(Iron Brigade Forward – 2nd Wisconsin Infantry Led By General John Reynolds – Battle Of Gettysburg painting by Mark Maritato)
Earlier today the US Supreme Court, which has cancelled oral arguments for the first time since the 1918 FT Riley flu pandemic and can’t figure out how to use Zoom, Google hangouts, or the secure system that the Intel Community is using to telework, ruled 5-4 that Wisconsin would not be allowed to extend the deadline for absentee/vote by mail votes to be returned. The 5 Republican appointed justices overruled two lower Federal court rulings. In conjunction with the partisan 4-2 ruling from the Wisconsin Supreme Court that Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers does not have the power to unilaterally move tomorrow’s presidential primary, as well as state judicial, other state and local elections, this means that Wisconsin’s elections will go on as schedule tomorrow. No matter how deadly that may be. And no matter how many voters might be disenfranchised because they are either too scared to go out and risk infection to vote or because election officials have had to close the vast majority of Wisconsin’s polling places.
Wiscon needs our help. Ben Wikler, the chair of the Wisconsin Democratic Party has been doing yeoman’s work for months to prevent the created by an egregious partisan gerrymander Republican majority state legislature and state Supreme Court from screwing around with the elections for Republican partisan purposes. Both the presidential primary and state and local elections tomorrow and the general election in November. Wikler has put out an appeal for help. And you don’t have to live in Wisconsin to heed his call.
If you are ready to commit yourself to the fight for local offices—especially state legislative races and judgeships—here are three things you can do right now:
Give, if you can: https://t.co/GjN0ea1bEN
Make calls: https://t.co/E4Tyl4sbEl
Text voters: https://t.co/h9n09eXent— Ben Wikler (@benwikler) April 7, 2020
So if you have some time tomorrow and are willing to make some calls or texts, go to the links below and help out. The earlier the better would probably be most helpful.
This shouldn’t be partisan, but the Wisconsin Republican majority state legislature, the Republican state supreme court justices, and the Republican appointees on the US Supreme Court have decided that they, to quote President Lincoln from his Cooper Union speech, are only interest in ruling or ruining.
Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events.
To make phone calls, use this link.
To send texts, use this link.
What Wikler wants everyone to do who can make calls and/or texts is to tell Wisconsin voters:
If you have an absentee ballot in Wisconsin, you have to either put it in the mail so that it’s postmarked tomorrow, Tuesday 4/7, or drop it off in person by 8pm at your clerk’s office. It must arrive by Monday, 4/13.
Open thread!
Just phucking DEMONS???
Adam L Silverman
On the one hand, Paul Ryan. On the other hand, Omnes Omnibus.
The governor should order the state police to close polling stations because they are non-essential. If SCOTUS is going to rule that people who applied for but did not yet receive their absentee ballots because of the pandemic can just lose their right to vote, then everybody else in the state can also lose their right to vote because of the pandemic. There’s plenty of time to reschedule the election … and everybody will have received their absentee ballots by then.
We really, really, really, really, really don’t want to go there as a precedent.
Joe Hooker wasted them but I sure as fuck wore No. 19 when first given the chance to choose a football jersey number (full disclosure, Lance Alworth played a role in that choice as well)
I could have gone with a Pennsylvania regimental number (including my great-grandfather’s cavalry regiment) but Bruce Catton and Shelby Foote told me of the Iron Brigade.
I killed a lot of fucking rebels with a broomstick-rifled-musket in the backyard of a Yankee home.
This is where the real Civil War happens. Not in Dixie as we expected.
Tomorrow the city of Milwaukee will not have the usual 180 polling places open. There will be five. They did have drive-thru voting for a while where many people cast ballots. I voted at the city hall in my suburb on Friday.
Fair Economist
Too late. DeWine already did, in defiance of a court order.
And dollars to donuts will still lag behind the rest of the state in reporting results.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Serious question: what possible justification could they have to rule this way? I think Evers should tell the Jackass Five on the SCOTUS and the Fuckhead Four on the Wisconsin Supreme Court to go pound sound and close polling stations anyway
They’ve made their ruling, now let them enforce it! How many divisions does the Supreme Court have?
Adam L Silverman
@Fair Economist: Evers has that authority under the public health emergency. Basically he’d be cancelling the election de facto, not de jure. But at that point the GOP majority legislature would most likely sue in the state courts, with immediate appeal to the Wisconsin state supreme court, that the absentee ballots should still be counted and as a result the results of those absentee ballots constitute the election. The expectation is that the majority of the absentee ballots will be Republican votes.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): From election law expert Rick Hasen:
West of the Rockies
With Republicans, it is just one horrible, zero-integrity move after another. I am trying to recall a serious Democratic misfire that revealed such levels of disdain for public safety, or was (like so many Republican laws and policies) obviously on the wrong side of science and basic honor.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s self-serving bullshit and the Wisconsin Governor should ignore the Supreme Court’s illegitimate ruling and reschedule the election. What’s the SCOTUS going to do? Write another opinion?
Are there any republicans on the ballot? If so, aren’t republicans at just as much risk voting in person? If not, then won’t the Democratic votes still prevail? I’m truly scratching my head over why it’s so important to vote in person tomorrow.
We shall never know how may R ballots have “ANYBODY BUT” written in next to you know who’s name.
Adam L Silverman
@Jackie: There is a state supreme court election tomorrow. The incumbent was appointed by Scott Walker. He is being challenged by a Democratic lower state court judge. The term is ten years. If the Democratic challenger wins, then she’ll join the two other Democratic judges on the state supreme court and cut the Republican majority from 5-2 to 4-3.
@Jackie: Meaning, the mail-in ballots will be counted, regardless. It’s more a Biden vs Sanders vote than anything else?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Trump could order the Federal government to stop them from violating the USSC order.
@Adam L Silverman: So that means republicans also have to expose themselves to potential coronavirus exposure by voting in person. That’s what befuddles me.??♀️
@Jackie: Less in-person voting and more absentee voting which usually skews Republican.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
It’s funny that neither the Supreme Court or Trump have directly intervened in Ohio after DeWine postponed that election
Adam L Silverman
Every person out there and being active and getting this stuff out there is saying “fuck you to the conservative supreme court”
Adam L Silverman
@Jackie: Here’s the explainer on the absentee ballot situation:
James E Powell
What happened to the white people in Wisconsin that they elect not just Republicans but these Dystopian Republicans?
Adam L Silverman
@Jackie: Yes, but…
Right now the highest concentrations of returned absentee ballots are from the Republican dominated counties. Waukesha and one other Republican dominated county. So the worry is that even if Republicans don’t show up and vote tomorrow in person, they’ve already banked enough absentee ballot votes to win. Moreover, Milwaukee will only have a dozen or so polling places open tomorrow, when they normally have a couple of hundred. You do the voter suppression math.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Adam L Silverman:
This is fucking bullshit. If that Repuke asshole “wins” the Court race, he shouldn’t be allowed to take office
@James E Powell
Grilled cheese overdose?
Adam L Silverman
@James E Powell: #NeverTrumper Charlie Sykes and his RightWisconsin project funded by the Kochs happened to Wisconsin.
Adam L Silverman
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): He’s already in office.
Adam L Silverman
Folks, you all know what to do if you have the time and the ability.
I’m going to rack out. Catch everyone on the flip.
@Adam L Silverman: OMG!??♀️
How is this even legal AFTER absentee ballots were received via the “normal aka legal” laws?
I’ll jump in and make phone calls and do whatever I can do to help. I’m very grateful to live in a blue state – even though I live in a very red county of WA.
Fuckers. I’ll try to do some texting tomorrow, but I just sent the WI Dems $50 since it sounds like they’ll need it.
Thanks again to the 31,000 Wisconsin assholes who decided to vote for Stein in 2016 instead of Hillary. Too bad you didn’t think the makeup of the Supreme Court was something that would ever affect your life.
The Republican-dominated Wisconsin Supreme Court will decide it’s legal because it benefited them, and they don’t give a shit about anything other than retaining power.
Shaky extrapolation as there is no way to determine how those votes may have split had Stein not been on the ballot, or even what number of those votes would not have been cast at all in such a case. Assuming all or most would have gone to Clinton is unsupported by evidence.
Raven Onthill
@James E Powell: There aren’t any other Republicans left. It is a fascist party now.
“After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?” – Bertolt Brecht, “The Solution”
“Give me liberty. Or give me death. Or, heck, just come to Wisconsin. Where on election day you can have both.” – @NeinQuarterly
@James E Powell:
Racism. Racism happened.
@Mnemosyne: ??
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Raven Onthill
“Politics would be a helluva good business if it weren’t for the goddamned people.”
— Richard Nixon
@NotMax: What a dick!
He was a strange and nasty piece of work. A couple more:
@NotMax: I’ve been in the room ol’ Tricky Dick was born in.
@NotMax: Oh Tricky Dick.
Did he think politics could exist without living beings?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And are you happy or endlessly ashamed of this fact? :)
@mrmoshpotato: No worries, he’s buried a few feet away.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Soooo happily, endlessly ashamed? ?
@mrmoshpotato: I made a point of visiting both Presidential Libraries in the area, Tricky Dick’s in the OC and Ronnie’s out in Simi.
ETA: Ronnie’s gravesite has a sign warning of rattlesnakes.
Booked the trip through the Blech & Blech travel agency?
It also has a sign warning you that they have security cameras in case you want to express your feelings in an, er, inappropriate way.
I think I just went with a simple middle finger.
In LA we’ve been told not only to stay home, but Stay Inside for the next week.
@NotMax: Just hopped in the ol’ Pruis.
@Mnemosyne: I just took pictures, cause that’s what I do.
“Reagan is not one that wears well. On a personal basis, Rockefeller is a pretty nice guy, Reagan on a personal basis, is terrible. He just isn’t pleasant to be around. He’s just an uncomfortable man to be around…strange.”
– Richard Nixon
@NotMax: I’ve only see one guy that’s sat in the Oval, that was Tricky Dick a few months before he died.
Holy cow. Massive, loud rainstorm suddenly underway outside.
@NotMax: That’s what ya get for quoting Dick Nixon.
ETA: We had the rain this morning, 2″ outside the cave.
And that’s how Bill’s star-sickers-on-appliances photo series started. :)
ETA – do the rattlesnakes piss on Ronnie’s grave?
@mrmoshpotato: I’ve got lots of old stuff that I’m revisiting.
On your ETA, I’m not going to pick one up and ask.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The bite on the nose wouldn’t answer your question anyway!
How has Obama failed me today, rolling tags?
Well, I just got a craving for garlic bread out of nowhere, and I don’t have any. :(
@mrmoshpotato: I’ve got garlic bread, but I can’t leave the house.
@mrmoshpotato: Nope, I’d just end up at Los Robles.
Mike S
Sounds just like the Bush v Gore decision. ‘Very narrow. Doesn’t apply to anything that may help democrats.’
Virtual satisfaction.
@NotMax: Chef John from FoooooooodWishes.com with… That’s right!
I’ll have to turn that into culinary satisfaction in the near future.
@Fair Economist: “DeWine did”. I call BS on that. I know a bunch of Ohioans who could not vote because of the pandemic.Some were quarantined because they had caught it. Others were trapped out of state because not safe to fly home. DeWine did the right thing.
Amir Khalid
Do you have garlic, butter, and any kind of bread? If you do, you have the makings. Crush garlic and mix into room-temperature butter. Put garlic butter on bread. Toast bread. There ya go.
@Amir Khalid
Raisin or banana bread might be … problematic.
@Amir Khalid: Yes, yes I do. But I want some of the long Italian or French loaves. :)
Mmmmm……French bread pizza.
Imparting a closely held secret if using a crusty French or Italian loaf. Before slicing, cut a couple of garlic cloves in half lengthwise and rub the cut sides all over the crust.
@NotMax: Mmmmmm……..garlic-rubbed garlic bread.
Thank you good sir.
I mailed in my ballot weeks ago , but I’ve shared a bunch of links above on my Facebook. My dad is working the polls today, and while he’s pretty healthy overall , he’s just over 60,so I’m nervous.
We’re going to see a spike of cases (and deaths ?) in a few weeks. Here’s hoping everyone stays safe, though I know that won’t be possible.
Omnes Omnibus
I made a couple of “It’s not that bad comments” yesterday. I was wrong.
@Omnes Omnibus: it’s raining, people are going to risk death and many will die trying to vote even if it takes a few weeks to happen, and there’s a good chance that the GOP is going to further cement their gerrymandered stranglehold against the majority of voters who don’t vote GOP.
I’m seriously not looking forward to the next few weeks, and the only bright spot is that I’ll be focusing on my wife and daughter after she’s born next Monday.
Another Scott
Vote the monsters out!!