It used to be easy to be a shitty Trumpy red state governor. Just move your lips to make the same sounds Trump does, and rake in the benefits. It’s an easy day at the office, but the debasement and fawning that accompanies it means that the Trumpification process yields jackasses like Ron DeSantis:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, since the outset, has taken a lackadaisical approach to the coronavirus. The state, famously, let spring breakers continue to rage on its beaches even as the rest of the country hunkered down at home. DeSantis showed little interest in intervening in any way, abdicating his responsibility as governor to a president who was also intent on dodging accountability and sending it right back down to the state level. Weeks later, when DeSantis did finally impose a shelter-in-place order on April 3, eliminating large gatherings and reducing activity to the largely standard essential services, the Republican governor who has only been on the job for several months chose to double back and exempt religious services from the ban. The incomprehensible decision would allow hundreds, if not thousands, of worshippers to gather, wedged shoulder to shoulder in pews, as the pandemic grew.
With the state stay-at-home order in effect until the end of the month, DeSantis has made the latest in his series of questionable decisions, announcing that WWE—yes, the professional wrestling entertainment behemoth—would now count as an essential service, exempting it from shutdown requirements.
This is from page one (the only page) of the “own the libs” playbook – pick some cultural signifier that is something your caricature of a liberal won’t like (Evangelical Christianity, WWE, etc), and use it to violate a norm. Except the norm being violated here (social distancing) is one that, when violated, leads to mass sickness and death. Still, this dull fucker only has one playbook and one loyalty, so here we are.
At some point, the raw death and suffering that can’t be hidden will cause him and other members of his cohort to decompensate, as Trump has started to do. Bullying, the main weapon in the Trump humpers’ playbook, is hard to pull off from a position of obvious weakness, but they’ll keep trying until the end. It will be interesting to see what strategy Trump adopts after looking like a crazy man yesterday. Expect the same behavior from Trumpers like DeSantis and Dollar Store Sarah Palin, South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, tomorrow. That’s all they’ve got, and all we’re gonna get.
I can’t hope for mass sickness and death, but I can hope that about 6 people show up to the WWE thing. That might get this moron’s attention.
I wonder when DeSantis will go back to not knowing that asymptomatic carriers are spreading coronavirus. Maybe he’s already there again. It’s hard to keep up with these people.
Miss Bianca
I don’t think they are actually letting audiences in to the WWE shows.
Or maybe they are. DeSantis is that stupid, I guess.
@smintheus: I thought that was Georgia’s governor.
@Baud: You could be right. It’s also hard to tell one Republican dingbat from another.
Cheryl Rofer
29 words and associated wasted electrons that could have been summarized as Cleek’s Law.
And then, you have the muthaphuckin’Governor of South Dakota ???
Maddow explained this last night.
She won’t do a stay at home order.
She has a serious enough breakout that the plant that produces 5-10% of all pork products FOR THE COUNTRY IS CLOSED BECAUSE OF COVID-19.
The Mayor of the town is begging for a stay at home order.
My brother-in-law (now deceased) has four brothers, all of whom live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The four are all overweight, right-wing Rush Limbaugh listeners and bachelors and all live together in a large house there. The oldest brother worked at Smithfield Foods there, a nonunion sweat shop, as a quality control manager. When I used to visit, (it’s been years) I was appalled at the way they mocked government and EPA rules, etc. Now, the oldest brother has COVID-19 and is in an ICU on a ventilator. I doubt he will live. The other three brothers have fevers and shortness of breath. The fact they are all over 55 years old, have diabetes or near diabetes or other health problems, makes them likely ventilator candidates too. I don’t wish anyone suffering or death, but I think karma catches up with you sooner or later….
Nahhhh… I really WANTED the leopard to eat my face! Stoopid libtards! Now help me find my nose…
Mo Salad
Time to take over.
I learned from The Sopranos.
Degenerate gamblers always double down.
@Baud: Yes, that was Georgia’s governor, our very own Brian Kemp.
Speaking of the Great State of Georgia, I received a notification from the state labor dept. yesterday that I was eligible for unemployment benefits. I’m very fortunate in that I don’t need it; the money I earned from my part-time job at a clothing store was my play money. The letter said that in order to collect unemployment you have to be “actively looking for work” WTF? We’re told to stay at home except for essential errands. Businesses that are still open have laid off employees. How in the hell is anyone supposed to look for work? My heart goes out to anyone who needs this money and has to navigate this shit. As I said, I’m very, very lucky.
A better committee to re-open…
The Moar You Know
Trump’s a shareholder in WWE. I’m sure that did not factor into Santis’ decision at all.
I would like it very much if the WWE wrestlers issued a statement that they are not an essential service and they care about their fans’ lives and want their fans to stay home. It is far from impossible.
TS (the original)
Are there any figures on what is happening with COVID-19 in Florida or does the Governor decline to test to keep numbers low?
Adam L Silverman
This is not about owning the libs. This is solely about the fact that Linda McMahon, who spent two years as the Small Business Administration administrator, is now running a pro-Trump SuperPAC and recently made major donations to Republicans in Florida. All it is about is DeSantis staying on the good side of the money suppliers and controllers in the President’s orbit. That is it.
Jim Parish
@TS (the original): My understanding is that they’re reporting resident and snowbird numbers separately.
Been there, done that. You don’t actually have to physically knock on doors to meet the UI requirements. Just go on Linked-in or and apply for 3 jobs per week online. That is all you need to do from the safety of your kitchen. Once you have your resume and such uploaded the process takes about 3 minutes per week
I don’t know what the rules are in your state, but here in WA even “job inquiries” count as job search activities. So 3 emails would do the trick. They have such enormous volume right now that the chances you will ever be audited and asked to show your job search logs are pretty much zero.
@Cheryl Rofer:
“Joe will surround himself with people who KNOW how to run the government…and CARE about running the government…”
The part near the end, “the Republicans occupying the White House and running the U.S. Senate are not interested in progress…they’re interested in power.” YES
@Cheryl Rofer: “Republicans have denied the science of climate change…just as they denied the science of pandemics.”
“The other side has a massive war chest. The other side has a propaganda network with little regard for the truth.”
Oh my
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Frankensteinbeck: my understanding is there will be no audiences ,so this is basically about filming TV shows, I think
The Thin Black Duke
I’m not looking forward to seeing what’s going to happen in Florida.
“This crisis has reminded us that government matters. That GOOD government matters. That facts and science matter.”
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Kentucky isn’t making us do that, thank god – that would be ridiculous.
A Ghost to Most
Fuck christian fascism. And all the enablers.
Another idea for tRumpMerch that could be flogged during his weekly CoronaSalesAThon. A laser-inscribed sharpie signature on a tombstone, thanking one for their service in “owning” the libs. Throw in an extra G and it’ll even be personalized. Or maybe they’d rather be buried under a scaled up stone version of their headgear: “Made America Great Again”. That’d be apt.
West of the Rockies
Speaking of Republican creepsters, what’s going on with the rape allegations against Trump? Isn’t there an active case involving 23 women?
And has the Jim Jordan case been resolved (in which he is said to have ignored allegations of rape of make students under his watch)?
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Yes, here in WA they have two categories of unemployment.
The standard unemployment category requires that you maintain active job search activities in order to quality. It is simple enough to do with online job inquiries or job applications. But it is a statutory requirement and not something they invented just for COVID-19. You aren’t considered actually unemployed if you aren’t actively seeking work.
The second category is what they call “stand-by” and that is when you are temporarily laid off by a company that has agreed to hire you back. It is more difficult to qualify for and I’m not sure what criteria they use. But if you qualify for “stand-by” status then you are freed from the job search requirements.
This is how things worked for decades pre-COVID and they didn’t change any of those laws just for this new era o COVID unemployment. You basically have to keep submitting a new claim every week. That’s how UI works.
“Nobody told me” is the new “nobody knew.” When dolts like DeSantis run, do they promise, “I pledge to not read anything or listen to anybody. I will remain ignorant as possible for the great people of this great state!”
8 man shell
Has Warren endorsed Biden yet?
@The Thin Black Duke:
Florida and Georgia have the hallmarks of ticking time bombs. And Florida’s vast retired cohort seem right in the crosshairs.
That’s pretty standard. Oregon made me do that too.. although not during pandemic time.. it seems that they have not gotten rid of the verbage in these extraordinary times.
@8 man shell:
@8 man shell:
The deadline is 3:00 p.m. EDT.
I just want to point out that this older lib has been a ‘rasslin fan his whole life.
@AliceBlue: There is always work at nursing homes. They are begging for people because so high risk. Also grocery store personnel.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@AliceBlue: They’ll explain what’s to do to qualify for the “actively looking” part—it can be as simple as browsing employment sites on line & filing applications.
Van Buren
@Jeffro: 40 years of science denial, villifying government, and worshipping the invisible hand of the free market have brought us to this shitshow. And climate change is going to make COVID seem like hayfever.
I am not optimistic.
@Miss Bianca: Maybe not but think about this, the wrestlers are considered “Independent Contractors” so the WWE does not have to pay for health insurance for them, amongst other things they don’t provide:WWE’s poor treatment of their wrestlers
“There’s also no off-season, and glimpses of wrestlers’ contracts, provided by Last Week Tonight, revealed some “astonishing clauses”, such as the right for WWE to terminate a contract if a wrestler is sidelined by an injury for as little as six weeks, or waiving the league’s responsibility for injury or death even if it’s “caused by negligence of promoter”.”
if they get COVID-19 they are screwed
The only thing that brings me comfort in all this is that for once it really doesn’t matter what stupid people say. The result/s of their actions are almost instantaneous. Florida is fucked. Doesn’t matter what the idiot governor says. I care only about the people who did not vote for him. For the rest, I hope they reflect on their choices when they’re in isolation or hooked to a ventilator (although probably not enough oxygen getting to the brain to think, which is probably the usual status of a republican Floridian)
@JMG: How do you feel about how the actual wrestlers are treated though?
@Zinsky: Yikes. Even if you get put on a ventilator significant underlying health issues make it less likely you will get off one alive.
It’s a VIRUS. I don’t understand the level of magical thinking. Yes, there is more natural separation or distancing in rural areas most of the time, but they have churches and nursing homes and schools.
Ella in New Mexico
If forcing it’s wrestlers to endure chronic pain from musculo-skeletal injuries (and subsequent opioid dependence), closed head injures causing depression, suicide and homicide and the existential damage and deeply internalized shame of faking their “athletic” feats wasn’t enough to kill the WWE, this surely will.
I, for one, eagerly await Fake Wrestling’s passage into the annals of “Wait, wut–we made Little People Perform Sex Acts in Sideshows for Money?” time.
@trollhattan: UF stops covid19 tests in The Villages ™ because if insufficient supply
A sad victory for snake oil.
scott (the other one)
I distinctly remember reading pieces just a few months ago about how surprisingly not entirely terrible DeSantis was, that he was simply a bog standard GOP governor–which is to say, sure, awful, but in that typical conservative way, and not actually the mini-Trump he’d presented himself as during the election.
And then the virus hit.
And they won’t change the verbage. It is probably in the statutes that set up the program. And embedded in the software systems that administer UI. No one is going to try overhaul the computer system when it is running at peak capacity or even crashing. These programs are running triage right now. And the legislatures aren’t going to meet just to address bureaucratic issues like this.
@The Thin Black Duke: There’s also this map of “Cumulative Atypical Illness” based on nosy thermometers. Chunks of Florida are indeed a red state at the moment.
@Ella in New Mexico: The WWE also recently inked a ten year contract to hold a couple bouts a year in Saudi Arabia.
WWE is returning to Saudi Arabia, despite the objections of some of it’s wrestlers
Every expert I have seen speak or write about re-opening the country say that there are two pre-requisites that MUST be in place to responsibly re-open the country.
Every damn reporter should be pressing Trump on those two issues. You want to help open the country? Give us universal testing and warehouses of PPE. Otherwise no dice. We aren’t ready.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
On the subject of the $10,000 advance EIDL application, I got a message from the real SBA that contained this part:
“To ensure that the greatest number of applicants can receive assistance during this challenging time, the amount of your Advance will be determined by the number of your pre-disaster (i.e., as of January 31, 2020) employees. The Advance will provide $1,000 per employee up to a maximum of $10,000.”
With my employee included, I need at least 10K per month to carry a lean office setup, considering all necessary expenses and my debt load before I make the first dollar. The SBA, in its infinite wisdom, modified the program they were handed in order to set up multiple qualifiers so that money cannot go out the door quickly to applicants in an amount that matters enough to help. I figure I only get bang for the buck if I take the $1000 and use it to buy maps of the blocks around Wall Street and a map showing where each lobby shop on K street is in DC.
Meanwhile, we’re bailing out hedge funds, airlines and gigantic conglomerates to the tune of trillions with few questions asked.
@The Thin Black Duke: Oh, I think Betty and I are just waiting with baited breath for the debacle they are looking to perpetrate. Why didn’t they just show DeSantis with his fingers in his ears, screaming “lalalalala”
Feeling just a bit more threatened by this than I have been.
@Cheryl Rofer: I watched that video of Forever POTUS BHO this morning and I miss him so much. My God. He’s so wonderful.
Somehow I doubt that the WWE wrestlers have quite as powerful of a union as MLB or the NFL.
@Adam L Silverman:
Amir Khalid
@8 man shell:
Do you think that she’s considering endorsing someone other than Biden?
Compare and contrast.
Looking like a crazier man tomorrow.
Reading this thread, it seems pretty clear that Clowntime is nowhere near over yet.
Maybe we’re at the “end of the beginning” stage, which is better than nothing.
Discussions of “returning to normal” seem premature.
@AliceBlue: Ohio has a COVID-19 mass layoff code which seems to bypass the job hunt requirement. They also sent everyone an email that said we could ignore any automated messages if the system accidentally sends them out, which I appreciated.
Only problem with this is that the virus does not discriminate. You cannot pick and choose who should fall ill. And those you want to condemn can spread it to those you would want to save.
@leeleeFL: I liked the pic of him wearing one glove. I have no idea what that was about – channeling his inner Michael Jackson? And, yeah, we’re pretty much hosed down here.
Channel surfing, I came across some primetime pro-wrestling cable program (on TBS? USA network? Don’t remember). None of them had audiences in the stadiums, and it was pretty much just the wrestlers, referee, and announcers, with a few other wrestlers as the audience, a safe distance away from the ring.
I doubt there will be a live audience for WWE in Florida.
@gene108: WWE doesn’t want the legal liability, if people in audiences get infected.
You now must wear a mask in a store just about anywhere in South Florida:
DeSantis had nothing to do with any of this. Local governments took action because the governor took no action.
If Bloomberg meant what he said after he stepped down from the race, he’d be pouring millions into the Florida ad market right now, explaining how DeSantis is a train wreck for Florida. He’s not up for re-election until 2022, but let’s prepare him for the woodchipper ASAP.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
They tried holding a MMA match in Vegas, televised and no audience and had to cancel because to many of the martial artist though it to dangerous (those guys have to travel to the match and back, which is likely the high risk part of getting exposed to the virus) So curious to see what of the WWF talent shows.
Crap! The issue of nursing homes and assisted living facilities is a problem everywhere. There was even a recent BBC news stories noting that there appeared to be cases in at least half of these facilities in Scotland.
Anything having to do with “re-opening” the economy is going to require a strong look at many of the places where people meet, congregate, live, are cared for, etc.
Luckily my wishes have nothing to do with anything that happens in life. If I had a Trump supporter in real life in front of me dying of COVID, and I could save him/her, I would do what I needed to do to save them. After saving them I would wish all manner of ill on them and hope I’m not around next time. I work with a lot of Trump supporters in the real world, listen to their gibberish and mostly try to avoid them.
@Cameron: Touching his nose was the last straw for me! As a restaurant Trainer, I would have had to send him to wash his hands, IMMEDIATELY!
I spent half of the training time teaching ppl HOW and WHY hand-washing is what they get their pittance per hour for, as well as rolling silverware1
I bet if you tell them, yes you are looking for work – Work From Home work!, they will accept that.
But what if THAT email was the one you were supposed to ignore? huh?
WWE’s justification for their bullshit is a keeper:
The fuckers who came up with that nonsense must have pissed their pants from laughing.
8 man shell
@Amir Khalid:
I just don’t understand why she is holding out. Even that reprobate Sanders has endorsed Biden.
She needs to promptly bend the knee to Biden.
(And it would have been best had she done it weeks ago.)
joel hanes
I wonder when DeSantis will go back to not knowing that asymptomatic carriers are spreading coronavirus.
The result of that survey of pregnant women that had 87% of the infected being asymptomatic is … problematic if corroborated by later studies that look at a less-restricted sample population.
Small scale trials of hydroxychloroquine are happening all around the world. The results aren’t conclusive. Some have none to negative results, while others show recovery.
We’ll need clinical trials of various possible treatments
EDIT: France has conducted several of these small scale trials, but it’s been only patients already in the hospital for COVID19, and none are close to a double blind trial.
8 man shell
People who work in nursing homes earn such shit wages and are often given limited hours (so that they need not be paid benefits) causing the employees to often work at 2 (or even 3) different facilities.
So when one nursing home is affected, it is very easy to spread it to others that share the same employees.
I would love to see and industry-wide strike until they are paid decent wages.
Amir Khalid
@8 man shell:
Should Warren promptly curtsy to him as well?
There was never much to indicate that this drug was even worth looking into, apart from Trump’s weird endorsement.
I don’t have a problem with researchers looking into it. But I wonder whether more promising candidates got pushed to the side. And isn’t there some company producing millions of pills as though it is a proven treatment? That is a waste of time and resources.
@Kent: Try no union at all.
James E Powell
@8 man shell:
I find her failure to do so rather odd. I can’t believe she would consider not doing it.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I’ve heard about SBA fuckery on handing out the $10k EIDL grant. It’s bullshit. The laws pretty clear that the grant is $10k, and will be paid in a few days of applying for it. But the House can’t meet to try to do some oversight. so there’s no accountability.
My company applied for PPP, and we’re holding out hope our local bank will be able get the application through with the SBA, so we can get the funds.
It’s frustrating.
We’re trusting an administration full of a bunch of wealthy fucktards to give a damn about non-wealthy people.
glory b
@AliceBlue: I work for PA unemployment compensation. The requirement to look for work is part of almost every states’ laws, it’s how you show that you are part of the labor force.
The requirement here can be met by filling out a couple applications per week.
Warren has at MANY times said she endorses and will support the eventual nominee. She is a Democrat. Does anyone doubt that? None of her supporters are waiting for her bat signal. They are all on board. I too find it kind of curious that she hasn’t rolled out some sort of formal endorsement. But it is also pretty irrelevant at this point as the race is over.
She is honestly taking the lead against Trump on many levels with her proposals related to the virus management and bail-out. I’m not sure that any sort of performative endorsement really makes any difference. Have other prominent Dems like say Jay Inslee or Andrew Cuomo or Stacey Abrams endorsed Biden? I don’t even know and it doesn’t make any difference because they will all obviously be on the campaign bandwagon this summer and fall.
@James E Powell:
I thought the same until I read this:
I guess they are staggering her endorsement and Obama’s.
glory b
@catclub: We in PA don’t let you limit your job search that narrowly.
As a practical matter, we audit random applicants, asking for their logs showing job searches, and no state has the time or personnel for that right now.
Makes sense. Hillary hasn’t officially endorsed Biden either, but there zero chance that won’t happen. They are working out the media schedule, I’m sure.
@Baud: The ‘major-league’ endorsements are probably being spaced out chronologically to grab what little time is being given to non-COVID issues.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Warren gave an interview on the radio about ten days ago where she waxed effusive about Biden’s decency and steady, thoughtful, smart leadership he will provide. I imagine the same language will be used in her endorsement, which will satisfy I am sure the good-faith, sincere questions of 8 man shell
Here in WA you can do it all online including your job search logs. But you actually have to list the contact information for the 3 employers that you made inquiries to. It can just be the web site of the company or email address if you made an online inquiry.
It really isn’t a burdensome requirement. Even though it seems rather pointless. Takes less than 5 minutes per week.
Makes sense. Thanks for this little tidbit.
James E Powell
Thank you. I still think it’s odd (curious, not disturbing) that everyone didn’t go before Obama. I wonder if Biden is going to tie her endorsement in with his VP choice, whether it’s her or someone else. Maybe she will head up his VP search team?
Ella in New Mexico
My daughter-in-law works in large Albuquerque hospital COVID pre-ICU unit and she’s telling me some doctors are prescribing hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in pretty large doses compared to what even a person with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis takes. Of course, this is adding to her already ridiculous burden of working without enough PPE and no support staff because she has to run ECG’s sometimes 4 times a shift on each of the 4 patients she’s already doing an exhausting amount of care for. She’s disgusted because she used to do undergrad research in virology and mosquito born illnesses and knows that this is “basically a snake oil treatment”. They’ve had a patient die of cardiac arrest, though it may not have been these medications as the sole cause (he was throwing clots).
So I guess I’d rather we start doing SOME scientifically conducted clinical trials of this drug rather than just let it be prescribed as an off label Hail Mary or to rich people who can convince their doctors they need it. That way at least we can show who it’s best for, at what doses and stages of illness, preserve our supply for people who truly benefit from it and stop pretending it’s a fucking panacea for COVID.
But I really think we’ll find that the benefits of this drug in COVID are not necessarily unique to it, and its risks far outweigh it’s benefits.
J R in WV
@8 man shell:
Which would lead to helpless bedfast patients not being fed or washed… with or without SARS-Covid-19 that would kill them.
So you would love to see death increasing in nursing homes.
Now back into the pie safe with you ~!!~
@8 man shell:
Thinking before you type isn’t your strong suit is it? She has no obligation to endorse Biden at any time. She has no obligation to endorse him at all. That has no bearing on whether she will campaign for him or not (spoilers: she will) and she certainly has her own agency here.
Or, y’know, you could stop being a jackass on a blog and ask her. Although I highly suggest not using that exact verbiage.
terry chay
@Kent: Also a system of contact tracing.
Here in Connecticut my wife was furloughed (with benefits) and I applied online for unemployment for her. There was a tutorial/cheat sheet on exactly how to fill in the blanks and check the boxes for this situation, and she got a direct deposit that same week. Confirming emails said the search-for-work provisions and even the weekly filing were waived, and essentially we just sit back and watch the money roll in. That was followed by postal mail standard notices that talked about searching, but that was just pre-printed process stuff. It’s nice to live in a blue state.
terry chay
@trollhattan: Yolo is not a Bay Area county. It is just outside the Bay. Also three of the nine counties did not do shelter-in-place, two of which are neighbors of Yolo.
So… no surprise here.
@J R in WV: That argument has been used for a long time by management/union-busters/anti-union workers to prevent organizing/strikes by health care workers.
There is something management can do to prevent such extreme measures.
Well yes. State health departments can do that provided they have near universal testing. Doesn’t do any good to trace contacts if you can’t test them.
The point is that secondary steps like contact tracing require a massive ramp-up in testing which is what the Federal government needs to be doing.
glory b
@SteverinoCT: If you are temporarily furloughed and expect to return to the same job, the requirements are relaxed.
@Frankensteinbeck: Shouldn’t the wrestlers be concerned about their own health as well?
@terry chay: Isn’t Yolo where Sacramento is located?
@Booger: It’s the county just west of Sacramento (I grew up in Yolo county).
ETA: It’s the county where West Sacramento is located (much smaller than Sacramento) and where Davis and UC Davis are. County seat is Woodland. Used to be mostly ag but less so now.
smedley the uncertain
@trollhattan: Local news media here in Western NY are quietly reminding us of returning residents who winter in the south, e.g. Florida. Reminding us of the risk and the need to maintain our distance. Reminding them that we are in lock down, stores and bars closed etc. I suspect we’re going to see an upsurge and our health folks seem aware… I hope.
@8 man shell: i read that she has discussed timing with the Biden campaign. What is this bend the knee stuff?
@Mo Salad: Gotta say, I love that nym, whomsoever you might be.
all the more reason to shun the company of Covid Deniers, which means shun anybody you know in the Trump Death Cult. This is not about partisan politics, your life and those of ones you love are at risk if you try to be a fair-minded, nonjudgmental liberal. Imagine it’s the 14th century and they hugged a sewer rat during the Black Plague to own the humanists.
Gin & Tonic
@Betty: DNFTT.
I’ve seen maximum crazy up too close a couple of times, and shit for brains isn’t far off.
Yeah, that exact verbiage would most likely be exactly what would make EW speak up.
@8 man shell: No because she has terrible political instincts. She’s smart on policy but eh