Probably the most tired genre of commentary about the Trumps is the “what if Obama did x” observation, but god damn sometimes you just have to write it up.
Case in point: Ivanka Trump, failson-in-law Jared and their kids defied distancing guidelines and celebrated Passover at Trump’s golf club in New Jersey. New Jersey has been hit hard, and they’re still climbing up the curve. No matter — these two morons and their spawn had to go to the golf club, presumably to hang out with a bunch of MAGA yarmulkes and perhaps get infected.
Imagine if this pandemic had come about in 2015 instead of 2019. Every move the Obamas made would be scrutinized. “Did Sasha and Malia walk Bo too close to the White House fence yesterday and endanger the health of Washington, DC — an NBC News Special Report.” “Should Barack and Michelle be sleeping in separate bedrooms for the good of the country? By Maggie Haberman, exclusive to the Times, must credit the Times.”
In other New Jersey news, Andrew Cuomo announced today that New York is sending 100 ventilators there, because we have no federal government, and the states are banding together to help each other out.
i’m sure that they will be able to get tested anytime they want to. Unlike the rest of us.
How many people were affected by this move of household? That were unable to celebrate either Passover or Easter with their friends and family? Kitchen staff, secret service agents, nannies, housekeeping.
Ben Cisco
“Princess Dipshit.”
I like it.
don’t go gettin my hopes up now, son.
I’m guessing Trump and Mrs. Trump already sleep in different bedrooms. So, Yay, Melania?
@zeecube: I hear that Mrs. Trump spends the vast majority of her time at her parents’ house with Barron. She doesn’t even want to be in the same building as Dampnut.
Don’t forget: eleven thousand – ELEVEN THOUSAND!!!!!!1!!!eleventy1! – people died from H1N1, which proves Obama was a massive failure because…(long, long, pause as the number pile up)… uh… because Covid-19 is 10 times more horrible! Yeah! Actually, I bet it’s *19* times more horrible, hence the name!
(Clarification: Ms. “Alternative Facts” Conway thought 19 meant something other than “discovered in 2019”. It’s bad enough the President is dumb as a post – his advisers can’t even correct him because they don’t know crap anyway. Which is strange, given they’ve got an orange pile of it to study.)
Another interesting bit is, the GOP is screaming about how Nancy Pelosi told friends to celebrate the Chinese New Year, when the federal word was “we’ve got it all under control”. I bet they’ll find a reason to scream about Mardi Gras, because, again, Democratic mayor said “sure!” when the word from the fed was “everything’s fine.”
They shouldn’t have taken a hint from John Oliver, who famously pointed out how “we have it contained- maybe not airtight, but close” is a really *stupid* thing to say, since the difference between “air tight” and “almost air tight” is the difference between a submarine, and a cool metal tube to drown in. But I don’t think anyone ever imagined that even Trump’s administration could be *that* boneheaded.
I wasn’t surprised, because I remember the war in Iraq. I figured Iraq *must* have restarted some chemical/bio programs, because *no one* would be stupid enough to invade, only to be proven wrong.
Also: please call out people who keep touting Trump’s moronic travel ban as a good idea. He took half a good idea – prevent travel by some, screen the rest – that might have bought some time, and built himself a *fine*
submarine, er, cool metal tube to drown in. (Here’s a hint, dipshit. Oh, wait, he’s the POTUS. Here’s a hint, Dipshit (he’s not just any old dipshit, he’s the dipshit in chief): viruses don’t care if you’re a citizen or permanent resident. Not even a flag lapel pin prevents viral infections.)mrmoshpotato
@zeecube: Leave Melanie alone!
Oh wait, fuck that Soviet, mail-order, gold-digging, birther bitch.
Exactly how many testing kits did they waste on princess dipshit and the rest of her court of dipshits?
@Oclday: They can test them to hell and gone, but if they’ve got the virus, ain’t nothin’ nobody can do about it. There is no upper class, top-stage fantasy medical intervention/treatment that’s any better than Joe Schmoe on the street gets. And I’m just fine with that.
My fondest hope is that all of the spawn (except the little kid, I forget his name) com down with the virus. I’ll leave it to the Grim Reaper to decide whether he takes any of them back to Hades with him.
And may none of them (including Moscow Mitch and the wizened troll Senator from Maine) ever be able to show their faces in public without being drowned in a shower of spittle from everyone they meet. they may be above the law, but they’re not above contempt.
Earl, or Viscount, or something.
lol. He’s princeling.
Dr. Ronnie James, D.O.
@LongHairedWeirdo: as Drum pointed out, Trump’s “bold” decision to ban travel from China fame a day after the 3 big US airlines already canceled all flights from China anyway.