Remember when we talked about the Trump recovery task force the other day and speculated that of course it will include the dregs of the financial world — the people who put the “douche” in “fiduciary” — including serially wrong clowns like Art Laffer and Larry Kudlow? Haha, it’s way worse than that!
For the record, these are the same people that were on the Council To Set In Motion A Series Of Fatal Mistakes That Will Close America.
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) April 13, 2020
It just gets worse and worse. Oh well. The inclusion of the knock-off bag and shoe peddler and the failed real estate princeling consort will be a helpful case study in future anti-nepotism legislation debates during the Biden administration.
Open thread.
Well, the dead are being represented by Wilbur Ross.
Lmao I’ve been taking it easy on the media consumption including here but the sentence put the douche in fiduciary is A+
I believe it was Roger Moore who brought it to our attention in the previous thread that this group has been dubbed the Seven Scamurai.
@debbie: Just coming here to post that.
Meet your Seven Scamurai.
Trump wants Ivanka as the VP nom.
Mark Haag
graphic looks like a zoom meeting out of your nightmares
Wilbur Ross did a bang up job for the Census.. It’s the one thing he had to do.
zhena gogolia
Meanwhile, in what my husband just called the “smart states”:
Uncle Omar
Moron Don strikes again. BTW is Laffer on somebody else’s recovery panel. And where the hell is Grover Norquist. Either one of them could take over for Jared who is busy stealing medical supplies from the States.
zhena gogolia
Betty always brings the thunder.
A Ghost to Most
Apparently, he wasn’t deemed essential:
@MattF: Yup.
Looks as if the west coast is making it’s own plans.
Hole Lee Shit! ?
Tom Levenson
@Gloomyjim: I wonder how much of the nation’s population and GDP is contained w/in these two compacts?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Any Mainers around? Does Collins see these polls, or do you think she’s decided to go down with the trumptanic? (not that I’m complacent about either the WH or the Senate)
follow up tweet:
if you ever wonder why we can’t have nice(r) things, remember that 20% of self-ID’d Dems in ME are still falling for her dithering-but-sincere-moderate schtick
I wish they had named it the Council to Reopen American Promptly.
@Tom Levenson: not sure exactly, but isn’t California itself like the 6th or 7th largest economy on the planet
@Tom Levenson: I wish Illinois could move to one of the coasts.
@A Ghost to Most:
God decided He wanted a face-to-face meeting I guess.
I heard the other day that it was the 5th largest.
Just One More Canuck
The dead have risen and they’re voting Republican
And how do we nominate Betty C for a Nobel Prize in Literature
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I have a soft spot for Maine and was sorry they spent eight years being LePage curious.
Gives me hope that other states will see the light.
@Just One More Canuck: Since when are Republicans hungry for brains?
Click it if you can’t see the picture. :)
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia:
Boy, if only there were some established mechanism by which the states could, together, receive health policy advice and strategic coordination..
A Ghost to Most
@dmsilev: I prefer to think that the universe doesn’t like to be mocked by grifters.
betty, loved this oneturn of phrase — “the people who put the “douche” in “fiduciary” “!
@Kristine: I……what?
@Baud: Council on Restoring Productivity Securities Economy
Just One More Canuck
When Canada’s two right wing parties merged, they were (briefly) called the Conservative Reform Alliance Party
Comedians across our land rejoiced
@Gin & Tonic: If only there was a governing body that dealt with all 50 states…
Saw a photoshop on Twitter (can’t remember where or I’d reproduce it) of the Fox image replacing Javanka et. al. with Scrooge McDuck, C. Montgomery Burns, the Monopoly Man, DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby, etc.
Jay C
@Mark Haag:
Someone pointed out that the background graphic on the “Council” looks like a toilet. And now I can’t unsee that (appropriate, though!).
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
@Jay C: Haha, it so does!
@mrmoshpotato: I wish it could become part of one of the state consortiums. I don’t think any of our Midwest neighbors–except perhaps for Michigan or Minnesota–would be open to something like that.
Jay C
@Tom Levenson:
I read that with the addition of Massachusetts to the East-coast group, they represent, at a minimum, 40% of the country’s GDP.
@mrmoshpotato: good one, thanks!
Wisconsin is coming in
Tom Levenson
@Gloomyjim: Just did the calculation, using 2018 GDP.
US as a whole $21,729,124*10^6–as in almost $22 trillion.
The New England/Mid-Atlantic compact accounts for $4.26 trillion of that. The three left coast states add another ~$3.05 trillion. So, in all, around 40% of the total.
@dmsilev: @A Ghost to Most:
The local paper, the Richmond Times
DispatchDisgrace gave Pastor Glenn a complete tongue bath. No mention of that quote or the lack of social distancing.The local CBS station was a bit more informative. A daughter said he’d held the services for people who were “scared”, also mentioned his diverticulitis. Pastor’s widow is also sick with COVID19.
Footage of his congregation praying for the pastor from the safety of their cars in a parking lot. With windows open.
Cowboy Diva
<deleted for redundancy> Otherwise, my thoughts about the evils of nepotism seem so quaint now.
Explains the timing of Bernie’s endorsement.
A Ghost to Most
@mrmoshpotato: and all this talk about regional alliances brings to mind a little tiff 160 years ago. What could possibly go wrong!?
Dorothy A. Winsor
That thought has occurred to me too.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Baud: Looks like he’s gonna lose every county, again.
Perfect! glad to see that!
Trump can put together all the “apprentice” style groups he wants, tease a “big bang” grand opening, line up all his experts behind him, but it’s meaningless. Our states will take care of us, all he can do is try and put a stick in the spokes.
@Just One More Canuck: The “Antonin Scalia School of Law” was briefly under consideration. George Mason, of course.
zhena gogolia
@Jay C:
Yes, what else could it be?????
@mrmoshpotato: Spectacular.
Should be underneath Betty’s existing photo of the Concerned White Plutocrats.
@A Ghost to Most:
Don’t put God to the test. I’m curious what his congregation things now.
The Best People America! The Best People. Can you even imagine resorting to that pack of craven Moran asskissers and simpletons to organize a funeral luncheon? Each busy shoving the other and currying favor and looting the treasury and every nickel in the others pockets. Yeah, those particular bumblefucks “reopening” our nation in pursuit of the reelection of emperor tang.
Where’s my work pants and lunch bucket, I’m ready to do what these ninnies tell me to do double quick.
Fuck yeah.. I’m glad of that. Cascadia rises! :-)
@Elizabelle: Council to Re-Open Amerika Kwickly.
@Kristine: I’d be down for a Great Lakes consortium, even including Ohio. That state’s the biggest anomaly in this experiment: has turned deep red electorally, but its Rep. governor, state health officials and others have been remarkably reality-based, even blunt, about their approach to this whole thing. Downright functional, even. Didn’t know that level of competence was still to be found in the R Party above local office.
So Illinois, skip over Indiana, and add Michigan and Ohio. That’s another 10% of the nation’s GDP.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I seldom see Pritzker mentioned in articles about how the governors are filling in the leadership vacuum left by the Orange Blot, and I think he’s doing a pretty good job. Wondering if it’s yet another example of media coast bias.
@A Ghost to Most: the Cascadian Movement as also taken note of that simularity.
@Kristine: We are on the Mississippi coast.
@zhena gogolia:
Interesting grouping.
Feels like some sort of game, if you picture it on a map, where a few interlinked areas get added too and those other areas get interlinked with other areas, and so on.
Southern NJ, Philly and its ‘burbs, DE are linked, and then you look and add northern and central NJ and NY are liked, and CT is liked to NY in the south, and MA in the north, and then there’s lying liar state,* Rhode Island, which is only liked to MA.
* Rhode Island is, in fact, not an island. Its name is deceptive, false advertising, if you will.
Look on the bright side, Peter Navarro isn’t on there.
But it speaks to just how untrusting the president is of anyone outside of about 2 dozen individuals. He couldn’t even find a single wingnut governor he trusted enough to put on the team.
Even the Dr Strangelove war room had a larger (and arguably more qualified) brain trust at work.
I am so stealing this for my next tax class.
Goddam, Ivanka and Young Jared are on this panel as well?
I wouldn’t let these two open a bag of popcorn.
@gene108: It’s the Acela corridor – Boston to DC and all associated suburbs, with MD excluded because GOP governor.
Gin & Tonic
@gene108: It is, to use its full and correct name, The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. No lies told.
@mrmoshpotato: We have a shitpile mobster conman who says a national disaster declaration, for all fifty states, for the first time ever is winning. Add that to your list of accomplishments Trumpov.
@MattF: Which he can have now since he changed residency to Florida. Constitutionally, Pres and VP can’t be from the same state.
@Kristine: I’d say he is doing an excellent job. He definitely has ticked off the orange one. That right there is sufficient reason to approve of his work.
Sloane Ranger
I don’t know if anyone is watching the Trump self justifying hour (otherwise known as the White House Coronavirus Briefing) but he’s just thrown Fox News under the truck. He’s run a series of excerpts from them as examples of the fake news media underplaying the danger of coronavirus when compared with his brave and decisive action in stopping travel from China!
I saw what you did there.
And you too, ziggy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Sloane Ranger: CBS WH reporter
per twitter, CNN and MSNBC have both dropped their coverage
Well, to be pedantic. NOAA is also part of the DOC so he is in charge of climate science, the weather service, and the National Hurricane Center as well. They’ve been doing a bang-up job there as well. Remember sharpie-gate and Puerto Rico?
@Tom Levenson:
Based on your numbers, it’s about 1/3 of GDP for the East and West Coast compacts.
@MCA1: Would you include Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, and Pennsylvania? They all touch the great lakes too.
@Kristine: He has done pretty well so far, despite the handicaps of being a billionaire scion of a hotel-operating family (which should be mentioned more often just to get in somebody’s grill).
Came here to say the exact same thing! The best laugh for today, although, I hate to say it, there wasn’t much competition for laughs today.
A bunch of them are probably Republican voters who just haven’t bothered to change their party registration as they have gotten older and more conservative.
But, if they add MD, then they have to add DC, and VA.
And once you add VA, where does it end? NC? SC? GA? Their western neighbors, like KY and TN or even AL?
It’s not easy, where to draw the line.
I live in NJ. I’m familiar with the DC to Boston megalopolis.
That photo is terrifying !@#$%*&! probably everyone already said that but … yikes. The end of the world could not be more chilling.
@Sloane Ranger:
He’s been upset with Fox for about a week, which is why I was thinking that toilet-like graphic up top might have been intentional on Fox’s part.
Miss Bianca
@Sloane Ranger: Ooh, this ought to be interesting. Wonder if Fox will stop being Trump’s lapdog and finally turn around and sink its nasty fangs into Dear Leader?
@gene108: Mid-Atlantic compact: MD, VA, NC
Well that certainly didn’t happen. Evidently no one wants any part of this and trump was stuck with his family and some sycophantic employees.
@mrmoshpotato: Let us know when you see something about the results of Wisconsin Supreme Court race
edit: Please.
@Miss Bianca: Narrator:. No, they didn’t turn on Trump. Instead, they ran numerous pieces about whether Joe Biden’s dementia is why he can’t remember helping the Chicoms unleash the virus on unsuspecting Mercans.
Another Scott
@Martin: Someone left this hanging curveball out over the plate for ~ 45 minutes without pedantry?? I am disappoint.
Not quite.
The home state of the electors where both candidates reside would be punished (presumably by not voting for the VP candidate), but there would be no impact on the other electors from different states.
It’s a big deal for a state like Texas (W and Cheney) that have lots of electors.
tl;dr – it leaves votes on the table, but isn’t unconstitutional.
At least that’s my understanding. Corrections welcome.
The official name of the state is Rhode Island & Providence Plantations.
Mike in NC
“Council to Ransack America” was rejected by focus groups. With JarJar in charge, failure will occur on Day One.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: There already is a consortium of Great Lakes states. It also includes the Canadian provinces the border the lakes.
@A Ghost to Most: Why – a war between the states! ?
@Sloane Ranger: Trump doesn’t like Fox anymore, OANN is his new heartthrob.
@jeffreyw: Haha
@Brachiator: I wouldn’t let any of these fuckers open an empty bag.
@Duane: Yup. It’s a lottery that you actually don’t want to win.
Btw, anyone thinking of 5 numbers between 1 and 45?
@japa21: Pritzker is doing a damn good job under very very trying circumstances, and I will slap anyone with a fish who says otherwise.
@Sloane Ranger: Wow. Dump is such a crazy addict that Faux News is no longer nutty enough to give him his high.
Ha! You nailed it.
@WaterGirl: Just checked. With 50% in, the good one is beating the bad one 53-47.
@mrmoshpotato: He has since he was inaugurated, even if Illinois’ credit rating is likely to be reduced to junk bond status. I think he has surprised a lot of liberals.
@WaterGirl: I’m watching the Democratic primary from the The USA Today, but I can search for the WSC race.
Or this! Woo!
@Kent: Yeah, I guess maybe “Central Great Lakes” would be more apt. Perhaps “Eastern 2/3 of the Traditional Big Ten.”
Practically, though, yes, if Minnesota wants in then great. Call it the “Rational Central States Consortium.” Can’t trust Wisconsin right now, though, beyond the governor. East of OH they’ve already got their own thing.
Of course, maybe a governmental body responsible for the collective interests of all 50 states would be a better idea. Hmmm.
@japa21: Agreed. (Though he was bound to be better than Governor Hedgefund).
I hadn’t been paying close attention to the governorship until this f’ing pandemic because we shouldn’t have to babysit our governments to make sure they don’t burn the place down.
(Not yelling at you, and fuck Dump.)
I still don’t know what the IL General Assembly is up to, but in Democratic hands, I feel I don’t need to watch them.
The Lodger
@Martin: So… Charlie Baker is in and Larry Hogan is out? I don’t expect that to last long.
It’s like he just fuckin’ looked around the room and said, “OK, it’s you guys, we’re done here.” Laziest goddamned president EVER.
Bill Arnold
@Sloane Ranger:
I’ll assume that the press will be calling him on that one:
NYT: Nearly 40k flew to U.S. from China after Trump’s coronavirus travel ban (Apr 4, 2020, Orion Rummler)
@Kristine: Chicagoan here: we dodged a large bullet by getting Gov. Hedge-fund out when we did. h/t @Mr_Electrico