So many people have said that they would love to have some of Alain’s sourdough starter, and many other people have said that they will happily share some of their’s from Alain once it gets established.
If you would like some, or you are willing to share some, I hope you will consider making that known in this thread so all the information can be in one place.
I’ll pin this somewhere in the sidebar for easy reference.
This post is now pinned in the Calling All Jackals section in the sidebar for easy reference.
Update 4/24: The following people have requested sourdough starter from Auntie Beak. No self-addressed, stamped envelopes received by Auntie Beak yet. A single stamp should do it!
Update on 4/30: Oops! TWO STAMPS are needed. Apparently the Post Office can’t run envelopes that are of “uneven thickness” through their machines. I got JeanneT’s starter returned to me with 15¢ postage due.
- Argiope
- Bumper
- cckids
- Hilary
- Josie
- Mousebumples
- The Ghost of Joe Liebling’s Dog
The Other Violet
Clem Fandango
sign me up for some
edit: original comment I had replied to has been removed.
I would love some of Alain’s starter.
I way more a lurker than an active poster, but I’ve been debating if I should try some. Just not sure if I’d have the time to do much with it, as I have a young baby (almost 8 months!) in the house… And my husband and I are both fortunate enough to still be working full time (from home). If there’s enough to go around, and if you all think it’s something that won’t be “wasted” if I don’t have much time to do anything with it… I’m game. I didn’t think I’d be able to juggle it, but Adam’s post about how easy Alain made it sound is making me think… Maybe??
I’m going to start some today and, if it works, I’m happy to share. I’d love to add some Alain starter if that is possible.
I’d really like to have some of Alain’s starter. I’m working on one right now, but I’m afraid it’s not going well.
I would love some. I am starting my own sourdough but I don’t have any confidence that it will turn out well and would love the boost from getting starter from someone who knew what they were doing! Also, regarding cult, you can count me as someone who goes on sourdough jaunts and then gives up for a while and starts again. You don’t have to give up your life any more than you have to give up your life for video games.
Doctor Science
Very dedicated lurker, haven’t commented in a looooooooong time. I would love some of Alain’s starter!
@Doctor Science: Same here, for all of it. I’ve started sourdough, kept it going, dropped it, started some more, froze it, got it going, stopped it…it’s surely time to do it again.
I would love some of Alain’s starter, and happy to contribute to growing/shipping costs.
May I put in for some of Alain’s starter? Hope it turns out to be as hard to kill as an air fern or kudzu or something. Not the experienced baker, like NotMax, etc.
Bites to lose Alain.
I have been teaching myself to bake breads so i would love to have some of Alain’s starter to use and carry it on.
BCHS Class of 1980
Seemed appropriate and somewhat eerie, from the 11th:
Belgian Sourdough Starter Museum
I would love some of Alain’s starter as well. Happy to pay for it and maybe it can help offset funeral costs or something like that.
Another Scott
@Doctor Science: If you’re who I think you are, welcome back to posting!
I’d like some!
I’ve been thinking about starting sourdough off and on for years but wasn’t sure I could commit. But reading about it again in Alain’s post, I felt ready to try. I attempted to purchase from Alain’s shop but it was all spoken for by the time I got there. If anyone has any to share, I’d really love to have some starter–I think that remembering Alain when baking with it or feeding it will give me the extra nudge to really keep it going. Happy to pay for shipping and also pass it on/pay it forward when it comes to sharing starter in future.
I have my own starter, but I am more than happy to support folks who get their own new starters! In fact, I’m going to feed mine today (for the first time in weeks . . .) and use the discard to make fruit/oat waffles (my oven is dead and I want something baked).
TaMara (HFG)
@WaterGirl: You have more patience than I. I would have deleted the fucker.
@TaMara (HFG): I REALLY wanted to. If someone else did, I would not be sorry.
@WaterGirl: I was wondering if it was snark.
What does this person do? Scour the internet for mentions of “sourdough?”
Yeah, I would have to agree with TaMara!
But on topic, please add me to the list of folks who would like the sourdough starter. I had some that I allowed to die a couple of years ago, and I miss making pancakes and bread with that stuff, so a fresh start would be great!
@WaterGirl: @TaMara (HFG):
Make him an offer he can’t refuse… ?
BCHS Class of 1980
@WaterGirl: I’m guessing the Blogfather isn’t on or he woulda gotten the Bethany Boot.
@BCHS Class of 1980: I try really hard to follow John’s rules, even when I don’t agree with them.
This one was definitely a struggle for me.
TaMara (HFG)
@WaterGirl: Ditto.
Laura Too
Please add me to the list of people who would like some starter. I also will gladly pay for supplies and shipping.
Thanks to Alain, I started to believe I could make sourdough bread-I was waiting on getting the starter but if there is any to spare I would love to bake sourdough bread.
And thank you yet again, Watergirl, for organizing this.
I would be interested in some starter if it’s still possible!
@Dan Mulligan: I saw a comic strip where a “person” (an anthropomorphic bear, maybe?) tried to hide their crock, and insisted “NO! It’s a jar full of porn!” (Which, if you think about it, sounds like a *truly* disgusting euphemism, so don’t think about it, and ignore any attempt to bring that image into your head. I mean, even if you didn’t think about it… what’s that? You either stopped reading in disgust, or it’s too late not to think about it? My job here is (almost) done.)
Honestly, though, having a lot of home time is a *really* good time to muck around with bread. It’s a bit like knitting – even if you’re really good when you start, it’s the kind of thing that you need some experience to do really well. Plus, *any* home made bread puts the fluffy-white-bread most folks buy in the supermarket to shame.
@banditqueen: You are so welcome! I am not a sourdough girl, myself, but a single thread – pinned so it’s easy to access – seemed like an obvious way to bring together the people who wants some and the people who are wiling to share.
@Dan Mulligan: It is natural, it’s only been a major human activity for literal millennia. Baking bread from a mother starter is literally the way we’ve been doing it since the dawn of man. The fact that we’ve gotten away from it in the last 100 years or so means this is a correction to the normal.
Same goes for learning an instrument and playing songs in quarantine.
I’m a super lurker here, but I bought some of Alain’s starter, dried, on ebay literally weeks ago. I still have it dried in its bag. I haven’t used it because a coworker here in Austin started a batch of starter and shared so I’ve been using that.
I would be happy to open the bag of Alain’s and spin off some batches for people, but I’m not really sure about how to send it to people?
@Marcelo: That’s very generous!
I know nothing about sourdough, so my first question would be this:
How many batches can you comfortably spin off from the stash you have, after you retain what you want to keep for yourself?
@WaterGirl: Basically unlimited. As long as I keep feeding it I can grow off a batch, separate it, and send it off, repeat ad infinitum. Alain would send his dehydrated in little flakes – I’m not sure I have the means to do that, and it really needs to be kept and fed fairly regularly so I don’t think it’ll survive the post office without some sort of technique like drying it out. So I’m not sure how to proceed.
I missed the window to get Alain’s starter- it was sold out by the time I got to that thread, so I got one from elsewhere, got it brewing last week and made my first sourdough bread in a few years today. Not perfect, but tasted great and the crust was especially good. I used to use my old starter for sourdough banana bread & gingerbread, which are considerably more foolproof than sourdough bread. I also had to wait until I could find flour. Has anyone else had difficulty finding it? Anyway, although I currently have one, I’d love to try Alain’s too, so count me in.
Sign me up too. I’ll be part of the cult.
Mary G
@grandmaBear: I also have had no luck in searching for flour! Fortunately I still have a bit left, and in response to comment 1, the only thing harder to find has been yeast, so sourdough starter is shortly to be essential to do any baking at all. I would love some of Alain’s also.
@Mary G: Have you tried the NotMax recipe for beer bread yet? It was good.
Auntie Beak
I only recently purchased some of his starter, and started up a batch (I named it Bready Mercury, because BORED). Currently my circumstances don’t allow for me to dehydrate any and send it along to posters, but maybe someday I’ll have my own house again and my own stuff back (long story), and in hopes of that day I will mark this post. I will check in again when I am able to dehydrate and send Alain’s starter along, and anyone still needing some will be welcome to it.
Auntie Beak
Not at all. I have a copy of Alain’s instructions, and when I can (see my comment below) I will include them with the starter. It’s pretty basic. You need flour, water, and sugar to reconstitute it, then flour and water. Makes lots. I’ll be quite happy to have something to do with my excess!
Auntie Beak
@WaterGirl: Infinite. Infinite amounts. Danged stuff keeps growing and you have to feed it daily. Actually, I have taken to feeding mine twice a day!
Auntie Beak
I’ll be danged. I just googled “How to Dehydrate Sourdough Starter.” Only specialized piece of equipment you need is a grinder of some kind… like a spice or coffee grinder. See below (from here—
How to Dehydrate a Sourdough Starter
So as a result, I will begin dehydrating some tonight. Please hang in there, everyone, I will send it along as soon as I can, along with Alain’s instructions.
@Auntie Beak: Oh, I was asking how many batches the dry stuff could start, since he didn’t seem to think he could dry it or know how to dry it out to send it.
I should just stay out of the conversation since I have no experience. sorry
@Auntie Beak: But that’s good news!
Auntie Beak
@WaterGirl: S’all good. Ttyl.
@Mary G: I ended up purchasing a 50 lb bag via Amazon! I was desperate. Even between my bread baking- I made the beer bread earlier in the week – and granddaughter’s learning to bake and not be bored in lockdown, that’s a lot of flour.
I’ve got some of Alain’s starter fired up, and it’s coming along. I’ll be happy to send some along to anyone that would like some. It’ll be about a week yet before it’s ready, and then I’ll have to get some dehydrated. I’ll keep everyone posted, and start collecting addresses soon.
Ok with those instructions I should be able to get some samples going. Lemme organize. It might be a bit.
Ghost of Joe Lieblings Dog
I’d be grateful for some of Alain’s starter, and would be glad to send some on to others once I’ve got it active and have a chance to dehydrate some to pay it forward.
I’d love to try it also.
Linda Sawitsky
Oh I’m retired and handicapped but I would love to have Alain’s starter. And we are still in lockdown
Auntie Beak
Hello all Alain’s Sourdough Starter fans and wannabes. I now have a schmear drying on some parchment in my kitchen. I’ve read that you need about 30 grams of dried starter to start your own batch, so Imma guess I will have about 6-8 30-gram envelopes which will be ready to go in maybe 3-4 days. I will start some more drying tonight, depending on the response to this comment.
If you are interested in a “starter starter,” email me at susteph at me dot com. I will send you my snail mail address and you can send me an SASE (1 forever stamp is fine). I will also be able to gauge how many batches to dehydrate. Each “starter starter” also will include a copy of Alain’s original instructions for use.
Update on 4/30: Oops! TWO STAMPS are needed. Apparently the Post Office can’t run envelopes that are of “uneven thickness” through their machines. I got JeanneT’s starter returned to me with 15¢ postage due.
Can you please update my original offer post (comment #51) to add this information? And maybe edit the pinned comment on the top? The non-machinable first class rate is 70¢, so TWO forever stamps will do the trick.
Auntie Beak thanks you!
WG: Thanks to Auntie Beak for doing this!
My batch of Alain’s starter is coming along, it’s beginning to get a little enthusiastic. It may be ready to start drying and packaging in a few days. I’ll be happy to send some along to anyone that desires some.
I hope you are able to send me some starter. I’ve been trying to start my own but haven’t been successful ?
Please add me to the starter requested list.
@Bill: @Auntie Beak:
If all you guys who are sharing the starter could either let me know the nyms of people you send starter to OR put a list in the comments here, that will help us know who still needs some.
I know we all appreciate your generosity.
Auntie Beak
@Auntie Beak: This is ready. Email me if you want some.
Auntie Beak
Haven’t heard from anyone yet…
@Auntie Beak: Mousebumples mentioned it in one of the posts this morning, and I replied to remind people that they can find the thread in the sidebar.
If there’s no action in the next couple of days, we can try to get the word out.
I’ve got a batch drying as of this morning. Should be ready to go soon.
I would like some starter! I’ll email Auntie Beak, but I shouldn’t be first on the list since I’m last on the list!
Auntie Beak
@JeanneT: Not a big deal. The nature of starter is that there’s ALWAYS more of it than you can use, so this is actually doing me a favor… You have to discard a certain amount every day, and this way, rather than pouring it down the sink, I can dry it and pass it along.
@Auntie Beak: @WaterGirl: Yeah, email sent here, finally. (Just easier to navigate to the sidebar from my laptop, versus from my phone.) Hope those that are interested check in and get some of that wonderful Alain sourdough love spread around.
I didn’t know him as well as most, but I’d think that he’d love having his sourdough starter spreading across the Balloon Juice community … and probably/hopefully beyond within our own communities. :)
Reminder: Please include your nym (screen name) in your email messages to Auntie Beak and Bill. That’s the only way we can keep track of who has received the sourdough starter and who still wants some. Thanks!
See 4/22 update at the top of the post.
Ok folks I’ve got some starter dried and ready to go. Anyone who would like some can email foresterxt2004 (at) gmail dot com
Auntie Beak
Hi, all! I hope everyone who sent me an SASE got their starter. I sent out 8 packets, still have one left if anyone’s interested. Also, if more than 1 person is interested*, I can very easily make more. Let me know! Happy baking.
*Instructions on how to request some of Alain’s starter are in comment #51.