouveauBougee) April 5, 2020
Maybe Erik ‘Voice of the GOP Gated Community’ Erickson really *is* that clueless! Or then again, given that he lives a short distance from the Stone Mountain Memorial, mabye he just felt a need to compete with all the other Repub racists now so prominent in the news media. Surely negative attention is better than no attention…
You should protect yourself when you hang the lights. Maybe drape a white sheet over your face and body. For protection. https://t.co/WNlXPOuQFG
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) April 5, 2020
"The blogger noted he "added the lights" to the cross, which set his social media critics ablaze with Ku Klux Klan comparisons and questions about the racial significance behind placing what appears to be a "burning cross" in one's yard." https://t.co/G6z5PSPVhZ
— STOP tRumpnado ?? (@Trumpnado2016) April 6, 2020
But the trolls have not only decided it is not a nice thought, but have overrun my social media feed to accuse me of being in the KKK. First, I’d like to thank God my first thoughts are not the thoughts of internet trolls. Second, overwhelmingly the trolls aren’t even Christian.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) April 5, 2020
"You aren't allowed to critique burning a cross if you aren't christian" is a new one https://t.co/RVF1ejETjl
— Gorilla Warfare (@MenshevikM) April 5, 2020
Tell us Erick. Tell us what happens to Jews. https://t.co/9HfAN3dF0D
— Staying inside to own the virus (@agraybee) April 6, 2020
So @EWErickson has apologized for his insensitivity and made amends by putting friendship lanyards in his neighbors’ trees pic.twitter.com/IK7cUVqAPq
— NotADoctorHat (@Popehat) April 5, 2020
Really Erick, I don’t care what you think will happen to me if I don’t believe in your fairy tales. Because you know, it’s a fairy tale.
Erick, son of Erick, apparently is that clueless. Barring that, he’s just decided to fly his f-ing freak flag as high as corn in Kansas. If this is really “The Stand” in real time, he obviously thinks he’s safe.
Really? Your religion teaches that people who don’t believe in it will suffer a terrible fate?
That’s so original!
This is why I read nonfiction–you can’t make this s*** up!
Adam L Silverman
Nothing like explaining away one’s racism by being anti-Semitic.
I really don’t want to join their book club. They seem kind of harsh. Plus I don’t think many of them have actually read it.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, he should quit trying to explain…
But to be “fair”, the photo looks like it was taken at night, so the lights on the cross are over-exposed. Making them look much more conflagration-like than it likely looks in person.
But why should we be fair to him??
Matthew 6:5 has some words of wisdom for Erik…
He’s intellectually challenged, rigid and unable to see another POV, but he’s not stupid enough not to recognize what that “flaming” cross means. I’d bet a substantial sum that he’s on board with the implied racist threat. It was his idea to add the lights!
J R in WV
How does this walking turd know that his opponents are even Christian? That isn’t something that shows in your typing tweets, is it?
And what did he expect, lighting up a cross in Dixie wouldn’t be thought of as KKK related activity? What else could it be, anyways???
Is this guy related to the Trump family? Somehow?
@Another Scott: I’ve always been a big fan of the second chapter of 2 Kings. What can I say, I just like bears.
Modly is backpedalling as fast as he can from his trashing of Capt. Crozier. What a bunch of clowns.
@TheOtherHank: 2 Kings, do they know 2 Corinthians?
@tom: Modly made Trump look bad. There was probably a lot of behind the scenes screaming at the White House today.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: They do!
@Another Scott: Luke 6
” Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven “
And Mark 7
” Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. “
open thread. Cool. Day 1 of my 4 days off and I spent majority of the day spring cleaning and binge-watching Umbrella Academy!
Dangit why nobody ain’t tell me how good Umbrella Academy was! I’ve been binge watching for the past 6 hours…and I CAN’T STOP WATCHING an I still got 3 eps to go! Feels so great having time off to binge watch shows I’ve missed!
So glad they finished filming season 2
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: the draft-dodging sociopath stood up in front of the country and said that a military commander expressing concern for the well-being– the lives– of the personnel serving under him was “weak”.
James Mattis continues to approve by his silence
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: It is a terrible picture. But the real issue is instead of him responding with: “Got it, that doesn’t look appropriate, I understand why people are upset, etc, etc” he just has to double and triple down, because he’s the most victimized person from the most victimized ethnic and religious group in American history.
He’s trolling. That quote about “light shining in the dark” is pure snark.
Interesting that he feels secure enough in the present day that he is comfortable condemning non-Christians for all eternity out loud.
Sometimes it’s hard to admit I’m a Christian.
@J R in WV: Maybe this is “Remember the Lost Cause” Month in Georgia and it is a holiday decoration. More likely a publicity stunt so Erwik could play the oppressed Christian that had Easter stolen by the libs.
Splitting Image
I’m trying to decide whether the guy who called David Souter a goat-fucking child molester was unaware of how a burning cross on his lawn would be received outside his Twitter feed or whether he knew what he was doing and was asshole enough to do it anyway.
@Groucho48: That would be my take on it. He’s not dumb, and he’s not Martha Stewart. Probably needs to quit drunk-tweeting.
Roger Moore
I don’t know, but I’ve heard you should avoid watching 2 Kings, 1 Cup.
joel hanes
He believes he is owning the libs.
No further explanation is required.
TS (the original)
I have NEVER heard of people “lighting up crosses” to celebrate Easter. The cross was carried on the backs of those who were to die – it is no symbol of celebration. These people are racist, from the first hair on the head to the tip of their toes.
Jesus wept.
Captain C
I notice that in Erick Bin Erick’s tweet here that while he’s quick to outrage, he doesn’t exactly deny an affinity for the Klan.
hells littlest angel
It’s hard to believe that the man who bragged about turning on every light in his house to mock Earth Day could be such a jerk.
Friendship lanyards. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Haven’t read the book but pretty darn sure Jesus was a carpenter and not an electrician.
Uncle Jeffy
@jl: “wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
That’s why I recognize so many members of the Trump maladministration!
@NotMax: I’ve read quite a bit of it, and I don’t remember him doing much carpentry, but he was an amazing caterer, and he seemed to have a sideline in wine making.
Speaking of Easter decor, gosharoonie.
I think popehat has zoomed passed that place called “No Fucks Left To Give,” and settled down in “Shouting it out at the top of your lungs.”
@lamh36: I really enjoyed Umbrella Academy. A little formulaic, BUT still really enjoyed it! Like all the rest of the shows I really like, THEY NEED TO HURRY THE HECK UP! :)
@lamh36: You’re just getting to the best part. UA was a lot of fun and can’t wait for the next season.
“So these 2 Kings and 2 Corinthians walk into a bar …”
Hmm … I think Ozark’s a carpenter, and I don’t recall ever seeing him and Jesus in the same room at the same time … hmmm …
Apropos of nothing in particular: after the discussion of Moron Gaetz’s Backpfeifengesicht the other day, I was thinking his face looked vaguely familiar. Now, I ain’t a-sayin’ he and Erickson are look-alikes, but they could be cousins.
@NotMax: I heard about the carpenter bit, too, but never anything about him having actually built anything. I heard about him heading east to “study”, or something, and that he then hung out with a bunch of guys who, from the sound of it, did performance art. I think he was more like, “Yeah, yeah, I’ve built some stuff and I’ll have to show you sometime, but what I think is more important, and is everyone’s right, is Universal Eternal Life.”
Is it wrong for me to wonder if the dude sounded like Bernie?
Wow. I know Erik SonofErik is a moron, but this is a whole new level of stupid.
I wonder if he thought about setting the arms and top – and bottom – on fire. To represent burning Advent candles, of course.
@hells littlest angel:
“What you gonna do about it! – planet?”
@SFAW: “Lisa, I’d like to buy your rock.” -Homer Simpson
@smike: If I remember the only guys who did carpentry in that book were the Romans, somewhere towards the end. And that was really basic stuff, just a couple of planks and some nails.
The Moar You Know
Erick ain’t stupid.
There is a specific term that the Klan uses to refer to cross burning.
They call it “illuminating a cross”.
Erick knows that.
That’s like growing radishes to keep the wolverines off your land. Which is a valid agricultural/farming practice in places like Long Island, but not sure where else. Be that as it may, your example is not applicable.
A better example would be one provided by Art Buchwald: around 1969 he posited that Paul McCartney and Spiro Agnew might be the same person, because no one had ever seen the two of them in the same room at the same time.
He was waiting for the excavation and foundation guys to finish.
James E Powell
@TS (the original):
I’ve seen crosses made of the palm fronds from Palm Sunday put on the door. Or flowers & greens arranged in cross-shaped bouquets, also on doors. But I have never heard of people displaying large crosses, lighted or otherwise, on their front lawns for Easter or any other Christian holiday.
@James E Powell:
Erick the Vile would say “Oh, yeah? What about Christ-all-
nachtnight? Answer me THAT, libtard!”John Revolta
@SFAW: “Okay buddy, we’re gonna scourge you now. Bring me a switch.”
“Fuck you, that’s the electrician’s job.”
@James E Powell
Maybe, just maybe, a side effect of the virus’ lifestyle modification will be to keep the wacko zealots in the Philippines from gathering to actually be nailed to a cross this year.
@John Revolta:
Thanks for that. Still laughing.
Anne Laurie
In a clan where, as Jeff Foxworthy said, the family tree don’t fork.
Anne Laurie
In the Christian faith, supposedly, the Easter season (Lent through Pentecost Sunday, forty days after Easter) is supposed to be the big serious Faith Event around which the liturgical year turns. When I was growing up in the Catholic church, the ‘annual obligation’ of all congregants was to make confession & take the Eucharist during that 80-day period; failing to do so was a sin that would need absolution by formal confession. It didn’t preclude ‘respectful’ celebrations — Easter baskets, Easter bonnets, crosses made from Palm Sunday fronds — but unlike Xmas, families actually got lectured from the pulpit about going too far with secular decorations.
American Protestants have, for whatever reasons, largely repurposed Xmas to be their ‘significant’ holiday. Thus, the annual ‘war on Christmas’ snitfests from the Very Publicly Pious, like wanna-be-Pastor Erik E.
The Dominican sisters who taught me would sniff that Erickson’s jumped-up off-brands had switched their worship from a God made Man, someone Who chose to work, suffer, and die quite horribly for others’ sins… into an adorable media celebrity baby whose big achievement was getting born to the right parents!
Steeplejack (phone)
Social distancing is not working!
@Anne Laurie:
Even though I’m a lifelong atheist, (I think) I know enough about Christianity to know that the whole religion ain’t centered around his birth. Does that make me more Christian than Erick and those other mooks? That’s a scary thought.
Poe Larity
It just doesn’t work without some Swastika fire pinwheels, or maybe a rebel flag background.
Lacuna Synecdoche
Close. He’s gonna put candles on the arms and top so it can double as a token Hanukah menorah at Christmas time.
Sloane Ranger
Yeah, and the irony is he went all the way to Guam to insult Captain Crozier and tell the crew they should have just died quietly because he thought he was kissing Trump’s fat arse in doing so. He’s only back peddling now because Trump started back peddling when he came under pressure from reporters at last nights ego boosting rally, aka briefing.
@Zelma: How did Gandhi put it? “Your Christ I admire. Your Christians…not so much.”
@TS (the original): honestly, they’re not uncommon. my parents retired to a lake that’s out in the country out in Alabama and it’s not that uncommon to see a cross with white lights. They are often up year round. More common during Xmas.