Or at least the Coors publicity department does…
JUST IN: 93-year-old Olive Veronesi of Seminole, PA, who held up a sign at her window asking for more beer, has received a delivery from @CoorsLight. The brand tells me 150 cans arrived at her house today. pic.twitter.com/c2lfGFBBTS
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) April 13, 2020
(Okay, okay, beer snobs: So it’s flavored water, but it’s important for old people to stay hydrated.)
Wait….. Before you Hate. Lol #QuarantineLife pic.twitter.com/4E6bCL3fV3
— ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) April 8, 2020
Chicago’s mayor:
Just a friendly reminder from your Auntie to stay home. #StayHomeSaveLives pic.twitter.com/RpX4tgRx2i
— Mayor Lightfoot #StayHomeSaveLives (@chicagosmayor) April 10, 2020
Jim, Foolish Literalist
so it’s gonna be a weekly delivery
ETA: I saw Lightfoot’s “stay home” video a couple of weeks ago. “No, your dog does not need to see his friends.” She’s been impressive as a communicator, from what I’ve seen
Firesign Theatre
Bear Whiz Beer! commercial
Pretty incredible how in the space of six weeks Biden has gone from last chance saloon, to winning the SC primary, winning Super Tuesday, confirming his dominance a couple of weeks later and now getting Sanders early(ish) endorsement.
And I don’t agree with those who say his victory over Sanders was inevitable. There is plenty of evidence that 30-40% backing will win when its backed by a troll army and the opponent has nothing – Corbyn winning the Labour leadership, Brexit, Trump winning the GOP nomination, Duterte winning the Philippines, Trump beating Clinton etc.
Whether by luck or strategic brilliance, the troll army’s fire was directed at Kamala Harris, then Mayor Pete, then Klobuchar, then Warren. By the time Biden won S.C. it was too late for the troll army to trash him.
I sent the Coors thing to my college buddies, asking them if they would be willing to quarantine with a nice senior lady who had 150 Coors Lights on hand…
…then when they declined, asked them if they would do so if she had access to that many CLs on a weekly basis.
The responses were not congruent. LOLOL ;)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good luck to Abby Broyles
Its an uphill battle for sure, but I hope she can make that asshole Inhofe sweat, and I hope that stock-jobbing sticks. In the announcement video she tweeted out, she talks about how OK has never had a woman elected to statewide office, how she’s running for all the little girls, and the first reply….
I’m an oldster who sometimes gets his exercise by shooting hoops in the park so I just love that tweet from Mayor Lightfoot. She’s been good. My town went ahead and just took the rims down due to the folks who wouldn’t stay off the court.
no, not even. it’s like making love in a canoe. it’s fucking close to water.
Coors = anti-union to this old fart. Well, that and it’s horse piss.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’ve said it before: I’m greedy. I want every seat a Republican holds plus Doug Jones winning.
Btw for those who might be interested, neither TCNJ dad nor bro were inclined to respond to my email tonight, about the WI election and what it means for November.
It may have had something to do with excessive editorializing on my part about today’s presser.
It’s a shame they can’t sift through partisan commentary and look at the data, but oh well…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yeah, I think she needs to win.. for all the little girls.
I think she has a hard road, but you know, break that glass ceiling!
Major Major Major Major
@sanjeevs: it’s very simple. Sanders’s strategy was to win a split field with 35% of the delegates. Instead he lost against one person with what would have been 35% of the delegates. His campaign (and their internet friends) were always focused on the nearest contender for the upcoming contests, never Biden. Sort of like how everybody duking it out for second behind Sanders always focused on each other for some reason.
joel hanes
The Coors family spent decades funding the very worst of the right wing.
Fascism is part of the brand.
A few PR gestures don’t change that.
@sanjeevs: The Democratic Party turns out to be healthier than those other examples. It’s not without a bunch of problems, but its leaders are actually a lot more decent and humble than you’d expect when so much power is involved. For the most part, Democratic candidates got out as soon as they determined that they weren’t going to be viable. The only Republican like that was Scott Walker in 2016. The others all stayed way past their welcome and kept splitting the vote until Dump had hoovered up all the delegates.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bort: yeah, and the Coors family has funded some of the worst people and institutions in politics. I remember Holly Coors during the ’04 campaign saying “they” were persecuting dear President Bush just like “they” persecuted our lord. Made me wonder, among other things, whom Mrs Coors meant by “they”….
See Clyburn, Jim. His army actually voted.
@Major Major Major Major: Yes I agree. Sanders troll army was successful tactically – whenever they went after someone they were able to knock down their approval numbers very successfully. Strategically they failed, because they only focused on Biden when it was too late to count.
I just wonder if Biden got lucky in never really being their focus (they seemed to discount Biden and focus on Kamala Harris in most of the leadup to the primaries) or if there was an extremely clever plan.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major: also, all the top line candidates, except Biden, pretty badly misread the 2016 primary, underlined again by today’s results from WI. The even bigger error, IMHO, was misreading 2018.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
“Girl”? Surprised it wasn’t “Little girl”.
Major Major Major Major
@sanjeevs: who do you think lefty Twitter trolls were successful at bringing down?
Major Major Major Major
We finally got the Final Fantasy VII remake (part 1) today. Looks great, good combat system, seems well-written.
While Coors is indeed dreadful, I hope that Mrs. Veronisi at least enjoys that it’s free.
So Spawn the Youngest broke out in a fever last night. The doctor does not think it’s COVID, but instead thinks that she didn’t get over an ear infection. She finished up a course of amoxicillin last week, but she’s still been rubbing her ears. But of course I’m freaking out. None of us has any known exposure to COVID, but Mr. Suzanne had some breathing difficulty and a weird cough about three weeks ago.
I feel like this is all the stress that I can handle for the entire rest of my life. Like, after this, I shouldn’t have anything to worry about ever until at least 2065.
Lori is wrong! My jump shot is NOT weak! I’m gonna prove it when Governor Pritzker lifts the Shelter in Place order and the Park District puts the rims back up. She’ll see.
God willing, we finally have found a Joseph Welch for our time.
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t think Sanders ever imagined that not having a single friend in the party was going to hurt his attempt to become leader of that party.
@Major Major Major Major: Well its not just twitter. Sanders had a social media army all over FB, twitter, reddit, youtube.
Initially Kamala Harris was kneecapped (that ‘Kamala is a cop’ thing they pushed, then when Mayor Pete won he was attacked, then Klobuchar won so she was in the firing line.
Tearing down all the opposition often works – worked for Corbyn in the Labour leadership election (and he started from a far worse place than Sanders did) and it worked for Trump in the GOP primary in 2016
@Major Major Major Major:
Saying the quiet things aloud.
Can put you out of a jerb.
Villago Delenda Est
@different-church-lady: Bernie simply does not play well with others.
Villago Delenda Est
@trollhattan: Kirby is not wrong, though.
Another Scott
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Her web page looks good.
From a quick glance, it looks like she and Elysabeth Britt are the two serious Democrats running. It looks like the primary is scheduled for June 30.
@Major Major Major Major: It’s cringey in a few places, but generally pretty great! I’m about 7 hours in, enjoying immensely. Surprised at how much I like the combat – the demo combat was iffy, but outside of a few battles it’s been pretty great.
I hear they’ve done some interesting things later in the game – looking forward to getting that far.
Wait a minute….. Chicago has a black lesbian Boss? Was Slats Grobnik consulted about this???
I see she was miffed about a contractor doing a half-assed coal plant smokestack demolition. I say good riddance. That fucking plant was probably responsible for 20% of the COVID-19 deaths in Chicago.
Anti-union and right wing horror show (assuming that isn’t redundant).
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She doesn’t want millions of Chicagoans to die, and we love her for it.
Jump shot is always gonna be weak. ???❤️❤️❤️
He did have “the squad.” Turns out they weren’t quite as influential as he was hoping.
Ohio Mom
Suzanne: is Spawn the Youngest even a year old? (I have no sense of time, seems like only yesterday your sinuses were hemorrhaging).
I’m going with the ear infection theory, those things can be hard to shake. But I get why you are panicking.
August West
Add my name to the Fuck Coors caucus:
h/t Private donors to contras `misled’ on `overhead’ costs https://www.csmonitor.com/1987/0522/apanel.html
Major Major Major Major
@Kent: He even lost AOC in the end.
@sanjeevs: There is of course a distinction between attacking a candidate and effectively attacking a candidate. I’m just not convinced anything they did had too much effect. They certainly didn’t force Harris to have a wildly dysfunctional campaign organization with which she would never win.
@khead: I have some evangelical relatives who actually approve, dare I say like? Lightfoot. I think they also approve of Pritzker. They are very hardcore in their beliefs, religion-wise, but did not vote for Trump. This Covid business is just so weird when it’s not being absolutely, devastatingly wretched.
MoCA Ace
@Suzanne: Hoping for the best for young spawn and the whole family.
My kid is 7 days into a probable case and I try to focus on the facts (he’s young, fit, and healthy) and the stats (vast majority will be fine with no serious symptoms)… it helps most of the time.
The Trump strategy was never going to work in the Democratic Primary because the Democrats award delegates proportionately while the Republicans do a winner-takes-all primary.
Sanders’ strategists either couldn’t count or didn’t do their research and assumed that both parties’ primaries worked the same way.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hopefully, not by a guy in a Trans-Am leading the police away from a rig running at dangerously high speed… though it wouldn’t be bootlegging any longer.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: If I’m remembering that Times article from December right, they did know that, and the entire campaign was premised on the assumption that the dead-end candidates would stay in like, the entire time.
@Suzanne: It’s been a bastard of a time for you, and I am so sorry. Here’s hoping Spawn the Younger does have “just” an ear infection, and that things in your household settle down for a while!
Report from the moderately great outdoors on the monthly grocery expedition. Overbought above and beyond my usual quantities (having extra coffee in reserve a priority), would estimate am good on foodstuffs until at least the end of May.
Nothing even close to what might be described as traffic on the roads. Ample parking in store lots.
Target: no waiting, easy in. Grocery aisles looking good with very few gaps here and there only. Did take note that they seem to have halted their rotating daily specials price reductions. Pasta selection spotty but plenty of what limited variety of types there were. Rice, pasta, sauces and similar stuff limited to eight per customer. No boxes of any flavors of instant pudding, with the exception of pistachio, at all. Easter candy displays still there and overflowing with treats. Limit of one per customer (but impressive amounts on display) for soaps and disposable gloves. Just in case snagged a bag containing 10 pairs of Clorox brand disposable gloves as the whole bag was a measly $1.99. No problem with bring-in bags.
Safeway (chain supermarket): No waiting, easy in. Was after but four items so didn’t check closely, except noticed a curious large empty space in the canned vegetables section as strolled by. All brands of canned beets with the exception of canned pickled beets sold out. Forbidden to empty the cart onto the conveyor belt until the shopper ahead of you has been rung up, packed up and has paid. Bring-in bags permitted so long as they don’t leave your cart.
Costco: Line waiting to get in snaked around a maze of piled up pallets, all under a roof so no standing in the tropical sun. Perhaps six minutes before being permitted entry – pretty fast.. Outside food court limited to offering only hot dogs and pizza. Much reduced selection of chicken parts. Ditto for steaks. Sold out of all sizes and brands of canned chili (happened to overhear another shopper asking an employee if they had any). No cottage cheese, no sour cream. Otherwise very well stocked from what I could see. Tray of 18 eggs up $1.50 from the pre-lockdown norm, which is still less than the current cost of a dozen at the other markets. They had plenty today so bought a new 25 pound bag of bread flour even though won’t have need of it until sometime next month. Huge display being set up in center of store with dozens upon dozens of boxes of cartons of shelf stable milk. Horizon brand whole and chocolate milk, also rice milk, oat milk, coconut water milk, soy milk, almond milk, macadamia nut milk and probably one other I’ve already forgotten. No unloading of carts onto conveyor belt; employee scans each item, while it remains in the cart. Receipt checkers at exit, standing behind tall plexiglass panels, against which you must press your receipt so they can eyeball it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Beer grandma is my new best friend.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I forgot about Scott Walker’s moment of decency. IIRC he dropped out and urged the other “mainstream” Republicans to (basically) get together and do rock-paper-scissors or something to decide who would be the one non-trump.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’ve noticed sour cream seems to be a hot commodity. Also vinegar and baking soda. I guess a lot of people are taking advantage of the enforced time at home to eat fat and spring clean.
@Major Major Major Major:
So, they were idiots.
Major Major Major Major
Note the Author of this tweet:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Russian operatives hoarding sour cream to top blintzes.
Actually I would suspect there’s a LOT more milk, butter and eggs being shipped in and something had to go by the wayside to make room for that increased volume in the refrigerated containers and trucks.
What blintzes are they eating that are topped with sour cream?
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
@Suzanne: I know how you feel about stress levels. It probably is “just” the baby’s ears. My son had ear infections constantly when he was little but they usually grow out and of them. Doesn’t stop the worrying though. Kiss the baby for us all. And hang in there.
Tradition. Blueberry blintzes, cheese blintzes, potato blintzes, the list goes on and on.
Bear Pounds 36 Cans of Beer, Ignores the Busch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
True, but I believe it was last summer it was reported that when Scott Walker was asked what he would do after losing his election in 2018 he replied that he would work to get Trump re-elected.
@different-church-lady: “At long last, have you left no doubt that you’re not a Soviet shitpile mobster manchild who’s been slurping the Kremlin’s asshole since at least 1987?”
@NotMax: Sweet cheese blintzes with sour cream?
Fair Economist
@NotMax: I saw an interesting solution to the mismatch between foods for the food service industry and grocery foods at my usual supermarket today. There was a large horizontal refrigerated display, full of quart-sized milk containers, each labeled “whole eggs”. I’ll try it the next time I get eggs. My supermarket actually does have eggs if not a good selection, but I’ve seen others nearby that don’t.
That’s a shame because he was absolutely correct. Fucking racist, fascist Trump trash.
You betchum. (Photographic proof.)
@L85NJGT: The mayor, county board president, top prosecutor, and city treasurer are all black women.
@NotMax: ?
I’ve only topped sweet cheese or blueberry blintzes with powdered sugar.
Now savory pierogies…
This makes me want some bigos, but I can’t bring myself to make stew in the summer.
@mrmoshpotato: Blini, which are similar. I had once at Russian Tea Time on Adams near the Art Institute.
@Fair Economist
Adaptive distribution of food service supplies.
Sounds like it could come in handy for, say, French toast casserole. Or, as it’s Passover, a family size serving of matzo brei.
@prostratedragon: How long before Adams told all of you to get the hell off of him? :)
By the way, the Planetarium is being silly.
joel hanes
Beloved and much-missed commenter efgoldman’s spirit is evoked by the pinned tweet at the top of former commenter soonergrunt’s twitter page:
@joel hanes: Hehehe, amen.
I thought I saw Sooner a few days ago. Infrequent, but still around I think.
John Revolta
@mrmoshpotato: That, by itself, makes me doubt EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE EVER SAID.
Sour cream goes on blintzes. AND pierogi. It is known.
(Applesauce is okay. MAYBE.)
@John Revolta: Hahaha, I’ll have to pick up some blintzes on my next grocery run and try them with sour cream.
I’m not going to try horse piss to find out if that’s what it tastes like but just on principle and the fact that I once had a coors I’d bet that horse piss has more and better flavor.
Doesn’t 150 cans of CoorsLight constitute elder abuse? Hell, doesn’t one can of CoorsLight constitute elder abuse?
@mrmoshpotato: Try to find Russian sour cream, smetana. It’s a bit heavier than American sour cream.
Yeah, I’m awake in the middle of the night, and my dreams have been getting weird (nobody’s died in them yet). But the second posted video, and others similar recco’ed by Twitter, are a bit of what I need right now.
Anne Laurie
One warning: If you or someone in your household is sensitive to sulfite preservatives, be careful with this egg product. I don’t get migraines (thank Murphy the Trickster God) but I discovered years ago that products preserved with sulfites upset my stomach. That includes red wines, the produce at most restaurant salad bars, Wendys hamburgers, dried fruits that aren’t labeled ‘sulfite free’… and pourable whole eggs, which are widely used at omlette bars. I hated giving up those omlettes, but I’ve been able to warn a few migraine-prone friends why they should avoid that particular yummy breakfast while on business trips!
Anne Laurie
Think about blueberry or peach yogurt. Lots of people like the sweet/rich-sour taste contrast — especially people who grew up eating their blintzes with sour cream.
Sloane Ranger
@chopper: In the UK that joke used to go, why is drinking Watney’s like making love in a punt? Because…
And in Belgium, there is “Heineken have just announced a brewery closure. 100 thousand cats have been made redundant”
@Sloane Ranger: And this famous cartoon:
“>Palm vs Heineken
Alas, Slats has been gone for more than 20 years.
Royko and (most especially) Molly Ivins are two writers I wish were still with us during these times of a dictator-wannabe sitting in the Oval Office.
@Sloane Ranger:
And all those tourists drinking bleedin’ Watney’s Red Barrel, and the musicians playing “Torremolinos, Torremolinos” ….
@Anne Laurie:
You say that as if there’s a different way.
All of ’em, Katie.
Another Scott
@Major Major Major Major: “That statement is no longer operative.”
Heh. :-/
Seriously, rhetoric is all just mouth noises to them. They do what they want, and dare people to stop them.
We have to stand up and take the dare.